Chapter 1 Keep Holding On
Emma's P.O.V
My dad scolded at me.
"A B-? Really Emma? You could've done better." he tells me holding up my report card.
"Well AP Calculus is hard dad." I say try to come up with an excuse.
"Well that's why you're in it." he replies handing me my report card, "You know what happens if you get a B Emma. No technology for two weeks." I sigh and hand him my phone. He takes it and leaves me alone in the living room. This sucks. Why can't dad just understand I'm not the perfect girl he wants me to be? I can't be perfect. I head upstairs to my room and pull my dark brown curly hair out of its pony tail. I shut my door behind me grabbing one of my favorite books and lie down on my bed. While reading I hum along to one of my favorite songs. 'Keep Holding On' by Falling In Reverse.
"Emma please stop singing that trash. You know how much I hate that music." I hear my dad say I across the hall. I didn't know I was singing. I thought I was just humming. Well I guess I'll be quiet now.
*The Next Day*
I finish getting ready and head downstairs for breakfast. I grab the cereal when my dad walks in.
"Don't eat that. It has a lot of sugar. Have something healthier." he tells me. I sigh and put the cereal away. I grab some toast and a cup of orange juice. I quickly eat it and head out. I get into my car and drive off to school. I put in my Falling In Reverse album and listen as Sink Or Swin plays.
"What if the devil was a lie? What if God did not exist? So with all due respect tell me what is death if life is just a bitch!" I sing along loudly. I reach the school within minutes and park my car. I get out and head towards the building. I saw one of my 'friends' waiting for me. See what I did there? She's not really my friend. Actually I hate her. I only hang out with her because my dad says its good for my image. And I hate that.
"Hey BFF!" she squeals. I smile at her and hug her back. We pull away and start walking inside.
"So are you going to Tyler's party?!" she says too loudly.
"Um...I don't know...I wasn't invited." I mumble.
"Well you are now! And you have to go! Everyone's gonna be there!" she squeals.
"Well I have to ask my dad." I tell her.
"You're such a goody two shoes! You have to loosen up!" she says.
"I still have to call my dad." I say looking for my phone, "When's the party?"
"Tomorrow! At nine!" she says. I nod and keep looking for my phone. Oh right. My dad took it. I sigh.
"My dad took my phone." I reply.
"Here use my phone!" she says handing my her phone. I dial my dad's number and it rings. He answers after the fourth ring.
"Hello?" he asks.
"Hey's me Emma." I reply.
"Oh Emma...what do you need sweetheart?" he asks.
"I was wondering if I could go to a party..." I say waiting for the reply.
"You know I don't like parties." he says.
"I know but I'm gonna be with Kimberly. Nothing will happen." I retort.
"Well...okay...when is it?"
"Tomorrow." I tell him.
"Oh! Tell him we're going shopping after school!" Kimberly says.
"Kimberly wanna go shopping after school. Is that fine?" I ask.
"Okay Emma..." he says.
"Bye dad! Love you!" I say.
"Love you too." he says and hangs up. I give Kimberly her phone.
"Why are we going shopping?" I ask.
"For clothes to wear for the party!" she says with a 'duh' tone. I nod just as the bell rings. I head off to my first class just after I say a quick goodbye.
Andy's P.O.V
I decided to skip school today for no reason. I was walking down to my friend Jake's house. I reach the porch and walk in like I own the place.
"The party can officially start!" I shout. I find Jake passed out on his couch with beer bottles scattered around him.
"'re no fun." I say. I walk to his fridge and find a beer. I take it out and open it. I take a sip looking for something fun to do. I look back at Jake. Hmmm....
Fifteen minutes later I've made Jake a masterpiece with a sharpie. I drew the classic mustache and glasses. The I drew a dick on his face and started doodling random stuff on his exposed skin. After a while I finished with I <3 Andy. I grab my phone and snap a picture. After I wake him up and smile.
"Hey sleepyhead!" I say.
"Oh hey Andy." he mumbles. He gets up and stretches.
"I need to use the bathroom." he says heading off. He walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. I count down from five. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
"ANDY!" Jake shouts opening the door and running after me.
"I didn't do it!" I shout dodging him.
"You liar. And a dick? Really?" he asks tackling me to the ground. I get up and smile at him.
"Well I'm leaving now! Bye Jake!" I reply running out before he can do anything else. I head back to my house. Right when I walked in I heard yelling. Oh great.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT! I DONT WANT YOU IN MY LIFE ANYMORE!" my mom shouts at my dad. They're fighting again. Great. Just great.
"Mom? Dad?" I ask.
"JUST GO AWAY ANDREW! NOT NOW!" my dad yells. I sigh and walk over to the fridge. I grab a beer and head out to my porch. I drink my beer then pull out a cigarette. I light it up and take a blow. Life literally sucks.
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