A Few Years Later...
I remember Ayaan once asking what do I desire the most in the world? What Is the one thing I want the most more than anything?
I found myself smiling at the thought. "Freedom." I answered, without a second thought. I didn't have to—I'd always known what I wanted even if there was no chance of me getting it. "I want to be free from everyone, and everything." I then looked up, my gaze meeting his that was already on me. "I want to live as I truly want to—not the way someone else wants for me."
He held my gaze for a few seconds longer, before he nodded and looked away. "You'll get it one day." He affirmed. "I promise, I'll give you that."
I would be totally honest with you; I didn't believe him then. Reason being, it was around the time we first met, and the idea of achieving anything against the ones who wronged us seemed far fetched.
It didn't seem possible to me in the slightest. You could say I was merely entertaining him by making assumptions about what I believe won't happen. He was the one with the strong will who believed himself...and believed in me.
I'd always thought it was ridiculous. I told myself this all the time then; 'Fine. If entertaining his thoughts will at least make both of us feel better, then so be it. It's better to imagine than to never dream at all'.
I didn't say anything in regard to the promise he made—I didn't have it in me to burst his bubble then. So, I smiled softly and looked away as well. "What do you want?" I questioned, despite already having an inkling on what it could be. "What are you willing to go this far for?"
"Justice." He stated, with no hesitation whatsoever. "I want justice for what they did to my family."
My smiled widened slightly as I looked down for a brief second. He calls it 'justice', but we both know that was his own definition of 'revenge'.
Can you now understand why I believed it was all too ridiculous?
I was merely a ragdoll to them that they can toss around however they want—they pull the strings, and I do whatever they want. You could say I was the one with zero hope...I'd already given up and was ready to do their bidding for the rest of my life.
If that was how my life was meant to be, who was I to want otherwise?
Ayaan on the other hand, managed to get himself a new family that adores him—one that were financially independent; after all, his step father was already a known businessman then and considering Ayaan his only child, albeit not by blood...it was clear he would inherit the business.
You could say he has what I didn't want. He had the support, both mentally and financially. So, it was only right he had the strong will I didn't have.
We were complete opposites with the only thing in common between us being our tragic pasts.
There was no way we could fight against that powerful family and win. It didn't seem possible in the slightest bit. And perhaps, that was my insecurities speaking but could you blame me? Try being in my shoes and see if you could have that willpower.
"—I want to get back the business my parents worked hard for." He added, the determination in his voice hard to miss.
I found myself nodding, trying to be of some support to him even if I didn't have confidence in him...in us. "I hope you someday get what you want then." I stated genuinely, my eyes meeting his.
"You as well." He didn't smile—he was hardly one to do that then. "You will get your freedom one day, that I promise you."
That was years ago, I never thought a day would come where I would look back and find myself smiling at the memory. Years since I thought it would be impossible, and years since it proved to be possible as well...years since I got what I've always yearned for.
Years since I got my freedom, and allowed the name and life of Nailah Zayed die and be buried. Nailah is now my past—one I wouldn't want to ever go back too, and at the same time one that taught me way too many lessons.
Still, I'd left it all behind me, and turned a new page as...Faiza Kabir—somewhere far from Maroudi, and in the beautiful Island of Isla Mujeras—the same place I first met Ayaan. I'd always wanted to live somewhere like that, I wanted to live somewhere where no one knows me, and where I could start afresh the exact way I want to.
I can now proudly, and happily say that I've been living that way for a couple of years now. All I can say is, Alhamdullilah, because I'm genuinely happy—something I never thought I would be capable of in my life ever again.
Imran...he committed suicide right in front of me. It's extremely difficult every time I think about it, so I try not to do that. I try not to dwell on the fact that I was the one who made him do that.
A part of me constantly made me feel guilty—reminding me that perhaps, if I wasn't so harsh on him, he wouldn't have taken such a drastic decision that haunted me for the longest time. I knew he wasn't psychologically stable, and yet, I was still hard on him.
Another part, convinced me to not feel guilty—consoling me that he had gotten exactly what he deserved. That he had taken not just one, but two lives and still went on to live.
I don't know...I still haven't gotten over that, and I still haven't come to a conclusion on forcing myself to side with one thought. Instead, I allowed myself to heal slowly, but surely. Perhaps one day, I could be able to come to peace with myself, and accept whatever side I ended up taking.
Wallowing in it for long wouldn't bring it back, nor would it bring back any of the others we'd lost in this journey. I could only try to move on and live a better life as well as become a better person than I was before. A better woman both mentally, and religiously. Of course I know there were parts I'd been lacking then, I took this as a chance to focus more on my deen as well.
And believe me when I say that was the best decision I've ever made in my life. I'd never felt more peaceful than when I'd taken steps down that lane. Truth be told, I'd owe that to Ayaan...despite everything, he had always been a better religious person than I was. It was part of the reasons I'd looked up to him over the years.
Well, as for him...he's doing good I guess.
I haven't heard from him in a long time—since I left Maroudi that is. I meant it when I said I was turning over a new page, and that means I'd cut all contact with people in my old life.
I don't care what sort of ending people gave to Nailah, I don't care what life there is like now. The last thing I knew before leaving was that Hadi Groups and Zayed Co. has went completely bankrupt—left with nothing at all to salvage them.
Imran's father was still in a critical condition...but I don't know how he, his wife, or Nailah's father are as well. I hadn't tried to find out over the years.
As for Basma, I got the chance to speak to her before I leave. I wouldn't say we're exactly the best of friends, but we were less hostile to each other though I truly had zero reason to hate her...never had. All I know is that she didn't get along with my sister back then, and since I was 'Nailah' then, I had to continue the feud as well since it didn't seem like she wanted it to end.
I could say she's a much better person than I expected though. After all, she was a big help to us. She's risked a lot too; we honestly wouldn't be where we are now if it weren't for her.
I don't know what Ayaan has been up to. Last I saw him was at the airport when he escorted me to take the flight out of the country after we had wrapped everything up; it was about four months after Imran's death. I didn't tell him where I was going, but I have a feeling he knows. He seems to know almost everything.
I guess I can say he's doing good. He's gotten what he wants as well, so, I'm certain he's doing well. It's Ayaan after all, he always knows what to do best.
A small sigh left past my parted lips as I made my way towards the sea shore, my gaze fixed on the sea far beyond my eyesight. This is my favorite thing to do since I moved here—to come to the beach, and simply admire its beauty.
"Allahu akbar." I found myself mumbling, because it never fails to stun me how enticing it is. One of the reasons I choose to live here to be honest is because Isla Mujeras is known for white sand beaches, calm crystal clear turquoise water, and friendly locals. It's heaven on earth for me; especially since I found myself easily adapting as well.
It's completely different from the life I grew up, and the life I've lived as well...but the good type of different.
The sound of kids chatter gained my attention. I snapped my eyes in the direction of the source, just in time to see the kids run towards me. I grinned, and got in knees to meet their height just as they reached where I am, throwing their arms around me.
"Senorita hermosa; miss beautiful." Called out the cutest little boy I've ever seen as he pulled back from the hug, offering me the widest smiles out there; showcasing his missing two front teeth.
A huff comes from the little girl beside him. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Nunca me ilamas hermosa; you never call me beautiful." She voiced out angrily with her cute Mexican accent.
His expression mirrored hers, eyes narrowed as well. "Eso es porque eres fea; That's because you're ugly." He huffed out, making her glare at him even more if that was possible.
I shook my head, already used to their banter. It's always the same thing, trust me. "Be nice to your sister, Pablo." I reached out my hand to ruffle the boy's hair, before doing the same with his twin sister.
I don't think there's ever a day where the two aren't arguing, and it's almost always about the same thing. He's always calling her an 'ugly' girl. At this point, though I don't have brothers, I could only guess it's a thing brothers are known for.
"She's right, Pablo." A voice came from behind me, a voice that I didn't expect to hear any time soon, or ever if I'm being honest.
A part of me was quick to convince me that it couldn't be—and that I was simply imagining stuff. However, Pablo's sister, Juana looked over my shoulder; a wide grin took over her features. Not giving me a chance to react, she hastily got out of my arms and ran past me instead.
I swallowed thickly, blowing out a small breath as I got my on feet. Holding Pablo's small hand in mine, I hesitantly turned around only for my gaze to fall on the man I hadn't seen in so long. He leaned down too and swooped the small girl in his arms, before twirling around.
Juana's excited squeals came, and when he held her in his arms safely, she was quick to wrap her arms around him almost as if she knows him. He mumbled something in her ears which made her chuckle and bob her head repeatedly.
He then looked up, his eyes meeting mine and I could swear my breath stopped at that moment. I couldn't even so much as move as he closed the distance between us, Juana still safely held his arms. On reaching where we stood, he shifted his gaze from me to Pablo, whose hands were still in mine.
"And you little man, I told you to stop being mean to your sister." He rebuked lightly.
Pablo simply shrugged, not seeming to be moved in the slightest. "Senorita hermosa is still the prettiest girl I know." He stood his ground, it was cute how he was firm in believing and supporting me even at the expense of throwing his sister away.
I know I shouldn't be moved by it but come on, it's so cute. I can't help it.
Ayaan looked up then, his gaze holding me. "I know she is." He voiced out softly, his lips stretched into a small grin when I threw him a glare. He then shifted his gaze back to Pablo. "But that doesn't mean your sister is any less. You should be nice to her, okay?"
My glare disappeared, as I watched Ayaan tried to settle the two's usual argument. I would've told him he was wasting his time because they would later continue, but I didn't. Instead, I watched them with a warm smile, knowing the two must've reminded him of his younger self with his sister.
I could tell I was right, judging from how he watched the two disappear off somewhere with their hands now held together. In spite of how he treats her, I also know that Pablo cares about her more than he would like to admit it. I'd seen it on more occasions than one.
I guess brothers aren't as heartless as they portray themselves to be.
With them out of sight, I crossed my arms over my torso, eyes now fixed on Ayaan. "Well, Pablo always says there's this hombre guapo; handsome man that visits quite a lot but tells him to keep it a secret." I started, eying him suspiciously.
Ayaan feigned ignorance. "Oh, really?" His eyes met mine, still holding up his 'I don't know what you're talking about' look. "Well I guess, the man must be really handsome then if he says so."
I didn't hold myself back, I simply let out a scoff of disbelief and rolled my eyes slightly. Leave it to Ayaan to change the topic so it would focus on his looks instead. He wasn't always like this, but it seemed he has changed as well.
And I was right, because my action only made him chuckle, though he didn't deny the statement I made.
I waited until it died down, before eying him. "Why have you been visiting me, Ayaan?" I had my guess when Pablo told me. At first, it made me slightly uneasy as it brought back the memory of Imran stalking me back in the day. However, I reminded myself that he is gone...and the only person capable of doing that now is Ayaan.
He means no harm, I know that. So, I pretended to be unaware when I indeed was.
He isn't good at staying in the shadows, trust me. Especially not when the locals have come to recognize him as well over the years.
He simply shrugged, "I simply wanted to make sure you're doing well. I've been looking after you for years, you didn't expect me to simply stop that easily, right? I hope you're not offended though, I don't mean it in a bad way. I was simply worried." He questioned earnestly, searching my eyes for the answer.
I held up my glare for a few seconds longer, before letting out a loud sigh; my shoulders slumping. "No." I breathed out honestly, my hands dropping by the side. "It was nice to see you're doing good as well, I suppose."
He nodded, his lips stretched into a smile. "I'm good." He affirmed. "How about you? How are you doing earnestly?"
I folded my lips in, thinking of the right words to use. No one seems right though; despite having a thousand I could use. "I'm happy." I opted to say instead; because that's a statement I have never been able to make in my life before. This seems to be the perfect chance to say it. "I'm really happy. The happiest I've ever been." My lips stretched into a wide grin.
He held my gaze, his expression mirroring mine. "I'm glad to hear that then." I could tell when his expression for a split second that he was about to crack a joke. "You know, for a billionaire you look pretty simple." He teased.
Drawing my lower lip between my teeth, I tried to hold my smile but I couldn't help it. I chuckle, shrugging my shoulders slightly in the process. "Don't let the simple life deceive you, I'm enjoying my money to the fullest."
Despite leaving behind my life as Nailah, I still had something from my life then.
150 million dollars I have under my name.
Yup, that was me as well.
When Ayaan got the flash from Basma and couldn't crack it open, he gave it to me in the elevator the day he signed contract with Hadi Groups. I got through it from the very first trial—I knew Imran well after all. It wasn't hard to guess what the passwords was—the day we first met.
That meant I saw the details of the slush fund before Ayaan did—and ended up taking quite a lot of money that sent my dearest father-in-law to the hospital. It was honestly hard for me to hold back my laughter the day he showed up at the meeting and blew up.
I felt bad he ended up in a hospital, but I don't feel bad about taking that much from them.
I'll keep the money as a compensation for living as a beau monde...or more like a keepsake. I deserve it after all. Besides, that pretty much serves as my life insurance.
I couldn't end as a loser, you know.
Ayaan laughed lightly along with me—shaking his head in the process. To say I was shocked when he found out what I did will be an understatement; I still can't forget the look he pulled. Seemed he had underestimated me in that aspect.
Still, he eventually got over it and used it to tease me every chance he gets.
I waited for him to say something because I didn't know what else to say. However, he seemed to be just as clueless as I am as well. Luckily, a voice from a little far ahead came to the rescue.
"Faiza!" Called out Pablo and Juana's mother, her accent making the name sound weird just like the others pronounce it as well. I'm used to it though. Her gaze moved behind me, and when it fell on Ayaan, her smile widened. Seems she knows him as well. "Oh, great! Your novio is here as well. You two should come, let's all have lunch together."
My eyes widened, and without a second thought, I was in a rush to deny it. "Oh, no. He's not my boyfriend--"
"Not yet." He was quick to add, ignoring the instant glare I sent his way. "We'll be there in a minute."
She grinned, as she nodded—the look she pulled screamed she agreed with him. She seemed more excited than us, not that I am—I'm not. Turning around, she was quick to disappear back to where the others are.
I shifted my glare back to Ayaan, wondering what the hell is running through his head. "What did you just say?" I gritted out.
He shrugged, his grin widening. "What? I just said the truth." He didn't even bother to deny it. "Now come on, let's not keep them waiting."
I set my lips into a straight line, my glare not relenting. "No, go back to where you came from."
He hummed, and pretended to think before shaking his head. "No can do. I'm actually thinking of moving here as well." He flashed me the widest grin, and before I could react, he had simply walked ahead. A few steps later, he turned around and gestured for me to catch up. "You coming, partner?"
I huffed out a breath, though my lips slowly stretched into a small smile as well.
Well, I can't really tell you everything that happened after that. I can only say that our story ended with a home there, a married couple, and the cutest kids out there. Pictures hung up on the wall of a marriage portrait, a few from when the kids were born, and that along with the entire family—grandparents included.
It was pretty much a big family portrait, one that screamed we got our happy ever after.
I was truly happen then. And life no longer was hell.
I guess you could say I wasn't exactly the protagonist in the story—I took on the role of the villain as well but I'm okay with it. I'm alright with being just a side character as well.
What matters is, I finally got what I wanted the most. Freedom. And that's worth more than anything to me.
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