
~With Tommy~

Well, I just got a text from Rossy and he was saying that Eimi's last show with Marigold is in a few days, and he personally wanted me to come to the going away party the company's having for her.

He asked me if I'd be interested in coming over to Japan and joining them in celebrating her last day with them, and I said, "Of course I will", but I also asked him if he could keep it a secret from Eimi and the others.

Eimi and I go way back, in September 2019, when I started working for Stardom as a manager and over time, we became the best of friends.

She was such a beautiful girl and such a darling as well. She treated everyone with love and respect and never saw me any differently, and luckily she knew Italian and Japanese, so Japanese was the one language I specialized in after studying it so much, and it worked out for both of us.

I mean, Eimi Matsudo, she's such a lovely girl, we get along to this day.

And one of her her best friends, Mai Sakurai, we actually used to date for a few years, but earlier this year, when I signed with WWE, we had to break up because of how much of a struggle it was going to be for both of our schedules to meet up and have a few dates or whatever, so we broke up on good terms.

Mai was upset about us breaking up, but she knew it was the right call, and from what I heard, she got over it and we still talk today, as if we're brother and sister.

I mean, she's a really cool gal and while we broke up, Mai's still one of the nicest girls I ever had the pleasure of meeting and having as a girlfriend.

Anyway, I personally asked Shawn and Hunter if I can take a week off to spend time with Rossy and Marigold to celebrate Eimi's last day as a member of the Marigold roster, and they allowed me to go.

So, after buying the tickets, one for Eimi and one for myself, I asked Rossy if I could talk with him at lunch, and sure enough, he agreed,

I'm really looking forward to being back in Japan after a long time, but I'm really excited to see Eimi and the others again. I did hear that she has been working with some of the new trainees and was mentoring them as well, so it's really awesome to know that she was willing to give back before coming to America for NXT.

~14 Hours Later~

Once I landed, I texted Rossy to let him know that I was here and I want to meet with him before the going away party for Eimi. He agreed and we met up at a restaurant, where I learned that he was taking some of the trainees out for lunch after a hard day of training, so it works out for everyone.

After I got my hotel room, I took a shower, dressed, washed my face a little bit before I put on some deodorant and grabbed the card and left for the restaurant.

I learned that the restaurant was going to be a ramen restaurant, so it'll be nice to have some authentic ramen once again.

When I arrived, it was packed, but I immediately saw Rossy and three of the trainees having fun and just chatting away while one of them talked with him.

As I walked up, he saw me and he looked excited despite the Bell's palsy he's got.

Rossy: トミーちゃん。 (Tommy-chan.)

Me: やあ、ロッシーさん。 (Hey, Rossy-san.)

We both shook hands and I can just tell he's happy to see me again.

Rossy: 着陸したばかりなのに、疲れてないですか? (You just landed, aren't you tired?)

Me: いやいや、飛行機の中で寝ました。 (No, no, I slept on the plane.)

Rossy: 女の子たち、私はあなたたちが誰かと出会ってほしいです。 (Girls, I want you to meet someone.)

Three of them were looking at me in excitement and they looked happy to see me as I recognized one of them already.

Me: あなたはきっと柚木ちゃんですね。 (You must be Yuzuki-chan.)

Yuzuki: はい、そうです!トミーさん、初めまして! (Yes, I am! Nice to meet you, Tommy-san!)

We shook hands as I met a girl named Rea Seto and Seri Yamaoka.

These were nice girls, and I can tell in their eyes that they're determined to become big stars in wrestling, so it's really awesome to meet them.

When I sat down, Rossy and I got to talking.

Rossy: えいみくんの送別会のことは知ってる? (So you know about our going away party for Eimi-kun?)

Me: はい。私がここにいるのは、彼女がアメリカでの新しい生活に慣れるのに助けが必要だとわかっているからです。 (Yes sir. I'm only here because I know she's gonna need some help adjusting to her new life in America.)

Rossy: あなたはもう何年も彼女を知っているので、彼女を助けることができると信じています。 (You've known her for years now, so I trust you can help her out.)

Me: 感謝します。とにかく、私はエイミちゃんのためにちょっとしたことをしたいと思っているので、ここでお互いに話せて嬉しいですが、私を番組に出演させてもらえないか知りたいです。(Appreciate it. Anyway, I'm glad we're here talking to each other because I wanna do a little something for Eimi-chan, but I want to know if you can get me on the show?)

Rossy: 番組で? (On the show?)

Me: サプライズです。彼女はまだ私がここにいることを知らないですよね? (As a surprise. She doesn't know that I'm here yet, right?)

Rossy: 彼女はそうしません。 (She doesn't.)

Me: よかった。それでは、私の新しい入場曲を使って、花を持って登場すれば、うまくいくと思います。 (Good, so if we can use my new entrance song and I come out with the flowers, I think we can pull it off.)

Rossy: わかりました。装備は持っていますよね? (Alright, then. You have your gear with you, right?)

Me: もちろんです。私は常に準備万端です。 (Sure do. I'm always prepared.)

Rossy: 賛成だよ、トミーちゃん。彼女が君を見た時の表情を見るのが楽しみだよ。 (Then I'm all for it, Tommy-chan. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees you.)

Me: 私も同じです。ロッシーさん、ここに来られて本当に感謝しています。日本で最初に私を歓迎してくれたのはエイミちゃんだったので、今度は彼女のNXTデビューをアメリカで歓迎することで恩返しをしたいと思っています。 (Same here. Rossy-san, I can't express how grateful I am to be here. Eimi-chan was the first person to welcome me in Japan, and now I wanna pay that back by welcoming her to America for her NXT debut.)

Rossy: 実はそんなことは知りませんでした。 (I actually never knew that.)

Me: ある意味、一周して元に戻るので、考えてみるとおかしいですね。 (It comes full circle in a way, so that's crazy to think about.)

Rossy: 本当にそうだよ。 (It really is.)

As we shook hands, I was getting a little choked up, knowing how it's gonna be that awesome to see Eimi tomorrow for her last show and then going away party the next few days.

After that talk, I had some pork ramen and I gotta say, it was delicious as it brought back so many memories when I was with NOAH and it was around the same time I signed a contract with WWE, and it really made a bit emotional, looking back on that.

After the meal, which I paid for, I let Rossy know to send me details on the party and when to come into the place for the show to surprise Eimi after her match, and he was going to.

~One Day Later~

When it was the show, I got into a really good outfit as I had to be ready.

I basically got into my suit, but I didn't want to overdo myself, so I'm sticking with the suit for tonight.

Anyway, I drove over and I met up with Rossy, who lead me to the janitor's closet until it was time.

~1 Hour Later~

Well, I got a text from Rossy, saying that they're all out in the ring with Eimi and they were about to pick her up and carry her around the ring and then pose, so I got out of the closet, sped up a bit, and I managed to get to the entranceway.

I looked to walk in and it was perfect timing as they posed for the cameras, doing the Marigold logo with their hands, and after a second, I signaled the audio people to start playing my entrance music...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

...and when "Oh my God" was sung, the fans exploded and the talent was confused a bit until they knew it was me, and Giulia was stunned and shaking her head as if it wasn't really me.

But at the second "Oh my God", I entered with the flowers and the fans and the women continued to cheer their hearts out for me, but Eimi had her jaw dropped on the floor and she was moved away from everyone and turned around to cover her mouth in shock.

I had a tear running down my face as I smiled and walked slowly towards the ring, and when I entered after swiping my feet, the fans and the wrestlers sang in near perfect English...


I assumed they've been watching my work in NXT, so I can appreciate that.

I acknowledged Mai first because she was emotional as Eimi was, but when Eimi turned back to me, she broke down in tears and cried, hiding them with her hand for a minute, but as I got close to her, she didn't hesitate in hugging me as I did the same with everyone applauding and clapping.

Eimi just bawled into my shoulder, just so happy that I was here in Marigold, but I was gonna cut a promo as well.

I saw Mai was being left out, so I gestured her to join in as I hugged them both.

I missed these girls and to know that DDM is back together for one night, it really means so much to all of us.

When we all released, Eimi was still tearing up, but she was smiling, much to my delight.

Eimi (tearfully): なんで教えてくれなかったの? (Why didn't you tell me?!)

Me: 何だって?秘密にしておきたかったんだよ。 (What? I wanted to keep it a secret.)

Eimi (tearfully): まあ、確かに効果がありました。あなたは私が今まで出会った中で最も優しい人の一人です。(Well, it definitely worked. You're one of the sweetest people I've ever met.)

Me: 永美ちゃん、君にはそれがふさわしい。今夜は君の夜なんだ、わかった?君にはそれがふさわしい。 (You deserve it, Eimi-chan. This is your night, got it? You deserve it.)

Mai was still emotional as I had the three of us pose for the cameras, doing the Donna Del Mondo pose... let everyone know that DDM is still alive, even if it's disbanded.

After we did the pose, we group hugged once again, but I had to cut a promo.

I asked for the mic and I was given one as my theme faded out.

Me: So, yeah, I'm here to officially announce that while this may be Giulia's last show in Marigold, that doesn't mean that she won't be back. She's always gonna find a way to come back and make her way to Japan for family and friends. And for Giulia, there's a favor I wanna pay back. You and your friends have done so much for me and I did manage you guys in another promotion.

Eimi covered her mouth and smiled, but I knew I had to go further.

Me: We all know the name, but it's more cursed than Voldemort, so I won't speak it, but as a way of paying back all the stuff you've done for me, Giulia, not only are you gonna room with me, I'm gonna be your manager in NXT.

She gasped and covered her mouth, but I knew I had to elaborate on that to the women and the fans.

Me: For some context, I didn't have a place to stay as I was on the street, no one bothered to take me in, and Giulia was one of the only people to allow me to live with her until I got my own place, as well as she was in a group of people who paid the first month of rent as a birthday present for me.

The fans and the talent were in shock as I kept talking.

Me: We never dated or anything, but we respected each other's boundaries and privacy as that should matter more than anything. We've been through a lot, and we stayed best friends no matter what, and that's why I have a big enough reason for her to not only room with me, but to be managed by me in NXT.

Eimi was still emotional and kept her tears back as I was going to finish.

Me: Giulia, if you could allow me to be your manager for NXT, I would be extremely grateful and extremely honored.

Without hesitation, she nodded as everyone applauded and we hugged once again.

As soon as the show was over, we went our separate ways for now as the going away party was happening in a few days.

~A Few Days Later~

I got dressed in normal clothes and looked to get to the restaurant where they were having the party, and luckily I was invited because when I arrived, everyone just went wild.

And Eimi? She couldn't be more gorgeous than right now!

I mean, Eimi can make any outfit work and denim overalls are a perfect example!

When she saw me, we hugged as she was giggly with glee.

Eimi: 来ましたね! (You're here!)

Me: そうだね、それで、どうやって君をオーランドに連れ戻せばいいの? (Yeah, well, how am I gonna bring you back to Orlando?)

She giggled as we both looked at each other until we looked away and blushed. I knew I made a mistake of flirting a little bit.

Me: 聞いてください、ごめんなさい。そんなことを言うべきじゃなかったんです。 (Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.)

Eimi: いいえ、大丈夫です。あなたがそんなことをするつもりはなかったことはわかっています。 (No, it's okay. I know you didn't mean to do that.)

Me: ありがとう。ところで、君はとても綺麗だよ、それが少しでも良いことなら。 (Thanks. You look beautiful, by the way, if that makes anything better.)

Eimi: そうですね。ありがとうございます。 (It does. Thank you.)

Me: どういたしまして。さあ、パーティーを始めましょう。 (You're very welcome. Come on, let's get to partying.)

We continued to take part in the party as Eimi took pictures with the trainees and wrestlers, that I got to see afterwards.

I managed to get a conversation in with Mai and she looked really happy to see me. I mean, she was still crying after our little reunion a few days back.

Me: ねえ、詩美ちゃん。 (Hey, Mai-chan. You doing alright?)

Mai: 数日前に泣いてしまってごめんなさい。また会えて本当に嬉しいです。 (I'm sorry for crying a few days ago. I'm just so happy to see you again.)

Me: ああ、わかったよ。たとえ一度きりでも、少なくともまた会えるんだから。 (Hey, I understand. At least we get to see each other again, even though it's one time only.)

Mai: そうですよ。 (Yeah. It is.)

Me: 家族は元気ですか? 大丈夫ですか? (How's the family? Are they doing okay?)

Mai: 大丈夫だよ。父は僕と君が別れたことが気に入らなかったけど、理由は理解していたよ。 (They're alright. My dad didn't like that you and I broke up, but he understood the reason.)

Me: ねえ、麻衣ちゃん、こんな終わり方になってごめんね。ただ新しいことがしたかっただけだよ? (Listen, Mai-chan, I'm sorry for how it ended. I just wanted something new, you know?)

Mai: わかります。あなたは私が今まで出会った中で最も優しい人の一人です。そして私はあなたを愛していました。本当にそうでした。 (I understand. You're one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and I loved you. I really did.)

Mai started to get emotional and I had to comfort her in my own way.

Me: ねえ、泣かないで。私と同じようにあなたを愛してくれる人が見つかるわよ。いい?あなたは内面も外見も美しい女性よ、なぜ私はあなたと付き合い始めたの?信じて。私と同じようにあなたを愛してくれる人が見つかるわよ。 (Hey, don't cry. You'll find someone who loves you like I did. Okay? You're a beautiful woman in and out, why did I started to date you? Trust me, you'll find someone who'll love you like I did.)

Mai: ありがとう、トミーちゃん。 (Thanks, Tommy-chan.)

She smiled as I hugged her, letting her know that I'm still her friend, even if we broke up.

Soon enough, Mai, Eimi, and myself took a selfie together as we had everyone join in, but in one pic, everyone was brought together for a group photo and they took a pic...

...while I stood back, but as they were about to take another one...

Eimi: 待って、待って!トミーちゃんも来て。 (Wait, hold on! Tommy-chan, come join us.)

Me: いやいや、無理だよ。あなたのパーティーなんだから。 (No, no, I can't. It's your party.)

Eimi: どうか、私だけに! (Please, just for me!)

Me: それはあなたのパーティーであって、私のパーティーではありません! (It's your party, not mine!)

Eimi: さあ!昔を懐かしんで! (Come on! Just for old times' sake!)

Eventually, I gave in and I got around Eimi, who was smiling like crazy, just happy that I was taking a picture with the roster and her for her going away party.

After a few more minutes, I got to meet some more of these girls, including Chiaki and many more than I could count, but Bozilla was MASSIVE.

She was so tall and so big in muscle, Braun Strowman got nothing on her! I mean, she looks like like she could flip an entire school made out of bricks and concrete without even breaking a sweat!

In fact, it gave me an idea, a VERY good idea, and I think it would work in everyone's favors, since I have a friendship with Rossy and some of the girls on his roster.


Me: Bozilla.

Bozilla: Tommy, isn't it?

Me: It is, and please don't hurt me, okay? I don't wanna end up as a pile of broken bones.

She chuckled and I knew I had her.

Bozilla: At least you're gaining courage to stand up to me. What do you need?

Me: I'm gonna give you this and please hold onto it.

I pulled out a business card I have on standby, in case I plan on bringing anyone around the world, regarding the wrestling industry, over to NXT in case I need help.

Me: It's my business card, and in case something goes wrong with Eimi or any girl is in need of being destroyed, you have my number.

Bozilla: You talked to Rossy about this?

Me: I actually don't have to, because he and I have a business relationship and we worked together so many times that he said if I ever needed a wrestler or anything, I would give him a call.

Bozilla: So me as ultimate weapon?

Me: That's right. As an ultimate weapon, and don't think I'm objectifying you. I'm actually wanting you in case some things goes south in NXT as I manage Eimi. Does that make sense?

Bozilla: It does. Whatever you need, I'm there.

Me: Sounds good, and looking forward to working with you.

Bozilla: So am I, Mr. De Luca.

Me: No, please. Call me Tommy.

We shook hands to a grin and friendly agreement as it was official, whenever I needed Bo, I was gonna get her, and what I said about Rossy is true: if I ever needed one of his talents available for me, he was gonna let me know in a few weeks' advance, and this was before I left Stardom for WWE.

The reason I'm doing this business practice is because Bill Watts, former booker and retired wrestler, and VKM Sr had done this when the territories were around in the 70s and 80s with the WWWF, and promotions such as AWA, NWA, GCW (Georgia Championship Wrestling), and so on.

However, McMahon Sr didn't rape every territory for their wrestlers, as his sorry excuse for a son would do years later after he died, but what Vince Sr would do is he would call Watts up, asking for permission to bring in, like, I don't know, Kerry Von Erich or anyone in the AWA or whatever promotion, and get the guy ready for TV, Watts would agree and try to make the guy available for him, and Sr would thank him and let Bill know in an extra week's notice.

That's the business practice I'm doing with Rossy and I really think that this will work out well for everyone once I tell Shawn and Hunter when I get back.

I just have to get the "okay" from DX first before we put the practice into effect.

However, I overheard Seri, one of the trainees, and she said, making me blush a bit...

Seri: トミーちゃんは可愛いですね!もう少し大きくなったら私もトミーちゃんになりたいです! (Tommy-chan is so cute! If I were a little older, I wouldn't mind being his!)

I wouldn't be surprised if she got teased for saying that because I find her adorable in a sense.

Anyway, when the party was done, Eimi and I offered to go as I took her back to the hotel, where in my room, I had two beds, one of which for her to sleep in, as I learned that there was one more person she wants to say goodbye to: her grandfather.

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