Epilogue - itsui made mo shiawase ni
Author's Note: Hello lads and ladies
Words of importance will follow in the Addendum posted in tandem with the Chapter. Sorry for the wait.
Edited by: SuperAverageFoxyboy, The Dude who likes Tanks
"You may see her now."
The birth had been a bit tumultuous, with worries about the placement of their daughter in Juno's womb. At a certain point, they carted her into emergency care, leaving Legosi behind in the waiting area with earth-shattering panic besetting his chest. But with the words, the doctors now the panic had subsided and Legosi followed to their room.
The light had been dimmed for both the child and Juno herself. Outside, the night sky enveloped the world under its cool star-dotted blanket.
She smiled, looking exhausted with the small bundle in her arms. Legosi approached slowly until he could see the purple fur of little Neru.
There were those few moments in life where everything made sense. Most of your life is spent confused, reeling from one moment to the next. Some live with more inner peace and others live with less. But true understanding nearly no one held. Except in those few moments when everything lines up and life finally makes perfect sense. Seeing his daughter in his wife's arms was one of those moments for Legosi. Everything made sense; all life moments he had spent therefore led to this instance. To creating and heralding this little life.
"She looks like you," Juno murmured almost while Legosi sat on the bed beside her.
"No... she looks like Mom." Legosi held her in his arms.
They both watched her sleepy little face resting in the bundle. Two young wolves discovering for themselves the newfound joy of parenthood.
Legosi leaned over and placed a kiss on Juno's forehead, the wolfess leaning into him as he did so.
"She's beautiful." Legosi admired his daughter.
"She's yours. Of course, she's beautiful." Juno cradled Neru close to her chest, taking in the scent that slowly but surely was spreading out. It was the smell of a new member of the family pack.
"She's yours too... of course she's beautiful." Legosi squeezed her close to him and continued to behold the bundle pulled close to Juno's chest.
They stayed like so, for nearly the entire night, allowing their daughter to sleep her first night on the earth in their parents' embrace. Nothing but she was what they cared for in that moment. The world itself had rearranged and placed Neru at the center of it. And not one thing had any shot at making her leave the center of their universe. Legosi slept better than he had ever slept before.
A few months passed. The family had returned home and a new routine settled in. Juno stayed home from her job as an elementary school teacher while Legosi tended to his sublime Beastar status part-time, focusing as much time as he had on spending time with the two at home.
The decked-out nursery was painted a bright green, turning Neru's room into a little jungle.
Louis and Haru visited a few times, and even Bill managed to show up who himself was busy taking care of his and Ellen's son.
Today, they had packed enough for a trip and took the car to Gosha's apartment. It was there the Komodo Dragon held his great-granddaughter in his arms for the very first time. The day went by swimmingly, the three exchanging stories about their professions, the happenings of the now, and the state of the world. Though most wonderfully, the conversation about the world changed from a dystopian nightmare to a hopeful tale of better days.
When Louis and Legosi looked out from the refurbished offices from the state building the city didn't look as terrifying and jagged as it once did. People mixed in the streets and the occasional hybrid that, although viewed warily, was tolerated and, in some cases, accepted. Steadily growing, the rarest thing of all, more and more hybrids were being loved.
They all had attended Yajuu and Carol's wedding, again officiated by Tokugawa. Shortly after they packed their things and moved up north out of the city. Yajuu often sent postcards of the little town they lived in now, nestled in an apartment atop one of the numerous corner shops. They lived the freedom they had wanted so desperately, and now, after all the fighting, they had been given said freedom.
The noon turned into afternoon, turned into evening, turned into twilight.
"She's falling asleep," Juno whispered as she looked at her daughter. She shifted a little and looked at Gosha.
"Hold her for a little, Grandpa, I need to use the restroom." She handed the little bundle to her grandfather-in-law and slowly moved up from the bench. She planted a kiss on Legosi's cheek and disappeared into the apartment. They were sitting on a bench right outside the apartment, the balcony view overlooking the lovely garden that Gosha still tended to.
"Little Neru..." Gosha beheld the newest family member, and Legosi watched as glistening teardrops appeared in the corners of Gosha's eyes.
"You know... I-..." Gosha braced himself and rocked Neru back and forth.
"After Leano, I asked myself what it all meant. What else was I meant to do... What on this whole earth would I be fit to take care of if not my only daughter..." The tears beaded up and ran along in a zig-zag along the numerous scales of Gosha.
"I tried my best to be happy, but very often, I failed... I was hanging in there most days. going through the motions but not having anything to look forward to..." He looked down after finishing speaking and smiled. Then he looked up at his grandson.
"And now I am holding a little pup that looks so much like my Leano, and I know she has parents that love her so much... she is what I fought for, and she is what is worth going on for..." Gosha looked at Neru again.
"You are so loved my little Neru. Mommy and Daddy love you, Grandpa loves you..." he chuckled nearly breathlessly.
"Uncle Louis and Aunt Haru love you too, Uncle Bill, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Pina... Uncle Tokugawa loves you... There isn't anyone in all of the world that's loved as much as you."
Neru dozed in Gosha's arms. Peaceful, unburdened. The world that Leano died in no longer existed. Neru would never feel inadequate, she would never feel like everyone hated her simply by who her parents were or how she looked. She would live a full life.
"I love you, Grandpa." Legosi sat down beside the Komodo Dragon, who cradled his great-granddaughter in his arms.
"I love you Legosi. I love Juno, I love all of your friends... but most of all, I love little Neru here... She makes it all worth it."
19 Years Later
"Smiles everyone!" The eagle photographer shouted at the family of five standing in front of the picture wall in the center of their home.
"That was great! That should be enough." Spoke the eagle, maneuvering the graphical interface of his camera.
"Can I go now?" Julia looked up at her parents, the young wolfess looking strikingly like her mother if not for the bright green streaks dyed into her head fur and her tail.
"Don't play for too long now," Juno said, sending Julia along to walk rather briskly to her room.
"I'll... be... in the garden." Leon awkwardly said, the exceedingly tall wolf trotting towards the back of the house where the glass door stood open, giving way to the garden.
"When's dinner tonight?" Neru asked, the wolfess looking at her father for an answer.
"At six. You have enough time to prepare." Legosi said to his daughter.
"Thanks, Dad." she placed a kiss on his cheek and went to leave, Juno clearing her throat.
"Aren't you forgetting someone?"
"Sorry, Mom." Neru turned around and kissed her mother too, who snuggled her daughter close, ruffling the fur on the side of her face as she broke the hug.
"Alright, the photo is printing Mr. Legosi. In 5 minutes the picture will be done." The photographer handled the printer he had brought with him. The model had a carrying handle at the top for mobile usage of the machine services.
"Alright." Legosi had ordered the speedy services specifically because of tonight. It was the yearly party that he and his pack celebrated; after everything that they had survived and weathered together, it felt right to do so.
"Tables set, food cooking, only an hour or so until they arrive... everything is taken care of." Legosi walked through the rooms, checking that the different things that needed doing had truly been done.
He turned around and saw his wife look out the window, watching their son tend to their garden.
Silently Legosi moved beside Juno and watched out with her.
"Watching that garden will never stop making me happy." She said, smiling at the view. From side to side, the entire greenery of the garden was decked out with flowers of all kinds, and at its center, a wolf with a pinkish-red hue to his fur planted further seeds into the sparse little empty segment.
Being the passionate gardener, Leon tended to most of the garden himself. Although his father occasionally helped, the two silently tending to the flowers while Legosi mentally logged the occasional insect he saw crawling about, most of the work had been Leon by himself. Besides being the, again, sole member of the gardening club he tended to every plant that lived anywhere in his direct vicinity.
"I sometimes wonder if he was meant to be Haru's son." Legosi absent-mindedly said; Juno in response, looking at her husband quizzingly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Legosi looked at her and Juno could observe the cogs turn in his mind until he grasped what he had said.
"No No! I just mean, neither of us are gardeners. It feels like he was meant to be one of Haru's children... I'm happy right where I am." His arms reached around her as his features softened, she remained looking a little coldly ahead.
Eventually, Juno returned the hug and kissed her husband.
"For a politician, you're gifted in saying the weirdest things without much thought."
"I never said I wanted to be a politician. That was always Louis's Specialty." Legosi retorted, running his hand along her back.
"I know... I also know why you still became a politician..." Juno loosened the hug, allowing the two to look each other eye to eye.
"Why's that?"
"Because you can't help being charming." She placed a kiss on his lips and both enjoyed the tender moment.
An hour later, the door rang, and the first of the guests rolled in. Louis and Haru were in tow, being their two kids, Oguma the 2nd, and little Sophie.
"How's University treating you?" Juno asked across the table at the son of the second Sublime Beastar.
"Ostensibly well. I must commend my father and Legosi's work on melding the political divide on the terms of hybrids."
"Oh, you flatter me too much," Louis answered as he always did when his son sang his high praises.
"Well, it's true, Dad, isn't it?"
It was true. In the last 19 years, Legosi and Louis had instilled a sense of unity among all citizens. The Hybrid hatred of the Yayha had dwindled significantly and although the citizenry had held on in part to some of the distrust, the worst of times had passed. Hybrids had become another part of the city. People you saw lounging, living, working, existing. The shadows were gone and now the city felt brighter.
Louis had once said to Legosi that now it felt right that they were called Beastars, knowing how they had brightened the city through their work. Legosi answered that the people were those who made the light; they were those who made the city as great as it was. In truth, the only true darkness of the people was complacency with a tyrannical leader.
"Lots of things are true. That does not mean you have to state how great I am over and over again."
"Don't pretend like you dislike it." Haru chimed in and Louis looked over to her with a surprised expression.
"I'm not that arrogant."
"Sure, Mr. Sublime Beastar the Second, as humble as a street cleaner."
The next guests to arrive were Bill and Ellen, with two of their children, Kira and Tomei. Bill's day job had turned to that which Gouhin's plans for the future would've been if he was still alive. He was the de facto director of both the night sector and the newly established daylight sector of the clinic to deal with meat addiction of all types. He had a few doctors, caretakers, and a few patrol men in his employ.
"So glad you could make it." Juno and Legois both Hugged each member of the family.
"Busy time, what can you say? Always a joy to come around still." Bill had gained the air of wisdom that Gouhin always seemed to have. And although Legosi would never admit it to his face he did keep thinking about it.
"And the food's fantastic too," Ellen said, laughing, to which Bill smiled.
"Nobody ever complains about free food." The family found the table as the door rang anew.
"That'll be Jack." Legosi walked along to greet his longest friend.
"Neru, if I may ask, how is your first year at uni doing?" Oguma asked with interest while the wolfess looked back with kindness.
"Oh, it's going good. Finding my routine, it's fun."
"I'm glad..." Oguma the second looked dreamily to the wolfess who by then had started handing bowls and dishes around for the new guests.
Louis watched his son exude the love and drunken feel of youth and smiled to himself. He looked over at Haru who watched the display with equal amusement.
"To be young." Louis held out his glass and cheered with his wife.
"Oh... so many people already here. I hope we weren't late." Jack came in wringing his fingers.
"We're never late, Jack." Chelsea walked in behind, squeezing his shoulder. Behind followed their daughter Amara who's eyes widened when she saw Julia at the table.
"Jules!" She ran over and sat next to her best friend, both immediately talking up a storm.
"Ah well, we weren't late enough for that anyway." Jack laughed and then hugged Legosi tightly.
After they too had made their way to the long table standing in the middle of the room the doorbell rang anew and Legosi ushered in Tokugawa who found his way to the end of the impromptu table that composed itself of three or four moved together to form a line, talking with the little patchwork family that he had through nurture found his way into.
The final guests to arrive were in tandem, Yajuu and Carol in tow with their Son Thomas, and lastly, Pina, who came along with his wife Yui.
By the point in time when they had all sat down, the three tables were nearly completely full, the family talking openly as they didn't have the chance to in their quite busy day-to-day lives.
"Oguma... You see when you get eyes for someone, you just ask them." Louis quietly told his son sitting next to him. He looked back unsure.
"But, Father..." Louis shook his head at him and smiled.
"The worst she can say is no. Love is worth that small risk; otherwise, you wouldn't be, would you?" He squeezed his wife's hand and took another swig of his wine.
"Ok... Neru?" He looked across the table and wolfess looked back, ever so kind.
"Can I ask you something in the kitchen?"
"Sure." She stood up, and nervously, Oguma composed himself, Louis patting his back with care.
"Good luck!" Louis watched his son disappear into the kitchen with his
best friend's daughter and in a few minutes return with a dopey smile and peachy red on his hazel-furred face. Neru followed, smiling to herself.
"What did I tell you?"
"Thanks, Father." Oguma the second hugged his father close and he could only smile.
The door rang again and Legosi and Juno both looked over.
"Who could that be, everyone here, aren't they?" Juno asked, starting to get up before Legosi grabbed her shoulder and gently sat her back down, getting up himself.
"I'll get it, honey." He leaned over, kissed her, and then walked to the door.
Legosi opened the door and nearly recoiled when he saw the old Hybrid stand in the door, crooked horns upon his skull pointing to the sky.
"Can we talk? in your backyard, it'll just take a moment." He shifted in the breeze and Legosi was stunned for a moment.
"Uh... sure."
"Good." Melon moved along the side of the house to the garden gate leading to the back, separating the front garden from the back.
Legosi stepped past the opened garden gate, the Geopard standing by his son's flowers just outside the line of sight of the glass sliding door to the living/dining room. The older hybrid looked weary and filled with a sadness that was wholly uncharacteristic of him.
"I-... want to apologize... Yajuu was right... of course he was. It's been... weird... being out of prison... I'm not familiar with freedom I think." Melon chuckled a little and then looked in with his sorrowful look.
"I'm not good with words so I'm just gonna cut to the chase. -Thank you Legosi..." He remained silent for a while.
"You saved them and I would've killed them." Melon stood there with his hands in his pockets and looked off into space in shame.
Both animals stood there and listened to the sounds of the distant city. A breeze blew by; a bird family chirped for whatever reason a few houses down; the highway in the distance produced noises of rubber on asphalt.
Legosi approached Melon and enveloped him in his arms. Melon stood stiffly yet could understand exactly what Legosi meant to say. When Legosi broke the hug he looked him in the eyes and smiled.
"If you hadn't protected them then no one would have... Thank you."
The two hybrids stood outside for a while, enjoying the nighttime ambiance of the suburb where Legosi's house was. Both felt at peace with the world, both felt safe and both were thankful.
When Legosi came back inside Juno looked at him quizzingly.
"Who was it?"
"Melon..." Legosi answered and sat down at his seat, Juno looking at her husband in worry.
"What did he want?"
"He wanted to apologize... He always had a good heart, didn't he." Legosi answered with a smile and Juno looked towards the glass door with minor worry. Legosi grabbed his wife's hand and leaned into her line of sight.
"He's already gone, honey... He just wanted to apologize, that's all."
"Still hard to trust him after everything." Her words caused another squeezing of Legosi's fingers.
"I know... But he changed, I know that."
Juno looked into the trusting eyes of her husband and eased up. Without his trust, they wouldn't have any of this, would they?
"Ok..." They kissed another time and continued dinner. The debt was paid and the evening went on.
After everyone had gone home and the table had been cleared Legosi and Juno went outside into the garden and watched a few scant fireflies descend over their fence into the thicket of the greenery around their home.
That quiet between them and the world, that tranquil peace that they seemed to have brokered out after a life of fighting for the things worth fighting for. When they hugged each other close that night, their children safe and sound and the house all quiet, they were glad and happiest that countless others who had never known that feeling of safety had now been granted chances to experience it.
Legosi remembered faintly the person that he used to be when he was seventeen. A lost boy who had been abandoned by a sense of self and a sense of directive. He wished to disappear, leaving behind no trace that he ever even existed. When Juno came along, she opened a new door. When Louis opened himself to him, he revealed a world where animals of all walks could bridge the gap between them.
As Legosi drifted off to sleep, he thought of his grandfather, of his mother, of Els, of Gouhin, of Louis, of Haru and their children, and of Juno and his own children. The fight had been worth it. He had helped stake out freedom from the strife of those eternally hunted. Through the people around him, he had made the world better than when he entered it.
Thanks for believing in me...
[The End]
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