Midnight By the Fountain

Editing Note: Hello Lads and Ladies

Friend of mine gave me the idea to rework the season 1 Chapters fellas. Currently in the process of Writing Season 3 Chapter 3, so this is a little extra treat for not only those just starting to read my story, but also those who want to reread the story.

Edited by: SuperAverageFoxyboy, The Dude who Likes Tanks, KarakuriCentral (Special Guest one time Editor.)


"You have eyes, don't you?" It was more of a statement than a question. Still, it sounded judgmental and mocking coming from the pretentious prince of the school. Legosi looked at him in confusion.


"Then you can be the lookout while we rehearse our lines. That is if stupid Zoe here can resists eating his scripts."

The goat seemed more terrified than Legosi. Though not at the prospect of being caught outside the Theater after it had closed, but more of the wrath of the red deer that was the president of the drama club.

"I really don't know Louis... What if we get caught-"

"If you do your job right, we won't be caught." Louis managed to look down on a carnivore that towered over his physique by at least two heads or more, minus his antlers. For a moment, Legosi felt jealousy in his heart. As much as he hated how cold and almost gleefully mean Louis was, he also held all the qualities that Legosi wanted to have:

Confidence, a non-threatening exterior and most of all he was what he wanted to be...

An herbivore.

Louis's office door swung open, clashing against the wall and shaking a few pictures.

"You pretentious Bastard, that was my role! I auditioned for it, put the work in and even memorized the script. And you give it to-!"

"Ever learned to knock?" Louis stopped the tirade of the angry mongoose dead in its tracks. He stood leaning against his desk, his arms folded in front of him.

Legosi watched the exchange from the side, standing slightly hunched. Zoe behind him watched with the same terror as before.

"Answer my question, dickhead! Why give the role to him when I did all the work?!" Kai was furious, yet it left Louis unphased. He dully looked at the mongoose with half closed eyes.

"It was collectively decided that you had too many disappointing performances already. You have been reassigned to the Stage crew. So you should get comfortable with Legosi here, since you'll be working together from now on." Everyone in the room knew that the word "collectively" was a lie. Louis was the president of the club, and if he made a choice then no one, not even Sanu, the vice president of the club, would have the gall to object.

Kai pumped with anger, his face burning up as it looked like he was about to explode.

"Come here you son of a-!"

Legosi walked in front of the Mongoose approaching with a raised fist, the wolf's body completely obscuring the deer's. He looked at the mongoose with mild anger.

"Resolving Conflicts with Violence is strictly forbidden. Take a step back before you do something that you might regret." Legosi mechanically rattled off the School rules he had read so often. He despised it when he had to use his tall stature in order to physically threaten others, but in the end it was the easiest way for him to ensure peace.

Kai sized his opponent up and very obviously weighed the risk of going against the wolf's words. He thought about it too long for Legosi's liking.

"Kai!" Legosi spat, the mongoose looking at him. The anger in Legosi's face had passed to be just sympathy now, knowing just how little Kai could do to fight back against Louis's decision.

"Just go." Legosi said solemnly. He knew Kai. And although the mongoose was way too focused on his status than anything else, so did he did enjoy his attention to detail and kind moments.

The mongoose looked up at the Wolf square in the eyes, then down at his chest where Louis's eyes would be if he wasn't in the way. He turned around in reluctant anger towards the open door.

"Pretentious piece of shit..." He muttered under his breath, throwing the door closed behind himself. Legosi began to hunch again, turning around to see the deer looking smugly at him.

"See? You're the perfect guard to keep watch."

Legosi's words for counter had been few, but now all of them were invalid. He felt played and manipulated. Powerless against the deer he simply nodded and looked at the ground.

"That will be all you two. I would read my script while I still can, Zoe. We'll meet at the Theater at Eight sharp." Louis said finely, while the orange light of the late afternoon sun slowly began to head for the last stretch towards the horizon.

Legosi left Louis's Office feeling defeated and used. He walked down the corridor in the dying light of the day until he remembered something in his pocket and made his way outside.

Els wasn't hard to find. The little angora goat used a specific conditioner Legosi could easily identify by smell, yet not by name. He simply called it 'Els' scent'. He walked past the Club building and nearly shuddered when looking at his reflection in the windows.

His tired eyes surrounded by pale cream colored fur that was on most of his face, with a blueish gray painting his ears and the back of his head, enclosing the pale color on his face like a natural fur hoodie. His eyes were small pupils on a blank white ball; no eye color to decorate it.

He finally turned the corner to see the goat there all by herself, and so he walked faster than before, trying to match her speed.

After he had already caught up a bit more, the goat turned around and nearly fainted. He could see as much in her body language and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." Legosi immediately began to apologize, Els regaining control of her body.

"Oh... Legosi, I'm sorry..." Els recognized him. She was in the Dancing team, working beside others like Ellen and so on, but nothing like him. He was the silent part of the Drama Club, working backstage, being part of the stage crew. Legosi recounted that they only had a fleeting acquaintance, one that had now been undercut by one similarity: that both were close to someone that was taken from them.

"I just wanted to give you something, Els. Something that belonged to Tem." Saying his name out loud hurt. They were halfway through the production of the current stage play when it happened. Their friend was reduced to nothing but a pile of torn clothes and a floor full of blood in one of the projector rooms in the back of the theater building. Herbivores, of course, were on edge due to just that. Legosi wasn't surprised, nor was the feeling of being avoided alien to him.

"Here." He handed her the letter he had known was left in his locker. He had acquired it before Tem's belongings were posthumously retrieved from his locker. He remembered specifically Louis's anger that day. not that one of their own had been killed, but more so that he had to find a replacement for Tem and that the play would be delayed due to the death of a student. That day, Legosi had hated Louis for being apathetic and uncaring about another's passing. But that had dissipated, now giving space to his undying submission in another's presence.

"It's a love letter. I've seen him stash it in his Locker. I thought that maybe you should know..." The wolf explained as the Angora goat read the letter. It wasn't very long, but it was something akin to a last goodbye, Legosi figured. It felt right giving it to her at least.

"T-Thank you Legosi... that was really kind." She was holding back tears, moved by the words. Another direct hit to his emotions. How fair is it that he was taken out of this world before he could share a love letter with his first crush.

"No problem... I should probably go now." The orange day light was turning darker by the minutes and Legosi remembered Louis's words.

"Wait Legosi!" The wolf had already turned around and begun walking.

"Wait Legosi, I...I said some pretty bad things about you." The wolf turned around and looked at the almost crying carpine.

"I suspected you... or my other... carnivore friends... could be the killers ... I'm so sorry... for spreading rumors about you. I will do my best to tell them all you're a lovely wolf!" He looked at her blankly, her crying nearly breaking his heart.

"That's ok, I'm fine with being avoided." He thought it might calm her down, might do something that would lower her pain, though he turned around before he could ever see her reaction. He had too much on his mind to worry about another person's emotions.

(Line Break)

A Few Hours Later

Why me?

Legosi asked himself over and over again, standing at the entrance of the third and final main school building on the grounds of Cherryton Academy. His tie danced in the wind as he walked up and down the path, nervousness and other winding anxieties eating away at his mind.

He paced more and thought that perhaps this was the penance he faced for being a carnivore, that he was repaying his debt to the world. If he was dumb enough to not be a fearsome Hunter, then he would be a passable guard dog at least.

Legosi wasn't what most people would call an ordinary member of the Canis Lupus species. He was easily overwhelmed by Social situations, he was taller than the average wolf and most importantly he seemed to be uncomfortable in his skin. It made sense to no one, and it didn't seem to make sense to himself.

He was a loner, never had many friends beside his dorm-mates. And so people naturally saw him as the mysterious figure stuck in thought, ready to pounce at any moment without any warning. He was a terrible carnivore and even worse at pretending to be a herbivore. Naturally frightening with a presence of uncertainty.

"This might just be me fitting into my spot on the food chain." Legosi muttered to himself, now having stopped at one side of the platform of the Theater's back entrance. He looked at grasshoppers jumping over the concrete path, living their lives in idyllic simplicity. He loved bugs. They were one of the simplest beings he knew and he loved them for it. They were unburdened by complex thought, unburdened by social fears. They were... free.

He sniffed the air of the cool night, expecting to smell nothing but air when instead he was caught in a wave of the smell of Roses, much stronger than he could've ever imagined. He stumbled backwards, standing in front of the door as he looked forward out from the Pillars before the Theater entrance. The smell laid thickly in the air as it waved over his senses, coating his world in the flowery beauty of this new development.

Before him was the fountain, placed just before the Theater entrance with a large stone path area of nearly mosaic decorations between him and the water feature. There was no fooling his senses that it came from just behind it. Beyond the fountain stood the archway walls that signaled the beginning of the art-centered final building of the school.

He stood there on the border between following orders or indulging his curiosity as this wonderful wild smell wafted over his nose. As he breathed in, he felt the fur on his back stand upright in sheer excitement. He tried his best to stay put at the task that Louis had decided for him and yet he gave up about a minute after first smelling the wonderful scent of Roses.

He stumbled helplessly in a manic daze as he approached the fountain. He felt like he was under mind control, not managing to get many more thoughts into his head other than the undying need to know what produced this wonderful aroma. He walked closer to the beautiful fountain to hear quiet sobbing coming from the other side of the base pool. It was a female sob that wreaked chaos into his drab little black and white world. There was such sadness that Legosi couldn't handle, something so emotive that made him want to join in on loudly crying. To cry about all the things that weren't fair, of all the things he couldn't change, of all the things he wished he had done differently.

He got closer, walking around the fountain while the sobbing got louder, minimally but noticeably. He came to a stop on the other side to see a reddish brown wolfess sat hunched at the edge of the pool. Her arms were folded over her pulled up legs with her head buried between.

The first thing Legosi felt was sympathy, knowing just as well how bad emotions could get to one's head. And so the first thing he wanted to do was earnestly help.

"Are you ok?" Legosi asked in a calm voice. The wolfess jittered up and looked up at him first with fear and then with something that Legosi couldn't quantify. It looked like relief mixed with admiration perhaps, although he didn't understand what he did to deserve admiration.

Legosi himself, upon seeing her beautiful features, was to stand there aghast. He had never seen a she-wolf as beautiful as her, with amethyst eyes staring deeply into his plain black pupils. She looked at him from a similarly cream colored face than his, only her ears drooped downwards.

"I'm sorry, should I be in my room?" The wolfess went to stand up, talking to him like he was her senior student. He held out his hands in a stopping gesture.

"No, no you don't. I just heard crying and wanted to check..." His heartbeat elevated, his ear flicking. I've never felt like this before.

She looked up at him, those eyes making forming a thought impossible.

"I didn't mean to disturb anyone with my presence I can go if I need-"

"No no, please, you can stay." Legosi said again, sitting down next to her at the fountain. She stared for a moment, just studying his features much like he had done just a moment before. Even though he noticed, he didn't react to the staring at all, he was practically invading her little moment, it was in her right to be wary.

Both sat in short silence, the moment accentuated by the light sound of splashing water in the fountain, while the archway wall stood curved around them.

"I didn't mean to cry here, it just... happened." The she-wolf explained herself, the tear-stained streaks still being freshly present in her fur.

"It's ok to cry, it relieves stress." Legosi stated like an expert. Probably because he was in some weird way an expert at feeling sad, even if he never cried. Sometimes he wished he could, Crying was either the best deterrent or in this beautiful wolfess's case attractor.

"May I ask you a question... uh?"

"Legosi... My name is Legosi." He looked at her as he introduced himself. And for a moment he saw the slight outcrop of a smile dance across the edges of her mouth. And instantly Legosi knew why he went over here. I want to see her smile.

"My name is Juno." She replied, and as she did Legosi connected the rose flavored scent to his smell data bank.

"That's a lovely name."

"Thank you" She blushed which caused Legosi's heart to start pumping twice the speed.

"May I ask you a question, Legosi?" She looked at him hopefully, the sadness still over her features.

"Of course."

"Do we ever get used to it... you know, to being frightening?" Juno's question made him think much more than he had expected to truly think this evening. Did he ever get used to it? Can one even get used to it?

Every moment of his life was dull and empty ever since he decided that he would refuse to be the carnivore the world begged him to become. And for this conscious choice he was shunned by all that didn't know him, nor did anyone want to get to know him. A part of him hated himself for it, but the fear of hurting others was so much greater.

"I think part of you will get used to it. We always get used to it."

"That sounds awful..." Juno lamented.

"That's what friends are for. Everyone has friends for those hard times, even the scary ones." Legosi thought for a moment what he just blurted out.

"N-N-N-Not that y-y-you're s-scary or a-a-anything! I w-wasn't t-t-trying to c-call you s-s-scary! You're p-p-perfectly fine as y-y-you are!" Legosi profusely stuttered, asking himself what had gotten into him. Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?

All his thoughts stopped when he heard her giggle. The type of giggle of relief that he hoped to give. He looked over to see her smile. Legosi was in awe at how a single smile could be so radiant as to light up his drab black and white world.

"LEGOSI! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! GET OVER HERE!" Zoe shouted from the top of his lungs, making them both jump.

"I better get going, my friends need me."

"That's fine, I need to go back to my dorm as well." Both stood up and looked at each other for a minute. At this time, Legosi in one of the rare moments of his life thought for a minute to know that perhaps the same feelings that made his heart race with excitement were going through her mind as well.

"LEGOSI!" the goat screamed again and Legosi was still cemented to the floor.

"Well Legosi, Thank you for your words, I hope we become quite good friends." The words were sweet as honey and he didn't want her voice to ever go quiet again.

"I'm in the Drama Club by the way, if you ever need to talk to me. Goodbye." With those words the wolfess waved, her amethyst eyes sparkling brighter than any star in the sky and turned around, walking out of the Archway wall and leaving for her dorm.

"Yeah... me too." Legosi muttered to himself and turned around. His mind raced with images of the She-wolf as his heart raced with a feeling he had never felt before. He wanted nothing more than to talk to her again...

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