I love you always

Author's Note: Hello Lads and Ladies

This Chapter includes a tradition that i have never experience or heard about it my usual surroundings, so i am acting based on online researched knowledge. The tradition in itself has been altered a slight bit for the narrative and you'll hopefully understand when you get to that specific segment. I do not mean offense in the case that i do accidentally misrepresent it, i only mean to add cultural credibility to a story primarily set in Japan. In case this disclaimer is too much then please forgive my paranoia, my neuroticism is at a all time high recently.

This chapter has been long in the making. Probably another one of those chapters that was the main reason for the existence of this story. Four long years and finally i can get to payoff for all the setup all these years.

Edited by: SuperAverageFoxyboy, The Dude who likes Tanks

Melon opened his eyes to the grey of his prison cell. He rubbed at his eyes and rose out of bed much like lazarus had risen from the dead.

The public voting had voted in favor of taking the deal with Omnivora with a seventy percent land slide. Aided by both the disappearance of the Sublime Beastars and the fact that people wanted Justice both for had been done wrong to them but also for what had been done wrong to the hero of the people. Melon didn't at all believe that the citizenry felt anything close to sympathy for him and his men or their families. They had no capacity after he had buried half of their loved ones under a pile of concrete rubble. But they had empathy and great sympathy for Beastar Legosi. The golden boy that could do no wrong.

Melon rose to his feet and walked to the sink in the corner of the room, splashing himself with cold water before slipping into the the top of his prison jumper.

The court date rolled around and most if not all of the fighting force got Life sentences, but with a caveat that was very hard to talk down. Around the time the court dates came around Beastar Legosi got a promotion to Sublime Beastar Legosi. And a first of the actions of the hybrid was a clause to smile down on those that acted in desperation. Not that laws like that didn't exist in japan but the new clause put into effect by him made it impossible for any even slightly corrupt judge to misinterpret it. Every single Terrorist that acted against Sublime Beastar Yahya's regime got a chance at parole ten years into their served sentence.

If they behaved it was possible that all of them would be free men just after the turn of the next decade. And that was a boon that was impossibly difficult to bitch about. Melon tried to think it about it any number of ways but there was no single way he could bitch about that. Even when Louis was released eight months after returning to prison after assaulting an officer of the law. Even when he was so very mad about that he still had parole to think about.

"Into line!" The watch guard called and the doors opened.

Him and his men left their cells and stood outside them in the long wide corridor.

"Into line, hey ho!"

The men turned to the left and marched off for breakfast. They walked along to the mess hall where they sat their tables and were given a portion of food. Food that might not be as flavorful as the home cooking down in their headquarters but it was state food that contained actual meat.

For the very first time in history Co-Sublime Beastars Legosi and Louis published the first policy of their combined reign, the legalized harvesting of meat from the dead with compensation to the families and medical waste with equal compensation to the afflicted. The leading company to deal with the aquirement and then further processing of meat came from the Kuragari Meat Aquasition and Distribution Corporation. Every person active within the criminal underbelly of Japan knew immediately which Cougar was behind the Company. Even more so when the first line of upper management was a team of Lions.

They put their bowls on the pile of dirty dishes and walked back into line without needing to be told another word.

"Off to Yard Time."

Perhaps it was the one thing that he kept him from bitching as much as he wanted to. He wanted to be mad that Prison was where he ended up again. He wanted to be mad that all of his efforts ended him right in the same shithole that the entire movement was born in. But it had been too long to count, entire life times... since he and his men could stand in the sun like they were meant to be.

It was an idyllic place for all, even those that were no longer here. A small little gardening nook with communal plots had been assigned for them to care for. It had turned into a makeshift graveyard with many small wooden signs cataloging those that had died for the cause.

"Prisoner 2458 over here right this instant."

Melon lowered his head in irritation, begrudgingly moving out of the sun in order to see who called him. The Rhino was standing at the edge of the yard looking at him expectantly. Beside him was Zass hovering from side to side.

"What you need me for?" Melon said as he slowly approached.

"There's a Visitor waiting for you, you want to or not?" The guard asked, resting his hand on his hip right above the baton.

Another weird thing that had occurred ever since their incarceration was that not once they had been beaten or mistreated. Melon figured the two Sublime Beastars were keeping a special eye open on the incarcareted here.

"What's this about Zass." Melon looked at the gird moving about like a stiff breeze was blowing all around, a smile the size of the whole city on his face.

"Just go, it's good news."

Melon followed the guard after a moment of deliberation. They went down another corridor where he was cuffed and muzzled, security precautions that were still kept in line for obvious reasons.

When the guards opened the door he was apprehensive over seeing the well dressed cougar sit at the table with his hands folded on the table. None the less Melon moved forward, shuffling over to the table with the minimal movement per the chains between his legs. He settled down and both waited for the door to close. Only after the footsteps of the guard leaving sounded did both began to speak.

"What you here for?" Melon asked and Tokugawa removed a parcel from his inner coat pocket.

"I made a promise to your right hand man and this is me delivering on that promise."

Pictures slid over the table. Yahya dead in eight different angles, bulletholes bespeckling him like some fucked up Zebra.

Now i can't bitch about anything... i'm in prison and i can't be mad, what a fate is that?

"mmmh..." was the only sound leaving Melon.

"It was important to me that that promise was kept." Tokugawa sweeped the pictures back into the parcel and it disappeared back into his coat pocket. Melon looked him up and down.

"You gonna keep them as souvenirs?"

"If that is your wish. I'll keep them on your behalf until you get out if that's what you want."

Melon thought for a moment and adjusted in his seat, chains clinging as he did.

Here i sit in chains and i feel freer than i ever did.

"Burn them... in your personal Chimney... that would piss him off most i think." After he was finished speaking he rose up from the chair and turned to leave.

"Is there anything else you want to say?... I mean, is that all?"

Melon stopped to think a little longer and turned around to look at the cougar.

"Should there be more? I don't give a fuck about politics or Legosi or Louis. And the families i cared for, for years, are all safe now... i'm out of fucks to give for a lifetime, and seeing how weird it feels to be spiritually free i think that might be a good thing..."

Melon went to turn and then stopped once more.

"Thank them both by the way. Everything they've done so far has been cream of the crop... i hope this ain't a fluke."

He turned around and knocked on the door. After the sound of footsteps sounded down the hallway the door opened.

"I want to go back to the yard. I'm done here."

"And? Pretty sweet huh?" Zass's voiced trilled along as Melon walked along back to the sunny spot.

"Yeah Zass." He put his arm around the caprid bird's shoulders and sniffed the air. He could smell every single flower in the prison yard as well as outside, flowers all around the entire city. To Melon the walls were nothing but a picket fence, in his heart he was free.

"Sure damn is."

"Oh Hello my Sublime Beastar." Juno stood leaning in the doorway, flaunting her pink skirt which ended just on level of her knees.

"Hello my Beastar." Legosi walked through the door and placed his suitcase by the wardrobe and put his arms around Juno.

"Don't patronize me El Presidente." She pulled him by his light blue tie until their lips met.

They separated and she giggled as he took a step back, grabbed his suitcase and all the while his left hand still cradled her form.

"You look great..." Legosi mumbled, the same childlike and naive eyes looking at her that first looked at her in the moonlight by the fountain.

"Well you look good too, for a black tie event. Now go and get changed." She grabbed his tail and ran her fingers through the fur on his tail as he walked by and giggled again as his tail tried to wag within her hand.

They had moved into the suburb shortly after Legosi was voted New Sublime Beastar. The list of applicants wasn't short but after it was again him as a poster boy for what being a hybrid was really like the city demanded it was him. Against his will he received training by Louis who adamantly insisted he'd prepare for the eventuality that it might just occur that he would be voted in as a new sublime Beastar. Of course Legosi believed that couldn't be true, and of course Louis's prediction was correct. Just a few hours after the news rang out Louis received a call in prison and he continued to advise the quite bewildered Komodo wolf.

When Louis got out of prison a few months ago it became a routine for Louis to visit the Tower and Advise Legosi who although he didn't feel comfortable with all the power his position offered but took his duty seriously. It kept for a week before Legosi called a meeting with citizenry and told a story about forgiveness and understanding what others were going through. With the City already loving Legosi to high heavens and with Japan as a whole valuing honor beyond everything Louis managed to just about break the 50 percent echelon to be elected as the first ever Co-Sublime Beastar which was a turning point for the country as a whole.

The first ever two supreme leaders and one of which a convict none the less. Opinions differed wildly and some viewed the public voting system had fallen from grace. But the results showed different. With Legosi the ever empathic idealist and Louis the politically aware strategist hand in hand both made sweeping changes. Clauses to the judicial system to allow for a more empathetic treatment of those that acted in desperation, State funded therapy for Predation offenders and of course the new intactness of the meat trade with strong monitoring and legislation. It was important to Louis that something like the livestock tower would never happen again.
Juno walked down the hallway of the little suburban home they'd been living in ever since Legosi's election as a sublime Beastar. A lovely little property ironically right next to Louis and Haru's. Tonight was something of a celebration, hence the neat little outfit that she had picked out just for Legosi. She knew how much he loved pinks and purples when she was wearing them. She wanted tonight to be special, given it had been a week since she found out she was pregnant, but she had waited until today to tell him during tonights festivities.

She walked over to the bedroom door and spied at her mate, the wolf in the process of loosening his tie and slipping it over his head. She continued to watch endearingly as he unbuttoned his shirt and then took it off when something sparkled in the light of the room.

She watched intensely as Legosi removed his undershirt and the sparkle didn't subside. It was a single dark forest green scale nestled in between the fur of his upper back. Juno absentmindedly grabbed her phone held it up and took a picture. The flash went off and Legosi looked back at her and could only smile, her face hidden behind the camera.

"What are you doing?" He asked ever so innocent.

She walked over without a word and turned her phone to him. He looked down at it and his hand instinctively grabbed along his back when he felt it. He ran his finger along it gently and then let loose.

"One fourth Komodo dragon is still one fourth Komodo dragon." Legosi smiled.

"I was wondering when i was going to grow scales." Legosi looked ahead and smiled wide.

Juno looked up at him and felt herself swoon ever more.

My Komodo Wolf...

"Do you maybe one the way... visit her? We can visit Gouhin in the process." said Juno.

Legosi turned to her and smiled brightly again, looking deep into her eyes. He dipped down and gave her a kiss.

"That sound like a lovely idea."

Once they were on the road, Legosi wearing a dark blue shirt, they stopped by the Camilla Park Graveyard. They bought an assortment of flowers on the way here, one a bouquet of Canterbury bells and a single hibiscus.

They passed by Gouhin's grave first and left the hibiscus. Always the pragmatic and clearheaded person most people honored him by either leaving bamboo stalks or blooming tea flowers of assortments he enjoyed in life.

It of course had hit Bill the hardest and he was the one that was most grieving during the ceremony although he never cried. He left tea and bamboo weekly as he had done when he was still working under him. And even when he decided to pursue a career path in correctional pedagogy he still continued the rhythm of always returning to the grave. But instead of letting himself be consumed in grief it seemed the grief was the last wisdoms imparted by Gouhin. He spent more time with Ellen, with Legosi and Louis looking into initiatives for the treatment of the meat addicted he had enough pressure taken off that he could concentrate on his life outside of work.

They walked further until they reached two gravestones laid together in a family plot, another space empty.

"Hello Grandma, Hey Mom." He squatted down and placed the flowers between the two grave plots. He remained low to the ground for a moment.

"Lots of things are happening, a lot of things i wish you could see in person..." Legosi felt the small blue box in his pocket.

"But we are fine. We have a little party today, with it being a year past Yahya now..." He placed his hand on the dirt and remained for a little longer.

Enough time for thoughts to come and go. The insane idea that he was the lead political figure of japan was an insanity that he himself wouldn't have believed the awkward wolf at Cherryton academy could ever become. And yet here he was.

"I love you Grandma, i love you mom... i'll come back longer another time." He rose up and offered his arm for juno to grab onto.

Without word the wolfess linked arms with her mate and both walked back to their car.

As the scenery changed past the windows and Legosi was driving up the road toward the outskirts of town Juno watched Cherryton hill go by in the far distance.

"Were you always that awkward?"

"What?" Legosi concentrated on the road.

"Were you always that awkward? even before your mom's... sorry it's an insensitive question."

"Oh no... it's fine... i just really don't know. I think i was always quiet, but truly afraid of others i only became after."

she watched his expression as his eyes remained fixated on the road. He seemed relatively stoic about her specifically. It made perfect sense to Juno, no child enjoyed seeing a parent die. But he also seemed rather at peace.

When she looked at him during most of their shared school time the Komodo wolf always seemed to be at war with himself, stuck in thought and always afraid of doing something wrong. But now that inner fight seemed to have been settled. he seemed to-

Legosi's free hand landed on hers that laid in her lap and intertwined his fingers with hers.

"You saved me." Legosi said and held on tight. Juno smiled and squeezed his hand a little.

"Hey... you weren't that helpless-"

"I mean it." Legosi said somberly and Juno fell quiet.

"I was always just drifting without purpose... you gave me purpose... protecting those i care for... that's my purpose... and well... the first person i cared for since mom died... it was you..." The car slowed down on the connecting road at the beginning of the higher class district perched towards the furthest point away from the city center.

Juno did not know what to say, her heart racing so incredibly fast. All she heard over and over again was the notion that if she had not been there that the beautiful, shy, idealistic, naive, endlessly innocent and wonderful Komodo Wolf that she had begun to love after their first little date in the species room would've ended himself.

"I need to tell you this under the stars." Legosi opened the car door and shut it behind himself.

Juno sat for a moment as Legosi walked around the Car.

If i wasn't at the fountain that night... if we had never met... he would be gone... I wouldn't be sitting here with his kid in me if i wasn't there that night.

Legosi opened the door and Juno, numb in the shock, slowly stood up from her seat.

"Now..." Legosi was holding her hands in front of her and looked into her eyes.

"I wanted to do this for a while now." He got down on one knee.

oh my Rex... Was the only thought Juno could muster. Legosi produced a small blue box in velvet material.

"I will love you always. Will you do the same and marry me?" The ring's sapphire was about the same shade of his Tailored Suit. The Color his eyes had when he was young.

Juno fell to her knees and held out her hand. She tried to speak but no sound came out. Frustrated at her failing voice she nodded madly for a moment and then Legosi slipped the ring on her finger.

They fell into a flurry of kisses, arms wrapped around each other as if without each other, they would drown. They loosened the hug and remained head to head for a moment.

"Legosi..." Juno finally found her voice again and raised her head at him.

"There's something I want to tell you under these stars too."

"What is it, my love?"

Juno smiled at him, taking in his innocent unknowing face.

"I'm pregnant."

Legosi stared back at her with wide eyes and she watched with delight the cogs turn in his head.

"You mean... I'm gonna be a dad..?" Tears swelled in his eyes and he kissed her again.

"I'm gonna have a child with the wolfess that I love... I'm the luckiest wolf alive." He pressed her close and stood up, her legs coiled around him instinctively.

"I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" He shouted and danced around, Juno laughing at the ecstatic Joy coming from her Fiance.

After he had spun around laughing like a mad dog he set her down and looked into her eyes. His undecorated lively eyes beheld her like a goddess.

"I'm so glad i found you." Another flurry of kisses followed. Afterwards Juno snuggled herself into him.

"I'm so glad i held onto you."

After another five minutes of hugging they went back into the car and drove the last ten minutes to Tokugawa's Mansion, one hand intertwined all the while.

"Welcome Sublime Beastar Legosi, Welcome Beastar Juno." Anno greeted them at the opening of the party hall that stood smack dab in the center of the sprawling gardens. Music was playing from inside already.

"Hey Anno." They greeted him and moved through the doors.

"Well there are the Guests of Honor. Welcome!" Tokugawa was standing besides Gosha, having politely raised a finger to momentarily stop the conversation.

He approached and enveloped Legosi in a warm hug. He let loose and held onto his shoulders.

"Your Grandfather is one hell of a Komodo Dragon. Quite Jealous actually, wish my grandpa was that cool, but then again, being the richest Carnivore of Edobtsu does not come a dime a dozen... I'm joking." He grinned widely and moved on to Juno.

"An image of Beauty herself, pleasure to have you here tonight-... oh." Tokugawa's ever observant eyes had noticed the sapphire studded silver ring on her finger.

"I was beginning to worry that your choice in a mate was too stuck in thought to realize the next step in matters of courtship but i again am pleasantly surprised. Congrats you two." He hugged her close and then moved aside and presented the room with an outstretched arm.

"Drinks, Food and Fine music are abundant. Enjoy yourselves fully. I now have to return to the riveting storys of old Gosha over there. The epitome of Wisdom is a guest of mine, what a prideful occasion." Tokugawa moved over to the Komodo Dragon that raised a drink at the two standing in the doorway. They waved back smiling.

"Oh there is Sublime Beastar number One." Bill stood with Ellen by his side, engrossed in conversation with Louis who was holding his son. Haru stood beside, cradling the bumb that would turn into kid number two within the next few months.

"How come you always manage to be Late." Louis looked the two up and down and noticed the wiggle of Juno's fingers at her side, revealing the ring.

"Oh Congrats you two! Say Congrats for the Legosi and Juno Oggie!" Louis leaned down a bit and tried to animate his son.

The Fit raised an arm and waved.

"Conguatolationssss!" He enthusiastically babbled which made his Father laugh.

"That's right oggie. Congrats you two, took him long enough." He approached them and hugged them with one arm, making sure Oggie had his personal space.

"Conguatolations! Conguatolations! Conguatiolationssss!"

"Oh damn, you did finally grow up haven't you? It's a crime he made you wait that long." Bill hugged them both.

"It's alright. We all gotta live with his Naivity." Juno looked at her Fiance and he could only smile.

"Wouldn't be me without it."

"Congrats. The wedding will be a wonderful." Haru chimed in, the two wolves bowing down in order to hug the rabbit.

"Congratulations" Ellen came in and gave them a hug as well.

"Well Well Well, the wolves are finally getting hitched..." Pina came strolling in with his sly smile and looked in at the two.

His eyes landed on the ring on Juno's finger and Pina grabbed into his pocket, his hand coming back out with his wallet. He grabbed a few 1000 Yen notes and handed them to Bill all while keeping his smile. Meanwhile Bill smirked slyly.

"I told you he'd figure it out eventually."

"Shut your mouth." Pina said plainly all the while still wearing his smile.

"So now we're betting on Legosi's smarts?... ugh, you two should grow up." Juno scoffed at the display before Louis's cleared his throat and curled his fingers at Pina.

"Unbelievable." Juno watched Pina give Louis the won money from the bet. She felt Legosi squeeze her hand gently.

"Let them have their fun... besides, there's one thing they don't know yet." His eyes looked into hers and Juno was unsure about how he meant it.

"You want to tell them now?" She mouthed the words at him. Legosi shook his head

"That's our little secret for now... do you want to dance?" Legosi took her hand in front of her and to Juno the music became truly noticeable.

She nodded, at a loss for words and then followed Legosi's lead forward to the outside pavillion where the music was playing louder.

"We'll be on the Pavillion if anyone needs us." Legosi pushed past them and out of the little party halls numerous glass doors.

They stepped into the middle of the pavilion as the music changed into a tune that they often danced to on the roof of beast complex apartment. Sometimes even in the weather advertised in the song.

"I'm sing-ing in the rain. Just Sing-ing in the rain. What a glo-rious feeling. I'm Ha-ppy again!"

One of his hands grabbed hers and the other landed on her hip. Her hand naturally landed on his shoulder and both stared deeply into each others eyes as they started to rhythmically move to tunes of the speakers.

"When did you fall for me?" Juno watched with delight as Legosi pondered the question for a moment.

"To be honest... after the fountain..."

Juno looked at him endearingly.

"Right away?"

Legosi nodded.

"You were the most beautiful wolfess i had ever seen... I dreamed about you that night..."

Juno was a little stunned but als smiled again. What else was to be expected from him.

"I fell for you after our talk in the biology room. You were so caring and so sweet... I wanted you to feel better, even i could see that you weren't doing so well."

Legosi smiled.

"And that's why I love you... always." Legosi dipped forward and placed the gentlest of kissed on her lips, remaining close to her face.

"I'll love you always Legosi..." Juno whispered and her arms went around his neck as they entrenched themselves within each other. They spun around on the dance floor, two wolves become one lost in the music...

Four Months Later

Legosi adjusted his bowtie in the mirror. His suit was tailored neatly and fit him better than any piece of clothing ever had in his entire life. He checked his cuffs and stood tall as he admired the wolf he was looking at in the mirror.

He saw gosha approach him from behind, laying his hand on his shoulder as he looked into the mirror as well.

"I do not doubt that you are the most handsome komodo wolf in all of Japan." He turned at the same time that Legosi did and appreciated his Grandson.

He adjusted the Bowtie and straightened the stuit jacket and then patted Legosi on the chest. He seemed to want to say something before he paused and looked somberly ahead.

"I wish your mother could see you like this..."

Legosi held onto Gosha's shoulder, prompting him to look up.

"She is, Grandpa. Always..."

Gosha smiled with the undercurrent of tragedy. Legosi thought that of all the people to suffer under Yahya he might've had the largest silent burden to carry. Knowing that a man that he had once considered a great friend had built a world that hated his daughter.

"Well today will be a glorious day. Don't let my sadness ruin it."

Legosi hugged Gosha, engulfing him entirely in his arms.

"You're my family. You won't ruin anything."

After grandfather and grandson finished their hug they left the little dressing area as the ceremony was about to begin.

The room was filled with most of Juno's immediate family with a few aunts, uncles and cousins in the mix. Legosi's assortment of guests itself was mostly his Friends, Gosha being the only Family member he knew of.

A weird phenomenon after he had become Sublime Beastar was many calls that claimed to themselves be part of Legosi's bloodline. A Thing that Louis had to train him on, the fact that if one had a large enough group of fans they would do just about anything in their power to get closer to him.

He stood at the front of the altar, Tokugawa standing behind it as the officiator. With him having picked up the position of pseudo Father and Mentor to the group it was not surprising that Tokugawa had been trained in the ceremonies of many different Religious festivities. He was glad to play the officiator at their wedding as well as providing the security detail.

"Just another minute there. You look like a proper reason of pride." Tokugawa beheld the Wolf on his most special day.

"Thanks." Legosi stared ahead, his tail low in a slow worrisome wag.

"You're holding up well in comparison to me. I mean makes sense that you would be holding up well, Juno is one fantastic mate."

Legosi stared at Tokugawa.

"You are married?"

"Was. I was nervous as they come, worst of all an arranged marriage of course. But i came around. She gave me my boy before leaving most unceremoniously. Cancer's a terrible scourge... Sorry for the topic change, point i was trying to make is that you look like a million bucks and for good reason too." Tokugawa slapped Legosi's shoulder gingerly.

"Thanks." The worrisome Tail wag persisted.

"You know Legosi you really are adorable. Standing at the altar of the wedding to the wolfess of his dreams and he's shaking in his oxfords thinking he could mess this up in any single way... She said Yes already, besides her already being pregnant with your kid all the signs show a happy future." Tokugawa paused for a moment when he realized something.

"It wouldn't be you without your worry. Today is going to be a great day. When you see her it's all gonna be fine."

"Yeah." The worrisome tail persisted until the music started.

The wedding was in front of the Rexian Church outside in Camilla park, hidden within a few small hills large enough to block the view from the street level to the church grounds. A perk that kept the thousands of fans and paparazzi out of line, held back by Tokugawa's security detail. The moon was shining bright above as Wolf weddings had in the tradition always occurred at night.

It was as pitchuresque as any place could but it was the very instance Ryohei came walking in with his youngest daughter that everything around Legosi seemed to stop being important.

Her dress was elegant, long sleeved down to revealing her fingers, the veil propped behind her head in a crescent shaped arch. She glowed and sparkled in the mood lighting that adorned the isle.

They walked down the aisle and Legosi's arms hung slack when Ryohei presented her hands to him. It needed a moment before he came back to himself and grabbed her hands, leading her to the her spot opposite of him at the altar.

"treat her right young man." The grey wolf said and returned to his seat beside Juno's Mother and sisters.

"I'm sorry." Juno whispered looking away sheepishly.

"Sorry about what?" Legosi felt like he was in a dream as ethereal as she was.

"The bumb. it looks like a mistake." Juno covertly pointed at the baby bump at the center of her torso, the testament of pure unbridled love growing steadily within.

Legosi looked at the goddess he would soon call his wife and remained in awe.

"You are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen." Legosi whispered back and Juno blushed madly.

"Welcome Everyone to the Ceremony of Union between Legosi and Juno. I am very glad to see the large group of friends and family gathered here today to bear witness to something so beautiful. The first things first, the promise." Tokugawa looked at Legosi who in all the moments when he was lost in himself had never once managed to hear and notice everything so clearly like today.

"This wolfess, I marry

No matter the health

I will love her

Respect her

Console her

Help her

Until death

Eternally Fidelitous

I swear."

Legosi spoke the words with a conviction that he had never held when speaking before. Any political speech of doing the best he meant of course. But his heart laid here. These words pulsed with rhythm out of him like he was allowing the heart deep inside his chest to take the place of the vocal cords for a moment. Nothing he had ever said held so much truth like now.

"This wolf, I marry

No matter the health

I will love him

Respect him

Console him

Help him

Until death

Eternally Fidelitous

I swear."

Legosi felt his heartbeat in his ears and beheld her amethyst eyes in all their glory. His gemstones to behold whenever she held a loving gaze with him. His treasure to behold and protect. The wholeness to his halfness.

"Now the San San Kudo."

The little tables with the drink plates stood beside the altar and Legosi and Juno glided motionlessly into position. The ceremony of the family blessing, the linking of two bloodlines.

Juno's parents came and took their positions beside her, Tokugawa carefully pouring the tea into the cups.

When he reached Legosi's side instead of three positions there was only Gosha and Legosi.

Legosi looked in between and thought of the person missing, the komodo wolf-dragoness that had left them so long ago.

Maybe pour it on her grave?...

"Two is fine-"

"No it is not." He heard Louis's voice from behind and looked to see the deer approach the missing spot between them.

"He's my family." Louis grabbed Legosi by the shoulder and patted him.

Tokugawa went on at filling the tiny cups.

"Louis." Legosi whispered at him.

"Anything for you Legosi..." Louis looked into the eyes of his carnivore brother.

"Without you i wouldn't have Haru and Oggie and little Sophie soon too. I owe you my Family, that makes you part of it."

Before Legosi could react much at all to the admission of loyalty the gong was heard and the drinking began. Two bloodlines, flowing together as one. One built from a parents undying love for each other and their children and the other through acts of courage and compassion in the face of endless adversity.

"Now the last part, the oath of union." The Couple's family returned to their seating and the Couple itself moved in front of the Altar again.

"Do you Legosi, take Juno as your Mate? Your Life partner and eternally beloved? Do you vow to protect her and any family that may and will-" He took a pause to wink at Juno in an obvious manner to the audience. "-sprout from this union?"

The guests chuckled a little whilst Juno blushed her cheeks into a deep red. Legosi felt the words deep in his heart resound, nothing around him except her having any meaning.

"You found me while i was without meaning. I was drifting for four years, just existing in passive. if not for Jack and my entire dorm room i probably would've completely lost all hope... but then one night a deer ordered me to stand watch outside the Theater at night because he wanted to say a few lines with another student... And then that lovely rose smell enveloped me and lead me to the fountain where i found you... If i hadn't found you i would've lost myself forever... I'll love you forever and i'll love our pup forever too. And if more come i'll love them too..."

The congregation remained entirely silent as Legosi spoke his words and Juno looked back and swooned just like Legosi did.

"Do you Juno, take Legosi as your Mate? Your Life partner and eternally beloved? Do you vow to protect him and any family that will and may sprout from this union?"

Juno looked like the ideal picture of a bride. Her wedding dress, her gown and her glow being a pure testament to her endless loveliness.

"I fell for you shortly after meeting you. This endlessly kind and thoughtful wolf that felt nothing but compassion for those around him. A dreamer that always wanted to believe in the goodness of people and showed that to so few people because he was afraid that him being a carnivore would push others away in fear. All you ever did was worry about how others felt, how others were doing when you were around... I never met anyone that cared so much like you. So i want to care for you... i'll love you, care for you, make sure you are alright when things get unsettling, forever"

Two lovers stared deep into the eyes of the other, amethyst orbs staring back into small pupils that showed endless emotion.

"I hereby pronounce you bonded in the vows, drinks and oaths of Love, Family and Loyalty. You are hereby wedded Legosi to Juno and Juno to Legosi."

Wordlessly they glided towards each others and with Legosi enveloping her they shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Their families cheered yet both of them where in their mind in another place entire.

The festivities continued on well into the night, the two families intermingeling as they had become one. Meanwhile Husband and Wife remained by another through most of it all, for the longest time rhythmically dancing over the floor as slow music played. Juno's head was on Legosi's chest and his was on top of hers.

They needed nothing more, both were happy exactly where they were. And as the stars above kept on moving by they knew that no matter what happened where. They would always have one another.  

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