What is beauty?
According to books, beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Some would say, beauty is a balance between shape and volume. It's what stimulates an esthetic feeling within us, what's pleasing to the eye, a sense of admiration.
For Jungkook, on the other hand, beauty is the thing that makes your day go around, making you believe that everything is alright in the world, makes you smile every time you see, hear or even sense it. It's what relaxes you after a hard day, it's what fills you within...
While presenting one of his assignments that required all the students to draw someone who takes their breath away with their beauty, Jungkook struggled to do the assignment.
"Who takes my breath away with their beauty? In what way? How?"
He really thought about it, and at the end decided to just draw his best friend, Chaeyeong, a girl that was his best friend while growing up, and till this day, so while thinking about her petite form, the warmth in her eyes, her happy smile, soft features of her face, he draws her in the moment his brain captured her beauty the most, when she was smiling.
While looking at some kind of fancy model portraits that the other students had drawn, Jungkook thought that maybe he had misunderstood the whole assignment, because the girl that he drew looked nothing like the figures his University colleagues had drawn.
"Jungkook, it's your turn. Could you present your work?" Sunwo, one of the oldest Busan's professors said, looking at Jungkook's drawing in amusement.
"Of course. this is Chaeyeong. She is a real person, and is my best friend. The assignment was to draw someone who's beauty takes our breath away, and I think that this picture shows exactly that. Her effortless beauty..." the black haired man says, happy with his choice of words, but soon after, he hears small chuckles, and suppressed laughter all around the classroom.
He looked around, trying to understand what was so funny, but couldn't quite get it.
"Jungkook, your picture is quite unique and different from the others, as you might see." the professor noticed while fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Totally different..."
"Is he joking?"
"The dude's insane..."
He could hear students adding comments, but couldn't register who was talking since all of them talked in low voices, down in their chest...
"Different how?" he asked, his brows furrowed, looking back at the professor, and two other men who were sitting next to him, looking closely at the pictures in front of them, their faces, unreadable.
He knew that today is a special day cause his professor couldn't stop talking about the two respectable professors from Seoul's Korean National University of Arts that would visit their class and decide who would be the lucky student to spend one year with full amount tuition paid for the said year, working on the upcoming project for New York's biggest Art Auction event and attend their classes regularly while living in one of the most comfortable rooms in their dormitory.
Did Jungkook want that?
Not really.
Did he care about that?
Not at all.
That's why he did the assignment the way he felt like doing, without trying to impress anyone, and just following his gut instinct.
"Jungkook, do you know what are the characteristic features of the female face in comparison to the unpleasant face according to books?" his professor asked, knowing very well Jungkook was all about doing practical work, and not so much theory, but still, he remembered that lecture quite well.
"Um... yes... I do know. Spotless skin, narrower facial shape, less fat, fuller lips, slightly bigger distance of eyes, darker, narrower eyebrows, longer and darker lashes, higher cheekbones..." he continued to talk until his professor put his hand up, signaling that he was talking enough.
"So, knowing all of those things, why did you decide to draw your friend then? According to what you just said, she doesn't have any of those qualities? In fact, she is a total opposite from what you just said." the man said so Jungkook's heart dropped a little, down to his stomach.
"Well... I did say the things that the books are clearly meant to teach us, but I didn't say that I agree with any of it." He says with confidence, ignoring the shushed voices around him, shock written on other student faces, and he didn't miss the sudden interest he saw in both Seoul's professors' eyes.
"Can you explain, young man." one of the professors, the younger one in a nice dark blue suit, demanded an explanation so Jungkook decided to give him one.
"Fuck all of this..." he thought before speaking.
"Well, the things that books are teaching us are just artificial. The people that are presented as beautiful and perfect are just imaginary and appealing only in some people's eyes, not everyone's. What I think is beautiful, and what other students think are obviously different. We do look at the same things, but the things that our brain registers it's obviously not the same. For example, we all eat, right? (professors nodded confusedly) We eat pretty similar things, but we don't like the same things. Some people like spicier food, some sour, some only mild things... our taste is different. I think it's the same with beauty in people. Some people like spotless skin, which is fine but what's wrong with freckles that I draw on my friend's face? I think they're lovely. Or the thing about small, button noses, why is that more appealing than a bigger, more structured nose? Why? And the lips? Who says that fuller lips are prettier than the smaller, heart shaped with accentuated cupid bow that my friend is having? I don't think so? It's just different. There are hundreds of different forms that could be on the human face and I don't think any of them is more beautiful than the other. It's all in the eye of the one who looks, and that's it." Jungkook continued to mumble until he was out of breath, not realizing how everyone in the room was looking and listening to him closely.
"Oh shit, what have I said?"
"So, if I may ask. Why did you draw your friend then? Why not someone else? What is in her that you like and think is so beautiful?" the other, almost as old as his Busan professor asked, so Jungkook gulps, the professors gaze strong and a bit unidentified.
"Um... well... it's her beauty within. See, I know her. I know her heart. I know how much she glows when she's happy. I tried to capture that while drawing her with the biggest smile that she gives so effortlessly to everyone around her. I just think that beauty in a person is not just external appearance, but also the interior strength. I don't care about her teeth being spread wider than what is more appealing to society, or about her hair being cut in some crazy hairstyle that maybe didn't compliment her face at the time. I care about the moment that made her smile like this. The moment that her true beauty showed the most." he sighs and continues.
"Since I'm on the run anyways..."
"I just think the true beauty of a person comes from the heart. Inner beauty reflects from inside, from the personality of a person... That's all..."
"Different view. He's different. We want him."
And just like that Jungkook got himself a spot at the prestigious K-ARTs for the next whole year and much to his and all of the others surprise he accepted the offer and in just three days he is sitting in a coffee shop at the bus station, waiting for the bus to Seoul with his backpack and a small luggage, Chaeyeong, his best friend, not leaving his side.
"Baby I can't believe you're really doing this. Like really, really. You're leaving me and we've never been apart for more than a few days. What am I supposed to do without you?"
Chae clung onto Jungkook's side, holding onto his arm for her dear life.
"I know. It's better if you just die right away." Jungkook said sarcastically so she hit his arm playfully.
"Don't play with me! I'm emotional. Please promise me that you'll call every day and send me pictures and voice messages about everything."
Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Promise me you jerk!"
She was persistent and fierce.
"Fine. I promise." he finally said and looked at his best friend's eyes one last time.
"My bus is here..."
He hated to see her cry.
"No... I don't wanna say goodbye to you." she whined, a single tear rolled down her puffy cheek.
"It's only for a year, and I'll try to visit you whenever I get the chance, and you can visit me too."
He was always the rational one in their friendship, but seeing her with tears in her eyes, shaky chin, was never an easy sight.
"Ok. We'll do that. Can I bring Beomgyu with me?" she asks with her batting lashes, looking cute as always.
"Sure thing. I'll miss bumping into the two of you trying to have sex for sure." Jungkook jokes, so she tugged on his hair softly, pushing a few strands behind his ear.
"I swear it's like you have a fuckdar and whenever we even tried something, you're suddenly there. It's annoying. You've cost me way too many orgasms in my life for me to love you this much."
Jungkook just smiled at her fondly, thinking about how much he'll miss his best friend and their unexplainable bond that only grew stronger in years.
"I love you too. Bye Chae. I'll miss you." he whispered as he hugged her one last time, hating the way her petite body shuddered from the new outburst of tears.
"Call me as soon as you get there. Bye Jungkookah." she waved with her small hand, and suddenly Jungkook felt anxiousness taking over him, the excitement he felt hours ago disappearing in the thick air of fresh September morning.
The moment he arrived at K-ARTs dormitory, Jungkook felt better.
The place is beautiful.
Out of this world.
You could easily see why students choose to study and live here because the whole place was bursting with Artsy stuff, and Jungkook loved the cool vibe.
While walking down the long Seocho Campus, Jungkook's curious eyes noted some pretty coffee shops, in a lot of green environments. Starbucks, which is pretty cool considering how he loved to have his morning filled with the smell of coffee and his afternoons too.
Then he went inside the University and after looking around for a bit, peeking inside some huge performance space, Amphitheater, Mini theater, Stage arts room, schools canteens, he went straight to the rector Sung Hoon to ask him for further instructions.
The short, chubby man introduced himself and after wishing Jungkook good luck in the next school year, he called his assistant to guide Jungkook around for a bit and then show him his room in the dormitory.
"Hi Jungkook, I'm Kim Yugyeom and I'm here to help you around on your first days at K-ARTs. I have received a strict guides from Mr. Park Hyun Soo, and Mr. Sung Wo Seok, the two professors that had asked you to come here in the first place, and after I show you your room, you'll have time to rest a bit, eat, and then you have a meeting with Mr. Sung Wo and Park Jiminshi, who is also working on a project that the two of our professors have already mentioned to you."
The man talked fast, like he's afraid someone will cut him off, so Jungkook struggled to understand everything the said man was saying.
"Oh...Ok. Wow, you talk so fast... So...I'll just rest and come to meet with them... where?" He tried to repeat his schedule a couple of times in his head, not to forget something.
"At the Mini theater. They'll be waiting for you at 8 P.M. Don't be late." the tall, slim man said, looking at some papers in his hand, and finally they arrived at the room where Jungkook is supposed to live for the next year of his life.
"Oh, and one more thing. I know you were supposed to live alone, but since we had already full dormitory and no available rooms were left for you to be alone, we paired you with one of the students that's on his last year here, so that if you decide to continue your studies here next year, we can assure you, you'll be alone by then at least." the man kept talking and walking, not stopping for a single moment, so that's how Jungkook got in his new room by the time the man's speech ended, faced with some guy with black hair and a face that weirdly resembled a cat. Feisty, but bored cat.
"Hi Jungkook, I'm Min Yoongi, you can call me hyung since I'm 4 years older than you, and we'll be living together for the next year. I'm usually not around here too often. I'm finally finishing my doctor's degree at school of Music, Department of composition, so basically I'm everywhere other than here most of the time, and I just come here to get some sleep and eat from time to time."
Jungkook listened to the man carefully and thought about how straight forward people here are. They just talk, and talk, and talk, without letting you say a word, and are just fast.
After his brain registered the words that the cat-like man had said, Jungkook nodded with an attempt of a smile, telling the older how he's lucky to have him as a roommate then, although he wouldn't mind having Yoongi in their room more often.
Jungkook isn't some kind of social butterfly, but he could sense something in a person that he likes. He could just feel when someone is right for him, when someone has a good potential to become a friend he always wanted to have, someone to talk to, share opinions, secrets, meals...
He got that vibe from Min Yoongi.
After the small talk, the two men had left Jungkook to get some rest and to prepare himself for his upcoming meeting, so he did that.
While unpacking his clothes, he noticed a big closet on the opposite wall from the bunk bed that he was sharing with Yoongi, so the first thing he did, was to fold all of his clothes neatly inside the space that was provided for him, and right after he had decided to take a quick shower, hating how his a bit too long hair was sticking all over his forehead and nape, looking all messy and a bit greasy.
While looking at his clothes, all kinds of clothing in black color, and only some of it white and denim jeans, he grabbed his favorite black cargo pants and an oversized black hoodie that he loved way too much. If he could, he would definitely sleep in it.
He walked down the hall, and straight to the University , which is only 5 minutes walk away from the dormitory, and while walking there, he started thinking about the meeting he's about to have.
"Jeongkook, I don't know if you know exactly why we're here, but I'll explain it to you briefly. We are looking for someone who will help to create Art for the upcoming Art event in New York, and this, (they pointed at his drawing) is exactly what we need. Someone who's thinking out of the box. Someone who'll give guidance to the younger students and encourage them to think differently since the theme for this very important event for our University is 'The beauty within'. You have shown that you know exactly how to create Art on the said topic on the spot, so we would like you to run this project with us. Our professor Sung Wo, will help you at the beginning, and there will be few other students who will participate as assistants as well. The benefits for you here are big. You'll be attending the classes at our University while living in our dormitory and all of that for free. After this assignment and the end of the school year you could decide to continue studying here, or to come back to Busan and study there. It's your choice, and totally up to you. Just be open minded and ready to collaborate with other students and I think we can deliver the Art that would leave all of the important people in New York who's attention we're craving because of the big donations they are giving, and that we need very very much, speechless."
He repeated the words that professor Park said to him, and with his mind open, heart ready to dive in the new adventure of his life, he walked confidently to the Mini theater.
The moment he entered the spacious classroom, his eyes immediately caught the familiar face of professor Sung Wo, and someone he definitely hadn't seen before.
There, in front of the said professor, sits a red headed person, wearing some caro black and red skirt with some ridiculously big fur boots that caused Jungkook to frown just from the thought of wearing such a reckless piece of footwear.
"So I'm working with some funky girl..."
Jungkook thought for a second, feeling a bit relieved because he really missed Chaeyeong, and thought how having a conversation with some other girl would remind him of his best friend.
His luck didn't last.
The moment the red headed person turned around, it was pretty obvious that the said person was a man.
"Shit fucking fuck."
"Hi Jungkook, come here..." he heard the professor calling him, but still, as he walked,he couldn't keep his eyes away from the redhead who didn't move his gaze away from Jungkook either.
His gaze was a bit intimidating.
"You're wearing a skirt."
"Fuck. Fuck. Fucking fuck."
The first words that came out of Jungkook's mouth were definitely the words he didn't wanna say, but still did.
"You have a problem with that?"
The man asked, his eyebrows raised up on his forehead, face expression pretty unbothered, smug even. The man was obviously wearing some make up too. Nothing too wild, but still noticeable to Jungkook's eyes, and the shimmer eye shadow that he had on his eyelids, and a faint lip gloss only made the man's pretty remarkable face features shine brighter.
And all Jungkook wanted was for the floor to open and eat him alive.
"I have shorts underneath it. Do you wanna see it?" the man said while lifting the corner of the skirt just slightly, obviously teasing poor Jungkook for asking such a stupid question he didn't even know why he asked in the first place.
"No." he answered with a small frown and turned to face the professor instead of staring at the bold flirty redhead.
"I'm Jimin by the way."
The redhead spoke again and while standing up, came closer to Jungkook and the professor. He is a bit shorter than Jungkook, and when he stood up, the skirt moved a bit to the sides, which showed the black shorts underneath the caro skirt, and those boots... just wow...
"I'm Jungkook. It's nice to meet you."
He decided to be polite and just get this over with.
"So... I'm happy you two finally met. We'll be working together for the upcoming Art project in New York and we really need to step up our game cause this time around, the donation is doubled up and the standards are higher than before. You'll work with Jiminshi, one of our best students here, and a person who had run these projects for past three years, but this year, except for Art projects, Jiminshi is also working with the Dance students to help create choreography and prepare younger students for their performance, so we can't have all the burden on his back. That's why, Jungkook, your job is to help and actively work with Jiminshi on this so that we can deliver our best product to the people in New York." The calm and polite professor explained the project a bit better, so Jungkook nodded. Happy with his assignment.
"I've already come up with the guidance list and some rough ideas for us to teach the younger students so there will be no hard work for you to do here. When I'm unable to come and teach students myself, you'll come and do it for me, and when I'm here, you can... well... maybe assist, watch... learn.. I don't know..." the confident redhead said so Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest.
"May I see those rough ideas, guidance list... and stuff.." Now it was Jungkook's turn to be a bit nosy and curious.
"Sure, here..."
Jimin stepped forward and took some folder from the desk behind them, and proudly put all the papers with his ideas on the desk in front of Jungkook and the professor.
It took one look, for Jungkook to shake his head disagreeing with, well, everything he had just seen and to bring out the defense mechanism in obviously offended Jimin.
"Something wrong?" the older said, sounding irritated, so Jungkook turned around to meet his eyes and be completely honest with all that he had seen.
"You did all of this?" Jungkook decided to check one more time.
"Yes." Jimin answered proudly.
"I don't like it." Jimin's eyes widen so Jungkook continues to explain.
"Any of it. We have to go from scratch."
Honesty is always good. Right?
"What?" Jimin suddenly had a deep frown on his face and a pretty angry expression.
The young professor that was watching them didn't look any less bothered either.
"From scratch? And toss all of these ideas away?" Jimin came a step closer, looking as intimidating as before, if not more.
"It's artificial. Everything. Every idea. It's exactly what the professors that came to watch my classmates for some deeper idea, didn't want to see. Literally the same thing. Nothing meaningful, just plain emptiness..."
Wow, Jungkook was really putting his thoughts out there.
"If you think so, then you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Do you even get how stupid it is for someone who's not even finished with his Bachelor degree to come here and reject every perfectly fine idea from someone who's doing his Master degree?"
And if Jungkook came a step closer he was sure he could see the fire in Jimin's eyes. He looked pissed.
"And I think you're stupid if you think that your diploma gives you the right to think that your ideas are worth my attention. They clearly are not." Jimin's mouth fell open.
"As if your opinion matters to anyone here. My drawings are perfectly fine and are answering the project's main idea." Jimin tried to defend his honor, but Jungkook didn't want to budge.
"I'm sure if you'd saved the animal that was a necessity for your boots to be made, and draw it instead, you'd have a much better drawing than any of this." There's nothing like a little insult to spice things up. "Do your research. I don't have time for this. Either I work alone, (Jungkook turns to professor) or he'll change the whole concept of the assignment. Let me know. You know where to find me."
Then he decided to leave.
Not just cause he got scared for his life cause the professor that was in the room with them, had literally put his hands on Jimin's shoulders, obviously trying to calm him down, and Jungkook wasn't ready to get into a fight the first day he got here.
One thing was for sure.
Jimin was a feisty little thing, and Jungkook couldn't even imagine working with him 1-2 times a week, and even less, following the said man's orders. He was not up for that.
While he was walking out of the theater, he could clearly hear Jimin having some kind of a melt down. He couldn't register everything that he was saying, but he did hear something like 'who the hell he thinks he is? What is this shit? I need to talk to...." and the rest was just a blur.
The first thing he did when he got back to his room was to call Chaeyeong to tell her everything that happened in the meeting, and to show her around for a while.
He made sure not to miss any detail about the redhead man he had met, and Chaeyeong was cheering him on, rooting for him to speak his mind, not to back down on his own ideas.
"Mother fuckers called you to come there for a reason! Don't give up on your brilliant ideas just cause some student is older than you and is considered the best when you clearly think he isn't. Push your ideas further. Go to the principle if you have to. Talk to the professors, just don't let them hold you down. You're too good for that shit. Just... Come back. Everybody appreciates you here. You're the most talented artist in our Uni and I don't think they're aware of that..." Chaeyeong was always the one to cheer Jungkook up. Maybe that's cause they grow up together, and she knew how big of a progress he had made in his life, and how talented he is.
"I miss you already." he said with a sigh, finally taking his time to think about all of this with a clear mind.
Did he really want this? A whole year in a city he doesn't know, with people he never met, proving himself all over again to new professors, students... Was he really up for that?
"I think I'll just sleep it off and then decide what to do in the morning. It's too early to just drop this whole thing off. I mean, it's everyone's dream to study here, and I did get chosen for a reason. If I put all the pros and cons on paper, I still think there's more good things than bad ones. Except me being alone here, and the annoying redhead guy that I met, everything else is amazing. The dorm is just out of this world. My roommate seems nice, and is never around. The professors that I've met by now are polite and cool, classrooms look like the ones from the American movies, and brace yourself for this one... (Chaeyeong sighed in excitement) they have Starbucks literally two minutes away from my room. Could life be any better?" Jungkook decided to stay positive, and he did it partly cause of himself, but mostly cause he didn't wanna worry Chae more than she already is.
"Wow, Starbucks that close. I envy you then." she joked, falling for his attempt to calm her down, and after wishing him good luck tomorrow, they finished their video call, and Jungkook finally let his mind dart to some peaceful, quiet place, closing his eyes on the top bunk bed that he shared with his roommate who still hasn't return to their room.
"I'll just see what the next day will bring and then I'll make a decision to stay or to leave... If they decide to go with Jimin's ideas I'll leave this fucking place immediately, and if they change things and consider my ideas, I might give it a go..." he decided just before falling asleep, his tired body finally getting some well deserved rest.
"Wake up sunshine."
Jungkook opened his eyes up slowly, trying to register the unfamiliar voice that spoke to him, and only after squinting one of his eyes and looking around the room, he remembered where he was, and who he was talking too.
"Good morning hyung. Do we have to be somewhere? I thought I don't have any classes before noon?" Jungkook murmurs while stretching his limbs, but Yoongi just pushes his soft blanket off of his body and slaps him on the thigh playfully.
"No. But I want to show you around. To introduce you to some of my friends so that you have a coffee drinking buddy and someone to actually talk to when you're bored." the black haired man said, and for some reason Jungkook got excited to actually meet new people even if he was an introvert by all means, he was willing to put some effort in this.
After getting dressed (his usual black cargo pants and oversized black hoodie) Jungkook followed Yoongi around and tried to gather as much information as he could out of the older man.
After a thorough walk around the Uni and dorm, Jungkook and Yoongi had decided to grab their morning cup of coffee. Jungkook got his favorite big Americano, and Yoongi got a strong black coffee that suited his temper.
"So, as you could see, here, everyone cares about themselves and is just trying to finish their assignments as soon as they can. The scholarship is wickedly expensive and only a few could allow themselves to fail a whole year, like I for example did." Yoongi said with a bitter smile, and after rubbing his eyes, he continued to talk.
"I'm just not that into theory. I always wanted to produce music, but I hated the fact that I needed to know every little thing about every famous musician, cause why? Why do I need to know the color of Bethowen's eyes, and why is it so important what Motzart had eaten for dinner when he was five years old?" Yoongi was definitely fun and Jungkook could see a lot of himself in him.
"I swear that's exactly what I say all the time. Only that I say Van Gogh instead of Beethoven, and Picasso instead of Mozart."
They both laughed and enjoyed their coffee, and then a group of people came into the coffee shop, and after Yoongi waved to one of them, Jungkook turned around to see the man approaching their table.
He was tall, handsome, with short blondish hair and a cute smile with two dimples on each cheek.
"Namjoon, this is Jungkook, my new roommate." Yoongi introduced the man as his classmate who is younger than him, but very talented nonetheless, and he said that at least weekly, they go to some club nearby and that they would love to take Jungkook with them next time to which he agreed gladly.
What Jungkook loved about the two new friends that he had met is that they were fun, open, smart, outgoing, but not over the top, and the fact that they seemed to care about Jungkook being genuinely happy here made them that much bigger in his eyes.
"So Jungkookie, are you single and ready to mingle, or do you have a girlfriend, boyfriend back at home?" Namjoon asked after all three of them had checked out some nice piece of ass that was standing in the line, waiting for some coffee.
"Single. Not so sure about ready to mingle... I um... I don't like to mingle... I think I want to focus on my studies while I'm here." and if Jungkook could choose the time of his death, this would be it.
He always felt too shy to talk about these things for some inexplicable reason, and this time was no exception.
"Aw... Look at him being all embarrassed and cute." Namjoon cooed at him, and Yoongi let out a small smile too.
"What do you mean exactly when you say you don't like to mingle? You do know I was talking about getting to know someone and probably have some sex." Yoongi, the bold and straightforward one said without blinking, so Jungkook gulped.
"I know what it means, but I just... don't know how to explain this... I like men. I realized a long time ago that girls weren't attractive to me in that sexual way, and after the realization I have had some partners, but the thing is, I'm not interested in that right now. I came here for a reason and I want to do good. And I didn't have a lot of relationships before, usually my best friend, Chaeyeong would find someone she thinks is appropriate for me, and after getting to know each other we know... "
"Have sex? Date?" Namjoon and Yoongi tried to understand but Jungkook only gulped harder.
"Yes. The first thing... I have dated a guy only one or two times actually... It was"
"Sex Jungkook! Just say it for fucks sake!" he scolded himself mentally, but still couldn't speak freely cause he literally knew his roommate and Namjoon for a day. A whole day. He'll get there.
"Oh..." Namjoon trailed, sounding a bit confused, and a bit endeared.
"You're young. You'll get there. What are you, 21? Yoongi asked, so Jungkook nodded.
"I think this is the year where you'll be able to explore more and enjoy your single life. I mean you're young, cute (Jungkook blushed, pulling his sleeves over his knuckles) and Seoul is filled with nice looking guys that want to have fun without strings attached." Namjoon said while hugging Jungkook on the side, smiling cutely with his dimples showing.
"Speaking of the cute guys, look, there's Yoongi's ultimate man crush walking like he's a God's given gift." Namjoon looked over Jungkook's shoulder, so instinctively, Jungkook turned his head around, only to be met with the redhead from yesterday, looking as interesting as before.
He eyed Jimin up and down, savoring his unique and quite bold style. Today he was wearing some white long sleeved shirt with light brown leather overall shorts. He stuck out in the crowd like a sore thumb, and it was pretty clear, everyone had their eyes on him.
Seemed that Jungkook was wandering over Jimin's appearance for way too long cause the moment he came back up, to look the said man in his eyes, their eyes met,so he freaked out, turning his head abruptly the other way.
"Who? The redhead? Jimin? Really?" Jungkook asked while looking at Yoongi confused.
"No, God no... It's his best friend, Kim Taehyung. The guy with the mint hair. And...I don't have a crush on him, I just think he's pretty... and cute..." Yoongi was willing to admit that much.
"Wait? You thought I liked Jimin? How do you know him? And oh my God did he just roll his eyes at us? Namjoon, am I imagining this, or did Park Jimin just look at our table?" Yoongi was freaking out.
"He most definitely did. What the hell is going on?" Namjoon looked over at where Jimin was still standing, but turned his head so fast, his neck almost cracked.
"It's nothing...Um...I just met him yesterday...." Jungkook scratched his nape nervously, trying to look unbothered, but on the inside all he wanted to do was to ask Jimin if he had dropped his stupid ideas, and if they could move on from the whole thing.
"You need to stay away from him." Yoongi warned him immediately so Jungkook frowned.
"Why? What do you mean?"
"He's literally treated like some kind of V.I.P person here, the IT boy from the Uni. The species that must be protected. His father is one of the professors and vice principal of the Art Department here and the main source for all the donations that the Uni has gotten. Very admirable artist, and he has some friendships all around the world and tries his best to promote our Uni to the world, and to make some connections with New York, Paris, London, and some other cities, trying to make a way for Korean artists to experience the privileges of studying in other countries."
The moment Yoongi explained himself, it was like the bell had ringed inside Jungkook's head.
"Park Hyun So, Park Jimin... both Park... Fuck, he's the son of the professor that wanted me here... If he told him about last night...I'm doomed."
"Well... I was actually brought here to work with him..." Jungkook trailed with a worried voice.
"No way... Ok... Well, just act nice and don't do anything stupid." Yoongi gave him advice and Namjoon just nodded.
"Um... Is calling him stupid the first time we met stupid enough? Just asking..."
The way Yoongi's and Namjoon's eyes doubled up.
"WHAT?" Namjoon whispered yelled.
"The guy's stupid. All of his ideas were stupid and he's full of himself. I'm not gonna let anyone treat me and my time uselessly. I don't care who he is, who his father is, or if they kick me out cause I spoke my truthful opinion. If that's what's supposed to happen, cause I said I didn't like any of his ideas and that he's stupid just as much as his ideas were, then so be it. I don't care. That would only mean that this Uni is not for me and that it sucks." Jungkook crossed his arms in front of his chest, and acted all confident and unaffected, but his palms were sweating, his pulse speeding up, and he really, really didn't wanna fuck things up on his first week here.
"Lucky for you we're not some kind of pussies who would turn our back on you, and we're also pretty invisible here, cause we don't go to some fancy Department such as Drama or Fine Art, or Dance... and I'm sure neither Park Jimin, or Kim Taehyung know we even exist so..." Namjoon says while glancing over at where Jimin was standing.
"You're probably right, but not everyone can fuck one of the hottest Uni assistants and get away with it." Yoongi said with a mischievous smile so Jungkook perks up, suddenly interested why Namjoon was blushing all the way down to his neck.
"Who? What?"
"Ah, you really can't hold your mouth shut..." after scolding Yoongi, Namjoon explained how he's been in a relationship for 3 years with the new Drama assistant that used to be his best friend until they didn't confess their feelings for each other. So now, since they're still together, and Namjoon is still a student, and his boyfriend Kim Seokjin is an assistant, they keep their relationship private, between 4 walls, and tend to go public the moment Namjoon finishes his studies.
"Wow that's amazing... I mean the fact that you two didn't break up and just decided to find another way is just beautiful." Jungkook was really happy for Namjoon cause he looked like someone who deserves the world, just radiating some good energy.
"And guess who comes every time with me to pick Jin hyung up from his acting class?" Namjoon said while cocking his eyebrows at Yoongi.
"Yoongi hyung."
"Of course. So that he can see his Taehyung again and drool over him. I swear all of the guys and girls in campus are in love with Taehyung or Jimin, some both. They even call them Vmin when they're together. It's like they're some celebrities at our Uni, it's ridiculous."
"Speaking of Jimin. To make sure we're not gonna be stabbed in the back in our sleep, how about you offer him an olive tree, or to suck him off or something? I mean the guy is worshiped here as some kind of Goddess." Yoongi casually said so, Jungkook's eyes flew wide open.
"You know, to satisfy his needs once or twice, and then after he gets bored of you, we can come back to living a normal life again, hoping everyone will forget how you insulted the God of our Uni."
"Is Yoongi hyung out of his mind!" Jungkook looked at them perplexed so both of them burst in laughter.
"I'm kidding. Though... The guy is known here for giving an amazing head. I heard two of my colleagues talk about Jimin and his magic lips and ability to take a dick down his throat without even gagging."
Is this for real? Are they really talking about this so easily?
Jungkook was blushing deep red.
"Heard the same thing. Once I was in the school's cafeteria, and I heard a guy at the table next to mine talking to his friends how Jimin sucked him off in some club's bathroom and that it was amazing." Namjoon confirmed rumors, and Jungkook just shrugged.
"Or, they could be lying. Guys tend to do that... You never know." he sipped on his coffee nervously, wishing to just go back to his room and prepare himself for today's classes cause the information he just heard could only distract him next time he sees Jimin. Why did he have to know about his sucking dick skills? Was that even necessary to know?
He needs to press that information somewhere deeply back inside his brain and not to think about it at all.
That's not how his brain worked.
Next time he had a meeting with professor Sung Wo and Jimin, the moment Jungkook came inside the Mini theater, which was the location for all of their future classes and meetings, while greeting the two of them politely, Jungkook's mind went crazy.
"Good afternoon professor, hi Jiminshi, the man that can suck dick like a pro."
Of course he didn't say any of it out loud, except for the greeting, but just the thought gave him an uneasy feeling that disturbed him from functioning normally.
"I guess by now you know that we've discussed about your proposition about going with this project from scratch, and we think that, that is not such a bad idea, but considering how our first group of students will be here in 10 minutes, you would be the one to give them new assignment since you didn't like any of Jiminshi's ideas. So if you have something that's creative and good for the first class please share it with us." professor Sung Wo said, and the moment Jungkook glanced at Jimin, the smug look on his face gave him the idea that all of this was done on purpose.
Clearly they didn't wanna get rid of Jungkook by being rude or unfair, so they decided to put him to test, or some kind of trap. Letting him choose the idea for the first class was literally such a big deal and to tell him about it just minutes before class, without any preparation, is just ridiculous and he was almost condemned to fail.
Suddenly the students started arriving, and Jungkook got stuck with tons of ideas inside his mind, and he tried to act fast, listing the ideas and picking the ones he thinks would be fun for the younger students to do, and for them to see the level of their creativity by the end of the class.
"Beauty within..."
"What to do..."
"Where does beauty lie ... and what is fun and fast to do..."
"Models...Not really..."
"Flawless people... No..."
"Unordinary people.... Yes..."
"Beauty within... something hidden... something in ourselves... something..."
"Jungkook?" Jimin stopped his mind from working by calling his name, so after he glanced at him, and then at the approximately 25 students in the Mini theater, he let out a deep sigh, realizing he has no idea what to do.
"The students are waiting." the redhead said with a cocky smile on his face, looking confident and annoying at the same time.
"Right... Ok... I should introduce myself first, right?" Jungkook whispered to Jimin and he almost chuckled.
"That mother fucker..."
"Do whatever you want. You're the smartest, remember?" Jimin answered almost mockingly, so Jungkook nodded, frown, not leaving his face.
"I can do this... I can do this..."
"Hi guys..." Jungkook started, and Jimin scoffed. Intentionally.
"Um, I mean students. I'm Jeon Jungkook, and I'm from Busan. I was chosen by your professors Mr. Park Hyun Soo, and Mr. Sung Wo Seok to come here and help you out with the upcoming project in New York. I came here just yesterday and I think there's a lot I can show you and help you with." Jungkook made a pause and with his side eye noticed a frown forming on Jimin's face.
"I was asked to lead this first class, and I think we should have fun while drawing, but also we should be able to see your skills and creativity so that we can help all of you individually to prepare yourself the best way we can for the upcoming event. So... I was thinking, what could we do to show all of that in one class? What is the thing that can be done in an hour, even less cause we don't have more today, and that all of you are able to do? So... I decided to give you the same assignment that your professors gave to us back in Busan, which is, 'Beauty in people'.
"Boring..." he heard Jimin scolding his idea while whispering, making sure only Jungkook could hear him, and just one look at his smug face made Jungkook's stomach twist in annoyance.
"Are you sure they can do that in (Jimin looked at his watch) 35 minutes? I mean drawing people takes a lot of practice and not to mention how you'd be putting them on the spot here, poor students would try to do their best, but just won't have enough time, cause drawing clear and exact proportions need a lot of work..." and the rest of the words that came out of Jimin's mouth were instantly muted in Jungkook's brain cause the thing that the older said, already gave him another idea.
"Drawing clear and exact proportions needs a lot of time and work.... he's right. What if they don't have to draw that? What if I make things easier and more fun for them? What if we..."
Before his brain got totally burned out by the outburst of the new idea his head was receiving, Jungkook snapped his fingers while looking at the confused crowd.
"You're right. Thank you Jiminshi." Jimin looked at him a bit perplexed.
"That's why we'll do caricature of ourselves, cause caricatures don't require that kind of technique and are the most fun thing to do. Do you agree?"
The excitement on the students' faces was priceless.
"So, caricatures are simplified portraits of real people, intended to be funny. This won't be easy. Drawing caricatures takes roughly the same skill as threading a needle while whitewater rafting. But like anything difficult, there are tricks you can learn to make it easier. I'm sure you've already worked on it a lot of times with your professors so I won't talk about it too much, and instead I'll just let you do it." Jungkook explained the assignment, so the students nodded eagerly, and then one of them raised their hand, obviously having something to ask.
"Yes, you in the back..." Jungkook pointed to the dark haired girl with glasses.
"Um, I was just wandering, are we gonna draw random people, or someone from our class?" she asked so Jungkook took a look around the classroom.
After counting the students as fast as he could, 24, he got an idea.
"Ok, that's a good question, so, how about this row here, turns to the right, so they're facing the row next to them, and then we'll get the first pairs, and then the third and the fourth row can face each other and those could be another drawing partners. It's the easiest way. Ok? Can you pair up now and start drawing? You can use the technique, colors, style as you wish... Just surprise us." As soon as Jungkook gave the instructions, without another word, students turned around to face each other, fixed their posture, and started the assignment.
"So, since I'm on your right, that means we're drawing partners..."
And Jungkook's palms started sweating cause Jimin is standing next to him with an shit eating grin on his face.
"What? Why? We don't need to draw..." Jungkook flicked his gaze from Jimin's confident face to the hard working students who didn't even bother to do anything except their assignment.
"Why not? We, as senior students, should set an example of what the younger students should learn in the future. Though you're not that much older than them... A year, maybe two..." Jimin trailed off, putting his arms in front of his chest.
"I'm 21,so I'm 2 years older than most of them." Jungkook mimics his action by crossing his arms too.
"Yeah, I thought so. I'm 4 years older than them, which makes me a lot more experienced than all of you, so... Should we start or are you afraid you're not good enough?" And there was a smirk on Jimin's face, like he's enjoying this, craving for some tension, wanting to tease more...
And one thing that Jungkook most definitely is not doubting himself with, are his drawing skills.
"Let's do this." he said almost defiantly, sitting on the professor's desk, grabbing one blank paper from the table and a black pen.
Jimin did the same, sitting across from the younger.
"Where to start... There's so many memorable details on your pretty disproportionate face..." Jimin teased while acting all invested in his drawing.
"Thank you, yours is definitely gonna be a challenge to draw too."
As if Jungkook's gonna back down.
"I think I'll just start with those ridiculously two big front teeth." Jimin flashes a stupidly dishonest smile, and Jungkook finally gets the chance to study his features a bit better.
"As long as they're not crooked..." he addressed Jimin's front teeth, which earned him a frown, but there was a small smile creeping on Jimin's face. He was definitely enjoying this.
"Ok, all done. Now I can focus on that big nose of yours." the older kept casually insulting Jungkook's features, and if it wasn't funny, it would be rather pathetic.
"Great. I'm just gonna focus on your fat, round cheeks. Hopefully, you'll grow out of them..."
And if Jimin's gaze could kill, Jungkook would be bleeding by now.
"Almost done... Just let me get to these thin lips of yours..." Jimin said while squinting his eyes, pretending to measure something up.
"My lips are not thin. They are perfectly proportional for my face, unlike yours, fat ones..."
Jungkook felt trapped in this little insulting game and didn't know how to stop. He knew that his comments are only adding fuel to the fire, but he just couldn't find a bone in himself to stop.
"Hm... Guys don't call them fat... They say they are plump and very talented." and the stupid smirk is once again on the older's face with equally stupid lashes batting.
Jungkook's gaze tore off abruptly from Jimin's lips to his eyes, feeling his cheeks blushing because of the older's shameful comment, not knowing how to answer, or what to say...
"Don't think about what Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung said, don't think about that, no, no, no...." He begged God not to think about the last information he had about those same lips...
"Yeah, I've heard about the good sucking skills your pretty mouth can provide. Half of the Uni is talking about it..."
And what??? Shit??? Why are Jungkook's mouth talking without permission? And why is Jimin fucking smirking? Guess Yoongi's confidence and straightforwardness was contagious.
"Did you just say pretty? Wow, you like me that much already?"
Jimin is most definitely the cockiest person Jungkook had ever seen in his entire young life.
"No. I didn't say that..."
"Yeah you did. I mean I don't blame you. Look at this." and Jungkook made a mistake of turning his gaze and intention to Jimin, who was touching his lips now, pushing his fingertips over the velvety pink cushions that made his lips to wiggle in all their glory.
"Soft, full.. " then he grazed his tongue over his upper lip and smacked it down onto lower lip with a small pop, smearing the spit all over it, making his lips slick, and Jungkook gulped unintentionally.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"Wet, slick... pink..." then the older bites his lower lip and sucks it inside his mouth briefly which makes it even more plump and pink, and Jungkook has had it with this nonsense, cause WTF??!!
"You're ugly."
Jungkook panics, and that's the only thing that came out of his mouth before lowering his gaze down, unable to look up.
Jimin scoffs jokingly.
"Sure. Immature kid..."
He heard Jimin giggle, but couldn't look at him anymore. Jungkook was sure he wouldn't be able to look at him ever again. The man was crazy. Absolute nutcase... So Jungkook is just gonna finish his caricature, focus on the things he saw, and never ever look the redheaded man in the eyes. Like ever!
"Ok, time's up."
Jungkook was just finishing with his drawing when professor Wo Seok declared that the class was over, so hurriedly, he grabbed his paper, and while turning it away from Jimin's eyes, he pressed the paper onto his stomach and started walking around the students, looking at their assignments.
He is really surprised by the amount of good caricatures that he is seeing, and is finally getting a bit more excited to teach the students more.
"Wow. I'm blown away by your work. Seriously, good job everyone. I'm really happy that our first class has come to an end and that you look happy with what you have made."
Students nodded, looking at each other, showing off their caricatures.
Just when he was about to say that they can go and finish their assignments home and then bring them back next time, Jimin spoke.
"So, are we gonna show them ours now."
Jungkook gulped, palms sweaty, so he looked at the older man just standing there casually, looking unbothered and smug as fuck.
"I'm satisfied with what I've done... Man up man..."
He just nodded.
"So, do you wanna show them first?" Jimin came closer, holding his caricature against his chest, not showing it yet, so Jungkook shrugged.
"I don't care..." he whispers only for Jimin to hear.
"Ok, then I'll go first." he announced proudly and Jungkook got kind of excited? Curious maybe...
"So, dear students, like you've seen, Jungkook and I have also drawn each other's caricature to show support towards your work and to show you how your work can look with years of teaching and practicing art." Jimin said confidently and Jungkook almost wanted to throw up.
"Years of practice doesn't have to mean that some of them are not even better at this than us, you lunatic of a cocky man..."
And then he turned his art work around and there was a deep sigh audible in the room.
He really did well. Everything he had drawn was on point. Jungkook's big teeth, huge doe eyes, mole underneath his lips, his messy hair style... everything was there, but still, in Jungkook's honest opinion, something was missing. He couldn't quite pinpoint what that thing was, but he knew something wasn't there.
"Your turn." Jimin got him out of his thoughts with his words, so while nodding, Jungkook turned his body around, towards the students, and finally revealed his work.
Instead of watching the students reaction, Jungkook turned his focus to look at Jimin's expression first.
The older was obviously surprised because his mouth was slightly open, eyes fixated on the work, and he took a step closer to observe his own reflection in it.
Jungkook really gave his all. He had drawn Jimin just the way he saw him, like someone fierce, confident, but with soft face features.
He made sure to draw the spark in Jimin's expressive eyes, his full lips, small button nose, and he gave some extra attention to his flower earrings that looked so soft and feminine on him, but it all somehow worked.
After he heard clapping echoing through the classroom, he bowed politely, liking the fact that he had proven himself as someone who can teach others and provide them with new knowledge, art information and some tricks.
While silently observing the younger's work, Jimin move a step closer, and after one final look at himself, he finally spoke.
"Wow, I mean, I knew I was good looking, but you really made an effort to make me look just spectacular."
And Jungkook was done.
Done with him, done with his comments, done with the class.
"Sure." he murmurs before turning to leave the classroom, the students were also leaving one by one by now, and just before going outside the Mini theater, he hears an annoying voice speak again.
"Can't wait for our next class." Jimin said while waving almost mockingly, as if he knew how much his behavior was tormenting the younger, so after a deep eye roll, Jungkook just waved him back before leaving.
"Park Jimin is insane."
"Hi Jungkook, um... I asked you how your day went, but that's more interesting, so speak..."
The moment Jungkook had finished with his new daily classes, he felt pretty happy, and had finally forgotten a bit about the project class he had with Jimin in the morning.
Everything seemed normal and good until he went to grab a cup of his favorite coffee, to treat himself for being open to this whole new experience, and right when he was about to leave the place and go to his dorm room, he saw him.
He saw Park Jimin again, and the moment the redhead saw him too, he had stood up, and started slowly walking towards Jungkook.
Jungkook realized the best thing to do was to walk faster, so he did.
He started speed walking, (almost running) until he came right around the corner of the dormitory, but then he heard the familiar honey, annoying voice.
"Jungkook! Hey, do you have a minute?"
"Fuck, what now?"
He turned abruptly and just stood there, so close to his room, but not close enough.
Jimin was wearing some light denim jeans and a white shirt that was kind of see-through, or just worn out, and you could almost see his nipples, and was there a tattoo on his rib?
Jungkook will not look at that. No. No. No.
"I was just wondering, do you have another idea for the next class?" Jimin asked, so Jungkook thought about it.
He didn't.
And how nice it is for Jimin to ask him about the new idea? Probably he wanted to help...
"You don't?" the older asked and moved one step closer to Jungkook, smirking at him with some fire in his eyes.
"Well no, not really..." Jungkook trailed off, looking at Jimin, who seemed even closer now, looking at Jungkook with some weird facial expression, his hands pushed inside the pockets, posture confident and just a bit intimidating.
"So, you're telling me that you have no other idea than the one from this morning..." Jimin spoke, and suddenly his index finger was playing with the strings on Jungkook's black hoodie, so the younger looked down instinctively and gulped.
"I don't..."
"And you said that none of my ideas were that's just stupid." and he pulled the strings kind of tightly, making Jungkook's head fall down a bit, but he just pushed it back up again.
"Oh God is this about me not liking his stupid ideas..."
"That's cause they're all stupid and meaningless."
He'll not back down. Jungkook is a young man who stands for his beliefs. (with shaky legs)
"Hm? Ok. So... Do you want me to help you with finding some new ideas... I can be pretty helpful?" and there it was, the smirk, the smug expression, the evil in his eyes, and their proximity kept getting smaller and smaller, and Jungkook couldn't take it. The older was so close that Jungkook could almost smell the sweet flowery smell coming from his soft neck, and he really didn't wanna think about his smell, or his soft skin, or how good a deep purple mark would look right there... Jimin's straightforwardness is driving him nuts.
"What does he even mean by that?"
Did Jungkook even want to know?
He turned around without another word and just kept walking towards his room, head spinning from intrusive thoughts and that ridiculously sweet scent that Jimin had smelled off.
He can't have someone playing with him like that.
What the hell is wrong with Park Jimin???
So that's how he ends up in his room, explaining to his roommate why he thinks Jimin is insane.
"So you're telling me how the Uni's heartthrob and the most popular guy is hitting on you way too obviously and you're panicking?" Yoongi asked in conclusion, so Jungkook frowned.
"No! That's not at all what I think." he plopped his body down on the couch right next to Yoongi, trying to get some sense into all of this.
"So then why did he say that he has talented lips, and then licked them, bit them, and after all of that, offered to help you with the new idea for the class?"
Seemed like Yoongi got it all figured out.
"He's doing it on purpose! He wants me to back down from the project. Wants me to feel confused and frightened and to just crawl away like some spineless weak man, but he doesn't know me. I can fight back. I could just ignore him for the rest of my time here... That's more likely."
"Maybe it's all just a misunderstanding. You should let the time pass and after a few classes together, maybe you'll see how everything is ok and you were just overreacting." Yoongi tries to bring some sense into all of this mess, but Jungkook knows better.
"He's not gonna behave nicely. I know his type. He'll try to get rid of me at any cost. I just know it. But I'm not gonna back down. I'm not! I'm not! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not..." he kept mumbling so Yoongi slapped his thigh.
"Stop repeating it so many times. I get it. You're not gonna let some hot guy flirt his way into your head and kick you out of the project just cause he can't stand a bit of team work and your leadership, and cause you're obviously feeling uncomfortable around him. Right?"
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"I'm so fucked."
A dear reader said I didn't post all of my stories here, and she really loves to read here so I decided to post the ones I forgot. So here's the first one. Not my favorite, but still fun to write.
Hope you'll like it.
Btw. I LOVED this redhead Jimin.
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