New York

Jimin entered inside, and made himself comfortable while putting all the snacks on the table, then putting his backpack down on the floor next to him, and finally he took a seat on the black couch that was in the middle of the room.

"Can I get you anything? Water, beer? Something to drink?"

"Beer? I thought we're gonna study?" Jimin cocked his eyebrows at the younger.

"Yeah... You're probably right... Water then?" Jungkook is going to die.

"Water's fine. Thank you." Jimin seemed normal and unbothered.

After bringing two glasses of water and some bowls to put all the snacks in, Jungkook sat next to Jimin, making sure there's still some space between them, cause God damn it did Jimin's thighs look good under those sweatpants.

"So, I thought about how we could start with basics, you know, the six elements of Abstract art." Jungkook decided to do his best and tried to occupy his horny mind at any cost.

"Sure, that sounds fun." Jimin said and leaned his back into the cushions, putting his right ankle on top of his left knee, making himself comfortable, while making Jungkook sweat some more.

"Right there, underneath those sweatpants is Jimin's pretty dick... Oh God, what am I even thinking about..."

As Jimin made himself even more comfortable, Jungkook glanced at his crotch involuntarily, and right after he cursed at himself on the inside.

Jimin didn't seem to notice, he looked relaxed and hot.

" So... The six elements, line, shape, form, color, value " Jungkook struggled.

"... Texture." Jimin helped.

"Did he say sexture? He didn't say it. Right? Right? I'm losing my mind."

"Yes. Texture, so those are the key elements to Abstract art success... So you know about this?" Jungkook asked, confused cause why did he teach Jimin something he already knew.

"I do. I had an 8 before, it' s not like I don't know anything. I just need a 10 this time." and slowly Jimin took off his hoodie, which left him in a white tank top which was kind of loose, so Jungkook struggled to breath.

"It's hot in here." the older explained.

"It sure is..." fucking blabber mouth.

Jungkook tried to snap his gaze away from Jimin's toned arms, so he grabbed one of his books, and put it on the table next to Jimin.

'Abstract Art through your eyes'

"It's one of the best books that you can read about the beginnings of Abstract art, then how to look at it and understand it better, and how to find value in what you see..." so while Jungkook was talking, Jimin was flipping through pages, and then he took a black hair tie which was on his wrist like a bracelet, and in one move, he pulled the front part of his blond hair and tied it up in a ponytail, obviously trying to read that book without having to move the strands of that fluffy hair out of his eyes all the time.

Poor Jungkook was having a mental breakdown.

Why did that look so good on Jimin?

The exposed forehead, the sexy jaw line that looked even better now, those plump lips and dark eyes.

"I'm gonna go and bring us some coffee. I really need one, and you could read and then we could discuss what you've read later on. Ok?" he really needed to escape this even for 10 minutes cause differently, his head was about to explode.

His dick too.

"Ok. I could drink some coffee. Thank you." again, Jimin looked totally normal, unbothered, already reading that book, looking like a wet dream right there on Jungkook's couch.

Without any further explanation, Jungkook went out and enjoyed the walk over to the Starbucks where he bought two coffees and had thought about his options here.

"Either I'm gonna pop a boner in the middle of talking about abstract art, or I'm gonna scream for help if Jimin so much as goes through his hair with his hand, and he does that all the time."

He was that desperate.

"Maybe we could drink coffee, then talk about the book and then he could go home to study for his exam... That would be the best option..."

He had his mind set up, and was willing to do anything to make it happen.

While entering his room, he saw Jimin laying on the couch on his back, the book in his arms, looking comfy while reading.

"You were right. This book really explains a lot of things and I love that there are so many pictures in it. I always found it easier to learn when I can picture something." Jimin said while flipping the pages, not even glancing at Jungkook.

"Everything will be just fine."

"Here, your coffee." Jungkook put the coffee on the table next to Jimin, and then he glanced around, looking at where his best option was to sit.

He had no options. Jimin took the whole couch while lying on it, and there was only the floor left. Luckily they had a nice, white rug on it. Wouldn't be his first time to sit on it.

"Hey, sorry, I was tired so I layed down, come here..." Jimin said the moment he saw Jungkook sitting on the floor, but the younger just shook his head.

"No, you stay there. Lay down, I need to find some notes for you anyway and this is the easiest way." Jungkook took around ten of his books and notebooks and spread them all over the floor, trying to find the ones that Jimin would need.

"Thank you. " Jimin really did look thankful.

While looking around, Jungkook felt his back starting to hurt, so after picking another four books, he took one of his markers and decided to underline some of the titles that Jimin should read. He knew that Jimin likes it that way. Colorful and fun. Then he laid down on the floor, on his stomach, marker in his arm, ready to dig into work.

He read, and read, underlined everything that was important while Jimin was reading, taking some notes, and after what seemed an hour or even more, he heard Jimin taking a deep breath.

"You tired?" Jungkook glanced at him, just in time when Jimin was stretching his body, the white tank top got up a bit, revealing his perfectly shaped abs.

"Fucking hell..."

"I'm fine. Reading too much always makes me sleepy. I'm gonna take a five minute pause just to recharge my batteries." So he went into a sitting position, grabbing some chocolate candies, eating them while looking at what Jungkook was doing.

"I actually did an amazing job here. I finished with two other books. I've underlined everything that's important to you, so you need to read just that. Honestly, there's no need to even look at that other text, and..."

And Jungkook felt a body, laying down on top of him, literally covering his whole back with his front.

Jimin layed on top of him, their bodies glued, Jimin's crotch resting on top of Jungkook's ass and this is the way Jungkook would die. Out of too much tension that he felt in his life right now. (life = pants)

"Show me." Jimin whispered while laying on top of Jungkook, like his dick wasn't literally touching Jungkook's ass if we exclude a few layers of the cotton material and Jungkok's jeans.

"Um... there... um... I underlined this, and this, and this... and I can't think like this... You're distracting me." The best thing to do is to be honest.

Jungkook didn't dare to turn his head and look at Jimin's face. He knew he was too weak to handle his cocky face, sexy lips, hair, so he just kept staring at those God damn books.

"I'm distracting you? Kookah, you are literally laying on the floor with your ass sticking out like that, so I couldn't read another word since you came in here. I would say, you're the one distracting me here."

Jimin's breath was hot, and so close to Jungkook's ear, almost caressing his neck. He fought the need to push his ass back, just to see Jimin's reaction.

"If I recall, it's your ass that looks like an eight World's wonder, not mine."

Jimin scoffed.

"Come on. You're literally made out of firm muscle, all muscle, all around your body, including your ass. I always call you a muscle pig around my friends. Tae thinks it's hilarious."

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"You talk to Tae about me?"

"Yeah. I mean, we did fuck and kiss, and he's my best friend so..." Jimin slowly caressed Jungkook's sides, making him shiver under his touch.

"We fucked only once." Jungkook said while finally finding courage to put his head up, meeting Jimin's face right next to his left cheek.

"Exactly, only once. We should change that." Jimin kissed his ear, cheek, coming closer to the younger's lips. All Jungkook needed to do was turn just slightly to meet him halfway.

"Yeah?" instead he gulped, not sure what Jimin was suggesting now.

"Mhm..." the older hummed in agreement so Jungkook finally turned his head to face him.


Jimin's gaze was dark.


So he's definitely talking about having sex again, right now.

Jimin stayed like that, on top of the younger's body, and with one hand he finally turned Jungkook's head to face him better, and started slowly kissing his lips.

Peck after peck, just lips meeting and pulling away, soft and wet at the same time, and Jungkook could already feel it. He was getting hard.

Jimin licked his lips teasingly, asking for entrance, seeking for more, and Jungkook gave him just what he wanted. He opened his lips more, welcoming the older's tongue, playing with it softly, enjoying the chocolate taste in Jimin's mouth.

They kissed like that, sensually, teasingly, enjoying each other, and Jungkook felt like if they continued like this, his dick could probably drill a hole in the ground underneath him since the more heated the kiss got, the bigger his boner felt.

Was Jimin getting hard too?

He just needed to know?

While still kissing like that, Jimin's crotch on top of his ass, he slowly pushed his ass back, meeting the older's crotch, and the moan that left Jimin's lips was just sinful.

Obviously Jungkook's bold move was an indicator for Jimin to do even more, so he grinds his hips down, showing the younger just how hot and bothered he was.

Jungkook definitely felt Jimin's dick against his ass and it felt good.

While still kissing, Jungkook pushed his ass up again, meeting Jimin's grinds, enjoying the friction, and soon it was all too much, and yet he needed more.

"Jimin..." he moaned, already panting fast.

"Yes baby..." Jimin moved up, letting Jungkook to turn around, positioning himself so that now his back was against the floor, facing Jimin completely.

"You should study." he said while putting his hands inside Jimin's shirt, touching his skin slowly.

"I know, but I also need a break. Do you want me to stop?" Jimin's hips were grinding against Jungkook's crotch, and it felt so damn good, that thin cotton material of Jimin's sweatpants showed off Jimin's thick thighs and Jungkook could only imagine how his ass looked.

"I want...ah...I don't want you to stop..." weak man. Jungkook was everything but persistent in what he wanted when Jimin was driving him crazy.

"Don't want me to stop what? Tell me what you want." Jimin was a tease and as much as Jungkook hated it, at some point he got addicted to it.

"I want... you... I want...ah..." it was hard to focus on speaking when Jimin was pulling Jungkook's shirt up, licking his way to the younger's nipples, licking and swirling his tongue at one, then another, never breaking the hips rolls which felt obscene, the bounces of his round ass were just too damn inviting.

"Speak baby, if you can..." with one fast move, Jimin pushed his hand inside Jungkook's jeans, and gasped at the contact with the heavy weight he felt on his palm and fingers.

"Ahhh Jimin... fuck..."

He grabbed Jungkook's dick firmly and started stroking it steadily.

"Mmmm so good, and so hard for me." Jimin whispered while nibbling Jungkook's neck, leaving faint bruises along the way.

"Jimin... you need to stop..." and Jungkook was being honest. He really needed Jimin to stop or else he would come right there, inside his jeans, like some horny mess that he definitely was.

"Yeah? I will, I actually don't want you to come yet. I need that dick inside me. I need it badly." Jimin took Jungkook's hands in his, and positioned them behind, on top of his ass, so the younger squeezed that perfectly firm muscle, feeling his palms and fingers being blessed with the amazing feeling of Jimin's ass twitching under his grip.

"Want me to fuck you again?" hearing those words from Jimin, really boosted Jungkook's ego, so he started squeezing Jimin's ass harder, pushing him down onto his crotch more.

"I do. I want it hard. I couldn't stop thinking about your dick ever since you fucked me back in New York. It's funny how I don't like to bottom that much, and usually I top, but that last time, you did it so good Kookah, I need it again...Please..."

As if Jungkook needed to be told twice.

So he got up into a sitting position, and tucked a few strands of Jimin's hair behind his ear. The ponytail looked a lot messier than before. (hotter too)

"It's funny how I actually prefer to top too, but I'd bottom for you anytime. I kind thought since that time in New York I fucked you, that you'd want to fuck me now, and honestly, I was ok with that too... It's like, I would do pretty much anything you want me to. But your ass Jimin... (Jungkook moved the older more into his lap, squeezing his ass firmly) God it feels so good... I wouldn't mind fucking you all the time."

Jungkook really wanted to be honest with the older, wanted him to know how with him, he's down to anything, and that he would, indeed make Jimin's wish come true.

"Then we're on the same page. I want you to feel good. Wanna be good for you... And whenever you feel the need to be fucked good, I can do that too. I'm good, trust me. I'd take good care of you."

The whole time that they were talking, their hips were moving in some slow rhythm. Moving up and down, sliding one against another, enjoying the friction...

"Mmmmm sounds good to me. Now let me enjoy you more." Jungkook got up, holding Jimin in his hands, and moved them to the couch, respecting Yoongi's plea not to fuck on his bed although they were tempted to.

He took off Jimin's clothes first, and then his own, so they laid down and kissed, just like that, naked, one on top of the other.

Jungkook caressed Jimin's soft skin, moved his hands all around his body, letting his fingertips graze over his stomach, thighs, and every once in a while over Jimin's hardening member.

The older moaned and closed his eyes, enjoying every single touch, kissing Jungkook's lips, every time he got the chance to, using his hands to hold himself onto Jungkook's broad shoulders.

Then Jimin pushed Jungkook on the back, and positioned himself on top of him, loving the way both of their dicks were already leaking precum,both hard and heavy pointing upwards, against their stomachs.

Seemed like Jimin had a plan, so while looking at both of their dicks, he pushed his hips down, meeting Jungkook's hard length, and started moving his hips in a steady rhythm.

The feeling was heavenly.

Jimin's cock rubbing all over his own, the slide perfectly covered with their own precum, making the friction so fucking good and erotic.

"Ah, Jimin...that's...yes..."

The way Jimin had sped up his thrusts over Jungkook's shaft, made the younger to imagine how good of a fucker Jimin would be, and how willing he was to find that out some day.

"You like it?" Jimin whispered while giving one wet kiss to Jungkook's lips.

"I think I'm gonna come."

So Jimin stopped abruptly. Jungkook almost burst out laughing.

"I'm kidding, don't stop. Feels really good." he whined so Jimin slapped his buff chest.

"You scared me. I thought I'm not gonna get dicked down and my heart almost stopped."

"Poor baby..." Jungkook teased him, but then realized that this was the first time he used a pet name with Jimin.

Seemed like Jimin noticed it too, cause he leaned down, kissing Jungkook's lips slowly while caressing his hair.

"Am I your baby now? Hm?"

Of course he noticed it...

"If you fuck me next time I can call you daddy if you're into that too." Jungkook decided to change the subject, but that backfired at him too fast.

"Oh, I bet you'd like that ha? Well to test it out I'm gonna call you daddy now while you fuck me, What do you say?" Jimin licked one big, hot strip over Jungkook's neck up to his ear and whispered 'daddy' which for some strange reason rang inside Jungkook's ear like the sexiest thing he had ever heard in his life so with one fast move, he hovered above Jimin, dark gaze in his eyes, and as fast as he could, he reached for condom and lube from his closet, ready to show Jimin what kind of 'daddy' he could be for him.

After lubing his index finger generously, he pushed it in without too much talking, loving the immediate response from Jimin's body. He arched his back, ass pushing down onto the couch, mouth opening slightly, eyes closed, while moaning sinfully.

"You're so beautiful..."

Jungkook felt the need to praise the older, loving how blushed his cheeks got at the said words.

"More..." Jimin was as responsive as the first time they had sex, and Jungkook loved that about him. Loved the way after he put the second digit, Jimin started fucking himself onto his fingers, enjoying the stretch and the feeling to fullest.

"Kookah..." the older moaned Jungkook's name while panting faster, adjusting himself on the younger's fingers.


"Do that thing... you know... when you pushed your fingers inside deep and....oh, God...yes... that..."

Jungkook smirked at Jimin's face expression when he pushed his fingers right onto his prostate, rubbing them all over the place, enjoying the way Jimin's dick leaked precum even more.

"Ah...yes...please....more... I've never felt that... that's ah..."

Could it be possible that no one's ever reached Jimin's soft spot before?

That only gave Jungkook more motivation to explore that further.

After adding a third finger, Jimin hissed, so Jungkook took it slow. He pushed them only till the first knuckle, and then slowly, while squeezing his fingers together, he pushed them in more.

He waited for Jimin to accommodate to the new fullness he felt, and right after the older started moving his hips down, fucking himself onto Jungkook's finger's, he knew, he was ready.

"Gonna do it again, ok?" Jungkook warned him before hitting that spot again, this time even harder than before.

"Ah shit, ah fuck, ah, what... ah, ah... Kookah...this...I...wait..."

"Feels good?" Jungkook wanted to know, even though Jimin's body said it all.

The older was spread out nicely, his dick painfully hard, leaking onto his stomach, back arched, eyes shut closed, lips raw, bitten, red and swollen... He looked amazing like this.

"'s too much..." Jimin's legs started shaking, so he tried to push himself up off of Jungkook's fingers, but the younger wouldn't let him. It felt too good to let go of him now.

"Jungkook wait...ah...stop...I'm gonna...ah..ah...ah..." and a few thrusts more, Jimin spilled white cum all over his stomach, letting orgasm to take over him, gripping the couch under him, panting fast and loud, his eyes still closed, unable to move.

Jungkook pulled his fingers out slowly, admiring how nicely he had stretched the older, and after kissing him softly on the lips, he noticed how Jimin wasn't even moving, all he could do was breath deeply and lay down, enjoying the after orgasm bliss. He went to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean the mess Jimin made, and returned pretty quickly.

Jimin was still in the same position as he left him.

"Are you alive?" Jungkook teased while slowly wiping off the cum from Jimin's stomach, the older just smiled, still not opening his eyes.

"Did I just come untouched?" he asked as if he didn't know, and slowly opened his eyes that sparkled even in the dim light.

"I haven't touched your dick. Did you?" Jungkook laid down next to him, squeezing the older to lay on the side, facing him while looking at him smugly.

"Nope. Can't say that I did." Jimin had this unusual smiley face that surprised Jungkook a bit.

"This never happened to me, so that's why I'm a bit freaking out." Jimin said while sounding giddy, biting his lips right after.

"Really? Damn, who had fucked you before? I recommend only partners that could do this to you, nothing less."

Why was Jungkook enjoying this so much?

"Did you just recommend yourself?" Jimin asked with wondering eyes, looking at Jungkook's face expectantly, and then it hit him. He's gonna see Jimin like this only for a few days more, and that's it. That's when it all ends. Their summer break will start, Jungkook will return to Busan, and Jimin will stay here, so far away and his heart clenched at the thought.

"If I could, I would do it every day without a second thought."

And it was the truth. He would enjoy Jimin as much as he could, every day, every minute, appreciating him as a unique human being that he is, and as an unmatched beauty like he had never seen before.

Jimin didn't say anything to that, he just moved closer, and while trying to kiss Jungkook on the lips, he ducked away, realizing one important fact.

"You're still fucking hard." he said and looked down, Jungkook's dick almost poking through his stomach.

"Well, what can I say, you didn't give love to my dick, like, at all." Jungkook pouted, faking a sad expression, so Jimin burst out laughing.

"You brat." Jimin slapped his arm playfully, still glancing down, at Jungkook's hard length.

"So..." Jimin walked with his index and middle finger over Jungkook's chest, down to his stomach, caressing his skin lightly, smiling at the eager expression that consumed Jungkook's face.

"Want me to show you some love now?" Jimin caressed with his index finger all over Jungkook's shaft, making him shiver under the slightest touch.


Jungkook would beg for it. At this point he was ready to cry if he had to.

"How do you want it? Have any wishes? " Jimin caressed the slit with his thumb, making Jungkook frown in arousal, already panting faster.

"Do whatever you want... I'm all yours."

All yours???? Jungkook is so screwed.

Then Jimin got up, on his knees, and while turning his back on the younger, he leaned his elbows on the couch's headboard, arching his back sexily.

He was still slick from the used lube, his ass literally shining, looking firm and so good, and then he arched the small of his back even more, and pushed those round cheeks towards Jungkook, wiggling his hips back and forth a little, daring him to make a move.

Jungkook watched him in awe.

"Please Mr. Jeon," Jimin whined with lust in his voice as he looked back over his shoulder at the younger, "I'm just a hopeless student. I don't know how I'm gonna get a ten without your help. Is there anything I can do to get some extra credit?"


Fucking role-play.

Well, there was no denying that Jimin knew how to push Jungkook's buttons.

The older ended his little scene by bending over slightly at the waist and grabbing onto the couch headboard in front of him, his hole looking so good, stretched out and wet, just ready to be fucked. He turned to wink at the younger as he presented himself. Jungkook went from prey to predator in less than a heartbeat.

Obviously Jungkook loved all of it.

He got up, and closed the distance between them and ground his hard and dripping cock against Jimin's hole, feeling the older's muscled cheeks open and enfold his girth.

The older closed his eyes and he pushed his hole back towards the younger.

Jimin used his hands to separate his ass cheeks, and then he slid his hips up and down Jungkook's shaft, rubbing his hole onto his dick head. Instinctively Jungkook moved his hips up, meeting Jimin's grind, losing his mind slowly.

"What is going on?"

Jungkook's mind went nuts. Jimin was so close to him, but he didn't have a condom on, would he let him? Is that even an option? Should they do that? Why? There was a condom somewhere on the floor...

"Jimin..." Jungkook moaned, the anticipation killing him...

"Mhm?" Jimin continued to roll his hips which made his ass to slide up and down Jungkook's shaft, so fucking close, but not quite there.

"I want you." Jungkook really needed to feel him. He needed Jimin's warmth. Wanted to feel like one again...

"You have me baby, I'm right here... Take me..." while still rubbing his ass on top of Jungkook's stone hard dick, Jimin turned his head around, seeking another kiss that Jungkook gladly gave him.

"Can I..." Jungkook tried to ask through kisses.

"Yes." Jimin said immediately.

"Condom?" he still wanted to make sure that this is what Jimin wanted.

"No. Want it raw." Jimin paired the desire with a wide-eyed look of innocence and misty lust that made it almost a crime not to do as he asked.

Why was Jungkook's heart racing like crazy right now?

Without even slicking himself more, the younger lined himself with Jimin's entrance like a magnet, and slowly started pushing in. The lube left in Jimin's hole mixed with the ridiculous amount of precum Jungkook had leaked made the entry pretty easy. The heat of Jimin's skin as his precum drenched his opening even more nearly made the younger to come right then.

"Ah...yes...just like that..." Jimin moaned while leaning his head onto Jungkook's chest, feeling more and more of the younger's cock pushing inside him. He pushed back against Jungkook's hard shaft and tried to take more and more of his long dick with each little thrust.

"Feels so good Kookah... so full inside me..."

With practiced ease, Jungkook melted into him. Jimin's muscles clenched and unclenched around the younger as he throbbed inside the older's tight hole. Heat like fire mixed with pressure like a vice.


What's going on? Why's Jungkook talking? He should be moving now... his mouth needs to be in sync with his brain.


"I like you."

Shit! Fuck! No! Not now! You idiot! What the fuck!

Jimin stopped kissing him, and looked into Jungkook's eyes deeply, both of them being still, only their breaths audible in the room.

"I like you too." Jimin confessed with a fond smile, kissing Jungkook's nose, then cheeks, and then giving him a small, soft peck on the lips.

"Like a lot." he whispered and Jungkook's heart doubled it's size.

He nuzzled his face into Jimin's nape, inhaling a well known smell that he loved so so much.

Then he felt Jimin's hips moving slightly, like he's trying to fuck himself onto Jungkook's dick, obviously feeling impatient and horny so the younger squeezes Jimin's hips even tighter, biting up his neck teasingly.

"So you want some extra credit?" suddenly Jungkook remembered the role-play they were playing before his outburst with feelings, and decided to act as he was supposed to.

"Mmmmmmmm yes. Please Mr. Jeon. Give it to me." Jimin wiggled his ass against Jungkook's hip and hi hole clenched tight then opened again.

"It's going to be rough to bring that grade up. You sure you can take it?" Jungkook asked with a low voice.

"I like it rough." Jimin ground into him again.

Jungkook felt his cock head pressing against that magic button of nerves inside the older. Jimin's breath was getting ragged, choppy.

"You got it." Jungkook hissed in Jimin's ear, biting the soft skin of his earlobe as he pulled his cock back and slammed it inside the older again with enough force to make a smacking sound.

Jimin didn't even attempt to lower his voice. Jungkook didn't attempt to make him.

The older had unintentionally awoken the beast he only assumed lurked inside Jungkook and all the younger wanted to do was to show him how hard he could give it to him.

Jimin's fingernails raked down the couch as Jungkook slammed his round ass from behind. The younger's fingers ached with the pressure he put on Jimin's hips as he pulled him roughly back onto his cock. The older's hole loosened and tightened around him in wave after wave, matching his panting and groans.

"Don't stop....oh, fuck yes... yes, yes, baby fuck me harder, oh fuck yes, harder, oh shit yes..."

Jungkook picked up his pace, giving the older exactly what he asked for.

He kept fucking him, faster, feeling his head hit his soft spot,making him yelp each time. Jungkook's eyes blurred.

He was close.

As he felt the familiar white hot fire climb in his veins and shimmer through his entire being, he slammed his cock into Jimin and pulled him back into him, holding him there, throbbing and thickening inside him.

Seemed like Jimin's body knew what was coming. He clamped down on Jungkook's shaft with his hole, waiting for it.

"Come in me... Fill me up daddy..."

Jungkook felt his lust and anxieties empty into Jimin in five bursts of thick cum that sapped his strength and filled the older to the brim. He felt some of it leak hot and thick down his shaft. Jungkook dared not to move as he filled him, and from the sounds Jimin was making, it was a good thing he didn't.

Seconds later, Jungkook noticed in his orgasmic state, the white streams and drops that landed on the couch in front of Jimin. He had come without Jungkook touching his dick. He had completely forgotten to touch his cock, but thankfully it seemed his inattention hadn't been damning. The younger's fingers were still white and tense on Jimin's hips as he felt lightheaded and ease spread through him...

He finally let himself have this...

This perfect moment of pure sex and intimacy with Jimin in his arms.

They stayed like that for a moment.

Jimin in Jungkook's embrace, holding him tightly while his dick was getting softer inside the older's hole. Jimin's head was leaned on Jungkook's chest, the younger nuzzling the crook of his neck, still breathing a bit faster while enjoying each other's scent.

When they finally found the strength to look at each other's eyes, all they saw was satisfaction and fondness.

Jungkook kissed Jimin's lips softly, loving the smile that appeared right after.

Jimin pulled off of Jungkook's sensitive cock in his uncontrollable glee. Jungkook shivered at the change in temperature and pressure, positioning himself to lay on the couch, while tugging Jimin comfortably onto his chest. The older glistened in the gloom, a thin sheen of sweat over his entire form.

"So, daddy and a role-play kink?" Jimin asked while his breathing had finally evened out, looking at Jungkook curiously.

"No, not really. I mean, I don't mind it. It was hot cause it came from you, so I guess I have Jimin kink then." Jungkook replied while moving some sticky strands off of Jimin's forehead.

"Oh is that so? So I'm a kink now?" Jimin teased while moving his head away, trying to look at Jungkook's face better.

"You're kinky, that's for sure." Jungkook caressed his back, smile never leaving his face.

"Can't deny that."

"So, are we gonna take a shower? I think you're little study break is over." Jungkook caressed Jimin's thighs, loving the smooth skin he felt underneath his fingers.

"Ahhh don't remind me. I can't get back to studying after this. I'm too tired." Jimin whined, but Jungkook didn't wanna hear it.

"No, no, no... You really need to study hyung. I'll help you, come on." so he walked to the bathroom with Jimin in his arms, and then he entered the shower cabin together with Jimin in his arms.

Slowly, the younger put Jimin down to stand next to him.

"You're leaking out of me." Jimin said while smiling, but Jungkook didn't find it funny at all.

"Turn around."

Jimin did, and the sight was spectacular.

There he was, standing naked in front of Jungkook, with his pink ass cheeks spread out nicely, showing off the thick, white cum sliding down his ass and thighs.

"And I'm getting hard again."

Jimin turned back to face him fast, and slapped his chest playfully.

"No round two. I need to study and I'm sore already. You fucked me so good I might be getting addicted to the way you fuck. Is that even possible?"

Was Jimin for real?

"I'm the one who's getting addicted to you actually, you feel so good Jimin, seriously... and without a condom... I could feel you so much better, hotter, just... closer. But, I'm curious to know, um... Why did you want it like that?" Jungkook was soaping them both now, trying to make some funny hairstyles on both of their heads.

"Well you said it yourself, closer. I wanted to feel your skin on me, wanted to feel your every move, thrust... Just everything. And I'm clean and since you look like someone responsible and..."

"I'm clean as well. I never do it without a condom actually..." Jungkook admitted so Jimin put his hands over his neck.

"Never? This was your first time?"

"Yes." it was the truth.

"Did you like it?" Jimin kisses his cheek softly.

"I did. A lot... And coming inside you was the highlight." Jungkook said with a giddy expression.

"And I'm the kinky one."

They kissed lazily while cleaning their bodies, until the water felt too cold, so after putting on some clean boxers, they returned to study some more, well Jimin did. Jungkook just observed him, the way the older was sitting, reading, almost falling asleep, so Jungkook would nudge him to wake up and read again, until his own eyes couldn't stay open anymore.

He remembered the warmth of Jimin's body hugging him from behind, nuzzling his head into Jungkook's nape, and he loved all of it.

The closeness, the intimacy, Jimin's warmth, hot breath against his neck, Jimin's pretty smell... Everything.

He liked it way too much for it to be platonic.


Wet kisses all over his back woke Jungkook up and for one second he felt like he was dreaming.

It's Jimin.

Jimin is kissing him to wake him up.

How romantic...

And then he felt Jimin's morning boner grinding against his ass.

Maybe not so romantic after all, more like horny as fuck.


"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"You're literally dry humping my ass." Jungkook noted the obvious which didn't make the older one stop.

"I can't help it. I'm stressed, horny and you look amazing..." he continued with wet licks and nibbles all over Jungkook's neck, his dick now grinding on top of the younger's ass harder.

Jungkook glanced at his phone.


"Jimin, you have 30 minutes before your exam starts, you have to get ready."

And the worst thing was, Jungkook got hard in no time. Feeling Jimin's hard dick so close to him, his hot breath all over his back... it was just overwhelming.

"Then just keep lying on your side like this and let me fuck your thighs then. I'll be quick."

Jungkook sighed, acting like he wasn't enjoying all of this.

"My thighs?"

"Mhm, your thighs look so fucking good. I could come just by rubbing my dick all over them. So thick and manly and sexy... please let me fuck you like this."

"Thank you... Do it then. Come on... Wanna see how it feels."

With those encouraging words, Jimin moaned and slipped his dick between Jungkook's thighs and then wrapped his arm around the younger's chest as he started humping. He used the other hand to wrap it around Jungkook's cock, moaning at the contact with his hardening member.

"Mmmmm always hard for me." he murmured.

Jungkook could feel the shift in Jimin's thrusts.

At first they were slow and deep, but soon they became faster and shorter, just a fast in and out, push and pull, while pumping Jungkook's dick heavenly.

The younger started moaning too, thrusting back into Jimin's hand.

Jimin's body was flush behind him, pushing and humping, the skin on skin contact made the sexiest slapping sounds, and Jungkook couldn't believe how much he enjoyed this.

The more that Jimin moaned into his ear, the more that he could feel his body getting sweatier and sweatier, Jungkook felt closer to orgasm.

"Ah...Jimin...fuck... I'm close..."

"Yeah? Like the way I fuck your thighs?" the older asked while leaking precum all over Jungkook's thighs, making the friction even slicker and better.

"I do. You do it so good... "

"Imagine how good would it feel if I was fucking your ass instead of your thighs..." and he snapped his hips harder, slapping Jungkook's ass as he fucked deeper, the younger flushing bright pink just cause of the thought about it.

They thrust harder, Jimin between Jungkook's thighs, the younger in Jimin's hand, and a few moments later Jungkook's breathing hitched and Jimin's grunts became shorter and soon they came together while moaning loudly, unable to control their pants.

Jungkook turned around, to face the older, and the moment he did, Jimin kissed him softly.

"Good morning baby." he said with that adorable eye smile.

"It's more than good if you ask me. Could get used to this." Jungkook moved closer, hugging the older tightly while pressing soft pecs all over his face.

"What? Me fucking your thighs?"

"I meant waking up together, having you here, kissing you all the time."

"Now I feel bad." Jimin pouted.

"I wouldn't mind fucking your thighs next time." Jungkook teased so Jimin chuckled.

"That's better. Thank you." Jimin played with the messy strands on Jungkook's face.

"What for?"

"Everything. Being supportive, honest, always here for me. You're a really amazing guy you know... and I think I'm gonna miss you more than I would like to admit..." Jimin said with some sadness in his voice, finally addressing the way their little romance is going to end pretty soon.

"I feel the same way." the younger whispered before cupping Jimin's cheeks, giving him yet another warm and inviting kiss, but soon Jimin's alarm started ringing for the nth time, and they both finally got out of the bed, sticky and dirty, hurrying to get ready for their final classes and in Jimin's case, Abstract Art exam.

Finger's crossed that he had studied enough.


The day after, while sitting in the University's cafeteria Jungkook felt nervous as never.

He was having a cup of coffee with Yoongi and Namjoon, and at the other side of the cafeteria, there was Jimin, sitting with Taehyung, looking just as nervous.

It was the day when Jimin was supposed to get his Abstract Art results, and Jungkook couldn't stop refreshing the Uni page where their professor was supposed to post results every minute now.

Jimin needed to get 10 if he wanted to get into the Doctor's degree program, and Jungkook had his concerns cause instead of studying hard, they did something else... hard...

Just like many times before, the moment Jungkook had heard sighs and screams and some whines through the cafeteria, he knew that results were there and all the students that were waiting there saw them too.

While refreshing the page with shaky hands, he looked for the name and the grade, and saw it.

Park Jimin - 8


"Oh my God! What now? Shit!!!" Jungkook panicked on the inside, and after glancing at Jimin, he saw the older looking at his phone, but there was no visible disappointment, there was nothing, like he had no emotion whatsoever.

That scared him even more.

Without thinking, Jungkook got up, and started walking towards Jimin's table, ignoring all the curious looks, whispers around him, unable to think about gossips and stupid things like that right now.

"Hyung..." he whispered as if, if no one hears him, no one will know he was standing in front of Jimin, the man that he was linked to for so long through fake rumors that both of them tried to deny, but here he was, standing right there without moving...

Jimin looked up and when he saw Jungkook standing in front of him, he actually smiled. He smiled and Jungkook was sure he was either going to smack him for causing another potential rumor to spread at the speed of the light, or that Jimin would totally ignore him, since they never talked where too many people were around, and right now, the Uni's cafeteria was full.

"I just need to know that you're ok. That's all." Jungkook whispered, glancing around, as if he knew all the eyes were pointed at his back.

Jimin got up, and came closer to the younger, smile never leaving his face.

"I'm fine. Everything's ok." Jimin said and he really did look fine.

Why was Jimin ok with this?

"But, your grade... Jimin... Did you see it?" Jungkook tried to explain his worry.

"I did. It's ok. I mean it's not like I got 6. 8 is pretty good."

Jungkook looked at him even more confused.

"Look at this baby." Jimin turned his phone to face Jungkook, but the nickname 'baby' kept ringing inside Jungkook's ear.

New York Ballet Certification - Park Jimin - 10

And Jungkook's eyes widened, mouth fell open, and without thinking, or restraining himself he grabbed Jimin's waist and hoisted him up, then made a full turn while jumping around, unable to contain himself.

"You did it! You fucking did it!"


"Oh shit."

Jungkook pursed his lips, frown appearing in between his eye brows, and Jimin looked like he was suppressing a chuckle badly.

"Shouldn't have done that... Sorry. I got excited and..." he started whispering again, and Jimin smiled. He just couldn't stop smiling.

"I mean they already think we got married the first time we went to New York together. Didn't you hear the rumors?" It was refreshing how this time around, Jimin was joking about the fact that everyone was whispering around them, already starting new gossips, but it's like he didn't care.

"I'm just curious if we both wore tuxes or was there a wedding dress too? I think you would look gorgeous in white, and since you wear skirts already..."

Jimin pinched his arm, which earned him a quiet ouch from the younger, smile never leaving their faces.

"I'm so proud of you." Jungkook said fondly so Jimin took a step closer.

"So... I did good. Right?" Jimin asked while glancing at Jungkook's lips, then eyes, up and down...

"Yes... You did..." Jungkook gulped.

"So... I deserve my prize. Right?" Jimin licked his lips.


"Where's my prize Kookah?" Jimin pushed his chin up, the silence growing louder around them.

"You want your prize now? Here?" Jungkook whispered while putting his hands on Jimin's waist. It felt so good. To be able to hold him whenever he wanted without any restraining. Why was this so important for him?

Jimin nodded, so Jungkook leaned down and closed the remaining distance between them.

Neither one of them heard the noises, whispers, words, anything around them.

Time stopped.

It was just them and their beating hearts, and their lips pressed together.

Jungkook moved away, looking at Jimin who pouted with a sad expression.

He was so fucking cute.

"What?" Jungkook teased.

"I got an 8 not a 6. And I got a 10 on a Ballet exam..." Jimin whined.

"Are you saying that my kisses aren't good enough?" Jungkook acted as if he's hurt.

"No. Just not long enough." Jimin grinned, satisfied with his answer.

"You got some nerve."

Jungkook lifted him up and threw him over his shoulder, the older yelled at his sudden move, hitting Jungkook's back weakly, whining to let go of him, but all he got was a loud spank over his ass.

When they went outside, Jungkook moved them to the nearest bench, and after putting Jimin down, he sat next to him, and kissed him again.

"It's so weird to kiss you here." Jungkook said between kisses, and Jimin shrugged.

"Weird good or weird bad?" he asked so Jungkook took his hand in his.

"Kissing you can never be a bad thing Jimin."

Jimin's face lit up.

They kissed again, until Jimin's phone started ringing.

"My father." he glanced down, frowning at his phone.

"What now? He probably saw too, and knows that his plan for you is not going to work."

"I don't know. He's probably figured something out by now. Only this time, I won't let him decide for me. I have other priorities now and I don't care about his wishes. It's time to think about myself."

Jungkook's smile widened.

"What?" Jimin asked while blushing, and the younger looked fondly at him.

"I'm just so proud of you, that's all." Jungkook couldn't stop smiling. Knowing how much of a progress Jimin had made in only a few months warmed him on the inside.

"Aish, shut up. You're making me blush." Jimin indeed blushed.

"I like to see you blush." Jungkook said remembering all the times the older was a blushing mess underneath him.

Jimin squirmed in place.

"Shut up. Why are you so shameless now? Huh?" he scratched his neck shyly.

"Because I like you a lot."

Jimin glanced at him cutely. Smile appeared on his pretty face. His eyes were shining.

"You said that already."

"Can't say it again?"

Jimin pushed him to the sides, acting like a kid.

"You can... but... it does things to me..."

"Things like....?" Jungkook scooped closer to the older.

"I don't know... makes me happy..." Jimin hid his face behind his palms.

So freaking cute.

"I think you're the prettiest when you're happy, so I'll say it as often as I can."

"Ok." Jimin agreed, finally glancing up at Jungkook.

"I like you."

The younger said it the moment Jimin met his gaze, so he smiled cutely again, his eyes disappearing into little moon crescents. Adorable.

"You're the worst." Jimin answered while cupping his cheeks, kissing the younger one more time.

"I have to go. My father is freaking out cause I haven't answered him by now. We have some family dinner tonight too, so I won't be able to see you before tomorrow. We have that last class with students right?" Jimin got up, so Jungkook followed him.

"Yes. We need to talk about the Art project, evaluate their final work, and say bye to them I guess." Jungkook kept the 'surprise party' idea for himself.

"Ok. I'll be there. I'll see you then." Jimin said while interlocking their fingers together, so Jungkook took a step closer, leaning his face into the crook of Jimin's neck.

"Always smelling like flowers. So pretty."

"Stop complimenting me. I'll get used to it." Jimin whined.

"You deserve it." Jungkook kissed his cheek.

Jimin was definitely melting.

"So, there's no chance I could see you before our class tomorrow? I mean I'm here only for two more days so..." Jungkook couldn't get enough of him and that's it.

"I don't know baby. This diner thing usually lasts till midnight even more... Is it ok if I come by afterwards to your room? Will that be alright cause of Yoongi hyung? I don't wanna bother you two, but I would like to see you too." Jimin came up with some plan that was better than not seeing him at all.

"Come. Yoongi hyung will be asleep, and I'll wait for you. We can cuddle the whole night and then grab some breakfast in the morning together."

"Sounds like a plan. I have to go now, but I'll see you tonight then."

They kissed softly once again, before parting ways. Jungkook went back to his room, feeling like being on cloud nine. Nothing else mattered... He was happy, Jimin was happy...

But for how long?


Jungkook had already packed most of his stuff, only leaving some clothes that he was supposed to wear for his class tomorrow, and some comfortable clothes for his 4 hours long drive to Busan.

While packing, he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin.

"That's the shirt he wore the first time when he had slept here... Still smells like him..."

"These are the jeans I had worn that time he told me my ass looks great..."

Everything had some connection with Jimin, and the more he thought about it, he realized that he was sure gonna be heartbroken after he goes back to Busan, cause Jimin got under his skin, and there was no going back.

After finishing packing, Jungkook watched some movie with Yoongi, and even if he wanted to wait for Jimin, he felt too tired, so he just layed down, while leaving the door unlocked for the older to come in without making too much noise.

While sleeping soundly, suddenly, Jungkook felt a weight shifting on his bed, and then a body pressing tightly onto his back.

Flower scent...


"You came." he whispered without turning around, feeling Jimin's hands wrapping around his waist protectively.

"I did. Sorry for being so late. The dinner was boring and lasted way too long... But I'm here now." Jimin whispered while softly kissing Jungkook's back,who was sleeping only in his boxer briefs since it was pretty warm outside. Jimin had a shirt and his boxers on.

Even though Jimin's kisses all over his back felt great, Jungkook needed those sinful lips on his own, so with one swift move he turned around, now facing the older closely.

It was dark in the room, but Jimin's eyes were sparkling...

"Hey you..." Jungkook whispered while booping Jimin's nose cutely, the older responded by giving him the cutest little smile while scrunching his adorable nose.

"I missed you." Jimin said and instantly hid his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck as if the thing he just said wasn't the sweetest thing ever.

"I thought about you the whole day." Jungkook admitted, feeling Jimin's lips kissing his neck softly.



"About what exactly?" Jimin was curious, and his hands were curious too, caressing Jungkook's skin teasingly over his stomach, wandering up to his chest, then all over his arms.

"About how good I feel around you. How good you are to me... About how I don't want this to end..."

Jungkook really didn't have anything to lose. He could lie and say how he can't wait to go back home, or he could just tell Jimin how the time they had spent together was really special for him. He decided to be honest.

" I know baby. I know. I just... I didn't wanna say anything since you're leaving so soon, and I just didn't wanna make things even worse, but I definitely feel the same way. I hate that you're leaving back home, even though I'm happy you're gonna see your family and friends and all that... But I'm gonna miss you like crazy." Jimin said while hugging Jungkook even tighter, their bodies curled in each other like they're one.

"How can I ever find anyone that kisses me like you do... " Jungkook pouted so Jimin kissed him softly, nibbling down on his bottom lip teasingly.

"You mean like this..." so Jimin kisses him again, adding a tongue into their kissing session this time.

"Mmmm so good..." Jungkook moaned into his ear, fearing not to wake Yoongi up.

"Anything else you'd miss..." Jimin teased while licking Jungkook's neck, making the younger to shudder under his touch.

"Is everything about you a good enough answer?" Jungkook whispered, and felt Jimin's hands squeezing him a bit tighter than before, obviously enjoying the said words.

"Can I suck you off, please..." Jimin whispered while slipping his hand underneath Jungkook's boxers, the younger bucked his hips instinctively.

"But... Yoongi hyung..."

Jimin's warm hand felt so good, so hot, sliding over his shaft...

"I'll do it good, you'll love it... I'll swallow every drop like a good boy, and I won't make a mess.... I promise... Can I baby? I really want it..." Jungkook was already losing his mind with Jimin's hand stroking him slowly, and to think about those sexy lips wrapped around his dick...

"Yes... do whatever you want... I'll be quiet too."

So Jimin goes down, sinking under the blanket, leaving the top part up, trying to have at least some air down there.

Next thing Jungkook felt was warmth, wetness, suckling, licking all over his head and shaft.

Jimin really knew how to suck cock.

Just to make sure that he's not gonna scream or moan too loudly, Jungkook took a pillow and put it right on his head.

What's safe it's safe.

Jimin sucked his cock head, flicked the slit, then swirled his tongue all around it, lapping at the precum that was leaking.

Then he would kiss his shaft all around, giving such a nice attention to Jungkook's whole length, and then he did the same with his balls.

Jungkook loved all of it... He was amazed and dazed by everything Jimin was doing, and soon, he felt his orgasm approaching. There was something about doing the forbbiden thing... Luckily Yoongi was snoring without stopping.

Seemed like Jimin noticed the same thing, so while bobbing his head up and down faster, he tightened his mouth around his shaft, making the friction divine.

Jungkook couldn't talk, but still he wanted to give Jimin a head's up about coming, since he didn't wanna scare him with the crazy amount of cum that was about to come out of him.

After tapping the younger softly three times on his shoulder, Jungkook could feel Jimin taking as much as he could of his hard pulsating cock, and that was enough for the younger to see stars.

He came down Jimin's throat, while the older was swallowing everything down, making sure no drop was left to waste.

After giving everything he had in him, Jimin licked Jungkook's dick clean, licking softly and carefully, not to hurt his sensitive member, and then he came back up, pushing the blanket down to the end of the bed, and kissed Jungkook's lips cutely.

As a good human that Jungkook was, of course he wanted to return the favor, but when his hand went down to Jimin's boxers, he noticed that the older was not hard at all.


"I jerked myself off while I was sucking your dick. Didn't I tell you I'm good at multitasking?" Jimin grinned at the younger, so Jungkook shook his head.

"Is that why my blanket is all the way down, under our legs?"

"Yes. Unless you wanna cover yourself with my sperm."

"I wish nothing more than to be covered with your cum again..." Jungkook teased while caging Jimin between his arms, smelling his neck once again, enjoying his safe place.

"You shameless, kinky perv." Jimin pinched his nipple while whispering.

"Only with you." Jungkook whispered while looking into Jimin's eyes.

Jimin kissed him sweetly, and positioned himself to be a little spoon, enjoying Jungkook's body caging him from behind.

"You're not gonna wash your teeth?" Jungkook whispered into his ear while chuckling.

"And wash all the good protein down? No way."

They both giggled until they fell asleep tightly in each other's arms.


"Park Jimin in my bed... What is this?"

Jungkook heard Yoongi talking out loud, so while squinting his eyes, he saw his roommate, standing in front of his bunk bed, looking at Jimin and him sleeping with confused expression.

"It's actually in my bed." Jungkook murmured while stretching his limbs, trying not to wake sleepy Jimin up.

"It's a bunk bed so technically it's in our bed. Still, it's weird seeing him here..." Yoongi said while coming closer, and then he whispered while hiding his mouth, as if that's gonna help him to be quieter.

"So are you guys a thing now? Dating? What's going on?"

Yoongi was really a nosy little curious cat.

Jungkook squirmed a bit, uncomfortable about those questions cause he really didn't have any answers to that.

"I don't know hyung." he quietly said while caressing Jimin's hair.

"All I know is that I'm in love with him and I don't know what to do now..." Jungkook took a deep breath, glancing down at Jimin, feeling reliefe consuming him once he saw the older sleeping tightly. How weird would it be for him to confess his feelings like this? While Jimin was asleep... His mouth were definitely faster than his brain.

"I get it. You're leaving tomorrow morning, right?"

Jungkook nodded and then leaned down, kissing Jimin's cheek softly.

"I hope you'll figure something out. I really like the way you too look together... Just... Happy."

Jungkook smiled at his comment, cause that's the one thing he was craving for.


"Hope so too."

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly. Please don't let me find you fucking again while I come back."

"We weren't fucking... God, why is everyone so annoying?" Jungkook huffed loudly, hating the chuckle he heard before Yoongi entered the bathroom.

"Am I annoying too?" then Jimin whispered, with his morning, honey voice, so Jungkook smiled instantly.

"Of course you are." the younger teased which earned him a slap over his bare thighs, and the moment Jimin slapped him, he started squeezing his thighs roughly, loving the hot flesh underneath his fingertips.

"You have a thigh thing I see."

Jimin finally opened his eyes, still squinting, adjusting to the light, and glanced at his hand, kneading Jungkook's thick muscle.

"Among all the other kinks." Jimin cocked his eyes at the younger, and came up, straddling Jungkook's thighs sexily.

"Yoongi's in the bathroom and he's traumatized enough by us being all over each other, so you should get off of me if you don't want to get fucked hyung."

Jungkook said while rubbing his big hands over Jimin's thighs, enjoying the horny face the older was having.

"I'm not getting off of you then." Jimin bit his lower lip, and then licked his upper lip which made Jungkook's dick to stir in his underwear.

"Jimin..." the younger whined, unable to think straight.

"Can I at least suck your dick properly? That last night was just sloppy and not good enough." Jimin caressed Jungkook's abs while looking at his hardening cock, enjoying how responsive the younger always gets when they're together.

"First of all, that blowjob was amazing, and secondly, um... I never said sorry for that comment I made when we first know... um... about your lips being talented and giving good blowjobs. I was just annoyed by you back then and both Yoongi hyung and Namoon hyung had heard some rumors, and it was stupid so sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize. I'm the one who started those rumors in the first place." Jimin grinned while Jungkook just looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I came here, as you already know, I was immediately on the spotlight, Mr. Park's son, single, ready to mingle, party animal and all that shit, so one day while grabbing some coffee with Tae, I've heard some guy talking about me giving him spectacular blowjob in some bathroom and the thing is, I had never even seen a guy before. So he just said it cause he wanted to gossip around, talk about some trash stories, and when I wanted to confront him, he had no idea who I was. He actually talked about me as if he knew me, but he had never even met me. I found that really odd and interesting, so one day while playing some pole with Hobi hyung and Tae, I got bored and I just started talking to them about how the it boy Park Jimin had given me the best blowjob of my life, and I did it as loud as I could so that everybody could hear me clearly. And that's how the rumors had begun. From that day on, it became like an obsession for us, to figure out another story about my sucking skills, and to just spread it around. It was really fun, until I got caught. I was in the middle of telling how Park Jimin had sucked my cock in the library, and how when I wanted to suck him off, I noticed that his dick is too small and ugly, and that he actually has one ball." Jimin giggled and then continued.

"And just as I finished with my imaginary story, some girl simply said, 'well aren't you Park Jimin?' I could've died on the spot."

"You're really insane, hyung. What did you say to her?"

"I said that I'm his sexier twin brother which only made the thing even worse. She didn't believe me though."

Jungkook laughed, looking at Jimin on top of him, looking so pretty while being so happy.

"Well... I'm kind of glad the stories are not true to be honest. Just the thought of your lips on someone else makes me cringe." Jungkook frowned so Jimin touched his face gently.

"Well you're lucky then. They're all yours." Jimin leaned down and kissed him softly.

"Please God just spare me for once from this scenario!" Again, Yoongi and his dramatic ways of handling things.

"Again, we're just kissing. You have really bad timing hyung."

"Well what can I say, I'm a cock blocker that's for sure."

Finally Jimin and Jungkook got up, and after finishing with the bathroom, Jimin came up with an idea.

"So, how about we all grab some breakfast together? There are amazing french pastries just a few blocks away from the dormitory, or we could just grab some burgers and fries, whatever you choose is fine by me."

"I could eat. I'm starving actually." Jungkook agreed and looked at Yoongi who just shook his head.

"Nah, I'm not hungry, and you two should spend this day together, so..." Yoongi tried to say but Jimin interrupted him.

"Ok, then it's just the two of us, and Tae will meet with us in twenty..."

"I'm coming too. Give me five minutes."

Jimin cocked his eyebrows at Jungkook, who smiled devilishly at Jimin's Cupid's skills.


After Yoongi tried three different outfits, and styled his heir like he's going to a prom, finally they went outside, and started walking towards the pastry shop.

Jimin was standing next to Jungkook, and as they were walking their hands kept touching, but neither of them reached out first to hold another's hand.

Jungkook wanted it though...

"So... Taehyung... um... does he know that I'm coming too?" Yoongi asked nervously, looking cute while being all shy.

"Why do you ask?" Jimin had some teasing smile on his face, obviously enjoying all of this.

"Well... since you said I threw up on him at that party... Maybe he doesn't want to see me again... I don't know." he scratched his neck awkwardly, and both Jungkook and Jimin looked at him fondly.

"Don't you worry about that. As I told you before, he's a weirdo and into things that no one on this planet is, so you're fine."

Only once his words had sunk in, Yoongi turned to face Jimin and Jungkook who were suppressing their laughs, looking at him apologetically.

"I hate both of you so much." the oldest was frowning, but a small smile was visible beneath that cringe.

"Save that for your wedding gay vows. We're here." Jimin announced when they came in front of the small pastry shop that smelled heavenly even from the far outside.

"Oh fucking shit, he's inside." Yoongi whispered to Jungkook while entering, his eyes glued to the now washed out turquoise haired male.

"Over here, over here." the gorgeous man that was sitting at the table in the very corner of the shop, waved at them as if he didn't stick out in the crowd like a sore thumb.

"Babeee I missed you." the moment Jimin was in his reach, Tae hugged him tightly while squishing his cheeks with his own cheek.

They looked so damn cute.

"What have you done to my baby? I barely see him anymore. Whenever I call or text, he's with Jungkookie. What's up with that?" he whined cutely, so Jungkook blushed, not knowing what to say to those accusations that were nothing but true.

"Sorry..." Jungkook scratched his neck awkwardly, smiling at the minty haired man.

"Yah! Stop teasing him. Sorry to break it to you, but you can't replace him, he kisses me all the time you know..." Jimin teased while cocking his eyebrows at his best friend, and both Yoongi and Jungkook just stared at them.

"I could. You just won't let me. I'm a good kisser." Tae whined back so Jimin smacked his arm playfully.

"Delete the images from your head, delete the images from your head..." Yoongi repeated being in his own world so all of them snapped their gazes towards him, and started laughing out loud.

"Weirdo, my type of guy." Tae announced nonchalantly, not registering the almost heart attack he gave to the older.

"Told you so. You two fit perfectly together." Jimin said while smiling fondly, looking at Jungkook proudly.

"Come on, let's get something." he said while patting Jungkook's back, so the two of them walked to the big gallery where all the hot parties were presented, leaving Tae and Yoongi to sit and talk alone.

Again, while they were walking their hands were brushing one against another, like two magnets that were supposed to be together.

"So what are you into?" Jungkook asked while looking at way too many delicious options to eat.

"You." Jimin had another thing on his mind.

Jungkook looked at him and smiled fondly, cause how can someone be so witty and shameless and gorgeous all in one.

"I meant what do you want to eat?"

"The answer is still the same." Jimin cocked his eyebrows teasingly and Jungkook felt his jeans getting tighter at the crotch area.


"Jimin..." Jungkook whined, averting his gaze from the younger to the hot croissants, trying to think about anything else right now.

The older hugged him from behind, resting his head on top of Jungkook's shoulder.

How could he always smell so nice?

"I love their donuts actually." Jimin whispered so Jungkook nodded.

"Should we get one for them too?" Jungkook asked so they glanced at the image of Tae messing around Yoongi's hair, the older still looked like he's not sure if any of this was real.

"Of course. Tae likes the one with all kinds of sprinkles on it." Jimin showed the most colorful donuts, and Jungkook decided to grab the one with dark chocolate for Yoongi.

"And I'll get one with the lemon glaze on top." Jimin said so, Jungkook grimaced.

"Don't like sour things?" Jimin asked surprised?

"No. Not really. I prefer sweet stuff."

"Like me?" Jimin smiled cutely while batting his lashes ridiculously.

"Exactly like you." Jungkook turned to face him, noticing how that's not the answer the older was expecting.

He blushed hot pink.

It looked so good on him.

Pink and flustered.

"Shut up..." Jimin whined cutely so Jungkook made a step closer, taking Jimin's hands in his.

"What? You can tease me, but I can't tease back?"

Jungkook leaned his forehead on Jimin's, looking at his sparkly eyes.

"Yah! You two! Less PDA and more sweets! We're starving over here." Yoongi scolded them so after a small chuckle, they finally took those delicious donuts and coffee, deciding how it's better to feed those two grumpy weirdos.

After a pleasant talk and a lot of exchanged secret touches and glances, it was time to leave, all of them had their different things to do, but neither of them wanted to leave.

"So, I suggest a double date tonight. Maybe dinner and some drinks after." Tae said so Yoongi's eyes widen, pin-poing from Jungkook's to Jimin's face, waiting nervously their answer.

"We can't tonight. We have our last class with our students and probably we'll stay a bit longer since we won't see them again, at least I won't." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded, and Yoongi wanted to cry.

"Well we can't reschedule it for another day since at this time tomorrow, you'll be having drinks with your friends in Busan, your old Seoul's Uni friends long forgotten." Yoongi said while crossing his arms on top of his chest, looking all bothered with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Jimin took a deep breath, so Jungkook glanced at him. He looked sad.

"I know... " Jungkook said weakly, finding Jimin's hand under the table and caressing his fingers lightly.

"That's just not fair!" Yoongi said with a sad expression.

"How about a date just the two of us then?" Tae suggested so Yoongi's face lit up.

"When I think about it. That's even better." he said with a grin, earning a slap from Jungkook over his arm.

"Hey... I would like us to hang out more, but what can we do?" Yoongi put both palms up in the air, faking the worried and sad expression so all of them laughed.

"There's something sticky on my hands." Jimin said while getting up, looking at his hands, probably being covered in lemon glaze.
He came near Jungkook, ready to wipe his hands off on his shirt, but Jungkook took both of his hands and after entwining their fingers smiled at Jimin cutely.

"Let's be sticky together." he said without letting go of Jimin's hands that felt perfect in his grip so while exiting the nice smelling pastry shop, neither one of them felt the need to let go, so they walked like that, back to the dorm, holding hands, looking as a real couple.

"So, I have to take a shower and finish with packing, but I'll see you tonight at seven in the Mini theater." Jungkook said once they arrived at the entrance of the dormitory, Tae and Yoongi standing close to them, talking about their date plans.

"Ok. I have to change my clothes and grab a shower too. So see you in a few hours then." Jimin came step closer looking at Jungkook's eyes.

"Try not to miss me too much." Jungkook teased while leaning down, looking at Jimin's lips.


Jimin said before pressing his lips softly on Jungkook's.

His heart rate sped up as if he was running a marathon.

"Ok, ok, ok, love birds, we have to go. I need to spend some time with my roommate before he leaves." Yoongi said while putting a hand over Jungkook's shoulders, waving cutely Tae and Jimin goodbye.


"So... is that all?" Yoongi asked after looking at the room that looked all packed up, Jungkook's stuff nicely folded in his suitcases, ready for his morning bus drive home.

"That's all... I think." Jungkook looked around while nodding, feeling the weird know forming inside his stomach.

He should be happy. He's finally going home. His family is waiting for him, his friends too... He wanted this for so long, but he's far from happy and he knew exactly why.

"So you're sure you don't want me to get one 174 cm long suitcase with nicely secured handles so you could pack up something you'll miss the most?" Yoongi said fondly, patting the spot on the couch for the younger to sit down.

"You mean you?" Jungkook said while sitting closely to the older.

"Pffffff nice try kido." Yoongi was just way too smart for those jokes.

"If that was a possibility I'd like nothing more hyung, but he has plans here, and his life is in Seoul and I just don't fit in here... Except for you, Namjooni hyung, Seokjini hyung and Jimin, there's nothing that's keeping me here, literally, nothing. I like my Uni in Busan better, I miss my friends and family too damn much, but... I kind of feel sad and uneasy, and I don't know what to do..." Jungkook said while playing with the strings on his hoodie, looking really nervous.

"You really like him, and I think you should tell him, and maybe you could try long distance or something... "

"I don't know hyung. Those relationships never work. It's too hard, and with our Uni schedules we barely have free time to hang out while being together here in Seoul, dating while being in two different cities is just impossible." his own words felt so discouraging that at some point Jungkook felt his eyes water, vision getting blurred.

"I don't know. Talk to him. See what he's thinking. He might surprise you. I think he's a really nice guy, and kind of fits amazingly well with you."

Jungkook smiled fondly.

"You're just saying that cause you want us to do the double dating thing."

Yoongi scoffed.

"Please, as if me and Tae would ever work... (he made a pause) Do you think he likes me? Like really really likes me?" and wow, Yoongi looked like the most adorable cuddly kitty cat.

"Based on the little interaction I saw between the two of you, I can guarantee you that he does."

Yoongi smiled cutely, looking at Jungkook with love and sadness mixed in one.

"I'm gonna miss you, you little punk. If someone had ever told me that there's gonna be a kido who'll live with me for a year, and that he's gonna get fucked by the one and only Park Jimin, in my own bed, I would never believe it. Not in a million years."

Jungkook chuckled.

"Yeah, sounds surreal..." Jungkook got up to change his clothes, his class with the students was in half an hour.

"And hyung... it was the other way around." he added, loving the confused expression on Yoongi's face.

"What?" the older asked.

"I fucked him..." Jungkook said with a smirk, and left for the bathroom, not wanting to talk further into this.

"No way... You did not fuck Park Jimin... Jungkookah tell me more... How did you two decide who's gonna top or bottom? Did he suggest that or did you? Do you usually top or? Jimin seemed like the top too... Why aren't you saying anything..."

Jungkook decides to ignore Yoongi's questions, and just dresses up in peace.


While fixing his favorite simple white shirt, that had a bit lower V neck line, Jungkook had arrived in front of the Mini theater where their last class was planned.

He looked at his phone and saw that he came ten minutes earlier. Instead of coming inside, he stayed in front of the classroom, sitting on the bench, waiting for Jimin to come. He thought how the students were probably already inside, waiting for them to celebrate their NY success.

In the sea of the black, brown, and blonde colored heads that were walking around Uni, suddenly one head appeared that took Jungkook's breath away.


Soft fucking pink Park Jimin.

Jungkook stood up while a grin consumed his face, waiting for Jimin to come closer so that he could observe his hair better.

"Hyung you fucking did it." he said the moment Jimin came closer, wearing some button up shirt with stripes and skin tight denim jeans. His hair was soft and styled to fall down over his forehead, making him look even cuter than he usually does.

"I had some free time so I thought, why not?" Jimin came close to Jungkook, smiling at him with the sweetest eye smile Jungkook saw in his life.

Happy Jimin radiates some special energy.

"Well that's just not fair, I'm leaving tomorrow and you're staying here looking like this..." Jungkook pointed at Jimin's cute hairstyle so the older laughed.

"Like what? What's the big deal?"

"Hyung, you look like strawberry ice cream. Way too cute. Someone's gonna steal you away from me the moment I go home." Jungkook pouted so Jimin leaned in and kissed his pouty lips.

"That's not gonna happen. In case you didn't notice I only want you." Jimin said and hugged Jungkook tighter, curling into him like a small fluffy chick.

Jungkook hugged him back, just as tightly, thinking about how this is probably the time to talk about this, since they already started the topic.

They sat down on the bench, holding hands, playing with each other's fingers nervously.

This is it.

"So..." Jungkook started, and God why is this so difficult?

Maybe cause he has no idea what to say. All of this is new and he doesn't want to look like a fool hopelessly in love, but God damn it, that's exactly what he had become.

"Yeah..." Jimin nibbled on the inside of his cheeks, looking cute even while being nervous.

"I'm leaving early in the morning, and I know that this, what we did, maybe wasn't the smartest move for either of us, but it kind of felt good..." Jungkook needed to start somewhere...

"I know exactly what you mean. We had no business taking this way too deep and it seems like we did nonetheless." Jimin agreed.


They looked at each other, unable to speak, like words would hurt them if they said it out loud, but Jungkook needed to know.

"So... What now Jiminah?"

Jimin gulped.

"I don't know. Maybe..."

Just when Jimin was about to say something, a few of the students came out of the Mini theater and started waving at them.

"We thought you're gonna bail on us!"

"We're waiting and you're late."

"Shit the class... Right... There's the class we have to attend."

"We're here, we're coming." Jungkook yelled back, taking Jimin's hand in his, and walking with him towards the Mini theater.

"We'll talk about this later, ok?" Jimin said before entering, so Jungkook nodded.


Once they entered the usually boring and simple classroom, they saw all of their students standing in front of the big classroom table, clapping their hands together, smiling at them fondly.

There were all of their students' art assignments splayed out on the Art easels, and on the professor's desk there were bottles of all kinds of drinks with colorful paper glasses with some snacks.

"What is this?" Jimin said while grinning at the sight of their students, looking happy and almost on the verge of tears.

"It's out last class so we figured we could make it a bit more special." Jungkook explained so Jimin looked at him.

"You knew about this?" his eyes were so big and shiny, puppy eyes at it's best.

"Yeah I did." Jungkook smiled fondly, loving Jimin's honest reaction.

"Come here, come here..." Nayeon waved with her hands for them to come closer so they did.

"So, as a thank you, for all your hard work, we just wanted to do this for you cause this last year, being able to work with you was such an honor and we couldn't be more proud of both of you, and happy that you had devoted your time to us. So thank you once again, we can only hope to work with both of you someday again." Nayeon, one of the most ambitious students said, so Jimin came and hugged her, thanking her for her kind words.

"I really wanna say something before we start to drink, cause I don't know if I'm gonna be able to say it later." Jungkook said so they all chuckled at his words.

"I was brought here to work with you and to help you express your creativity in the best way possible. I think I did my job well and that we delivered our best at the New York Auction Event. I'm very proud of you. All of you. But there's this one thing I have to say, cause it's been bugging me ever since New York, and that's the little recognition Jimin hyung got for this project."

Students nodded, and Jimin looked like he's trying hard not to cry.

"As you all know, we started this project together. Jimin hyung had as many great ideas as I did, and even if more ideas came from me, he was actually the one who inspired me to have those ideas in the first place. So if it wasn't for Jimin, there would be no ideas. The intimacy through beauty, I got that idea while watching Jimin hyung dancing at some party, and the Beauty through movement, I got that idea while watching Jimin hyung making some choreography for one of his students. Basically in every idea there was a little bit of me, but a lot of Jimin's influence too. I needed to make this clear, cause everyone congratulated me on the New York success without even mentioning the person that was the most important to me, and that's you." Jungkook looked at Jimin, hating the one tear that was rolling down his cheek, not knowing if he's being sad or happy about him saying all of this.

"We know all of that. But it doesn't matter. We know the truth, and that's what counts. All of us talk so highly about both of you, Jiminie hyung and you, and we know that without both of you, none of this would be the same." Nayeon said, so everyone else agreed, giving Jimin tons of hugs since by now, he had become a whiny mess.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. I know I could do more for you when the project had started, but as you all know, there's this other passion that I care about and I really had to focus on that too. Dancing is what makes me alive and happy and even though I love Art, I knew Jungkook would have your back. I knew he could do the best job in preparing you for this project, so I wasn't worried at all. I used my free time to do what I love the most and I couldn't be more grateful for that. Still, this means the world to me. You have no idea how happy I feel right now." Jimin put both of his hands on top of his chest, looking so grateful and emotional, moved by all of this.

"Ok, so let's take a look at the work that we have done here, so that we can see our progress and let's grab some drinks." Kai, one of the laziest students said while raising his glass so all of them agreed.

While walking around, looking at the student's art, Jungkook felt a body pressing onto his back, the familiar scent spreading around him.



The older wrapped his hands around Jungkook's middle, hooking his head on top of Jungkook's shoulder.

It's funny how a few months before this would make Jungkook so uneasy and confused, but now, it felt like heaven.

Warm, comforting, safe...

"They did an amazing job."

Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear, nuzzling his head to the side of the younger's neck.

"They really did. I'm very proud of them." Jungkook turned around, not moving an inch away from Jimin's embrace, now standing flush against his front.

"Let's talk with them a bit more, and then let's go to your room to not talk anymore." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows suggestively, Jungkook's dick felt every single word like an invitation to stir desperately.

"Since I'm having an early 4 hour bus drive home, you need to make sure I'm able to sit normally. You know, not to feel sore or anything." Jungkook whispered while looking around, making sure no one could hear him.

"Oh please, just say you want to top again. It's fine by me, you fuck me so good I could easily switch to bottoming all the time for you." Jimin could see right through him, the hint of smirk on Jungkook's face proved his point.

"I really love to fuck you hyung. You feel so good. God just thinking about it makes me hard." Jungkook whispered, loving Jimin's horny expression.

"Ok, so let's hurry up and finish with the chit chat." he grabbed Jungkook's hand and tugged him towards the students.

"So, what are your plans for next year?" Jimin asked them once they all sat down, gathering in front of the big professors desk where Jimin and Jungkook were facing all of them.

"I'll tend to continue my studies here, at K-ARTs, and then maybe do my Master degree at New York's Art Uni. Some professors had already contacted me at the NY Auction event." Nayeon shared her plans first, so everyone cheered for her ambitions, loving how profession oriented and determined she was.

"All I know is that I'm gonna marry Daehyun, and that's it." Kai said, making the said girl blush, all the others laughed at his direct words.

"Tell us something we don't know." Jimin teased, happy to listen to the others.

After all of them shared their plans and dreams, Nayeon, the curious cat between them, asked them the same.

"So, what about you two? What's your plan after the summer break is over? Have you decided yet? We know Jungkookshi is going back to Busan tomorrow to have some proper rest and to meet his family and friends, but what's going to happen after that? Do you have some plans too Jiminshi?"

"Well, I actually do have." Jimin said so, Jungkook snapped his gaze at him.

What plans? What's he talking about? Did his father already arrange something for him?

"Well first of all, I have finally finished my Master degree in Art which is amazing, and I am really proud of myself. I thought that I wanted to pursue my Art career further, but I kind of figured that now, I want to do something that would make me even happier, so I had decided to focus on my dancing more." Jimin talked, and Jungkook's mouth opened slightly.

"Really? " the younger asked in awe.

"Yeah. I want to be happy. I deserve to do what makes me the happiest so I'm gonna use this year and just enjoy life to the fullest." Jimin said proudly, and Jungkook couldn't hide the fond smile appearing on his face.

"Are you gonna get into the new Dance department here at K-ARTs?" Nayeon asked, so Jimin shrugged.

"That, I haven't decided yet. I need to um... see some options first, and um... To see if there's a way to um...make some other things work, but I have few options... I can get into the Dance department here and go to a choreography course and then there's New York... " Jimin glanced at Jungkook, biting on his lower lip nervously, like he's waiting to see his reaction.

New York, Tori's offer...

"Jimin is considering that?"

"That's amazing Jiminshi. What about you Jungkookshi?" Nayeon asked while cocking her eyes at him, like she was reading his mind.

"Um... Well... I have some option's too. I could return to Busan and do the rest of my studies there, then there's K-ARTs which I doubt I'll go to, and then there's New York."

The moment Jungkook mentioned New York, Jimin's eyes found him, sparkling in anticipation.

"Actually when I think about it, professor John's offer, from New York really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Um... I was offered a free scholarship with an amazing apartment right next to NY Art Uni and he also said that he would like to be my mentor for the year, which is insane. "

"Wow, that's so cool."

"Amazing... Lucky you..."

Seemed like everyone was blown away by the generous offer, and all Jungkook could think about was Jimin at Tori's school, that wasn't so far away from the New York Art University, and them actually being there together.

But what if these 2 months of summer vacation makes them grow apart and regret the decisions they had made in the heat of the moment?

Could they?

"So after getting some rest you're going to pursue your career which is amazing really. I admire you both so much for that. Both of you have worked really hard and you most certainly deserve this free time before the next Uni year." Nayeon said so as they nodded while saying little thank you's, and after all of them had taken some pictures together, they said their goodbyes and started walking towards Jungkook's apartment.

"So... Are you going to do some dancing on summer vacation or are you taking some rest from that too?" Jungkook needed to know all Jimin's plans.

"Well, there's no rest for dancers. I always need to do something to keep my flexibility and core strength in good condition, and if I'm going to accept Ms. Tori's offer, I really have to bring my A game, cause she said that I would take over her ballet and contemporary classes and do the choreography for the Baby doll club, which is a lot, so... I was thinking about taking maybe three weeks off, to have some pure rest and maybe I could, I don't know, visit my hometown, and meet with some friends and family there..."

"Jimin..." Jungkook interrupted him, not believing what he's hearing.

"Are you saying how you have planned to come to Busan for three weeks? Three whole weeks?"

"Yes. Maybe. I don't know... Is that ok? Too much... or...."

Jungkook stopped his stuttering by kissing his lips firmly, holding the older as tight as he could.

"Jimin... You're serious right? You will come to Busan?" Jungkook just couldn't believe it.

"I thought about coming next week actually. My grandma has a birthday so I thought about how I could use that as an excuse to come as early as I can..."

Jungkook kissed him again, not believing that Jimin could be in his hometown in just a week. Could he believe that some of that is because of him? Is he thinking too much into this?

"Would you like that?" Jimin asked shyly. "Cause I can't imagine not seeing you for more than a couple of days. Honestly Jungkook, I just want to be close to you. That's all."

The older put his hands on Jungkook's waist, looking at him with those adorable puppy eyes.

"I want nothing more than that. Hyung, you can come to Busan for three weeks, and then we could go to Daegu for a week, since Taehyung hyung and Yoongi hyung are both gonna be there, and Yoongi had invited me to come since he lives alone, and both of us could stay at his place. How amazing would that be?"

Jimin nodded, excitement written all over his face.

"Sounds perfect, and then we could come to Seoul for one week cause I never showed you the best clubs, food, pastry shops and everything else..."

Jungkook loved every single word that was said between them, feeling his anxiety slowly, but surely disappearing into warm air.

"And then what?" Jungkook asked, feeling the need to confirm Jimin's plan once more so that he could figure out his own path.

"And then um... the next year starts, and, well, I told you my plans... I actually plan on going to New York. Ms. Tori says how I could actually stay with her for first month until I get my first paycheck cause as you know, my father won't approve me following my dancers dream, so I won't have any other income than my salary at the Tori's dance academy and Baby Doll, and then I'll look for some apartment that would fit my needs... "

Jungkook looked at Jimin with excitement.

"How nice would it be for you to know someone who has a free, huge apartment pretty close to Ms. Tori's dance academy and above all that, would be ecstatic about living with you, spending more time together, sleeping and waking up next to you... Wouldn't that be amazing?"

Jimin pursed his lips, trying to contain the grin that was threatening to consume his face.

"That would be perfect actually... Is there someone out there that fits the description?" Jimin asked while putting his hands over Jungkook's neck, looking at the younger's eyes fondly.

"Of course there is." Jungkook answered, sure about his decision, sure about his feelings for the older that he knew would only get bigger and better in time. He was hopelessly in love and didn't even want to hide it any more... nor he had too.

"So New York then?" Jimin asked once again, his eyes as beautiful as ever, sparkling in the dark night.

"New York it is." Jungkook answered while interlocking their fingers, never feeling so confident and happy with the decision he had made before.

Jimin leaned into his embrace, nuzzling the younger's neck, while holding him tighter.

Yes. 100% right decision.

"I'm in love with you too." Jimin whispered, so Jungkook's heart made a somersault inside his chest.

Make that 1000 000% right decision.

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