Before the Storm
He groaned as someone shook his shoulder gently, "Link...?" A gentle voice whispered, "Link, it's time to get up."
The blonde boy slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He gasped as he saw Zelda standing there, "A-ah...aren't you supposed to be at the castle?"
The girl stuck her tongue out, "Snuck out, I had a dream about you and was worried."
He slowly raised a hand to his eyes and rubbed them.
"Who's in control now?"
"Uh..." he blinked, "Green...I think." He slowly spoke and the princess smiled, "Can you get out of bed today?"
Green smiled, "We'll try. We walked around yesterday for a bit, didn't fall down the steps." He laughed and looked down in thought.
Zelda bit her lip, "You're zoning out again."
"I..." the hero clutched his blanket tightly, " that a lot now." He slowly tucked his hair behind his ear and Zelda frowned, "Would you like me to leave?"
"!" He cried, "No, stay. Sorry..." He replied, "I just..." The boy put a hand to his forehead, "I don't know what I want. I know, I want you to stay, you're our best friend!"
She smiled softly and placed a hand onto his own, "It'll be alright, you four are strong."
Tears slowly filled the other's eyes, amber seeping in the edges of his irises, "Red, it's okay." Zelda whispered, "Everything is fine."
The boy looked at her, he quickly wrapped her into a tight hug, "T-thank you...Thank you, Zel..."
As she rubbed his back, a quiet knock tapped on his door. Link's grandfather peeked in, "Your majesty, the minister is here, and quite annoyed that you snuck out again."
Zelda laughed, "Oh darn it. That pesky man." She shook her head and looked at Link, "I'm sorry...come see me if you can." She whispered and Link nodded slowly, "See...see you soon." He replied and she slowly left him.
Grandfather Smith looked at him, "Link, your father might be coming today."
Green groaned at that, Blue began to mutter, while Vio just sighed. Red was the only one who was excited over it.
Their grandfather smiled, "Think you can get ready alone today?"
"I...I'll try."
They watched him leave and the boy slowly took his blanket off as he turned to stand up. He felt the cool hardwood on his feet and bit his lip, "we can do this, we can get up. We didn't need grandfather that much yesterday, soon we'll be able to work in the forge again too!"
Link let out a breath and slowly began to stand from his bed. It felt weird, he felt as if he was floating, nothing felt right anymore. "Take it easy. Don't worry about it. Wait to move until you feel steady. Okay, I think we can walk."
The boy slowly moved his feet as he walked to his wardrobe. He hummed as he looked at the tunic hanging, "Should we...? I know Zelda had this tunic made for us at the beginning. I mean if dad will be seeing us...should we actually look...together?"
He nodded as he pulled it out. Link was always so impressed by the embroidery, the multi-colored tunic would look strange to others, but it was perfect for them.
The boy frowned suddenly, as doubt took over, what if...what if their father was upset with them? He didn't know what to think, three other opinions being spoken at once. Link shook his head quickly as he dressed. He messed with his long blonde locks, "Should we cut it? It's been ages since the last trim."
"I like it!"
"it's okay, I wonder how it'll be in the forge."
"My hair was already longer before."
Link looked at a silk green ribbon and smiled, he grabbed it and wrapped it around his forehead, keeping his hair around his face, not in front. He turned away and eyed his leather boots sitting there. He let out a breath as he picked them up.
He finally wasn't stumbling as bad, he was finally walking almost normally. Sometimes, Red's skipping would come in and trip him up, but that wasn't as bad as his talking once was. Having three other people in your head was tough, each opinion just as strong and loud as the last.
The boy sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed and put his boots on, as he did, his grandfather looked in and nodded, "I knew you could do it, Link."
His grandson smiled softly, "Thanks." The hero stood from his bed after a few moments as he took in a deep breath. "I'm ready."
Link took a deep breath as he walked out of his home and into Hyrule Field. Smith told him to go see his father at the castle, which Link hadn't been there since his last adventure...after putting the Four Sword back into its pedestal.
"Ooh! Look at that bunny over there, it's so cute! Think we can adopt it?"
"No, it's a wild animal, Red."
"You'd forget to feed it!"
"He's grumpy because we have to see dad."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Enough! Why can't we just walk in peace?" Vio groaned and slowly put a hand onto his forehead.
Link sighed as he shook his head, he really had to stop letting it all get to him. The boy blinked as he stepped foot into Hyrule Town, he had simply forgotten how lively it playing from stalls, laughter from the children, cuccos clucking, and the people talking amongst themselves.
The children waved excitedly at him, while adults just turned their heads and muttered under their breaths as he would walk by.
A small group of kids ran around Link and they grabbed his tunic hem, "Link! Can't you play with us today?" One asked and Link laughed, "Not today, Mary." He rubbed her brunette locks and he heard Red whine in his head.
Link looked at the children and then at the small staircase that led up to the school. "Isn't it time for school?"
"Nope!" Mary giggled as she messed with Link's hand shyly, "It's our day off, the festival is coming up again."
"Ah...I had forgotten," Link blushed, "so, I assume you have all made gifts for the Minish?"
"Can't you show us them?" Another asked and Link shook his head, "Not right now." He smiled, "I have to go to the castle."
"You've been at the forge so much lately..."
"I know, I'm sorry." Link apologized, "I...I'll try to come more often, okay?"
"You better promise!"
"I..." Link bit his lip and thought for a moment, the four boys conversing about what they wanted.
"Link...?" one of the boys spoke, "Earth to Liiiinnnkkkk!!"
The blonde boy blinked and shook his head, "S-sorry Nathaniel." He mentally cursed to himself for spacing out, he had been trying not to do that. "I promise, I promise I will try to see you guys more often." He forced a smile and nodded. "For now, I really must be going."
The kids let out a collective "Aww!" Once more as Link gently ushered them away.
The hero looked straight forward as he walked, heading up the stone steps to the mayor mansion and the library. He had to resist Vio's urge to head into the library, as he made a quick detour near the wood line, when he felt a light poke on his ankle.
"Oh! Hello there." Link grinned as a minish stood there, waving as they were noticed. Link picked his friend up and smiled as he listened to it speak.
"Glad to see you better, Mr. Hero!" The minish cheered, "We've missed seeing you around."
Link laughed, "I missed seeing you too, sorry for not being in town..." he whispered, "After the last adventure...things changed."
The town minish looked down at its feet and shook its head, "It's alright!"
Link smiled and the minish pulled out a tiny kinstone from its pocket. "Here!"
"Thank you." Link replied, "Later today, I'll grab my collection and come back. Hopefully we have a match."
His minish friend nodded and gave his thumb a quick hug as the Hero of Four slowly placed him back down. "Bye-bye!"
Link nodded and waved as it ran off. He looked up, over to the road that lead to the castle. He and his father didn't have the worst relationship but, since the split, he just felt ashamed to even look at his father.
He felt his father wouldn't understand, his grandfather took care of him his entire life, since his father was busy. It was only before his last adventure, was he getting to know his father well.
The blonde boy sighed, "Alright..." he whispered to himself, "let's go."
Walking into the castle courtyard felt so different this time around, he last kept rushing over here to take care of Vaati and to watch the Four Sword. Then...his last adventure happened and he was different.
Link sighed at the thought and looked at his boots as he walked into the castle.
"Link!" Zelda's voice called and she ran up to him, "I'm so glad to see you up and about." She hugged him tightly and Link held onto her. He smiled as she pulled away, "Your father is this way. He said I could take you."
"I bet you made him make that decision." Link smiled and Zelda stuck her tongue out at him. "Okay, maybe." She giggled, "come along. We mustn't keep him waiting, he is the captain, you know."
"I know, I know."
"Link!" His father called out as they walked into the library, Zelda figured it would be good to meet up there, as it was usually empty.
Link looked at him, he was in his armor as usual but had his helmet sitting on the table, where he once was. "Hi..." He muttered as he made his way over.
His father cleared his throat, "I've been talking with your grandfather again, I do wish you would leave the house more often."
"I..." Link spoke, "just haven't felt up to it, dad."
"I understand, but..."
"Dad, please. I'm fine. My last adventure wasn't as detrimental as you think."
"By the goddesses, Link, you were bedridden for months, and you could hardly talk for weeks!"
"I know..."
"You're still the same boy as before..." his father spoke, "I just...I want you to know that. I've heard the way some speak about you."
"Only the elders do." Link defended, "The children aren't bothered!"
The captain sighed, "Just because it's only the elders speaking ill of you, doesn't mean they should."
Link sighed, "Why did you even want to speak to me?"
"I was concerned." His father replied, "Concerned about you. I know you were recovering but, I--"
"You didn't seem to care until you heard we couldn't think straight." Link--no Vio spoke, "You had to see for yourself about how people think."
"Violet, please."
The boy sighed, "We wanted it to be a secret..." He whispered as he looked over at a mirror and sighed sadly. He blinked as his father put a hand onto his shoulder, "Link, I just don't want you to think you are alone in this situation."
Violet eyes changed to amber as tears filled them, the boy rubbed the tears away quickly and their father frowned as he knelt in front of him, "Red, I know you feel you are alone..."
"H-how...ho-how would you know?" He sniffed and he watched as the captain's eyes went down to his hands, "You act as if you need to carry the burdens of the Goddesses on your shoulders. I just want you to know, I am here for you, my son...I'm sorry I'm always so busy to see you, I hate not being able to."
"Why...why do you act like you care?!" Blue spat, "You never cared before this!" He screamed and shoved him away. Tears lined his eyes still, but he blinked them away, "'re confusing us and it's not fair!" He spat.
"Blue, please...when was the last time you four split?"
"We haven't in weeks." Blue grumbled, "been too busy relearning how to blacksmith properly."
The protective side of Link glared at their father. "Can't we be done here?" He growled and their father sighed, "If you wish," He looked at his son, "I just wish you would let me help you."
"Don't need it." Blue stayed firm on that answer. "If Hylia demanded we be this way, then we'll let it."
The captain of the guards sighed and watched as his son turned his back on him, "I understand your anger towards me." He spoke, "But Link..." He smiled, "I love you."
Green froze and looked down at his own hands. "We..." he spoke, "We love you too...S-sorry...sorry for Blue." He apologized, "I'm sorry we can't leave this on a better foot."
"Maybe tomorrow, we can talk again? Or I can visit."
"Rather you visit." The hero explained and looked down at his boots as he left the library.
What a great visit that was...not like everything was bad? Link groaned as he thought about the exchange, he just felt upset over it all...sometimes he wished another adventure would take him somewhere, why not have a fourth adventure?
He laughed softly at the idea of just felt right.
Days and weeks went by, Link had spoken to his father a few times since that day. His grandfather was quite busy, as the Picori festival was the next day.
Link looked out the window as he watched the rain hit the glass. He closed his eyes as he listened to its rhythmic tapping. He was feeling much better about himself as well. Things had started going quite alright with him and his brothers.
He actually was considering going to the event, earlier that day, he watched some of the minish that lived in his house, climb up the table to him. They were excited to see their hero out of bed and happy.
They told him how much he was missed and how they kept watch over him.
Link felt tears spring into his eyes at that, just hearing that made him emotional. Just feeling wanted made him happy...and feel wanted.
He stood up and looked at his grandfather, "I've decided! I shall attend the festival tomorrow, I feel I have stayed cooped up long enough."
Smith smiled at his grandson as he looked up from his work, "I'm happy to hear that, Link."
"Hopefully Zelda will come too." Link replied and Smith nodded, "She's bound to."
Link nodded, he was nervous but...excited.
The next day came quickly, a little too quickly for Link's liking but, he accepted it.
The Hero of Four was awakened by his best friend, her face beaming down at him, "Link, I was told you wanted to go to the Picori Festival!"
"Y-yeah." Link yawned as he sat up from bed, "L-let me get dressed and we can head out."
Zelda smiled and Link watched her leave and he felt with his now chin-length golden hair. Something felt different about today, but in a good way. He slowly got out bed and dressed himself.
Vio spoke softly, "Today's magic is strong, I can't tell if it is Minish or something else."
Green nodded and Red frowned, "Do you think...Shadow here?"
" Does it feel like his magic?" Blue asked and Vio remained silent on it.
Link sighed and felt Vio's sadness fill him, "We'll find out." Green whispered, "I promise."
The event went smoothly, no one really spoke to Link, the children had the hero show them a few of his minish friends. At the end of it, Link gave each of the four children a kinstone piece. He winked at them as he stood straight, "Go around before tonight ends and see if you can find a match."
"Thanks Link!" They giggled and ran off in different directions. Zelda smiled and looked at her friend, "Ah, they're so excited! Remember when we were that age."
"Zel...we just turned sixteen, we're still kids." Link laughed and Zelda huffed as she grabbed his hands. "I'm so glad you came today. If I have time, I'll visit you tomorrow!" She grinned and pulled him into a hug, "It's getting late..."
Link nodded and looked at her, "Want...want me to walk with you?"
"Sure!" She smiled and the duo turned towards the castle. Zelda glared at a couple of women who eyed Link and started whispering. "They don't know what they're saying, Link."
Link sighed, "It's okay, it really is."
Zelda looked at him as they left town, "Link, promise me...promise me you'll realize that you're worth so much to me."
"You seem so distant now...I know you get upset with how some treat you..."
"it's not everyone." Link spoke, "For every person who talks bad about me, three more talk good."
"Yes, but...the negative things always stick out..."
Link sighed, "Zelda...Zel...I'm fine." He replied, "I'm just tired."
She nodded and looked at him, "I understand, today was busy."
He nodded as well, "Yes..."
She shifted slowly, "Well...see...see you tomorrow, Link." She smiled and waved. "Thanks for walking me home."
He nodded and waved back as she walked into the courtyard. He sighed as he turned on his heel. "The negative things always stick out..." Vio repeated in his head and sighed, "It's getting to be sundown, we should get home."
No one disagreed with Vio on that. Link slowly made his way home, ignoring the group of women as they tried to talk to him about his "issue" as they put it. "Issue," Blue scoffed, "I'll show those hags an issue!"
They were tired, Zelda was right, today was a super long day.
The next day wasn't so normal. He was awakened roughly by guards rushing into the forge, telling his grandfather that the hero was needed right away as a portal had appeared. Link didn't know what to think, a portal wasn't usually a good sign.
He...he would have to grab the sword. He needed his sword. For what if that portal would lead him to Vaati?
The Hero of Four ran as hard as he could to the sanctuary. He refused to stop for anyone, not for the minish, nor for the children. Zelda had told him it would be safe to pull the blade once more, for Vaati really had no chance of coming back since...since Shadow had taken care of the dark mirror.
"Now is our chance. " Vio spoke as Link walked towards the Four Sword, it's golden hilt shining in the morning sunlight. He looked at the metal of the blade, the four colors in his mind reflecting off it in the form of the light that was hitting it.
Putting his hand around the hilt felt right, the Four Sword truly was the perfect blade for him. Red shook anxiously as he slowly pulled the blade free. He looked up at the blade in the pure light and smiled.
He didn't split but could feel the power of being able to once more inside of him.
He turned to leave the sanctuary as he saw a portal open up in front of him. The Hero of Four gasped and he debated on running towards it or just walking up. He already knew from traveling before, portals would not be the most fun but...he had to do it!
He gulped as he held his hand out as he walked towards it, it was a deep purple and they could feel the strong energy flowing from it. Link slowly walked in and gasped as he walked out. His body ached terribly and he felt nausea creep up into his throat as he landed onto soft grass.
"Oh! Another one!" A voice called, "Tiiiimmmmeeee!" It called, "A new member!"
"H-huh?" Link winced as he stood onto his feet slowly, he could hear his brothers in his mind, Vio and Red feeling farther away than Blue and Green.
"Hi!" A voice called and a hand was in front of his face, "Bet you're wondering where in Din's name you are!"
Link looked at the person and gasped, he saw four others in front of him, one super tall guy in armor, one with a white cape, another was in a simple green tunic, and the last was a kid. Where in Hylia's name was he..?
The armored man walked over, "Sorry about him, I assume your name is Link."
"And...if it is?"
"So is all of ours." He smiled, "We've been gathered here by Hylia herself."
Link slowly nodded, "Okay...where are we?"
"We're in my Hyrule." The man spoke, "You feeling okay?"
"Y-y-yeah...portals aren't my thing."
"Tell me about it!" The kid whined, "They suck!"
The simple green tunic clad boy rubbed his shoulder, "I...I'm called Hyrule, since my hero title is the Hero of Hyrule."
Link nodded at him and the man in the white cape smiled, "I am Hylia's chosen hero, or the Hero of the Skies, but please, call me Sky." He held a hand out and Link shook it, "I...I know you!" He grinned, "I've read about you in my texts!" Vio exclaimed and Sky blushed at that, "Won't tell you much, as I don't know if that will affect the outcome."
Sky nodded and the kid walked over, "I'm Wind! That tall guy is Time!"
Time smiled softly and Link bit his lip as Time asked, "What do they call you?"
"I..." Link bit his lip, "am called by the Hero of Minish and some call me the Hero of Four after sword."
Time nodded and Wind hummed "what do you wanna be called by then?"
"I..."Link looked down and nodded, "Four. Call me Four."
"Alright," Time spoke, "Welcome to the adventure, Four. Glad to meet you." Four nodded...this would be interesting.
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