Fight or kiss
"...So today, we'll focus on presenting intimacy through our drawing. By putting your pen to paper you are making marks that come from within. They are yours. Learning to own them and work with them is a beautiful journey. It can be somewhat tumultuous at times as we can all be our worst enemy. For me, watching, encouraging and guiding others to love their own drawings is such a reward. I really hope that you can learn from this new theme that we'll work on and that you'll prepare yourself better for the upcoming event in New York. So, to start things off, we'll have to talk about intimacy and what that means to us. As you can see, today, it's only us here, professor Wo Seok is working with older students, and Park Jiminshi is working with with his dance class, so we can share our thoughts, learn more about each other, open up a bit, I promise I won't judge, and whatever you decide to share with the class it's totally up to you and it'll stay within these walls. So... who will speak first?"
Jungkook started the new class with confidence, a smile on his face and a visible enthusiasm.
The fact that he was alone with the students, gave him some sense of intimacy that he was actually seeking for this new theme.
"Yes, Nayeon. You can speak." he encouraged the short girl in the back to speak her mind, because she was the first to put her hands high up, asking for permission to speak eagerly.
"Um...well first of all, I wanted to say how this is a really fun theme, but I'm a bit confused, cause isn't intimacy another word for... you know... sex? So are we supposed to draw that?"
She asked boldly and there were small giggles spreading through the classroom.
"That's a good question and I'm glad you asked. Well, most of you've probably heard of intimacy in the context of sex and romance. For example, people sometimes use the term "being intimate" for sexual activity, but intimacy isn't another word for sex. Sex with a partner can build intimacy, but it's far from the only indicator of intimacy. It's possible to have sex without intimacy as well as intimacy without sex. Sex and romance may come to mind first, but intimacy plays a role in other types of relationships too. For example, if you describe a party with friends as an "intimate gathering," what are you trying to convey? You're probably saying the party was a small group of close friends as opposed to a huge crowd with many strangers. You might also be referring to the quality of the time you spent together. Maybe you and your friends bonded over common interests. Your relationships with family, friends, and other trusted individuals all include elements of intimacy."
Jungkook looked at the looks in the students eyes and was enjoying their commitment to the topic, interested faces and observant hands that started taking notes on their own.
"You may feel close to a date while you watch a movie together, while your date can't wait to take a walk after the movie to feel closer to you. That's because intimacy means different things to different people. Your specific idea of intimacy may be influenced by your interests, communication style, or preferred ways to get to know someone. To figure out what intimacy means to you, consider the types of intimacy. Intimacy falls into several different categories, including: emotional, intellectual, physical, experiential and spiritual..."
While being lost in his own explanation, Jungkook thought about what he said, and couldn't stop thinking if the students understood what he's talking about.
Then a cough startled him from his own dazed mind, so when he looked to his left, where Jimin was comfortably sitting on a chair, looking at him with the usual smirk on his face, Jungkook blushed immediately cause how long has the older been here?
"Sorry for being a tiny bit late, I had to dismiss my previous class, but I see Jungkook did a good job explaining to you what our new theme is. I'm happy to be here and guide you through your ups and downs and just be your support with whatever you need. You can start working on your rough sketches, cause I can see you're dying to just start with it, and Jungkook and I will observe what you're doing and help you out with whatever you need." Jimin said politely while still sitting, so the moment he had finished his sentence, students started drawing some sketches like crazy, and Jungkook felt a bit ashamed cause he had no idea the older was right there all along.
"Since you're here, I'm gonna go and grab something to eat, I'm starving, so I'll see you later." Jungkook had an idea, and that was to just go to the cafeteria and literally grab something to eat, while Jimin stayed with the students, and helped them out until Jungkook came back.
How amazing would that be?
He would be full, students would have one on one time with Jimin.
He wouldn't have to look at Jimin and fear for his dear life like he always does.
"I could eat too. Let's go."
"What? Wait? What? No... No... No... Park fucking Jimin is not going to the cafeteria to grab lunch with Jeon Jungkook... Shit fucking hell."
"Um... Fine."
What else could he say?
You're not allowed to go and eat with me? Yeah right? Cause that would stop Jimin from doing whatever he wants to do.
"Students, is it ok if we leave you for about ten minutes, cause we really need to eat something real quick? It's been a really long day." Jimin asked nicely, batting his lashes ridiculously fast at those poor souls.
No one was immune to his stupid charm.
After all the nodding and visible approval, Jungkook went outside and started walking with Jimin on his side to the Uni's cafeteria that is only a minute away from the Mini theater where they were having their class.
"So, did you miss me?"
Of course Jimin would start the conversation with something silly like that.
Jungkook will play it cool.
"How much?" Jimin's grin was ridiculous.
Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Oh come on, you can say it. I promise I won't tease. Was it tough working with them without me?" Jimin was the one to enter the cafeteria first, and the moment Jungkook followed, both of them noticed the amused looks, confused faces, whispering in the room, elbow pushing under the tables... They were the new hot topic and it was quite obvious.
To Jungkook that fact was quite obvious cause of the way Jimin's behavior had changed too.
The moment they entered he moved a step away from Jungkook and had completely stopped with the teasing.
"Hi Jiminshi, how are you?"
"Hey it's good to see you here, haven't seen you in a while..."
"Jiminah, are you free on Monday to work on some contemporary piece..."
Jimin this, Jimin that... Jimin, Jimin, Jimin...
Why the fuck were people obsessing over him this much?
The looks those people were giving to Jungkook were pretty fascinating.
If their eyes could talk, they would definitely ask, 'Who are you? What's Jimin doing with this guy? Are they friends? What's his name?...'
It was like some celebrity had entered the quite spacious place, and all of them wanted something from him. Jimin answered politely to every single one of them. He answered quickly and nicely, and then got back to his order.
"Shit... there are some of my friends from Hip Hop class..." Jimin whispered while glancing at one pretty loud table in the front of the cafeteria, and Jungkook thought about how fun it is to see Jimin all nervous, uneasy,trying to hide, unsuccessfully... so he decided that he should definitely take advantage of this whole situation cause if anything, Jimin deserves to be teased a little bit.
"Are you being shy cause your fancy friends are gonna see you with some unknown, new kid from Busan?" he asked mockingly, watching Jimin frown for a second, but before the older could even say something, the same guy that Jungkook had seen many times with Jimin before, came and hugged Jimin tightly from behind.
"Jiminaaaaah!" he yelled while pushing the smaller up in the air, and Jungkook just looked at them amusingly.
Jimin looked uncomfortable.
"Hi. I'm Hoseok, Jimin's friend from the Dance department."
The smiley man introduced himself, and so did Jungkook.
"Hi. I'm Jungkook. I'm new here. We're working on an Art project together."
Jimin just stood there with an awkward smile, looking back and forth at both of them.
"So, are you guys having lunch together? Hanging out or something?" Hoseok asked, with the same amusement as all the other people around had on their faces.
"No." Jimin shortly said.
"That's exactly what we're doing." Jungkook said with a grin.
Jimin had the tendency to tease Jungkook whenever they were alone, and Jungkook could do the same while they were among other people... Just the look on Jimin's face was a gift enough.
"Your order is ready."
The weird silence had been interrupted by the pretty lady who's working in the cafeteria, so when she put two boxes with burgers and fries on the counter in front of her, Jungkook grabbed both and after extending the money to the lady, he smirked at Jimin, who was almost bursting out of rage.
"I got it baby, do you need something else?"
And Jimin's mouth dropped, so he tugged Jungkook by the sleeve and while walking him over to the table on the far right, he snapped at him with a frown.
"What the hell Jungkook?"
"What?" Jungkook asked while playing dumb, reaching inside the box to finally eat something.
"Don't you what me. You know what you're doing. Knock it off." Jimin was obviously angry, but he tried to control himself as best he could. The wandering eyes were always on him.
Jungkook just giggled while having his mouth full with the delicious burger, and as soon as he finished with his meal, he thought about what else he could do to tease the older a bit more.
Jimin ate his burger in peace, humming every time the fries would enter his mouth, and Jungkook hated to admit it, but he looked kind of adorable. The orange fluffy hair looked perfect on him, and the yellow sweater that he was wearing was fitting perfectly with the cute look.
While almost finishing all of his food, Jungkook noticed a tiny little drop of ketchup on the corner of Jimin's lips, so instinctively he reached his hand forward, trying to clean Jimin's face.
The shock and horror he saw in Jimin's eyes was hilarious.
"You got some ketchup here, let me clean it for you sweetheart." he said loudly while leaning closer, but Jimin smacked his hand away, and after an exaggerated eye roll, he started walking outside. Jungkook followed his every step giggling on the inside.
"What was that out there?" Jimin asked him the moment they were away from the curious eyes of society.
"That was me having the time of my life." Jungkook jokes, but there was no sign of a smile on Jimin's face.
"You're an idiot." Jimin said and started walking further.
"Ouch! Now you're just being mean. Bet you felt so embarrassed to be seen with me out there." Jungkook continued talking, but stopped when Jimin abruptly turned to face him.
"You think that's why I'm annoyed? Cause I don't like to be seen with some new students here on Campus? Really? Just how shallow do you think I am?"
And this was the first time Jungkook really saw Jimin angry, and could it maybe be hurt?
"I don't get it..." Jungkook tried to apologize, but Jimin just scoffed at him.
"What? Tell me."
Jungkook kept standing right there, not moving an inch.
Jimin came back and looked at the younger with a frown.
"I am well known around here, as you might have seen, and that was not by choice. I would love nothing more than to be someone invisible here, someone that others won't wait to fall just so they could smile and feed off my failure. On my first day here, I was introduced to students as the next big hope of K-ARTs and a proud son of one of the professors and founders here. Do you even know what kind of spotlight that simple sentence had put me on? In just a few days I was the IT boy here. The charming pretty boy that everyone loved and wanted to work with, but silently hated. All of them wanted to be my friend, to date me, probably fuck me too, but only a few had the guts to ask for that one particular thing. I didn't want any of it. Any of the attention. I still don't want it, but it's there, and there's nothing I can do about it. And now, your reckless behavior might cost you your freedom here, cause tomorrow, everyone will talk about you as one of my friends, date maybe, potential boyfriend... someone who went out with me, bought me food, touched my face, called me stupid pet names... they know it all, they have seen it with their own eyes and now you're doomed. So congratulations Jungkook, and welcome to the madness that this Campus is really about."
Jimin said it all, and Jungkook took a second to think about everything the older had said.
"I don't care."
Jimin's expression turned more into confusion than anger now, and he was obviously struggling with what to say next.
"I mean, there's nothing going on between us so I don't care what others think. It's not like they're gonna see us together ever again and continue to talk. The rumor will come and go just cause there's nothing to talk about. If you don't feed people's ego and their need to know everything about you, they'll just drop it."
"I hope you're right, but I wouldn't be so optimistic about it."
Soon they had returned to the class, and luckily for Jungkook, Jimin was too busy with looking at the student's work, admiring the first, rough sketches, complimenting their will and eagerness to do so well for this assignment.
By the end of the class, Jimin had fondly patted every single student in the room, and he looked so soft while doing that. Could be the fact that he was wearing the fluffiest sweater Jungkook had ever seen him in, but could be also the fact that he got moved by such a great response that none of them were expecting.
The thing that bothered Jungkook was the fact that Jimin didn't pay any attention to him for the rest of the class, and even when they were finished with class, Jimin didn't wait for Jungkook to tease him to his maximum while going back home together, he rather just went home alone, without even looking where Jungkook was.
"Good morning Jungkookah..."
Jungkook snapped his gaze to look at the girl he was positive he saw for the first time in his life, but why was she greeting him all of a sudden. He didn't even have the time to answer her greeting cause he was stuck thinking about where he had met the unknown girl.
"Hi Jungkook oppa. Did you see Jimin oppa this morning?"
Just before entering the Laundry room, Jungkook heard, again, another unknown voice, so he turned around, trying to see who was talking to him. He was standing alone there, so the person must have been talking to him.
There was a young girl, standing behind him with some paper and files in her hands, looking at Jungkook, waiting for an answer.
"I... haven't. We work together for an Art project and that's tomorrow... I think..." he said, confused, cause why were people talking to him at all? Asking about Jimin?
"I know... but I haven't seen him the whole day and he was supposed to work on my solo routine and I don't have his phone number cause he doesn't give it to anyone, cause you know, people would bother him, so I thought you knew where he was, or maybe you could call him for me...." the girl was rambling and only then it hit him.
"People would talk... don't be optimistic and think otherwise..."
Was it possible that he got recognized all of a sudden as Jimin's friend just from one time that they had eaten lunch together. Well maybe Jungkook did call him baby and some other ridiculous pet name, and he maybe did touch his face, and maybe he did smile and giggle and bat his lashes at him, and oh fucking hell Jimin was right! These people were insane.
"I don't know where Jimin is cause we only hang out when we have Art classes together, and that's once or twice a week, so you have to wait for him to ask him about your routine yourself."
Jungkook got rid of her the nicest way he possibly knew how, so after putting his clothes into a laundry machine, he headed back to attend his usual daily classes, and just when he thought he would be late for the first class, he saw some guy opening doors for him, letting him inside with a smile.
"Thank you." Jungkook said with a little bow, and the man smiled back while patting Jungkook's back.
"No problem. Jungkook right?" the pretty tall, dark haired man said with a smirk, so Jungkook nodded.
"Yes. And you are?"
"I'm Eunwo. You're Jimin's friend."
And of fucking course there was the 'Jimin's friend' thing again.
"I'm not his friend." Jungkook said instinctively, having enough of this shit already. Cause being recognized as someone's friend at the Campus, being someone's shadow, wasn't exactly how Jungkook wanted to be known around here.
"Uuuu, so you're the guy who got inside those tight pants then. Nice..." the cocky man said so Jungkook's mouth opened to say something back, but the professor came inside so he just shook his head, frown appearing on his face, but all he could do was sit down on his chair, and listen to the whispers and shushes around him.
"News flew fast around here..."
Next project class that he had with Jimin, Jungkook decided to act as nothing has changed and that people didn't casually greet him on the halls, cafeteria, wanted to be his partners whenever they had some paired up assignments, cause that would mean that Jimin was right, and he hated to admit so.
Today's class was also the last one with the 'Intimacy in the beauty' theme, so Jimin and him had the assignment to give the feedback to every student, and give them their honest opinion on where they were lacking as individuals, and what's the thing that they were being good at, and what they should learn more and on what they should work less. They should also present the new theme for the next week, but Jungkook had none. He was kind of hoping that Jimin would have something on his mind.
The problem was that Jimin wasn't there.
The class had already started ten minutes ago, and Jungkook had put all 24 of the drawings on the big board, observing the fine art that the students had made.
He didn't wanna start with the evaluation cause that was something he always did together with Jimin, but the older didn't say that he would be missing today's class, and he usually always says in advance if he'll do so.
Where was Jimin?
Where could he be?
Where was Jimin usually before their classes?
And Jungkook remembered. He was always having one of his dance practices so today shouldn't be any different.
"Students, you can walk around and look closely at your art until I come back, I just need to find Jiminshi. I'll be quick." Jungkook said and walked away with fast steps, thinking how at least, if Jimin would get stuck at the dance practice longer than usual, he could do the evaluation part alone, but still, he didn't wanna do it without Jimin's consent.
The dance practice room was not that far away from the Mini theater, and with the speed Jungkook was running, he was there in less than a minute.
After walking down the hall, Jungkook stopped at the big, glass door and decided to take a deep breath before entering the spacious room, and just when he was about to open the door, still panting hard from all the running, he heard a slow, melodic music.
Instinctively he looked inside and saw two younger students, one of them the girl he had met just the other day, the one who was asking him where Jimin was, and then he saw Jimin, wearing all black, a shirt and a sweatpants, and suddenly he was dancing.
Jimin was dancing to the rhythm of the song, and he was flawless... Fluid like water, hot like the Sun... All in one... He was dancing like his life is depending on it, and the emotions were overflowing through his moves...
Jungkook couldn't move...
Couldn't look away...
Instead, he came closer, and put both of his hands on the glass in front of him, almost as he was trying to get closer, to see better, but he didn't wanna startled Jimin and accidentally stop his dancing, so he slowed down his breathing, stared as much as he could, drinking in every move, breathing slowing down... Seeking for more... Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of expressions and emotion someone could show through body movement...
When Jimin slowed down, and finished what Jungkook considered a contemporary masterpiece, the two students started clapping with their hands enthusiastically and instinctively he did too, and all he could think about while seeing Jimin breathing heavy, wiping his sweaty forehead, grin of satisfaction on his face, was.......beautiful.
Jimin was beautiful like this...
This is him.
This is where he truly belongs and what made him whole...
And then Jimin turned around, looked through the glass and Jungkook froze.
He was still clapping, but slowing down awkwardly, and he started biting his lower lip nervously, feeling like he kind of stepped on the line here, watching Jimin dance uninvited, but fuck it. He didn't regret it. If anything, if Jimin turns from a soft little ball that danced his heart out just moments ago into a feisty volcano who'll kill Jungkook while spitting fire at him cause of his voyeurism behavior, then so be it.
It was worth it.
He saw as Jimin talked with the students, and right after he grabbed his jacket, then ran to meet with Jungkook who was feeling more nervous with every step that Jimin got closer to him.
"I'm late. I know. Sorry, Daehyun has an exam and she needed some more practice with contemporary style so I promised her I'll help." Jimin talked like nothing happened, like everything is fine and like Jungkook didn't just see the most beautiful dance and the purest expression through movement.
Well, maybe Jimin didn't notice any of that so... Yeah...
"Um... We wanted to do the evaluation, but I figured it's weird to do it without you, so I came to see if you could come..."
While walking back to the Mini theater, a couple of students that they bumped into, greeted them both, and Jungkook felt a bit awkward.
"So... You're Jungkook oppa now. People started noticing you all of a sudden. " Jimin said annoyingly, trying to grab some tissues to wipe his still sweaty forehead.
"No. Everything's just as it was before... Nothing changed..."
Jungkook said while fumbling with the stripes on his hoodie, trying not to look up at the students walking past them.
The whispers and weird looks were just ridiculous.
"Sure. Well, thank you for coming to get me from my dance class, I'm sure people will talk about how genuine and considerate of a boyfriend you are and all that shit." Jimin said while getting inside the Mini theater and the worst thing was... now Jungkook knew Jimin was right.
"Good afternoon and wow! I can't believe how good you did."
The moment Jimin entered the classroom he was surprised by the art he saw on the board.
"You must be so proud of yourself. These are just beautiful..." he trailed off, and Jungkook got a flashback of Jimin dancing, moving his body to the slow rhythm...looking like a dream wrapped up in the softest cotton with the ribbon on it.
His mind was fucked.
After the evaluation, they concluded that this was by far the best assignment they did together, and now came the part of the class where they reveal the new theme for the next project.
"So Jungkookshi, we finally finished with the Beauty and intimacy theme, and I have to say that I got surprised by the amount of passion and love the students had shown through their work, so, I'm curious to know what's the theme they'll be working on for the next month."
Jimin asked while leaning his body on the wall, looking at Jungkook amused.
Did he know that Jungkook came today totally unprepared and wanted to see him suffer.
But the thing he didn't know, is the fact that Jungkook most certainly didn't have any idea when he came to today's class, but seeing Jimin dancing that contemporary piece, made a total difference.
"I actually have a new idea." Jungkook said and loved the surprised expression on Jimin's face.
Then he turned his focus to the students, and continued talking to them.
"Today I got inspired by the beauty in the movement of a dancer's body. I've seen a lot of people dancing, but only a few managed to take my breath away. While looking at such a powerful performance and the true emotions that are forming within us, it's impossible not to feel touched and moved to the point where you, also want to create something beautiful, meaningful, magical."
He glanced at Jimin's direction, and could it be that the older was blushing?
"So our new theme is going to be 'Beauty shown through movement' and to explain it all a bit better, I would like to ask Jiminshi to show us all the contemporary piece that I had the privilege to see moments ago so that all of you could feel the energy that he possesses while dancing."
It felt tricky to just ask for this, but Jungkook decided to go for it.
What's the worst thing that could happen?
Jimin would say no? That's fine.
Jimin would kick his ass for not minding his own business? That would be a bit embarrassing, but he would defend his honor the best way he could.
"Um....well, first of all, thank you. And second... well, that choreography is not mine. I actually made it for a student that studies dance here, so I think it would be better to see her dance." Jimin explained politely and Jungkook kind of felt disappointed and sad.
"I could arrange for her to come to our next class so that you get inspired and really see what Jungkook was talking about."
The look on the students faces was not impressed either.
"That's amazing. Thank you, but, um, since we have ten minutes left, you could show them at least a part of it. I know they would appreciate it." Jungkook really wanted for the students to see Jimin in that light, shining brightly like the Sun.
Jimin almost rolled his eyes, but then the students started nagging him too, asking him to do it, and he was obviously too weak for their love and attention...
"Aish... Fine. I'll do a little part..." he said so all of them clapped enthusiastically, Jungkook included.
What could be worse than spying on Jimin through the glass door while he was dancing?
Watching Jimin dancing in the classroom while looking directly into Jungkook's eyes.
"Fucking shit!"
Jimin obviously needed a focus point, somewhere to look at while he was doing the routine, and why did it have to be Jungkook? There were 24 other students for God's sake.
The way he moved so smoothly but kept his gaze on Jungkook, burned holes through Jungkook's dazed mind, and now all he could do was pray to God not to forget how to breathe, cause this Jimin was too much.
The moment the older finished the choreography, all the students started clapping loudly, and Jungkook did so too. He kind of couldn't stop himself.
The bell announced the end of the class, so after saying their goodbye's all the students started going outside, satisfied looks capturing their faces .
"I get it now..." Jungkook said, still feeling a bit dazed, mind fogged and clouded by what he just saw.
"Get what?" Jimin just kept putting the student work down from the table, not paying too much attention to Jungkook.
"Why your heart isn't fully in art."
And the speed that Jimin used to snap his gaze towards Jungkook was insane.
"What?" Jimin looked a bit annoyed.
"It's cause you're fully committed to dancing... You, um...your dance is just beautiful... Everything is there, palpable, the passion, the emotions, the heart... You should really consider Dance to be your major class for the finals cause you can't miss with that..."
Jimin scoffed.
"Dance is just something on the side that I'm allowed to do cause I'm so good at art." and the tension in the older's words could be cut with a knife.
"I think the situation should be different. This, dancing, should be your priority, and art as something on the side." Jungkook spoke truthfully while helping with putting the student's work down on the table.
"It's not up to me." Jimin said right before grabbing his backpack from the ground, and started walking towards the door.
Again, he didn't wait for Jungkook to finish up so that they could walk together, instead he just waved the younger goodbye, and Jungkook felt weird and uneasy.
When and why did the tables turn?
How could Jungkook, who was finally getting what he wanted, which was less of Jimin's boldness and attention, feel this empty and sad?
He should really work on figuring out what he wants in his life, and how to get things done cause this whole new situation with Jimin,was obviously eating him up slowly.
The next few weeks went by pretty much the same as the previous ones.
Jimin made an effort to bring some of his best dance colleagues and they all enjoyed dancing for the art students who were inspired and moved to the point where they did their assignments way too good for some beginners that they were supposed to be.
The news about him and Jimin being something traveled faster than the speed of light, so one day after his classes, the moment he entered his room, he was met with an excited Yoongi who was panting fast, wiping off the sweat from his forehead.
"Hi hyung." Jungkook said curiously, not knowing why his roommate, who was mostly never around, was standing in their room looking like mess.
"Did I miss something or are you and Jimin dating?" the older said while still breathing heavily, so Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Of course not. Who told you that?" Jungkook sat down, face buried in his hands, looking pretty annoyed.
"Well I've been drinking coffee at Starbucks, and all of a sudden some girl behind me was talking about the new guy Jungkook who is secretly dating Park Jiminshi, and she said that the two of you are keeping your hands off of each other in public, but on your project classes, she said you two are inseparable. I figured she must be some student from your Art classes with Jimin..."
Jungkook really didn't give a fuck about the rumors cause it was just ridiculous.
He also understood why people would think that something is going on between them cause he did call Jimin baby in front of people, and he did touch him lovingly, and he totally forgot about Jimin's almost back hugs and closeness on their Art project classes which were all pretty visible to all students.
"Maybe that's why Jimin is kind of distant lately... He stopped teasing me like before, stopped walking with me after the classes, most of the time he doesn't even come to classes, just says that he has something to do in the Dance department..." Jungkook concluded with a small shrug so Yoongi patted his back.
"Are you upset about it?"
Was he?
"No." he answered too fast.
"I don't know." he let out a deep sigh. "I just feel a bit lost sometimes, and it would be good to have him at some classes cause it's easier to do things in pairs... that's all. The rumors will stop cause they're not true. I'm not worried about that." he said truthfully so Yoongi nodded.
"That's reasonable and mature of you. Though, if you feel like he's lacking or not participating enough in this project, you could always talk to him, or just talk to your professors about it. Maybe ask for another partner for the project."
Jungkook just shook his head.
"No. I wouldn't want to work with anyone else." he concludes unconsciously.
"Wow. Really? Is Jimin that good?" Yoongi was obviously surprised.
"No. I mean, it's not that he's not good enough, he is good, but he's better at dancing. That's where his heart is, but he is good for me when I need inspiration, and motivation to work... he's just... different and can serve as a muse or something..." Jungkook scratches his forehead nervously, figuring out what he had just said.
Park fucking Jimin is his muse? Well it's not that far from the truth.
On Friday night, after a long run, and some boxing work out, Jungkook came to his room to get his well needed shower.
"Jungkookah! Is that you?"
The bathroom was already taken.
"Yeah. I need to take a bath. I've been running and working out..." he yelled so that Yoongi could hear him.
A minute later, Yoongi came out of the bathroom, a big towel wrapped around his body, smelling nice, his hair looking good.
"Wow hyung, are you having a date or something?" Jungkook teased, so Yoongi blushed, going to their room to dress in some fancy button up shirt and jeans that he had prepared for himself.
"No, not a date. Namjoon and I are going to Seokjin hyung's apartment, which is close to our dormitory. He had some play in the theater and everything went amazingly well, so he organized a party for the actors who participated and some of the closest friends, and since Namjoon is his 'closest friend' he asked us to come. He said that you can come if you want to..."
"Nah... I think I'll just lay down earlier, I have early Art project class in the morning and some professors will come to see how the students have been doing, so I should be on my best behavior." Jungkook said while taking his clothes off, preparing for his well deserved bath.
"Ok. As you wish. Jimin will probably be there too..." Yoongi spoke while fixing the collar on his shirt.
"Give me ten minutes! I'm coming with you."
Just like that, Jungkook had decided that he wasn't that tired after all.
Before entering the apartment that was located 10 minutes away from their dormitory, Jungkook looked at Yoongi who was already looking at him back.
"Do I look good?" Yoongi asked.
"You do. Taehyung will fall in love with you the moment he sees you." Jungkook teased.
"Is there a reason you changed your mind the moment I said that Jimin will be here?"
Jungkook looked at the floor.
"I just haven't seen him in a while, and I wanted to tell him about some improvements that our students have made... That's all..."
"And I missed his company a bit... maybe..."
"Ok. If you say so."
They entered the pretty and spacious apartment that was filled with people.
Wow. Jungkook hated crowded places, especially when he didn't know anyone.
Seemed like people knew him though, or at least they acted like they did.
"Hi guys, Jungkook, it's good to see you." a guy Jungkook had never seen before in his life said so he just smiled awkwardly, looking at Yoongi, who looked just as confused.
"One fucking rumor. One!" he whisper yelled to Yoongi's ear so they both chuckled.
"Let's go straight to the kitchen. Drinks are literally calling us." Yoongi suggested so Jungkook agreed, nodding enthusiastically.
"Jungkookah, Yoongiah you both made it!" they heard Seokjin's voice from the living room, so after congratulating him on the success of the play that he was directing, all of them grabbed some beers and went straight to the living room, where a small crowd of actors and their friends were sitting down, chilling while drinking, some of them smoking weed.
Jungkook's eyes caught a glimpse of orange the moment he came closer to the big L shaped couch where approximately ten people were sitting, so he bows politely to everyone and after turning to face Jimin who was already looking at him, he said a quiet little 'Hi' which didn't get unnoticed by the crowd.
People immediately started whispering so he saw how Jimin looked to his right and left, sensing the people's need to start another rumor, cause that's how things are done here.
It was pathetic really.
He had decided to sit far away from Jimin and his friends, which he recognized the moment he sat down cause Yoongi was looking at Taehyung like he was a temple that needs to be worshiped and he recognized the other friend, Hoseok, which was Jimin's dance colleague who was almost always around Jimin. A happy and cheery guy with an interesting fashion style.
And Jimin. He looked good, but kind of... unhappy. There was no spark in his eyes, no fierceness that he was usually showing without even trying to. Something is off tonight.
He didn't even dress as he usually does, it was like he didn't care at all where he was going, nor what he was doing, so instead of his sexy and unique style, he was wearing simple light jeans and a black t-shirt. Still, his hair was bright orange and styled messily which made him look even more alluring and attractive.
"So, here's to us. The people who made the play as interesting as it was, who did their best to create scenarios, evoke emotions through teaching each and every single one of you how to act good and present the best of yourself to the audience. Here's to the best assistant in the Uni." Seokjin gave a speech that made everyone smile widely, because he just raised a glass to salute at his own geniusness and teaching abilities. Wow, what a shameless person.
"To the best assistants!" the crowd of 8 actors and their friends cheered loudly, and everybody drank their drinks bottoms up.
As the time passed by, everybody downed more drinks and soon, people are dancing around, playing some games, and Jungkook just stuck around next to Yoongi, who is actually an amazing company cause he was teaching Jungkook about his favorite liquor which Jungkook gladly tried, feeling already tipsy cause of all Irish bombs that he had drank.
An hour later, people started leaving, thanking Seokjin for hosting the party for his students, and suddenly there were only 7 of them.
Jungkook noticed that he was sitting not so far away from Jimin now, only two people sitting between them, and when Namjoon got up to find something in the kitchen, Seokjin followed, trying to help him with that something that everyone in the room knew doesn't even exist, and suddenly Jungkook is next to Jimin, no one between them, well except some free space on the couch.
"How are the students doing?" Jimin asked, not looking directly at Jungkook.
He turned his face to look at Jimin, but the older was still looking at the drink in his hands.
"They're doing amazing." Jungkook said, and wanted to say so much more, but he noticed that something was wrong, and he didn't wanna push it. If Jimin for some reason didn't wanna talk to him, that's totally fine.
"Has Beomgyu finally finished with the shadows on the dancer's dress?" Jimin asked with a hint of a smile so Jungkook chuckled, remembering how many times Jimin had told him that he needs to focus on the shadows to get the depth of the skirt better.
"He didn't. He said he'll do it..." , "Next time." they both said the ending of the sentence at the same time, so Jungkook smiled. Jimin knew them so well.
"Nayeon decided to add another figure to her drawing." Jungkook said, and saw how Jimin scooped just a little bit closer, smiling while looking at the drink in his hands.
"She's really confident and ambitious. You think she can finish it on time?"
"To be totally honest. I'm not sure. She did say something about the figure being a shadow that is following the dancers every move, but hiding behind it... something like that." Jungkook said while leaning his back on the couch, suddenly aware that it was only Jimin and him in the living room, the other 5 boys were in the kitchen, preparing something to eat.
"As I said, she's really special. I have so much faith in her. Did Kai confess his love for Dehyun already? Are they a thing now?" and finally Jimin looked at him while they were talking, so Jungkook shrugs.
"Don't know anything about that. I'm not that much into rumors to be honest."
Jimin just nodded, looking at Jungkook with some gaze that the younger couldn't quite get.
"You guys hungry? We made some spicy ramen." Hoseok called for them so they nodded and joined the others for some hot noodles.
"Jiminah, how's your dance preparation for New York going? Tae told me you were worried for the past few weeks... " Seokjin asked, so Jungkook turned into ear.
"Why was Jimin worried? What's going on? What happened?"
"It's getting better. I'm just torn between Art project and Dance project so if I'm doing one thing and neglecting the other, I don't feel good... I hope my students will get the choreography right and will be able to present their freestyle when the time comes for that. Their dance show is two weeks after the Art project so they'll have more time,I guess..."
"Why is he torn? He does have me to help him"
"He's being too hard on himself. I hate that about him. The choreography is stunning. The students are doing well. No one could predict that Momo would get hurt in the meantime, but she'll be ready for New York. You just need to do more one-on-one classes with her as soon as she gets her cast off and you'll be fine." Hoseok explains a bit further so Jungkook finally got why Jimin's worried.
"Is that the choreo you showed to our project class?" Jungkook asked after slurping some ramen.
"Yes. The slower one." Jimin answered so Taehyung and Hosek snapped their gaze to Jimin.
"You showed him the new choreo?" Taehyung says with a frown.
"I haven't seen it yet." It's ridiculous how cute Taehyung looked when he was pouting.
"It's just... he walked into one of my classes and saw it... and then we kind of made a connection with Art and Dance so I showed them the routine, it's no big deal..." Jimin tried to justify himself, but Tae was still sulking.
"And since you two are already married it's only obvious you showed him the choreo before me." Taehyung said while crossing his arms in front of his chest, obviously teasing Jimin for the unfortunate rumors with Jungkook.
"I think the choreography is beautiful and it shows the true beauty of what dancers bodies are capable of doing." Jungkook said without looking at anyone, staring at his cup of ramen, feeling a bit shy to compliment Jimin, but fuck it. He was speaking the truth.
"Write that down for your vows, wow the boy's obviously smitten. What did you do to him?" Taehyung teased again, and this time Jungkook looks up, and sees an obvious frown on Jimin's face.
He was annoyed.
"Knock it off Tae. You're not funny." Jimin addresses his joke, but Jungkook felt even more angry than before cause the smug look on Tae's face was a clear indicator how he found the mere thought of Jimin and Jungkook even being friends, not to mention something more, ridiculous.
"Why is everyone around this Campus mistaking polite manners and common sense for flirting and having interest in someone. Are people around here really that dumb?" Jungkook asked while looking directly at Tae, and Tae looked pissed. Jimin pursed his lips, like he's on the verge of bursting out of laughter or shock, and from the corner of his eyes, Jungkook saw Yoongi taking a deep breath, and Namjoon and Seokjin glancing at each other without saying a word.
"Did you just say that I'm dumb?" Taehyung asked while squinting his eyes at Jungkook, like he's daring him to answer his question.
"Did you just admit that you're mistaking polite manners and compliments for flirting and having interest in someone?" Jungkook asked rhetorically, and looked into Taehyung's eyes without showing any fear.
"I was just joking." Taehyung, the sourpuss finally said, and then Jimin gave him a tight hug, pulling him closer into his arms.
"He told me I'm stupid the first day we met. You'll survive." Obviously Jimin felt the need to calm Tae down and they really looked like they shared one soul together.
Jungkook just smiled, as a memory of the first day he met Jimin popped up unannounced. They've really come a long way from that day till now.
"I think it's best for us to get going. We should leave Seokjin hyung and Namjoonie to celebrate this event properly." Hoseok said while cocking his eyebrows at the two men, and suddenly all of them froze.
"You...What?" Namjoon stuttered, obviously shocked by the statement, not knowing that anyone except Yoongi and Jungkook had known about his relationship with Seokjin.
"Ah come on hyung." Tae whined while looking at both of them.
"It's totally obvious. You two are so close and so in love it's actually sickeningly sweet to look at you together. I figured there's more to it from the very beginning, and don't you worry, your secret is safe with us." Tae explained so all of them let out a sigh of relief, loving how both of them can just relax and be themselves in front of all of them.
"And if you need some advice on how to keep a forbidden relationship hidden, just ask Jimin for advice." Hosek obviously had too much to drink, and didn't think of the consequences of his words, but one thing was for sure, Jimin was not happy about what he said.
"What does he mean by that? Is Jimin dating an assistant too? Then why did he say some of those shameless things to me, and act the way he acted? What the hell is going on?"
Jungkook's mind was racing, but there were no answers to be found.
"We have to go." Instead, Jimin tugged both Hoseok and Taehyung by their sleeves and started walking with them towards the door.
"Thank you for having us hyung." Taehyung said with his signature boxy grin, and suddenly the four boys were all alone.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Jungkook asked the moment they shut down the door behind them.
"Why the fuck would you say my Tae is dumb?" Yoongi had other concerns.
"They fucking knew about us." Seokjin and Namjoon were in their own little bubble.
"Ok, so it's not hard to tell that the two of you are totally in love. I think more people know about you two than you think, and I think no one's ever gonna say anything cause you're adorable and romantic together. Secondly, Tae acted dumb as hell, so I said that to provoke him a bit. And now, please, would someone tell me what the fuck did Hoseok mean by Jimin knowing how to keep forbidden relationship hidden?" Jungkook needed to know.
"I've heard a rumor a long time ago that Jimin had a secret relationship with someone from the Uni. A professor or an assistant, I'm not sure, and that he's actually been in a relationship for years, he just doesn't want the public to know that." Seokjin said while playing with Namjoon's hair, looking adorable as always.
"Well that would explain why he doesn't want the stupid rumor about us dating to go out in public, but still that doesn't explain the teasing, the heavy flirting, and his behavior towards me at all. I mean I get why he was doing it, I know he wanted to get rid of me from the project, but still, if he has a boyfriend isn't that a bit too much...?" Jungkook kept thinking out loud, feeling like he's missing something.
"That's just a rumor, just like there's a rumor about the two of you dating. If it's a rumor it doesn't mean that it's real." Seokjin said, trying to address that whole situation, but Jungkook wasn't satisfied with his answer.
Still, it was too late, and he had too much to drink, and he just needed to sleep on it. Maybe a new morning will give him new answers.
After heading back to their room, Jungkook fall asleep the moment his head touched his pillow, and one thing he forgot to do was, to set the alarm to get up earlier cause tomorrow, professors Park and Wo Seok are supposed to come to the Art project class, to see how the students have evolve in the passed few months, and they said how they'll bring some other admirable professors as well to evaluate the students work.
There was a familiar song playing on repeat inside Jungkook's head.
And again...
Once more...
Is it playing inside his head, or could be that he's hearing it right? Could it be that his phone is ringing, and ringing and ringing and fuck!?
"My phone is ringing!"
Jungkook got up abruptly, and while grabbing his phone tightly in his hand, looking at the display, he saw the 'Unknown number'.
"Oh for fucks sake where are you?"
"Our class started half an hour ago. There's four professors here, right now, and they're observing the work that students have done by now. Where are you?"
He sounded angry.
"I overslept. I'll be there in ten minutes."
Jungkook said while getting up, running to the bathroom, washing his face and brushing teeth in a hurry.
He put on the first thing he saw in his closet, a black hoodie and some jeans and then he stormed out as fast as he could, running straight to the Mini theater.
"... So we decided to explore beauty through people, emotions and movement..."
He entered the class and heard Jimin explaining the themes that they had picked together, and the closer he came to the four professors, the better he could see their facial expressions.
They looked content and satisfied.
"And there's Jungkook, the man behind almost every idea we've done." Jimin introduced him to the professors so Jungkook bowed, hating how all of them were wearing suits, including Jimin, and there he was, looking like some high school teenager.
"Good morning. I'm really sorry I'm late. I hope you liked the concept of the main idea 'The Beauty within'. Jiminshi and I thought how amazing it would be to prepare younger students through some themes that are both a bit controversial and unique, so I'm eager to know if you find our project successful or if there's something you would like for us to change?" Jungkook started talking like he owns the whole project, feeling confident in his decisions, and the artworks that were presented all around the Mini theater is a clear indicator that he was right.
The students did good.
He was more than proud of them.
"As I was saying to Ms. Tori and Mr. Jackson, who came straight from New York today, and are also participating in donating money to Universities that show perspiration and unique styles, I think this is the year where we're finally getting something done."
Professor Park Hyun spoke and Jungkook's heart grew bigger just from the honest praise.
"Thank you very much. We worked really hard for this." Jungkook said while glancing at Jimin, who's expression was unreadable, maybe even a bit cold.
"Tomorrow night, we're having an Art gallery opening and we would love for you to come and maybe find inspirations for your new theme, cause the gallery is presenting the most beautiful art pieces from all around the world. I would love for you to come and just enjoy the art for the night." the lady spoke again, so the two of them nodded.
Is this really happening?
Is Jungkook being invited to an Art gallery opening cause he did a good job on teaching his students? Is this his reward? Cause if that's so, he'll take it.
It's not like he was never at a gallery before, but mostly it was with the Uni, or for some art project back at home, but this, he was invited to attend the opening by the owners and all of it felt like too much.
"Of course I'll be there. Thank you for inviting me. It's an honor." he bowed politely and then professor Wo Seok announced that they have to go, so with another bow, Jungkook waved them goodbye, and looked as all of them walked outside, including Jimin, who blend in with those people perfectly, fitting right there like a glove.
He wanted to say 'thank you' to Jimin for waking him up, but the older was already gone, not looking back at him. He decided that he'll do it tomorrow night when he sees the older again at the Art gallery opening.
"You're a lifesaver hyung!" Jungkook almost squealed once the suit that Seokjin had brought for him, fitted him perfectly while he was looking at himself in the mirror.
The suit was navy blue, the shirt underneath it, a nicely fitted white buttons up, that he tucked neatly inside the navy slacks that fit him amazingly around his thick thighs, accentuating his small waist.
He paired it all up with some silver small hoop earrings and Namjoon's dark brown ankle boots.
Jungkook really looked good.
Maybe his hair could be a bit more presentable, and a lot less messy, but it's the length that was tricky, so he had just decided to put the front of his black locks behind his ears, hoping he looked somehow decent and nice.
"Ok, baby boy, are you sure you don't want any of us to drive you there?" Seokjin asked, so Jungkook shook his head.
"No. It's pretty close. I'll just call the cab. Thank you for offering though." Jungkook smiled fondly at the older, loving the same reflection he saw in Seokjin's eyes.
When Jungkook arrived at the Art gallery, he took a few deep breaths and walked inside the spacious white area that was filled with people he didn't know, and being an introvert as he always was, he felt anxiousness creeping up on him slowly, but steadily.
" Breathe , you got this... Just relax and look around... You're at a gallery... you.."
"Jungkookshi!" his thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice, and when he turned around, he was so happy to see a familiar face instead of someone who thinks they know him, but obviously don't.
"Yugyeomshi!" Jungkook called after the man enthusiastically, so when the said man approached him, Jungkook bowed politely, happy to see the man he knew from before.
"Hi, all the rest of them are here, and I'm here to guide you to your booth, and to help you around if you need anything." the always polite principal's assistant from the Uni said so Jungkook smiled at him.
"I'm fine. Just show me where the rest of them are."
While coming closer to the booth that was located upstairs, where was obviously supposed to be some kind of an after party or something like that after the opening, Jungkook couldn't help but notice Jimin sitting at the table, looking really good in all black attire.
And the thing that caught Jungkook's mind the most, is the fact that Jimin was no longer orange. He had lost the fierceness that came along with his orange hair, and looked rather innocent and almost angelic with the new honey blond color he had now.
The moment Jungkook came to sit with the rest of the people, he bowed politely, and said his greetings.
"You made it." the polite lady, Ms. Tori said excitedly after seeing Jungkook so he felt the anxiety leaving his body slowly, figuring out that his attendance here was expected.
"Yes I did. I'm actually very excited to see the artwork. Will it be shown here, or downstairs?" Jungkook asked enthusiastically, but didn't miss the lack of emotions on Jimin's face.
"Downstairs. In an hour. So please, explain to me, how could a man at such a young age, do so well with such a difficult project? How do you get inspired by all those ideas? Mr. Park and Mr. Wo Seok here, said that you didn't like any of the previous ideas and had decided to follow your instinct and just do your own thing. It shows, I saw the unique approach immediately, I saw that something new was going on the moment I saw the art." the lady kept asking Jungkook questions, having her full attention on him, and he felt shy and confused. Why did they gave him all the credit when Jimin did a lot too?
He glanced at Jimin before speaking, and his heart clenched inside his chest when he saw a frown on his face, the distant look in his eyes, emptiness.
"They're giving me all the credits... Why?"
"Well that's true. I didn't like the first ideas that I've been presented with, um... But I also had none of mine at that time which was scary, but I wasn't working alone. I had professor Wo Seok, and Jiminshi with me to help along. I could never decide something like that on my own. I always asked for Jiminshi's opinion, and only when he said that he liked my idea, we did the theme that I originally came up with."
He really wanted them to know that Jimin took a big part in choosing the perfect theme, but couldn't quite tell how he was an actual living muse that provokes every single idea inside Jungkook, cause that would be, well, weird.
" Well see, Jungkook... " suddenly professor Park, Jimin's father, spoke to him.
"... You should never ask for anyone's permission to do something you think is the right thing to do. Your gut instinct is good, and it'll take you wherever you want to go. Don't let the others hold you down just cause they don't understand your creative expression."
And Jungkook felt his face burning.
Was Professor Park intentionally shaming his own son now? Why? Why would he do that? Why would he put down the work that Jimin had done by now?
"I have to disagree with you sir."
Jungkook said and gulped right afterwards, feeling Jimin's gaze at him.
"You did bring me here cause I was different back in Busan, and you saw the potential in me, but you had also formed a team cause you knew the people that you could rely on are there to help me out. And they did. Very much so."
Why did Jungkook feel like he needed to defend Jimin?
He had no idea.
"Ms. Tori, the professors from Seoul's design school wanted to speak to you, so if you don't mind... " a girl, probably Tori's assistant interrupted their talk, so the red haired lady, excused herself and went downstairs, saying how she's looking forward to seeing them again when the art presentation starts.
"You should stop that." Jimin said the moment they were alone.
Well not alone, they were sitting with Jimin's father and professor Wo Seok, but he obviously felt comfortable enough to speak freely in front of them.
"Stop what?" Jungkook asked, looking at him confused.
"Including me in all of the project stuff. Those were your ideas, and yours only, just accept the compliments and leave me alone." the older said without even looking at Jungkook, swirling some drink inside his glass, then drinking it all, bottoms up.
"I'm not lying though. Jiminshi, you helped with everything. You had the beauty in the family idea, remember? What are you even saying?" Jungkook really didn't get it.
"And that is the only idea my father and Ms. Tori didn't like, so I guess you should work alone from now on." Jimin said, his voice bitter, and then he stood up, and walked downstairs.
"Sorry, I'll be right back." Jungkook excused himself and followed Jimin.
The older was at the bar, getting himself another drink.
"What the hell was that? What's your problem Jimin? You're acting weird and I have no idea why?" Jungkook came right next to him, a frown on his face, and Jimin looked perplexed to see him standing so close.
"First of all, honorifics? I'm older, where are your manners?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. He always called Jimin, Jiminshi, showing his respect towards his age, but now he was just annoyed and confused.
"And second, could you like not follow me around, I've had it enough with those rumors, I don't want to give people more reasons to assume things." Jimin said while looking around, but there was no one here who knew them from Uni except Jimin's father, professor Wo Seok and the assistant Yugyeom who was pretty harmless and nice.
"Really? That's what you're scared of? A couple of stupid rumors? Shit, you're so shallow then." Jimin's eyes got twice as big, a sip of the liquor he was drinking got caught in his throat.
"Excuse me?! Couple of stupid rumors?? Couple of stupid rumors!?" Now Jimin was raising his voice, looking anything but calm.
"Do you even know how many people have asked me if we were dating, fucking, having a hidden relationship? Do you?" Jungkook just blinked, perplexed.
"Is that why you were avoiding project classes lately? Cause you got scared your reputation as a single hot stud at the Uni is being compromised? What an idiot. That's so low, even for you... " Jungkook was really disappointed, but soon he became more scared than anything else, cause the look that Jimin gave him, could literally kill.
"And do you know what I think is low? The fact that I was trying to end those rumors, only to be told that you are going around saying how you've actually fucked me already! That's what's low in my opinion!" Jimin came an inch in front of Jungkook's face, and the younger could feel his whole body shiver, and could almost taste the alcohol from Jimin's mouth.
"I most definitely didn't say such a stupid thing!" Now Jungkook's voice was higher than before.
"Yeah sure. So my friend Eunwo who attends History of Art classes with you is lying." Jimin scoffed, and Jungkook tried to remember.
"Eunwo, Eunwo, Eunwo, Eunwo... History Art class..." and then it hit him.
"Wow, all of your friends are idiots then." Jungkook was so done with this, but it seemed like Jimin didn't like his comment.
"Take that back." He said while pushing Jungkook's chest with his own.
Just as Jungkook was about to push back, or say something, both of them felt a hand tugging them away, so they stumbled a few steps until they were thrown inside the bathroom, Yugyeom holding them both with frustration on his face.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? I have a job here, the principal sent me here to make sure everything is alright, and that we present K-Arts Uni well, so that we can collect as many donations as we can, and what are you two doing? Fighting in the middle of the gallery, where everyone can see you!" the obviously frustrated man went with both of his hands through his hair. Jimin and Jungkook both didn't dare to say a word.
"Five minutes. That's how long you have to work whatever problem you two have. Then I'll come and get you, and we're gonna enjoy the art presentation in peace. If I see you sulking or looking like you're not 100% into this, I, myself, will go straight to the principal and tell him all about it."
And wow, Yugyeom had some balls.
The moment he finished his speech, Yugyeom was gone. The door flew closed loudly behind him, leaving Jungkook and Jimin alone inside.
"So now you're gonna deny you said that we fucked?" Jimin continued the discussion, so Jungkook scoffed.
"Of course I didn't say that. That guy, who you call your friend, Eunwo, asked me if I was your friend to which I said I wasn't because I was also sick of those rumors just like you are, but that idiot miss understood what I was trying to say, and thought how I meant that we were more than friends, he said, wow you're the guy who got inside Jimin's pants, to which I haven't replied at all cause our professor came inside so we had to end our conversation. I just don't know how that counts as me telling such a repulsive lie." Jimin leaned his back on the counter top, listening, and there was something different in his gaze now. Something dark, but also a sparkle.
Was this amusing to him?
"Hm... Is that so? " he asked after crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Yes. That's exactly what happened." Jungkook confirmed, thinking how they will finally move on from that stupid argument.
"I bet you wished those rumors were true."
Jimin's voice was low. The same kind of voice that he used so many times while he was teasing the younger. Jungkook could recognize that voice immediately, the voice that made the blood in his veins boil... Driving him nuts.
"The hell I would... You just can't stand the fact that I wouldn't even lay a single finger on you..." Jungkook was not gonna back down. He's not gonna let Jimin win another argument, discussion, problem with teasing words and flirting. He's not gonna back down and crawl back like he always does cause this time around, he was craving for more.
"Liar. You would lay a lot more on me if you could."
Jimin had pushed himself off the counter top, taking a step closer to Jungkook who was standing there, not moving an inch. He looked damn good.
"I'm not gonna back down..."
"You're nothing but a small boy with a cocky mouth who likes to threaten without actually doing anything. You're pathetic." the more Jungkook spoke, the closer Jimin got.
"Wow, look who's insulting now. Those are pretty big words for someone who keeps running away, crawling like a spineless man, avoiding the said small boy while fearing for his life."
And now he was right there. Inch away, fearless, cocky, annoying as ever, looking back at Jungkook with some dangerous twinkle in his eyes.
"Just shut up already Jimin. Your pathetic comments are getting old."
Jungkook will not move away. He will not move an inch. He needed to show Jimin that he's everything but a spineless man without balls.
"I won't shut up and you can't make me.... Wuss." the last words started ringing in Jungkook's ears, making his skin to burn red with anger and annoyance.
Jungkook was never a wuss.
In one split of a second he considered the choices he had here. If he turns around and just leaves, wouldn't that make him the wuss that Jimin just called him out to be? If he hit Jimin right there, straight onto his smug looking face, what good could come out of it? Except for a deep bruise, probably nothing. He would get expelled, cause he's sure Jimin is actually expecting that scenario, so there was only one thing he could do.
The only reasonable thing that came to his mind.
He's gonna kiss Jimin, and with that crazy act, he's gonna scare him away for good.
So he did it.
And boy oh boy, Jimin did not expect that at all...
While looking at Jimin's eyes, the younger smashed their lips together with so much force that they literally stumbled a few steps back, now Jimin's back pressed harshly onto the door.
And there was a second, maybe two of Jimin trying to fight through the kiss, but his attempt was weak. It was like he was pushing onto Jungkook's chest cause that's what he's supposed to do, and not what's gonna make neither of them stop.
So the moment Jimin stopped putting up a rather weak fight, Jungkook kissed him harder, letting his tongue to swipe across Jimin's bottom lip which he pulled right after harshly.
Jimin's growl gave away that he did it harder than it should but that's ok. It's just how it's supposed to be.
To teach him a lesson.
To tell him not to mess around with him anymore.
To tell him to stop with the teasing and all the bullshit that Jimin had put him through for so long...
The only thing Jungkook didn't know is why aren't they stopping?
That should be enough.
Why is Jimin kissing him back with even more fervor, and why are his hands moving roughly all over Jungkook's back, and why is Jungkook sucking on Jimin's tongue like his life is depending on it?
They were literally fighting through the kisses, both seeking for dominance, biting harshly till their lips were swollen and red, just on the verge of bleeding, but Jungkook couldn't stop.
Every kiss was an interlude for another, the beginning for more... And he really needed Jimin to stop this.
Cause he couldn't.
Not when Jimin's lips tasted so sweet and his lips felt like some fluffy cushions made of the softest cotton.
Not when he smelled like those annoyingly pleasant flowers that the older always smelled of...
Not when his tongue did the magic inside Jungkook's mouth, swirling and dancing perfectly around his own willing one.
It was just too much and he couldn't stop himself... It looked like Jimin felt the same way.
When they heard the lock on the door turning, Jungkook moved away abruptly, taking a few steps back, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, breathing fast and unsteady.
"Are you two seriously fighting? Did you hurt each other?"
Yugyeom looked at both of them in shock, examining their faces, his eyes pin-point to one, then the other man.
Neither of them said anything.
"I heard the rustle and door slamming, I was positive you guys were beating each other up. God you've scared the hell out of me." the man let out a deep sigh and finally relaxed.
"Everything's fine. We should go." Jungkook spoke first. Gathering all the sense that was left in him (not much of it), hating that there was no emotion readable on Jimin's flushed face.
While walking next to Jimin, he saw the older wiping his lips with his index finger and then looking down at the finger, probably looking if there's any blood on it, cause the kiss was indeed that rough.
"Sorry." Jungkook whispered just as he was going outside, leaving Jimin in the bathroom behind, unable to look back at him.
Was the art showcase good?
Jungkook had no idea.
Were there a lot of admirable artists in the room who shared their most precious art with the people there?
Again, Jungkook had no idea...
He was basically fucked in the head by his own reckless behavior and he had no idea what to do now.
Jimin was standing pretty close to him, but he couldn't look at him, not even to spare him a glance, cause what would he do if their eyes met?
This is so bad.
What's he supposed to do for the next few months until the end of their Art project?
Could he just hope that Jimin would feel the same as him and wouldn't bother to come again to another Art class? He missed a lot of them already and was obviously happier to assist on the Dance department.
He could only hope.
The moment that the Art exhibition ended, Jungkook decided to leave.
He couldn't be there another minute drowning in his own agony. He needed to talk to someone, to ease his mind, to get some advice or he'll have a serious meltdown.
"Thank you all for inviting me. The Art that I saw was admirable in so many ways and I'll make sure to add some of the ideas I had while watching the artist's work to my own Art project. Again, thank you for everything, and I can't wait to see you again." Jungkook gathered all the will in his body to say his greeting the nicest way possible, trying not to look at Jimin's direction at all, and the happy face on Ms. Tori's face said that she was happy with his comment.
"I'm glad you liked it Jungkookah, I'm happy to announce that I have an Art project next month, and I would love for you to come to New York for a weekend to teach some of my younger students a few things that I saw you taught your students. I really liked the 'Beauty through the movement' so much, so If you could get the weekend off, I would like for you to come and present the theme to my students." Tori said with enthusiasm, so Jungkook instinctively glanced at Jimin, who was looking back at him, but dropped his gaze towards the floor the moment they eyes met.
"Um... that's... yeah... a" Jungkok stuttered, not knowing what to say, the woman's offer put him totally off guard.
"He'll come."
Suddenly, he heard professor Park speak for him, so all of them looked at the said man.
"Of course he'll be there. He can't miss an opportunity like that when the New York project is so close. He'll get the chance to meet the artists there, students who will also participate in the NY project, and there's no one better to introduce him to New York's Art and Universities than you."
Jungkook just nodded. Obviously going there was not his decision to make.
"Jiminshi should come too. He is also responsible for this Art project as much as Jungkook is, and he's been in New York's Art projects for three years now, so he can be helpful at a lot of things there." professor Wo Seok said, and Jungkook gulped another knot that was formed in his throat.
"Oh God no please God..."
"Of course he will come. I was counting on him from the very beginning. Jiminah is my favorite person in the world when we're creating some art together. Always brings fun, creativity and a lot of joy into our classes." the lady said while patting Jimin's hair, and could it be that he was blushing.
He looked cute.
Jungkook didn't just think that Jimin looked cute.
This is so not happening.
"I agree." Jungkook said, nodding, again, not looking directly at Jimin.
"He is actually very important to this particular theme 'Beauty through movement' cause..." and just when he was about to explain how it was Jimin's dancing skills that made this whole theme happen, Jimin interrupted him, like he was afraid of Jungkook's next words.
"I'll come. Of course. Wouldn't miss this in the world. Thank you noona Tori, you're the best." he said cutely, so Jungkook figured how it's for the best if he just shuts up.
Or he could just die. This is so not happening!
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