Be Not So Sorry For What You've Done

It was the night of Christmas Eve and the streets of New York City were filled with shimmering snow, twinkling laughter, and glittering lights. The different colored lights that were strung onto the high buildings blinked red, green, yellow, blue. Cars rushed to and fro as the drivers all hurried to return home and spend the night with their families. Somewhere in the distance, the melodic voice of the local church's choir and the gentle melody of the orchestra drifted above the traffic, encasing the city in a warm blanket.

[Be not so nervous, be not so frail]

Diana sat alone at a table of a café that was facing the lively streets. Her cheeks were a rosy red as she cupped her cup of coffee tightly, trying to soak the warmth into her frigid fingers. She glanced around nervously as she reached up to adjust the thin scarf wrapped loosely around her neck.

The voices of the couple sitting next to her rose in volume as the woman laughed loudly to something the man said. The woman wore a bright red coat with golden buttons and a golden trim. She wrapped herself in a plaid scarf with a rose pin that glittered under the light. Her silky brown hair was pulled up into a puffy bun, and she painted herself with so much make-up that the colors were beginning to mix together.

[Someone watches you, you will not fail]

Diana suddenly became conscious of her own ugly and cheap brown jacket that did little to block the cold. She shivered as she looked down at her jeans and saw that the color was fading badly after being worn one too many times. Her once shiny boots looked worn out and were covered with grime, but, thankfully, a fresh layer of snow covered the brown spots.

Even though it wasn't much, it was her best outfit. No, it was the last outfit that didn't have any holes in it, the last outfit she could actually wear in public.

[Be not so nervous, be not so frail]

Diana tightened her hold on her cup of untouched coffee and looked away from the young couple. She ran the script of what she was going to say over and over again, trying to distract herself from the butterflies flapping wildly in her stomach.

[Be not so nervous, be not so frail]

She knew that she only had one chance and, if she didn't grasp it as it came, she wouldn't be able to return home.

Home. The word echoed emptily in her mind. It held such a foreign taste each time she used it as if her true home was not the place where her mother, driven crazy by fame and beauty, laid dead to the world, piles of empty bottles and cigarettes strewn about. Diana shut her eyes tightly, trying to push the vivid image out of her mind.

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

And then, as if it were a miracle to save her from her own thoughts, a voice asked, "Hello, are you Ms. Greita?"

[You must forget them now, it's done]

Diana's eyes flew open and she looked up quickly to see the face of a handsome young man. He appeared to be no older than thirty and wore a black coat and a black hat to cover his light brown hair. His chocolate brown eyes twinkled under the blinking colorful lights as he extended his hand, "My name is Aile Nightingale and I am the director of the Turner Company. Do you mind if I take a seat?"

Diana was so mesmerized by the man that it took her quite a moment to respond. When she finally managed to find her voice, she croaked out a small, "Yes." Then she quickly cleared her throat and said in a more formal way, "Yes, of course! Help yourself."

The man, Aile, smiled as he sat down across from her. He took off his hat and placed it on the table. Diana unconsciously smoothed out her coat and dusted off the stray white specks that had found their way onto her clothes.

"You know, when I first saw your name, I thought it sounded awfully familiar," Aile said. "Then I knew why: it reminded me of that actress who used to be so popular. Funny coincidence, don't you think?"

Dread settled at the bottom of Diana's stomach. Of course, the name and its past was bound to resurface at some point of her life. She just didn't think it would come up right then. She quickly masked her face into one of ignorance and laughed, "Oh yes, we happen to share the same name. But we're not related."

Aile nodded and sighed. "It's a pity that the actress is no longer in the industry. I heard that she was driven mad by consuming too much alcohol and was forced into rehabilitation. Didn't she remain in rehab for the rest of her life and couldn't act anymore?"

Diana didn't answer. Thankfully, she didn't need to because Aile had already moved on and was reaching into his coat and pulling out a thin stack of papers. He placed them down on the table and turned to face Diana.

"So, I've read the letter you sent a week ago and, I must say, I'm quite impressed by how eager you are to perform in our newest movie," Aile began. "You do understand that you'll be playing the main role, not just a side character, right?"

Diana nodded. "I read through all the information that you posted on your website," she said. "I'm willing to dedicate all my time and effort in order to perform my best."

Aile chuckled. "I can see that you really mean it. That's a good thing. You see, our company has been receiving some poor reviews for the last couple of months due to many of our actors and actresses not taking their job seriously enough. We're a small company so I guess it's understandable why they tend to not try as hard. I'm glad that you seem so interested."

Diana felt her cheeks flush again and she fidgeted around. It had been so long since someone last complimented her.

"From your letter, I know that you had been in the theater club during high school," Aile said kindly. "And how well were you at it?"

"I was awarded best performer of state three times in a row," Diana answered.

"And do you have any outside-of-school experiences with acting? Maybe a part-time job at another company?"

"I was in two short films, but only as the side characters," Diana replied. "But I'm willing to become a main character for your film."

"Very well, Mrs. Grieta. I must say, you seem quite impressive. I only have one last question to ask you: why did you choose our company?"

Diana had already prepared herself to answer the question, but something knotted in her stomach, stopping her from speaking. She knew the right answer was that she was extremely interested in joining the company, but she did not feel that way. She had gone through so many different companies and each of them turned her down. The Turner Company had been her last resort.

"I believe the Turners Company is special in its own way and I wish to be able to perform in it," she said at last. Aile didn't blink twice at her sloppy answer.

[And when you wake up you will find that you can run]

To Diana's relief, Aile smiled and said, "Excellent. Well, I am glad to inform you that you are hereby accepted to the Turners Company."

Diana couldn't believe what she had just heard.

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

"R-Really?" she gasped, her eyes widening as she looked up. Aile laughed upon seeing her bewildered expression.

"Of course! You seem like a good kid," Aile said. "I think the others at the company would be happy to accept you as well."

Aile pushed the stack of papers to Diana and said, "Here are the forms that you must first fill out before you can join our company. You may start working tomorrow so make sure to bring them then."

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

Diana still couldn't believe what she was hearing. She took the papers and stared at them long and hard. Aile was gathering up his things and saying goodbye, but Diana remained in her seat, clutching the papers tightly in her hands. The cold winter air blew around her, but she no longer felt cold. Something kindling inside of her warmed up her frozen heart. She clasped her hands together in happiness- a feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time.

It was midnight when Diana finally arrived home. The lights in her house were all dark except for one small light in the very back. It was where her mother was, probably unconscious due to all the alcohol that she had consumed since the evening. The happiness that Diana had felt earlier had long since died away because she knew that the moment she entered the house, she'd be forced to face her crazed mother.

[Be not so fearful, be not so pale]

Diana gathered up what little courage she had and walked up to the front door. There was never a need to lock the door since her mother had already broken the lock a long time ago during one of her worst tantrums. Diana never bothered to fix it because it wasn't like they owned anything worthy that robbers would want. Her mother had already sold or gambled away everything valuable.

[Someone watches you, you will not leave the rails]

Diana pushed open the door, a low creak and a hiss coming from the hinges. She stepped inside and tried to close the door as quietly as possible. The dim flickering light from the kitchen was the only thing illuminating the dark hallways as Diana quietly made her way to where her mother was.

Along the way, she happened to glance at the pictures that stood still and rigid on a plain side table. The frames were chipped and dull, and the glass were either cracked or simply gone. As for the pictures, they were either fading badly or had rips all over them. They all showed her mother smiling- all dolled up in shimmering colors and glittering jewels, looking beautiful and prestigious- and standing next to a tall man with dark hair- her father, Rowand Wright, a normal office man. Or supposedly he was, but Diana had never actually met him. The moment her father could no longer stand the fact that her mother cared about diamonds and fame more than her family, he left before Diana was even born.

[Be not so fearful, be not so pale]

Diana slowly entered the kitchen. But her mother was not there. There were only the familiar broken beer bottles and little sticks of cigarettes. The air was heavily scented with rotting foods and vomit. Diana's breath came out slowly and painfully because of the leftover smoke from the cigarettes.

[Be not so fearful, be not so pale]

She slowly backed out of the room, but suddenly a hand reached out and grasped her shoulder stiffly. Diana stifled a scream as she whipped around in alarm.

It was her mother.

Diana quickly backed up and breathed rapidly in and out in order to still her racing arm.

Her mother slowly stepped into the light. She looked nothing like the pictures displayed in the front hallway. She was no longer dressed in flashing colors, and she no longer had sparkling jewels around her neck. Her once golden blonde hair that cascaded down her back was now looking dull and stringy and was filled with knots and bits of vomit. Her blue eyes were dull and surrounded by a thick layer of red. Her cheeks were hollow and her arms were so thin that they could have been mistaken for fallen tree branches. She carried a half empty bottle in one hand; a lit cigarette, the other.

"Where have you been, girl?" her mother slurred in a croaky voice. She took a large swig from her bottle before staggering towards Diana. Instinctively, Diana took a few steps back.

"I asked you, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" her mother suddenly screamed.

"J-Just out with a few friends," Diana said shakily.

"Don't lie to me, girl. I know you don't have any friends," her mother spat. She leaned heavily against the doorway, as if it were the only thing keeping her up, and took yet another long gulp from her near-empty bottle. "Now, tell me, where have you been?"

Diana knew that it was no use lying. Her mother would use despicable methods to force the truth out of her anyway. "I-I went for an interview," Diana finally said in a small voice.

Her mother was about to take another drink from her bottle when she suddenly froze and the bottle fell from her hands. It tumbled to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. She didn't seem to care about all the tiny shards because she was fixated on Diana.

"You what?" she whispered in a warning voice.

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

"I went for an interview," Diana repeated in a slightly stronger voice.

Her mother stepped over the shards, her eyes full of fire, and suddenly grabbed both of Diana's shoulders. Shaking Diana hard, she screeched, "You dare to do such a thing behind my back?! You dare to steal away my fame?! I'm the popular one, here! I was the one who was deemed the most beautiful actress of the century! I deserve the stage, not you!"

Diana gasped in pain and then she was crying and begging, "Let me go, it hurts, let me go..."

But her mother paid her no mind. She was already driven beyond insanity by fame and beauty. "It's mine! The stage is mine!" she screamed in a high, shrilling voice. "I'm the one who's beautiful and talented! I deserve to return to the stage! I deserve everything!" And, without warning, she dug her nails harshly into Diana.

[You must forget them now, it's done]

Something in Diana snapped. She screamed and, with every ounce of her power, she pushed her mother away. Cassandra Grieta stumbled back, caught by surprise, shock and disbelief written all over her face, and she fell onto the cold, hard floor.

"You dare-?"

"Yes, I do!" Diana yelled in rage. She was suddenly overcome by a confidence so great that she no longer felt scared. "I've finally found a job, so I'm going to get out of this hellhole and into the outside world. You can't chain me down anymore."

"You think you can survive out there?" Cassandra taunted as she struggled to her feet, her movements slow and sluggish. "You don't have any money and you don't have a house. You'll die!"

"So what!" Diana yelled back. "Anything is better than here! I'm leaving."

Cassandra suddenly laughed. "Leave? And go where? What can a little girl like you do out there in the world?"

"Something more than always staying in the house and drinking myself into oblivion!" Diana retorted. "I've been trying to help you all this time, but you kept pushing me away. Your moment of fame is over. It's time for you to come to your senses."

Cassandra seemed to finally realize that Diana wasn't going to change her mind and that she was truly leaving. The last person who stayed with her all those years was going to leave her. Her eyes widened and she staggered forward again. This time her approach seemed weak and urgent.

"No, no, Diana, don't go," she cried and flung herself at Diana. "Don't leave me all alone here. Take me with you!"

Diana brushed her mother off and raced down the hallway, up the creaky stairs, and into her bedroom. The entire way, her mother cried, screamed, and begged for her to stay, to not leave her, to take her away as well.

Diana locked her door as her mother shrieked and banged on the wood. Diana sank to the floor and pressed her back tightly against the door. She covered her ears and drowned out all the loud noises. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Then, gradually, the noises faded away. Her mother had gone back down the stairs to the kitchen. Diana remained on the floor, curled up tightly, her hands clasped around her head. She silently rocked herself back and forth until sleep encased her like a blanket.

[And when you wake up you will find that you can run]

When morning came, Diana awoke and sat there, staring into space. She couldn't hear anything from downstairs, so it meant that her mother had already passed out from drinking. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. Her heart was in a turmoil and her hands were clenched tightly into fists.

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

When she opened her eyes again, she pulled out the form that Aile gave her from the pocket of her coat. She looked at it for a long moment before rising slowly to her feet. She grabbed a pen from her desk and flattened the sheet of paper on the surface. She was about to start writing when she paused.

It suddenly dawned to her that she no longer wanted to be Diana Grieta, the daughter of a failed actress who had lost her mind. She didn't want to be the daughter of a woman who would hurt her own daughter.

[Be not so sorry for what you've done]

Her pen hovered over the paper for a moment before she made up her mind. And she wrote:

Just Diana

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