Chapter 33

Nailah Zayed.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

"Faiza, are you okay?"

I blinked, shifting my gaze to Ayaan. My lips stretched into a small smile subconsciously. If there are reasons why I've always loved being in Ayaan's presnce, then one of it is I didn't have to pretend to be someone else.

I never have to pretend to be anyone.

In his presence, I am not Nailah Zayed—the woman with the picture-perfect life. Rather, I'm Faiza Kabir, the true me. The woman who has lost way too much, that she barely has any left.

I'd be honest, if not for him, I'm afraid I would've forgotten who I truly am in this journey that's still yet to come to an end. It felt good to have him remind me each and every time of who I truly am—even if it was simply by calling out my true name.

It felt good. It's been way too long since I've heard it anyway. I needed that reminder now more than ever.

"I'm good." I voiced out softly, not having the energy to do anything otherwise. The past few weeks have drained me, and I want to do nothing more at the moment than for all this to come to an I could finally have some peace of mind.

So we could all have a peace of mind.

The look he gave me showed that he doesn't believe me one bit. I could never lie to him no matter what. He always seems to see right through me; especially since I don't pretend when I'm around him.

What for? He's the only one in the world who truly knows me. He's the only one who's been there for me all this while even though our relationship started off for the wrong reasons...we had come so far.

"Just a bit more." He comforted, his tone low. "It'll so be over."

I didn't say a thing, I simply nodded instead. I didn't know what to say to be honest. As much as I wanted to complain and vent out, I couldn't bring myself to do that. Reason is, no matter how much he seemed calm regarding the whole thing...I know he's going through a tough time as well.

That was the reason I went to check on him the other day—the day Imran finally cracked that is. Since Imran and I had gotten married...regardless of knowing that we were simply married by name, Ayaan had always tried to respect that fact.

Of course, there has been nothing more than a casual relationship as friends, and partners in whatever you'd like to call this. However, he had kept his distance still.

We haven't met in person since that happened...and we only spoke over the phone to talk the plan out—of course, I have a phone Imran doesn't know of for this. Still, our conversations never exceed that of the plans.

Believe me when I say this, that's increased my respect for him. Contrary to the negative image of a man he portrayed himself to be since he came into the picture, he's nothing like that. Quite the opposite actually.

The sound of him releasing a small breath caught my attention—and then he shifted his gaze to the building we're parked outside of. "We should go in now, I'm certain they're already tired of waiting." His lips stretched into a small smile when he said that—obviously the mention of his family always brings out that part of him.

"Okay..." Pushing the passenger door open, I stepped out of the car just in time he did the same; locking the car behind us.

He then came over to my side, and with a simply gesture towards the building, he guided me into his parents house. I'd been there earlier at the press conference he had, though I was standing behind the crowd of reporters so barely anyone had noticed me there.

It's alright though. After all, I wasn't there to capture anyone's attention. Instead, I was there for Ayaan; it was an important, and hard moment for him but he did it nonetheless. Considering I didn't get the chance to do that then, I decided to stop by his place.

Somehow that ended up with him bringing me here. It was about time his parents knew anyway. No one knew of our arrangement aside from the two of us—it was that confidential. Now that everything was coming to an end though, it would only be right to at least let them know that we aren't mortal enemies.

They are an important figure in his life, and in this plan as well. Even though we have zero plans of letting the entire world know about our arrangement, they should at least know.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous though. I don't even know why...I just am.

Still, I forced myself to swallow my fear down and follow him into the house quietly. Walking past the corridor by the entrance, we soon made our way towards the living room. Ayaan was the first to do that, and almost immediately, he came to a halt as arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer to her.

I stopped where I was as well, watching the exchange between the mother and son.

"I'm fine, Ammi." I heard him mutter in response to whatever she said—no doubt having inquired about his state. He then pulled back from the hug, his hands still holding hers in an assuring manner.

I could tell from how her tone sounded though that she wasn't convinced. "You don't have to hide anything from me, Ayaan. I know it's been hard for you." The worry in her tone was hard to miss.

As I watch them quietly continue their exchange, I felt my heart clutch. I won't lie, it's times like this that I envy Ayaan. I know I shouldn't, considering we both come from the same place—having lost our families but at least, he found another one.

He now has a father, and a mother that adore him.

I on the other hand have a father that was willing to cover up my sister's murder, and throw me into the arms of her murderer for money. And a mother that was barely present—only to end up passing away about a year ago. I barely knew her, so her death didn't hit me hard.

Of course, you cannot completely be immune to death. However, I wasn't moved as her child, but rather as any human.

You could say I've been lucky entire life.

My life truly is perfect, isn't it?

"Ayaan..." I heard his father's voice, snapping me out of my little trip down memory lane. When I blinked, my gaze fell on the man's gaze that's now on me. He made a gesture towards my direction. " you care to explain?" He didn't sound like he was judging me from his tone. Rather, he sounded genuinely curious.

I would be too if I were in his shoes.

Ayaan stepped out of his mother's embrace, and then turned around to look at me before gesturing to come closer. I blew out a small, shaky breath and did so reluctantly—feeling their gaze following my every move.

My fear from earlier returned in full force, my mind already assuming the worst. I don't know how to explain my feelings at the moment.

On reaching where they stood, I offered them the most sincere smile I could muster at the moment—trying to hide the fact that I was scared to the core.

"Ammi, Baba...met Faiza Kabir." Ayaan introduced, his tone soft. "My day one partner in all this."

"Partner?" It was his mother that questioned, instantly snapping her gaze to meet his. It was obvious from the look on her face that she hadn't expected that at all.

I guess just like everyone else, she believed Ayaan and I are after each other's life. That's what everyone in Maroudi believes. If they were to know that it were all a facade, I wonder what their reaction would be.

They would probably have trust issues, right?

He let out a small breath, his gaze shifting to meet mine. We both knew if we're to explain the situation then it would be a long story. Fortunately, his father came to our rescue.

"Let them rest now; I'm sure they've had a busy day." He stated, moving closer to his wife. He seemed to accept the situation easier than his wife. He didn't even look startled either because he expected it, or he's simply good at hiding his expression. "There will be plenty of time later for an explanation, right?" This time, he shifted his gaze to the both of us.

I nodded, while Ayaan went on to answer. "I promise, we'll explain everything later."

"Good." His father seemed satisfied then. Finally, his undivided attention was set on me, "Welcome to our home, Faiza." It had been so long since anyone, other than Ayaan said my name.

It sounded really weird. But, it sounded good at well. Makes me want to hear it for the rest of my life.

"Thank you." I didn't know what else to say. What is one supposed to say in this kind of situation? I'm fortunate enough they seem to be welcoming at the very least.

"Where's Basma?" Ayaan questioned, looking around as if he would spot her somewhere near. For a brief second, I had almost forgotten that she was here as well.

I am actually looking forward to see her. I need to thank her personally for everything she's done for us. She even put herself at risk. That's not something just anyone would do—even if I knew she did it more for herself. Seems she has bad blood with the family as well.

"Oh, she's left earlier." It was his mother that answered, the worry in her tone still evident. "Said her parents came back, and she wanted to go back to her home."

Ayaan nodded, though it's obvious he's worried as well. "It's true, I heard of their return as well." He then sighed. "She didn't go alone though, right?"

"I took her back myself." His father responded, and his words were enough to put Ayaan's worries to rest—though there was still traces of some left, he didn't voice it.

His mother moved closer to me, reaching her hand out she took mine in her warm ones and offered me a small smile. "Have you eaten my dear?"

I didn't, but I didn't want to admit it. I wouldn't want to interfere in anything and seem like a bother to them. At the same time, I don't want to lie. I'm tired of lying. I've been doing enough of that already.

"I'm sure she hadn't." It was Ayaan that piqued in, earning a slight glare from me that only had him chuckling. "It's been a long day for us all."

"In that case, have lunch with us." His mother offered, and although her tone was soft and kind—something about it told me she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Regardless of your case and everything that has happened, you being here means you're a part of our family as well." His father piqued in, his tone warm as well.

I still wasn't certain; not because I didn't want to, but I truly don't mean to intrude. Besides, I've been so used to being around people generally hostile towards me, I haven't been around people genuinely kind to me in a very long time.

It's almost as if I'd forgotten what it felt like to be treated kindly. I'd forgotten what it meant like to have someone care, and treat me like a true family member. And, I no longer knew how to react to people's kindness.

Ayaan must've seen my worries and insecurities, like always—because his voice came, putting an instant halt to my thoughts. "Join us." I looked up, my gaze meeting his as he offered me small smile of encouragement.

Letting out a small sigh, I yawed my gaze back to his parents and then let out a small smile. "Okay."

Contrary to what I anticipated of them earlier, they both welcomed me into their homes with open hands. Throughout the period Id' spent with them, they were not hostile towards me not even in the slightest bit. They didn't bring up my family, or anything that would ruin the mood.

If anything, they treated me as one of them. Like an actual family.

And for the first time in my life, I felt something I'd never felt before.

Genuine happiness.

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