5. Some Tender Charm
Year: 117 AC
Aemond continued to pat Daenys's back, albeit somewhat awkwardly as she continued to wail. The young prince had always been the more level-headed of the two friends, while Daenys could be quite spirited, a whirlwind of expression and emotion. She wore her heart on her sleeve and often he found himself being the one to reign in her energetic persona.
"Are you done crying?" he raised an eyebrow, his voice carrying a mischievous tone. "Your face is all blotchy and red. You look quite frightful."
Daenys paused mid-wail, sniffling as she looked up at him, her teary eyes filled with confusion. The momentary respite from her sobbing allowed her to catch a glimpse of Aemond's teasing smile.
"Are...are you calling me ugly?"
Aemond shrugged, and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, sticking it out for her to take, "Perhaps..."
Daenys smacked his shoulder, "That's not how you're supposed to comfort a friend!"
"Well, it seems to be working, doesn't it? Look, you're not crying anymore."
"Well that's because-"
"That's because I am a wonderful friend!" he interrupted undeterred.
Daenys crossed her arms and huffed, maintaining her sulky demeanour, "I suppose you have a point."
"Of course I do. I'm always right," he nudged her hand that was clutching his handkerchief and guided it toward her face where she scrubbed off the remnants of her tears. "See, you don't look nearly as terrible when you're not crying."
"Now, do you want to tell me properly what it is that made you upset?"
The young princess's eyes darkened again.
"Daenys..." Aemond prompted.
"Mother plans to betroth me!"
"What? To whom?"
"I don't think she has decided yet," Daenys's voice was small.
Aemond's brows furrowed, and a strange sensation prickled in his chest—a twinge of something he couldn't quite name. He leaned closer intently, eager to understand what troubled his dearest friend.
"You...you mentioned Aegon earlier. Are you going to be married to him?"
Daenys was quiet for a moment before shaking her head vehemently, her eyes blazing, "I won't do it! They can try, but they can't make me!"
"If you are betrothed to someone else, you'll have to leave King's landing though, wouldn't you?"
"But I don't want to leave King's Landing! I don't want to marry anyone! I want to stay here, with you, and Helaena, and my brothers!"
Aemond rolled his eyes, "I don't want you to leave either, silly. That's why we should think of a way to keep you here."
"But that's impossible...and my mother..."
"If you married my brother, then you wouldn't have to leave. And your mother would approve as well."
Daenys's face crumpled, "No! He's rude and he says the cruelest things! He's awful!"
Aemond's heart sank at the fresh wave of helpless tears that welled in her eyes. He had never experienced such emotions before, but at that moment, he felt a strange sense of loss. The idea of someone else becoming Daenys's companion and friend, of someone else being the one she went to with her discoveries and her cheerful rambles, was irksome. Just the thought of it annoyed him. She was his friend and his alone, and he could not imagine her having to move to some faraway lord's home to be his.
"You don't get it. If you marry Aegon, then you won't be sent away!"
"I'd rather be sent away!"
"You would not. Don't say that. What about me? What about Helaena? You can't leave your family behind."
Daenys's scowl grew deeper and she stomped her foot, "Well, I will not marry Aegon, or anyone else for that matter, and if my mother has to send me away to punish me for it, I do not-"
"I'll marry you!" Aemond interrupted abruptly, his words tumbling out before he could stop himself.
Daenys froze, eyes widened. Her mouth opened and closed several times, trying to think of something to say but her words evaded her. Aemond stilled too at her lack of response. Then he jutted his chin out obstinately, ready to justify his claims.
"Well if you will not marry my brother, then you can marry me. Then you will be able to remain here in King's Landing."
"Well, you can't very well marry Helaena can you?" the young prince raised an eyebrow and Daenys stuck out her tongue. "Who else is left?"
"Who says I can't?"
"Your mother probably. My mother. His Grace, the king."
Daenys was quiet for a moment. Her father might let her, she thought to herself. She was old enough to have witnessed Laenor sneaking off accompanied by his fellow knights and understand the whispers that followed close behind him. Surely her father would allow her to marry Helaena. She tried to picture it then, a life of peaceful tranquillity with Helaena Targaryen. They would braid each other's hair with flowers as they did now, and Helaena would show her the latest insect in her growing collection. They'd tell each other stories and theirs would be a life of laughter. Daenys wouldn't have to be heir then, because she was also old enough to understand the overbearing burden that came with being heir to the Iron Throne, producing heirs to continue the line. That was what happened when one married a man. She had seen it and heard all the stories. They were all the same, the stories. Whether it was the lords and the ladies, or just the servants, it was all the same. Her grandmother, the late Queen Aemma Arryn had passed in childbirth, and so had Dyana's aunt who was only a scullery maid. The blood and the tears that went into childbirth were not something she wished to experience herself and having children was to be avoided at all costs. She would gladly hand over the throne to someone who felt differently.
"I do not wish to marry anyone," she declared resolutely. "I will not marry anyone, and I will remain in King's Landing, and I'd like to see anyone try and make me do anything I do not wish to!"
Aemond snorted, "Have it your way. But do remember that I offered to help."
"Why would I marry you anyways? You're insufferable. And besides, one day you shall meet a beautiful lady and fall irrevocably in love with her. Then you'll want to marry her and you'll hate yourself for the silly promise you made an old friend."
"You've been reading too many fairy tales lately, haven't you? What kind of absurd notion is that? Fall in love with some lady?"
"I enjoy fairytales," Daenys grinned, her earlier tears long forgotten. "Oh! This is exciting, I do wonder who your special lady shall be?"
Aemond flicked her forehead in annoyance, "Don't you have greater concerns than my future wife?"
"That's been sorted out already silly."
"And may I ask how that miraculously happened while we were just standing here?"
"I told you. No one can make me do something I do not wish to do. I'll be a menace. I'll be insufferable and then they'll see."
"So you'll be Aegon then?" Aemond scoffed. "Perhaps you two will make a good pair after all."
"You take that back!"
"Will not!"
"Yes, Daenys," Aemond smiled sweetly at her and she bared her teeth in a murderous look.
"You should be thanking me you know. After all, you were absolutely miserable just moments ago."
"That's because I figured out it on my own!"
"Sure you did."
"I did!"
Aemond raised his hands placatingly, "I only jest. I am glad you're okay now."
Daenys's gaze softened and she looked away, suddenly shy.
"Thank you," she mumbled.
"Hmm, what was that? I didn't quite hear you."
"Perhaps you need to visit the maester and get your ears checked."
"And perhaps you should-"
"I said thank you, I'm not saying it again!"
Daenys rolled her eyes at Aemond's satisfied grin at her words. Her eyes drifted to his crumpled handkerchief that was still clutched in her hand, raising it toward him with a sheepish look.
"Keep it," he said quickly. "You need it more than I do anyways. Wouldn't want you frightening the servants, the next time you look like a watery red fruit."
The Targaryen princess glared at him before punching his arm, making him wince and rub his bruise.
"Ow! What was that for?" he exclaimed indignantly.
"That," Daenys scowled, "was for calling me an ugly red fruit!"
"I wasn't wrong! You did look like an overripe watery fruit. The ones in the summer that look like they're about to burst."
Daenys raised her fist toward him again and he ducked, reaching out to tug on a strand of her hair playfully before scampering down the hall.
"Aemond!" she hollered after him, still fuming as she watched him disappear, leaving her alone with her thoughts once again.
Daenys spent the rest of the day curled up on her bed, her mind still consumed by thoughts of her impending betrothal. Eventually, the moon rose in the sky and she could see its round silhouette through her open windows. The stupid council meeting must be over by now, she thought to herself, and her fate decided. Someone would come to inform her, and then she would unleash her rage upon them. She had it all planned out in her head. She would scream and shout and throw a tantrum too. She didn't care if it made her immature. If they thought her too childish to involve her in the decisions regarding her own life, she'd behave exactly like a child. She stared at the moon in a daze, her eyes almost glazed over as the scenes played out in her head, oblivious to the knock on her door or the sound of it creaking as someone stepped inside.
"Daenys," came her mother's tired voice. "Is everything alright with you?"
Daenys kept her gaze fixed outside the window, refusing to meet Rhaenyra's eyes.
"The maids say you refused your dinner, and you refuse to leave your room. Is something troubling you, my love?"
Daenys stiffened at the endearment, turning her head to one side to avoid her mother's gaze that had turned almost pleading now. After a few moments of hesitation, Rhaenyra came and settled herself down beside her, holding her lower back in pain as she groaned softly. Daenys glanced at her from under her lashes. The shadows beneath her eyes betrayed the burdens she carried, her face etched with lines of worry and exhaustion. There was a deep furrow between her brows and she held a small porcelain plate in her hands. She had brought over some of the tarts Daenys had made earlier and she extended the plate between them now, a peace offering of sorts.
"I thought you might like to eat something, I did not want you to go hungry.."
"I'm not hungry," Daenys finally snapped.
"Why won't you look at me? Daenys, please..."
She waited with bated breath, for the announcement. Any minute now, her mother would tell her about the person to whom her fate had been sealed. Although, the weary look on Rhaenyra's face and her trembling body as she lowered herself onto Daenys's bed made her rethink her planned outburst.
"I cannot fathom why you're acting like this. How will I know what's bothering you if you don't tell me?" Rhaenyra continued, her voice soft.
"Why would I bother telling you anything, Mother?" Daenys replied, her voice laced with an icy edge. "It's not like you actually care."
Rhaenyra's eyes widened with surprise and hurt. She had always thought herself an attentive mother, although perhaps the birth of her latest child may have left her a bit muddled. Still, this sudden change in her eldest child's demeanour bewildered her.
"Well I'm here because I care," she insisted, her voice tinged with both frustration and concern. "Please, tell me what is bothering you. Let me try to understand."
Daenys huffed, her anger warring with her desire to confide in her mother and be comforted by her.
"You wouldn't understand," she repeated, her voice softer this time, but still dripping with resentment. "You're so caught up in your plans for me, you don't even care about what I want."
"Daenys, please. I am your mother, and I want nothing more than your happiness. I cannot help if you won't let me. Tell me what it is that you desire."
The young princess clenched her fists, her facade cracking, and tears welled up in her eyes.
"I won't marry Aegon! I won't marry anyone and you cannot make me!" she finally exploded.
"I heard you speaking to Father about it! You can't make me do whatever you want just because I'm your heir. I won't do it, I won't."
Rhaenyra's eyes softened with understanding and she reached out to brush her daughter's hair away from her face. Daenys backed away, scrambling off the bed to stand defiantly in front of her.
"Daenys, I am sorry that you feel like I didn't take your choice into consideration. truly, I am. But as the heir to the Iron Throne, you have responsibilities to fulfill. If not Aegon, it will have to be someone else. I was going to discuss it with you later, to explain why it's necessary for the kingdom's stability. Your duty as the heir to the throne—"
"I do not want to be the heir to the throne. I do not want to marry anyone!"
"You are my oldest child, this is your burden to carry and you will carry it just as I have carried mine!" Rhaenyra's voice rose sharply and Daenys flinched.
Rhaenyra's heart sank as she watched her daughter's eyes fill with tears.
"You do not care if I am happy. You only care for the stupid throne!"
"Daenys, as a ruler, I am bound by responsibilities that often require difficult choices. I understand your frustration, but you must consider the greater good. Your happiness is not something I take lightly, but there are forces at play beyond our individual desires."
"You do not care about my happiness," Daenys repeated. "If you did, you would never even have considered Aegon."
Rhaenyra exhaled slowly, in frustration, "Your betrothal to Aegon has not even been confirmed...and I am not sure it will be. But you will have to marry eventually to ensure more heirs. I am sorry but this is how it must be!"
"I told you I do not want to marry. I don't want the throne. I want to be a knight, like Father!"
"Daenys, you cannot be a knight. Stop this foolish nonsense, you are old enough to know better!"
Rhaenyra's tone was decisive and final as it echoed in the chasm that stretched between them. Then she stood and stormed off, leaving Daenys standing there, tears streaming down her face as she grit her teeth in frustration. Unbeknownst to her, Laenor stood in her doorway, watching her as she wept. Only when he entered and settled himself on the floor next to her did she notice him.
"Kepa!" she blubbered, reaching her arms out for him.
Laenor smiled at her and pulled her onto his lap where she wrapped her arms around him. He rocked her back and forth like he used to when she was an infant and eventually her tears slowed.
"I heard your conversation with your mother."
"I want to be a brave knight, like you kepa. Why won't Mother let me do what I want?"
"You're already much braver than me," Laenor laughed. "And you're on your way to becoming a fearsome fighter. You do not need to be like me, you're so much better."
"But why can't Mother understand..."
"Your mother loves you, Daenys. But she carries the weight of the crown and the kingdom upon her shoulders. Life hasn't been easy for her, you know."
"But she's being so unfair!"
"Your mother is trying her best, even if it may not seem like it at the moment. It's not easy for her to make decisions that affect our family and our kingdom. She needs your understanding."
"Shouldn't she understand me too?"
"She should, my dear, and I believe she will. Take a moment to gather your thoughts, and when you're ready, go to her. Apologize for your rudeness, for the words spoken in anger. She is very tired these days and you hurt her."
"She hurt me too," Daenys grumbled.
"Daenys," Laenor warned.
"Yes, kepa. I am sorry. I'll apologize."
Laenor smiled, and then winked at her, "Well since you're being such a well-behaved little girl, I will tell you something exciting."
"What is it?"
"You need not worry about having to be betrothed to Aegon," he whispered conspiratorially. "I do not think the queen intends to accept your mother's proposal."
"The council meeting didn't go quite as planned, but thank the gods for small mercies I suppose. So do not worry too much, and forgive your mother quickly. She had the best of intentions."
Daenys nodded, "Yes, kepa."
"That's my little flower. You want to know something else?"
"Yes, please!"
"We're going to Dragonstone," Laenor grinned. "All of us. We'll be able to live in peace then, without the silly court politics and rumours. I'll teach you to be a most fearsome knight there."
Daenys deflated a little, not sharing in her father's enthusiasm.
"Are you not excited, my love?"
"I...but what about my friends here in King's Landing? Will I have to leave them behind?"
"You will make new friends there, and surely once things cool down a little, we can come back to visit. It's not like you'll never see them again."
"Then...when will we leave?"
"We leave tomorrow. Isn't that exciting? Besides, Dragonstone is quite magnificent. You'll love it there."
"Alright, kepa," Daenys finally conceded, swallowing her disappointment and trying to match his infectious grin.
Laenor kissed her forehead and set her on her feet, nudging her toward the door, "Good girl. Now go apologize to your mother and make things right."
As Daenys stepped out of her room, the castle was enveloped in a hushed stillness. The hour had grown late and she realized that her talk with her father must have taken longer than she realized. There was an eerie silence that hung in the air and the single candle in her hand cast long shadows along the corridors as she walked. Her steps echoed through the empty halls as she made her way toward Rhaenyra's chambers, heart filled with apprehension.
As she reached the door to her mother's room, Daenys paused, hesitant for a brief moment. She took a deep breath, mentally steeling herself, and raised her fist to knock on the door. Then, when she heard voices coming from inside, she lowered her hand, leaning in to push the door in slightly and peek through the crack. She felt guilty at all the eavesdropping she'd been doing lately but her curiosity got the better of her once again.
The room was dimly lit, the only source of illumination being the soft glow of moonlight that filtered through the curtains. In the middle of the room stood Ser Harwin and Princess Rhaenyra, and Daenys's breath caught in her throat. Her mother's exhaustion seemed to melt away in the commander's embrace. Her body leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder, while his arm around her waist supported her. His other hand cradled the back of her head as they swayed gently, moving to a tune only they could hear. As Daenys continued to watch, her mother pulled back slightly to meet Ser Harwin's eyes. There were tears streaming down her face and a patient smile on his as he kissed them away gently. It was a quiet, profound moment that Daenys felt like an outsider looking in. The raw vulnerability etched across her mother's features made her stomach turn with even more guilt.
Daenys had never seen them like this, and all of a sudden the rumours that circulated the Red Keep all made sense. She was old enough to know that it was indeed strange for her mother to carry such an expression toward a man who was not her father, Ser Laenor. In fact, she had never seen her parents exchange such an intimate look, but she was still young enough to believe in fairytales, and if anyone deserved a fairytale, it was her beloved mother.
Suddenly she felt rage. Red hot blinding rage at those who sniggered behind her mother's back and wove rumours and lies to shame her. How dare they presume to understand something they never could. How dare they presume to put it into vulgar, ugly words when the truth was far more complex, for surely any two people who looked at each other with such reverence and wistful resignation could not be accused of anything ugly. Daenys' heart ached for her mother, guilt bubbling up and clogging her throat. She pulled the door shut softly, stepping back to shake her head. She did not wish to intrude any further, but she had to apologize for the pain she had caused. She sat down on the hard marble floor outside Rhaenyra's chambers, wrapping her arms around her knees and pulling them close to her chest. The stone wall was cool behind her back as she leaned her head backward.
She smiled as she drifted off, her last thoughts about Aemond Targaryen. Perhaps he was right after all, she had been reading too many fairytales.
A/N: Not super proofread so apologies for any typos. Also sorry for missing last week's update, been in a massive slump lately. Would love to hear yalls thoughts on this. Spare some words of affirmation plz, I need the motivation lol :P
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