Falling for you

Next week was a torture for Jungkook. Except for his final exams, he had to be at Art project classes almost every day, having one on one meetings with students and group classes as well, and most of the time, Jimin was there too.

Being so close to him without being able to touch him, caress his messy hair, kiss him, was just on the verge of unbearable.

What happened to him?

Jimin looked good as always, and was even radiating some happy energy that Jungkook hadn't noticed before. He really looked good and content, and Jungkook loved to see him like that. It was different, refreshing, until one day, Jimin came to the project class with professor Wo Seok, and barely spoke a word to Jungkook.

Usually they would monitor students' work together, and then evaluate what they've done, but this time, Jimin had left the class without a word.

Before Jungkook could even talk to him, ask him if he's ok, cause that was his biggest concern, Jimin's father, professor Park, came into the classroom, and walked straight to Jungkook.

"Jungkook,could you come with me for a minute, professor Seok will end the class today?" he asked as politely as always, so after a deep sigh, Jungkook followed the man without a word.

They walked outside, and when they came to the hall, professor Park walked them to sit in one of the free classrooms.

"So, you must be curious to know why I came to see you young man."

Jungkook nodded nevously.

"I am... Is everything alright sir?" Jungkook's hands were sweating, he had no idea what Jimin's father could possibly want from him.

"Everything's more than fine Jungkookshi. In fact, I've come to tell you some good news." the man sat down, while unbuttoning the button on his expensive blazer.

"Oh... What news?" Jungkook put his palms on top of his cargo pants, hoping the fabric will dry his sweaty hands.

"Professor John called me. The gray, older,tall man you've met in New York."
Mr. Park described him so Jungkook nodded, figuring exactly who he's talking about.

"He was so impressed by the way you were helping his students to create art and to bring out the best of them that he finally agreed to give a full scholarship to one of our students."

"That was Jimin's place..."

"He decided to give it to you."


"But, how? I mean, I'm honored, but what about Jimin hyung?" He really didn't want to take what was not meant for him, and he would never do anything to hurt Jimin.

"Jimin had his chance. More than once actually, but he never took it seriously, which makes me think that this, in the end, isn't the best plan for him. And since I need at least one of my students there, it doesn't matter if it's Jimin or someone else. So, he said he wants you and I couldn't agree more. You are talented, smart, young, and when you switch to New York Art's I would be able to apply to all of their donation projects that will earn me even more donations so that I could build another University here in Seoul, and later, I want to spread the business to New York too. " the man talked with a confident smirk, and Jungkook felt disgusted.

" It's all just work for him... He doesn't bother about Jimin and his wishes at all... "

" I'll think about it and let you know after we finish the New York project. I really wanted to go back to Busan for my next year, but I'll surely think about professors John offer before I make my decision. "

The shock and disbelief on Mr. Park's face was ridiculous.

Jungkook got up, ready to leave, but then he needed to know.

"What will happen to Jimin hyung now?"

The man frowns, like he has no idea how any of that is Jungkook's concern, but he needed to know.

"He'll finish his Doctors degree here and probably get a job as an assistant at first and then if he finishes some other studies he might apply to the spot for Art professor. I'm not sure yet."

"That would make him so unhappy, he would have too much work, and classes, he wouldn't be able to dance at all..."

Jungkook nodded, forced, pursed smile appearing on his lips.

"Why do you care?" the man asked with serious expression, and fuck, he looked scary.

"I... just don't want him to think that I took his place cause I would never... We are colleagues and he helped me a lot..."

"He has no choice. They didn't want him. They wanted you. The new, young hope from Seoul's K-ARTs."

"I'm from Busan, and Jimin has a lot of choices, just not the ones you would approve of..."

"Thank you for your kind words, as I said, I'll think about it after the NY project. Now if you'll excuse me, I have another class."

The man stood up too, waving his hand dismissively at Jungkook's direction.

The moment Jungkook went out, he reached for his phone, and called Jimin.

After a few beeps, the older answered.


"Hey hyung, um.. Do you have a minute to talk, or if we could meet somewhere..."

"You know." Jimin cut to the chase.

"I do." Jungkook confirmed.

"When did he tell you?"

"Few minutes ago... Can we talk about this? Please." Jungkook really wanted to clear things out.

"There's nothing to talk about. They want you. I don't blame them. You are amazing, you really are. You were the leader they needed when we were in New York, and I missed a lot of classes. It's ok. Everything's fine. You should accept the offer. I mean not every day you get the offer for a full scholarship with the biggest apartment next to the University and an opportunity to show your work at four famous NY galleries. The offer is outstanding. I know, I've heard about it more than once... "

"Shit. Really? All of that. Well too bad that I'm coming back to Busan then. " Jungkook said confidently so Jimin scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous! The offer is the best that there is. You can come back to Busan the year after that. "

"Nope. I don't care. I don't care about any of that. I just want to do things that will make me happy." Jungkook wanted to tell Jimin how being happy is the only thing that matters and while doing things we don't like, we can't be happy, he should know that too.

"That doesn't make any sense, Jungkookah." Jimin obviously didn't get it.

"Well if it'll make me happy, it doesn't have to make sense to others. It's me who matters. It's my life. My decisions." Maybe this way Jimin will understand.

"Ugh... You're so annoying when you're right. I have to go now. I'm in the middle of my hip hop class. I'll see you tomorrow." And then Jungkook heard some sexy hip hop beats.

"I wish I could see you dance..."

Shit. Why did Jungkook say that?

"You're insane. And thank you. You're cute. Bye Kookah."

Cute and the fucking nickname!? UUUggghhh


Since it was almost the end of the year, the oldest students always tend to throw a party at the dormitory to celebrate their time here, and of course, everyone was invited.

At first, Jungkook didn't see the point of going there, since the party was in a few apartments in their dormitory, the biggest ones, and being the introvert that he was, that kind of partying was never his thing.

Hearing from his roommate that Taehyung will be there and his best friend, Jimin, made Jungkook to change his mind.

After having a couple of beers with Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi, Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror, rethinking about his hairstyle choice.

There was no hairstyle except his messy, way too long hair.

"What are you looking at? Your handsome body?" Yoongi teased him, so Jungkook smiled at him.

"Actually I was looking at the mess on top of my head. I look ridiculous." he said while moving some strands away from his face.

"Do you want Seokjin hyung to give you an undercut on the sides? I think you would look good, and he's basically a pro now. He did it to us so many times."

Jungkook had a bit of a skeptical face expression.

"Or you don't have to do anything. Your hands in that simple black shirt really look good. No one is even gonna look at your face after seeing those tattoos and those biceps."

Yoongi squeezed his arm playfully, so Jungkook slapped his hand while using minimum force.

"You need to get laid hyung. I think you're burning out." Jungkook teased so Yoongi rolled his eyes at him.

"Well that's the plan. I mean Taehyung is gonna be there so... Fingers crossed."

"You know what, let's go with that undercut."

Yoongi clapped enthusiastically.


The party was everything that Jungkook imagined it would be.


Too many people.

Way too many drunk people.

People doing stupid things.

People not caring about anything or anyone while trying to have fun...

So he had decided to just get wasted.

It was his last weeks here too. So why not enjoy this one last party before going back to Busan, and add this to his 'Would never do it again' list.

While drinking some pretty strong shots with Yoongi, Jungkook couldn't stop looking around, waiting to see a familiar face he had missed so much.

The truth is, he saw Jimin just a few days ago, but still... he missed him. That much was for sure.

While having his nth drink, Yoongi saw some of his friends from the Music department, and had decided to drag Jungkook to meet them.

He loved it.

He hated it, but what could he do?

There were five guys, around Yoongi's age, and actually they were all nice and fun to talk to.

One of them seemed kind of flirty too, not that Jungkook had responded to those silly attempts, such as the guy caressing his chest, or squeezing his shoulders, or laughing while flipping his hair back shit, he just laughed politely at that, and wished to just disappear anywhere else.

All of a sudden, while listening not so attentively to what the flirty guy was saying, Park Jimin walked in the room.

Park Jimin in all his sexy glory.

And once again, Jungkook got blown away by how good the older one looked.

He was wearing some ripped skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt that had low cuts on the sides, making his nevermind tattoo visible and hot... Jimin was so fucking hot. His hair was pulled off of his face, forehead showing nicely, and his make up was done perfectly to fit the whole look. His accessories were as always, on point. Lots of silver rings and some dangling earrings.

Jimin's gaze, toward Jungkook was dark and it made Jungkook stay put in the place, unable to say or do anything except to look at him back.

Then Jimin bowed slightly, greeting the younger briefly and before Jungkook could return the gesture, he was gone.

While looking around, trying to find him again, Jimin walked away, outside, and Junkook felt emptiness consuming him, the frown set on his face.

"What was that all about?!" Yoongi asked the moment he saw Jimin was not in sight.


"The eye fucking thing you two just did??? What the hell is going on?" Yoongi asked, sounding intrigued and a bit confused, since Jungkook had decided to not share their 'sexy time in New York' saying they had too much work to do, but had shared some kisses in the meantime. He just wanted to keep some things to himself.

"Aish hyung... You're overreacting like you always do. Nothing is going on." Jungkook pushed his hair to the side, revealing his nicely done undercut more.

"Ok. If you say so. I just think that Jimin was not pleased with all the attention you were getting from Taemin here. " Yoongi put both of his hands in the air, like he's making some point.

"I don't think so...I mean there was nothing he could see... We were just talking.." Jungkook was confused.

"Yeah, and he was all over you. Wow Jungkookah look at your abs, oh my God your perfect undercut is so hot, wow I would love to suck your dick..." Yoongi said in some mocking tone so Jungkook choked on air.

"He did not say that."

"Well his eyes did. So, are you gonna go for it? You could fuck him if you want to, you know that right? Taemin is a good looking guy, single, obviously into you, do you want his number or something?"

Jungkook just looked at him perplexed.

"No... I don't think so..." and before he could say anything else, his phone vibrated in his back pocket.

Jimin hyung

Meet me outside next to the copy shop right across the Starbucks coffee.

Jungkook gulped, palms sweating, feeling nervous as fuck.

What did Jimin want?

Probably to talk to him about New York scholarship.

Maybe they needed to talk about it to just know one another's opinion.

With those thoughts on his mind, Jungkook went outside, not saying a word to anyone else, and walked straight to the meeting place.

Since it was pretty late, everything was closed, and the lights were dim, so Jungkook struggled with finding the older.

While walking past the small little copy shop that was located in the corner of the street, Jungkook heard a whisper.

"Over here."

So while squinting his eyes, trying to see better in a pretty dark place, Jungkook got pulled into the small hall next to the copy shop where the customers were usually prepping papers to copy them.

"Hyung..." it's all Jungkook muttered to say before a pair of strong hands pushed him onto the wall, and next thing he knew, Jimin was kissing him hard.

Without thinking or trying to find a meaning behind this, the younger kissed back, just as fervently.

Jimin's lips were soft, but hot, and the way he pressed his whole body onto Jungkook did things to his poor brain.

The older's hands were as restless as his hips, so while grinding against Jungkook's crotch, Jimin tugged on his hair roughly, making the younger's head turn to the side.

"Just when I thought you couldn't be any hotter..." Jimin whispered while examining Jungkook's undercut, licking the strip over his neck, then placing a bruise right on the spot.

The moan that escaped from Jungkook's lips was embarrassing, but he couldn't care less.

Jungkook put his hands inside Jimin's low cuts on the sides of his shirt, and squeezed the hot flash hiding in there.

They kissed, and kissed, and Jimin's grinds became persistent and hard, and Jungkook will seriously lose his mind. He was too close to coming inside his jeans like some horny teenager in heat.

"Jimin..." he whined, not knowing what he even wanted to say...

The older just kept going...

"We should stop... Oh shit..." and now, Jimin's hand was on his clothed dick, squeezing it firmly.

"Why? Didn't you miss me?"

Why was Jimin doing this? They agreed not to do this anymore... What's going on?

"I-I did... All the time..." Jungkook was so weak for him.

"Hm... If that's so, why did you flirt with Taemin back there?" Jimin asked and moved his head away from the younger, looking at his face, his hand still caressing the younger's clothed cock.

Really? Is Jimin for real?

"I did not flirt with him." Jungkook said as confidently as he could, and tried to kiss Jimin again, but he ducked away.

"He was touching you, and I know him, he was flirting with you."

Did Jungkook find Jimin's behavior funny? He sure did.

"Are you jealous hyung? Am I not allowed to flirt with anyone?" Jungkook said a bit cockily, enjoying the moment, cause there was Park Jimin, kissing him and acting all jealous and he needed to enjoy this more.

"No. But I would rather you not flirt with anyone else." and there was the cutest pout on Jimin's face that only few could resist.

"I would like to flirt only with you, but we can't, so..." Jungkook decided to tease more, just to see how far Jimin will go.

"So... You'll flirt with someone else? Brat." Jimin said while moving his hand away from Jungkook's crotch, and Jungkook almost wanted to laugh out loud. Why was Jimin being so easy to tease?

Instead, he grabbed Jimin by his shoulders and repositioned them so that the older is against the wall, and Jungkook the one kissing him now.

Jimin put up a little, weak fight, but soon enough just gave in to the feeling of Jungkook's body pressing on him strongly, while biting his lips roughly.

"I don't want anyone else Jimin..." Jungkook whispered and felt Jimin shivering under his touch.

"Then don't fucking flirt with anyone else!" Jimin said back while scratching Jungkook's back painfully, like he's letting all of his anger through his hands.

"If I didn't know any better, I would really think you are jealous or something." Jungkook said while closing his eyes, enjoying Jimin's kisses down his neck.

"Pfff... You wish! I'm just... You know... I just.. Don't like it." wow Jimin was flustered and that was a first.

"You're so cute." Jungkook teased while grinning at the older, so he smacked Jungkook across his chest, trying hard to contain his laugh.

"You're not." Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks and kissed him again, this time a little less roughly and a lot more sensually.

"Well I'm gonna go now since you don't think I'm cute." Jungkook said playfully while making few steps back, going out of the dark hall, and into the sidewalk, and Jimin laughed at him and ran as soon as Jungkook was a bit further away, and through himself into the younger's arms, who skilfully pulled him up, positioning his hands on Jimin's ass, trying to steady him in his embrace.

"Where do you think you're going? To flirt some more?" Jimin nudged Jungkook's face, so they both laughed.

"Why do you care, you don't even think I'm cute..." Jungkook said while licking one stripe over Jimin's lips, and just before they could kiss some more, the sound on their right startled them both, making Jungkook put Jimin on the ground again.

"Fucking hell, I though it was you. Park Jimin, you said the rumors were fake if I recall..."

The moment Jungkook saw the tall, black haired guy, he knew who he was.

Eunwo. Jimin's supposed friend.

"Back then when I told you so, that was the truth." Jimin said while making a step further from Jungkook who was just standing there while observing Eunwo's smug face.

"Though your boyfriend here never denied anything..." the cocky man continued and Jungkook had enough of him.

"Neither did I say anything. I never said a word about me and Jimin hyung, but you most certainly did say things for me." he came closer to the slightly taller man, looking him straight into the eyes.

"Well the moment you didn't deny it, means that the rumors are true."

Jungkook frowned.

"Our professor came into the classroom, I had no time nor desire to explain my personal life to you."

"Just admit you wanted for people to think you fucked him. I mean Jimin is the ultimate catch here. Who wouldn't like having their dick up his ass..." and Jungkook blacked out, feeling overwhelmed by the disrespectful words Jimin's so called friend said, and next thing he knew, his fist formed itself into a perfect punching position, and went straight into Eunwo's face.

" Jungkook NO!" Jimin yelled the moment the younger threw the first punch, but it was too late.

Eunwo defended himself by hitting Jungkook just as hard right into the cheek bone, but he didn't care.

Fuck it all! He hated liars, hated manipulative assholes just like Eunwo was so why not show it to him.

Few more punches onto Eunwo sides and he was on the floor, Jungkook hovering above him.

Jimin's voice echoing somewhere in the distance.

"Stop it! You're gonna get expelled for this! JUNGKOOK!"

It took one second for Jungkook to stop and think about what Jimin just said and that moment was enough for Eunwo to switch their positions, pushing Jungkook on the ground, hitting him wherever he could mercilessly.

Jungkook did his best to cover his face, curling himself in fetal position, until the punches were gone and next thing he sees is Jimin on Eunwo's back, throwing him on the ground, obviously trying to help Jungkook by separating them.

"Jimin..." he yelled when he saw Eunwo pushing onto Jimin's chest, like he's provoking him to punch him first, and that can't happen.

Not with Jimin's reputation around here, not with his father's observing eye on him all the time, and not when Jungkook is there, watching some guy pushing his hyung around.

He got up, ignoring the fact that by now people started coming outside, sensing that something was going on, so he ran to Jimin and after pushing him away from Eunwo, he yelled "Run, the others can't see you here... Run..." right before feeling another punch right behind his head, and suddenly all he saw was black.

What a low punch.

"Jiminie!!!" he could hear Tae's voice, coming closer to them, but he couldn't move. He was on the ground, probably still taking punches that he couldn't feel anymore, but Jimin was safe. Taehung was here and he will take care of Jimin. He knew he would.


"Do you hear me? You're ok, everything's ok. I got you."

Jungkook could swear he was never happier to hear Yoongi's voice in his life,and then he felt warm water coming down on him, so he opened his eyes slowly, feeling the water running down all over his bruises and scars.

" Hyung... What happened? "

He knew everything until that last punch he got in the back of his head, but he needed to know how he got here and if Jimin was ok.

You got into a fight. I have no idea how or why, but when I came outside, I saw that tall guy hitting you while you were on the ground, and Taehyung and Hoseok were holding Jimin who was screaming to that guy to let go of you, that he's going to kill him, that he's a wuss and a dick... I don't know anymore. So I ran to you, I kicked that asshole's ass and finally brought you here. Now you're safe.

"You kicked his ass? What? Hyung, you can get expelled now! And it's all my fault." Jungkook got out of the shower, and looked at himself in the mirror. He had his boxers on, and a dozen bruises all over his torso, one just under his left eye.

Not that bad.

"I don't care. As if he knows who I am.. Don't you worry. Let me get you something to drink. You need to sleep, you have classes early in the morning."

Jungkook went out and changed into new boxers and sweatpants, deciding to lay down without a shirt on. Yoongi gave him some pain killers, and finally he was able to get some rest.

His mind was hazy, his body sore and bruised, but even before he could go to a dream land that he needed badly, he heard a few soft knocks on the door.

Yoongi got up, opened the door slowly, trying not to wake Jungkook up, even though he was already awake .

"Hi..." he heard the well known sweet honey voice.

"Um.. Hi... Come on in."

Jungkook couldn't still open his eyes. They were too heavy, but he knew exactly who just got in, and was walking closer to his bunk bed.

He could sense the flowery scent.

"I just needed to know that he's fine." he heard Jimin speak, and Yoongi walking around.

"He's ok. Has a few bruises but that's it. I'm gonna go for a walk since nothing is working at 3 A. M and I'm gonna come back to sleep. If you need to talk to him, do it now."

Yoongi said and then the doors opened and shut indicating that he was gone.

There were only Jimin and him in his room, and he still couldn't find the strength to open his tired eyes.

"Hi you. Um... I just wanted to say that...um...I'm sorry for tonight. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault for not obeying our rules and for being reckless. I guess I missed you more than I thought I would. You are an amazing guy and it was never my intention to drag you into this mess of a life that I'm living. I hope you'll forgive me and I'll pray for you to get better cause our New York project is in two days and I don't know what I would do without you... I seriously don't... "

The older took a deep sigh, and came even closer, now mapping all the faint bruises on Jungkook's bare upper body that would probably all be gone by tomorrow.

"That son of a bitch! I'm going to kill him with my bare hands..." Jimin whispered while caressing one of Jungkook's bruises and he couldn't take it any more.

Jungkook chuckled.

"W-what?" Jimin tugged his hand away, startled.

"Hyung, don't get me wrong, but with those small hands, you could only kill a fly or mosquito..." he said with his eyes still closed, smiling cutely.

"You brat!" Jimin started hitting him playfully over his upper arm so Jungkook started faking being badly hurt.

"Please don't hurt me. Not with those small hands, you'll get hurt."

Jimin laughed which was a reason enough for Jungkook to open his tired eyes and look at him fondly.

The older was standing next to him, holding himself onto the small fence on Jimin's top bunk bed, looking tired, sleepy, but beautiful as always.

" Come here." Jungkook patted the spot on his bed, and Jimin looked a bit perplexed by his offer.

He blinked once, twice, his gaze switching to Jungkook's bare chest, then his own shirt that looked pretty dirty.

"I don't wanna make a mess on your bed. My clothes are pretty dirty." Jimin said while pointing to one dirty spot on his jeans too.

"I'd love for you to ruin my sheets actually." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him, well he attempted, but the bruise next to his left eyebrow hurt like a bitch so he frowned painfully right after.

"You're such a brat, have I told you that before?" Jimin's cheeks blushed, but there was a hint of shy smile on his face.

"All the time. Now come here, please." Jungkook gave him his most adorable doe eyed look, and a pout to accentuate how badly he wanted Jimin there.

"That's so unfair... You and your stupidly cute face."

While whining, Jimin took off his shirt, and his jeans pretty fast, put them on the floor next to the bed, and climbed up skilfully.

"Move, you muscle pig, where do you think I'll lay with you spread like this." Jimin made a hand gesture for Jungkook to move to the left so that he could curl onto his side, but the younger had a better idea.

"How about on top of me. I'd like that the most." he smirked, so Jimin shook his head, not believing the audacity that the younger suddenly had.

"Good painkillers I guess. Yoongi must have given you his best ones cause you are shameless and crazy at the same time." Jimin said while making himself comfortable cuddled next to Jungkook's right shoulder, and the moment their faces were way too close, Jungkook leaned down and put a soft peck on Jimin's lips.

When he moved away and looked at his face closely, Jungkook noticed a small bruise right under Jimin's left cheek.

"Hyung... You... Did he hit you too?" and Jungkook got up abruptly into sitting position, startling Jimin to sit up too.

"What? Oh, this..." he pointed onto the bruise and just smiled shortly.

"Yeah, he didn't know it was me. When I got onto his back, to separate you two, he hit me with his elbow, nothing a bit of a concealer can't cover..."

And Jungkook got mad.

"I'm gonna find him and kill him right now. Peace of shit!" he tried to walk down the small stairs on his bunk bed, but Jimin just dragged him back using force that was impressive for his petite figure.

"Get back here! No. No more fighting. Ever. Did you hear me?"

Jungkook nodded like a good boy.

"If it was someone else we would be at the principles office by now, packing our stuff, and it's the last fucking week of Uni. Luckily, Eunwo won't say a thing. We're ok."

Jimin assured him, so Jungkook squinted his eyes at him.

"And how do you know that with such certainty?"

"I went to see him. I know where he lives. So I just said that if my father finds out that the bruise under my eye was from him punching me, he's time here is over. He got really scared. Said how he didn't mean it, it was an accident, all of it. Said he's sorry and will apologize to you too..."

"He better not. He better not fucking come near me ever again, or you."

Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook frowned at his reaction.

"Oh you're serious. Ok. So... Um... I'm not allowed to talk to him ever again, that's what you're saying."

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. He's not your friend. You already know that. He's not even a good person. He's a liar, manipulative, annoying and I don't like him."

They made themselves comfortable on the bed again, Jimin laying down on his back, and Jungkook cuddled on his chest.

"Ok. You're probably right."

They started caressing each other slowly, enjoying in each other's arms, the patterns that were drawn on their naked bodies, and all of it felt too good to be true.

"You'll be ok for our trip to New York, right? You're gonna be there with me?" Jimin whispered into Jungkook's hair.

"Wouldn't miss it in the world hyung."

Jungkook could feel the smile spreading on Jimin's face even before he kissed the top of the younger's head.

"Good. This really is an amazing opportunity for you. Just... This time... We're gonna be in different rooms, and since my father and Wo Seok are gonna be there too, we can't behave like we did last time... You know?"

Jungkook sighed.

"I know. It's ok. The project going well is the most important thing and I know we can behave as adults if we really try to. I am gonna miss doing things with you though... Not gonna lie..." Jungkook said while turning to face Jimin more.

"Things like... Walking together?"

Jungkook kissed his neck, "Mhm.. That too..."

"And like, dancing in the clubs?"

Jimin exposed more of his neck to the younger to kiss.

"Mhm.. That too, of course..."

"And, mmm maybe making out in that storage room..."

Jungkook grazed his jaw with his teeth.

"Mhm... That too... What an amazing room..."

"Is that all?" Jimin asked while brushing his nose onto Jungkook's, looking him straight into the eyes.

Jungkook got so flustered.

Jimin and his ways of making him feel a certain way...

"You know what I mean..." Jungkook kissed his lips and tried to deepen the kiss, but Jimin moved away, still being close, but his lips unreachable.

"What? Say it? What else Kookah? Hm?" Jimin licked his ear, and nuzzled into the crook of the younger's neck, arching his body so that his upper body was flush against another, his ass, nice and round and looking so so good, Jungkook was so gone.

"Want to fuck you again... Touch you, eat you out, suck your dick again, want you to fuck my mouth like last time, want it even harder and deeper this time. Want to do it better for you... Want it all..." he just couldn't stop himself...

Never in a million years would he imagine saying such a thing to anyone, and here he is... Dirty talking to the most beautiful human being he had ever seen in his life and he felt comfortable and good while doing so.

Those painkillers really must be that good.

"Oh dear God stop talking, I'm getting hard..." Jimin stopped Jungkook's dirty wishes by kissing him hard, both of them winced when the sharp pain of their bruises kicked in, but they didn't stop, well, until Yoongi walked in.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck... You're naked... And you're probably..."

Yoongi covered his eyes with his hands, so they finally separated, Jimin chuckled cutely at the older's attempt not to see anything.

"We're not naked, and we're not doing anything... Well except kissing." Jungkook tried to explain so Yoongi separated a few of his fingers, trying to peek at the sight of two almost naked men under the covers.

"Well I was a second away from sucking you off but yeah..." Jimin joked and the shock on Yoongi's face was priceless.

"Jimin!" Jungkook scolded him, so they burst into laughter.

"He's just joking hyung. Please stop looking so freaked out."

Jungkook laid back, tugging Jimin onto his chest.

"I wasn't." Jimin whispered only for the younger to hear, and those two simple words were enough for a desperate dick twitch. Jungkook thanked God for the covers over their lower body cause the bulge forming under his boxers was ridiculous.

"Well if you don't mind, I'll just go to my bed and I'll put on my ear pods and turn the music so loud that my ear drums will hurt in the morning, but that'll give you some privacy I guess." Yoongi announced and went straight to bed, reaching for his phone and turning his music so loud both of them could listen to it clearly.

" I should go... " Jimin announced, propping himself onto the elbows, but Jungkook didn't want that. He still didn't want to lose this closeness.

He didn't want to wake up and notice only bruises from the last night and no warmth, no softness, no Jimin... He was not ready for that.


He nuzzled Jimin's neck, pleading for him to change his mind.

"I can't. You know I can't..." Jimin said, but cuddled into Jungkook more.

"I know, but I'm still asking you to stay. Do you want to go?" he whispered while putting small pecks all over Jimin's shoulders and chest.

"You know I don't want to go, but I can't stay... People can't see me here... You know how they are... Stop kissing me..." Jimin whined cutely, saying one thing, but leaning into Jungkook's touch more.

"I can't. I'll kiss you for hours if you stay. Just...don't go...stay with me tonight."

So after letting a deep breath, Jimin just layed down, giving up on leaving anywhere tonight, letting his guards down, drowning in Jungkook's embrace, loving every moment of it.

And Jungkook? He did exactly what he promised.

He kissed Jimin's body and face until the older was sleeping soundly, and then he kissed him some more, enjoying the softness of his skin, the warmth radiating from his body, the closeness he had no idea he was craving for.

It was hard falling asleep when his mind was filled with thoughts about how different his life will be in just a few weeks.

He'll finally finish another year at Uni, finish the New York project, finish this thing, whatever that it was with Jimin.

Just the thought made his heart ache... Hurt...

He had all of those heavy thoughts while having Jimin curled next to him, sleeping soundly, so he decided to enjoy the moment. Enjoy in the now, cause why should he mourn something that didn't yet happen? He was sure he'll have all the time in the world to do so once he's back in Busan, in just two weeks.

So Jungkook nuzzled into Jimin's space closer, hugged him even tighter, and let his mind wander wherever it wanted to be... Cause he couldn't imagine being at a better place than right here, right now.


"Shit, you two overslept! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Yoongi was almost yelling, but neither one of them didn't bother to flinch.

"Jungkookah, your classes have already begun, please wake up..." Yoongi tried the nicer way, caressing Jungkook's hair softly, so finally Jungkook opened his eyes, looking at Yoongi, then at Jimin who was still sleeping on top of the younger's chest.

"How late am I?" Jungkook asked without moving, caressing Jimin's side, trying to wake him up lovingly.

"You've missed 2 classes already. If you get up and get ready fast, you'll be able to come to your third class."

Yoongi explained while getting into the bathroom, leaving Jungkook to wake Jimin up.

"Hyung... Jiminah..." Jungkook kissed his forehead.

"We need to get up." then he kissed his cheeks.


"Shit where did that come from?"

"If we don't get up now, we'll miss our third class..."

"Am I getting deaf or did you just call me Minnie?" Jimin finally opened his eyes, squinting his eyes cutely while stretching his arms up, above his head.

"Of course you'll hear that. Did you hear that we'll be late for our third class if we don't get up now."

Jimin got up abruptly and positioned himself on Jungkook's lap, straddling him expertly.

"Are you telling me I can't take care of your morning boner the way I dreamed to do so many times."

Jimin was insane.

Jungkook's shocked face expression mixed with pure arousal was hilarious.

"Yoongi hyung is in the b-bathroom." Jungkook pointed to the door on the opposite side of the wall, but Jimin just stayed where he was, unbothered.

"Is that a no or?"

His shamelessness and cocky attitude will be the end for Jungkook.

"Oh fuck, no, dear God Jungkook, I'm literally right over here..." once again, Yoongi had his hands up on his eyes, trying to unsee the sight in front of him.

"Why is he acting like we're fucking or something when I'm just sitting on top of you?" Jimin asked, confused, still not moving from Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook's dick was whining... So close to Jimin's ass, yet so far...

"Well I don't know that. All I see is the two of you naked, and you on top of him. You could easily be riding him as we speak." Yoongi explained so Jimin smiled devilishly.

"Mmmm I could. I would do it so good too..." Jimin teased,so Yoongi threw his arms in the air, like he's giving up on them or his life at this point. It didn't matter.

"Yoongi can be a bit shy so I think the best thing to do is get ready and get going. My dick desperately needs to go away from you too." Jungkook said while moving Jimin off of him, and jumping off the bed with a fast move.

"I thought the Yoongi that Tae mentioned to me is much more fun than this."

Jimin said while climbing down too, so both Yoongi and Jungkook looked at him perplexed.

"Say that again?" Yoongi was a bit delusional.

"Well aren't you the Yoongi who confessed to Tae that you're in love with him and think that Tae should be an Art piece in museums instead of being at the Uni, and then threw up all over him?" Jimin asked, now being the one confused.

"Unfortunately, that sounds exactly as something I would do. How come I don't remember any of it? God he must think I'm some idiot." Yoongi was in his own little world, mostly talking to himself.

"He actually thinks you're cute. He's been waiting forever for you to make the next move, but you kind of ignored him after that party." Jimin was looking at his clothes from last night, and couldn't bring himself to wear those again.

"Jungkookah, is it too much to ask for some clothes? The ones I wore last night are just disgusting."

Jungkook just stood there and looked at the man in front of him, oozing sexappeal without doing anything, just being there, half naked, well almost naked, except the draped blanket around his waist, and all he wanted to do was devour him again.

Fun thoughts when you're running late for your third class.

"Sure, let me get something for you."

Jungkook went to his closet, and took some jeans and a plain white shirt and gave it to Jimin.

"This will work. Thank you. I'm just gonna go quickly into the bathroom, and I'll be ready in a minute."

Jungkook nodded while picking something for himself, smiling at the still confused Yoongi who was just sitting on the couch, head between his hands, like he's trying to think when could he possibly be that drunk to have the guts to even speak to Taehyung.

"Jungkookaaah, which toothbrush is yours?" Jimin yelled from the bathroom so Jungkook chuckled, smiling at the disgusted expression on Yoongi's face.

"The yellow one."

"I'll use it!"

"I figured."


Four minutes later, they were all ready to go, and just before getting out it hit them.

"Hyung, we can't go out like this. No one is supposed to see Jimin here." Jungkook said so Yoongi reached for his closet, and after getting a sports hat, he put it on Jimin's head, then he took one black mask, and handed it to him too.

"Put that on."

Jimin did.

"Ok, so how about Jimin and I go out first, and you wait here for five minutes and then go after us. It's the best chance not to get caught if we do it like this." Yoongi suggested so they both nodded.

"Let's go." Yoongi said, but just before exiting the room, Jimin turned to Jungkook, and after pulling his mask down under his chin, he leaned in and kissed the bruise that was barely there this morning, and then his lips softly.

"See you tomorrow. Get some rest today please." Jimin whispered, so Jungkook nodded, looking at the older fondly.

"You too hyung." he said as thoughtfully, feeling happy that he'll spend some time with Jimin soon.


Was there any similarity between this trip to New York, and his first trip to New York with Jimin?

Not a single one.

The moment Jungkook had met Jimin, his father and professor Wo Seok, it was all business, business, business.

"Jungkookshi, would you prefer to fly in the separate booth just for yourself, or you're willing to stay with students and fly in business class?" Mr. Park asked, so Jungkook thought about it for a second.

"I'm ok with being with the students actually. They are old enough to take care of themselves, but still, some supervision wouldn't harm." Jungkook said confidently so Mr. Park nodded.

"I like the way you're thinking. You have your own separate seat at the back, so that they don't bother you, but you'll be able to go to them whenever you want, and we'll be on the other side where the private, luxury seats are. I've booked four best rooms at the exclusive hotel in New York for us, although we'll have some after parties to attend, I'm not even sure we'll get more than a few hours of sleep there. I guess we can sleep on our way back home."

All of them nodded politely, and let Mr. Park explain to them the plan for the two days that they were supposed to spend in New York.

"So, to go through things once again, after we land, we are going straight to New York Art University where the students will do their art assignments for tomorrow's show case. Jungkook will be there with them all the time, and Jimin will talk to professors, do all the interviews, go to press conference to present our University and the plan that we have for the future, and the main thing is to tell people about our ambitious plans for next year so that they could donate the right amount of money to support our mission. Me and professor Wo Seok will be here, at the Uni, supervising everything with other professors, make sure everything goes as planned, and later at 9 P.M when students finally finish with their work, we'll go to the dinner with all the other presenters, principals, and donors, we'll talk to all of them, again, we'll present our idea to them, and hope for the best outcome."

While Mr. Park was talking, Jimin's expression changed from excited to hurt, like the things that his father had said weren't what he was expecting at all.

"So I'm not gonna work with students at all? You do know that with Jungkook, I worked with the students too?"

Obviously he was not pleased with his role here. Being someone to do all the press shit and negotiating about the donations was just boring and kind of humiliating at the end.

"I'm aware of that, but Jungkook can do it by himself. I want professor John to see that too. This is his big shot, and you can present our University to others. That's a pretty important thing to do too." the man was persistent so Jimin nodded, his expression not satisfied.

"If I may ask, how do those people buy the art from our students?" Jungkook felt like a fool for not knowing these things, but he really never thought about it before.

"The day after the students finish their work, we prepare an Art auction at the NY University and we invite all the important people to come. An art auction or fine art auction is the sale of art works, in most cases in an auction house, but we use the biggest Amphitheater room at the NY University, cause it's big enough and we don't have to move artwork to some other places. ... Normally, an auction catalog, that lists the art works to be sold, is written and made available well before the auction date, but in our case the buyers only get to see the art work on the day of our art auction which makes the buying that much special. Also all the artwork is anonymous, so the buyers only discover whose art they purchased the moment they buy the art, so that no one can buy something just cause it's made from someone they know, or someone from the University they want to support. The important thing is to buy something that really made an impression on us regardless of anything else, to really enjoy the new, fresh, young people's creativity and to maybe, one day enjoy the first art products of some new rising Art star. Every year we have made an impressive amount of money thanks to Jimin and professor Wo Seok's guidance and I honestly think that this year, we can do just as good as the last few years if not better. I believed in you from the moment we met, and with help from my son, I think we managed to prepare those young students to do great stuff for this project."

"Finally some recognition for Jimin and this project... even though it was a weak one. "

"And right after all the artwork is sold, we get the information about how much money our University got, and then we have dinner all together, right before our flight." Wo Seok explained so Jungkook took a deep breath.

"Feels like a lot." he said honestly and saw with the corner of his eye a compassionate smile forming on Jimin's face.

"It is, it is, but it's also fun and you should definitely try to enjoy it as much as you can. When we come back to Seoul, you have five more days until your summer break starts, so try to do your best here cause nothing in life can repeat itself twice." Mr. Park said, and then turned his focus to Jimin.

"And you, after this trip, better prepare yourself for that last exam you have. I know you had too many obligations and everything, but if you want our plan for your future to work, you have to get straight 10 and nothing less. I hope you have brought your books to study on your way back home cause you're gonna need every single moment to do so. Abstract Art was never your strongest nor one of your favorite subjects, so you have to work on it harder."

"Yes father. I'll do my best."

Jimin said with a little bow, and Jungkook hated the way his face didn't show any emotion. He looked empty and sad, and the younger loved to see him as anything but that.


Their flight to New York went smoothly, Jungkook spent almost half of the time talking with the students, their expectations, fears, their outfit choices for the Auction night, and he felt good.

Though, it would be a lie to say that he didn't miss Jimin, and the time they spent together when they were in New York alone, but there was nothing he could do. All three of them were in their private booths, and neither one of them came out of it the whole flight.

When they arrived, the cab was waiting for them to take them to the hotel, which was a whole another level than the one that Jimin and him had stayed at. Still, Jungkook preferred that one better.

"So, we have half an hour to freshen up, and then we'll meet at the hotel lobby to go to the NY University." professor Wo Seok announced to all of the students and Jungkook, so they all nodded, understanding their agreement, and all of them went together inside the hotel.

When Jungkook entered the biggest hotel lobby he was in his entire life, he started swirling around taking in the perfect retro interior of the place, the beige and gold tones of the furniture and the prettiest white floor underneath his feet.

"It's absolutely gorgeous." he said breathlessly, and then noticed that none of the others took a second to admire the place like he did.

He figured they must have been here too many times to care.

"See you in twenty minutes." Mr. Park said to all of them, so everyone went inside their rooms to shower and change clothes and finally, after around 40 minutes they were at the University, entering the big theater where all the students were waiting to start drawing.

Jungkook took the initiative to show his students where they were supposed to sit, so after his explanation, they took their seats and waited patiently to start with the assignment.

Jungkook couldn't not notice the excitement but also the nervousness on their faces. Maybe they felt like all of this was too much to handle, but he knew they were good enough to do the assignment.

The moment that every student took their seat, Mr. John, Ms. Tori, Mr. Park and two other professors that Jungkook had no idea who they were, came in front to greet the students.

"Good morning dear students. As many of you already know, I'm professor John, one of the founders of this project, and I teach Fine Art here at the prestigious New York Art University. Next to me, we have my dear colleagues from all around the world that will introduce themselves later, who are also responsible for this remarkable project. As a founder of the New York Art Project, I feel proud to announce that this year, we have a lot more donors and people that are interested in buying art from aspiring artists, and all of you here are exactly that. The youngest students, our pride and joy, the hope of better and greater art, and we'll all make sure you'll get the best guidance through today's assignment. As you know, today's theme is 'Beauty within', we always announce the theme earlier on, so that you can work on your expression longer and can prepare yourself better. I'm very pleased to say that we have 17 older students, all from different countries who are allowed to guide you through your work, but not to help in any kind of way except talking to you, so if we see any one of you trying to correct or add something onto the students work, your whole group is out and you can't be a part of Auction dinner party."

Jungkook gulped. He would never try to help his students in that way, cause they all have their unique way in expressing themselves and adding some of his moves into the drawing could only mess everything up. Still, the punishment was a bit harsh.

" We know that your mentors have worked really hard with you, and have given you all the knowledge that they could for you to do amazing art work here, so we have prepared all the best materials that you could use, here and the papers, so after my colleagues finish with introducing themselves, we'll start with drawing and when the clock shows nine o clock, everyone will finish their art work. You'll have two pauses for rest and to eat the meals we have prepared for you in our University cafeteria, and of course to get to know each other better."

After the pretty short introduction by other professors, the students took materials of their choice and started working hard.

Jungkook was there for them, for every question they had, for every doubt that was bugging them, he made sure to always walk closely, but never to invade their working space, never to suffocate their creativity, he just wanted them to feel safe and free to express themselves the way they wanted.

While observing the students and helping them out, Jungkook couldn't not notice the way Jimin was walking around with professor Wo Seok, side by side, talking to some people, doing some interviews, posing for cameras, smiling all the time, but his smile didn't seem real.

He was upset, uneasy, and looked tired, like he didn't sleep at all through all the 14 hour flight to New York.

When the first break started, and all of the students were seated in the big University cafeteria, Jungkook decided to say hi to all the people he had gotten to know while being here last time with Jimin. He also wanted to see why professor Wo Seok was standing next to Jimin so closely, and was holding his hand protectively on Jimin's back, like he's marking his territory or something.

Jimin wasn't his to hold. Right?

"Good afternoon." he came and bowed politely to the group of people who gave him a series of honest smiles and nice welcoming words.

"It's so good to see you Jungkookshi. How are you doing? Are your students doing well?" professor John asked with a fond smile on his face that made Jungkook comfortable to be there.

"They are doing very well. They're really strong and determined, and I'm sure they'll deliver the best that they can." Jungkook talked with certainty, feeling proud of his student's achievements.

"I'm sure of that too." Mr. John said truthfully, and instead of focusing on that, Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes off Jimin and the way that stupid hand was positioned on his lower back. Why was professor Wo Seok standing so close?

Soon all of them started talking about tomorrow's Auction party and just as Jungkook was about to leave, he felt a hand softly grabbing onto his arm.

"Quick question before you disappear." Ms. Tori's soft voice echoed close to his ear.


"Did my Minnie say anything about The NY Ballet exam that's happening today?"

And Jungkook snapped his gaze to look at the petite lady, frowning.

"No. He never mentioned it actually."

"Ah, I knew it. He's gonna give up on that again. I can't stand this. I hate to see him like this. Do you notice how unhappy he is? Being the slave for his father, doing the press, posing with that snail of a man. I'm this close to leaving this place..." the dark haired lady said and suddenly, Jungkook had an idea.

" Why don't you say that you need something from your office. Something important, and that you need someone you know to get it for you? Please. Let's just give him the chance to decide if he wants to do this. If he decided not to, then it's fine. It's his choice, but this way, he can have a shot. What do you say? " Jungkook desperately wanted to help.

" Well it's worth a try, but we don't have time. The exam starts in an hour. "

" Well we better start with the show." Jungkook whispered and abruptly turned the two of them around, now facing the rest of the professors.

"I just don't know how I could miss my laptop where all the files about the students and their applications are... I'm getting so senile it's not even a joke... I mean to leave such an important thing at my office... Silly me..." Ms. Tori said while holding her forehead, acting worried, so everyone looked at her surprised.

"What? You didn't bring your laptop? How would you evaluate the students and give them your feedback? " some professor said, so she made another hopeless face with a deep sigh.

"I don't know..."

"Well how about, you go and get it, or I could help if you want me to?" Jungkook said so the lady smiled fondly.

"Me and you both can't leave this place honey, you have to work with students, and I have to keep an eye on them... How about Jiminshi?"

And it looked like it finally hit him, what they were trying to do, so Jimin stared at his father, like he's waiting for his approval.

" I can go with you Jiminah... " professor Wo Seok said, so Jungkook rolled his eyes, luckily without anyone noticing, and came closer to them.

"But then who will do all the press for our University here?" he asked with shit - eating grin on his face.

"Yah! Jungkook is right. We need at least one of you here. I guess Jiminah can help. Tori, you should really consider getting a second assistant or someone to help you around." Jimin's father said, so Jungkook's heart started beating faster, hoping that Jimin will do the right thing.

"I'm gonna go now. I'll make sure to be quick. Where is the laptop in your office Ms. Tori?" Jimin asked so she nodded and came closer to him.

"It's in the third draw..."

And then she leaned to whisper into Jimin's ear, and Jungkook could swear that his nosy eye saw her mouthing "... There's no fucking laptop, now go and finish that damn ballet exam..." or something like that.

Next few hours went pretty fast, but were also excruciating for the students cause they needed to stay motivated, not to give up, not to back down, to try to finish the assignment the best way they could.

Jungkook was walking around all the time, and then he noticed one of his favorite students Nayeon, just worriedly staring at her work.

"What's going on inside that busy mind of yours?" Jungkook tried to cheer her up.

"I... I just don't know if it's good enough... You know? I don't know if it'll satisfy the judges standards? What if no one thinks my work is worth buying? How can I know that I'm doing the right thing?" she was visibly shaking, and Jungkook felt bad for her.

"Feeling like that it's totally normal Nayeon. I think everyone feels the same way, but you can't let that get the best of you. Do you like what you did so far?" Jungkook asked her while looking at her work.

She was drawing a silhouette of two ladies dancing, and their facial expressions were beautiful, like they were enjoying the moment, dancing with their bodies and souls.

"I do. I really do... I got inspired by our theme, Beauty through movement so I wanted to do that... I really like it Jungkookshi, I just don't know if they will..." again, she took a deep breath and looked at her work questionably.

"Well you just told me the most important thing, and that's that you like your work. At the end of a day that's the most important thing, cause imagine this, if you had to go to that Auction party and look at your work without even liking it, would you feel better than now when you actually like your work?"

Nayeon looked like she's thinking about it deeply.

She didn't give him an answer, instead, she just gave him the most heart warming smile she could, and finally continued doing her work. Jungkook just thanked God she didn't gave up cause her artwork is the most impressive one in his eyes.

While walking around the room, watching his students work on their assignments, feeling proud and happy about what they've accomplished, Jungkook saw Jimin entering the big space, looking just slightly out of breath, and immediately he went to professor Wo Seok who was doing yet another interview, like he was doing the whole day.

"Did he do it?"

"Did he make it?"

All he could do was hope that Jimin did the right thing and was able to do the ballet exam that Ms. Tori needed him to do badly. He decided not to ask Jimin about it either cause what if he couldn't do it? What if there was not enough time to do the exam? What if Jimin got cold feet and just didn't want to do the exam today? All of it would be too much for him, so Jungkook decided not to even ask, cause why pour salt into wounds if there is one. Maybe Jimin would tell him himself later on...

As the day came to an end, Jungkook felt like his legs were a jiggly jello and like there was no more oxygen to breathe. The big classroom that they were in was filled with the sweat smell and heavy breathing of working students, and all Jungkook wanted to do was go and sleep until the next morning.

Of course that was not the plan, so after finally, nine o clock was set on the big classroom watch, all the students let out a content and long waited sigh, and after dropping their pens, colors and everything else, all of them headed back to the hotel, to relax and get some sleep before tomorrow's Auction party.

Jungkook offered to go with the students, to make sure everyone arrived safely and to get a quick shower, cause right after they had some kind of dinner with all the professors and some after party that Jungkook decided to skip at any cost.

After wearing the suit that Seokjin had loaned him once before, Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror, and even though he had big, dark circles under his eyes, he still looked good. The navy suit made him look a bit more serious, but his hair style still made him look as young as he was. He met the others just outside at the lobby, and soon the cab drove them to fancy restaurant 'Per Se' where only guests with reservations can enter. The vibe was expensive and old Hollywood style and it kind of felt good to be a part of the important people in the V.I.P area.

Throughout the whole night, drinks and some food that Jungkook had no idea what they were kept coming, so he ate and drank, and stared at Jimin the whole night.

How could he not?

Jimin was wearing some red fitted suit and looked like a devil in disguise, but had the face of an angel with that platinum blond hair, and the neutral make up he was wearing.

Breathtakingly beautiful.

The fact that professor Wo Seok was seated right next to him, just slightly made Jungkook's stomach ache, cause he didn't understand why do they need to be always so closely seated together?

Only an hour into the dinner, Jungkook noticed that here and there, a girl, that was sitting on his right would casually throw some question at him, try to start a conversation, but as blind as he was, he didn't even register that she was trying to have a decent, polite talk to a person that was sitting closely to her. Just a normal thing to do, but yeah... he was so out of focus cause of the way that Jimin looked that he couldn't see what's right in front of him, or in this case next to him.

"So, what do you think about our University? Professor John spoke so highly of you, he really wants you to come and study at least one year here?" the red headed girl asked, and only then Jungkook remembered her being introduced as one of the NY Art University's assistants. She was older than him, tall, cute, and had a really friendly face.

"Um...yeah, he offered me the scholarship, but I'm not so sure about it. I miss my home way too much. I'm from Busan, and I've been in Seoul for this year, so I think being away for two years would be a bit too much for me." he gave in, and started the nice and comfortable conversation, deciding how it's better to get to know someone than to sit and stare at one person.

"Well, if you feel like that, I guess that's fine, but think about it twice, cause this really is a once in a lifetime experience and you could learn so much from our professors, and maybe even get some recognition that you couldn't in your country. You never know."

"I guess I could think about it after this last week is over. Maybe when I talk to my friends and family about it, they will also have some advice for me... Who knows?"

After approximately half an hour talking with Rachel, he found out the name in the meantime, Jungkook felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. John, come sit with us." He got up immediately, after seeing the old professor standing next to him, but the man just smiled at him and asked him to go to the bar with him, to grab one drink in private.

"So, Jungkookshi, how did you like your student's work from today? Are you satisfied or do you think they could do better?" the man asked him after ordering them two cocktails that Jungkook had never seen in his entire life.

"I think they did amazing. Sure there's still space left for improvement, but they did their best and I'm really proud of them." Jungkook said honestly so the man nodded.

"I think so too. We stayed an hour after you left just to have a quick look at all the students' work, and let me tell you, the art work that your students have done, sticks out the most. It's visible that they had good preparation and that this was not that hard for them to do."

Jungkook scratched his neck awkwardly, blushing pink all over his cheeks.

"Thank you. That means a lot, coming from you." he bowed slightly, showing his respect towards the older's compliment.

"So, did you think about next year? Did you make up your mind about where to go?"

Of course Mr. Jonh wanted to know.

"I didn't. I think I need just a little bit more time to really think about everything."

"No problem. I just wanted to tell you how if you decide to attend classes at our University here in New York, since I have only a couple of years left before I retire, I would like to be your mentor and to guide you through the subjects that I teach other students." professor John said so, Jungkook's mouth dropped open.

"Really? Wow... Sir, that's really an honor. Thank you so much for even offering that. It means the world to me." Jungkook said in awe.

"I just hope that it'll help you while making your decision, that's all." the man said politely and after giving Jungkook a few small pats on his back, he returned to his seat. Jungkook just stayed there, at the bar, rethinking about everything the man just said.

"Hey, you've been here alone for quite some time. Everything alright?" Rachel came right next to Jungkook, and made herself comfortable on the high chair next to him.

"Everything's great... I'm just a bit shocked to be honest. Professor John just told me how he would like to be my mentor if I decide to study here. Can you believe that? I mean how crazy is that?" Jungkook told her so she clapped her hands proudly.

"Well congratulations to you young man. Do you know that professor John had only mentored five students in his entire life, and that he only does that when he sees an incredible potential in someone." The lady said while waving to the waiter to come so that she could order a drink.

"I actually had no idea. All I know is that he's one of the oldest professors there and that he is insanely talented, and that's it. You seemed to know a lot more."

The lady smiled.

"You've noticed. Well, I was one of those students that he had mentored, and after the Uni, he offered me the assistant job, so that's how I'm here." she said cockily, sipping on her drink slowly.

"Wow really. That's amazing. Is that why you're trying to make me chose NY Uni over Busan Uni in my hometown?"

"You caught me! I'm on a mission, 'Get Jungkook to transfer to our Uni'. Is it working?" Rachel joked, so Jungkook laughed loudly, enjoying the way everyone was treating him here with some respect and desire here.

"Well before I was sure I didn't want to go to any other University than the one in Busan, but now... I really need some time to rethink all of it in peace."

In one swift move, the redhead lady was leaning extremely close into Jungkook's personal space, like her face was literally an inch away from him.

"Is there something else that I could do to make you change your mind?"

She said so Jungkook instinctively looked to their booth, and saw Jimin sitting in a different chair than before, now facing him, and his eyes were dark and dangerous, and Jungkook couldn't even look away.


"I... I'm .... um.... gay..." he stuttered so the lady put her hands over her face, looking shy and embarrassed.

"Oh dear God, I'm so sorry... It's just, you have to appreciate a handsome man when you see one."

"I know exactly what you mean." Jungkook said with his gaze still focused on Jimin.

Again, they laughed at the silly situation, but Jimin's gaze was not there anymore. He had turned to talk to the others, faking a perfect bright smile, but Jungkook knew better.

Jimin was jealous.

He liked it.

Few shots later, Jungkook saw Ms. Tori coming his way, and got actually excited to talk to someone he knew from before.

"Handsome man, I just wanted to thank you for today. I haven't get a chance to talk to Jimin about the exam, but just the effort was really something." she said with a fond smile, so Jungkook smiled too.

"You're welcome. I hope he did it, and I just hope that he'll be able to dance more cause seeing him torn like this, between art and all those stupid press stuff that shouldn't really be his concern is devastating. He had so much fun last time when we were here, he doesn't even seem like the same person when he's not dancing."

Jungkook really did hate to see Jimin like this so unlike him, without that spark in his eyes...

" So how long have you two been dating? " all of a sudden Ms. Tori asked, so Jungkook looked at her blinking rapidly.

" We, um... We're not... No... Not dating..." he said and wanted to hit himself in his face for sounding so weird and stupid.

"I mean there's no need to lie. I can see your glances and I saw the way you were close last time when you were here." Mr. Tori really did see a lot.

"Yes...that...we were pretty close... But still... Not dating..." Jungkook said awkwardly while scratching his nape, glancing at Jimin who was talking to some professors, the same shallow smile never leaving his face.

"Well, whatever you two have going on, I hope it'll last cause I have never seen him as happy as the last time you were here, and I think the way you two look at each other has some deeper meaning and feelings behind it."

Jungkook thought about what the lady said, but couldn't quite get her statement. Does she think that Jimin has feelings for Jungkook? Is there more than just a fun night in New York and a few heated kisses?

"What do you mean by that? " he asked, but when he turned around to face Ms. Tori, she was long gone. Guess he thought about it a bit longer than he thought.

After the dinner and some cocktails, it was time for the after party, but Jungkook really couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, all of this got him drained to the point where he could easily fall asleep in a full restaurant without thinking twice.

"Jungkookshi, since you have to be with the students tomorrow all the time, and you'll have a lot of obligations too, you're free to go and get some rest, the three of us will attend the after party although I feel pretty tired myself, so I guess Jiminah and Wo Seok can have some fun there alone and I'll come to hotel earlier too." Mr. Park said when they were exiting the spacious restaurant, and Jungkook's heart stuttered.

"Jimin and Wo Seok having alone time at the after party..."

Something didn't feel right there...

"Thank you Mr. Park. I really do need at least a couple of hours of sleep, today was exhausting. I'll try to refill my batteries and do my best tomorrow." Jungkook said, and suppressed a yawn that was threatening to come, feeling extremely tired at this point.

When they entered the hotel, this time, Jungkook didn't see anything. No pretty furniture, no colorful lamps, no expensive drapes over the windows, nothing... His eyes were almost shot and all he could dream about was his bed.

He wondered if Jimin was as tired, and how could he even attend that after party since he was also working the whole day.

They entered the elevator and began the ride to the top floor in silence.

Jungkook leaned his back on the wall, and through squinted eyes looked at Jimin who was on the opposite wall, looking back at him. Then he noticed professor Wo Seok leaning in and whispering something into Jimin's ear, which made the older one frown, and look at the professor briefly. He said something back to him, just as quietly, and Jungkook felt wide awake.

He felt weird, uneasy, not knowing what was going on, he felt....

He felt jealous.

The elevator stopped, so all of them went to their rooms.

"I'll see you two in ten minutes. I just need to freshen up. Get some rest Jungkookshi, you did really well today." Professor Park entered his room first, closing the door behind him without waiting for any answer.

"See you soon Jiminshi, and congratulations on your work today Jungkookshi. I'll see you tomorrow." professor Wo Seok said politely, and entered his room that was right next to professor Park's.

Then Jimin put his card into the door and tried to get in, and Jungkook should do the same. His room was right there, a few steps away from Jimin's but instead he stood behind Jimin, waiting patiently for him to open the door, and the moment he did, Jungkook followed him inside.

"Need something?" Jimin asked while closing the door behind the younger, and Jungkook did need something. He needed a lot of things actually, but there was this priority in his head that he couldn't deny anymore. He needed Jimin's closeness first.

He pushed the older onto the door, and kissed him hungrily.

Why did he do that?

He was actually tired and was supposed to go to sleep. Why was he kissing Jimin like there's no tomorrow?

Jimin kissed back just as hard, pulling on Jungkook's hair, changing the angle of their kiss, deepening the kiss more.

"Do you have to go to the after party?"

Jungkook asked while Jimin was licking his neck, being careful not to leave any marks.

"I do and you know it." Jimin answered while moving away, looking at Jungkook's face.

"Agh... I know... I just... I don't want you to go. I don't like the way professor Wo Seok is holding you all the time."

And there it was. The truth. It felt good saying it out loud, but it also sounded so clingy and weird that Jungkook knew immediately what the smirk on Jimin's face was all about.

" What do you mean? " Jimin looked like he was enjoying this.

"You know what I mean. He's always holding you somehow, always next to you, whispering something to you, acting like you're a couple, like you're his to hold... And... I... Just... I don't like it." and wow this even sounded worse.

Jeonlous at his finest.

Jimin chuckled.

"Well there's nothing going on, as I told you before. He's just a close friend now. He actually has a date tonight. They met two years ago, he's a professor from France that came here too, and I'm gonna be third wheeling for the rest of the night."

"Oh...well that's fine, but he could touch you less. I mean he has his hands on you all the time."

Jimin smiled fondly at Jungkook's outburst and even though the younger one knew how he sounded he couldn't help it.

"And you wish you had your hands on me right?" Jimin asked devilishly, and this isn't fair... Life isn't fair. Having Jimin so close without being able to enjoy him properly was just devastating.

"Jimin... If you won't let me get on my knees for you right now you better shut up."

Was that shock on Jimin's face?

Did he not expect for Jungkook to bite back?

"You're such a dick you know that?" it's all Jimin was able to say before Jungkook kissed him again, grinding his hard dick on top of the older's that was just as hard if not more.

"Ah... Fuck... Jungkookah... I have 2 minutes before they'll come for me..."

Life isn't fair.

They moved away, panting a bit faster, looking at each other without a word, like they both know exactly how they're feeling.

"I need to change into something not so fitting." Jimin said after glancing at the bulge formed on his crotch area so Jungkook smiled.

"You really do. Can I watch?"

Why did that sound so perverted?

"Watch me undress? Change my clothes?" Jimin asked, surprised.

Jungkook nodded.

"Be my guest."

The devilish grin on Jimin's face let Jungkook know that he was in for a treat.

Jimin turned around, and walked to the closet, Jungkook followed him inside and just kept observing the older.

After picking some black slacks and a wide white button up shirt, Jimin started undressing his clothes.

He didn't do it slowly, they didn't have time for that, but the way the buttons opened up more and more, revealing his toned chest and defined abs made Jungkook's mouth drool instantly.

Why did he stay to watch this torture?

The way those red slacks fell down off Jimin's body, showing him in nothing more than a pair of tight red boxer briefs, made Jungkook's heart stop working normally for a second.

"Fucking shit Jimin..." he cursed while looking at Jimin, trying to adjust his semi hard dick inside those red briefs and all Jungkook wanted to do was touch, suck, lick... Anything.

Jimin put on the black slacks that were luckily wider so his dick wasn't showing as much, and then he put the white button up too, deciding not to tuck it in, rather leaving it just falling over his crotch area. Smart move.

Jungkook didn't even notice that the whole time that he was looking at Jimin, he had his hand sliding up and down his hardening dick, stroking it slowly while enjoying the view.

"Gonna have some fun now baby?" Jimin asked while coming closer to Jungkook, looking at his hand that was on top of his clothed dick.

"I think I have to if I don't want to lose my mind."

Jimin put his hands around Jungkook's neck, smirking at him teasingly.

"You know I'd love to take care of that for you, but I really have to go now."

Jungkook fake cried.

Jimin slapped his chest.

"I know. Just... Have fun... But... Not too much fun... I mean... You know..."

Why was Jungkook such a weirdo all of a sudden?

"I know."

Jimin kissed his lips once more before they headed outside.

"I'll open the door first to see if they're outside or they're waiting for me in the lobby. You wait here. Ok?" Jimin whispered so Jungkook nodded cause both of them knew they were in there for more than 10 minutes.

"Hey Wo Seok..." Jimin said the moment he opened the door, Jungkook waited behind the door closely.

"Your father is waiting for us in the lobby..."

The moment Jungkook heard that, he went out too, enjoying Wo Seok's shocked face.

"Well, since your father isn't here..." Jungkook said, and came closer to Jimin. Then he put his hands in Jimin's hair, trying to fix his messy hair a bit, the older just rolled his eyes at him, a small smile was visible on his face.

"I tried to help, but you still look messy." Jungkook whispered, but not as quietly, and he knew exactly that Wo Seok had heard him too. Did he want that? Had he done that on purpose?


"I got your point, now go and rest you clingy baby." Jimin teased him, but all that Jungkook could hear was, baby, baby, baby, baby, he called me baby in front of Wo Seok....

"You know I will. Have fun, both of you and I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook said while walking away, smile not leaving his face.

Did he rest?

He did.

Right after the quickest jerk off of his life. Literally, he needed a minute to stroke that painfully neglected dick with the image of Jimin in those red boxers and that was it.

Fun times.


Tomorrow morning, after a solid 5 hours of sleep, Jungkook went to grab some breakfast, and he knew that he'd see his students eating too.

He was surprised to see Mr. Park too, thinking how he must be too tired from last night, but there he was, sitting with students while having some conversation with them.

"Good morning. Did you all sleep well?" Jungkook greeted everybody with a bow and smiley face so they assured him that they are doing well and had enough sleep to go through this day.

Jimin and Wo Seok were nowhere to be found, as expected, they needed longer sleep cause their schedule was just too much.

"So Jungkookshi, did you have any plans for today, except the Auction party this afternoon?" Jimin's father asked, so Jungkook thought about it.

He didn't.

"I don't actually, but if I have free time and can do whatever I want, I would gladly go with students and just visit some places in New York. You know, just the most famous places like every other tourist. If you'll allow us of course."

Seemed like professor Park actually liked his idea cause his face lightened up with the warmest smile.

"Of course I'll allow it. That's actually amazing. You can all relax together and then come back to get ready for the party. I think that's a really good idea."

Students got so excited, they could hardly contain themselves.

"So it's a date. As soon as we finish without breakfast let's meet here at the lobby and do the city tour."


The so called tour date with his students was a great success and a lot of fun.

They visited the most popular places that they could reach, from Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Little Italy and Chinatown to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and on their way back they talked about their expectations for the Auction party.

"I'm not leaving until I see that some rich person has bought my art for triple the amount of the money that it's worth." Beomgyu, one of the funny students said so they all laughed at him.

"And how much would that be?" Jungkook was curious.

"Well at least 3$."

They all laughed.


"If no one buys your artwork for more than hundreds of dollars I'm buying them all and I'm gonna hang them in my room back in Busan." Jungkook said confidently.

"Are you coming back to Busan Jungkookshi?" Nayeon asked with a worried face expression.

"I am... I think I am... Yeah..." he said, but didn't sound as convincing.

"So you're thinking about not coming back then?" she noticed so he looked at her knowingly, cause it was weird what a genius mind she had.

"I don't know. I have a few good options that I'm thinking of."

"Well, whoever gets to work with you is lucky. We all love you and the way you were mentoring us. We couldn't be happier with the mentors that we had, including our Jiminshi." Nayeon said so Jungkook nodded, fighting the small tears pooling in his eyes cause it's really funny how this year had passed by so fast, too fast and how much he will miss all of his students and Jimin of course.

"Let's just have fun at the Auction party and pretend like we know what we're doing, and let's drink some drinks and dance a bit, and after all of that, we'll talk for hours on our way back home. How's that plan sound?" Jungkook asked so they all clapped, happy that they were all on the same page, excited and nervous, but curious as well.

When they came back to the hotel, they had an hour to prepare for the Auction party, so Jungkook went into shower, tried to style his hair the best way he could. His undercut was showing and he liked it. He wore black fitted slacks and a black button up shirt that Namjoon gave him before leaving, saying how that was the outfit in which he had charmed Seokjin to date him, so fingers crossed that it does well for Jungkook too.

Sharp at 6 P.M he met the others, and saw Mr. Park already sitting in the lobby.

"Good evening Mr. Park, are we ready to leave?"

He was wondering where Jimin was, but could already imagine that he had another press thing, or something and needed to be there earlier.

"Yes. We were waiting for you. I was just talking to the students about how much fun you had today. They're so lucky to have you as a mentor. I seriously mean that."

Jungkook felt warm around his heart.

How could Mr. Park be so kind and good towards all the students and himself, but so strict and harsh towards Jimin?

When they arrived at the University, everything looked magical.

This event was bigger than any of them could imagine so one look into his students eyes, and he knew they were all anxious.

There were all kinds of lightning outside, reporters, all TV stations doing their reportage, well known people from show business, celebrities he could recognize from movies, singers, artists, literally, everyone.

"Wow... This is... " Jungkook muttered.

"Huge. I know. I told you that this is important for us. We need to present our University in the best light and we should get the biggest donation that we can so that we can get back to our future projects."

Jungkook only heard every third word cause the moment he entered the big space that was provided for the auction, there, right at the entrance, was Jimin, welcoming all the guests and he looked outstanding.

Absolutely gorgeous.

He was wearing a purple suit, his hair was parted in the middle, falling nicely on the sides, and his make up was a bit bolder than usual and he was just radiating some sexappeal and Jungkook was sweating already.

"Wow look at him... just wow, wow... I fucked that guy... I kissed him last night... He stripped in front of me... Oh God why am I thinking about this right now..."

Jungkook was going insane.

"I wonder if he's wearing purple underwear to match his suit just like last night... No, no, no, don't think about Jimin in underwear, don't think about Jimin in underwear... Your shirt is tucked in your pants, you can't get hard now...shit..."

"Good evening gentlemen. Your seats are right here." Jimin greeted them, and showed them to go to the right, so after the students went inside, Jimin's father greeted him with a small bow and went inside to take his seat. Jungkook just stood there unable to move.

"Are you wearing purple underwear?"

"What the fuck Jungkook?????"

Jimin chuckled.

"Want me to tell you or do you wanna find out for yourself later?"

Jimin is going to be the death of Jungkook and he knows it.

Jungkook put both of his hands on top of his heart, acting like his heart is literally giving up on him.

"You're too much I swear..."

Next guests came right behind Jungkook so unfortunately he had to move away, his eyes still glued to Jimin's figure.

Damn that man is hotter than the Sun.

Jungkook waited almost a year for this.

He worked so hard, made special bond with his students, mentored them the best way he could, only to find himself being stuck in the bathroom with Jimin in his arms, kissing him hard anytime he got a chance to do so.

Literally he said fuck everything when Park Jimin is so close to him and looking like that!

Did he care about the auction?

He did, cause he wanted all of it to go well cause of his students and that's it.

People were cheering, bidding, giving loud applause, and it seemed like everything was going well cause once in the blue Moon, Jungkook would glance at the satisfied face that was consuming Mr. Park's face, so he knew, everything was alright.

"Wanna kiss you again." Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear while the older was ordering a new drink at the bar, so the blond turned around with a smirk on his face.

"That would be our fifth visit to the bathroom together. I think we're becoming a bit too obvious." Jimin swirled some dark drink in his hand, and drank it bottoms up.

"I don't care. People who are not supposed to see us are on the other side of the venue having fun, watching this whole auction happening..." Jungkook came a step closer, playing with the button's on Jimin's purple shirt.

"Why aren't you watching the auction Jungkookah?" Jimin put his hand up and brushed a few strands off of Jungkook's forehead.

"Because you're distracting me."

Jimin came step closer, now pressing his body flush against the younger's, and then he pressed his mouth on top of Jungkook's ear, hot breath tickling all of his senses immediately.

"Why don't you kiss me here then?" Jimin whispered so Jungkook frowned.

There were too many people around them. There were people that Jimin knew, and professors that could recognize them both.

"I will if you want to." Jungkook said while caressing Jimin's cheek with his own, loving the soft skin on skin contact.

"I want you to."

And Jungkook didn't need more.

He kissed Jimin softly, just a small, slow peck on top of the older's lips, but Jimin was obviously craving for more cause the way he licked Jungkook's bottom lip was downright sinful.

So slow and wet...

Jungkook moaned into the kiss, pressing his lips even harder, enjoying the wetness of Jimin's tongue against his own.

When they moved away from each other, still giving some small pecks all around their faces, Jungkook felt that weird feeling again.

Feeling of not wanting to let go.

Feeling of wanting Jimin as close as possible all the time.

He wanted him badly and it was showing.

"Thank you." Jimin said with that specific smile that reaches his eyes and makes him the most beautiful human being in the World.

"For what?"

"Kissing me without fear. Being here for me. I really appreciate it."

Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheeks, and kissed him once again, just a small peck with a loud pop before moving away.

"Anytime hyung. All of this wouldn't mean anything without you." Jungkook said while slowly walking away, letting go of Jimin's hand that was in his, fitting perfectly.

"You really mean it?" Jimin looked emotional.

"I absolutely do. You were my muse. Don't ever forget that."

Right then, at that moment, Jimin looked more beautiful than ever before.

It wasn't cause of his pretty suit or his sexy makeup.

It wasn't cause of the work he had done, or cause of the impact he had on others.

It was simply because he looked happy.

He looked so happy that at one point Jungkook was positive that Jimin was made out of fairy dust, and was not a real human being. That would explain so many things.

Jungkook returned to his table, which was in the last row in the theater, and tried to sneak in like he was invisible, pretending to be there all the time.

"We're almost done Jungkookshi? Are you happy with the way the auction is going?" Nayeon came to Jungkook's table, and what could he say?

I haven't seen any of it?


"I... don't know... Um... What do you think?" Jungkook asked and saw a smile creeping up on Nayeon's face.

"You and I both. I've been more into dancing around with Sana, so I have no idea how we're doing, and I think all the other's got wasted even before the auction started, so I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to see the results."

Jungkook smiled at her, loving to see his favorite student happy and having fun, and after drinking his drink, he decided to go to the dance floor too, and have some fun with his students.

They danced, jumped around, enjoyed the music, while waiting for results, and Jungkook couldn't be happier with how the night's been progressing.

When the host, tall lady in a red dress announced that the results were there, and asked for everyone to get back to their seats, Jungkook felt his palms sweating.

"Everything is going to be fine. You did your best and if that's not enough then it's their loss..."

He kept telling himself encouraging words, glancing from time to time around the big venue, trying to see if Jimin was anywhere close.

"So, dear ladies and gentleman, we've come to an end of yet another successful Auction Art event that is specially made so that a true talent can be rewarded and that a true potential can be noticeable in the big masses. We also want to encourage principals to do good, and to present their students work all around the world, to teach them that art is universal and that the beauty that we see is just in the eye of the observer.
This year's theme 'Beauty within' was very special and we have seen some amazing art work. As always we will hand the principals the results of how much donation their students have earned for their University, and like every year, we will announce the Art that has collected the biggest amount of money and will be remembered as this year's most presentable work."

Jungkook listened to everything the lady had said, but didn't really know any of the procedure about this finishing part. He did know that the principals got the envelope with the results later on, and they kept that information private, but the rest that he heard, he had no idea about it.

"So, this year's most presentable art piece is from K-ARTs University from Seoul, and is called Beauty through movement..."

Everybody started clapping, and the name rang inside Jungkook's eyes, so he remembered Nayeon's drawing, the two females dancing together with very remarkable facial expressions and the title made sense... It must be her work.

His eyes roamed through their table, looking at the students clapping happily and then he saw her. He saw Nayeon with tears in her eyes, smiling happily while holding her hands on top of her heart.

"Of course it's hers..."

"I'm so proud of you." Jungkook muttered so she let the tears roll down her cheeks, saying little thank you with a small bow.

"So we would like to hear a few words from Mr. Park, K-ARTs presenter at this event..."

And suddenly Mr. Park was on stage and all the spotlight was on him.

"Good evening everyone, I am very happy to be a part of this remarkable event again, and to be able to give our youngest students this opportunity to grow, meet new people, gather new creative ideas, and all of this was indeed created for them. As far as this year's event goes, I'm really proud of my students. They worked so hard, probably the hardest since we've started this whole New York project, and I have to thank one person who did the most to help these kids shine and spread their wings to fly, and that's their mentor Jeon Jungkook."

People cheered, the student's clapped in excitement and Jungkook felt sick.

The worst thing was that finally, he noticed a glimpse of purple, standing on the opposite side of the venue, clapping too, while looking at his father giving the speech.

"Oh dear God please let him mention Jimin too... Please... He worked so hard too... It was his idea, he was the idea... It was Jimin's movement that made me do that theme... Please give him some credit...."

"I always admired people who make art but now, at this point, I admire those who can evoke the creativity in others more than in themselves cause being able to selfishly share your knowledge and ideas and creativity is harder than it looks like. So, with that being said, Jeon Jungkook, I admire you and I predict a bright future for you, hopefully you'll follow the path that you've been destined to. "

And so he finishes, the spotlight suddenly turns to Jungkook, bright light lightening his sight, almost blinding him, and what was he supposed to do now?

Give a speech?

Say something?

Could anything he says help to vanish the damage that Jimin's father had made?

Not really.

So he looked to his right, where Jimin was standing not so long ago, and the moment he realized that the older was not there, he panicked.

Instead of going to the stage and giving some shitty speech that he was too introverted to do anyways, he just bowed politely to everyone in the venue and started walking fast to find Jimin.

Fuck this, and fuck everything.

How could Jimin's father totally neglect his own son's effort and hard work. Jimin was there with him from the beginning till the end and he gave his all to make this project fun and educational for their students.

"Jimin!" he searched in the bathrooms first.

No answer.

"Hyung!", then in the hall just outside the theater.

No answer.

"Jimin hyung..." he walked a few steps outside the building, but the moment the flesh lights from these damn paparazzi cameras blinded him, he went back outside, feeling hopeless and worried at the same time.


Where are you?

He decided to just send him a message, hoping he'll answer soon cause the anxious knot that was forming in his stomach only got bigger and bigger in time.


I'm heading back to the hotel. I need to take a shower and get some rest. I'll see you in two hours at the airport.


Are you ok hyung?

Jungkook just needed to know.


I will be. See you soon.

"He will be... Meaning he isn't now..."

Jungkook felt numb, not knowing what to do or how to help, but he knew he couldn't leave his students behind. Jimin wouldn't want that either. So he comes back, and the moment he saw Mr. Park's smug face, smiling at everyone who was congratulating him on his success, made him feel angry.

"Jimin should be here, enjoying this too..."

"Here he is. The newest biggest Seoul's rising Art star." Park Hyun introduced him to some reporters that were gathered all around him, and soon he was in the spotlight again.

"Young man, tell us about the way you've been able to evoke such pure creativity in your students." some middle aged man asked, while pushing the mic in front of Jungkook.

"Well that was easy. I am someone who loves to give, and loves to share my experience with others so I think that that just came naturally to me. What was hard, on the other hand, was finding a good enough theme to work on for the past few months, but luckily for me, I had Park Jimin with me. He showed me and helped me to find true beauty in people, movement, interaction, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Thank you. "Jungkook explained and right after, looked at the unsatisfied expression on Mr. Park's face, but didn't mind.

At all.

He said his honest opinion, and felt good that at least this way he could thank Jimin for everything that he had done for him, even if the older would never even know.

After the event was over, they had literally ten minutes to grab their stuff back at the hotel, change into more comfortable clothes and hurry back to the airport.

"Is Jimin already there?"

"Is he better?"

Jungkook had his worries, so after changing into black cargo pants and an oversized gray shirt, he put his bucket hat on and walked to the lobby to meet with the others.

"Congratulations Jungkookshi..."

"Is Jimin in the lobby?"

"Well done Jungkookah.."

"Maybe he went outside..."

"Amazing job Jungkook..."

"Maybe he's drinking some drinks at the hotel bar..."

People congratulated him all the time, and he had no idea who they were, his mind was still filled with worry, so he politely nodded and bowed with a little thank you, and kept going, thinking about Jimin again.





Still, there was no sight of Jimin anywhere.

"Ready to go back Jungkookshi?" Nayeon asked him with the biggest smile so Jungkook smiled back at her.

"I am. Did you perhaps see Jiminshi around, anywhere?"





"No. I haven't... And... If I may be honest with you... I feel so bad that no one even mentioned him and all the effort he had put into working with us. He was the one who always pushed me to think outside the box, to go over the edge, to be fearless and hard working and no one even said that he was one of our mentors for so many months... It's really a shame."

Jungkook took a deep breath.

"You're totally right, but you and me both know how much he did for all of you, and it would be nice to tell him that, so maybe we could throw some kind of small gathering at the Mini theater when we come back, to just sit and talk, have couple of drinks, we could draw, put some music on, enjoy our last class together, and then we could tell him all of that. I think he would appreciate it a lot."

Jungkook came up with that idea on the spot.

"I think I would really like that. I'll arrange everything with the rest of the students, all you have to do is show up. Ok?" Nayeon said, but Jungkook shook his head.

"No, let's do this together."

"No. We'll do this. I want you and Jiminshi to just come and enjoy that last class with us. Ok? Let us do that much. Please."

She was very persuasive with those big eyes and cute smile.

"Fine. You're so annoying, you know that?" Jungkook patted her head affectionately.

"I do." She batted his lashes at him cutely.

Soon they arrived at the airport, Jungkook kept counting his students, feeling anxious not to leave anyone behind, but it was his worry about Jimin not being here yet that was kicking in.

"One, two, three, for, five, six, seven , eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, Jimin... Jimin, Jimin is here...."

Suddenly he saw him.

Jimin was standing next to Wo Seok and his father, wearing some light blue jeans and black shirt, glasses covering his eyes even though it was dark outside.

"Could it be that he was crying?"

His stomach ached just at the thought.

He couldn't do anything at this point. They were entering the plane, Jungkook was the one to make sure all the students go inside safely, and Jimin was with his father and Wo Seok so even if Jungkook wanted to talk to him, ask him if he's alright, he couldn't do it.

When all the students finally found their seats, all of them looked so tired and drained, that Jungkook knew they were up for 14 hours snoring and all kinds of sleeping sounds, which was fine. He wouldn't want it any other way.

"Have a nice dream." he whispered while going to the end of the row, finding his seat that was separated from the others with a small, black curtain, for some privacy.

He made himself comfortable while pulling his seat down, into an almost lying position, and had decided to watch some movie, so that time could go by faster.

An hour into the flight, he heard a couple of knocks on the outside, just behind the curtains, so he thought how one of the students probably needs something.

"I'm awake. Come in..." he said while pulling himself into a sitting position.

The curtain moved, and instead of some student, he saw the platinum blond hair, poking inside cutely.


"Are you decent?" the older jokes, so Jungkook smiled widely.

"Am I ever decent?" Jungkook cocked his eyes at him, so Jimin shook his head, a smile not leaving his face.

The older entered, and even though there were three seats free, next to the one Jungkook was sitting in, Jimin came straight in front of the younger, and positioned himself into Jungkook's lap.

Flower smell...

Jimin's scent was just intoxicating.

Jungkook hugged him harder, wrapping his arms all around Jimin's petite body, and the older nuzzled his head into Jungkook's chest.

"Is it ok if I stay like this for a while?" Jimin talked into Jungkook's chest.

"Feels really nice." he continued after inhaling Jungkook's soapy smell.

"Of course. Stay as long as you want to." Jungkook would actually beg for him not to leave.

"And if some of the students walk in on us, just say that I'm sexually assaulting you or something."

Jungkook chuckled.

"You know, at one point, I was pretty sure you were sexually assaulting me. I even told Yoongi hyung about it." Jungkook remembered Jimin's bold behavior at the very beginning of their classes.

"Oh come on, I was just teasing you so that you would drop this whole project thing and disappear from the face of the Earth." Jimin said honestly so Jungkook pushed him away from his chest abruptly.

"Aha! You admit it! You wanted to get rid of me and that's why you were doing all of that crazy shit at the beginning!"

Jimin just looked at him with 'of course I did' expression on his face, blinking stupidly.

"I mean you said all of my ideas were stupid! How rude were you? Honestly, I hated you so much back then... And 'Are you wearing a skirt?' comment? Bet you would bend me over in nothing more than that skirt on me now. Am I right?"

Jungkook blinked, blinked, blinked...

Jimin just in that skirt.

Jimin in a skirt...

Bend over...

Snap out of it Jungkook.

"Are you imagining it right now?"

"How did we go from fighting to flirting in a second? How?"

"I don't know... I guess I don't hate you anymore..." Jimin came closer, nuzzling his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"I don't hate you either..." Jungkook weakly admitted.

"I figured..." Jimin teased so Jungkook pinched him on the side, making him wiggle around, feeling ticklish.

Then Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheeks that fitted perfectly inside his hands, and started caressing his face lightly with his thumbs.

Jimin closed his eyes.



Jungkook stopped talking.

"I know what you'll say, and I know it all. I know Jungkook. I know that he's not right. I know that I had been working hard on this just as you were, but I also know that my heart wasn't 100% in it like yours was. I have my dancing obligations along with art, and because I had you by my side I let myself lose, to feel free to prioritize my dancing instead of our project. And Jungkookah, I don't regret it. You took over everything and that was a good thing. I got what I wanted, which was more dancing which made me a lot happier, and after talking to you that day, when you told me how my real passion is dance and not art, I thought about it for so long, and you were right. I live for dancing. I love art too, but those two loves can't even compare, so I told that to my father, the other day, when he had told me about the scholarship for New York, and how the place is yours, and how he expects from me to be an Art assistant, and to finish my Doctors degree here in Seoul, which would leave me zero time to do dancing... I said that I can't do all of that cause I want to focus on my dancing too."

"What did he say?" Jungkook was listening to him without blinking.

"What do you think he said?"

"He didn't approve of it?" Jungkook felt pain through Jimin's deep sigh.

"Of course he didn't, cause that's not what his son is supposed to do. So he threatened me, telling me how he'll get me expelled from the Dance department if I don't do Doctors degree in Art here, and after an hour of fighting, we kind of got some kind of agreement, where I objected to do the assistant job, but I agreed on doing my Art Doctors degree in Seoul's K-ARTs if I can stay at the Dance department as well."

"Jiminah... that's... I'm so sorry." Jungkook hugged him and caressed his back slowly.

"It's better than not doing dance at all. Now, I have to finish the last exam that I have, and it's in Abstract Art that I suck at, and if I don't get a 10, I actually can't get into Doctors degree program cause to enter that program you need to have straight 10 out of History of Art, Contemporary Art, Fine Art and Abstract Art. I have 10 in all of those other subjects, but Abstract Art was always a pain in the ass for me."

"Do you want me to help? I'm actually very good at Abstract Art. It comes kind of natural to me..." Jungkook offered help, remembering how much Jimin's teaching had helped him back when he had that History of Art exam.

"Of course you're a natural. God you're so annoying. Is there anything you're not good at? Mr. Perfect." Jimin teased so Jungkook tickled him again, which made Jimin wiggle in his arms, fighting through laughter.

Finally he grabbed Jungkook's hands, and entwined their fingers together, and suddenly the laughter had died, and there were only the two of them, looking at each other's eyes.

"I would love for you to help me actually." Jimin whispered, so Jungkook nodded.

"When is the exam?"

"In two days. Could you get Yoongi hyung out of the room for the night so that we could study hard?" Jimin said with some devilish look in his eyes, licking his lips while looking at Jungkook's lips.

"No. We're not doing that. I mean, we're going to study. And that's it. This is important to you... I can get Yoongi hyung to sleep at Seokjin hyung's for one night, but Jimin, we would be studying, not, you know... not doing other things..." how weak was Jungkook's speech?

"So, you're telling me how you won't let me kiss you?" Jimin came closer, kissing Jungkook's neck softly.

"I didn't say that... No... I definitely didn't say that, but... first studying and then we could kiss... just we need to focus on studying that's all..." Jimin's lips were all over his jaw now, and how could Jungkook ever resist him?

"Mhm... sounds like a plan. I can't wait to come." Jimin said teasingly into Jungkook's ear, licking it right after.

"What are you even saying... you're so shameless hyung I will seriously die."

Jimin brushed his nose, loving the state that Jungkook was in, so hot and bothered and he was not even trying to hide it.

"Kiss me." Jimin asked nicely, being only an inch away from the younger.

Jungkook did. He kissed him with all the will and affection that he felt at the time.

Jimin responded just as affectionately.

They kissed like that, slowly, then with more pressure, sexily, then sweetly again, Jimin being in Jungkook's lap, both of them growing bigger and harder inside their pants, but not caring too much about it.

All they wanted was to be close, to be like one, to feel all the feels that they could put into their kisses, and they enjoyed it until they couldn't even move anymore, feeling too tired to do anything except to fall asleep in each other's arms.

"I'm so sorry to be bothering you like this, I really am, but I knocked, I even called your names, but you didn't answer and there's professor Wo Seok and Mr. Park talking to the students cause we're almost in Seoul, and you two are sleeping, and I don't know if they should be bothering you so I came in, I'm so sorry..." Nayeon was rumbling while both of them were trying to open their eyes, too tired to act on her words, so finally, Jimin got up, figuring how he was actually still sitting on Jungkook's lap, and the fond look on Nayeon's face assured him that their secret is safe with her.

"Thank you, I should go there..." Jimin got up, but Jungkook tugged him back down, which made him fall right into his lap again.

"Hey..." Jimin whined.

"Not before my kiss. I let you sleep on me for hours, that's the least you could do." Jungkook teased while pouting his lips, so Jimin looked at Nayeon instinctively, then back at Jungkook.

"Ah she's fine. It's Nayeon, she won't tell anyone." Jungkook really had the utmost trust in her.

"I really won't." she assured them.

Jimin gave him a firm, but fast peck, jumping back up, messing with Jungkook's already messy hair.

"God you two are the cutest. Now come on Jiminshi, let's go out together, like the three of us were together here the whole time. Ok?"

"Great idea."


Soon they were back in Seoul. Jungkook went back to his dorm, and even though he knew that this was last week of him being here, he knew he should be happy, but all he could think about is how much fun he was having here and how much Jimin was starting to grow on him.

He could never expect that this was gonna happen, but it did, and he was sure he knew how he felt, he just... couldn't quite admit it out loud.

"Hello? Jungkookah? It's fucking 5 A.M are you ok?"

Maybe talking to Chaeyeoung would help.

"Oh, sorry, I kind of just wanted to hear your voice..."

"Well that's sweet. How are you feeling Mr. my student's drawing got the most donations at the auction? " Chaeyeong was always the one to tease the shit out of him, but to praise him too.

"I like Jimin hyung."

That was his answer.

"You? What? I mean I know about the kissing and sex and oh my God you fucked again and it was even better than that first time?"

"No, no, no... We didn't... It's just... I like him Chae... I don't even know how that happened, but I do. I like him for who he is, and I think I'm not ready to let go of him yet." his voice was shaking, nerves obviously got the best of him.

"Oh baby... That's good. I mean, it's nice to fall in love and to have those feelings for someone, but... aren't you coming home in a week? What's supposed to happen then?"

Jungkook sighed.

"I don't know. I don't really know anything. I don't know if he feels the same way. Maybe I'm just a fun little romance that happened accidentally and now, it's time to move on. I mean, he never said anything about us, or how he feels about me."

"Well he did let you fuck him? (Jungkook hummed), and he kisses you still?"

"All the time."

"So he must like you too, and doesn't want to say it cause the two of you have an expiration date. As bad as it sounds, that's the truth. Being as smart as he is, I think he could even avoid you for this last week since he doesn't want the two of you to suffer more than necessary."

"We're going to study the whole night in my room in two days for his last exam. That's hardly avoiding me..."

"Ooooo, so that's how this is going. Did you buy those condoms Jungkookah?"

He rolled his eyes even though she wasn't able to see him.


"Stupid man."

"I will though... But we agreed to focus on his studies and not do, well, that..."

"So, are you gonna top again, or you're thinking about bottoming for him this time? I mean both of you switch, so it would be only natural for him to fuck you this time."

"Remind me again why do I ever tell you anything?"

"Cause you know I can give you some good advice and cause you love me and cause Beomgyu is out of town and I'm horny so tell me more about Jimin's fine ass."

"I don't care actually. I would let him fuck me any time he wants to, but his ass... I just want to tap that again..."

"God you're head over heels for this guy. You haven't bottomed in ages."

"I know. Well, we said nothing will happen, so maybe we'll just study and then when we feel too tired, we'll go to sleep."

Chaeyeon laughed out loud.

"Who are you trying to fool?"

"I hate you. Got to go, talk to you soon."

"I love you too."


The next day Jungkook slept for 9 hours straight. Well after his classes that is, and then he had some nice dinner plans with Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi who he had missed very much, and after he asked Yoongi if he could sleep the night at Seokjin's cause Jimin and him had some plans about studying Abstract Art, they response was immediate.

"Oh my God you guys are gonna fuck!" Seokjin yelled.

"Fucking hell not on my bed, I'm begging you!" Yoongi was pretty worried.

"Calm down you idiots, they've just kissed a few times, right? Why would anything happen, and Jungkook is going home in 5 days so why would they do this right now? This doesn't make any sense. " Namjoon, the sane one in the group, made some pretty smart and obvious conclusions.

"Wouldn't be the first time actually." so Jungkook dropped the bomb.


"NO, not again! That's just fucked up! You lied to us about kissing and now this?! Are we even your friends?" Yoongi jumped up, standing on his feet, not being able to believe the thing Jungkook just said. His facial expression was something like a shocked human emoji.

"Oh boy... You have some explaining to do." Again, God bless Namjoon.

"It happened in New York. The first time when we were there, not this time. We were alone, and we were together all the time, and everything was just perfect. From back then I can't ignore the fact that I like spending time with him, and that we actually do have fun together... I never told you anything because I wanted to keep his private life safe, and even if I know you guys wouldn't tell a thing to anyone, I still didn't wanna be the guy who does things and talks right after. Seriously, that's the only reason why I didn't tell you sooner." Jungkook tried to explain.

"And you're telling us now cause you need our approval to fuck again?" Seokjin joked so all of them finally laughed.

"No. I don't need anyone's approval, thank you very much though, I just, I wanted to tell you cause I'm leaving soon and I needed someone to know... I don't know. I think... I'm maybe..."

"Falling for him?" Namjoon was amazing at finishing others' sentences.

"Really?" Yoongi always needed things to be told at least twice.

"I don't know, but... I think so." and Jungkook put his head in between his hands, feeling his cheeks burning red, getting more shy every passing minute.

"It's ok. You are a grown ass man who can make decisions for himself. You don't need anyone to tell you how to feel or how to act and you know that. I mean you already had sex, it's obvious you didn't need no advice back then. The only concern I have is the fact that you're leaving and that he's staying here and that all of this will be over in just a few days, and I would really hate to see you hurt. Hopefully you'll both be mature enough to just end things on good terms and then maybe one day your paths will cross again and the two of you could keep on where you've left off." Guess years of being in a relationship gave Seokjin all the wisdom Jungkook needed right now.

"Thank you. I really appreciate this." Jungkook thought how having met these amazing people was one of the highlights of this Uni year and how he's most certainly gonna keep in touch with every single one of them.

"So how was it?" and there he was, Yoongi in all his curious glory.

"Shut up Yoongi! How can you ask that?" Seokjin hit him over his back playfully, and continued... "I just want to know who topped cause I can never tell, both of you have this fierce energy going on..."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I'm not telling you anything. Psychos."

After some begging and teasing he did tell just a tiny bit, but through all of their dinner together, Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about how much he'll miss these guys.


Wednesday came and so did Jungkook's will to die.

What to wear?

How to act?

What to do?

Should he tell Jimin that he likes him? Like really really likes him?

Is that too much?

He decided to just go with the flow, so after taking a nice shower, Jungkook decided to wear something comfortable, jeans and a black t-shirt seemed alright, so while waiting for Jimin to arrive, Jungkook took his Abstract Art books, wanting to remind himself about some topics he wanted to go through with Jimin.

Knock, knock, knock

Sharp at 9 P.M, the older arrived, so Jungkook opened the door for him, and immediately his mind went nuts.

Jimin was standing in front, wearing a white sweatpants and some hoodie and never in his life would Jungkook imagine that he'll be so turned on by someone wearing a fucking sports wear as he was right now.

"I brought some snacks..." Jimin showed the bag of snacks proudly, and again, Junkook's mind was not on it's best behavior.

"You're a snack..."

"Thank you... Come on in."

The moment Jungkook closed the door behind them, all he could do was silently beg God for a favor.

"Please God give me the strength not to think about Jimin's ass and dick all the time, please, please, please, I'm begging you..."

Unfortunately, God didn't answer his prayers.

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