A Broken Heart

Continuing from the last chapter*

Becky had taken their therapist idea and ran with it. When she brought up having her and Travis getting together and talking everything out when they're not at the practice, Amy was all for it.

She believed that if a couple can still put aside their differences and come together to discuss their problems as adults.

When these words came out of the professionals mouth, that sparked something inside of Becky. This was a perfect way to get her life back together, have her children's dad back in their lives completely, get her best friend by her side once again, be happy.

During this whole time, Becky had developed a severe symptoms of depression. Whenever Charlotte would visit, she would notice that her best friend wasn't feeling herself. Knowing the circumstances she was going through, it was understandable but she knew that her god children also would feed off her energy.

If the kids ever saw her in that state, they would worry and possibly become stressed and depressed. That's something that Charlotte didn't want, so that's when Travis came back into the picture.

Now, onto present day*

With a little backstory. To what Amy told them about getting dinner or going to a park to talk, Becky took that over the top and went all out.

At their house there stood Becky in front of their dining room table. The high chair and baby seats are pushed away so it would just be her and Travis's chair.

She was all dolled up. Becky doesn't wear alot of makeup for any occasion, but when she does it's pretty important to herself.

Nice dress on, hair and makeup done. Becky set the two plates down on the table and light some more candles.

With Travis*

The surrounding atmosphere around him was a tiny bar outside of Tampa. Smoke filled the area and it was packed as they had "Carry-Oke" night.

While going through the tight crowd, there sat Travis amidst the smoke and loud music. He had no idea why he was there, this isn't his type of crowd he looks for when going out.

All he knew was there was a beer in front of him and good music playing in the backround.

They were showing the football game on mute above him. That had him occupied as someone in the bar may have spotted him.

As he took a sip from his bottle, he quickly glimpsed over and saw the dude standing across from the bar.

It was actually the newly clocked in bartender that may have recognized him.

Bartender: Another?

He grabbed his empty and held it up while pointing, indicating if he wanted to pop open another bottle.

Travis: Ah, sure.

With those words coming out of his mouth, the bartender could tell that something was on his mind.

He quickly grabbed another from the cooler, popped off the top and slid it to Travis as he tried to give him the money to pay for it.

Bartender: Don't worry, man. On me.

Travis: Oh, um. Thanks.

Sliding the money back over to Travis, the bartender watched him take a big swig and put it down while looking back up at the game.

But, before he could continue and catch up on what he missed; Travis's phone went off.

It's been silent all day, no notifications from anyone on social media or the company.

Feels great not having someone down your throat, but when your own family doesn't message you asking how you are hits him hard.

That changed when he pulled it out, looked down at his pants and saw a text from his wife.

Becky: Hey, I have prime rib here.

He didn't forget about her inviting him over for dinner, that's a reason why he's currently sitting in the small bar.

As much as he needs to make this right with his wife after that one night, he still feels like they're rushing into getting back together and not solving the problem in their relationship.

Travis: sighs* 

Still looking down at his lap at the text message, he had no idea what to do.

In one hand he wanted to go over and talk it out with the love of his life, and in the other he wanted to stay here while rethinking everything they're going through.

There is still one thing that is keeping him from actually going through with the divorce. And that's also holding him back from talking to her since he would feel guilty.

While thinking, he then pocketed his phone without replying to her. Then another bartender, a women walked over and saw he was a little depressed.

Bartender: Hey, buddy. You alright?

Travis: looks up* Oh, yeah. I'm fine.

Bartender: I saw your mood change just a second ago. What's up? Why are you down?

She put a rag in front of him and started to wipe off the area around Travis while he held his bottle and continued to drink.

Travis: It's nothing. I promise.

The bartender instantly knew that he was lying to her by his facial expression.

Bartender: Dude, I can tell you broke that promise already. You can tell me anything, I'm just a chick that works at a bar.

He shook his head a little, then cracked a smile as she was still standing there with her head tilted, waiting for a response.

Travis: I don't know, I've just had a shitty couple months.

Bartender: Why's that?

Travis: Just- my wife and I are going through alot and, we also have kids that are involved..

Bartender: Oh.. I see. One of those things.

She knew what he was going through, so he watched her walk around and grab the stool next to him.

Bartender: sits* I got divorced once. Shortest marriage I ever had, but it had to be done. We were young and dumb, then that dumb brought out the bad in the both of us.

Travis: Well, mine is a little different.

Bartender: Ok, how so?

Travis: It's- not important.

Bartender: Ok-ay? So tell me this. What is keeping you down during it?

Travis: silent*

Bartender: C'mon. Does it involve the kids?

Travis: You could say they're apart of it. It's just, I miss my old life.

She could see that he was a broken down man, sitting at the bar drowning his sorrows.

Bartender: I get it. Mother of your children, love of your life.

When he was listening to her, more and more memories were popping up into his head.

Then he was cut off-

Bartender: Can I ask? What happened?

Travis: I- I really don't want to get back into it. Just say it's a very, very long story.

Bartender: Is there any way you two could work it out? No matter what the circumstances are?

Travis: I don't know. Both of us have unforgivable issues.

Bartender: Ah, I see.

It was silent between the two for a bit as he finished his drink and it's now twenty minutes since Becky texted him.

Still no reply to her.

Bartender: Do you still love her?

Travis: Honestly. The things that her and I did to each other, I don't even know. I mean, I know she's my wife, I married her for a reason.

Bartender: And that reason is?

Travis: Because I love her.

The female bartender then crossed her arms and smiled as she finally got to him.

Bartender: You just answered your own question.

He then watched her get up and walk back around the bar, grab him another beer and slide it over.

Bartender: Last one on the house.

Travis: Hey, wait a minute.

Before she walked away, he stopped her for one more thing.

Travis: I have one more question. I know you're not a therapist or anything, but atleast its advice from another mouth.

Bartender: Sure, but it'll cost you extra.

She winked and laughed before he continued with his question.

Travis: We're currently in couples counseling. She's pushing me to get together and talk it out as adults, but I may sound like a bitch; I'm not ready, it feels rushed.

Bartender: All I can say is if you feel that its rushed, then its rushed. Hopefully she'll understand.

Just as she finished her statement, the bartender was called to the other side of the bar from Travis.

When he heard her literally talk him through some things, his mind was now set on what he thinks things are going between them.

As the fresh bottle was quickly turning flat, Travis started on it by taking a spit and continuing watching the game go into the third quarter.

Two hours have passed*

Travis left the bar after his third and watching the whole game. Everyone inside was starting to get rowdy and he had to leave, it got so bad he couldn't even hear himself.

Since leaving the little tavern, Travis has been walking around the "Tampa Pier" where more and more people flooded the dock and beach below.

This brought back memories, this was one of the spots he took Becky on their third date. He walked the same way they walked that night.

Travis had no idea what he was doing. He noticed that Becky had called atleast twice in the past two hours, he feels awful for not having the strength to tell her he's not coming.

His mind was spiraling and he feels lost. With his relationship with Becky, to the kids having to deal with this as well, to even his career in question has him also in question.

Most of this was caused because of wrestling.

But once he finally came to his senses, Travis then walked out of the Pier, got into his truck and headed outside of Tampa.

30 minutes later*

Travis and Becky's house*

It's been almost three house since Becky messaged, worried and called Travis. At this point into the night, the food was cold, candles burnt out and the dining room was dark.

There was then Becky, inside of a quiet house in the dark. She laid on the couch in the living room and cried. Her freshly done makeup was a little messy.

Her heart was broken. There was no word if her husband would come over and talk.

Travis pulls into the driveway*

Street lights are on and the outside lights were on. Looking at the house, all the lights inside were off so that threw him off a little.

He has to man up and talk to her face to face. Even if that means telling her they need to slow down and let it all happen in therapy.

Travis: sighs* Here goes nothing.

Grabbing his keys, jumping out of the truck and closing the door. He expected to see Kilo jumping in the window since he's come to recognize his truck door.

No dog though, so Becky must have went through with what she said about dropping him off.

Now standing at the front door, he grabbed the doorknob and turned it as it was unlocked.

That made him feel even worse as she had expected him.

Travis then walked into the front area that leads into the garage, then the way he went was towards the kitchen that lead into the living room.

The smell of the food was faint, but he then got a whiff of her candles. Some were scented and seeing that it's dark inside made him feel worse.

A song could be heard finishing up, then restarting again.

She had planned this to be a romantic night, and he was now the tool that made her wait up and then break her heart.

Walking into the living room*

The moonlight was shining in through the back sliding glass door.

When he walked in he saw there, sitting on the couch and watching the backyard was Becky.

A few tissues were surrounding her and he could hear her sniffling a little.

Travis: clears throat*

She overheard him, quickly jumped a little and turned around but he couldn't see her.

He turned on the light switch next to him and that revealed her "makeup running down" face.

That hurt him seeing her like that, and it's all because of him.

Travis: Becks.

Becky: sniffs*

He felt horrible as she sat there and watched a tear run down her face once again.

Becky: I thought- you'd come over.

Travis: muffles* Shit.

Becky then sat up a little more and all he could do was give her what she wanted, after all he did this to her.

Travis walked over, sat next to her and they both looked at each other.

Just before they said anything, he grabbed the tissue box and handed it to her.

Becky: sniffs* Thank- you.

Travis: I'm sorry.

Becky: wipes up her face*

There was nothing else he could do but sit there and watch her.

Travis: I feel like an asshole. I shouldn't have left you wondering.

Becky: No, no.

Travis: No, Becks. This is my fault.

She then quickly went silent and continued to dab up her face so the makeup wouldn't run anymore.

Travis: I know you're trying, and I think it's great that you're really into getting help and back on track. But this feels rushed to me.

Becky: silent*

Travis: I'm all for us getting back together and being together, but we're only a couple sessions in.

Becky: I just wanted to help us patch things up little by little. I miss being a family. I want my best friend back with the kids and I. I love you Travis.

Those two words used to make him cringe after that fateful night, but now it feels like the normal.

Travis: Ok, listen. You wanted to talk, so let's talk.

Becky: Oh, ok. I-

She stopped and swallowed in fear for a second and he stopped her.

Travis: Let me start. I have alot to get off my chest and it's not fair keeping it from you for any longer.

That then rose a couple red flags in Becky's mind, so she sat straight and was ready to listen.

Travis: You are trying hard and hard everyday to get us back to normal, but we know, you and I will never be normal after what we've been through and continue to go through.

Becky: perks up a bit* Sure.

Travis: And I don't think we can continue in this path with me having this baggage.

With all of this coming out all of a sudden, it was confusing his wife very quickly.

Travis: muffles* shit. Ok..

He couldn't look her in the eyes while trying to say it.

Travis: Listen, if you still want to split after this then I understand.

Becky: Trav, what is it? You're worrying me.

She looked into his eyes, face all cleaned up and was curious what he had to say.

Travis: There are multiple reasons why I called off the divorce. One was a big reason. Valentine's day..

He paused and that had her wondering what was on his mind.

Travis: muffles* Jesus christ, I'm sorry.

Becky: What is it, Trav?

Travis: Valentine's day night. I went to the clubs to forget what was happening in my life. The situation with you- still fresh in my mind. I had to forget.

Becky: silent*

Travis: I was a couple drinks in. Then met up with someone.

Becky: Ok?

Travis: Short girl, red dress comes up to me, I start to feel even better when I'm almost blackout at this point.

Becky's worried face then turned into a shocked, upset expression. He knew he was about to crush her even more.

Travis: I woke up in bed with that women the next morning.

Becky: covers her face* No..

He lowered his head in embarrassment and shame as she was on the brink of having a meltdown.

Travis: The same day was our first session-

Becky: still covering her face*

The secret is out, Travis has also cheated. Now the reason behind him not going through with the divorce now sits in her mind and made more sense.

Travis: I'm- I'm sorry to put you through this, Becks. You deserve better.

As he said that, she started to cry once again and he just watched her let it out into her hands.

10 minutes later*

Becky had finally stopped crying and now it was silent in the room as he knew she was thinking of doing the same to him.

Travis: I understand if you want to go through with the divorce.

She then quickly turned her head and looked at him dead in the eyes. Her face was pale, energy and emotionally drained.

Becky: Who was it?

Travis: That shouldn't matter.

Becky: Travis. Who was it!?

Travis: clears throat*

He watched her investigate herself, going through her head and picking stuff out.

Once she had something, her face then light up and her mouth opened in shock.

Becky: Ashley said she picked you up at Lexi's that night-

She stopped herself and couldn't speak about it anymore.

Travis: I'm sorry.

Her face grew in shock as it was true, Lexi was the person that night. One of Becky's close friends had taken her husband for one night.

With the history behind Lexi helping Travis back when they were having problems started to spark something.

Becky: This isn't the first time, isn't it!?

She was now in defensive mode and starting to kick it into drive.

Travis: No, that was the only time.

More heat started to build between the two and she was ready to burst.

Becky: Whenever you went over there during our bouts, you never did what you actually did!?

Travis: Are you assuming everytime I stayed with her, I spelt with her?

Becky: Well, it seems like I am. Because clearly she has always had a thing for you Travis.

Travis: No, I never slept with her during any of that time.

Becky: chuckles* Oh, well see about that.

She quickly stood up, grabbed her phone and started to walk.

As she was moving around, Travis then jumped up and followed her until she shut him out of their bedroom and locked it.

With Becky*

Becky started to pace around the bedroom, furious and searching for a contact.

Knowing the WWE schedule, she can't meet Alexa face to face. Becky then hit facetime on her contact and hoped she answered.

Getting her wish, Alexa's face popped up on the screen with a smile.

Lexi: Hey, Becks.

Becky: Lexi, good to see you? How's the tour?

Lexi: It's stressful.

Becky: The stress is unbelievable, especially when you've been keeping a secret to one of your best friends.

It went quiet for a quick second as this was all out of the blue.

Lexi: I'm- sorry?

Becky: You know, the time you took my drunk husband home and slept with him!?

While watching the screen, Alexa did the same thing she did when she found out. Her face dropped and she covered her mouth while almost dropping the phone.

Easily both could hang up here, but that will instantly escalate this situation.

Becky: That's right. I know that you've been whoring around my family. How could you!? We were like sisters, you were my bridesmaids. For fuck sake we named our daughter after you.

Lexi: *starts to cry* I- I am so sorry Becky. I never ment to hurt you, I just love Travis.

Everytime she heard that she loves Travis, Becky always thought that was something she said because they were close. Now knowing what happened that night, she knows that it was more than that.

Becky: You love him? He's my husband!

Lexi: I'm sorry. I feel comfortable around him. I never ment to hurt you or your family Rebecca.

Becky: Don't even call me by my real name. We're done; you're lucky you're not in Tampa, bitch.

She then hung up on Lexi and threw her phone, then a loud yell could be heard.

With Travis*

Knock knock*

Travis: Becks, we really need to talk about this.

It was silent after he overheard the phone call between his wife and Alexa. Heat was building in that house and he feels like she could go off any minute.

Just before he backed away from the door, a slight cry could be overheard from their bedroom.

That made him feel like a piece of shit. Travis has once again put his wife in this terrible spiral.

30 minutes later*

The bedroom door opened and closed, then he looked up to see Becky walk out in her lazy clothes and see him over the banister.

Becky: You're still here?

She crossed her arms, he then stood up and watched his wife walk downstairs then join him on the couch.

Just before he could say anything, she bursted into tears once again and he sat next to her.

About the same spot they where when he first arrived.

This time, Travis scooted over and wrapped his arm around her to comfort her a little. It's the least he can do since he caused her night to be ruined, and broke her the news that no wife would want to hear.

He then watched her uncover her face and look at him while wiping a tear away.

Becky: sniffs* What in the hell- has gotten into us?

They both then sat there and continued to just look at each other as the news was out.

What Travis doesn't know is while Becky sat up in the locked bedroom, she quickly called their therapist office to make an emergency appointment.

To be continued..


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