Carnivore Heart

Author's Note: Hello Lads and ladies

This Chapter here finally shows us the Melon-man for the first time in season 3. The first actual scene with character, epilogue of season 2 excluded. And I am really happy with how it turned out. I think I am very blatantly basing my version of Melon off of Tyler Durden from Fight club. Domestic Terrorism is the direction that it's important to show just how different a character Melon is in comparison to the base manga.

Other little news are that I am now on Furaffinity under the name
PortalDude455 so come and check me out in case your a Furaffinity user. Other than that I am really happy with how this turned out and am very much happy with this. See ya soon!

Edited by: SuperAverageFoxyboy, The Dude who likes Tanks

Louis walked out on stage, his black suit making him look like a clone of every Beastar. Rich, definitely a herbivore, most likely a Cervidae, Bovidae, or better yet an Equidae like Yahya himself. It was shocking how there was a preset model of Beastar that had a nearly ninety percent accuracy for at least one of the facts to be true. Of course, there had been the occasional other herbivores in the leading position but never had there been a carnivore without a wealthy herbivore-friendly background.

Some might say this was corrupt, the men in power would answer with a simple request to prove those claims. And without the full record, which was held in the corresponding Beastars City's State House Building it was impossible to prove corruption.

The people apparently saw nothing wrong with this, happy and content living under the boot of whoever's wallet was the thickest.

There were five Beastars across the country, two in the north, Yahya in the capital, and two in the south. And not a single one had been a carnivore in the last twenty or so years.

It was safe to say that Louis felt like an impostor when he walked on stage. His fur might be brown, his face might be the one of a deer and from his head sprouted antlers but his heart was one that had been touched by carnivore kind. His wife was a herbivore, and his son was a herbivore but his heart hungered for conquest as the Carnivore heart hungered for excitement.

He stood on the stage behind the Microphone stand and looked at the citizens of his City stand there, waiting for the words the deer had to say. He knew how it all looked, he knew that it was expected of him to be arrogant to be prized by everyone like a king. All of them seemed to forget that Politicians were the servants of the state, not the citizens themselves. The principles of Democracy had been lost on all of them for a long while.

"Thank you Citizens of Edobutsu for being present tonight for this discussion, I was hoping to finally talk to the current sublime Beastar Yahya-"

The podium to his left was empty.

"-However he seems to still be too occupied with managing the rising tensions in the city to make it to this discussion, a fact all of us regret."

The Citizens murmured theorizing where their hero in black fur was.

Drinking Whiskey in his Office. Louis ordered the papers again, re-reading a few of the talking points he wanted to talk about.

"Now that Yahya's current absence is out of the way I would like to talk about the new proposed Legislation." The citizenry awaited the next words, scanning for faults in his voice or presence.

The carnivore heart never relents.

"I have here on my table alone three separate Studies disproving the danger of Hybrid Biology." He held the ledgers up one after the others, the cameras of the stage crew zooming in on the letterheads.

"'Genetic dis-figuration of Hybrids' Disproven by the London University of Medicine, 'Gene-therapy and its effects on the Hybrid Genome' studied by Harvard University, the entire study concludes with the researchers concluding that, in fact, the genes of Hybrids are entirely untouched by any of the mutations that were expected and lastly 'The genetic diversity of Hybrids' by the Mundaun Genetics Research Center in Switzerland also ending with the conclusion that the genetic faults expected to be found in Herbivore/Carnivore children were not found." He clashed the folders back onto the stand. Adjusting his position to better speak into the microphone.

"Every single study I listed in front of everyone here is backed by multiple researcher teams and checked for error before publication by the International Medical Journals. What reason do we have then to suspect that Hybrids are a danger to us in any way? Putting them through tests like these? We are doing nothing but hinder the lives of innocent people that want to do nothing but get by unnoticed.

Predation Cases by Hybrids are practically Zero, the only cases reported being technicalities. And yet still we react with extreme prejudice against Hybrids, does that seem fair?"

The citizenry stayed quiet as suddenly the announcing voice boomed back up through the PA system.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the venerated Sublime Beastar Yahya!"

Louis felt a cold chill run down his back. The Citizens clapped in anticipation of their hero, their leader. The deer realized that today was the first day where his words could make a difference. Why else would he come here to defend himself if his discussion meant nothing?

The door to the left of the stage opened and like everybody else Louis clapped in order to not play his hand too early. The Sublime Beastar walked out wearing a Black suit that almost entirely mirrored Louis's attire, both looking like any of the Sublime Beastar Portraits lining the State Buildings lobby.

"I thank most specifically Beastar Louis for already starting the discussion so as to not keep people waiting. I apologize for the delay as I had matters to deal with concerning the Police. Now, where were we..." He grabbed papers from his pocket and placed them out before him.

There were stakes now, his knuckles turning a shade of hazel under the force he gripped the stand with.

"I must reiterate that the uses of the testing are not made with genetics in mind, their genetics are untouched by the act of Inter-special breeding. However, we are still unsure of the mental stability that an animal has following two instincts simultaneously."

"We can't generalize this to all Hybrids." Louis' interjection was ignored.

"It's a fact that twenty-five percent of all Carnivore Herbivore Hybrids have Herbivore dominant Genes, making them seem innocuous to the cautious citizen. And what if that hybrid living covertly among herbivores decides to follow their Carnivore side, overrun with an instinct they have never felt before? We are banking on chances that we would be faced with predation cases that cannot be solved, teaching Hybrids the lesson that they are above the law simply by force of their own genetics. We don't test the genes, we test the mental capacity of the hybrid mind." Applause rocked the house as they swallowed his words without thinking twice.

Louis looked between the crowd and Yahya, who was currently keeping a mostly calm and collected face of a politician that had only come to prove a point.

I'm screwed.

"As I have to understand this all Hybrids are going to be subjected to those tests even if your only worry is carnivore herbivore first born hybrids? Are we supposed to take the rest of them as collateral damage?" Louis banked on any sympathetic reaction of the audience. Yahya glared for a split second over at him and Louis realized just how fundamentally boxed in he was.

The audience remained silent, with no words or whispers for his cause. They did not believe nor did they want to believe him. He was the outcast here, the devil's advocate. He was the heretic and Yahya the prophet.

"Beastar Louis, I simply used the carnivore herbivore dichotomy as an example, not a leading principle. We are worried about all of our Hybrid citizens and wish for them to be of safe and sound mind. This here is a temporary solution. For most of the Hybrid citizens in this country, in most of the world even, they are classified as both species of their parents, making them invalids in many forms. What we are doing is the research needed for proper classification. Give them their own species names to make their lives easier. Their psyche reveals what sort of environment they would like to be in, what preferences they have in diet, and a lot of other specifics that will help us shape a world with proper species care for all of the Hybrid kind."

The room again applauded him and Louis was ready to pull the fur from his body with all the force he could muster. He was boxed in, shoved in a corner. He was grasping for the approval of those that hated him. They may know that he was friends with the city's darling Legosi but his talk of Keeping hybrids on the street sounded dangerous. Our savior Yahya would manage it.

"Now, anything else to add, Beastar Louis?" The horse smiled for the first and only time. He knew he won.

Louis flicked through his papers trying to keep a steady hand. He looked at the crowd for a second and then down at the papers.

"No Sublime Beastar Yahya."

We're all so screwed.

"You're asking for a war here," Tokugawa spoke through his hand which held his head up.

"I am not here to ask for permission, this is a warning. Get your men out of my way or I will use other measures." The sublime Beastar's tone was terribly dark, he was not in the mood to make compromises. Tokugawa looked at him and saw equally stern eyes as his exterior stared back at him.

"Why do you have to do this?"

"Tokugawa, I am not here to listen to your opinions on this matter. Get your men out of the streets for the inspection or I will have them detained." The horse leaned closer towards the carnivore, no fear in his posture.

"This is a courtesy call, if I didn't respect you I would have just gone through with it without a warning... and before you get the genius idea of telling the club about it, if I find the hall empty I know you talked. There simply needs to be some cleansing of the pecking order, some little groupings that have shown themselves to be unwilling to be part of society. Good day." He stood up turned around and left the room.

Tokugawa sank in his chair. He had connections but none were great enough to truly stop Yahya without outright asking for conflict. His hand laid on his forehead, the thoughts in his mind pulsating and burning from behind his skull.

He peaked past his fingers to see the bookshelf wall. The picture of Kuragari seemed to scream from behind the wooden shelf and Tokugawa sighed. He grabbed his telephone, not without a bit of hesitation.

"Send Ibuki up and call Mister Louis please, ask him if he has time for a meeting later today... One more thing, call Kamen's front desk and tell them Yahya will do a clean sweep... however also tell them that this information comes at a cost, they will have to set up a few fall guys for this one, if no one gets arrested it's gonna become a volatile situation... Thank you, Anno." He set down the telephone into its terminal standing on his desk.

He grabbed into a desk cabinet and pulled out two glasses, placing them before him. He grabbed a square glass bottle and filled the glasses before him. He placed the square glass bottle away and grabbed his glass, looking across from him at the door. It would take another minute until Ibuki arrived as large as his house was. He took a sip, placed the glass down again, and leaned back. Letting his chair swerve under the turning axis of his armchair.

He looked aimlessly from picture to wall, to shelf, to ceiling. He looked at the ceiling for a moment longer than the other places as he thought about what Louis had said he wanted to do during their last dinner, a repeated occurrence of their unlikely friendship. He adored that kid, such vigor and an impeccable sense of justice. He smiled and reached into his pocket. A small piece of paper came out. With careful hand movements, the slip unfolded, showing the flyer for his plans to become a Sublime Beastar candidate. His plans were naive because they forgot that he would need to change the city's opinions first and could then hope to god that Yahya would let it slide. The sublime Beastar would do anything to stay in power long enough to make his mark.

"Boss?" Ibuki opened the door, the lion's glasses reflecting the daylight coming from the window behind Tokugawa.

"Sit down, will you." Ibuki followed the command, seating himself before his boss. Tokugawa slightly nudged the other glass forward, still holding his own glass. Ibuki followed the gesture's intent and grabbed the glass.

"Thank you, Boss."

Ibuki took notice of his superiors' silence. Even when he took a drink his boss still looked like he was at the end of his patience.

"It's Sublime Beastar Yahya right?" Ibuki asked.

"Yes, it is." Tokugawa's hand on his forehead shielded his expression from Ibuki. The Lion pushed on a bit further, knowing the signs when Tokugawa indirectly asked for guidance.

"What stops us from sending a message," Tokugawa replied by lowering his hand, his slightly desperate eyes coming to a halt at The lion's face.

"If we do he'll see it as an act of aggression. And even if we spell it out as much as we possibly can... he'll misunderstand it on purpose."

"So the Facts are that sending a message is not possible."

Tokugawa took a sip from his glass and looked at stared off into space.

"Highly unlikely to do anything except cause more trouble than it's worth."

"Then shut the door." Tokugawa's eyes looked at Ibuki's, his expression not betraying the sense of seriousness of the statement and everything else.

"What do you-"

"You're asking for my opinion right?" Ibuki asked in monotone. Tokugawa paused for a moment and then nodded.

"Cooperating with Yahya will be open self-sabotage. Letting a stubborn war monger walk over you because you fear conflict will show everybody else that you are a weakling that doesn't stand in for his Principles." Ibuki stared blankly at the Cougar. Tokugawa leaned forward.

"Don't you understand that it will cause war?" Ibuki's icy gaze stared back.

"Yahya will cause a war if he wants to, no matter if you cooperate or not. He will hit a wall that he can't throw money or position at. And wouldn't you prefer that that wall that stops the sublime Beastar in its tracks is the foundation of your empire? Showing them that you won't even stop at his demands would bring amazing benefits for your reputation and your personal integrity."

Tokugawa raised a brow again.

"You want me to defy him?" This comment caused a smirk to appear on Ibuki's face.

"I am not in a position to want anything. All I'm doing is advising my most generous Boss on matters of reputation and symbolism, things that are very important in the Business of Empires."

Now Tokugawa had to smirk.

"Never thought you were such a politician."

"As much as our business sheds blood boss, as much does it require care and delicacy when it comes to reputation. A reputation can make or break a legend. That should be something that you can understand either way." Ibuki adjusted his glasses.

"Cheers... to a new course of action." Tokugawa held up his glass and only lowered it when Ibuki had brought his glass to contact with his. After taking their sips the glasses returned to their places on the table. After a little silence, Ibuki cleared his voice.


"Yes, Ibuki."

"Sublime Beastar Yahya's Reputation is very important to him, correct?" Wheels began to turn in Tokugawa's mind as Ibuki stated the obvious, something that he had overlooked.


"Then you should make his involvement with you as loud as possible. What would stop you from attending the next Discussion?" Ibuki's smile proved to Tokugawa again that he had made the right choice in taking the black market back.

"Nothing, and the way it looks I should probably do that." Tokugawa leaned forward, opening a drawer in his desk, grabbing one of the ledgers.

"Tonight's Orders are simple, go to the Entertainment section and keep watch for government activity. If Yahya ever so much as orders a single policeman to walk the strip I want to know about it. If they raid any other place than Kamen you'll have direct control. Call in frequently and relay anything that seems even slightly out of the ordinary to you." Ibuki took the ledger from his Boss's Hands and studied a few of the points.

"of course sir."

"And stay ready for action. All of you wear firearms starting tonight, if they open fire they lose the police protection coverage." Tokugawa leaned back again, drinking the last drop of his whiskey.

"Got it." The lion stood up from his seat and walked to the door.

"And Ibuki." He turned around, his hand on the handle of the door.

"Stay vigilant. I think Yahya is really banking on war here." To Tokugawa's surprise, Ibuki merely smiled.

"Then let us be prepared."

He left the room, closing the door behind him. Tokugawa looked at the door for a minute longer, thinking about how gracefully he talked about war. For a moment he thought that perhaps he was out of touch, everyone else catching on to a joke that he was oblivious to.

He turned around in his chair, gazing past the window pains into his backyard. Ibuki's car stood in the driveway, the lion having impeccable driving etiquette for a mob man. He looked at his garage building, thinking about every single car placed there. If you were to walk through it you would walk through eras of wealth. Starting as early as the 1900s all the way to his De-ville.

All the lavish decadence of all these generations of spoiled children, and never once had they tasted true war. The great war was more than four hundred years back, a distant memory in civilization's backlog.

He turned around and grabbed for the phone, when it left its hold Tokugawa stopped for a minute, planning his next words.

"Force my hand, you arrogant bastard."

He punched in numbers and leaned back.

"Have you called Kamen yet? Good, tell them to clear it out... yes, no fall guys needed... Good... Yes, I need you to order firearms, a list of which will come when I come downstairs later. I'll leave it on your desk... Perfect... hold off on dinner for a while... yes... one last thing eh,... Call Cosmo please, invite her for dinner..."

The Cougar's eyes looked at the wall where their picture would be, now only pretentious books written in the last century in its place.

"That's everything Anno." He hung up and looked at the wall again.

Why do emotions make everything so complicated all the time?

He punched in the next set of numbers and sat straight now as if his pose had anything to do with the command he needed In his voice. It rang a few times, longer than an average business call. But Tokugawa waited all the same until the line picked up.

"Moody! It's me Toku, calling through... yeah... I know, it's a tragedy... my condolences to her, he was a great husband... I'm sorry that I'm calling at a bad time Moody, I really am, but I need a meeting... Yes, it's necessary... I'm concerned for the safety of our business and the integrity of our country... Don't rip into me, I have to talk to the bastard all the time, political nonsense talk is a wonderful gift to have... If we aren't coordinated it'll be a clean sweep... I'm positive, I'm positive it's true... Yes, Moody... The usual place, just outside of Edobutsu Mount Edo... Thank you, Moody, and give my condolences to grace... See you in a week."

Night came and played a lullaby to the diurnal citizens of the city, lulling them to sleep in their apartments and houses, tucking them to bed. They slept while the nocturnal part began its reign. A muted heartbeat In comparison to the daytime rotation of life.

But while insomniacs, nocturnals, and the assortment of rebels fighting against the normality of schedule walked through streets, visited restaurants, or went grocery shopping, there were groups of people that walked in the complete secrecy of absolute darkness. So dark their eyes could hardly adapt to the pitch black.

The lead man of the transporters shone his light through the damp and slimy of shit reeking canalization tunnel. His Jackal eyes barely worked down here, the light shining from man-hole coverings or drainage gutters being too dim to light his path through the maze. He checked his plans and turned right at the cross-section, his rain boots disturbing the water.

Behind him were two other carnivore hybrids holding a big brown storage box, following the light of the lead. They all had the same tattoo on their dominant hand, a sheep smiling widely with Wolf's teeth.

They were all part of Omnivora, the organization providing the large cases, their job being placing them at stash points all marked on the lead-man's map. They were groggy, all of the workmen being nocturnals. They had downed coffee by the gallon and still, tiredness was written all over their expressions like they couldn't show anything else.

"Come on... how much further." One groaned, the front man stopping to look at his map. The group groaned, nearly bumping into each other.

"Let's keep it going!" Another one of the crate bearers shouted, the lead man resuming walking while looking at the map.

"A few hundred feet maybe. Not long til we're done." The leadman's expression of proximity to the finish kicked them into gear, one of the crate bearers picking up the speed, something his partner did not see coming.

"HEY!" His hands slipped, and his side of the chest plummeted to the ground. Water splashed, and the full weight of the crate pulled the other side down with a violent tug, sending the accelerating crate bearer to grab at his irritated fingers tips.

"You fucking- rrrrrggggh." He cradled his hands, the entire section coming to a stop, other crate bearers setting them down or dropping them in exhaustion and surprise.

"Why did you go faster?" The accelerating crate-bearer's partner approached the hybrid, holding his fingers.

"Why did you drop it?"

"If you just fucking told me, I would have been prepared."

"Shut up, you dumb asshole."

A scuffle ensued, both men grappling each other as the lead man tried his best at intervening without any success. The two threw punches and shoved each other to the ground. The whole of the tunnel had become bickering and arguing of crate bearers trying to keep the two scuffling members under control.

"HEY!" The low and husky voice reverberated through the tunnel like an echo through a canyon. The scuffle stopped, the two looking in the direction of the voice. The lead man shone his flashlight down the way they came from, revealing the form of their leader.

"What the hell are you doing, making all this noise?" Melon had to walk with a lowered head, his antlers nearly scraping against the top side of the tunnel.

"He started running and startled me, so I dropped the crate." One pointed at the other.

"Don't you dare try to blame me for your clumsiness, I just want to get the work done."

"Do neither of you have enough respect for what we are doing here, or do you animals have no concept of the word quiet?" Melon's gruff voice quieted them down, however neither of them seemed to be willing to admit wrongdoing.

"Oh, my Rex... sulking children..." Melon looked between the two, anger rising in the hybrid.

"Fine, if it's all worthless let's have it your way." Melon's hand disappeared into his pocket, only reemerging with a flip phone of the past two decades. The team got quiet as Melon did this, watching him with wary eyes. Each of them knew partly of the legend surrounding melon. The stories told were always of a ruthless hybrid not taking compromises.

The numbers clicked, and he held the phone to his ear. The team had grown dead silent as they stared at him.

"Hello, I have leads on supply lines of a terrorist organization. May I speak to someone dealing with in-land security?"

"No, please, please, Melon. Please stop."

"No no, you can't- what are you doing?"

"Are you fucking insane?"

Quiet voices in the tunnel, the two fighting crate-bearers as well as the entire team reduced to nothing but soldiers begging for mercy.

"I have reasons to suspect some of the terror organization Omnivora is using the canalization in order to smuggle weapons under the city of Edobutsu."

"Please melon, I-I get it. I'll shut up... I'll carry the box further, no questions asked, just please hang up that phone. I beg you!" The pathetic begging caused Melon's eyes to dart from one on his knees to the other standing shocked by the other end of the crate. He was worldless as the leader of his organization called the very government that they were fighting.

"In the Central City Metro, the maintenance team has been infiltrated. Once your pass the Maintenance terminal you'll find an Omnivora checkpoint, filled with Guns, explosives, and other forms of weaponry. They are mobilizing through a specific tunnel. Head down Tunnel D-3 until you reach-"

"I get it, stop you lunatic!" He broke down finally, the rundown of his location being the nail in the coffin. Melon hung up the phone. He looked at the two begging idiots before him and couldn't contain his disappointment.

"You see, I'm done with your little stupid pointless gripes. I don't need to play pretend caretaker to a few crying little wusses complaining about how heavy the crate is that needs to be dropped off at the stash point." Melon's tone was gruff yet quiet, his fists closed to fists.

"We're fighting here for the good of all Hybrids, for the right of your children and your children's children to live peaceful lives. Our suffering will lead to their peace, and if I hear any other fight break out in my lines then our entire work here is pointless. We are the last line of defense, and if the soldiers kill each other, then the enemy has no trouble running us over."

The entire tunnel was silent again, torches pointed at their Leader. The hybrid looked at the two fighting crate carriers and walked a step closer, his right antler scratching along the tunnel walls.

"If you two even as much as exchange one bad word among each other I'll have you two fight to the death and force the winner to call the police and tell them where the headquarters are." He growled, his carnivore side peeking out from his gazelle appearance. He took a step towards the higher ceiling-ed part of the tunnel, freeing his horns.

"Now." Melon checked his pocket watch.

"We have about twenty minutes if not less to stash the crate, run back to the maintenance terminal, and clean up shop." The men exchanged looks and instantly the lead man studied his map while the crate-bearers lifted the crate continuing their walk ironically at the same speed that had caused the second crate-bearer to lose grip.

Mere twenty-two minutes later the door to the maintenance terminal rammed open, a task force raiding the terminal. The employee, who knew what would happen, was playing cards in the common room. They were placed in handcuffs for the duration of the raid and later brought in for question.

The checkpoint they were looking for was a mostly empty storage room, the only contents of the shelves being an assortment of tools, cleaning detergents, and spare parts for the generators in the transformer shack beneath the main city plaza.

They continued on their search through the first tunnel grid closest to the terminal before calling it quits. The questions were inconclusive even when they questioned why all men working in the terminal had the same tattoo on their hands. A sheep with wolfish teeth.

It was explained as a group mantra for the love for both herbivores and carnivores. They were let go without deep background checks, nothing of importance being found.

When the men returned to their jobs the security personnel were ordered to keep an eye on them for longer, no one noticing that the same security personnel had the same tattoo as the animals working in the terminal.

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