The trip

Getting back to an empty room never felt more discouraging.

"Yoongi hyung, where are you when I need you..."

He thought about calling his best friend Chae, but it was already 1 AM and he's thinking about her sleeping soundly, it just made him more convinced not to call her and just to wait until tomorrow morning, and then he'll share his suffering with someone.

The sleep doesn't come that easy and the moment Jungkook close his eyes, the same feeling runs over his entire body while remembering the softness of Jimin's lips on his, the roughness of his movement, the flowery scent that was oozing off the older's neck, and it was adrenaline. Pure adrenaline that he couldn't hide, couldn't lie to himself, couldn't pretend that it isn't there cause it was, and all he could hope for now, is that Jimin would not show up to their Art project class tomorrow morning cause he's most certainly not ready to see him again.


Long story short. Jimin came to their class.

Jungkook lost all of his hope in praying for the greater good, and while looking at Jimin, who looked pretty unbothered, normal, styled nicely, rocking some skinny black jeans with some black and white sweater, ankle boots that must be worth as much as Jungkook's whole closet , dangling silver earring that only accentuated his long, smooth neck, that always smelled so nicely.

Jungkook is fucked. But... he'll not show it.

"Good morning students. Missed me?" the older said rather cockily, and the moment he asked, there were tons of nice comments about his new hair color that obviously looked amazing on him. Could be Jungkook's favorite by now. Students were happy to have their always smiley and encouraging assistant here again, and all Jungkook can do is observe, without saying anything at all.

"So, if Jungkook doesn't have any new ideas for our next classes, can I share something that I thought would be nice to draw today?" Jungkook hardly registered Jimin's words cause he was too immersed in his own panic, cause why the hell was he giving so much thought about what Jimin was doing, saying, showing... It was all Jimin, Jimin, Jimin inside his head all of a sudden.

"Sure. Go ahead. I got nothing planned."

He lied.

He fucking lied cause he was more interested in what Jimin had to say than to share his not that much important idea about New York and the beauty of cities.

"Ok, so I was thinking of colliding our last theme 'Beauty through movements ' with this new one. It's not going to be a theme that we'll work for too long on. We could easily finish it all today, but we could also, if you feel like it, do it next time too."

Jimin stood in the center of the classroom, his posture confident and radiant, looking just like he belonged there, a leader, someone to look up to , someone to admire and respect, someone to bend over the beige professor's desk in classroom, but Jungkook is not going to think about that now... no, no, no...

"I thought that today, we could focus more on music instead of the movement like we did last time. Music is emotional. Music helps us feel sound. Music often says more than words. Music unlocks creativity, and evokes beautiful feelings within us. Music inhabits a space where our souls live. It can help you see colors, with certain instruments reminding you of the hues that work with your specific painting. How do you convert music into colors and patterns? How do you respond to the sound to express yourself in the best possible way? The background music you choose may vary with the type of work you are creating. Moods change like the weather and tastes differ. That's why I've gathered all the tracks that can inspire us to start creating. They may also nudge you to create! Having a collection of music is inspiring both as a background for creating at home or while you're doing some work. Think of it as the soundtrack of your life when you're driving around town or taking a road-trip adventure. I'll put on the music, you can take whatever materials you feel would be the best for portraying your emotions through today's project and we'll start with today's art work."

The students got up, and headed into a small supply room to grab whatever they needed for their work, and in the meantime, Jimin opened his laptop and plugged some speakers on it to turn up the volume and make it more enjoyable.

When all of them were ready, Jimin put the first song on , and the look on his face was just pure happiness.

You could tell how much music meant to him, and it showed.

"Ok, so just look, listen, and create. Free your mind and enjoy whatever comes to your mind. Let your hand do the work as your mind drifts to the place that it wants to be... Enjoy." Jimin gave the last instructions, and Jungkook felt the urge to draw too.

Would it be weird to do so?

"Are we gonna draw too?" Jungkook asked cause maybe Jimin also wanted to draw? Maybe Jungkook could get the materials that the older wanted from the storage room, maybe they could show the students what they would do and just enjoy the class together.

"We could. Do you want to? Feel inspired?" Jimin looked at him and Jungkook felt his palms sweating.

"I could always draw. The theme is nice."

Good job. Jungkook's doing amazing at looking unbothered. Just first class acting skills, Seokjin would be so proud of him.

"Ok. Let's draw then. Can you get the water colors for me please." Jimin asked, so Jungkook nodded. "Sure."

He went to the small storage room where all kinds of materials were neatly put in the tall shelves, so after finding some water colors for Jimin, Jungkook looked around to see what he would like to work with .

"Pastel colors would look so nice with..." Jungkook's thoughts were cut cause Jimin had entered the room, and the moment he did, the younger pushed his hand with water colors in it towards Jimin, trying to get rid of him as soon as possible cause in the small space, Jimin's perfume smelled even stronger.

"Here. The water colors." Jimin just looked at his hand, without taking the colors.

"I changed my mind." he takes a step closer.

"Ok. What do you want?" and why did that question sound like it had nothing to do with the materials they were choosing ?

"Hm..." Jimin looked around for a second, and then his eyes landed on the pastel colors in Jungkook's other hand.

"I want those," he said with a smirk.

"There's only one of these ..." Jungkook almost whined.

"I know. I still want them." he took another step closer, and Jungkook was panicking.

"Fine, take it." Jungkook rolled his eyes while pushing the pastel colors closer to Jimin who almost chuckled.

"Really? You're gonna give in so easily?" Jimin said while taking the pastel colors and looking at them with a smirk, caressing Jungkook's fingers while pulling away.

And this shit should stop. Why was Jimin torturing him like that again? Jungkook did everything in his power to stop this insane behavior, the tension that made him insane, the unexplainable feelings he feels every time Jimin comes way too close for it to be normal.

"What do you want? I said I'm sorry for last night..." Jungkook couldn't take this anymore. He couldn't tip toe around what happened anymore. He did say his quiet little 'sorry' last night after the kiss, but Jimin obviously didn't forget what happened.

"Well maybe now it's my turn to be sorry." and Jimin took that one last step that caused his chest to press against Jungkook's. The younger tried to breathe , understand what's happening...millions of thoughts running wild through his mind, but nothing made sense...


Before he could speak another word, Jimin closed the younger's lips with his own, and immediately Jungkook kissed back. There was no hesitation in the way Jungkook's lips moved against the older's. There was no fighting back. He just took what Jimin was willing to give, and he enjoyed it.

This kiss though, was nothing like the one from last night.

This one is a lot softer, quieter, more sensual and shorter.

They knew that the students were out there, way too close for them to be having this kind of moment right now, but again, Jungkook finds it hard to pull away.

Jimin's kisses are wet and slow, filled with the need for more.

Why are they even kissing?

What the fuck is going on?

When Jimin nibbled on Jungkook's lower lip he couldn't help the little gasp that escaped his mouth.

It was embarrassing really, how worked up the younger got only after tasting Jimin's lips again.

He is craving for more, licking his way inside the older's mouth, loving the soft moan Jimin let out when their tongues met.

That soft little moans, ringed in Jungkook's head and found its way down to his dick too.

How is he going to survive this? And even worse, how is he supposed to spend a weekend with Jimin alone in New York? How?

When Jimin moved away, putting his hands on top of Jungkook's chest, still panting a bit faster, he licked his lips and looked at the younger.

"There... Now I'm sorry too." he said while smiling cockily, so Jungkook shook his head confused.

"You don't look like you're sorry though."

"Well, that's cause I'm not."

Jimin said and moved away, taking some brushes while heading to the door.

"Why is that?" Jungkook was curious and fucked in the head.

"Cause it was good."

And just like that, Jimin went outside and started working on his drawing, leaving Jungkook all hot and bothered in the storage room.

"Calm down... breathe, breathe ..."


His attempt to calm himself down in the storage room is interrupted cause Jimin yelled his name casually like he did so many times before, only that this time, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes?" he came outside, trying to look at the colors in his hands, not knowing what he even took from the storage room, feeling as confused as ever .

"Look at Nayeon's drawing. She finished the contours." so Jimin took her paper and put it up, showing it proudly to Jungkook.

It was a silhouette of a ballerina in all shades of pink and violet colors, but it was kind of hidden and beautiful and Jimin's grin was ridiculously sweet while looking at it. His eyes looked like some small crescent moons and his cheeks were high up on his face. He was beautiful like this. Happiness looked so good on him.

Jungkook was so gone.

"She did amazing. Congrats to you too for inspiring her to make such a remarkable art. It's really beautiful ." Jungkook praised him, and the blush on Jimin's face was a clear indicator of how much he was loving the attention.


From that day on, something changed in their dynamics. It's not like they weren't teasing each other like before, they sure did, but it always ended up with laughter, everything that was said and done was portrayed as a joke, and Jungkook is really enjoying this new development that he was silently craving for.

"Jungkookah, I might not be able to come to the next few classes. I have some dance performances with two other students and we need to practice every day. Is that ok with you?" Jimin asked nicely after yet another successful class that they finished with the students, so Jungkook thought about it.

He was not ok with it.

Before, when Jimin would skip Art classes for his dance projects, he was never bothered, but next week, he had a test in History of Art, the subject he hated the most, and if anything, now was the time for him to skip some classes and work on his exam properly.

"It's fine," he said, but it doesn't sound like it.

"What? What's wrong?" Jimin noticed his struggle.

"It's just that I have a test next Thursday and I can't seem to find some extra time to study more, and I don't even have all the books that I'm supposed to read, and I hate to learn about history of art. I hate it!" Jungkook had an outburst and it felt good.

"Really?" Jimin looked at him surprised.


"I always loved History of Art. I was the best actually at knowing all the fun facts about every artist, their life, the way they expressed themselves... I loved it all." Jimin said enthusiastically, so Jungkook scowled.

"Booooring!" he teased, so Jimin pushed on his shoulder playfully.

"It's not boring. I think I can actually help you with that."

"Help me, how?" Jungkook looked at Jimin who had taken his phone out, looking at something on his screen.

"Ok, so I can be here for maybe half an hour for our next class so I can bring you all of my history notes. I actually loved to use those colorful markers to mark the things that are important so that I could study better and easier. I really think that could help you a lot. You just have to promise to bring them back once you're done with them." Jimin kept putting the papers neatly on the table, like he didn't just offer Jungkook to help him with his test by giving him his notebooks .

"Wow, really? I would appreciate it Jiminshi. Thank you." he said with the deepest gratitude so Jimin smiled warmly at him.

They never mentioned their kiss in the storage room, but every time they were alone in the classroom like this, Jungkook wanted to do that again. Wanted to feel the rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins , the soft feeling of Jimin's lips against his, the hot breath on his skin, the sweet scent that wouldn't go away for hours... but he couldn't.

"You're welcome." Jimin said and right before stepping outside the classroom, he turned around to look at Jungkook again.

"Hyung. Jimin hyung. You don't have to address me so formally all the time." and there was that adorable smile again that reached Jimin's eyes before it reached his lips.

"Ok hyung . Thank you again."


How did Jungkook end up in the Mini theater enjoying the benefits of the best student, Jimin himself, teaching him history of art? He had no idea.

The plan was simple.

Jimin was supposed to come to their class and give him his notebooks , but the older decided to stay just for a while, and help Jungkook to learn easier from the said books.

"So, as I said, when you see yellow color underneath the text, that means that something about the Renaissance is written there, and when there's pink under it, that's the Baroque period, and if there's blue there's..." Jimin tried to repeat, but Jungkook was ahead of him.

"... Neoclassical period."

"Yes. That's right, but don't forget that there's baby blue, and navy blue..."

"...Is Contemporary period, I got it hyung. Don't worry."

Jungkook looked content cause he really did pay attention to the things that Jimin was saying, and he actually enjoyed the way he was treating him, like some kind of kid, while repeating everything at least three times. It was adorable.

"So, at the very end of this red note book, you have all the tricky things that no one will teach you about famous artists, but they sure will ask you about it on the exam."

"Jimin hyung has such pretty lips..."

"Did you even know that Picasso was accused of being an art thief?"

"No, I haven't..." "....and his eyes are literally sparkling while talking about something that's interesting to him."

"...In truth, Pieret himself had stolen the statues and sold them to Picasso, so it's not like he was guilty of stealing , still, it's pretty fun information."

"Sure it is." "...and his hair is growing longer and longer. I bet he could tie it up in a small ponytail that would look adorable..."

"And did you know that Renoir suffered from rheumatoid arthritis! I mean the guy could still hold a brush in his hand, but required an assistant to place it there first."

"I didn't know that either..." "...he likes those dangling earring that only few people could pull off..."

"With his brush in place, Renoir had an assistant stand by to arrange his palette as he painted. He also worked with a moving canvas so he could create larger works. I mean, the guy's amazing!"

"Wow, the way he looks while he's passionate about something..."

"And you know the bandages seen on Renoir's hands?"

"Yes, I've seen those..."

"People thought they were there for strapping brushes to his hands, but the truth is, they prevented his curled fingers from digging into his palms. He really fascinates me."

"You fascinate me..." , "Wow Jimin, you haven't forgotten all those things.. that's really remarkable knowledge."

And Jimin blushed.

"Thank you."

The older closed the books, and looked at Jungkook, amusement written on his face.


"It's nothing...Um... I was just wondering..."

"What?" Jungkook was curious.

"Have you ever thought about which artists from far history had the biggest dick?"

And wow, Jungkook started laughing hysterically.

"Oh stop it! Are you making fun of me? I was just curious, and one day, I couldn't stop thinking about it... Considering their art, the boldness in their moves, their expression, who would you say that had the biggest dick? Who screams the 'big dick energy' to you?"

And Jungkook couldn't stop laughing. Jimin was too much.

"Oh God, I needed this. You're hilarious hyung." Jungkook wiped the happy tears that pooled on the corner of his eyes.

"You haven't answered." Jimin crossed his arms in front of his chest with a small frown, lips pursed in an attempt to suppress the grin that was threatening to show up.

"Ah you're serious. Ok, considering the amount of help I just received from you I could think about it... Hmm.... Let's see..." so Jungkook thought about the artists that were radiating 'big dick energy' and only one person popped out in his head.

" I'd say Pablo Picasso."

"Oh my God! Me too! We think the same!"

Why was Jimin so excited about this?

And cute.

"We share the same brain cells." Jungkook concluded so Jimin nodded fondly.

"Except when it comes to creative ideas for our project. Then I have the stupid ones, and yours are remarkable." Jimin pushed his tongue out, acting as if he's still angry for that first comment Jungkook made about Jimin's ideas, but Jungkook knew he was just teasing.

"Well, you improved a lot." Jungkook teased back, so Jimin dramatically put both of his hands on top of his heart.

"Coming from someone whose opinion really matters, that's a big thing."

They teased each other comfortably now. Sure, they would repeat some comments they had said to each other before, but it was more in a teasing manner.

God damn it, the younger was so doomed...


Jungkook did his best to learn everything he could from the notebooks that Jimin had lent him a few days ago.

In his honest opinion, he did well on the exam, and now while he was sitting in a Starbucks coffee, enjoying his drink with Namjoon and Yoongi, Jungkook got nervous.

The results of the exam were supposed to be posted on the Universities website , and Jungkook was patiently waiting for them.

The fact that Jimin was also there, at a coffee shop, made him even more nervous, cause what if he failed the test? Jimin would probably think that he didn't study at all, and that his notes weren't so good to help him out.

And Jimin is looking good, so that doesn't help him to feel more relaxed and patient at all .

"So, if you pass this test, you need to finish two more and then you can focus on your trip to New York which is in two weeks?" Namjoon asked so Jungkook nodded, refreshing the Uni's page once again, waiting for those God damn results.

"I just need a 6 at least, but I swear I did it for at least 7. I really gave my all this time. Usually I suck at History Art, but I really worked so hard, and why aren't those results here yet." he got really, really impatient.

"I think you did good. I saw you reading those colorful books every night until you passed out. If that wasn't a good indication I don't know what is."

Yoongi tried to calm him down, and suddenly, there was a sigh audible in the whole room. Obviously the other students, who have been waiting for results just like he did, saw the professor posting them, and with shaky hands, Jungkook refreshed the site once more.

In the pile of names, he finally saw his, and a number next to it.

Jeon Jungkook - 9

"Oh my God!" Jungkook almost yelled, and while being unable to speak from too much excitement, he showed his phone to Yoongi and Namjoon whose faces lit up in the biggest grin.


"You did it!"

They cheered, but all Jungkook wanted to do was to tell Jimin about his grade.

He got a fucking 9 and it was all because of Jimin.

While glancing at the table, that was on the very end of the coffee shop, he noticed Jimin drinking coffee there with Taehyung and Hoseok, and suddenly, an interesting idea popped up in his mind.

"I have his number..."

He remembered that day when they were supposed to meet with Jimin's father and Ms. Tori, and when Jungkook overslept through their class, Jimin had called him from an unknown number, so Jungkook hoped that that was his number and not someone else's.


Can you come to the bathroom for a sec?

Before he sent the message, Jungkook went inside the bathroom first, and while squatting down, looking at the toilet cabins, making sure no one was inside, he pressed send, and hoped for the best. Which was, for Jimin to show up.

Only a minute after, the door to the bathroom opened up slowly, blond head peeking inside carefully.

"Hey, you came." Jungkook said enthusiastically.

"Well you've sent me a message..."

Jimin stepped inside and leaned his back on the door.

"Look at this hyung." Jungkook proudly pushed his phone in front of Jimin's face, so as soon as he saw the older's eyes widen, he put the phone down, smirking at the disbelief written all over Jimin's face.

"No way! A nine?!"

"Can you believe it?"

"I can't. Let me see that again."

So Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin, grin never leaving his face, and the older just stared at the display fondly.

"Congratulations. You worked really hard. You deserved it."

"Thank you for teaching me. I couldn't do it without you, and your amazing notes." Jungkook blushed while scratching his neck nervously.

"Not to be petty and shit, but I got a 10..." Jimin teased so Jungkook shook his head, the smile not leaving his face.

"You just can't let me have this moment hyung? Really? Guess not everyone can be the best." Jungkook said while taking a step closer, looking at the door knob, waiting for Jimin to open it so that they can go back to their friends.

"Am I the best now?" Jimin teased, not moving an inch.

"I think you are. You taught me so well , I could never imagine getting a 9 out of the History class, but here I am... I'm gonna buy you those new colorful markers next time when I come to our Art project class, as a thank you." Jungkook smiled, unable to hide how happy this note made him.

"Hm... That's sweet of you, though, I have enough markers... So how about something else..." Jimin licked his lips and Jungkook didn't have enough blood in his nose for this.

"Um... Then... Maybe some pastel colors, to spice things up in your notebooks." Jungkook said so both of them chuckled, looking into each other's eyes.

"Hmmm? No... Not that either... Something else..." Jimin said while putting his hand up, and then he touched Jungkook's lips softly, with his index finger, pushing on his bottom lip slightly, getting his lips to open up a bit.

Jungkook doesn't need any more encouragement, so he just leaned in, and softly pressed his lips onto Jimin's, not trying to deepen the kiss, giving him a small, cute pack right there.

When he moved away, Jimin pouted, obviously not satisfied with the short kiss.

"What?" Jungkook teased.

"I mean you got a 9. That kiss would be appropriated if you got a 6. Step up your game Kookah."

And the sparkle in Jimin's eyes was so alive and cocky, it sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"Just say you want another one hyung?"

Jungkook came closer, adrenaline rushing through his body. He leaned his head in the crook of Jimin's neck, smelling that flowery scent that was driving him crazy all the time.

"I think I deserve more..."

So Jungkook gave him more.

He showed his gratitude through a kiss that was sensual, filled with tension. Jungkook's hands wandered all over Jimin's hips, and up to his neck, and Jimin kept pulling on the front of Jungkook's hoodie, like he couldn't get enough of him, needing him closer and closer.

Their lips were in sync, breathing irregularly, tongues moving, driven by lust and desire and Jungkook needed to stop this before it's too late, and before Jimin could feel his boner getting bigger and bigger only cause of one damn kiss.

Why were Jimin's lips so soft and perfectly wet and sweet and amazing?

Could the guy have some flaw?... Could he not kiss this good? How could Jungkook not want this every time he sees him again?

Reluctantly, Jungkook moved back , taking a step back, hating the way Jimin's hands were still holding onto his hoodie, not wanting to let go, but he had to. He had to because he couldn't control himself anymore, and that's not good. That's not what's supposed to happen.

Why is this even happening right now?

All of it was so confusing yet felt so good, that Jungkook felt like he needed to talk to a shrink just to gather his sanity back.

Maybe talking to his friends would be good too, since he had no balls to tell them what happened between him in Jimin from the first kiss till now.

"We've been here for way too long." Jungkook said weakly, hating the way Jimin's soft hands were straightening down his hoodie, making sure Jungkook looked presentable when he went back outside.

"I know. You go first and then I'll come after." Jimin bit down on his lower lip which was so red and swollen, and so soft...

Jungkook licked his lips, and right before going outside, he leaned down once more to give a soft peck to Jimin's lips, trying to savour the moment, and Jimin responded by an equally soft peck.

"See you on Monday hyung."

"See you."

The moment he came back to his table, head still dizzy from what just had happened, Yoongi and Namjoon started teasing him. "You look fucked out, where were you for so long?"

"Did our baby Kookie cry cause of his good grade?" Yoongi could be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

"I was just kissing with Jimin hyung."


"Sure thing." Namjoon laughed, Yoongi chuckled too, but Jungkook was just sitting there, hands going through his hair, missing the warmth he felt minutes before, not caring about anything right now.

Then Jimin came from the same direction Jungkook did a minute ago, looking just as fucked out, lips red and slick, hair a bit messy, and the way he glanced at Jungkook with pursed lips and feisty eyes, made Jungkook's head spin all over again.

"Oh my fucking..." Namjoon cursed while whispering, and Yoongi's mouth flew wide open, unable to say anything further.

"What the fuck Jungkookah? Are you being serious? Why? What? How?"

It was obvious the boys had some questions.

"First of all, sorry for not telling you before...."

"This isn't the first time?Are you saying how this isn't a fucking first time you've kissed???" Yoongi was obviously shocked.

Jungkook was grateful for his low voice tone.

"Yes...Um..It's the third time actually..."

"The betrayal...I can't..." Yep, Yoongi was mad.

"Ah please hyung... I really wanted to tell you, but you weren't there when I came home from that gallery opening, and as days passed by, I just didn't know what to say... We kissed once cause I didn't know what else to do, and then he kissed me cause he wanted to do it too, and now we kissed cause I got good grade and he is responsible for it so he wanted a fucking kiss? I don't even know what's going on. I'm so fucked it's ridiculous."

Why would Jungkook pay some shrink when he can put his heart out to his friends?

"The fact that it happened so long ago is not even the worst part. You fucking kissed a guy you don't even like, and someone who got on your nerves from the first day you met, and now you're kissing him just like that, for no reason, and you're going to New York together, alone, for 3 days? Do you even know what to do with that information?" Yoongi obviously had an opinion and was not afraid to say it.

"You're in so much trouble Jungkookah..." Namjoon had an opinion too.

"I know all of that, and I know damn well how I felt about him, but something's changed. I kind of don't feel the same way anymore... He is not that bad... I mean... He helped me a lot, and he is not that mean to me anymore... Sure we tease each other all the time, and we never talk outside of our class or anything, but when we're together, alone... there's something weird going on and I feel hopeless, unable to think clearly..." Jungkook really did feel that way. He just couldn't figure out his own emotions, but one thing was for sure, and that's the fact that he didn't mind kissing Jimin. At all.... In fact, he was finally willing to confess to himself, that he actually liked it.

"Well...Do you, like, like him now or what?" Namjoon asked in some weird tone, like he himself couldn't believe what he was asking.

"I don't... I don't know... I don't hate him... I don't mind his company... I don't mind kissing him." Jungkook was suddenly feeling shy.

"Is he a good kisser?" Yoongi went from shocked to perverted in no time.

"Hyuuung." Jungkook whined.

"Did you do more?" Yoongi was indeed perverted.

"Yoongi hyung, stop it." Namjoon seemed reasonable.

"But did you though?" Maybe not that reasonable.

"We just kissed. Now knock it off. Forget about what I said and let's move on with our lives."

"So how about you arrange that double date with Taehyung now?" Yoongi teased so Jungkook shook his head.

"I shouldn't have told you anything!"


The n ext few days passed by way too fast.

Jungkook finished everything that he was supposed to, and apparently Jimin did too.

How did Jungkook know that?

Well cause they have developed this thing since that kiss in the Starbucks bathroom, where whenever either one of them would get a good grade, or succeeded in doing anything good actually, they would celebrate it with a kiss, no matter where they were. (as long as it was discreet)

So when Jimin had finished his Contemporary dance project with the highest note, Jungkook gave him a kiss in the storage room, telling him how proud he was, and Jimin had enjoyed every minute of it.

When Jungkook had finished his essay for Abstraction Art and made an amazing impression on his professors, Jimin congratulated him with a kiss just outside the Mini theater, on the little bench, under the cherry blossom tree.

Their last shared kiss, happened in the storage room again, in the middle of their Art project class, and the reason behind it was cause Jimin had some amazing new ideas for the new dance routine, and this time, they couldn't stop themselves until one of the students called after them, seeking help, and there they were, busy sucking life out of each other's faces, without any valid reason.

"Hyung we have to go..." Jungkook said through the kiss, loving how Jimin's lips grazed so teasingly over his neck.

"Mhm... more..." Jimin was insatiable and Jungkook was way too horny.

Did Jimin even know how hot and bothered Jungkook felt every time they were together like this?

Could he sense his heart rate speeding up whenever the older would come near him, whisper something, caress his back, touch his exposed skin...

Jimin was wild and an angel at the same time. He was fierce but soft and sometimes Jungkook feared for his sanity and his balls cause Jimin had definitely made his life harder than it should be.

The closer the New York event was, the more fucked up Jungkook's brain got. He just didn't know what to expect, how they will work together, be together all the time... it's something that'll just have to happen and he'll know it then.


"So, you're telling me that you're all packed up for your 14 hour flight to New York and you didn't find a single smart brain cell in your head to buy some fucking condoms? What the fuck man?" Chae scolded Jungkook the moment he called her to tell her how he won't be able to talk to her in a couple of days. Having his trip to New York was really gonna mess up his sleeping schedule, but he was more than ready. Well obviously, not in Chaeyeong's mind.

"We're not gonna have sex Chae. I told you before. We just kissed, a couple of times... Well a lot, but that's it." Jungkook didn't even know who he was trying to convince.

"Sure thing international playboy, so... if Jimin, the hottie with amazing body and sexy face, calls you to hang out in his room, and all of a sudden, there's a romantic movie playing, and the two of you are drinking some fancy drink, feeling tipsy and horny...tell me you wouldn't let him fuck you right then and there please! Just tell me that and I'm gonna be fine with you not having any condoms."

Jungkook takes a deep breath.

"We're actually sharing a room."

"What the fuck!? No! Jeon Jungkook you better be on your way buying those condoms dude cause you two, in the same room, for two days and one night straight! That's just too much to handle."

"Fuck Chae, when you said it like that... "

And Jungkook is panicking.

"Hey it's ok. You're a big boy. You can buy condoms in New York too." Chae giggled which made him relax a bit.

"Is it weird that I actually thought about that already?..." Jungkook said a bit shyly, even though there was no taboo theme between them, not a single topic they haven't talked about.

"About what? Having sex with him?"

"Yeah... I thought about it a lot."

"Of course not. I mean you practically kiss all the time. Whenever I call you, or we facetime, there's always a new kiss to tell me about. I thought how you've already at least sucked each other off or something."

Jungkook choked on air.

"What? No. We just kissed. We haven't even... I haven't even seen his ... you know..."

"Dick Jungkook. It's called dick."

"Well you can say cock too."

"Or penis if you feel sophisticated enough."

They both burst into laughter.

"Seriously though. Are you afraid that his dick is small and ugly?"

Jungkook frowned.

"What even?...."

"Oh come on, the guy's gorgeous, hot body, sexy attitude, amazing dancer, smart, he has to have an ugly small dick. He just can't have it all."

Chae smiled wickedly.

"I don't care to be honest. Mine's big enough."


"You fucking perv. I hate to admit it , but that's true. Your dick is really good."

"Thank you, and I know how to use it well."

Chae scoffed.

"Aren't you a bit cocky now?"

"That comes with the reasonable amount of satisfied sexual partners over the years."

"As much as I would love to argue about that one, it's true. You're a total package baby, and you make sure he sees that. Ok?"

"Ok. Thank you for everything. I'll call you as soon as I land."

"Or as soon as you tap that ass."

"Now you're disgusting."

Both of them were laughing.

"Bye Kookie. Safe flight."

"Bye Chae. I love you too."


Honey blond Jimin looked like the sweetest angel and the softest fluffy chick that Jungkook had ever seen in his life. Platinum blond Jimin on the other hand did not look soft at all! Like at all.
Yet, here he was, waiting for Jungkook, rocking some light blue jeans and some simple black shirt. He looked hot and attractive and Jungkook knew he's about to have blue balls all the time if that's the sight he's supposed to look at all the time while being in New York!

True, they would have to spend 28 hours on a plane and another 40 hours in New York, but still, being almost all the time together, while Jimin is looking fine like this... Felt like a night mere.

" Should've bought those condoms ..."

"You dyed your hair." Jungkook's way of saying hi.

"Yeah, I did. Figured this one suits me better for New York. Do you like it?" Jimin smiled cutely, flirting right away.

Jungkook is so doomed.

"I liked every color that I saw on you."

Jimin blushed.

"I'm gonna go with pink next time." Jimin announced proudly, and Jungkook could already imagine him looking good with that color too.

"You'd look like strawberry ice cream." that sounded like a sweet compliment. Right?

"You mean I would look so sweet you would want to eat me? Lick me all around?"

Now that didn't sound like a normal response to a cute compliment.

Park fucking Jimin.

"I... Um...yeah... Um..." Jungkook doesn't have any response to that.

"Damn. Should've done it sooner." Jimin cocked his eyebrows at Jungkook who was still processing their previous conversation.

"Condoms Jungkook! You fucking idiot."

"You coming?" Jimin yelled, already a few steps ahead, giggling at Jungkook's flustered face. He is obviously loving this.

For some people, a 14 hour flight would cause anxiety, boredom , desire to sleep more, but for Jungkook, it evoke the will to spend more time with Jimin, to get to know him better, to look at him more without fearing for those lurking eyes around them, waiting to see something to gossip about , to start some new rumors.

Here, he feels free and he most definitely will enjoy that freedom.

"So, what do you usually do on such long flights?" Jimin asked while making himself comfortable in his seat, looking at some white, fluffy clouds through the window .

"I've never been to such a faraway place. This is my first time traveling to New York."Jungkook said while leaning his seat down a bit , trying to lay down a bit, and look at the screen in front of him.

Their Uni sure does save money by putting them in one hotel room, but they didn't take cheap seats in the airplane and both Jimin and Jungkook were more than satisfied with the services and attention they are getting.

"Oh. Well it can get pretty annoying after a while, and I hate that I can't seem to fall asleep on a plane at all. So I always stay up through the whole flight and then when I get to New York, I look like a zombie throughout the whole day." Jimin explained, but Jungkook had no fears about being bored or anxious when he had Jimin next to him, and just like that, they started their long journey that turned out to be anything but boring.

At first they decided to watch some movies.

Jungkook wanted to watch all Marvel ones he adored, but Jimin was more into classic romantic chick flicks, like Dirty dancing, so they ended up watching five movies until their eyes were burning and unable to stay open.

Throughout the movies they talked about everything and anything, learning new facts about each other, having a couple of drinks, eating some delicious meals, and Jungkook couldn't help it. He loved the way he felt around Jimin. The older was direct, fun, annoying from time to time, but in the best possible way, teasing Jungkook until he couldn't take it any more , and then would just turn everything into some joke, while both of them would laugh until their stomachs hurt.

Around 6 hours into the flight, they finally decided to watch 'The black Swan', one of Jimin's favorite movies, and what surprised Jungkook the most, was the fact that in the middle of the movie, just when he was getting invested in the story, he felt a weight leaning on his shoulder, so when he looked to his left, he saw Jimin, sleeping soundly, while making himself comfortable on Jungkook's side.

At first he couldn't move. Didn't want to move.

Didn't want to interrupt Jimin while finally taking that well deserved rest, so he just continued watching the movie, enjoying the fascinating story by himself, trying to remember all the things he wanted to ask Jimin when he woke up.

Unfortunately, Jungkook couldn't remember the ending of the movie, and while cuddling into a soft, cotton material, he could smell the flowery scent that he could recognize from the far distance.


He decided not to open his eyes yet, cause the warmth and the peace he felt, Jungkook just didn't want it to end.

" Cabin crew , prepare for landing."

Then he felt a hand caressing his cheek, the softest touch going from his temple, down to his jaw, and instinctively, he leaned his head in, making himself comfortable and cozy.

"Jungkookah, we've arrived. Time to get up." Jimin woke him up with the softest voice, so finally, Jungkook opened his eyes.

"Is this a dream? Jimin is so pretty up close." he thought while blinking, Jimin's face being the first thing he saw after opening his eyes was a sight to remember.

Jimin was smiling softly at him, the platinum hair falling down his forehead, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I'm up. I'm up. Thank you... Did you sleep well?" Jungkook finally moved, taking his backpack, and following Jimin to go outside.

"I did. I can't believe I fell asleep for almost six hours. That never happened to me before."

"Was I that boring of a company?" Jungkook teased, which earned him a dangerous glare, but a smile right after.

"I think I was never comfortable enough to do so, but now, I finally felt peaceful enough to rest and feel good, so, thank you."

Did Jungkook's heart stutter? It sure did.

The moment they got outside, a car was waiting for them, and a pretty boy, with the cutest smile, standing in front of it, holding a sign 'Jeon and Park'.

"Felix!" Jimin yelled in excitement, and came closer, hugging the guy strongly, making him take a few steps back.

Jungkook isn't jealous. Why would he be? Jimin could hug cute boys as much as he want. Nothing wrong with that... Who is that guy anyways?

"Jungkookah, this is Felix, my friend from New York, he's a ballet student at the New York Theater Ballet School." Jimin explained immediately, so they shook hands, while introducing themselves.

"Felix, this is Jungkook, my partner this year for the New York Art project." Jimin introduced Jungkook, so Felix nodded.

"Where's Wo Seokshi?" Felix suddenly asked, so Jimin looked at Jungkook briefly before answering.

"He's not coming this time. He has another project in Seoul, so it's just me and Jungkook for two days."

"Well that's a first, though, can't say I'm sorry. The guy was boring and wouldn't let you live like at all! Are you two coming to the frat party at Chang's tonight?"

Again Jimin glanced at Jungkook.

"Um... I don't know. I guess it depends on how tired we'll be tonight. Would you like to go?" Jimin asked politely and Jungkook is grateful he did so. He feels included in their decisions which is really nice.

"Whatever you decide is fine by me. You could go alone if you want to. I mean it seems you already have friends here, so I don't wanna bother you..." Jungkook tries to be considerate.

"Nonsense. If I go, you'll go too . Either we'll go together, or we won't go at all." Jimin is persistent which made Jungkook happy.

"We'll decide later then..."


In just half an hour, they are finally at the hotel, which is really nice, but nothing over the top, and that is totally fine considering their schedule is anything but easy for the two days that they are here. Their room is spacious, the bathroom too, two pretty big beds are on the opposite sides of the wall with a big closet on the side. They have a TV and a mini bar which could be helpful to fall asleep faster at night.

After taking quick showers, both of them put out their stuff in the room hurriedly, figuring that their first class together is supposed to start in half an hour. The hotel was actually the nearest hotel to The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, so they don't have to waste a lot of time to get there, which was convenient.


"Hello students, just like you've been informed before, today and tomorrow morning, we have guests from Seoul, who will work with you on the 'Beauty within project'. Please introduce yourselves to the students and then we can begin with the class.

That's how Jimin and Jungkook started their first class, which went through the whole day, since they don't have the time like they did in Seoul, to work week after week, they needed to be as efficient as they can to bring out the most from the students.

Before the class, they decided that Jimin would show his contemporary piece just like he did in Seoul, and Jungkook is more than happy to witness such a divine performance that always leaves him breathless. After that, Jungkook worked with the students on some proportions, movement in the paper, shadows, coloring, and later on they worked on some details, which turned out to take even more time than they had first planned.

Half an hour later than they had planned their classes, Jimin became nervous, and Jungkook noticed it.

"Is everything ok? I know we pushed past our time, but what can we do? There's so much to do. We'll have to stay for another hour at least."

Jimin was nibbling on his liver lip, while looking distant.

"Would you be ok if you do this on your own? I have this other appointment and I'm kind of already late so if you don't mind, I would go now and then we can meet tonight to grab those drinks with Ms. Tori and then we can decide if we should go to Felix's friend's party. "

Jungkook felt a bit disappointed.

"Sure. Go ahead. You'll see the results tomorrow anyways. Just text me the address where we should meet and I'll take the cab to come sooner." Still he tried not to show it.

"I will. Thank you. "

Right before leaving, Jimin leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Jungkook's cheek, the warmth spread instantly around the touched spot.


An hour later , Jungkook is finally going back to his hotel room, feeling so tired, but also happy cause in his honest opinion, today's assignment is a total success.

After taking a quick shower, he looked through the clothes that he brought with him, deciding to go with a simple white buttons up shirt and some dark jeans.

While glancing on his phone, and looking at the address Jimin sent him hours before, he read the address to the cab driver and laid back in his seat, trying to relax, but he was kind of nervous and excited to see Jimin again.

While standing in front of some kind of club, 'Belle Dollhouse', Jungkook felt a bit insecure about coming here alone, but what can he do? Return? Going back to the hotel? Not a chance...

So he entered through the big white door, and in the hallway, there's a man in a suit, standing next to the door, laptop on the desk behind him.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" the man asked politely so Jungkook took a step closer.

"Hi, good evening, I'm Jungkook..." and he got interrupted by the said man.

"Ah, you're Jimin's friend. He said you'll come at nine, you're a bit late. Follow me. I'm Carl by the way, I work as a security guard here." the man started walking so Jungkook followed him, feeling a bit confused.

" They knew Jimin around here?"

"This is your booth. It's the best place to watch the performances and Jimin said both of you would like to enjoy the show. I'll send the waiter so you can order some drinks and I'll let Jimin know that you're here."

"Thank you very much." Jungkook sat down, on the beautiful , velvety couch, taking in the view in front of him. The place is huge. Big stage located just a few meters in front of him, dim lights making the whole space look sexier. There's a huge dance floor in the middle of the place and all around it, there were booths with white and violet couches that looked sophisticated and plush.

"You're here! How did the class go?" Jimin entered their booth and sat right next to Jungkook who found it hard to breathe for a few moments, cause did Jimin wear tight, black leather pants and a Gucci, white shirt, and was he wearing some make up? His hair was also styled perfectly, falling on the sides, and wow... Jungkook was having another heart fluttering moment that he couldn't control.

"Hi. It went very well. These students were so ready to learn. They picked upon everything in no time. I'm very excited to show you their work tomorrow." Jungkook said and Jimin listened with full attention, nodding and smiling at everything Jungkook said.

"I can't wait too."

"So, what is this place? Did you finish the things you had to do?" Jungkook felt a bit embarrassed to ask about that 'something' that Jimin had to do, but he was also very curious.

"Yeah, everything's fine. This is the place where Ms. Tori and I go together to celebrate the success from all the work that we've been doing together. It's actually not just a club, it's a place where all the best ballet students, contemporary dance students, and even street dancers come to perform, and we just can't resist enjoying such remarkable performances." Jimin explained so Junkook got even more interested in the show that they were about to see.

"Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the 'Belle Dollhouse'. We have gathered the most incredible dancers from all over the world, and we are going to enjoy the show that they had prepared for us while working hard and pouring their heart and soul into it. Please welcome the first act, the hip hop dancers from the 'Tori's Dance school' and encourage them with applause."

The attractive host in the long sparkly dress spoke to the audience so Jungkook and Jimin moved forward on the couch to be able to see better, even though their view was really amazing.

From the moment the dancers started doing their choreography , both, Jungkook and Jimin were totally immersed in the show, the only audible sounds were 'wow', 'amazing', 'incredible'...

"So how long does the show last ?" Jungkook asked in between some acts, so Jimin glanced at the watch.

"Approximately, an hour. Are you bored? Do you not like it?"

"Bored? They are so amazing! And to think that seeing you dance was something special. Pfff." Jungkook jokes so Jimin squinted his eyes at him, acting to be all hurt.

"Keep that thought , I need to go to say hi to some friends, is it ok for you to wait for me for like 10 minutes?" and it's not like Jungkook would mind, but still, he hated that Jimin asked him to be here only to go and spend time with some other friends. He wasn't clingy or anything, but it did suck a bit.

"Of course it's ok. I have a show to watch anyways." Not like he would admit any of it.

"Sure. See you soon."

So just like that, Jimin is gone and Jungkook is alone.

He glanced over the space, and saw how the place is actually even more crowded than when he got there, and by the looks of people who were sitting in those booths, they really looked like some important investors, big shots, rocking those expensive tuxedos and suits. Of course he doesn't fit there, at all, but he just couldn't care less. Not now, when he was enjoying himself and enjoying Jimin's company, well the part where Jimin was actually next to him.

"So, to finish this wonderful night with something special that we had planned for you for a long time now. I would like to welcome our bright star, the person whose existence had made so many of us happy just by watching him dance, and I hope that in the future, I could call him out on this stage more often than this, cause we really really miss you baby. Give it up for our baby doll, Minnie."

"Baby doll Minnie?"

Jungkook's mind went a bit overboard, the words that the good looking lady said still ringing in his ears... "Minnie...could it...oh shit! Fucking fuck!"

"Am I late? Did he already start?" and suddenly there was Ms. Tori, sitting in Jungkook's booth, breathing heavily as if she was running a marathon, only to see Jimin dance.

Cause there was clearly Jimin, on that stage, rocking a whole white outfit that made him look like an angel, but his face was not that angelic, and when the music started, Jungkook's brain freeze cause he loved this song, it was the acoustic version of 'I need you' that he had listened to so many times, and all of it was too much. He needed some answers, cause how and why was Jimin on that stage, dancing like he owns this place, looking so good that Jungkook immediately forgot all the other dancers, cause there was none other like Park Jimin. No one has that aura around him, shining brighter than the sun, too bright to look at...

The choreography was delicate, but sharp, and Jimin did all the moves right, at least that's what Jungkook thought. He could've made a hundred mistakes and still, Jungkook would think he danced perfectly.

Jimin had a white scarf that was moving along with his body just in the rhythm of the music, and why was Jungkook thinking about how pretty Jimin would look while wearing nothing but that scarf.

He was seriously losing his mind, and there was no turning back.

The damage is done.

Just before ending his dance routine, Jimin glanced at Jungkook, and while tossing the white scarf, he grabbed it right after and put it around his body, and finally his choreo was over, but his gaze was still on Jungkook who was squirming around in his seat like he's been sitting on fire.

"So? What do you think?"

Suddenly he heard Ms. Tori speak, and unfortunately, while being dazed by Jimin, Jungkook hasn't paid any attention to the poor lady, cause it was absolutely impossible not to look at Jimin the whole time while he was dancing.

"I...I don't know what to think... He, he's just amazingly talented, and so so pretty, and his moves are so captivating, I just can't seem to find a way to breathe and look at him at the same time. I'm lucky I'm still alive..." Jungkook opened up completely, not being able to hide his admiration and the fond look that she gave him, was a good sign that he didn't fucked things up.

"I know exactly what you mean. I just wish he could pursue his dancing career fully. I hope he will stop doing what he's supposed to do, and accept the fact that he is an amazing artist, but he's a one in a million dancer, and his heart knows so too." The lady in the red, long dress explained, so Jungkook felt even more confused.

What does Ms.Tori who was supposed to be one of the Art teachers in the NY Art academy know about Jimin and his dancing skills?

"Um...sorry to be this direct but, how do you even know about Jimin's dancing? Aren't you the Art professor ?" he had to know.

"I am, now. I am a retired prima ballerina assoluta that had danced her whole life, and after a knee injury, I had to stop dancing , so I came back to my second love in life. Art. I finished my degree and started working as a professor, but since my heart was and always will be somewhere else, I bought this place, and I made it into this club with dance show performances, and I also run a Tori dance school, where I'm teaching students history of dance, and I have teachers who teach all kinds of dance forms too. "

"Wow, I had no idea. That's so... amazing and admirable...but, how did you end up working with Jimin hyung?"

"I met Jimin, I think about three years ago. He came with his father and professor Wo Seok to work on the New York Art project. Mr. Park and Wo Seok were both there only cause of the donation money that the project participants always received, but Jimin was different. I saw something in him, and one night, when we were all out, celebrating the success of the students that did an amazing job, I saw Jimin dancing. It wasn't even a choreographed dance, it was just him doing some freestyle and I knew it immediately, he's the one. I saw the spark in his eyes when he danced, I saw the emotion that was so out there, so untouchable , vivid... he had touched my heart and since then, the two of us have been working together on all kinds of assignments. He choreographed three of tonight's dances, and his own. He had trained with the students at least once a month, to which I am very grateful cause it's not easy to fly for 28 h ours only to be here for a day, and practice all day with the students then go back to Seoul to go to Art classes. It's exhausting and I wish nothing more than for him to come here, and accept my offer to be my assistant here at the 'Belle Dollhouse' and I offered him my old teaching job, as a contemporary professor, but he needs the New York dance licence for that, and he could never find time to finish that and...."

"Are you talking about me behind my back?" Both of them got startled by Jimin, walking into t he booth, obviously after changing back into those leather pants and white shirt, and Jungkook kind of wanted for him not to look so hot, cause he was indeed, way too hot.

"I was just telling Jungkook about how we met, and how I would love for you to take over my classes and work with me at the Bell Dollhouse." Tori said while hugging the older, and patting the spot to sit next to her.

"So basically she told you everything." Jimin grinned and Jungkook smiled stupidly.

"Yeah... I think that is an amazing opportunity and this is where you belong." Jungkook said truthfully so Jimin smirked with a scoff.

"I knew I liked him for a reason. Smart boy." Tori cocked her eyebrows so Jimin rolled his eyes at her.

"Well, does he know that I don't have my NY dance licence and that my father expects me to inherit his job after he retires? Not everything is so simple."

"Well, did you know that the newest terms for NY dance licences are in two weeks, exactly a day before the New York Art project? And I know you'll be here, cause I'm invited to the NY Art project too remember? So how about you get it over with now and stop torturing me with it? I don't want to disrespect your father, but living someone else's dream is never a good thing Jimin, and you know it."

"Smart lady."

"You should do it." Jungkook said so both of them looked at him, waiting for some explanation.

"The NY dance licence exam. I can cover for you for however much time you need. I think you should have that licence even if you don't accept Ms. Tori's offer, still it's good to have it. You might need it one day."

Tori nodded, and Jimin bit on his lip nervously.

"I'll think about it."

And that was good enough for now.

Suddenly, the DJ started playing some dance tunes and the crowd started filling the dance floor, so Jimin glanced down, obviously wanting to do the same.

"Let's dance!" he said loudly, so Tori just laughed at him.

"This is his way of telling me to knock it off, old lady. I don't want to talk anymore." she said teasingly, so Jimin put a delicate kiss on top of her head, smiling cutely.

"I would never." he batted his lashes ridiculously at her.

"God he's cute ."

"You two go ahead. I'm gonna go backstage to congratulate my dancers on the amazing show, and you my dear, were just spectacular." she hugged Jimin tightly, and then turned to face Jungkook.

"It was nice seeing you again, Jungkook. Keep an eye on this one. He can be a little feisty when he drinks. See you both tomorrow."

And so there were only the two of them...

And the music...

Sensual and inviting to dance.

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand, and led him straight down to the dance floor.

It was weird...

Holding Jimin's hand...

It was soft and good and kind of a forbidden thing to do in Jungkook's mind.

"So..." Jimin put his hands over Jungkook's neck.

" Breathe ..."

"How was I?" Jimin asked even though he knew exactly how good he was dancing. He knew why he was asking, and Jungkook knew it too.

"Really? You're asking me that now? Here?" Jungkook asked while looking at the crowded space, filled with people dancing around.

"Well I'm just curious, cause you didn't say anything..."

The smirk on Jimin's lips was so unnecessary.

"You were... breathtaking ."

Jimin nodded, while looking at the younger, expecting to hear more.


"Hm... so you would say I did really, really good?" Jimin licked his lips.

"I would say you did more than just good." Jungkook gulped.

"So...I deserve my praise, right?"

Jimin is a dangerous man.

"Of course you do."

Jungkook's gonna play it cool...

"So...where's my praise?" Jimin asked while pushing his chin up, now standing closer to Jungkook's face.

"We're in the middle of a club. There's people around here..." Jungkook just wanted to make sure that this is fine.

"Yes, people who don't know us...or maybe just know me, but I don't care. Not here..."

There was no uncertainty on Jimin's face, and that itself was just hot.

"Admit you just want to kiss me?" Jungkook leaned in, and licked one small strip over Jimin's lips.

The older looked just a bit desperate for more, leaning further up, chasing Jungkook's tongue.

"I want my kiss. Yes. I deserved it. I always give you kisses when you do good. Don't I?"

Jungkook smirked.

"You do. The best kisses..." Jungkook just couldn't help but to tease more.

He leaned down, and instead of kissing Jimin's lips, he turned his head and kissed his neck instead.

He could swear that Jimin shuddered under his grip.

"I'm sweaty..." Jimin whined.

"I like it." Jungkook just needed to see him break, to see him beg for just a little bit more...

"You're a perv." Jimin nuzzled his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"You smell so good." Jungkook said the moment he got lost in the familiar flowery Jimin's scent.

"This sweet girly perfume?" Jimin bit on his neck teasingly, so Jungkook closed his eyes, not knowing how any of this was happening and why he was craving for more...

"Sometimes I could smell you for hours after our classes." it's safe to say that Jungkook had lost all of his sanity.

"Mmmm bet you had fun while thinking about me, smelling like me, hm?" Jimin was not the one to tease cause Jungkook could never win.

"" he was so so lost.

"Is my big teasing baby getting shy on me? The amount of time I've touched myself while thinking about you...not healthy." Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear so he wanted to scream, jump, die in that spot cause what???

"You...did...really?" and Jimin was touching Jungkook's back so teasingly now, drawing some pattern all over his obliques and going further down...

"Yes... I thought about your lips on my body, kissing every inch of me and that tongue doing it's magic right on my tight-"


Just when Jungkook was ready to die peacefully they heard a voice near them, so while moving away from each other, they saw Jimin's friend, Felix, coming to them with a wide smile.

"Felix!" Jimin yelled back, just as excitedly. Jungkook's smile was forced. He tried his best. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't. He was just, you know... not jealous... that's at least how he'll convince himself.

"I was looking for you. We're heading to Chang's place, you two coming?" the pretty blond boy said and looked at both of them, so Jungkook looked at Jimin, not knowing what to say.

"I don't really wanna go... " Jungkook thought cause parties where he doesn't know anyone could only evoke anxiety in him, but still, it was not just his decision to make.

"Jungkookah, do you wanna go? We don't have to stay for too long, just to have a few drinks to celebrate the success of the show." Jimin's eyes were more sparkly than the starry sky so how was Jungkook supposed to say no? How?

"Sure. We could grab some drinks..." he said, but the knot was already forming inside his stomach. He was so weird and a true introvert when it came to those parties where he didn't know anyone, but the moment Jimin took his hand in his, and squeezed it tightly, he instinctively relaxed and smiled at the older who seemed to register his inner battle.


The party was wild.

Around 100 students were doing some drinking games, dancing around, and there was a pool outside in the backyard where Jungkook was pretty sure some of the guys were having way too much fun for it to be normal in this crowded space.

Throughout the whole ride to Chang's place Jimin was sitting next to Jungkook, and while talking to Felix and some other friend, he kept playing with Jungkook's fingers, palm, drawing some patterns that made the younger to relax more and gave in to this whole situation.

"Let's grab some drinks, Jungkookah." Jimin suggested the moment they entered the big spacious kitchen, so Jungkook nodded cause that's exactly what he needed now.

"Congratulations Jiminah..."

"You did amazing..."

"Can't wait to see your next performance..."

People wouldn't stop praising Jimin the whole night, and the fact was that he totally deserved the attention. Jungkook felt a bit like a shadow next to him, or someone who everyone would look at while approaching Jimin, obviously not knowing who Jungkook was, and why he was standing so close to Jimin, cause indeed, Jungkook was maybe too close at this point.

When they decided to drink some shots of tequila, Jungkook sat on the high bar stool, making himself comfortable, and Jimin did too.

He made himself comfortable between Jungkook's legs.

Seemed like a logical place to fit in.

"So, this is the hidden life you're having that no one knows of?" Jungkook trailed while looking around the place.

"Pretty much so. Yes."

"How come you're not scared that someone might find out? Wouldn't your father be mad at you?" Jungkook really wanted to know.

"He would, but I can't keep fighting this. I love dancing. I belong on that stage. I'm the happiest in the dancing studio, and if dancing without my father knowing is what I have to do, then so be it. I'm good at keeping things to myself anyways." Jimin explained while tracing his index finger over Jungkook's thighs. Every single move burned him to his core.

"And you've decided that I should know about it? Aren't you afraid that I might say something?" Jungkook teased so Jimin squinted his eyes at him.

"I know you wouldn't." he said with a small smile.

"What makes you so sure?"

And Jimin took a step closer, standing between Jungkook's legs too closely for the younger not to get aroused.

"Cause you like the way I dance, and you want me to dance more, and you're actually supportive about this, and you like to kiss me all the time..."

Jimin brushed his nose against Jungkook's, their breaths colliding.

"Can't argue with that one..." the way Jimin smell was intoxicating.

"And yet... you still didn't give me my well deserved kiss..." Jimin pouted and there's only so much Jungkook can take.

In one fast move, he cupped Jimin's cheeks and leaned down, pressing his lips firmly to Jimin's.

Jimin kissed back, his hands gripping harder onto Jungkook's thighs.

And there were just the two of them there... No one else existed. It was just Jungkook and Jimin and their lips moving in sync.

Jungkook had never felt more alive.

He wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, trying to feel any friction around his hardening dick, and while doing so, he tilted his head, deepening the heated kiss even more.

Jimin responded immediately by rolling his hips up, meeting Jungkook's grinds, obviously seeking the same friction like the younger was.

They kissed for what it seemed like hours, never breaking the kiss, never moving away from each other and soon, it was too much, cause Jimin's hands were wandering under Jungkook's shirt now, touching the hot, muscly back, feeling the softness of Jungkook's skin under his fingertips, and Jungkook, he finally let his guards down, and did what he was craving to do for ages now.

He dropped his hands further down, resting them on top of Jimin's round, thick ass, feeling him up, enjoying the heated leather under his hot fingertips.

To everyone at the party they must look like some newly heated couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other, but did they care?

Not at all.

They kissed and kissed, and touched, and teased, until Jungkook couldn't take it any more.

One particular hip roll combined with a teasing, wet ear licking, and Jungkook's cock started leaking precum. He was seriously getting concerned that the precum would be visible on top of his jeans, so he had to stop. He couldn't bear the embarrassment.

"Jimin...we should...stop..." with every new word, Jimin sucked another little bruise down Jungkook's neck, obviously proud about the state that the younger was in.

Fucked out that is.

"Why?" Jimin asked teasingly while biting on Jungkook's lower lip, pulling on it softly.

"'s a bit too much.... we're at the party..." Jungkook mumbled, still unable to get to Jimin, who was licking his jaw, making his way up, to meet his lips once again.

"Are you all hard and wet for me?" he whispered while hugging Jungkook close, pressing his hips even harder onto Jungkook's, like he's trying to see just how hard Jungkook was.


Weak man, that's what Jungkook was.


The tease. That's what Jimin was. The ultimate tease.

"Good?" Jungkook asked, not knowing what Jimin exactly meant by that.

"Yes... cause now I can take care of you..." Jimin said while moving away from Jungkook's crotch, extending one hand for Jungkook to take it.

The younger did so, and stood in front of Jimin, like he was waiting for his next move.

"Wanna get out of here Jungkookah?"

"I never wanted to come here in the first place..." Jungkook said in all honesty, so Jimin took both of his hands in his, entwining their fingers together.

"Oh, why didn't you say so? Did you want to go somewhere else?"

"No. I don't actually care as long as I'm with you." Why was Jungkook saying all this? This sucks!

"Well lucky for us, we have the whole night just for ourselves."

And how promising that sounds . 

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