just a normal horrible day
Before i start i would like to say that this is my 3rd story. Go check out my other stories. Ok.
Your are walking to school. Its was a normal day walking. No one was bothering you. There was a rumer going round school that you killed your older brother. He was 18 when he died, that was 2 years ago. He could drive. He got in a car crash and died. How come people new about it. You never brought it up.
*time skip till when you get to class.*
You put all your suff down and whent to your seat. It was a normal class. Math. You hated math the most.
*time skit to lunch.*
It was finally lunch. You got bullied a lot by a few 15 year olds. Even you were 4 years younger than them, they didnt care. Atleast they were on the other side of the lunch hall. Everyone called you weird cause another rumer ( which is true sadly but you dont know yet) about you are part cat and have magical powers. Its all fake.
*time skip till after school.*
It was after school. You had to go to the hell house. Everyone told you that no one cares. You agree with them which is kinda sad. You are walking in the woods cause you didnt want to go home. You feel like someone is following you. You turn around and see. Its your bullies (bella, summer and mea) and 2 boys, i think thier names are sam and ryan.
(Y/N) P.O.V
I try to run off. But ryan grabed my wrist and pulled me back. It was hard to get him of me cause i am weak. (Me in real life). Sam held my other wrist. "Dont try to leave, this is where you will rest." Bella said. They had rope and knives. What were they gonna do?
They draged you over to a tree and tie you wrists together around it. You were facing them. Unable to move. They had a knife. Butcher knives.
Bella and the girls were sharing a knife
And the boys were shairing the other knife.
I was shaking too much. Ryan came up to me and cuts you a bit on your face. It was really deap. Bella cut my neck a bit still deap but not deap enough to suffercate me. They put a gag in my mouth so i didnt scream for help. Why would i tho. I wanted to comitt suicide but i didnt have enough confidence. Bella pulled up my sleves. She was shocked. There were so many gashes. She scraped the knife over bothe my arms. Tears streaming down my face. The all were laughing. Ryan, being the boy he is, took this as an advantage. I had a skirt on. Ryan crouched down. I couldn't look down cause they put rope round my neck and atached it to the tree. I felt ryans hands go down my legs. I was shivering. It was so cold. Bella, summer, mea and sam left me and ryan together. I tryed screaming.
You hear a gun shot in the distance. Ryan got up and ran to his friends. It was getting late you were so tired and dizzy. You past out from exaustigon.
*time skip to the next day after school time*
You were looking around the woods. Well where you could see. You see bella and the others coming back.
(Y/N) P.O.V
You see ryan lick his lips. You are still shacking so much. You coudn't help it.
Ryan got the butchers knife and slashed at you leg. You whimmper in pain. You could see the bone. He did the same thing with the other leg. You find yourself blacking out from blood loss.
You wake up on the hard ground with ryan on you. You didnt have the gag in your mouth anymore so you screamed. They tied you back to the tree and put the gag back in.
*you hear footsteps that arnt anyone here*
You try scream help. Not working that much. There was some people coming towards you. You get blindfolded by one of the people coming. You hear knices getting swung and gun firing. You feel someones walm hands untieing the rope around your neck, seeing that you were having trouble breathing. You start feeling more than one untieing the gag and my wrists. Someone untied my blindfold. I could see what they looked like. One with a orange hoodie and a ski mask with red eyes and a red frown, he looked about 15-17. There was another one with a feminin white mask, he looked about 17-18. Another obe had a mouth gard on and had messy brown hair with 2 hatchets, dont ask me how i know they were hatchets, he looked about 17-19. The last one had white lethery skin. With a carved smile. It looked like he had burnt his eye lids of, he looked about 14. The all stared at me.
I had no clue why they were. The 14 year old boy got me up and said in a raspy voice, "are you single? Or not." He was biting his bottom lip. I started backing up but i hit a tree. "I like my victoms hot, but maybe i could spare on for a while." He said again. I new what he was trying to do. He was trying to seduce me so he could do what ever he wanted with me. Atleast there were no drugs like my farther druged me. Then tryed to rape me. By now i was shacking to much again. "Jeff! Thats enough!" The one in the femanin mask said. "But masky!!!!! Pweas?" Jeff said. "D-dont you t-think s-shes been t-through e-enough?" The one with the ski mask said. "FINEEEE, but do a faver hoodie. Pweas?" He said. "W-what is it?" Hoodie said. "Just agree first." Jeff said. "F-fine. W-what is is?" Hoodie said agatated. "YOU HAVE TO KISS MASKYYYYYY!!!!!!" He said exitedly.
Wait... WHAT!" Masky shouted. You just giggled. "You can do what ever you want to her. Just dont kill or hurt her." Masky said, hoodie and the one with the mouth gard on nodded. "N-no," you whispered. "D-dont you f-feel b-bad for her? Hoodie whispered to masky. "Nope, atleast we dont have to kiss." Masky responded with a nervous laugh.
Thanks for reading this part. I enjoyed writing it for you guys.
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