Chapter 12

Zoro's eyes shifted between the strangers in the driver's and passenger seats. Not a word was uttered as they drove to their destination. They were reserved but somehow he sensed a strength within them. They were much taller than him, and carried themselves with pride. However, something about their expressions was off. He figured he'd find out soon.

Gazing out the window, Zoro took note of each place they drove past. They were in Mink Territory so it was interesting to see what night life was like compared to other places he'd been.

The blur of city lights soon merged into a more rural secluded area. 

Eventually a large mansion was within sight. 

"This is our destination." The woman finally spoke up, as she eyed Zoro through the rear view mirror. He nodded in return.

It was dark outside as he emerged from the small vehicle and followed the man and woman.

He stopped halfway up the paved path between the mansion and the parked vehicle, and noticed that lights of the building were already on.

He continued following the pair into the house, and down a flight of stairs. Entering the basement, he was met with two other men. A blue haired man and a fishman.

The pair joined the two men at the table, and Zoro did the same.

After a few seconds of silence, Zoro looked up and was met with a sight that was completely unexpected.

The fishman was... crying.

Zoro suddenly felt out of place. Had he missed something?

"*Sniff* Th-thank you so much f-for coming!!" The fishman said.

"Uh… no problem?" Zoro answered still confused. 

"Allow me to explain." The tall black haired man finally spoke up, and Zoro shifted his attention towards him.

"We come from an Island far from here called Wano." He started.


"My name is Kinemon. This is Kiku." He explained as he pointed to the woman. "This is Denjiro" he pointed towards the blue haired man. "And this is-"

"This blubbering idiot is Kawamatsu." Denjiro interrupted.

"Hey!! That was uncalled for, Denjiro!" Kawamatsu shouted.

"You're crying is uncalled for! We're all in the same situation as you are. Learn to control your emotions." Denjiro reprimanded.

Instead of offering a rebuttal Kawamatsu sunk into his chair.

Now Zoro was really confused.


"Anyway…" Kinemon spoke up once again. "We work for a very important figure in the land of Wano, and due to a very close call, we were tasked with watching over his daughter during her stay here."

"A close call?" Zoro intrigued.

"An unsuccessful kidnapping." Kiku explained. "It currently isn't safe for the Master's daughter to be home. As a result, she is staying at this residence here in the Grandline."

"However…" Kinemon said.

"However?" Zoro prompted. 

"SHE RAN AWAY!!" Kawamatsu wailed, as he continued his blubbering.

"Yes… unfortunately, she ran away." Kinemon concluded, with a somber expression.

Silence filled the air before Zoro spoke up once more. 

"Isn't this a job for the police?" He asked. 

"Considering that she's 19 years old, a legal adult, there's nothing the police can actually do. And besides…" he trailed off.

"We can't let it be known that the young miss is gone. Not only does it put her at risk…"

"But our jobs too! Master Oden would kill us if he found out we failed our one job!!" Kawamatsu was still blubbering.

Zoro contemplated their words. Well, this was the reason he was here. Mihawk trusted him with this job, and Zoro refused to let him down.

"What does she look like?" He asked, their expression brightened slightly.

Kiku took out her phone and showed a picture of the girl in question.

Although they didn't notice, Zoro's eyes widened slightly at the picture. He'd recognize this girl anywhere. The girl that captured his attention those weeks ago. He hasn't seen her since but…

Hiyori was her name...

"Alright. I'll find her."


Nami sat in her room, staring at her phone. Hoping and praying that Vivi would call or text. She called Vivi countless times over the weekend, but she must have turned her phone off. Without a doubt she was embarrassed by the video, and Nami couldn't help but feel at fault. She shouldn't have left Vivi alone like that, knowing that she didn't want to be at that party in the first place. 

That's why Nami's heart nearly broke when Vivi refused to talk to her at school today. It's not that she outright said to leave her alone, but whenever Nami tried to talk to her, she said she was busy with student council stuff, and ended up leaving right after school.

Was Vivi mad at her? Nami thought back to the choice she made over the weekend.

Feeling loss, Nami turned to Ace for help, despite knowing how much Vivi would hate that. She knew that if Vivi knew Ace was still trying to remain relevant in her life, she'd go ballistic. So did she figure it out? Is that why Vivi was ignoring her?

With only an ounce of hope left, Nami sent one last text to Vivi.

Nami: hey I'm here if you need me

She waited for a couple of seconds, before setting her phone down. She sighed to herself, as she hugged her knees. This was a waste of time...


Within a second Nami grabbed her phone and eyed the screen. She'd finally replied!

Vivi: if my parents ask, I'm at your place tonight

Wait what?!

She quickly typed her reply. 

Nami: wait wdym?? where are you?!

Worry swelled in her heart once more, but after a few minutes, she realized Vivi wasn't going to text back.

Why was she acting like this?

Feeling distressed, Nami searched through her contacts. She didn't feel like being alone. As she strolled, she could only think of one person who might care right now and sent them a message.

Nami: are you free right now?


"I've been worried out of my mind all weekend, but she's ignored me!" Nami vented as she paced back and forth. "And out of the blue she sends me a text saying to cover for her?!"

Luffy listened in silence as he sat on a park bench trying to digest her words.

He thought it was kind of strange for Nami to text him so late, but it turns out she just needed a friend. So of course he would try to help! However, he never knows what to do or say in these situations.

"And I know at times, I can be selfish, I get that. But so can she!" Nami stopped pacing and turned towards Luffy. "Or is it actually my fault that she's distancing herself from me... is it my fault??"

Was she asking him? How was he supposed to know?! He racked his brain trying to find an answer, but he really needed more details.

"Uh who are we talking about again?" He earnestly blurted out.

Instead of answering, she sunked to her knees and sighed.

"Ah- what's wrong??" Had he said something wrong?

"Don't worry about it...." She looked up at him and smiled, before walking over to the bench and sitting next to him. "I shouldn't burden you with this stuff." She said with a far away look on her face.

Nami seems to have a lot on her mind, and Luffy wished he could help more, but...

"I don't mind it. I may not get what you're saying, but it's not a burden or whatever…" he assured her.

"Thanks Luffy…" She grinned wryly.

Sensing she wasn't content with his answer, he continued. 

"I think I get how you feel. I'm having trouble with friends too." Not knowing how to comfort her, he thought the least he could do is show her that he relates.

"Really? With who?" She intrigued.

"Hm well Usopp has Kaya now, Sanji works a lot, and Zoro gets lost all the time... Oh and Ace kicked me out tonight!" he frowned


Wait... Ace kicked him out? Nami thought back to the text Vivi sent and connected the dots. She grinned at the thought that her plan to get Ace and Vivi to make up may be working.

If that's the case, then she really has nothing to worry about. If they make up, then she's one step closer to Sabo.

It's only a matter of time.

She giggled to herself before remembering where she was. Luffy seemed confused by her actions.

In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to hang out with Luffy a little more.

She found it cute how he was trying to relate to her, but still felt he didn't quite get it. Nonetheless, everyone has their own trials and who was she to say what is or isn't worth worrying about.

"Hm, so what I'm hearing is that both of our friends aren't paying enough attention to us."

Luffy thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"So there's only one thing that we can do!" She declared as she stood to her feet.

"What what??" With eyes full of wonder, Luffy urged her to go on.

"You!" She said with her index finger pointed at him.

"Me?!" He answered back.

"And me!" She continued as she pressed her thumb against her chest.

"" He drawled.

She noticed that he was getting confused, and decided to wrap this up.

"Have got to stick together!"

Luffy looked at his hands and muttered for a moment. "Me...and you..have got-!" After realizing what she just said, Luffy hopped to his feet as well. "Seriously?!"

"Yup! From now on we're besties!" Or at least until things with Vivi goes back to normal. 

Nami really loved hanging out with Luffy and his friends, but a cute girl like her couldn't stay with such brutes for long. In the meantime, they could definitely offer her some entertainment.

"And I'll fix things with your idiot friends for you!" She might as well do something nice in return. 

"Cool!!" Luffy laughed as he jumped up and down. "I guess Usopp was wrong about you!" He revealed still giggling to himself.

"Eh?! Wrong about what?!" Were these guys seriously talking about her behind her back?

"Mm something about being…. manipative? I don't really know."

"Manipulative?" She asked, annoyed.

"Yeah, that."

Before she could go off about how annoyed she was, a rumbling sound came from Luffy, followed by him falling on his hands and knees in anguish.

"Agh… so… hungry." He groaned.

This guy really was full of surprises.

"Um… do you want to get a snack?"

He looked up at her, and brightened, as he rose to his feet once more. 

"I know the perfect place! Follow me!" He commanded as he dashed off.

Again. Full of surprises.


The large grandfather clock ticked eerily, as Perona's eyes fought to stay open. She ignored the urge to fall asleep as she flipped through various TV channels, avoiding all thoughts regarding her green haired housemate.

Well, almost all of them.

As she glanced at the time and then to the door, her mood only worsened.

Where is he?

Calling him had only proved to be worthless. His phone was either turned off, or he didn't have any reception.

He'd done this a million times before. Mostly because he was lost. But right now, it was different. Not only was she worried for him, but she was worried for herself. She felt like if he didn't come back home, she wouldn't be happy. It's like…

I need him.

She blushed at her thoughts, and for once decided not to push them away. 

She thought about their early mornings, in which they tried to make breakfast, but always failed. 

About the countless car rides they shared.

About his lack of humor and despite how rare it was for him to smile, he never hesitated to do so around her.

As her eyes failed to stay open, fond memories drifted into hopeful dreams. 

Dreams of his arms around her.

Dreams of him tenderly whispering her name.

Dreams of him promising to love her and only her.

Instantly her eyes shot open.

"Oh shit."


Claire de Lune. A melody which resembles a heart falling in love. One does not simply listen to, but experiences it. The gentle ups and downs prompt the mind to go numb, and follow the hearts every beck and call. A truly romantic piece. Nonetheless, there's an ever present loneliness within it. Despite the whimsical feeling love brings, it is almost always accompanied by a hidden bitterness. Knowing this, the heart still proceeds to love with it's entirety. A heart hopelessly in love. 

The pianist's fingers danced over each key as Sanji absentmindedly hummed along. The pleasant atmosphere of the Baratie is only one of the reasons why Sanji loves his job. As he walked from table to table, taking orders, his eyes wandered over to the receptionist area. 

His jaw dropped as a delicate flower walked through the entrance. With a grace and elegance about her, she looked around in awe. Sanji's heart rate quickened as he eyed the girl. 

He could recognize that beauty from a mile away. The same smile and orange hair that he admired everyday in Algebra 2. The same aura of confidence she carried with her. It was none other than Nami-san.

As she spoke to the receptionist she seemed to be having trouble. Without an ounce of hesitation Sanji approached the situation.


As Nami arrived at the restaurant of Luffy's choice, she hesitated.

The Baratie was one of the most high end restaurants in the area. Considering that the waitlist was up to three months when the Nefertari's tried to make a reservation, Nami doubted that they could get it; much less pay for this place. 

She turned to Luffy and almost laughed at the stupid grin on his face as he eyed the building.

"Uhh Luffy? I don't think this is the place for us." She told him sheepishly.

"I have a plan!" He beamed with confidence.

"Ah- okay I guess…" she knew that they'd probably just get told to go home but followed the boy inside.

As they entered the restaurant, Nami's senses were immediately greeted with the beautiful atmosphere. The champagne lighting and wooden flooring screamed high class. The pleasant music almost brought tears to her eyes.

Suddenly she was grinning as well. Nami had always envisioned the life of luxury in her future, and this just felt right.

However, after walking past a mirror on the wall, she felt somewhat out of place. Jean's, a crop top, and zip up sweatshirt were probably not the preferred clothing for those who live a luxurious life. Maybe she should find a sugar daddy… Would Sabo mind that?

"Patty!!!" Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Luffy's loud voice, as he approached the receptionist. Does he know him?

"L-L-Luffy?! Why are you here?!" The receptionist seemed to be frightened by Luffy's presence.

"Patty, give us a snack!" The boy pleaded.

Was this his plan? Nami sighed as her dreams of luxury living would have to be put on hold for now. She walked up to the receptionist to apologize, but was instead met with a familiar face.

"Nami-San! What brings you to our humble eatery?" The blond boy asked with a slight bow.

"Sanji-kun? You work here?" She didn't know him that well, considering that they never really talk, but was pleasantly surprised. So this was Luffy's plan.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Will you allow me to show you to a table?" He asked.

"Woah woah woah Sanji." The receptionist interrupted. "Didn't the boss ban your little friends from ever coming back?!" The man seemed a little... rough to be working here. He had tattoos and a gruff looking beard.

"Well Patty, the boss isn't here right now is he?" Sanji glared back at the man. "And might I remind you who the sous-chef is?"

The man grit his teeth in return. "You won't hear the end of this, brat."

Despite the pleasant atmosphere of the restaurant, the tension between the two was a little frightening. But Nami decided to use this to her advantage.

"Woah the sous-chef? At only 17?" She fawned over him. Maybe she could secure a permanent spot as a guest here…

"Oh ha yeah I've worked pretty hard I guess…" Sanji rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed.

"Yeah he's the coolest!!" Luffy spoke up.

"Luffy?!" Sanji just seemed to notice the boy. "What are you doing here?"

"Uhh I'm here with Nami!" Luffy told him.

"With….Nami-san?" A horrified look struck his face, and Nami could tell what the blond boy was thinking. Oh boy.


Nami-san's having dinner with this idiot?

He glared at his younger friend, before turning his attention back to the damsel.

"Is he holding you hostage, Nami-san?" He asked seriously.

"Oooh is hostage a type of meat?" Stars were practically in Luffy's eyes.

"Ahh no don't worry, Sanji-kun! Luffy just suggested we come here for a quick snack!" She explained.

"Yeah a to go box or something!" Luffy spoke up once again.

Considering that Luffy was banned from the Baratie, giving him a to-go box was probably the best option but…

"Nami-san, you're not here for dinner? A table just for you?" He conveniently left Luffy out of the equation.

"Ahh I would love to, but my mom wants me home by 11:00. Perhaps another time?" 

Sanji looked at his watch to see that it was already 10:34.

"Of course…" Agh he really wanted to impress her. "Follow me."

"Yeah food!! Food food food!!" Luffy began chanting. Sanji tuned out his friends' antics as he directed them to the kitchen.

As requested he beautifully packed a single piece of Sicilian whole orange cake for the lady. And some left overs for Luffy.

"Hamburger steak!!" Luffy cheared. "Thanks Sanji!!"

Sanji glared at him once again.

"Mm thanks Sanji-kun!" Ahh what an angelic smile.

"Anytime Nami-san!" Hearts were practically in his eyes.

"Okay gotta go now, Sanji!!" The black haired boy announced before rushing out with Nami.

And of course he didn't pay. Luffy really seemed to cause trouble wherever he went.

All Sanji could do was sigh. Simultaneously because of how exhausting his younger friend is, but also in disbelief at how much he got to interact with the orange haired girl.

As a result, he couldn't mask the smile on his face.

"Hey, brat! Where's the rest of the orders?!" 


Well, it was time to get back to work.


"Finally! I haven't been to the Baratie in forever!" The boy laughed as the two jogged down the sidewalk.

"So lemme guess," Nami started with a laugh. "Your plan was to bring me because you knew Sanji-kun wouldn't turn me away?" 

"Ahh something like that!" Luffy radiated excitement at every angle. He really liked food.

"Well that's kind of genius. It definitely worked." 

A life of luxury was no longer out of reach. And she didn't even need a sugar daddy! Just a blond sous-chef as a friend.

"Me? A genius??" Luffy gaped in slight disbelief.

"Ah well almost." She corrected with a teasing grin.

Before long they made it to her house.

Hanging out with Luffy and then Sanji really had been fun. More fun that she's had with Vivi lately. And while she doesn't blame Vivi for being distant, that doesn't mean Nami can't have fun.

"Didn't Ace kick you out?" Nami asked.

"Oh yeah…" Luffy seemed to have forgotten. A dejected look suddenly adorned his face. "Well, I'll figure it out."

She felt bad for the kid. It was pretty sketchy that Ace and Vivi sent similar texts to them. And while she had wanted the two of them to date again, it was still a little annoying.

And with this temporary friendship between her and these boys, she felt like she had to do her part. 

"Hey, just stay here tonight!" Nami offered. "My sister's at college so her room is empty." 

The boy's face lit up once again.


"Yeah my mom won't care!" Her mom had a lot of trust in her, so Nami doubted she would care that her friend is a boy.

"Yes!! I have somewhere to sleep!!" He shouted. Luffy really was an open book.

"Yeah, yeah, well you better go to sleep. My beauty rest can not be disturbed."

"Hm yes, you definitely need that." He agreed.

Her eye twitched at his words.

"Don't make me regret this, Luffy." She reprimanded as she unlocked the front door.

However, she hid the smile on her face.

Luffy, Sanji, Usopp…

If it wasn't for her plans of this friendship being short lived, she could really see herself becoming good friends with these guys.


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