Chapter 12

"Ok. So this is how it's going to work. I'll go back to town, spread news of a ball, etc. I have... some influence over the townspeople, I'm sure I could get some suitable suitors and suitresses back" Akaashi said, dreading the necessity of talking to Kuroo but 100% willing for the guy who owns a whole library"

Akaashi dreaded going back to town, where he'd see Kuroo again. Yet if he wanted Bokuto and all his friends to live, this was his best shot.

"Aww thanks Akaashi. Small issue though. Before I was a monster, I didn't really participate in correct ballroom etiquette. I've learnt how to, but could we have a practice ball so I know what to expect?" Bokuto asked, confusing Akaashi.

"I don't see why not. Whatever helps you built confidence, I suppose. How bout in 3 days time?" Akaashi suggested.

"That would be great!" Bokuto beamed.

"Thanks Akaashi, you're the bestest person ever."


"Can I please live in this library forever?" Akaashi wished, looking up from his current book to his friend sitting across from him.

Bokuto looked up from his book, seeming to ponder this for a moment.

"I mean sure. I don't mind. If your plan fails, and no one falls in love with me, the castle is all yours." Bokuto settled with.

Akaashi paused.

"Bokuto-san, you can't give a castle away to someone you barely know." Akaashi reminded him.

Bokuto's eyebrows knitted together.

"You're not someone I barely know. You've chosen to stay here with me for what, 2 weeks now? Akaashi you're the best friend I've ever had, ignore the fact you're the only friend I have that isn't paid to be around me." Bokuto spoke, before going back to his book.

Akaashi's mouth was agape, then he smiled. Bokuto had a good heart under it all.

"Alright. I'll keep the library in tip top condition if you happen to disappear. But you won't disappear." Akaashi insisted.

Bokuto laughed.

"So, you'd rather keep me alive than have a whole library to yourself?" Bokuto grinned.

Akaashi rolled his eyes.

"Yes. I'd prefer to have you, my closest friend, over some silly paper and wood." Akaashi dutifully confirmed.

Together, the two read in silence further, occasionally having small talk.

Akaashi would choose bokuto over a library any day of the week.


"I'll be leaving soon to spread the word." Akaashi told Bokuto as they walked around the castle. The winter air was so cold, Akaashi could see his every breath. The two sat down at a bench.

Bokuto sighed.

"I understand. I wish you could stay longer." Bokuto told him, already missing the boy. Akaashi laughed, a sound that made Bokuto feel better.

"Stop talking like I'm going to die. I'm not leaving forever. Depending on what happens, I'll visit the castle plenty in the future." Akaashi stated. Bokuto seemed to pauge at that.

"What do you mean, 'depending on what happens'?"

Akaashi's smile disappeared. Half of his brain didn't wish to stress his new friend, but the other half told him Bokuto had a right to know.

"There's this guy in the town..." Akaashi started.

"He's, to say the least, obsessed with me. It was fine when I first met him, for years. But one day, all of a sudden, things changed. He was everywhere, constantly asking me to go with him to this ball or that ball. It doesn't help that he is good looking and a child of a rich family, so he could potentially destroy my brother's reputation if he wanted to." Akaashi explained as detached as he could, so not to remind him of the horrors of Kuroo stalking him.

Bokuto had gone quiet.

"Don't go back to town." He whispered. Akaashi looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"What do you mean?" Akaashi asked.

Bokuto looked like he was going to cry.

"Don't value stupid me over you! You could be happy here, in the library, away from Kuroo forever. You don't need to go back and get yourself hurt. And let me guess, your way of spreading the word was to get Kuroo involved, right? Mr I'm-a-rich-boy has influence! Don't do it Akaashi." Bokuto wailed.

Akaashi didn't hesitate before throwing his arms around the boy.

"Why would I leave you? As I said, I value you more than a library. Furthermore, screw Kuroo, I'll be back eventually and he's not going to stop me." Akaashi spoke with such conviction that Bokuto seemed to calm down.

As confidently as he said it, Akaashi wasn't too sure. His plan was to invite Kuroo to the ball here in exchange for Kuroo to bring more people about, potential lovers for Bokuto. They were cutting it close too. There were 2 rose petals on the rose now. This may just be Bokuto's last chance, and Akaashi could not stand the thought of losing him.


"Why is my suit yellow?" Akaashi inquired politely.

This was the night the two were supposed go through the practice night. It was still the afternoon, but both boys were in their separate rooms getting ready. In his, Akaashi was with Nishinoya.

"Yellow goes nicely with your hair. Kind of. Look, I've already finished tailoring the suit and everything so please don't make me make another suit." Nishinoya the wardrobe replied hastily, adding the finishing touches.

Akaashi nodded.

"It's not the suit that matters anyways. It's your toes." Nishinoya explained.


"King Bokuto is a terrible dancer."

With that, Nishinoya hurried the boy out the room, off to the dining room to go through the meal.


"I'M HIDEOUS!" Bokuto wailed in the mirror. Tanaka and ushijima sighed. Why was it that looking like a beast hadn't affected him for years, and all of a sudden as the rose petals had all nearly fallen, he was bothered by his appearance?

"Bokuto, you're not hideous. Sure, you've got a lot more facial hair than a normal person. Also horns. And a huge figure. And an odd face. But you're not hideous." Tanaka reassured, maybe for the 5th time that night.

"And plus, it's not your looks that's really the matter is it." Ushijima wisely added, hushing Bokuto's crying.

Bokuto nodded, and both the clock and candle understood what he meant, but was unsure of how to respond.

"Think of it like this." Sugawara's voice echoed from the tray in the door frame.

"You like books, right? So does Akaashi. How do you choose your books? Do you choose them by the colour their covers are? What about the size of the font on front? You don't. You flick through a couple pages, read the blurb and a bit more, then you decide. Believe me, Akaashi is far beyond looking at the cover of the book, I think he's in the middle of the story as of now. So don't fear Akaashi finding you unattractive in any way." Sugawara told the beast.

Bokuto got up from his chair in his suit, puffing out his chest and looking proud.

"You're right, Suga-Suga! Akaashi will not care how I look, because he already got used to the fact I'm an ugly looking book!" Bokuto grinned, walking out the door and beckoning the others behind him.

"That... went interestingly..." Ushijima pointed out.

"At least he's happy now?" Sugawara spoke with confused positivity.

The objects followed Bokuto out the room, content with the way the simpleton's mind worked.


Bokuto walked into the room where Akaashi was already seated, and sat down across from him.

"Akaashi, you look stunning." Bokuto complimented. Akaashi tilted his head.

"Even in this yellow suit?"

"Especially in that yellow suit. You're, wow." Bokuto forced himself to look away, not wanting to seem rude.

"Personally, I find the yellow suit quite... bold. Anyways, at this point of the night you'll be waiting for your food with other guests." Akaashi pointed out.

"Talk about how the town's going. Do you remember the town of Fukurodani?" Bokuto nodded.

"I went there a couple times. I'm surprised you have no recollection. I'm pretty sure I'd remember the king coming to town. I remember it was kinda small. Guess I'll talk about the economy there. How life is going. What kind of work people do." Bokuto sighed, dreading the useless talk.

"It'll be fine Bokuto-san. Pretend you're interested, ask questions. Most girls in my town are simple-minded, flatter them a little and if they giggle, you're doing it right." Akaashi said, remembering the girls and their obsession with Kuroo.

"Will do. On a side note, here comes entrees!" Bokuto gleefully exclaimed, as plates of Nimono, Tempura, Kaiseki, Tsukemono, Sashimi, Age tofu, Kamaboko and much more was brought out.

"Suga-san says dig in, he's trying a bunch of different ideas, tell him which one's you like the best." Hinata enlightens as he brings the tray and places all dishes on the table.

The two feasted, trying all colourful dishes, commenting now and then on the tastes before more was brought out. Rice based dishes, Udon, Soba, Sushi, Oyakodon, so much food Akaashi knew he'd be stuffed by the night's end.

"This is all fantastic!" Akaashi exclaimed, careful not to talk with food in his mouth. The two picked their way through the full meals, and saved a little room for deserts like Manju, Dango, Mochi, Obanyaki.

"I agree with Bokuto-san. Sugawara-san really is the best chef. It's hard to pick only a few dishes as the best, because they're all wonderful." Akaashi justified.

"Now for the dancing part of the ball! Akaashi, let's go!" Bokuto was excited as he dragged Akaashi to the next-door ballroom.

Akaashi would look back on this and remember how all else seemed to disappear. Bokuto held out his hand, with a smile that only the two of them shared.

"May I have this dance?" he asked. Yes, thought Akaashi. Share a dance, share a future.

Akaashi took his hand, and the moment seemed to last forever. The two smiling to each other, Bokuto leading Akaashi to the centre of the floor, hands together, one on his waist. Dancing around the room in time with the harpsichord, as if they were the only two people in the world.

As they danced, Akaashi swore he saw movement outside. 2 eyes seemed to meet his, but quickly disappeared.

Something tugged in Akaashi's heart, but he pushed it away. This was not a forever he wanted to ruin.


"Well it's got to be him, hasn't it?" Tanaka whispered to the others they watched the pair dance.

It didn't need to be said that there was something special between them.

"Does this mean I won't be a chair forever?" Hinata asked hopefully.

"Let's not count our eggs before they hatch, and keep praying, shall we?" Sugawara said brightly.

"Leavethose two lovebirds together. We need to start preparing for the ball anyways."Ushijima told them, as they left the two dancing in their own wo

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