2. Lighthouse of My Heart

Year: 117 AC


"Daenys! Did you see that?" 

Daenys squinted up to where her fellow playmate, pointed. Daenys and Helaena sat at the base of one of the largest trees in the Red Keep's garden, where Helaena taught Daenys how to weave flower crowns and name the various insects they found crawling amongst the petals. The two princesses had quickly become inseparable friends, and it was easy to see why. They enjoyed the peaceful time they spent together away from their raucous brothers, each of them finding a much-needed sister in the other. Daenys looked up to Helaena as someone she aspired to emulate, a paragon of elegance and poise, eagerly absorbing every lesson she bestowed upon her. Helaena in turn, cherished Daenys and her mischievous antics, feeling a sense of responsibility for the younger girl.

"I can't see anything," Daenys squinted even harder, but all she saw was rough bark and brilliant emerald leaves. 

Helaena huffed as she grabbed Daenys's head gently, angling her face correctly before pointing again.

"Look, over there, where that branch meets the trunk. Do you see that beetle?"

Daenys made a face, "It's huge."

"I know, isn't it lovely? Oh, it would look ever so pretty in my collection, and if I could see it up close, I could look up its name."

Helaena looked at Daenys with a pleading look and Daenys smiled. 

"Do you want me to catch it for you?"

Her young friend nodded at her exuberantly, fisting the folds of her pale pink gown, "Oh would you? Mother would be furious if I spoilt this dress, and besides, I'm not a very good climber."

"But...it's so big."

"I promise it won't hurt you. It's just a little bug, and it's so pretty. See how its colours shine in the sunlight?

"It has so many legs, it looks weird."

"Six. Insects like that should have only six legs."

Daenys gazed at her aunt in admiration. Although Helaena was only two years her senior, she seemed to know so much more. 

"Whoa, how do you know all that? You can't even see the legs from down here."

"I read it in a book I found. It's got all sorts of information on these little creatures," Helaena grinned at her, nudging her toward the tree. "Now will you get it for me please?"

Daenys sighed in agreement and stood, dumping her crooked flower crown in Helaena's lap before turning around and placing her palms on the tree trunk and feeling the textured bark under her fingertips. She then placed her foot against it, searching for a stable foothold amidst the crevices and knots. The tree felt sturdy beneath her, its ancient branches reaching toward the heavens. The roughness of the bark scraped against her palms, leaving faint marks behind, but it was nothing she hadn't dealt with before. With practiced ease, she pulled herself higher, branch after branch. 

"Go on, just a little higher," Helaena hollered from below her and she glanced down.

"What, where? I don't see it anymore."

"To your right, you need to go a few branches higher."

Daenys wrapped her arm around a branch to her right and hoisted herself higher, her entire body quivering with effort. She could feel the swaying of the branches, the slight give and take of the tree's living form. The leaves rustled in the breeze, their gentle whispering providing a soothing soundtrack to her endeavour.

"Am I there yet?"

"Just one more, I promise it's right there."

She finally reached the branch where the beetle was perched, its delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight. Daenys stretched out her hand, her fingers trembling as they drew closer to the insect.

"Helaena, look! I... I got it!

"Yessss. How many legs does it have? Was I right, is it six?"

Daenys brought her hands down to cradle the insect in her palm, cringing slightly at the feathery feeling of the tiny thing's body against her skin. She did a quick count of its minuscule limbs and then leaned down to look at her aunt with an awestruck expression, 

"You were right. It does. You're...you're magic!"

Helaena laughed, "This is no magic Daenys, it is just science."

Before Daenys could respond, the sound of grass rustling interrupted them and then a familiar voice called out her name.

"Daenys! Where are you? You're late for your lesson!"

Ser Laenor Velaryon emerged into their clearing, slightly out of breath. His eyes widened in surprise when he spotted his daughter perched on one of the highest tree branches.

"Daenys?" he sighed exasperatedly. "Again?"

Daenys froze, her heart skipping a beat. She looked down at her father, the bug still cradled delicately in her palm.

"Kepa, I was doing it for a good cause this time," she mumbled with a pout, waiting for an admonishment. 

Laenor's surprise melted away, replaced by a mix of concern and amusement. He carefully stepped closer to the tree, tilting his head back to meet her gaze.

"A good cause huh? And do enlighten me as to what this cause would be?"

"I... I climbed the tree to get this bug for Helaena. You said that it was important to help out our friends when they needed it."

Laenor snorted and looked down at Helaena with a gentle smile, "Hmm, I didn't know my daughter listened to every one of my lessons so intently, did you, princess?"

Helaena shook her head shyly before Daenys's exclamation echoed through the trees.

"Well, she does!"

"I am glad for it, Daenys. Now will she also please come down? You know how worried your mother gets, and you know better than to cause her to worry in her condition."

"Shhh, she won't worry about it if you do not tell her, kepa," Daenys grinned at him conspiratorially. 

"Alright, alright. Now come down already. You're late for your sword training. After trying so hard to convince your mother and grandsire, you should at least be on time."

Daenys hung her head bashfully, "Sorry kepa. Will you give this to Helaena please, and I'll come down real quick. I'm already dressed for my lesson."

She leaned down further and Laenor extended his hand to allow her to deposit the small creature onto his palm. He handed it to the young princess on the ground beside him who took it tenderly and scampered off after thanking Daenys. 

"I have a faster way to come down, kepa!"

Laenor rolled his eyes, "Does this involve you engaging in more risky behaviour?"

"No..." she grinned mischievously. "It'll take way too long to climb down all by myself. Will you catch me instead?"


"Pretty please kepa. Please, please, please."

Her father's eyes softened. He could never really say no to her. 

"Alright then, but we'll keep this from your mother alright? She would not be happy."

Daenys giggled, "I won't tell if you won't."

She took a deep breath, summoning her courage and releasing her grip on the branch, letting herself fall. The wind rushed past her, tickling her cheeks, as she descended toward her father's waiting embrace. Time seemed to stretch as Laenor positioned himself carefully beneath her. He stretched his arms out, his hands ready to catch his daughter. The ground rushed closer, and just as she began to fear hitting the grass, Laenor's strong arms enveloped her, securing her in a gentle embrace.

"I have you now, my reckless little princess," he flicked at her forehead, his voice filled with affection.

"Thank you kepa. I am sorry if I worried you."

"And yet you'll do it again, won't you?"

Daenys hid her face in his neck in embarrassment as she nodded. He kissed the top of her head before setting her down on her feet and clasping her hand to lead her out.

"Come on, our lessons await us."

"Kepa? Why can't I train with my brothers and uncles? They seem to be having a better time."

"It's safer for you to train alone and build your strength first, we can't have you getting hurt," Laenor clasped his free hand to his chest and pouted in mock disappointment. "And besides, I like having my little flower all to myself. Do you not like spending time with me Daenys?"

Daenys giggled and wrapped her arms around his legs, "No, I love spending time with you, Father."

They finally arrived at one of the more secluded courtyards within the Red Keep. The sounds of bustling servants and distant chatter fade away, replaced by a serene atmosphere. The courtyard was adorned with ivy-covered walls and a stone fountain in the center, its gentle trickle providing a soothing soundtrack to their private lesson. Laenor walked to a nearby rack where a selection of wooden training swords was displayed. He chose one that Daenys had been using during their past lessons and handed it to her, his voice gentle yet firm.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Yes Father," Daenys gripped the wooden sword with both hands, standing straight, trying to mimic her father's posture. "Hold the sword firm, but not too tight. Keep your stance balanced and your eyes on your opponent."

"Yes, just like that, Daenys. Now, we'll continue where we left off yesterday. Remember, it's not about winning or defeating your opponent. It's about control and understanding your own strength."

They worked their way through some simple drills first, Ser Laenor guiding Daenys through the motions, teaching her the proper footwork and the art of parrying. Their wooden swords clashed softly, the sound echoing through the courtyard and harmonizing with the trickling water from the fountain. Laenor watched his daughter with a careful eye, making gentle adjustments to her technique and praising her progress. The sun cast dappled shadows on the courtyard, dancing along the cobblestones as they moved. Once the sun had moved higher in the sky, around late afternoon, Laenor finally called a halt to their training session.

"Are we done already?" Daenys pouted, despite the fact that her chest heaved with effort and her cheeks were flushed with exertion. 

That's enough for today, Daenys, I am immensely proud of you." Laenor reached over and ruffled her hair where it was braided and coiled tightly atop her head. "Now go get cleaned up, you smell very unprincesslike."


"I only jest, but go get cleaned up either way."

After bidding her father farewell, Daenys made her way to her chambers, humming a tune absentmindedly and wondering what her Helaena was up to. Perhaps she would pay her a visit once she was done. As she approached her door, she heard excited chatter echoing from within. Pushing open the door, she found two eager faces waiting, their eyes lighting up at the sight of her.

"Daenys," Jace whined, swinging his legs from atop her bed. "What took you so long? We've been waiting forever."

Luke, the clingier one of her brothers, hopped off his perch and scampered over to wrap his arms around her in an attempt at a hug. However, she quickly swatted him away, a playful expression on her face.

"No, Luke! Not right now. I'm all sweaty from my training."

"Hmph, I don't care," his face fell, disappointment evident in his eyes.

 "Oi, don't be like that," she flicked his forehead.

He crossed his arms over his chest and looked away, and Daenys sighed. 


Luke let out a tiny smile at the sound of her voice. That was her bargaining voice. He had her wrapped around his little finger and he knew it. Still, he refused to meet her eyes. 

"Lucerys Velaryon!"

"He does this every time and you fall for it every time," Jace grumbled.

"Aw, but that's because he's just so little," Daenys reached out to pinch his cheeks in the way he claimed to hate. "Aren't you, little tiny Luke."


"Ah well, if you want to stay angry with me, I guess I'll just share my special candied plums with Jace."

"Candied plums?" Jace's voice rose in excitement. "Where'd you get those?"

Daenys made her way toward her large wooden dresser, pulling open one of the bottom drawers, "Father gave them to me. He said they were from one of his friends. He has ever so many from all sorts places in the world."

Daenys handed Jace a purple crystallized piece, the shape and size of a small marble. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Luke lean forward curiously. She smiled at the gesture and handed him one too.

"Thank you, sister," he mumbled, putting the whole thing in his mouth. 

Daenys snorted and pinched his rounded cheek, "You're welcome, Luke."

"Hey Daenys, how'd you get hurt," Jace snagged her left hand and scrutinized the small cut on her index finger.

"Can't remember. Must have been an accident while I was sparring. No big deal."

Jace puffed out his chest, "Well, next time I'll make sure to protect you!"

"Me too," Luke stood straighter, trying to imitate his brother's posture and failing. 

Daenys put her fists on her hips and cocked an eyebrow at them, "Do I look like I need protection from you boys? If anything, it should be me protecting you."

"You can protect us and we can protect you," Jace grinned stretching up to stand taller, trying to reach her height, even though he barely reached her shoulder.

Daenys flicked his forehead, "Alright, now mind telling me why were you in my room?" 

"Oh, oh, oh, we're going to pick out an egg for the new baby!" Luke bounced in his spot. 


"Yeah! Ser Harwin is going to take us. Jace said he'd let me pick but I wanted you to come with us too."

"You sure look excited at the prospect."

"Mhm," Luke nodded enthusiastically. "With the new baby, I won't be the littlest any more. Then you can't tease me."

"Ohohoh, you think that'll stop me," Daenys wiggled her fingers menacingly at him and he shrieked as he scrambled out of reach and straight out the door. 

"Ha, he's scared. Coward," Jace scoffed, making Daenys roll her eyes.

"You're not safe either, Jacaerys."

"Oh no, I'm leaving. Ser Harwin said to bring you to the dragon pit, so you can meet us there," he practically sprinted toward the door. 

Daenys giggled at her rambunctious brothers, as she tucked away the remainder of her sweets, making a mental note to take Helaena and Aemond some later on. After calling for one of her handmaidens, and washing up, she changed out of her training tunic and into one of her day dresses. She even let her handmaiden wrestle her hair into a neat braid, before taking off at full speed toward the dragon keep. 

 As she approached, she saw her mother's sworn shield and the commander of the City Watch, Ser Harwin, standing there, his towering figure a familiar sight. A slow smile spread across his face when he caught sight of her.

"Ah, there you are, Princess. We've been waiting for you."

Daenys hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting between her brothers and Ser Harwin. There was a familiarity in his presence, a warmth in his company. Shyly, she extended her small hand towards him, and he instinctively wrapped his large, calloused one around hers.

"Hello, Ser Harwin, it's good to see you," she grinned.

"It's good to see you too, Princess."

"Daenys! You're finally here," Luke took the opportunity to grab her other hand and pull her deeper into the dragon pit. 

"Yeah! We didn't pick out the egg without you, even though Ser Harwin said we could," Jace exclaimed.

"But remember, I'm the one who gets to actually pick!" Luke interjected.

Daenys scoffed, "And who decided that?"

"Hey! Jace, you said so!"

"I did..but...if Daenys-"

"No, you can't take it back now!"

Ser Harwin chuckled at their childish bickering, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he squeezed Daenys's hand affectionately. In the dark empty tunnel of the dragon pit, where there was no one to witness the scene, he liked to pretend that these lively rambunctious children were all his and that he was just another father taking them on an outing and breaking up their petty arguments. It was a dangerous game of pretend, he knew that, but he could not help it. He also could not help but trace their features with his lingering gaze, some that resembled his own, and some those of the woman he loved. Perhaps such a dangerous game was worth it if this is what came out of it, for how could these children who were good and kind and pure, come from anything that wasn't?

"Alright children, enough of that," he admonished, not unkindly. 

"Yes, Ser Harwin," they chorused in unison.

"You have to let Daenys pick, Luke," Jace muttered.

Luke pouted but nodded all the same. Daenys's heart melted at the sight and although on an immature whim, she still wanted to be the one to pick out the new baby's egg, but she also wanted to be rid of the frown marring her little brother's face. 

"No, it's okay, Luke should pick. I've had my turn already. Twice in fact," she winked. "After all, who do you think picked out your eggs?"

"Hey, when will it be my turn then?" Jace grumbled.

Luke whined, "You can have your turn for the next baby."

Ser Harwin snorted at that and Daenys frowned. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't really want her mother to have any more babies. Not for any particularly selfish reasons, she didn't mind sharing her parents' attention with her siblings, or so she told herself, but she worried for her mother every time she was with child. She still remembered her screams from the births of her brothers. It was not a pleasant memory. 

Ser Harwin led the children to where Syrax's latest clutch of eggs lay waiting for them. Jace and Luke rushed forward excitedly, shadowed by the dragon-keepers in charge of tending to Princess Rhaenyra's dragon. The sound of deep, rumbling breaths and occasional roars filled the air, echoing from within the pit.

"Oh, this one! This one's perfect. Come look Daenys!"

At the sound of Luke's voice, Daenys pulled Ser Harwin to come and stand by her brothers. They followed Luke's gaze, their eyes falling upon the egg that had captured his attention. It was larger than the others, with a smooth deep blue surface that gleamed, radiating with warmth.

"It's beautiful," Daenys breathed out softly. 

"The baby will love it won't it?"

Jace laughed, "It won't care silly, but Mother will definitely like it, right Daenys?"

As Daenys watched her brothers chatter animatedly about the possible gender of their new sibling, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. Her own egg hadn't come from her mother's dragon, it had come from her grandmother Rhaenys's. Her brothers' eggs had hatched not long after their birth but hers never did. For years she had spent hours in front of the fireplace, trying to warm it back to life but it remained whole and stonelike. It sat in her room even now, a ghost of what could have been. She reminded her childish heart that her brothers did not deserve to be the subject of her envy. She was old enough to understand the rumours that crept along the walls of the Red Keep. She knew that there were those who didn't think Jace and Luke's eggs would ever hatch. For her brothers to have their own dragons added to their legitimacy, she comprehended that much. It didn't matter quite so much for her she supposed, not with her distinctly Targaryen colouring. And she had a fellow dragon-less Targaryen companion too, in Aemond. It was less lonely having a friend who understood. 

"Everything okay, Princess?" Ser Harwin comfortingly squeezed her hand once more to gain her attention, sensing her downcast demeanour. 

She beamed up at him, smoothing away all traces of her frown, "I'm okay."

"Well, I have just the thing to cheer you up."


"Yes, really. Have you ever flown a kite?"

"A kite? What's a kite, Ser Harwin?" Jace interrupted.

Both young princes came over, their attention waning now that the egg had been taken away to be kept warm as a surprise for their mother. Ser Harwin laughed at their curiosity, a deep and hearty sound that started as a rumble in his chest. There was something comforting about it. 

"Well, would you like how to make one?" he asked and he was rewarded with a chorus of enthusiastic affirmation.

A dragon-keeper walked into sight just then, followed by Prince Aegon.

He cleared his throat, "Apologies for the intrusion commander, but I believe it is time for the princes' lessons now."

Jace and Luke sighed in disappointment at the dragon keepers' reminder of their daily training sessions with their dragons. 

Daenys frowned and tugged on Ser Harwin's sleeve, "Ser Harwin, Ser Harwin, will you teach me then?"

"No! You can't go have fun without me!" Luke protested. 

"Or me!" Jace echoed. 

"But what am I supposed to do while you do your silly lessons?"

"You should come with us," Jace turned his hopeful gaze toward Aegon who stood there watching their exchange. "Right, uncle?"

Aegon's expression turned condescending, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Daenys. A smirk played at the corners of his lips.

"Why would your sister need to come, Jace? She doesn't have a dragon of her own, now does she?"

Jace's smile faltered, his eyes flickering towards Daenys, who stood beside him, her face a mix of hurt and indignation. He turned back to Aegon, his voice holding a hint of defiance.

"She can still watch!"

"Oh, really? And what will you learn, Daenys?" Aegon trained his eyes on his young niece. "How to sit on the sidelines while the real dragon riders excel? Perhaps it's better for you to stick to your stories and needlework or better yet, go play with Aemond, as you're both equally pathetic."

Daenys reddened with a mix of embarrassment and anger, "We're plenty good at other things, Uncle. And at least I remember my manners when I speak."

"Watch your tongue, you little whelp. I won't tolerate your insolence."

"Maybe you should take your own advice, and watch your mouth!"

Aegon's face contorted with anger, but Ser Harwin quickly stepped in, wanting to mitigate the argument. He patted Daenys's head good-naturedly. 

"We'll learn how to make kites on another day, alright Princess? It would be more fun if we did it with more people anyways. Now let us take our leave and leave the young princes to their lesson."

Daenys huffed, "Yes, Ser Harwin."

"Shall I drop you off at your mother's chambers, Princess?"

"No, that's okay. I think...I'll take a walk."

She tipped her head in farewell, opting to wander the courtyards of the Red Keep. Her shoulders slumped in disappointment, fingers clenching and unclenching as she fought against the sudden wave of tears that built up behind her eyes. She took several deep breaths, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. It was pathetic of her really. She had no reason to cry, but she couldn't help the sting she felt at Aegon's words. Still, she refused to let the tears that clouded her vision, fall. 

Lost in her own thoughts, Daenys stumbled upon a hidden alcove nestled within the courtyard walls. As she approached, a squire hastily exited the space, his face flushed. Intrigued by this unexpected encounter, she peered into the dimly lit space, her curiosity piqued. Before her eyes had a chance to adjust to the shadows, her father emerged. His expression shifted to surprise when he saw her standing there. 


"Oh...apologies for intruding Father," her gaze followed the fast retreating back of the squire.

Laenor adjusted his tunic before clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Is everything alright? You look...not quite well."

"Yes, Father..." 

Despite her best efforts, a single teardrop escaped, tracing a glittering path down her cheek. She quickly brushed it away with the back of her hand, determined not to appear emotional. Her breath caught in her throat, and she inhaled deeply, hoping to steady her quivering emotions.

Wordlessly Laenor opened his arms, and after a moment's hesitation, Daenys rushed into his embrace, finding solace in his comforting presence. He held her close, his touch offering a sense of security. 

"What's troubling you my little flower?"

Daenys sniffled from where her face was buried in his tunic and shook her head.

"If you don't tell me what's wrong, I won't be able to help you," Laenor continued patiently, smoothing a hand down her hair.

Her voice trembling, she shared her encounter with Aegon and the crude remarks he had made. Laenor's brows furrowed with concern as he listened attentively, his grip tightening around her. 

"He just makes me so angry, kepa! And I can't even say anything because I don't know what to say. Perhaps he is right, after all. There truly isn't much I can do except watch them from the sidelines."

"His words do not define your worth. They say more about him than they do about you. And you are most definitely not useless or pathetic. There is much you can do, even when others confine you to the sidelines."

"Yes, kepa."

With a glint of mischief sparkling in his eyes, Ser Laenor gently brushed away the remnants of tears from her cheeks. Determined to lift her spirits, he reached out to take her hand and started to lead her down the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, I was going to take Seasmoke out later today, and I can think of no better way to bring a smile back to your face. How would you like to take a ride on a dragon with me?"

"Wait really?" Daenys's voice rose in excitement.

"I don't see why not. I have taken you a few times before, haven't I? We stay perfectly safe and have a grand time."

"Yes, Father! I would love to ride with you!"

Upon reaching the outskirts of the castle, the majestic form of Seasmoke greeted them. His scales shimmered in iridescent shades of pale silver-grey, reflecting the light like a radiant gem. The dragon gazed at them with intelligent eyes. Laenor approached it proudly, caressing its side with his free hand, the other still clasped in Daenys's.

"Daenys, you remember Seasmoke?"

Daenys giggled and mumbled softly, "Hello again."

At Laenor's prompt, she reached out tentatively, her small hand shaking slightly, to touch Seasmoke's scaled snout. The dragon made a rough snorting sound before settling down with a gentle nudge, a sign of recognition and acceptance. After a few minutes, Laenor helped Daenys mount the dragon, settling into the secure saddle as the dragon spread its wings. With a powerful thrust, it launched into the sky, its wings beating rhythmically against the air.

As they ascended, the world below shrank to a miniature, revealing the sprawling lands and the castle, like a toy in the distance. The wind rushed past them, lifting Daenys' hair and carrying away any lingering dismay.

Daenys laughed with pure joy, her eyes shining bright as she craned her head in every direction to take in as much of the view as possible. Laenor laughed with her, feeling a sense of contentment watching his daughter's happiness. 

"Father, I can see everything from up here!"

"Yes, the view is indeed breathtaking, dearest."

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