(Volume 5 Finale) Chapter 14: Haven part 2-Reckoning

(3rd Person POV)

Ozpin: "Mr. Branwen!! Stop her!!!"

Lazarus: "Huh??"

He quickly looked over to the old wizard, seeing his frantic expression. In that moment, time slowed down as he spotted Cinder with the Javelin, and it leaving her hand, heading directly towards the downed Ex-Heiress. His golden eyes, slowly widening as they flashed blue, spotting the Javelin flying towards his lover... But he was too slow... He couldn't do anything in the moment... However, what Ozpin shouted to him, is what sealed the deal...

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Blood splattered and flesh tore apart as Weiss unleashed a raspy and unhealthy gasp. She slowly looked down, seeing the blade of the Javelin protruding from her stomach. The fight in the room stopped completely, with some smirking and some in horror. Seraphim even, was completely in shock, but mainly from what the Old Wizard just said...

Lazarus: "...My... Child...?"

Weiss' body fell limp as the javelin disintegrated and she fell forwards, a pool of flood spreading out underneath her.

Jaune: "WEISS!!!"

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"Stones on bones hurt not me. Stingers fly nastily. Damn you, damn you dollies, cry. Catch you, crush you, DIE, DIE, DIE!!!"

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Azealia telepathically: "No... LAZARUS!! DON'T LISTEN TO IT!!!" That raspy voice filled his mind, chanting poems and drowning out the voice of Azealia.

"A hundred soldiers hi, a hundred soldiers ho. I'm having fun, your days are don, RUN LITTLE DOLLIES, RUN!!!"

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Azealia telepathically: "No...! She's taking him over...!!! GAH!!"

She was forced out of her son's mind, landing next to Ozpin with a grunt of pain.

Ozpin: "Azealia!? What happened!?"

Seraphim: "Mom!?"

Azealia: "STOP HIM!!! She's taking him!!! If he listens to her, then...!!" Ozpin seemed to have caught on as his eyes also widened... but it was too late... The raspy, chanting voice in the Vampire's Head was too loud...

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She had finally done it. The normally calm and noble Lazarus Branwen had finally broke... completely... A pillar of violet energy erupted around him, causing everyone's attention to turn to him... but their eyes were filled with shock as the spotted a towering figure emerging from the pillar.

Cinder: "W-What...!?"

Standing tall, a charcoal-black deformed and mutated figure stood, a massively long tail with some exposed flesh at the tip swaying about. A dangerous blood red glow throughout his body as his tiny eyes glared down at them all, angrily.

Ozpin: "The forbidden technique for all of the Guardians... >Guardian Eruption<."

Cassie: "Laz...?"

All that it did... was unleash a threatening, horrifying and aggressive roar...


(3rd Person POV)

Dread... Despair... Hatred... Malevolence... Malice... and Rage...

Those were only some of the emotions that went through the mind of Lazarus... Standing 10ft tall, he glared down at everyone, mainly focusing on the angst and frightened Cinder. Steam escaped his nostrils like an angry bull as he unleashed another loud and ferocious roar, shaking the entire academy itself and causing everyone to cover their ears, being at the epicenter of the sound waves. After his beastly roar, the erupted Lazarus glanced back at Weiss, who Jaune and Ren were trying to take care of.

Lazarus: "Weiss........."

His deformed clawed hands clenched tightly as he glared death towards the False Maiden. The red glowing throughout his body pulsated as if ready to burst just as, the chanting voice returned, this time for everyone to hear.

"Salty, squishy dancing doll, I pin you to the Academy Floor. Limb from limb at once I'll tear you, DANCING DOLLY NEVERMORE!"

With another roar, Lazarus finally charged the False Maiden, who cowered but got defensively, though the massive size difference between the two, Cinder had to look up at her adversary. She had to roll out of the way of his stomp, which shook the area and created a small crater in the floor before Cinder launched at him, aiming to strike him with her Maiden Blade, but she was shocked to see it blocked completely. Lazarus had purple energy emitting from his right deformed hand, solidifying into a sharp thin blade that had blocked the blade. But it wasn't any ordinary energy... it was...

Cinder: "What!? He has Magic!?!?"

Lazarus: "Why so surprised, Fall Maiden?"

He growled at her before his blade completely snapped hers in half before resting against where her left arm should be, causing a loud hissing noise to be heard as the lady yelled in pain. Though she quickly backed away, gritting her teeth before another blade formed in her hand and she rushed back. This fight was brutal, with Lazarus easily overpowering her, destroying each blade she brought back out with his own, and his magical blades, cutting right through her Aura, causing blood splatter. It was clear he was out to kill her. Everyone in the room, was either terrified or shocked; Emerald and Mercury in particularly. Even Raven was surprised from the amount of sheer power and anger her nephew displayed, but Seraphim on the other hand, was completely frozen... Her beloved Big Brother... had evolved into a monster... A Demon...

Emerald: "Cinder!!! Merc, Sera! We have to help her!"

Looking to his green haired partner, he nodded before the two sprinted towards the blindside of Lazarus, though as for Seraphim, she didn't move at all. However it wouldn't have mattered as, the Godzilla-Hybrid already could hear them coming. So with a dangerous side glance towards the two, who had leaped into the air, ready to attack his back, Lazarus scoffed and crashed his massive tail into their abdomen, sending both crashing to the ground . Turning to face them completely, he first glared at the girl who initiated the failed sneak attack, whose face displayed pure fear, nothing else.

Lazarus: "You will regret trying that..." Just as he began approaching her, a Dust round collided with his left side. He slowly and menacingly looked to see Mercury, back on his feet. "And you... WILL definitely regret that..." He growled, before his back flashed a purple color and he roared loudly, unleashing his >Super Oscillatory Wave< upon the silver haired kicker, sending him flying into the wall, his ears slightly bleeding from the intense volume of the waves.

Immediately after, Emerald began firing off shots from Thief's Respite at the transformed Lazarus, whose thick charcoal skin simply reflected the bullets. He stomped down in her direction, but she narrowly rolled out of the way, just as Mercury went to kick his side, but was halted when his tail crashed into his face.

As the battle raged on within the academy, all of Ozpin's faction gathered around Jaune and Ren, who were in the process of treating Weiss while Cassie carried the unconscious Ruby over to them, though she slowly began to wake up with a groan.

Cassie: "Ruby! Are you okay??"

Ruby: "I'm... fine. What's going on?" She asked, a bit dizzily before she noticed the fight before her, causing her eyes to widen

Nora: "Lazarus... What happened to him...?"

Azealia: "That... is as Ozpin says... is the Forbidden Technique... the >Guardian Eruption<..."

Ruby: "Guardian... Eruption?"

Ozpin: "Yes. It is a technique granted to all of the Hybrid Guardians. It allows them to transform into smaller versions of the original Guardian beast."

Cassie: "Wait... So you mean we also can...?"

Ozpin: "Yes, Ms. Ghidra. You, Ms. Ryuseicho and Ms. Branwen can also perform this technique, but it was classified as a Forbidden Technique for a reason, because upon using it for the first time, the Guardian risks having their conscience fully taken over by the beast."

Azealia: "And with Lazarus, that chance has been risen, dangerously high..."

Yang: "What do you mean??"

Azealia: "Godzilla... is special since has two sides, the King of the Monsters... and what you see now, an mutated abomination filled with nothing but rage, dread, despair, hatred, malevolence and malice... Shin Godzilla." Just speaking the name of the abomination, sent chills down everyone's spines... "That raspy voice, chanting those poetic lines... That's her... Shin is forcing him to listen to her... so she would have all semblance of control over his body..."

Ozpin: "That's right... and his rage from witnessing Ms. Schnee's downfall, as well as their child, created more of an open for Shin." From the final line, all of the students looked at the Headmaster in shock.

Cassandra: "O_o"

Ruby: "Their child!?" the headmaster simply released a saddened sigh.

Ozpin: "Yes. Though after what happened, I'm not so sure about-"

Hazel: "OZPIN!!!" Ruby and Cassandra released slightly fightened yelps as everyone looked over towards the brute, who was absolutely livid.

Oscar telepathically: "What... was that...?"

Ozpin: "Oh no..."

Hazel: "You thought you can hide from ME!?" He immediately began ripping off his trench coat before he reached into pouches on his thighs and pulled out four Lightning Dust crystals. "You'll pay for what you did... You'll die, over and OVER AGAIN!!!"

He then stabbed himself with the Dust Crystals, infusing the Dust into his veins and causing him to surge with electrical power before roaring. Immediately, the empowered bruiser launched himself towards Ozpin but Qrow jumped in and pulled him out of the way before converting Harbinger into its scythe form.

Cinder: "Ozpin's... here...!?" Her voice was slightly strained from the pain in her body.

Raven: "Is that a problem?"

Cinder: "...I'm not sure, but right now, we got the upper hand; let's not waste it. Leo! Open the path to the vault!" Leonardo got back up and ran towards the statue in the center of the room before taking out his pocket watch and placing it in a slot on the statue, causing it to lower. "Make sure they leave Ruby alive. This won't take long."

The two bandits and the Maiden stepped onto the slowly lowering statue, before disappearing into the ground. Yang gritted her teeth, watching them with no ability to go after them, not with her teammate and cousin both in dire situations.

Nora: "Go!" She looked over to see Nora gesturing towards the elevator. "Go!! Stop them!! We have your team covered!!" The blonde was very hesitant, until...

Cassandra telepathically: "GO BABE!!!" Hearing the voice of her lover, Yang got back up and began dashing towards the Elevator, only to have Hazel and Leonardo stand in her way.

Leonardo: "I'm afraid you are not allowed to past through, young lady." Though immediately, Cassandra, Ozpin and Qrow came to her side. As they did battle, Team RNGJR were attending to the downed Weiss, who's blood was leaking more and more, staining her already stained dress.

Jaune: "Ren, talk to me!" He looked over to his 'ninja' teammate, whose expression just displayed everything.

Ren: "This is bad."

Jaune: "No, no, no, no, not again! Weiss, come on! Please...!"

Ruby: "Weiss please!! Just hang on!! Laz still needs you!" Her voice was pleading, nearly cracking as she glanced back at her brother, who was in the process of absolutely ravaging Mercury and Emerald. Cassie though, was silent as she watched Lazarus' rampage.

Cassie's thoughts: "Laz......"

Ozpin dodged out of the way of Hazel's attacks, though the sheer power of them made shockwaves to knock him back.

Oscar telepathically: "Why is he so angry with us!?"

Ozpin: "Oscar I..."

Hazel: "He didn't tell you my tale, did he boy?" Ozpin looked up to spot the brute slowly walking towards him. "I thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed..." He slowly rose his hands above his head, both clenched into rock hard fists. "You're blood won't be on my hands... it'll be on his." With a roar, he slammed his arms down though Qrow intervened and tried to block it but was too knocked back along with Ozpin but he immediately got back up and rushed towards Hazel.

Oscar telepathically: "What is he talking about!?"

Hazel: "Tell him Ozpin! Tell him how you KILLED her!"

Oscar telepathically: "...Her?"

Ozpin: "Gretchen Rainart was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress, and tragically lost her life on a training mission. Hazel holds me responsible..."

Oscar telepathically: "But... did she know!?"

Ozpin: "...... Yes she did."

Oscar telepathically: "Then you have no reason to blame yourself. You couldn't do anything. Hazel is just looking for someone to blame. You don't have to do this alone, Oz... We'll do it together." The former professor was honestly shocked by his words, before he smiled.

Ozpin: "Right. Because United we Stand and Divided they fall." He said, glaring at the enraged Hazel with his eyes shimmering their color. Though, Hazel was just further angered by this.

Hazel: "OZPIIINNN!!!"

Back with Team RNGJR, they were still desperately trying to help Weiss, however, her condition was worsening by the second.

Ren: "She's hardly breathing... I... I'm not sure of what we can do..."

Ruby: "Weiss... Please..." Her voice cracked as tears began to fall from her eyes.

Jaune: "No it wasn't supposed to be like this! Please...! We can't lose anyone else..." However, a white shining light emitted from Jaune's hands, transferring over to the downed Ex-Heiress before she suddenly gasped. Everyone looked at her in shocked, seeing her breathing slowly coming back and becoming more and more frequent. "W-What's happening?"

Ren: "I think she's going to be okay. She seems to be stabilizing."

With hope being restored, Ruby looked over to see Yang, Cassandra, Qrow and Ozpin struggling with Hazel and Lionheart, then over to her older cousin, who was still battling Emerald and Mercury, who by this time, were heavily drained with parts of the clothing ripped. Mercury leaped into the air and did a drop kick on Lazarus, who just caught his leg and ripped it off, causing sparks to fly out of it as he grunted and fell to the ground.

Emerald: "Mercury!! You damn monster!!!" However the response she got wasn't Lazarus, but Shin, her poetic voice being much louder than before and more threatening.

"Pretties circle, murderous dolls, doom infernal, Watch. Them. FALL!"

She concluded as Lazarus slammed his overgrown tail down on her, causing her to yell in extreme pain as she felt her body being crushed from how heavy it was. Then afterwards, he released his >Super Oscillatory Wave< upon her, forcing her into a bit of a crater in the ground. Ruby turned back to her temporary team.

Ruby: *turns to Jaune* "Whatever you're doing, don't stop."

Jaune: "I won't."

Ruby: "Good. I'm going to help Ozpin and Yang."

Ren: "I'll come with you."

Ruby: "Jaune and Weiss still need cover."

Nora: "No one's gonna touch em'." She said, holding Magnhild in a defensive manor. Ruby nodded before looking at Cassie, who was still fixated on her berserk leader.

Ruby: "Cassie?"

Cassie: "... Oz said the longer he stays like that, the more likely he'll lose sight of himself... I have to help him... I have to free him!" She said, her determination returning as golden lightning sparked around her.

Azealia: "I'll help you." Everyone looked to her, seeing her stand up. "I can force Shin to let go of him, but it'll be difficult. I need him to be down and out for it to work."

Cassie: "Then I'll knock him out." The former Godzilla-Hybrid looked at her and nodded. Ruby still worried for her best friend and even her aunt, but nodded and stood up, gripping Crescent Rose.

Ruby: "Okay. Make it happen RNGJR!"

Ruby and Ren leaped into action against Hazel and Lionheart, while Cassie looked down at her hands, seeing golden sparks of electricity coating them. She then glanced back at Seraphim, who was already out of her Hybrid form and was curled up in the corner of the room, hugging her knees. Cassie's hands clenched as her wings sprouted from her back and with a yell, she flew towards Lazarus, while Azealia began to concentrate so she can free her son.

Cassie's thoughts: "Laz... You've always saved us in the past... I've failed to save Olympia... Failed to prevent what happened to you... But today... I promise... I WILL SAVE YOU!!!"


She became engulfed in a bright golden light as she transformed, growing to a size similar to Lazarus, but slightly shorter. Her golden scaled body glistened as her wings sprouted and her three Dragon Heads roared loudly; Cassie had transformed... in to King Ghidorah.

With her cackling roars, Cassie double dropped kicked her leader in his back, causing him to stumble forwards as Emerald and Mercury lied in pain of the ground.

Lazarus: "Cassie...?" He looked up to the Ghidorah, who hovered in the air, the three heads roaring in different patterns and frequencies.

Cassie: "Laz , please you have to stop! Weiss is going to be okay! But if you stay like that for long, Shin will corrupt you and take your body over!" Even though his rage and hatred burned brightly, he was still sane enough to hear her warning and take it seriously, but... Shin was strong... and very controlling...

"Precious dolly, listen not to the dragon, listen to ME! I bring VENGEANCE, for your CHILD. I bring RUIN to these DEVILS!"

Her voice was loud, demanding and controlling; Lazarus grunted and yelled as he wrestled with it for control over his own body, but in turn of doing this, his form went rouge, swinging its tail at Cassie who narrowly dodged it.

Cassie: "Laz!!!" However, this time she the only respond she received was an agitated roar as Lazarus' back glowed a bright purple, before he unleashed a thin purple >Atomic Beam< at her. However, an ethereal lightning force field surrounded Cassie, absorbing the attack before she sent it back flying at him as a golden ball of electricity, knocking him back. Cassie landed on him, sinking her fangs and teeth into his skin while unleashing her >Electrical Shocks< though his body to try an paralyze him, though Lazarus was heavily resilient, knocking her off him immediately, causing her to go flying back into the others, more specifically into Hazel. Seeing the brute down, Ruby quickly turned to her sister.

Ruby: "Yang GO!!"

The blonde nodded and immediately bolted towards the hole in the ground from the elevator. Leonardo saw this and aimed his weapon for her, only for his face to go ghost white upon hearing the threatening roar of Shin Godzilla followed by a thin purple beam shooting right through his weapon arm, completely slicing it off as his Aura broke completely and blood spattered. He held his dismembered arm in pain as he slowly turned around to see Lazarus towering over him, glaring down at him, with the purple glow returning back to red, only for Cassie to fly back into him, biting down on his neck, arm and shoulders to subdue him. Just the mere sight of the two Guardians battling was enough to sent Leonardo running into another room.

As that was happened, Nora was still guarding Jaune and Weiss.

Nora: "You guys doin' okay?"

Jaune: "I think so, she's coming to. I just wish this would go faster."

Nora: "Just stop complaining and be happy you unlocked your Semblance when you did."

Jaune: "My Semblance...?"

Nora: "How else do you think you're healing her dummy?" Jaune looked shocked before looking back at Weiss. He realized that the white glow coating her turned to a light blue, like her own Aura was being refurnished.

Jaune: "No... I don't think I'm healing her... Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers."

Nora: "Wait... Aren't you worried about running out?" Jaune simply smiled at her.

Jaune: "Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her." Just as he said that, the ex-Heiress' eyes slowly began to open up as she regained her conscience slowly.

Weiss: "...Jaune...?" Seeing her regain conscious gave Nora a happy grin, before she looked back to her partner, Ren, who was dodging attacked from Hazel who had gotten back up before being punched into the wall, then immediately after, was hit with a ball of lightning, causing him to scream in pain. Though, Hazel didn't expect for Cassandra to leap onto his back and jab both of her blades and all four of her tentacle blades into his back, drawing great amounts of blood, but all the brute did was grunt as he grabbed her by the face and pried her off of his back before slamming her three times into the floor, before kicking her into a pillar, which collapsed, causing the contents on top to fall on her.

Nora: "Ren!! Cassandra!!"

Jaune: "Go! I've got her!" Nora nodded and dashed into battle as Weiss slowly began to fully come to.

Weiss: "Jaune... What's happening...?"

Jaune: "You took a heavy hit. You need to stay with me while the others fight."

Weiss: "That's... ugh, annoying..."

Jaune: *chuckles* "Good to have you back Weiss." She simply smiled a little before noticing the brutal battle between the two Guardian Beasts. She weakly reached out to them, more specifically to Shin Godzilla as her weak voice cried out...

Weiss: "L-Laz..."

Qrow got knocked back by one of Hazel's punches before the brute turned his attention back to Ozpin, who was panting from exhaustion. He quickly ran up to the former professor, preparing an Uppercut when, Ruby stepped in front of him, firing Crescent Rose at him, but the bullets just bounced off of his skin as he grabbed the shaft of the scythe and yanked it from Ruby's grip before throwing it back at her. Her own scythe crashed into her, knocking her down just before Hazel uppercuts Ozpin.

Hazel: "Hiding behind the face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!" Nora yelled as she charged Hazel and swung Magnhild but Hazel caught it and slammed her into the ground before grabbing her head and sending electrical surges through her, causing her to scream. "How many more children must die for you!?" Suddenly, Nora grabbed Hazel's hand and stood up as the electricity powered her up before she overhead threw him.

Ozpin: "His Semblance, he can block out pain. It's how he's able to handle injecting so much Dust into his body." He weakly explained at the brute got up at Nora glared at him.

Nora: "I don't need him to hurt..." With a roar, Hazel charged at her. "I just need him to GO DOWN!!!"

With the end of Magnhild coated in pink lightning, Nora slammed it into Hazel, sending him flying back through the entrance of the building and towards Adam and the White Fang.

WF Member: "What's going on in there?" He asked, as he and the High Leader Taurus shared a concern and confused glance.

Hazel: "None of your concern." He got up before taking out a pair of Fire Dust crystals and injected them into his arms, causing him to roar again. Ruby watched from inside with a look of shock, horror and a tad bit of fear before she turned to look at everyone else, who were exhausted, Ren on his knees with Nora helping him, Cassandra was struggling to stand from escaping her rubble prison, Qrow and Ozpin both kneeling, the former trying to get up and Seraphim was still in the corner, completely quiet. Lazarus and Cassie however, were going at it brutally, with each head of Cassie trying to strangle the mutated and rage fueled Lazarus, who bit violently into one of her necks, drawing blood. Back outside, Adam began to address the White Fang members.

Adam: "Stay focused. Our friends are almost done here."

???: "ADAM!"

Looking up in slight shock, Adam and the White Fang Members saw Blake standing on a building, facing away from the full moon.

Adam: "Blake?"

Hazel: "Who is that?"

Blake: "Stand down!" The White Fang Members aimed their guns at them but Adam stopped them.

Adam: "Wait!" He commanded before he fell into a fit of laughter. "To think that I went through so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to me."

Blake: "This isn't what's right for the Faunus. Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully."

Adam: "You're wrong, and you can't stop us."

Blake: "No, I can't... Not by myself."

Sun: "That's why she didn't come alone!" From their left, Sun, along with platoon of Menagerie Faunus wielding spears and shields approached them.

Adam: "What!?"

WF Member: "Who's there!?" From their right, Ghira, along with another platoon of Menagerie Faunus walked up.

Ghira: "You're brothers and sisters."

WF Member: "M-Mata...?" The male goat Faunus, known as Mata looked at him, with a saddened expression.

Mata: "Please... stop this..." Not murmurs spread through the White Fang, as they wondered what they should do. Adam however, didn't waver.

Adam: "Make no mistake brothers, these are our enemies and we will NOT let them ruin-" Cutting him off was a searchlight shining directly on him and the sound of a Mistralian Airship. Above them was one that had a Mistralian officer and Kali in it.

Mistralian Officer: "Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force. Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully." Though, that wasn't all that arrived as purple and golden lightning sparked from the sky as a Ghidorah-like roar sounded from the area. The ones to arrive this time, were three people not seen for a while, Cassie's elder brother, Ichigo Ghidra along with his teammate, Keqing Qixing and his family's maid, Belfast.

Ichigo: "Woah... Talk about a party."

Keqing: "Adam Taurus! Stop your pointless attack this instant!"

WF Member: "Mistress Qixing...?" From inside of the Academy, everyone's attention was grabbed by the sound of the Mistralian ships and the searchlights.

Emerald: "H-Huh...?"

Weiss: "What's happening?"

Jaune: "I'm not sure..." He responded before he looked at her. "How are you feeling?"

Weiss: "Better." She said as she sat up, a small newly designed glyph in her palm. "Much better. Keep it up." She smiled at him. Back outside, Adam's face displayed disbelief and anger as Blake leaped down in front of him.

Adam: "How!? How did you do this!?"

Blake: "Adam, it's over." He looked around for a way out but there was none, so gritting his teeth, he pulled out the detonator.

Adam: "Then it's over for all of us."

Female WF Member: "Hey, wait!" They all winced as Adam pressed the button but to their surprise, nothing happened.

Adam: "Huh?"

Male WF Member: "What are you doing!? Trying to get us all killed!?" Immediately, the bull Faunus grabbed his collar and scowled dangerously at him.

Adam: "I am making Humanity, pay for what they've done!!"

Blake: "We sent someone over to confirm your explosives. And once we did, she disarmed them. " From the CCT Tower, Ilia walked out, holding the wires to the bombs, angering Adam more, but he begrudgingly looked back to Hazel.

Adam: "What do we do?"

Hazel: "This is your business, not mine. Fix it." He said, brushing off his shoulders.

Blake: "I told you Adam, it's over."

Adam just growled before rushing at the cat Faunus. However, a certain sword stabbed the ground in between the two, forcing everyone outside to look up, only to spot a winged figure doing an acrobatic flip in front of the moon; It was Olympia Saisei and incoming behind her, was Mania and Miana. She quickly landed in between Adam and Blake, and kicked the former right in his face, sending him crashing down onto the ground as she pointed her Goddess' Rebirth at the White Fang Members.

Blake: "Olympia." The princess simply shot a smirk to the girl behind her before glaring daggers at the Bull Faunus.

Adam: "You...!"

Olympia: "You... brought my mother into this... thinking you could capture me so she'd be force to take extreme measures... I may be a princess...I may be naïve... But once you mess with my family... I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, ADAM TARURS." His gritted his teeth before yelling in an enraged manor.

Adam: "KILL THEM!!!"

Listening to their leader, the White Fang Members began to Fire at the Mistralian Airships and at the Menagerie Militia while they, along with Sun, Ilia, Belfast, Ichigo and Keqing fought back. Hazel was watching this all go down until a glowing white Stinger, stabbed him in his Abdomen before pulling him back into the main building. Everyone inside watched at Weiss had a swirling white aura with a White Queen Lancer behind her. Though soon after, she gasped upon spotting Blake and Olympia.

Blake: "Ruby...? Weiss...?"

Ruby: "Blake...? O-Olympia...?" Immediately from hearing the name of their dead Teammate, Cassie and Cassandra looked over to her, shock overtaking their faces.

Cassie: "O-Olympia...? You're... alive...?"

Olympia: "C-Cassie? Is that you...?" Blake's eyes widened immediately from hearing the princess call out the name of her girlfriend. She looked to the Ghidorah, her eyes widened as they made contact...Though, this reunion didn't last long as Shin Godzilla unleashed her >Atomic Beam< upon Cassie, striking her in her back, causing her to scream and roar in pain as she fell out of the sky. "CASSIE!!"

Blake: "What... is that!?" He asked in shock and horror as she was witnessing Shin Godzilla absolutely brutalizing King Ghidorah.

Ozpin: "That... is Lazarus... His rage awakened this demon and now, he cannot control himself."

Blake: "What? Lazarus... is alive...?"

Cassandra just watched in horror, seeing her two teammates... her two best friends in an all out brawl, before everything was engulfed in a dead silence and everything slowed down. The roar of Iris sounded through her mind as she began to glow... Her desires... they were to protect her friends, her team... but more importantly... she didn't want to lose him again... the one who showed her that she could trust again... Her leader...


Lazarus: "Cassandra, you have every right to not trust me... or anyone to that matter... but you have to understand that trust is a risk. You took that risk when trusting Cassie and look at you two now, best friends, sisters. I took that risk when trusting my new family and now, I have people that care about me. You don't have to, but I'm asking you to take that risk with me, with our friends. I don't want to harm you in anyway, Cassandra... because you're my partner... my teammate... my friend... And I will do ANYTHING to ensure that NO ONE can ever hurt you." She seemed shocked as she stared at the half Vampire, then at his hand in disbelief before looking at her own, to see it trembling... Lazarus decided to take another step and take her hand, causing her to jump. He looked at her with a calm and friendly expression. "I won't EVER hurt you the way they did in your past. I promise." The tears were clearly visible now as Cassandra stared at me in bewilderment.

Cassandra: *timid grunts*

He gave her a small smile before pulling her towards himself and embracing her...

Lazarus: "Yeah... I promise."

(End of Flashback)

Cassandra's thoughts: "Laz... You... You fucking idiot... But... that what's make you so trustable and likable I guess... Hehehe..." She released a smirk as she began to glow a bright red color and stand up. "You've helped me in the past... Now it's my turn to return the favor... Partner."


Erupting in crimson energy caught everyone's attention as she watched Cassandra transform... Turning into the Evil God of the Land himself, Iris.

Standing as tall as Shin and releasing a roar of anger and frustration, Cassandra dashed towards the rampaging Shin Godzilla and rammed into its side, knocking them outside of the building, tearing the wall down in the process and causing all of the Faunus outside to look on in shock, fear and horror.

Cassie: "Cassandra..!"

Immediately, she too got back up and flew outside, circling the two as they brawled furiously. Cassandra rammed him against the side of the building, causing violent shaking before one of her left arm blade extended and made a slashing motion towards the monster's chest. However, Shin countered by firing off his >Atomic Beam< right at her arm, completely severing it causing blood to fly out and for Cassandra to roar in pain, just before Shin jabbed her fingers right into the glowing yellow area on her chest, completely puncturing it and forcing more blood to spray out, painting the courtyard of Haven in a red coat.

However, it didn't last for long as Cassie >Gravity Beams< made contact with Shin's face, disorienting her and giving Cassandra time to use her tentacles to wrap around the mutated beast's body and throw her to the other side of the courtyard. This time with the combined power of Ghidorah's >Gravity Beams< and Iris' >Sonic Scalpel<, Shin was forced to try and shield herself from the golden beams and lightly, however, she swung her massive overgrown tail at them at such velocity, sending out an arc of purple energy that knocked both of the Guardians down and sliced the roof of two buildings completely off; this was the >Plasma Cutter<.

Ozpin: "This isn't good. Even with the two of them, it's still not enough to knock Shin down."

Nora: "Then what do we do!?" Weiss just looked on in sadness before she touched her belly, where her wound originally was before being healed.

Weiss: "Laz..."

Olympia looked on in shock before her face straightened and she glanced over, seeing Seraphim. Seraphim seemed to have noticed her as she looked up, her expression changing to one of shock but was quickly replaced with shame.

(Play Song)

Olympia telepathically: "Seraphim?" The Battra-Hybrid flinched upon hearing the voice of the princess in her head. She looked back over to her, only to see her staring at the fight outside.

Seraphim telepathically: "What do you want Princess? To berate me? Torture me?"

Olympia telepathically: "You... really care about chief... right?" That question took her by surprise, but considering that they're literally inside each other's heads, it wouldn't matter if she lied.

Seraphim telepathically: "Of course I do... He's my Big Brother after all... But, I've caused him so much pain... even today... Now he's stuck like that... destined to become a mindless monster..." Olympia was silent, her fists slightly clenching as she watched the fight, seeing Cassie get knocked out of the sky by Shin's tail. "There's no point anymore... Your team... their just throwing away their lives, trying to do the impossible... It's just hopeless... and I contributed to this..."

Olympia telepathically: "...So that's it...? You just want to give up like that?"

Seraphim telepathically: "Huh?"

Olympia telepathically: "Your own brother is suffering and in pain and you're not going to do ANYTHING about it!? You finally get to see him again and this is how you act!? Just get a grip already! I know for a FACT that if you were the one in his position, Laz would immediately do anything to rescue you, even if you don't deserve it." Seraphim was speechless as she watched the princess face her fully, her expression mixed with anger and frustration. "So stop whining and sitting in that corner and get your ass up! BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER NEEDS YOU TOO!"

Shock overtook the Battra-Hybrid's face as she stared at the pure determination that the princess displayed. She could even heard the roar of Mothra Lea in her head, which Battra responded to in a positive manor. Olympia was right... and now... Seraphim knew what to do... Her fists clenched as she glowed a bright red color and stood up, causing Olympia to smile and begin glowing a bright green color. With a silent nod towards each other, they both flapped their wings and flew outside.

Blake: "Olympia??"

Jaune: "What are they doing??"

The two climbed high into the cold night sky together, their glowing becoming as bright as stars before the dived down towards Shin as their respective Guardians roared loudly.


Shin Godzilla had thrown Cassandra off her and stomped on her heavily battered chest, causing her to roar in pain. However, the roars of two particular Divine Moths caught her attention. Shin looked up, only to be met by a bombardment of purple and rainbow colored lasers that struck her head, disorienting her and allowing Cassandra to get up. Diving down from the sky was Seraphim and Olympia Saisei, now taking the form as their Guardian Beasts, Battra and Mothra Lea.

Now agitated, Shin roared at them aggressively, before her back glowed a bright purple and she unleashed multiple purple beams from her back to strike the two, however, they managed to dodge out of the way and fire off their >Prism Beams< and >Cross Heat Laser: Rainbow< respectively, interrupting the attack. While Shin was distracted, Cassie flew in and slammed both of her tails, using the spiked areas to penetrate the thick armored skin of Shin Godzilla, who in returned roared as she began to lose blood. Immediately, Olympia unleashed her >Crystal Flare<, releasing Rainbow power from her wings that fell onto Shin Godzilla. She tried retaliating with her >Atomic Beam< only for the beam to bounce off of the reflective powder and hit herself.

Olympia: "Guys!! Keep attacking!!"

As planned Olympia started the assault with her >Cross Heat Laser: Rainbow< along with her >Lightning Hurricane<, unleashing jade lightning bolts from her wings and her >Sparkling Pileload: Rainbow<, firing a highly explosive beam of blue energy from her chest. Seraphim unleashed her >Prism Beams< along with her >Prism Lightning<, golden-orange electrical bolts from the three horns on her head while Cassie fired off her >Gravity Beams< and Cassandra, her >Sonic Scalpel<. With all of the powder surrounding Shin Godzilla, all of the Beams, instead of being reflected, were supercharged to do even more damage as Shin Godzilla stood there, roaring in pain and helplessness as she was really trapped. But she let her anger be known to the Guardians that surrounded her.

"Dollies should not move. Dollies should not bound. Dollies should... Dollies shouldn't... Dollies should... Dollies should DIE AND BE SMASHED BAGS OF SALT AND FLUID! YOU CANNOT BRING MY RUIN!!!"

Her raspy and poetic voice was agitated and highly aggressive as she tried to escape the onslaught but couldn't move at it. It was too much... just too much to handle as finally, Shin Godzilla collapsed, the purple glow reverting back to the red color before completely shutting off. They had done it... Shin Godzilla... was down...

As their attacks halted, Azealia quickly leaped in and placed her hand on the head of the mutated beast, before it and her began glowing a bright blue color.

Azealia: "My son... I will cast outside this darkness... and Set. You . FREE!"

. .
. . .
. . . .


. . . .
. . .
. .

"Good... night... sweet... heart... good... night..."

Those were Shin's final words before she fell silent. The grotesque mutation slowly reverted and devolved back into him... the Single Horned Vampire, Lazarus, his head laying in his mother's lap as she stroked his head, a tearful smile on her face.

Azealia: "Welcome back... my son."

Everyone released sighs of relief and happiness as the Four Guardian Beasts roared into the night victoriously before glowing their respective colors and devolving back to Cassie, Cassandra, Olympia and Seraphim, who all were exhausted. Back inside, Ruby smirked at the remained people of Salem's faction, who were all exhausted.

Ruby: "That's enough! Just give up." Out of anger, Mercury slammed his fist against the floor.

Emerald: "It's not over! Cinder will come back and she'll have the relic and she'll take out all of you! She won't let us down." However, the sound of the elevator caused everyone to turn their attention to it but contrary to what she said turned to the elevator Yang was the one standing on it holding the relic. She had noticed Blake and Olympia, who smiled at her.

Ruby: *smiles* "Yang..."

Cassie: "You were saying?" She smirked at the green haired thief, who had tears streaming down her face as she fell to her knees. Hazel began to look around warily as Mercury hopped his way over to Emerald.

Mercury: "Emerald, get up. We got to go. Emerald...!"

She looks up, panicked while looking at everyone and hyperventilating before her eyes widen and she screamed. Suddenly, the room turned dark as red and white lights kept it illuminated.

Blake: "Huh!?" Everyone looked up to see black smoke raising up but it formed into a humanoid shape... a figure recognizable all too much to Ozpin, and Seraphim... Salem... She shrieked at them before rushing at them as everything turned to black...

A sharp gasp caused everyone to wake up. Ruby and Olympia were trembling in fear as everyone looked around the room, realizing that there was nothing... Even Emerald, Mercury and Hazel were gone.

Blake: "Wha... What was that...?"

Ozpin: "An illusion but an accurate one... That was..."

Seraphim: "Salem..."

Blake released a sigh before she noticed her parents entering the building. She ran up to them and hugged them as Sun and Olympia joined them.

Kali: "The police rounded up the remaining White Fang Members; Haven is safe."

Ghira: "Unfortunately, it appears that Adam escaped."

Ilia: "It's okay." Everyone looked to the entrance to see Ilia, Maina and Miana slowly walking up to them. "He was the only one to escape tonight. Those in the White Fang that followed him, won't support a leader who abandons his people. He won't have their help after this, he'll have no one at all. And the White Fang, will be left divided. And as for his plan with Black Mailing the princess' mother, he'll definitely forget about it considering he witnessed the power the princess had. So it's safe to assume he'll leave you and your family alone, your highness." She addressed Olympia with a small bow. The princess herself released a sigh of relief.

Olympia: "That's good."

Ghira: "We've been fighting amongst ourselves for too long. Perhaps it's time for a new brotherhood, a new family for Faunus truly working towards a better world."

Kali: "And they'll need a new leader." Ghira just sighed as he looked at his wife.

Olympia: "And said leader will need new guards." She said smiling at her before she looked to Maina and Miana. "Maina, Miana. You're new orders are to accompany and assist the Belladonna family with the new brotherhood founding."

Blake: "Olympia..." She simply smiled at her before turning back to her two priestesses, who both smiled.

Maina and Miana: "Yes, princess."

Olympia: "Good." She smiled at them before she noticed, Ichigo, Keqing and Belfast approaching them.

Keqing: "I apologize I couldn't help with the situation earlier, Ghidra." She apologized to the man, who just waved his hand dismissively and smiled.

Ghira: "No need to apologize, Ms. Qixing. You and your family are quite the busy individuals. Besides, I think it was better that us Faunus solved our issues, this time without the help from people as great as you."

Keqing was shocked to say the least, but understood and smiled, nodding her head. As that happened, Ichigo and Belfast noticed Cassie and waved at them. She just smiled at them softly and waved back. Sun also noticed the remainders of Team RWBY and LCOC and waved at them before spinning Blake and Olympia around so that they would face their teammates. Yang walked down the stairs towards her uncle, before handing the Relic, which was a golden Lamp to him.

Qrow: "What happened?"

Yang: "I don't know exactly. When I got down there, Cinder was gone, and Vernal was dead..."

Qrow: "And Raven...?"

Yang: "...Gone..."

Qrow: "Well, we're all glad you're still here firecracker." He said smiling as he rested a hand on her shoulder. Lazarus could be heard groaning as his eyes fluttered open, the first thing he seeing is the face of his mother. "Seems like Horns is up to."

Lazarus: "What... Ow my head... Weiss... Where is..."

Azealia: "Easy son, you've been through a lot. And don't worry, she's alright."

Lazarus: "And... my baby?" Azealia just responded with a downcast and a slight shake of her head, causing him to look down with a heavy and depressed sigh. Though the warm hugs of Cassie and Cassandra who sat next to him, calmed him down

Cassie: "There's always a chance... so don't lose hope yet..."

Lazarus: "Right..."

Just at that moment, Ruby groaned as she collapsed to the ground, Weiss quickly joining her side.

Weiss: "Are you okay?"

Ruby: *pants* "I feel like I should be asking you guys." She then looked at Weiss, saddened. "Especially you... since..." the Ex-Heiress knew what she was talking about as she looked down at her stomach and held it, her eyes trembling as tears fell down them. She looked over at Lazarus, who looked back; she had a look of guilt for not telling him nor listening to him.

Lazarus: "Don't worry Snowflake..." She looked back at him, seeing him smile a bit. "We still have hope... that our baby survived." Weiss' tears fell onto her already stained dress but she smiled back at him. Yang then collapsed next to her team, also panting before they all looked up at Blake, who had approached them. "So Blake. What are you doing here?"

Blake: "I... I were going to ask you three the same thing." The three just looked at each other, smiling lightly.

Ruby: "That's... A loooonnng story..."

Blake: "Well... I'm not going anywhere."

Ruby: "That's all that matters. That we're all here together." She glanced at her sister. "Right?" Yang looked at Blake who looked away sadden with her ears flattening but then... she smiled...

Yang: "Yeah..." Blake's ears perked up as she smiled at them. Weiss extended her hand to them, gesturing for her to join them, which she swiftly and happily did. The reunited Team RWBY engaged in a powerful and emotional Group hug while everyone watched with smiles. Lazarus noticed Cassie's expression, which was still a bit conflicted, but then they looked towards Olympia, who was standing right before them, smiling a bit sheepishly and nervously.

Lazarus: "So it is true... you are alive... Olympia."

Olympia: "Y-Yeah... Ehehe... sorry for dying on you guys..." She joked innocently, which caused Lazarus and Cassandra to laugh a little while Cassie smiled.

Cassie: "You bundle of adorableness, just get over here already. This team isn't the same without you." She said, gesturing to the Mothra-Hybrid to join their hug, which she happily did, crying tears of joy in the process.

Olympia: *sobbing* "I missed you guys... so much...!"

Seraphim watched them, in silence. Seeing her brother so happy, made her warm inside, but she knew she wouldn't have a place here. Not after what she did... And after hearing that Raven left, she was truly... alone...

Azealia: "You're not alone, my daughter..." She gasped slightly as she felt the comforting embrace from her mother. "You may have did bad things in the past... but you can always start over and try again... this time with your family..."

Seraphim: "M-Mom..." She choked on her tears as she began to cry softly into her mother's shoulder, her wings drooping downwards. Ozpin was breathing heavily as he kneeled before Qrow walked over to him.

Qrow: "I don't know how, but we did it Oz. You okay?"

Oscar: "I'm alright..."

Qrow: "Kid?"

Oscar: "He's resting... too much energy fighting..."

Qrow: "Oh, hey, don't strain yourself."

Oscar: "No... He had a message... We must... take the Lamp... to Atlas..."

He fell over unconscious as Qrow caught him. Qrow the set him down gently and looked at the Lamp which continued that heart beating sound before sighing.



Team RWBY: 4/4
Team LCOC: 4/4

And Volume 5 is finally OVER!!!!!! God this took WAY longer than expected!

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