Chapter 9

Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

I'd admit, Basma's a much better person than I anticipated. She could've been pretending—I thought of that possibility, but I'd like to believe otherwise.

Another thing I didn't expect though, was for my mother to ask me to take her to the Maroudi Summit as my partner. That definitely wasn't planned either, and I'm not proud to admit that. It may not seem like it, but I had everything carefully planned—and that doesn't include the changes my mother is piquing in here and there.

I brought it on myself though, so I can't complain even if I wanted to.

I knew it would cause a stir. So, I weighed the pros and cons before coming to a decision. Taking her with me might cause enough turbulence—at least, enough for a jaw dropping first appearance.

Who would expect that Ayaan Fadel will show up with Basma Wambai, right? Dating, and marriage scandals would sprout up...rightfully so. However, that won't be the plan.

I'm not stupid. I know what I'm doing.

So, that's how she and I ended up attending the summit together. She agreed easily, and my conclusion is, she's doing this for her image too. It would do her immensely good to be seen with me both for herself as an individual and for her brand too.

It's a win-win for everyone. At least, for now it is.

I had zero intention of staying there for long though. I was simply there to make an appearance...say, to leave a first impression and I think I pretty much left one to remember—at least, to the people I have in mind.

If I am being honest, the Summit was boring. It's been hyped way too much in my opinion. As of the guests, the decor and everything related, I admit, they went all out and it was all good. However, the people aren't exactly ones I would want to associate myself with.

The good ones are already friends, and partners of mine. The others turned out to not be worth much, and I have zero plans of wasting my precious time on people like that. Basma doesn't agree though, because by the time I left, she seemed to be doing pretty well on her own.

And no, I didn't bid her farewell either.

Doing that might give her the wrong impression, and I'm certain she knows I have no feelings for her like that. It's purely business, and perhaps, friendship even. I owe her that for at least saving me from my mother's rants for a day—since that can't be counted as a business meeting.

Anyway, I've goofed around for two days already, and play time's over. Jokes and my mother aside, I have a serious issue at hand and a plan long laid and carefully crafted for nearly a decade. Me messing around for my first two days here is simply nothing but a chance for me to observe my enemies and allies.

To know who I'm up against irrespective of what the papers say.

And now I know. So, I decided to get moving.

The sound of something being hit, and an object immediately sent flying in the air caught my attention. My eyes zeroed on it, just in time the flying object fell and landed in the exact position it's needed—signifying a goal.

"Not bad." I commented, coming to stand beside the man who swung his club and sent the golf ball flying. Flexing my fingers, I shifted the club I held to my left hand. "Mind if I join you?"

His head turned to the side first, and after making sure he indeed got his goal right, he finally turned around to give me his undivided attention. "To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Fadel?" He inquired, his tone monotonous.

The corner of my lips tilted upwards slightly, as I faced the man as well. "Sultan Hakeem extended his offer to visit the Royal Golf Course." I shifted my gaze from him, to the vast stated field. Frankly speaking, I'm impressed. The place is pretty big, and well coordinated. "So, I decided to drop by and fortunately, I spotted you. It's better to play with an acquaintance than alone, right?"

He didn't say a thing, other than simply nod. From what I know about him, he isn't the type to speak much—that one anyone can testify to. "I just started, so, you're welcome to join." His fingers wrapped themselves around the club again, as we started to walk in the direction the ball fell. "I hope your stay in Maroudi has been good so far." He stated, casually trying to start up a conversation.

"It has. And, I didn't get the chance to say this yesterday, but, you all did well with the Maroudi Summit." We don't have anything to talk about other than this. It's basically the starting off point of our conversation you could say. "It's a shame we didn't get a chance to speak more before I departed, Mr. Hadi."

"Things happen." He let out a small, barely visible shrug. "I just hope everything worked out." He turned his head to the side, his eyes meeting mine before he added. "The incident that came up that is."

"It has..." I was cut off my the sound of my phone's ping—an indication that a message came through. Excusing myself, I slipped my hand in the front pocket of the pants I had on and pulled out the device. The screen came to life almost instantly, and the message was quick to be displayed across it.

Well this is interesting...

I tucked the phone away, already getting the message sent across. Fixing my gaze up ahead our destination, I carried on the conversation that had trailed off. "...apparently, LD party's gubernatorial candidate pulled out after a scandal about his illegitimate daughter came to light." I relayed the message I got. "That party should just give up. They've been getting scandals after the other."

He simply hummed, not giving much care to what I said...or so he feigned to be. Had it been it was yesterday, or the day before while I was still in my playing phase, I would've ignored it. However, I no longer feel like it.

"I didn't know you were willing to go that far for your wife."

Almost immediately, I could feel his gaze on me. Is he surprised I figured that out? It can't be. He should be better than this.


I threw him a small, dismissive glance...wondering why he's playing dumb. "The candidate's scandal." I stated the obvious. "You're the one behind it, aren't you?"

"Why would I do something like that?"

"His wife insulted yours last night, didn't she?" Nailah could've done the deed, considering she's more than capable and has enough reason to do so. But, someone always beats her to such things. Her dear husband. "I saw you talking to Maroudi Today's Director, Ruth last night."

Maroudi Today is Maroudi's top publishing house belonging to the Sultan's wife, and owner of BlackAce Resort where the Summit was held, Zainab Shamaki.

If you want something to spread fast, you join hands with them and it's a done deal.

And coincidentally, Imran happened to leave and converse with the Director after we exchanged pleasantries last night. It could've been for something else, but I'd like to believe it's not a coincidence Maroudi Today just happened to start the scandal today.

Besides, I have my intel that confirms it. Just as I have ears around to know what happened, and what didn't.

See, that's the power of connection.

Imran stared at me for a few seconds, as if weighing his options in his head before he let out a small huff that sounded like a slight chuckle. Releasing a heavy breath, he looked ahead to see we're nearing the hole. "Nothing truly gets past you, Mr. Fadel."

"If it does, I wouldn't be where I am."

He smiled, and shook his head. "I suppose you intentionally pretended not to who I am yesterday?" I should've known he'd bring that up. "Was that to hurt my feelings, or bruise my ego?"

"Not yours. Your wife's." I didn't bother to hide it from him. "Her ego happens to be bigger than yours. And we both know it." I would be lying if I say I didn't love the expression that took over her facials after what I did.

It was worth it.

"That's pretty childish."

"Well sometimes, I like to play around." We could all use some joke in our lives no matter how stressful or dire it is. "Games are my forte."

He didn't say a word after that, as we reached where the ball is. Dropping the club on the lush green carpet, he lifted his gaze to rest it on me. "Let's see how well you can play this game then." He challenged.

And it was a challenge I accepted with open hands.

About two hours later, we made our way back to the Club House to rest our worn off limbs. We could go on for a few hours more, but we decided to call it quits. And not so surprisingly, I won. No, he didn't hold back. However, he pretty much underestimated me and that was his fault.

So, albeit he tried to hide it, I could tell he wasn't exactly happy about losing to me. He's a competitive person like I am...and we never do well with losing.

"Before you leave, I suppose you'd be here for a little while, right?" He questioned, dropping the water bottle he had downed half of on the table between us.

I nodded, placing back the cap of the water bottle I just had and placed it back on the table too. Shifting my gaze out the balcony, my gaze fell on the others playing golf—something seemingly have just started, and others have been on it for a while. "I haven't made up my mind about my date of leaving yet."

In simple words, I would leave when I get what I want. In the mean time, they're stuck with me for worse.

There's no 'better' here.

"Then let's play golf sometime." And that's his way of saying he'd get back at me for losing today. I knew he wouldn't let go of it easily.

So, I decided to irk him a bit more. "Are you sure you can handle more loss to me?"

His gaze narrowed, his bottled up anger threatening to get a hold of him. But, he swallowed it down and blew out a shaky breath. "You were simply lucky."

I chuckled, shaking my head. 'Luck'? I don't know what that is. "I never win by luck. I work hard to get where I am." Something I doubt he can understand.

"We'll see." I could tell there was a double meaning behind his tone, and so was mine.

A few seconds of tense eye stare later, I decided to slice through the thick silence and awkwardness. We should save the anger, and hatred for later. It's too early for that. Where's the fun in irking him now when there's a lot more to come?

"How about I invite you and your wife out for lunch tomorrow?" I offered, breaking the awkwardness. "I know you want to talk business. So, this is me offering you a chance. Unless you want to go through the long process with my assistant that is."

If they go for that, then they'll never see me again before I leave Maroudi. There's a long line of that—some of which I'm ready to ditch because it'll be too stressful.

At the same time, I know he wouldn't pass up this chance. The way I know quite a lot of things, I know as well that they want to be partners with me...or at least, strike a deal. An important one to them for that.

So, I'm certain he won't allow his bruised ego and anger to get in the way of getting that opportunity to at least talk it out with me.

He seemed to understand what I mean, because like I anticipated, he didn't decline it. Instead, he gave me a firm nod—immediately morphing into his business side. "That would be great." He dropped the hostility aside. "Thank you for sparing us your time, Mr. Fadel."

I smiled, and pushed my chair back as I got on my feet. "My assistant will send you the location. I'll see you tomorrow then, in shaa Allah." I extended my hand out for a handshake.

He got on his feet too, and accepted the handshake firmly. "Till tomorrow. And, I hope we get along."

I doubt it. "Me too."

If he thinks for a split second that I will willingly agree to being in business with them, to help them reach more heights, then he's deadly mistaken.

See there's one thing I want in my life more than everything right now.

And that is to ruin the Hadi family by whatever means.

I offered him a smile, regardless of the thought in my head.

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