Midnight By The Fountain

(Drawn by littlememelord) 

Author's Note: Reworked Chapter 1 due to me releasing this fic on Ao3.

Legosi walked up and down the entrance to the theater.

The crisp night time breeze tickled his grey fur.

It's been roughly an hour since Louis and Zoe disappeared into the theater, leaving the wolf outside to keep watch. They weren't supposed to use the stage this late at night, but Zoe desperately needed to rehearse his lines for the upcoming play.

It was a rather calm and quiet night. The full moon was out, albeit there was a bit of cloud cover, and the only real noise was the chirping of crickets and the fountain in front of the theater. Legosi, the grey wolf, was quite bored just hanging around outside alone.

Suddenly, he felt something quickly brush against his ankle, making him jump. He quickly looked down, only to come face to face with a tiny little bug. Legosi sighed.

"Hey, there little buddy. What are you doing here?" Of course, the bug only answered with silence. "Oh, what am I doing here? I guess that's a good question, huh..? What am I doing here?"

Legosi thought back to only a few hours prior. He was brought in to Louis's, the red deer's, office to supposedly help Zoe "fix his act" before rehearsals. Zoe was merely a replacement actor. He would be replacing Tem, the alpaca. The circumstances that led to this decision, however, was still a fresh open wound in the minds of all Cherryton Academy students; Tem's murder.

Exactly one week ago today, Tem was devoured by one of the carnivore students. As it currently stands, the culprit has yet to be caught. No one knows who it was, but that didn't exactly stop anyone from speculating, especially the herbivores.

Several days after the murder, once the school had reopened, tensions between carnivore and herbivore students were at an all-time high. It was nearly palpable. Almost all herbivore students would consciously avoid any of the carnivores. Despite this, however, Legosi had a mission to do, one final token of his friendship with Tem.

Before Tem's passing, the alpaca was very much in love. He was in love with a girl who'd he'd now never be able to admit it too. This was Legosi's mission, to give her the only remaining evidence of his love, a love letter.

Legosi always did his best to act weak when around others, but unfortunately, being a carnivore meant that people like Els, Tem's crush, would naturally fear him more regardless. There was a part of him that resented being born a wolf, but it was something that couldn't be helped.

In the end, however, she would eventually receive it, and Legosi felt that now, he could begin trying to move on.

Back in Louis's office, the red deer began saying lines from the play aloud.

"Huh? What're you-"

"We're rehearsing your lines, Zoe. Now give me Odie's line."

"I- I'm sorry. I still haven't memorized all my lines," the goat said, visibly nervous.

"I see..." Louis suddenly began walking towards Zoe.

"L- Louis..?"

The red deer immediately grabbed a hold of Zoe's face, squeezing his mouth tightly.

"Tell me... did you happen to eat your script? That's all you goats are good for, isn't it? Well, I'll have you know that we don't need that right now..."

Suddenly, the door behind them flew open.

"Why the hell is he the one getting Tem's role!? I'm the only other person who auditioned for-"

"Knock first, dammit!" Louis finally let Zoe leave before turning his attention to the new person in the room, Kai, the mongoose.

"Hey, what's he doing in here?" asked Kai, referring to Legosi.

"Hmph, I suggest you start trying to get along with Legosi. You'll be working with him as part of the stage crew from now on."

"The hell, you talking about?"

"You've been removed from the acting team. We've decided that you are no longer fit to remain an actor, given your multitude of past mistakes. Why you ever thought you could be Tem's replacement is beyond me-"

Suddenly, Kai threw a fist towards Louis, making hard contact, but it wouldn't be Louis that he made contact with. It was Legosi. Kai was clearly still angry, so Legosi began baring his fangs in an attempt to make him back off.

Upon realizing this, the mongoose quickly withdrew. It worked.

"It must be nice to live rich! Everybody gets to treat you like a prince!" With that, he slammed the door and left.

"You bore your fangs to avoid starting a fight. That kind of arrogance is appropriate for you carnivores. Who knew the docile Legosi was hiding a ferocious beast from us this whole time..."

"I should probably get going..." Legosi attempted to make his way towards the door but was stopped by Louis.

"That being said... I have a job for you..." From there, he asked Legosi to help keep watch for him as he helped Zoe rehearse his lines in the theater. Well, it was more like he forced him to.

Louis certainly had a way of making people do what he wants, being super-rich as well as being ridiculously popular. And now, Legosi was just another person to fall victim to that.

"Well, I guess that's the real reason why I'm out here... What would you say?"

Once again, he was only met with silence as the bug that was once resting on his hand hopped away.

Suddenly, his nose twitched as a sweet scent came to his nose. The smell reminded him of a bouquet of roses. His boredom was now replaced by curiosity. The scent was strangely familiar yet somehow different at the same time.

Legosi slowly began to follow the smell as it eventually led him to the opposite side of the fountain. Illuminated by the soft blue light emanating from the fountain, he stepped closer. That was when he saw her.

The young female wolf sitting at the fountain had reddish-brown fur. Her face was buried in her hands as he now noticed the quiet sounds of sobbing.

Legosi was at a loss for what to do. This was certainly one of the last things he expected to happen tonight.

"H-hello? Are you alright?"

The wolfes's head sprang upwards, and her body jumped a little.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..."

The young wolf recollected herself.

"No, it's ok. I shouldn't be here anyway."

"Well, since you are here, would you mind telling me what's wrong?" Legosi asked as he sat down next to her.

She wiped her tears and looked away.

"It's nothing much really. I guess I just had a few rough encounters..."

"Are you sure you're ok?"

The girl looked him in the eyes. He noticed how enchanting her amethyst eyes seemed, almost drawing him in.

The girl couldn't help but notice Legosi's looks as well. She only just noticed that he was a fellow grey wolf and a tall, handsome one at that.

"Tell me... Why is everyone so scared of us..."

Legosi frowned and looked down.

"You'll get used to it eventually. At first, it might be hard, but you get to a point where eventually it doesn't bother you anymore."

"That sounds horrible... I don't want to keep having to suffer like this..."

"Well, that's what we have friends for, right? Having good friends can sometimes make the worst of day that much more bearable. And even if you don't have any friends right now, trust me when I say that you'll get there eventually. Anyone can make friends. Even the scary ones. Wait! It's not that I think you're scary or anything it's just-"

The girl just smiled.

"I understand."

Legosi starred in silence. Who knew that one person's smile could bring such joy. It was like a ray of sunshine in this normally dark, grim world.

"LEGOSI!" Zoe's voice suddenly rang out from the theater.

"I'm sorry. I think I need to go now..." the wolf said as he stood up.

The young wolfess followed suite and looked at him for a moment.

"I- I'm Juno, by the way. I'm a part of the drama club!" She spoke with more confidence now.

Legosi was once again entranced. This beautiful creature was in the same club as him...


"You should probably get to your friend now. I hope to see you soon..."

Legosi simply nodded before running off towards the theater, still thinking about Juno...

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