Roses from the Gardening Club

Author's Note: Hello Lads and Ladies

Another chapter here to ease the wait up as Chapter 23 is soon to be finished

Edited by: SuperAverageFoxyboy, The Dude who likes Tanks


That afternoon the stage crew had united to sew more costumes in the back entrance of the theater. Legosi got nervous whenever he thought back to what happened last night, Louis having been absent for the entire day.

"You know, for this not being your first choice you got a hand for sewing." Dom was trying to cheer up Kai, angry glances reaching Legosi every now and then.

"Ugh, don't humor me, this is laughable."

"No, I mean it. That sewing is very neat and tidy, a sign of a talented craftsman."

Kai was trying to deflect the compliment but it shone through that it had at least somewhat of an effect on the mongoose.

Legosi was daydreaming again, letting his thoughts dabble in the great beyond when one of the costumes had a name tag sewn into the back. The letters in bold read TEM.

"Oh..." He looked down at the bright-colored costume fitted to form for the alpaca.

"Ah jeez..." The rest of the group looked at the costume.

"We should probably put it next to his memorial, don't you think?" Legosi looked at them and everybody except for Dom averted their gaze. As if they felt guilty.

"That sounds like a good idea..." The mood had been soured completely, the entire conversation having ground to a halt and work having ceased. Dom was visibly uncomfortable with the silence.

"Oh, you could grab roses on the way back. I spoke to the Gardening Club's president and they told me that I could come by and grab some roses for the decorations."

Legosi was glad that Dom could change the subject after all. Every carnivore on all school grounds suffered under that silent animosity towards them. It was never said aloud but most herbivores made sure it was as clear as it could possibly be, that any carnivore on school grounds was seen as equally guilty.

"The Gardening Club's president is a herbivore... right?"

"Umm... yeah?"

"Shouldn't someone... come with me?" Legosi's question was met with raised eyebrows.


"I'm not sure that a wolf showing up all alone would make anyone feel safe."

The group's confusion deflated to leave behind only annoyance.

"Well, how's gonna go with him?" There were no volunteers.

"Alright." Fudge grabbed into his pocket to reveal a coin.

"Heads or tails?"

"Can't believe they made me throw a coin," was all Legosi heard from Kibi on the way to the memorial after he gloriously failed every throw. Legosi didn't care at all, concentrating on the walk to the memorial.

He left the uniform neatly folded beside a bouquet of flowers bound in red crepe paper, the faint smell of perfume lingering.

They then ascended the stairs in unison going up towards the roof where the gardening club resided.

"Why do you care so much about people being scared of you? You're a wolf, what do you care?" Kibi's questions scratched at the surface of Legosi's daydream and woke him up quite suddenly.

"Mmmh?" The questioning hum caused a groan from his stage crew colleague.

"What do you care if someone is scared of you? Never met a carnivore that cared what herbivores thought of them."

They continued to walk up the stairs as Legosi tried to think of how to earnestly answer that layered question. The real reason behind his behavior had been a mystery even to himself and to hear another question him as you might question the existence of some long-forgotten temple or the pyramids stumped him for answers.

"I-... I don't know."

He really did not. As deep as he looked there was no marker beside his wishes to remain unassuming and silent. He wanted to be invisible, boring, incapable of being a bother to any person in his surroundings. He wished to be completely and entirely passive.

"I think it's kinder to make sure others are alright... I'd hate to make someone uncomfortable."

"Unbelievable," Kibi scoffed.

"You're just a real weirdo." He spoke under his breath however Legosi could still hear, the carnivore's hearing being entirely forgotten by the irritated ant-eater.

"Well, this is it," Legosi mumbled, standing in front of the gardening club door. The smell of flowers wafted from the door as strong as that lovely rose smell came from Juno.

He closed his eyes as he mentally lingered in the air and remained for a while, the memory of the dancing wolfess reverberating through his temples.

"Legosi, you gonna open the door?"

"Oh right, sorry." He opened the door and the light from the gardening was blinding as it engulfed them standing in the dark stairwell. Legosi moved inside followed by the anteater.

It smelled like an ocean of different flowers and the summer light accentuated the view before him even more. He looked around, the miasma of colors and plant types amplifying the relaxing aura of this place even more by the sound of flying bees and beetles. Perhaps even a friend to his pet beetle, Kabu.

"Can I help you?" Legosi and Kibi looked down to the ground, a pure white rabbit standing before them in the middle of the garden.

"Ehm..." Kibi piped up beside him, Legosi investigating the Anteater's weird behavior.

"I've... forgotten... ehm... to... take... out my laundry. I got to go!" Kibi bolted for the door.

"Hey, I said we'd do this together!" Legosi whispered after the anteater but didn't move from his position. He was sure that if he made any sudden moments he might surprise the rabbit and get himself into trouble.

He awkwardly remained motionless, his head turned to the door. For a few moments, he thought that if he stayed just like that, everything would turn out fine. Kibi would return and they could finish their business. But by now he had gotten used to disappointment and slowly turned his head back to the rabbit.

The rabbit sighed and shook her head.

Is she scared of me? Should I excuse myself and just go to Dom empty-handed?

Legosi stood still, his expression blank except for the slight buildup of sweat on his brow.

If I leave it'll be more awkward, and if I keep being silent it'll only be even more awkward. Not that we really need roses, and perhaps if I am scary, she'll be on edge as long as I'm still here but-...

"Do you need something?" The Gardening Club's president looked up at him with a kind smile on her face.

Legosi decided that saying nothing was no longer an option.

"I'm from the- from the... sorry, I'm from the drama club. I should get... what are they called again..." Legosi rubbed at his temples, closing his eyes. He cursed himself for not remembering the damn flower's name he was meant to get from here.

"Oh, the roses. Yeah, I got a few bags of them over here."

She walked towards the side of the shack and timidly the wolf followed. Once they got close enough Legosi's mind was again clouded by that smell that reminded him so strongly of the wolfess that he nearly went slack-jawed when he smelled again that strong smell of a male eau de toilette.

He had followed Haru, she had introduced herself almost hesitantly, Legosi didn't know why, and now they were standing in the gardening shack. The smell of Louis was strong enough here to remind him of standing next to him when he lifted him up after he fell off the stage. Legosi liked the smell. As much as Louis was arrogant, as much did he have good taste.

"Does Louis like to go here often?" He said as he sniffed the air.

Haru froze up entirely.

"Ehm... He likes to take walks occasionally." She nearly stuttered her voice about as on edge as his in the usual standing.

"Does he help you with the work? It smells like him here..."

"Ehm..." Her face was strained with her black eyes wide in her white face.

"I've been experimenting with colognes... it's embarrassing to admit but... I just like the smell of male cologne more than perfume."

"Oh ok..." Legosi felt the awkward tension rise and immediately felt a pang of shame and guilt.

"I d-didn't mean to judge... I'm sorry..." His tail hung limply between his legs. She stood there stunned for a moment.

"Oh, it's ok... It's not often that someone with a keen nose as yours comes up here anyway." She laughed it off while Legosi questioned why so few animals came up here.

As he looked around he saw the beautiful scenery up on this roof, the many flowers, plenty of smells, and the nice quiet that was up here.

"Why do so few people come up here?... It is a nice little garden."

Haru shrugged as her face took on a neutral expression looking around the flower beds themselves.

"Gardening isn't that interesting in a school with more extracurricular activities than classes themselves. Tending to flowers seems less interesting than acting, debating, or band." She looked a little troubled as she said it and suddenly Legosi saw her as a companion of peril.

Animals dislike what they don't understand.

"Well, I am glad Louis likes plants. seems nice to have a friend to share this garden with... Thanks for the roses, I need to go back to the group now."

"Oh... ok. Thank you for coming by!" She enthusiastically waved after him, a telltale sign of her loneliness. If anyone could tell, then Legosi most of all. He knew Loneliness like the back of his hand.

When he made it down the stairs, Kibi was leaning against a wall, awaiting him already.

"Huh, that was shorter than expected... you don't take long do you?" Kibi looked the wolf up and down, an already established judgment in his behavior.

"Huh?" was the only answer Legosi could muster.

"Up there with her. You didn't take too long bending her over did you?"


"Ugh. You did just grab the flowers." Kibi trotted away from Legosi who walked a little faster to catch up.

"What do you mean? Why did you even leave me alone up there?"

"Haru sleeps with everyone who she can get her hands on. Thought you'd be one among them but I had forgotten your purity himself. Never even kissed a girl." Kibi sneered without even looking at the wolf as if disappointed by the innocence of Legosi.

"Wait up, where do these rumors come from?" Legosi looked down at Kibi who only shook his head.

"I know a guy that hooked up with her. As far as proof goes, I trust him. I got no use for loose rabbits hurting my reputation."

The way Kibi spoke, the way to him it was already a done-and-did thing. Legosi understood why Haru was alone and in the moment he felt nothing but sympathy for her. Not all of the stories could be true, but even the few that were true must have been a coping mechanism. Trying to feel normal with someone only for them to kickstart the rumors even further.

When they returned they began the process of entwining the flowers to the arches and spraying them with quick-set preservatives to keep the pretty redness for some while.

They then returned to the club where Legosi watched the dancers where for the first time Juno joined them. The rest of drama club time Legosi wasn't really effective, eyes transfixed on the wolfess dancing gracefully on the stage. No one noticed his tail wagging, accentuating his heart race beginning to pick up. 

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