Chapter 10: Ambush
(Lazarus' POV)
The first thing I see when I woke up, was the sleeping face of my Ex-Heiress. Her fully exposed shoulders and the area just above her beasts that were exposed from under the covers fully confirmed that last night wasn't a dream at all.
Weiss: "What are you staring at, Horns?" I chuckled a bit and noticed Weiss staring at me, also smirking though there was small blush on her face.
Lazarus: "A cute Snowflake. That's what." I smirked back. Then I remembered that my hands were still on her rear from last night so I gave it a nice squeeze and a light slap, causing her to gasp and moan a bit before blushing and pouting at me.
Weiss: "Dolt! At least warn me first before you do that!" She scolded me.
Lazarus: "But you loved it, didn't you?"
Weiss: "D-Dolt..." She blushed before she pecked me on the lips, causing me to chuckle and take my hands off her soft, rounded rear.
Lazarus: "Well, since we're up already, wanna have some coffee?"
Weiss: "Yes, that would be nice." She smiled at me as she got up off of the bed and reached for her scattered underwear before she began making her way to the shower. Then she looked at me, smirking. "Care to join me, Vampire?" I smirked back and followed her into the shower. Today's gonna be a good day indeed. I can tell...
(3rd Person POV)
Sitting outside the house that they all stayed in, was Ruby and Cassie, who were both watching the sunrise with bright smiles on their faces, especially from the previous night's reunion.
Yang: "You two are up early." The two best friends turned around and saw Yang and Cassandra approaching them with bright smiles on their faces.
Ruby: "Hey Sis. Cassandra."
Cassie: "Hey you two."
Yang: "Boop!" She said playfully as she touched Ruby's nose with her hair, causing her to giggle before the blonde sat next to her. Cassie giggled at the sisterly interaction before she noticed Cassandra touching her nose with her hair.
Cassandra telepathically: "Boop!"
Cassie: "Oh stop it, you cute demon girl." She giggled while Cassandra giggled and sat next to Yang.
Ruby: "What are you two doing up?"
Yang: "Can't fall back asleep."
Cassie: "Really? Us too."
Weiss: "Well fortunately..."
They turned around to see Weiss, and Lazarus approaching them, both holding a tray each of three cups of coffee.
Weiss: "... Coffee exists."
Lazarus handed one each to Cassie and Cassandra before sitting next to former while Weiss handed one to Yang and was about to hand one to Ruby who flinched.
Ruby: "No please!"
Weiss: "Don't worry, I put in blasphemous amounts of cream in sugar, just for you."
Ruby: "Aw yeah! Nice Weiss strikes again!" She was about to take it when Weiss suddenly pulled it back.
Weiss: "I will pour this on you and it will burn." She said semi-seriously before handing it to Ruby who took it with an innocent smile and giggle. Weiss soon after sat next to Lazarus, holding her own cup.
Yang: "Can't believe we're actually in Mistral."
Ruby: "That's what you can't believe?"
Yang: "Well, yeah! And all the other Magic and stuff, but okay, you know what I mean!"
Weiss: "I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever see you all again."
Cassie: "Yeah. Especially you." She said smirking at Lazarus who just chuckled and scratched the back of his head
Lazarus: "Yeah, Yeah. Don't have to remind me."
Yang: "Well, here's to defying expectations and defying death." She said as she winked at Lazarus who rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile before they all toasted and bumped their mugs against each other... Well except for Ruby who was already gulping down her coffee.
Ruby: "I just wish Blake and Olympia could be here with us..." She said while frowning. The remaining members of Team LCOC all lowered their heads, in respect for their 'dead' teammate while everyone else gained somber expressions.
Yang: "Yeah well, Blake made her choice." The others looked at each other, raising eyebrows before back to Yang.
Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Yang: "I mean, she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal though, we'll be fine."
Weiss: "You... don't want her here?"
Yang: "Why would I want her here?"
Ruby: "Are you... still mad at her for leaving?"
Yang: "Oh, whatever gave you that idea Ruby? No, I'm totally fine, I'm great."
Cassie: "Okay calm down Yang-" She was cut off by Yang, who glared at her with her eyes red.
Yang: "Don't tell me to calm down! And how can you be so calm about this!? Your own girlfriend left YOU!" Cassie's eyes widened as she remembered a nightmare she had...
Blake: "This is why I left you... you were so weak, you let the princess of the Houtua Tribe die... And YOU told me that you were going to save her."
Blake: "You see? You were too weak to save Olympia and were too slow to save Lazarus... I can't be with someone who allows her friends to die... You shouldn't have come back, Cassie... You should have just stayed away from us..."
(End of Flashback)
Ruby: "Woah... Yang..."
Cassie: "... Right... She left me..." Yang, only just realizing what she said, gasped as her eyes widened and they turned back into their Iliac color. "Even though we promised to be together forever..."
Yang: "C-Cassie... I'm so-" Cassie wasn't having any of it and quickly used her Semblance to bolt away as a lightning bolt, back into the home. Yang looked down, feeling bad before she sighed in frustration and got up before walking back into the house. Ruby, Weiss and Cassandra all glanced at each other while Lazarus sighed.
Olympia was taking a quiet stroll through the town at night while smiling brightly at everyone she passes by. She eventually reached a river and looked into it smiling. Though she noticed her reflection in it from the shining moon and then stroked her long white hair, thinking about something.
Olympia: "Hmm... Maybe I will..."
???: "Princess!" She turned around and was shocked to see a guard approaching her... more specifically...
Olympia: "Renly!?" Renly was one of Olympia's Tribe guards from when she lived with her parents back in Vacuo. He is known as an Integrity Guard. "You're alive!?"
Renly: "Yes. I was fortunate enough to survive the attack on our tribe. Your mother was killed, however we have managed to revive her using the same ritual that was used for you." Hearing the fact that her mother was alive was enough to make Olympia sigh in relief. But then... "However, your father wasn't as lucky since he's not a Mothra hybrid like you and your mother..."
Olympia: "I see..." She frowned, hearing that her father had perished forever. "What are you doing here Renly? Shouldn't you be in Vacuo with mom?"
Renly: "Well, actually, I was tasked by her majesty to retrieve you and return you to Vacuo, Princess." Olympia looked dumbfounded.
Olympia: "She did what...? Why?"
Renly: "You mother had seen what happened during the fall of Beacon and she heard of your death due to it. She's worried for your safety, knowing that if you were to die again, you wouldn't be able to be revived again." Olympia sighed and rested her hand on her hip.
Olympia: "Look, I understand her concern... But I can't just go. I would be abandoning my friends, who I still want to see. So please, go back and tell my mother that. I know she's worried but I'll be fine."
Renly: "Princess please just don't make this difficult. Once she finds out that you're denying her, she'll send more of us to bring you back, even if we had to do it by force." Olympia looked at him angry and clenched her fists.
Olympia: "Then tell her that I will fight anyone who tries to take me away from them. I'm not the naïve, mommy's child I was back then. Goodbye, Renly." With that, she used her >Silk< to swing away Spider-man style. As she was she heard a commotion and looked to her left to see... Blake tied up in some kind of spider web while a Spider and Bat Faunus surrounded her and Ilia stood in front of her. She was about to intervene when she noticed Sun watching from a roof top. She decided to land next to him. "What's happening???" Sun immediately shushed her.
Sun: "Just listen and look."
Ilia: "I tried to warn you, Blake... I'm sorry..."
Blake: "Don't tell me you're sorry!"
Ilia: "But I am! I am sorry it had to be this way! But you and your family are holding the Faunus back!"
Blake: "Because we're trying to protect people!? In what world do you live in where attacking innocent people is the right thing to do!?"
Ilia: "The same one as you! There's no such thing as innocent! There's no right thing to do, only what's best for us. There's the Humans that still hate the Faunus and there's the others who stand by and let the hate happen!"
Blake: "So what about the Qixing Family!? Everything they did was to help out the Faunus!"
Ilia: "Yet they've done NOTHING to stop all of the hate for the Faunus! In fact, they just all allow their fellow humans to continue on the hate! But you know what snaps out hate? Fear. I don't like hurting people, but I'll tell you this..." She pointed her Lightning Lash at Blake's neck. "It's gotten us results."
Blake: "Yeah. Look where it's gotten you." Ilia's eyes widened before she briefly pondered on Blake's retort. However, she just shrugged it off.
Ilia: "We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. No matter how much it hurts."
Blake: "And you think killing me is really for the greater good?"
Ilia: "No... But getting rid of your family is."
Blake: "You wouldn't! You can't! I won't let you!" She cried out as she struggled to free herself
Ilia: "I know... That's why you are being sent to Mistral will be joining you... to Adam." Blake's shocked expression greatened. "And the Princess of the Houtua Tribe as well."
Blake: "What!? Leave Olympia out of this!"
Ilia: "Oh, but you were the one who brought her into this fight. Now we had heard that the Queen of the Houtua Tribe is now searching for the Princess. So Adam have decided to that we will take possession of the Princess so the Queen will have no choice but to aid us in attacking Haven."
Blake: "What!? You blackmailed her mother!?!? What is wrong with you!?!?"
Ilia: "It's the only way... With the Queen Moth aiding us, the Humans are sure to fear us."
Blake: "Ilia, please! You don't have to do this. This isn't you!"
Ilia: "Yes. It. Is! But I guess back then you were too busy falling for Adam AND Cassie to notice." Blake flinched upon hearing her mention Cassie's name but noticed the spots on her cheeks turning pink. "I was always jealous of the way you looked at them. I wanted you to look at me that way..." She closed her eyes, but when she reopened them, they changed to pink.
Ilia: "But we can't always have what we want." Her eyes and cheeks returned to normal as she addressed the other two Faunus. "Yuma, with me. You two, get her to the docks. And soon after, find Princess Olympia and bring her to Adam, by force if you have to." Ilia left with Yuma as Trifa the spider Faunus, tugs on the silk holding Blake.
Trifa: "Let's go, traitor." Blake however, remained stationary...
Blake: "NOW!"
Trifa: "Huh?" Suddenly, Sun dropped down from the rooftops, tackling the Faunus next to Trifa to the ground. "What!?"
Immediately after, Olympia dropped down from the sky and drop kicked Trifa right in her face before she unhooked Goddess' Rebirth from her blouse before forming it into its Lance form and made fencing thrusts towards Trifa who narrowly dodged each of them. Just as Trifa launched some silk towards Olympia, she transformed Goddess' Rebirth to its spear form and twirled it slashing the Silk apart before she thrusts the spear forwards, striking Trifa right in her chest causing her Aura to flicker and for her to tumble to the ground, knocking her unconscious. Olympia glared daggers at her and launched multiple >Silk< from her hands at her, keeping her tied. She walked over to Blake and twirled her Goddess' Rebirth, slicing open the Spider Silk that entrapped her before she converted her weapon into its charm mode and hooked it back on her blouse.
Blake: "Thanks for the backup."
Sun: "Thanks for the invitation. Are you okay?"
Blake: "No. You both heard Ilia, my family's in danger."
Olympia: "So that's why......" They both looked at Olympia, her hair casting a threatening shadow over her green eyes. "That's why mom was so desperate to bring me back... They... Blackmailed her..." She gritted her teeth as a green Aura surrounded her and the roar of Mothra sounded throughout the area.
Sun: "O-Olympia??"
Olympia: "........." She suddenly unleashed a full on roar as her eyes glowed a bright green. "ADAM!!!!!!!!" She yelled in absolute rage just before she her >Silk< up onto the roof and swung away towards the Belladonna's house.
Sun: "Olympia!! Wait!!"
Blake: "Come on let's catch up to her! Sun, call the police!" The two began to run after her as they both took up their scrolls. "Come on, mom. Pick up."
In the Belladonna residence, there was gunfire heard while a scroll, showing Blake was vibrating on a table. Suddenly, the table was flipped onto its side to act like a barrier.
Guard: "Get down!"
The guard and Kali took cover behind the table as two White Fang members fired towards them. The guard poked up and began firing at the White Fang members, managing to take out one before getting shot and falling next to Kali. She decided to take up the gun and take matters into her own hands.
Kali: "Get out of my house! Ghira!" She called out to her husband before ducking under a bullet.
With Ghira, he was near the front of the house, taking un multiple White Fang members, easily brawling them while a guard was taking out one with his spear. A White Fang member tried to kick Ghira but he caught his leg and slammed him into the wall before upper cutting another and slamming him into the ground.
Ghira: "Go find my wife!"
A White Fang member rushed him but he just karate chopped him in the back. Before the guard could go find Kali, he was shot in the back and fell into Ghira's arms. At first he was sadden, but then that sadness turned into anger as he saw the ones who shot him... Fennec and Corsac...
Corsac: "I believe it's time our dear chieftain stepped down, brother."
Fennec: "Yes brother, I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree."
Ghira's clenched fists suddenly opened, revealing claws. Then he grabbed his coat and threw it off himself before growling in anger. Then he let out a threatening roar...
Things are getting spicy! Also sorry for he late upload!
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