Chapter 10

After excessive training, and a year or so of venturing beyond the walls, Levi squad was known throughout the walls as the greatest titan killers in history. Gunther, Eld, Oruo, Petra, Carmen and Levi were notorious for their contributions to humanity, and the kill count that they had achieved over the years, especially two in particular. Carmen and Levi. No one knew how they became so good at their jobs, however, all scouts were thankful to have them as comrades.

"That's checkmate." Carmen revealed to Eld before she knocked down his King with her Knight.

"How did you get so good at this? I only taught you how to play a few weeks ago." The blonde man complained, wondering where he went wrong in the match.

"Because I over-read the situation and reveal all of your plots before you get the chance to proceed." Carmen explained. "Also, I lied, I knew how to play chess before this." On her face was the smallest curve in her lips, a tiny step but her facial expressions were improving.

"Then why did you let me teach you?" Eld questioned.

"So I could figure out you're style of play. You told me of a few tactics that would help me, then I just used them against you." The assassin added, her competitiveness followed her throughout her journey in the scouts, only now, she had safer reasons to use them.

"I used to think you were laid back, guess not." Eld reset the board.

"So I've been told." Carmen recalled the few times she'd shocked those around her, but it confused her as to why they all reacted that way, after all, it was human nature to be competitive, everyone wanted to win.

Suddenly, a scout burst through the door, into the main hall, dust scattering from the impact. If Levi were to see this, then he would personally make sure to torture the ones in charge of maintenance. "Trost has been breached! The titans are getting in!" He exclaimed, causing silence in the hall, awaiting for commander Erwin's orders.

"Everyone, gear up, get your horse and rendezvous with you squad leader outside! This battle will determine our fate! Our heart and souls to the cause!" Erwin ordered.

"To be continued." Carmen stated and both members of the special operations squad fled to find their gear.

What was going on was terrible, the only thing that was standing in the way of the titans were a bunch of cadets and the garrison, not an ideal situation. But the scouts had to save them, otherwise, there'd be chaos sighing the walls. Carmen knew better than anyone, she knew what the government were capable of, meaning they'd send hundreds of propeller to their deaths, just like wall Maria. Not only that, but there'd be utter carnage in wall Sina.

"Carmen, quit daydreaming and saddle up." Levi instructed, mounting his horse while the blonde quickly followed suit.

"Captain Levi, is this what happened five years ago?" Carmen wondered, she'd been in training when wall Maria had fallen, so she was still foggy on the details.

"Apparently so." He answered her. "Though, the scouts were on an expedition during the last invasion, so I wouldn't know."

"In other words, the only ones standing between the titans and humanity is the garrison." Carmen stated. "I think our current chances are low."

"Don't be so gloomy, we're here this time. In fact, I reckon you and captain Levi could take them on alone." Petra chimed in, filling the others egos.

"We aren't there now, are we? So while we wait for everyone to gear up, innocent people are dying in the hands of the titans."

All went silent, until Erwin finally spoke up and gave them their orders. It was kill or be killed, Carmen was not accepting the latter. So with the command, the scouts moved out and raced towards Trost, hoping to make it in time.

"We'll split into teams of two." Levi instructed as they approached the wall. "Eld and Gunther, Oruo and Carmen, me and Petra. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Your main goal is to save humanity, if that means you have to kill every titan in your path, then so be it. However, it would also be in your best interest to save people. Those soldiers are probably scared out of their minds." The captain continued.

"Looks like it's me and you." Oruo smiled at Carmen. "Just as expected from the captain, he placed two rivals together so that we'd be more motivated. Sorry Carmen dear, but this may be a battle that you lose, for I have gotten stronger." He challenged, his strange Levi impersonation being present.

"Sorry to disappoint Oruo, but rivalry suggests we are of equal skill." Carmen denied. "But if this were a competition, I'd win."

"What? How dare you! I have 35 titan kills!" He defended, suddenly remembering he couldn't hide behind his kill count when compared to Carmen.

"143 titan kills." She spoke. "Looks like you've got a lot of catching up to do." Carmen bragged.

Eventually, the scouts made it to Trost and were instantly met with carnage. Buildings demolished, titans clutching their victims, and soldiers gazing upon the destruction in shock. The casualties were far worse than when the scouts almost lose their base a few years ago. Carmen had only heard rumours about Shiganshina, but she gathered that it was exactly like the events in front of her.

"They aren't even trying to help." Oruo pointed to the garrison.

"They're in shock, remember the first time you saw a real titan?" She brought up, referring to his and Petra's accident in the rooftop.

"You said you'd never bring that up again!" He defended as the two split away from the group. "Anyways, this is supposed to be a competition, right?" He taunted.

"Don't be stupid. Look around, this doesn't look like an appropriate environment to play games." She shut down. "Let's switch to ODM gear, who knows where the titans are lurking." Just as she stood from her horse, a titan leapt through one of the houses, aiming straight for the two scouts. "8 meter!" She quickly alerted then attached her hooks to its heels before slicing them. When her enemy was falling, she used her gas to jump off the heel and aim herself behind the nape. Spinning towards it, she cut it down with ease. "144."

"That was an assist! I distracted it for you."

"Bullshit!" She yelled back from the titans nape.

After the first kill, Oruo and Carmen found more and more titans, cutting anything down in their paths. Until, they finally got word that the scouts were retreating. Which none of them found ok, considering they'd already pushed the titans back significantly.

"We can push further, right? So why are they pulling us out?" Oruo asked, hoping Carmen had answers.

"You've noticed how we're seeing less and less titans?" She theorised.

"Yeah, because we're killing them all, obviously, and here I was thinking you were smart." He scoffed.

"What if that wasn't the only reason? You'd expect there to be more in the centre of Trost, but there's less and less. What if they're gathered somewhere else?" Carmen assumed. "And why."

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