Chapter 6
Been busy all week. Thanks for your lovely comments. I hope I replied to them all. Don't know how much I forget to respond since I read most of them from my email notification. Just know that I love and appreciate every one of them. Your comments made me laugh and it makes my day. Love you all.
I realized I haven't given you much about their ages. Jimin is 29, Jungkook 27. Joon and Hobi is 30 while Jin and Yoongi is 31. Jimin is the leader of Cobra for over a decade, which gives an advantage over Jungkook who only took over the gang two years ago and is still controlled by his father. Sr. Jeon only relented control to Jungkook because he learned Jimin was taking over the Cobras and he thought it'd look bad on him if he didn't put Jungkook forward.
Also, Jimin is the chairman of his company. Mr. Park is retired though he's actively involved in the underground business. While Sr. Jeon is the chairman of Jeon group and Jungkook is the CEO. Jungkook's position does give him some power, but his father controls majority of the operations. A situation Jimin is going to rectify. He he.
Jimin couldn't contain his anger as he stormed out of the club with Taehyung and Seokjin hot on his heels. Under any other circumstances, he'd have loved to take his time and teach the fucking bastard a lesson for touching what was his. He shrugged on his shirt and suit jacket carelessly, buttoning only a few buttons.
Though he just got out of the fighting ring, his fury hasn't reduced a bit. His blood began boiling the moment the host announced Jungkook's name. He witnessed the confusion washing over Jungkook's features before it turned into shock and then morphed into anger.
His fists had clenched under the table and Taehyung had to hold his hand to stop him from reshaping Sr. Jeon's face then and there. His best friend for life and second-in-command gently reminded him that it was a matter of Jungkook's honor and his anger wouldn't help the situation.
Jungkook was a great fighter. Jimin really enjoyed the fight and wasn't even surprised when he took the man twice his size down. He trusted Jungkook to handle it well. His lover worked out and was even obsessed with his training, so he never doubted it a second. Besides, it was no easy feat to lead a popular gang such as the Dragons if he wasn't strong.
However, the challenge to his patience began when one of his men injected him with the drug. Jimin saw red and there was no stopping him then. He hadn't thought twice before killing the man, even if he was a member of his own gang. They should know better than to not take his words lightly. He had banned using dirty tricks inside the fighting ring, unlike his father who let them do whatever they wanted.
As he paced the parking space in front of Jungkook's car, Namjoon and Hoseok brought Jungkook to him, supporting his weight. His gaze swept around though his guards had cleared the block.
Jimin stopped and turned to Taehyung. "We'll take Jungkook's car. You take the wheel. Ask Jungkook's driver to bring our car to the apartment."
He opened the door to the back seat and allowed Namjoon to settle Jungkook inside.
"You can come with us, Namjoon-ssi. The other two can come in my car." Jimin motioned them towards his car that was parked closer.
He didn't wait for them to respond as he climbed into the backseat to sit near Jungkook. They had quite a bit of drive ahead since the event was held outside of Seoul and closer to Incheon. He was irritated with the amount of time it'd take to reach Gangnam.
The youngest reached out weakly before adjusting his position to lay his head on his lap. A smile tugged at Jimin's lips when Jungkook fussed a bit, turning this way and that to find a comfortable position. When he did, it was to curl to his side to face Jimin, burying his nose into his stomach. His fist curled at the front of his shirt.
Jimin combed his fingers through his hair which was now damp and stuck to his forehead. He looked exceptionally beautiful in his grey suit today and Jimin only grew furious noticing the visible bruise that was forming on his face. There was a cut on his bottom lip and his left cheek.
He caressed his face gently and Jungkook made a soft noise in his throat. Taehyung had cleaned his injury, but his face was slightly swollen and red. A sight that further stirred Jimin's anger.
His baby's lips should be swollen only because of their kisses and not because some asshole decided it was a good day to have his revenge. The shade of red on his face felt wrong. Not the beautiful pinkish tint he saw whenever Jungkook was flustered or felt overwhelmed. His jaw clenched tight and he had to suppress the murderous rage for the sake of Jungkook. He needed him here.
"Is that all you got? The real fight is different from hitting a helpless opponent inside your precious boxing ring, isn't it?"
Sr. Jeon was in no position to respond because Jimin had already broken a rib. He was brave to have kept his façade and not screaming in pain already. But his chest heaved and he could barely stay on his feet. However, Jimin wasn't going to let him go like that. He had hurt Jungkook in the worst ways possible and he'd show him what happened when someone screwed up with Jimin.
"It doesn't feel great, does it?" he had asked Sr. Jeon. "It hurts to be on the receiving end, doesn't it? Have you ever been humiliated in front of your gang members? No? I'll show you how it feels tonight."
And show, he did. Each of his punches was aimed to hurt. He'd listened to his bones crack with a sickening satisfaction. That day Jungkook stepped into his office with a purple bruise was the day he marked Sr. Jeon. He just didn't expect today to be the day he could exact his revenge.
"You'll never step into a boxing ring again after today, Jungwoo-ssi. I'll break every single bone in your body if you dared to do it."
Jimin wasn't satisfied in the least. No, he wasn't done. Jungkook was tortured for years. One night's beating wasn't enough for that asshole.
"N-No more." Sr. Jeon coughed, blood dripping from his mouth. "You win."
Jimin stopped and stepped back with a smirk. "You may leave, Jungwoo-ssi. I did promise a fair fight, didn't I?" he said loudly and turned to the host, mentally marking him. If the bastard hadn't started the fight club and laid out those fucking rules none of this would have happened. He smirked when his eyes locked with the host. You're next, he said to himself. "Next opponent please."
When he glanced down Sr. Jeon was still in the same position, wheezing.
"My eyes are on you, Jungwoo-ssi," he growled. "Leave. You'll stay retired if you know what's best for you."
Jimin still couldn't believe how faster their relationship had changed. Every day he found new things about Jungkook. Small, trivial things that he found adorable.
Jungkook had a sweet tooth and loved soft things. He was sensitive to smells and sought his scent. He loved to bury his face into Jimin's neck and nuzzle into him. He liked to be cuddled all night even when there was no sex involved. He loved physical affection in general. Jungkook was always touching him in one way or another whenever they were in the same room.
It was surprising how Jungkook managed to keep it to himself this long. Unsurprisingly, Jungkook didn't like this life. If given a choice, Jungkook wouldn't be in it.
He looked up to see the car easing into the night traffic. It was well past midnight but there was still a bit of lag in this part of the highway. It was quiet inside the car. No one had said a word.
Namjoon occasionally slanted a glance at them, more specifically on Jungkook with a worried glance. It pleased Jimin to know Jungkook at least had such loyal friends by his side and they cared for him. It was evident by the way they reacted tonight.
Jungkook stirred again, his fist tugged at his shirt. "Missed you," he mumbled in a voice so low and weak, Jimin felt a tug at his heartstrings.
"Missed you too, baby," he murmured. "You fought so well today. Hyung is so proud of you."
Jungkook cracked an eye open. He didn't look happy. His bottom lip jutted out forming a soft pout. "Wanted to look pretty for you," he whispered. "Looked forward to tonight so much."
Jimin's features softened and he traced the area surrounding the small cut on his cheek. "You always look pretty to me. Even now, there's no one as pretty as you. How are you feeling now?"
"Like crap," he whispered. "My head hurts."
Jimin proceeded to massage his scalp gently. "Does it feel better?"
Jungkook hummed. The silence stretched inside the car. Jimin looked outside the window, lost in thoughts as he stared at the passing vehicles. The atmosphere was thick inside the car. But there was nothing they could do now.
Jimin looked forward to having Jungkook in his arms too. He noticed Jungkook heading to the restroom several times that night and didn't miss the longing looks he kept sending his way. However, there were just too many people and they had kept him occupied. He couldn't slip away even if he wanted to.
"Why did you save me, hyung?" Jungkook asked suddenly.
Jimin averted his gaze to look at him. A frown tugged at his lips. "What do you mean why? You're mine to protect."
Jungkook opened his eyes again. "Not now," he mumbled. "Two years ago. In China," he said and understanding dawned in Jimin's mind. "I know it's you. You saved me that day, gave me the antidote, and brought me to the hotel."
From the front seat, Namjoon and Taehyung whipped their heads with wide eyes. Right. No one knew about that. Jimin sighed and continued to caress Jungkook's head. His silky hair was so soft to touch and it was something Jimin loved.
"You were unconscious and didn't even see me."
"I only know one man who smells like citrus with an underlying floral scent," Jungkook replied. "I realized it's because you use custom-made cologne that's designed especially for you."
Jimin smirked. His baby was smart. To be honest, he still didn't know why he decided to save Jungkook on a whim. He was there for a different purpose that day. His beef with Yang-li was three years old and it started in Russia.
When Jimin tracked him down to China and figured he had climbed ladders to become one of the underbosses for the Triads, he had no choice but to take him down without a trace. He hadn't expected to see Jungkook there, almost unconscious with a gun pointed to his head. It didn't take long to guess what was happening.
He hadn't thought twice before shooting the men down. If he was smart, he'd have left Jungkook there for the time to decide his fate. But for some reason, he changed his mind. Jungkook's bodyguards were dead and it felt wrong to leave him in such a vulnerable position. Even though he was a rival, in Jimin's eyes one deserved at least a fighting chance for his life. Where was the honor in killing someone by deceit?
Jimin took a whiff of the drink that was in Jungkook's seat, immediately figuring what drug they might have used. Fortunately, he happened to have a drug that would help with the effects of the drug that would otherwise leave him paralysed for days if not treated immediately.
"Fuck, Jeon! You should have known better."
He injected the medicine into his neck, furious that Jungkook would fall for such a trick. Didn't someone tell him not to eat or drink anything when you're attending such meetings? How could he be so damn careless?
"You're gonna be fine," he said when Jungkook whimpered. "You're okay now."
Tracking his hotel wasn't hard, considering his key card inside his suit jacket had told him exactly where to go, but slipping through the security was. When he succeeded, however, something happened. He lowered Jungkook to the bed and was about to leave when the semi-conscious Jungkook grabbed his arm.
"D-Don't go," he whispered. "Don't leave me again."
Jimin gently pried off his fingers but Jungkook immediately turned to hold him with his other hand. His wide eyes were open and staring at him unfocused.
"Mommy, don't leave." There were tears in his eyes now. "Jungkookie will be good. Jungkookie won't hug you in front of dad. Please stay."
Those words had pinned Jimin to place and stirred something he hadn't felt in years. Right then, the man he was staring at wasn't a mafia leader. At that moment, Jungkook was just a lost boy, whose mother was forcefully taken away from him when he was just a child. And Jimin realized he was still the same boy who missed his mother.
Jimin knew all about the Jeons and their family secrets. He'd always learned anything and everything he could about his enemies. He knew Sr. Jeon sent Jungkook's mother away when he was only six for a reason unknown to the public.
While he didn't know the reason, he could relate to Jungkook's longing. His mother too was taken away from him when he was just a child. He had held Jia several nights after his mother's death as she cried to sleep. So he knew how it felt to lose a mother.
Jimin had stayed until Jungkook had calmed down and gone back to sleep. Something had changed that day. The way he viewed Jungkook changed after that incident.
It was then Jimin began to notice there was no actual bite behind Jungkook's words or actions. Every time they butted heads during the meeting, Jungkook purposefully did it to get a reaction from him or to get his attention on him. When he did he would go silent.
He'd begun to notice the not-so-subtle glances Jungkook kept throwing his way. There was longing and yearning in that gaze. When he flirted back, he would always stare as if he was in a trance. Jimin had known there was more to Jungkook than what he let the others see. There were a few surprises along the way, especially on their first night together, but there was nothing Jimin would change.
A honk pulled him out of his thoughts and he realized Jungkook was still waiting for his answer. "We both have a lot in common, Jungkook," he said. "I was there for a different reason, but I couldn't leave you to die. You kept calling for your mother in your intoxicated state. It made me realize you weren't much different from me either."
Jungkook sucked in a breath. There was a moment of silence. "I guess so," he said after a while. "How long before this drug wears off?"
"Eight hours." He stroked his hair. "A good night's sleep is all you need."
Jungkook shook his head, wincing at the action. "You're all I need."
Jimin chuckled and was about to say something when a loud crack echoed around them. He ducked on instinct with a curse, throwing his body over Jungkook. Another hand went to grab his gun. Jungkook grunted, squirming under him.
Several things happened at once. Taehyung stepped on the gas, swerving the car in a zigzag pattern as he slinked between the vehicles. Cars honked and tires squealed when the second bullet hit.
"Alpha team, come in. The king is under attack. Alpha team, activate security protocol," he heard Taehyung yell as he quickly maneuvered Jungkook to lie on the seat.
"Shh...stay," he whispered. "I got you. Stay there, baby."
"It's bulletproof," Namjoon yelled, arming himself with a weapon.
His body was tight with tension and Jungkook's eyes were wide, arms flailing as Jimin silenced him again. He slid between the center console and the backseat, crouching with his gun.
"We are under attack! I repeat we are under attack," Namjoon called out through his earpiece.
"No, do not engage," Taehyung hissed. "Let us handle this." He swerved the wheel, taking a sharp right.
Namjoon looked conflicted, looking between Jungkook and Taehyung.
"The Dragons don't know our connection. It'll start a gang war if they attack our security team," Jimin quickly said. "Tell them you got it handled."
Namjoon nodded quickly and began to convey the instruction as more bullets rained on them.
"I count at least three," Taehyung gritted through his teeth, easily maneuvering through traffic using his expertise.
The traffic thinned ahead and the chase continued. While Jimin was no stranger to the attacks, an attempt on their life in Seoul was a first, especially of this extent.
The bullets hit the glass with aimed precision. It held like a vice. However, Jimin noticed something else. The enemies were shooting in the same location, each bullet hitting the same spot or the area around it. The windows wouldn't hold for long.
"They're gonna break through the glass," Jimin announced. Both his and Taehyung's phone pinged with texts as the communication began to pour in.
He peered through the windows and suddenly something clicked in his mind. His hawk-like eyes narrowed as he took note of the vehicles following them. Taehyung's gaze locked with him for a brief moment and the corners of his lips twisted. After years of being together 24/7, they didn't need words to communicate. What Jimin thought, Taehyung executed.
"Head to Sinseong-dong," Taehyung commanded, exactly repeating what was in his mind. "Dispatch the beta team and wait for the command."
Namjoon whipped his head around. "That's the heart of Cobra's territory. The Dragons aren't welcome there. They'll shoot us down the moment they see this car." He paled and Jimin saw the beads of sweat coating his forehead.
Jimin's smile stretched. "That's the plan."
The Dragons shared most of their territory borders with the Cobras. But the territories closer to the Incheon port were one of the high tension-filled areas. Not just because of the customs but also because the port was full of activities 24/7. The risk of their goods getting stolen or getting sabotaged was high and something that happened often in the past that led to the majority of the issues between the two gangs.
The Cobras occupied Sinseong-dong, Dowon-dong, Changyeong-dong, and the areas surrounding them while the Dragons occupied Yonghyeon-dong Sungui-dong and areas surrounding Hagik-dong. However, one of their major warehouses was located in Sinseong-dong.
"W-What?" Namjoon's eyes grew wide.
"The men attacking us are Cobra gang members," Taehyung said. "I just got a report that there's some activity in Sinseong-dong."
Namjoon looked puzzled.
"How good is your driver?" Jimin asked.
Namjoon frowned. "Pretty good. Though not this good, he can keep up." He jerked his head toward Taehyung who snickered.
"No one's as good as me but Jimin."
Jimin cast a glance where another crack echoed. "Tell him to cut through the traffic and fall directly behind us."
Namjoon looked as if he wanted to ask something but seemed to decide against it as he shot the orders. It took ten minutes, but Jimin saw the hood of his Aston Martin V8 Vantage appearing out of the sea of headlights. The golden insignia of the king cobra stood tall and proud with its hood flared and golden tongue darted out.
The vehicles parted like the red sea, allowing his car to pass through. The shooting ceased immediately. Jimin could almost sense the tension and confusion in the air. As his car fell directly behind Jungkook's car, ten more SUVs appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them and their assailants.
Namjoon cursed under his breath, his eyes wide as he looked around them with alarm.
Jimin smirked.
"It's gonna be fun," Taehyung eased his speed. "They wouldn't have expected the king to join their little party, did they?"
For the second time that night, Jimin rendered Namjoon speechless. It was one thing to hear rumors, but the other to witness it in person. Yoongi and Hoseok's confusion was evident through their conversation that flooded in the earpiece.
He felt a cold shiver run down his spine upon noticing the identical SUVs sidling with them. There were two on either side of them, three on the front and three on the back, totally blocking the other vehicles and forming a protective circle.
In the midst of this were also the three SUVs that initially attacked them. Jimin had moved from his crouched position on the floor to sit on the seat again. He looked more relaxed as he once again adjusted Jungkook to lie on his lap. The softness he exuded right then contradicted his demeanor just a few seconds ago.
He spotted the sliding doors to the SUV open and heavily armed men in protective gear appeared, all of their weapons pointed at the three SUVs that attacked them earlier.
"It's gonna be fun," Taehyung slowed a bit. "They wouldn't have expected the king to join their little party, did they?"
"What's going on?" Hoseok's panicked voice floated through his earpiece.
"The alpha team," Namjoon whispered, unable to tear his gaze from the road and the scene.
It was rumored that the Cobra leader had one of the highest security details and even the Presidential protection faded in comparison. When he heard the distant sound of the whirling blades of a chopper, he paled.
He slid a glance behind him. The enigma that was Jimin just stared at him blankly.
Suddenly, he was glad they were on his good side. Because he didn't want to think of what would happen if they were Jimin's real enemies. He believed all the rumors now.
"I still can't believe it was Jimin who rescued our Jungkook in China," Yoongi said. "You both barely made it out."
Namjoon's throat tightened. The incident in China was a blur. Unlike Jungkook, Namjoon hadn't consumed anything the bastards gave him to drink or eat. He didn't like the environment or the way his senses flared in alarm as soon as he entered the compound.
It was a warehouse and Namjoon even wondered if Sr. Jeon had sent them here without proper protection to die. The two bodyguards trailed after him that day wasn't enough. For a moment, he silently bid farewell to his friends as foreboding settled deep in his belly.
The Triads weren't trustworthy and Namjoon didn't understand why the Dragons would continue to do business with them. Though they had a peace treaty and were not openly hostile, anything could happen.
Fifteen minutes into the meeting, it was evident the Triads weren't there to talk that day. They wanted one of the bigger markets Dragons owned in exchange for the favor Sr. Jeon demanded. But it was clear to Namjoon that the situation itself was created by the Triads so they could pressure the Dragons to give in.
However, Namjoon wasn't one to give in. It wasn't his decision to make either. They had shot down his bodyguards when he tried to leave and he missed the bullet aimed for his head barely by a thread. He ran to hide and tried to warn Jungkook, who wasn't answering his phone.
As things were getting worse, he found himself hiding behind a wall, shooting at them randomly as he calculated his chances of survival, something happened. Gunfire ensued from elsewhere and a group of at least ten men stormed inside.
Now that he remembered that, he realized Jimin's alpha team wore the same uniform. They all looked like Interpol. Namjoon had given up hope right then. However, the men short down the Triads. One of them stopped in front of him, his high-profile rifle aimed for his heart. He seemed to communicate with his team, but Namjoon couldn't understand the muffled sound emanating from under his mask.
For whatever reason, he decided to spare Namjoon and went ahead to shoot more Triads. Namjoon stood in stunned silence for a minute or two before the situation dawned. He got the hell out of there, evading the men who didn't spare another glance. He didn't know who they were.
Jungkook still wasn't answering his calls. Namjoon made it out of that place with a bullet wound to his shoulder. He had stopped by one of the underground physicians to patch his wound and set out to their hotel room. His heart was in his throat and he believed something bad happened to Jungkook.
But when he reached the room though, Jungkook was sleeping like a baby. When he woke up, Jungkook only said he was ambushed but didn't remember how he made it to the hotel room. They had decided to not talk about the incident because the evening news was full of the mysterious death of the Triad underboss who was influential.
The reports claimed it was a gang war. There were no words about the Dragons being there or seen in the vicinity. They flew to China and didn't look back. They maintained the story that their meeting didn't happen to divert the Triad's suspicion from them and decided not to speak of that day again.
He was seemingly lost in his thoughts when Taehyung took a sharp left, jostling him. They entered Sinseong-dong, which was surprisingly empty except for their convoy. By now, he should have been used to this, but it still rendered him speechless.
When and how did Jimin grow this powerful?
If he had taken over the gang at sixteen, then he had years to carefully plan and expand.
"How is Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.
"Resting," Namjoon replied, slanting a glance toward the backseat, noticing the way Jimin continued to stroke his hair fondly.
He still couldn't fathom how these two came together. However, Jungkook just knew there were things others didn't know about.
Namjoon has never been to this part of the town after he joined the Dragons when he was just a teenager. His father's gambling habits had led him into the mouth of a loan shark and at fourteen, joining the mafia to smuggle drugs seemed like a great idea to earn some big bucks. Soon he was chosen to watch over Jungkook for some reason and the rest was history.
"Whoa!" Hoseok muttered.
Namjoon lifted his gaze to see the modern warehouse they've only heard about. It was one of the biggest warehouses of Park Inc., easily twice the size of their biggest warehouse in Seoul.
The area was well lit with a fifteen-foot tall electric fence and surveillance cameras. There were also watchtowers at every corner guarded by armed security guards. Nothing much different from their warehouses. However, this was enemy territory. One wrong step and they'll be shot.
Namjoon tensed when the vehicles slid inside without resistance. The security guarding the entrance opened the door as soon as he saw the vehicles.
The warehouses inside weren't that different from the Jeon warehouses. They were divided into several sections. Concrete buildings lined both sides with ample space for parking and well-constructed roads in between. In the distance, he spotted the space dedicated to shipping containers and some storage units.
They went deeper and Namjoon naturally tensed. Five minutes later, they approached a building bigger than the other buildings, and the cars flanking them began to slow down to a stop just outside the building.
Their car easily slipped through the wide entrance. Namjoon's grip on his gun tightened when he realized it was only their car and all others had stopped outside.
He noticed several things at once. The warehouse was four stories tall. The part they entered was a huge hall. Racks with cardboard boxes lined the walls. Many armed gang members dressed in security uniforms filled the hall.
Taehyung put on his facemask and reclined in his seat, his posture relaxed while Namjoon's back was as stiff as a rod.
"We are outside," Hoseok said.
"The alpha team has the assailants under control. How's the situation inside?" Yoongi asked.
"Hot," he murmured. "I don't have a good feeling about this."
"You aren't supposed to," Taehyung cut in and slanted a glance. "Is it time?"
Jimin hummed. "Wait a bit."
"Ah, come on, Namjoon-ssi, it'll be fun. These men know nothing." Taehyung smiled. "The beta team already disconnected the communications to this place."
Namjoon blinked, his mouth falling open.
"Wow." Came from Hoseok while Yoongi whistled low.
Taehyung shrugged. "You'll get used to it."
In front of them, the crowd parted and a man stepped out. Namjoon immediately recognized the man as one of Jimin's underbosses, the highest in the rank, Lee Shin-Jae. He was a tall man in his early forties with greying hair. He was well-built with tattoos inked into every visible part of his skin. He was also in charge of Sinseong-dong territory.
"You have a lot of nerve coming here," he sneered. "How did you even get inside?"
"So, he knew," Jimin murmured.
Taehyung turned to Namjoon. "Speak to them," he said. "We need to know who is behind this."
The window lowered and Namjoon steeled his resolve now ignited by a fury he suppressed during the journey here.
"We're here to talk. You attacked us unprovoked," he yelled. His voice, no doubt, carried over to Shin-Jae. "We always knew you snakes couldn't be trusted."
Taehyung cocked his head and lifted a brow.
"Sorry, I need to make it believable," Namjoon whispered.
Shin-Jae chuckled, widening his stance and pushing his hands inside his pocket. "You're a fool if you think you can take us down in our base."
"I said I'm here to talk. Stealing our buyers wasn't enough for you, huh? Wait until the council learns that the Cobras attacked us. Did Jimin put you up for this?" he shouted again.
Shin-Jae shrugged. "We have our orders. It's nothing personal, Namjoon-ssi. This is a centuries-old game. Only the strong will survive. Seoul will soon belong to the Cobras."
So he wasn't refusing that Jimin didn't order the hit. For one, the second-in-command knew it wasn't the Cobra leader because if he wanted Jungkook dead, he had several chances already. The Dragon leader practically lived in his apartment when he wasn't working.
Namjoon slanted a glance toward Jimin. The Cobra leader in turn motioned his head toward Taehyung.
"Tell your driver to bring the car inside," Taehyung said.
Namjoon repeated his instruction. Somewhere behind him, the Aston Martin purred to life and Shin-Jae's head snapped in that direction. A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth and then his eyes widened. The car came to a stop beside them.
"What the..." Shin-Jae staggered a few steps behind him.
It was then Taehyung opened the door to his side, stepping out of the vehicle. "I think you have some explaining to do."
The door shut with a thud and he leaned on the side of the car. Namjoon couldn't see his face from this position but the horror in Shin-Jae's face was enough for him to read the situation. The others around him lowered their weapons immediately.
"So, Shin-Jae, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Taehyung didn't waste the time. "Who ordered the hit?"
The man was sweating bullets, wiping his forehead as he swallowed hard. "I...Taehyung-ssi...It's not what you think."
"What did I think?" Taehyung asked.
Shin-Jae swallowed and took a few more steps back only for the path to be blocked by the men. Namjoon cataloged their expressions, immediately spotting the genuinely confused expressions to the nonchalant looks.
Jimin was typing something on his phone and Namjoon assumed it must be the instructions to his men because several gunshots echoed into the night. The men looked confused and lifted their guns, but bullets flew from different directions taking them down in a blink of an eye.
Namjoon watched wide-eyed as the ones he suspected earlier were all dead. Shin-Jae stood among the bodies and other confused members with shock coating his eyes.
Taehyung sniffed. "I don't like wasting my time," he said as the alpha team poured in. "Take him in. Jimin will deal with him later."
Once that was taken care of, he addressed the others. "Spread the word. Anyone who violates our code will be punished severely. This shall serve as your warning. Remember Jimin doesn't give second chances and he isn't forgiving." He then bent down to peer toward the backseat. "Do you want to switch cars?"
Jimin looked at Jungkook and sighed. "No. My baby is asleep. We will manage."
Taehyung nodded and climbed back inside the car.
"That was clean." Hoseok was in awe. "You should have seen it, Namjoon-ah. They didn't spare a single man who attacked us."
"I agree. Jimin has earned our trust tonight by showing us repeatedly where his loyalties lie. What's next?"
Namjoon's mind was working so fast, piecing together all the information they found. "Someone's trying hard to put the Dragons against the Cobras, why?" he wondered aloud.
Taehyung scoffed beside him. "It's like searching for a needle in a haystack. But I'll help you narrow down the list of enemies," he said, backing away and easing into the road. "The enemy is operating from the shadows. Whoever it is, they are someone who'd benefit a lot with one or both of us gone." He slanted a glance at him. "Black Mambas have been trying to establish in South Korea for so long, selling drugs out for cheaper prices. They've been at war with the Cobras for ages. Not to mention the Triads who have always had their eyes in our markets. They're always expanding and they have double-crossed us in the past."
Namjoon nodded. "First they tried to pit us against each other by making us believe that Jimin was selling out our information to the Interpol and narcotics. Then they sabotaged our deals." He looked at Jimin whose jaw was clenched, his fingers buried in Jungkook's hair. It felt as if he was barely holding his anger. "Then tonight they attacked us in public."
"If the Cobras wanted to get rid of Jungkook, we wouldn't be doing it publically," Taehyung said. "Well, not unless I'd want the council to get involved."
"Fuck!" Namjoon hissed.
"They're purposefully making noise," Yoongi said. "If the council intervenes, they'll hold Jimin accountable for the attack. The punishment is to remove Jimin from any position he holds within the council and withdraw all the alliances for violating the code. They'd be banned from many markets internationally. The other gangs can then easily wage war against them and wipe them off."
Namjoon's throat tightened. He repeated Yoongi's words and tension grew thick in the air.
"Too bad," Jimin murmured with a chuckle and looked outside the window. "They wouldn't have accounted for our dalliance while cooking their plan. Jungkook would never go to the council against me."
Namjoon craned his neck to look at Jimin, his features hardened. "No. But his father will."
Jimin lifted a brow but then a smirk lifted the corner of his lips. "I know." His free hand slid to Jungkook's back, rubbing gently. "I always cover my bases, Namjoon-ssi." His smirk grew into a sinister smile that sent chills down his spine. "Always," he repeated.
"He's too soft with Jungkook," Yoongi whispered as he saw Jimin help Namjoon to lift Jungkook out of the car.
"Yeah," Hoseok agreed.
It was the second time this night they witnessed Jimin's soft side that seemed to come out only when he was with Jungkook. Yoongi was still in awe.
He would lie if he said he didn't doubt Jimin's intentions. He was confused and didn't approve of Jungkook's dalliance with Jimin at all. Not even one percent. Then when Jungkook had claimed they were going to be exclusive it was Hoseok who had stopped him from saying something.
"He looks happier. Besides, we don't know anything about Jimin other than the rumors we hear about," Hoseok had said.
"That's enough reason to stop whatever shit is going on," Yoongi hissed.
Hoseok shook his head and pursed his lips. "You have to see past their societal status for once, Yoongi hyung. The public thinks of Jungkook as an intimidating CEO and an elite playboy bachelor who parties all night. But is that true? Only we know that Jungkook hates crowded places and parties. The gang members think of him as an arrogant and heartless leader, but only we have seen him at his worst." Hoseok sighed. "He might have grown up and hardened because of his shitty father, but underneath all that, he's still the same boy we met all those years ago. He still seeks any ounce of affection he could get."
"Exactly. This is only physical, Hoseok-ah. Jimin isn't someone who dates. He's a lethal motherfucker and I want our Jungkook as far from him as possible. Did you even think what would happen if Sr. Jeon found out?"
"Listen, hyung, I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just saying Jungkook is old enough to make his own decisions. He's not someone who is easily manipulated. He is better at reading people. Besides, we all saw how Jimin was with him. He touched him as if he was made of glass. His voice turned so soft and did you not see the way he was looking at Jungkook?"
Yoongi clenched his jaw and looked away. He did see. But it didn't make sense.
"Namjoon-ah, what about you? Did you not see? Is it only me?" Hoseok directed his question to Namjoon who was silent during their argument.
Namjoon sighed. "I don't know." His shoulders slumped. "I just feel they are moving too fast."
Hoseok rolled his eyes. "What if they're moving too fast? I haven't seen Jungkook this happy since the time I met him. I didn't know he could smile this bright until today. I don't see a reason to stop him from seeing Jimin."
Both Namjoon and Yoongi were quiet. Yoongi could see Hoseok's point but that didn't mean he wanted to agree. Jungkook was happy. It was true. He smiled a lot and was more relaxed these days.
"I get it," Yoongi gave in. "But don't you think he's depending too much on him already. He even allows him to control some parts of the business."
"And it brought us this fucking deal that's more profitable than any other project of ours," Hoseok reasoned. "Also, what's wrong in depending on others? Once again, I'll remind you of his childhood. Jungkook was forced to be independent. He wasn't allowed to seek comfort. He wasn't allowed to ask for help. Even when he was hurt and bleeding, he wasn't allowed to depend on us." His voice cracked and Yoongi felt bad immediately.
Hoseok had the most kind-hearted and compassionate among the three of them and he felt shitty when he reminded him of that.
"He stopped hooking up because he wasn't happy. Though he wouldn't say something, the signs were always there. He wasn't happy. He was only in this because he had no choice. He hasn't been sleeping well for months and these days he cannot sleep unless he takes those damned pills. Two of them every fucking night," Hoseok growled. "But he stopped taking it after meeting Jimin. I forgot to pack his pills when he moved in with Jimin. When I gave him the pills a week later, he told me he didn't need them anymore. That he is able to sleep without them."
He had then pinned both Namjoon and Yoongi with a harsh glare.
"Whatever this is, stay out of their business and don't say a word. Do not ruin this for Jungkook. If I found out any of you said shit to him, I'll whack your asses and leak your drunken videos on the internet."
"He likes soft things."
Jimin's words pulled him out of his thoughts. He saw Jimin talking mostly to himself as he went to his closet. When he came back there was a pair of soft fleece pajama shorts in his hands. He stopped when he noticed they were still in the room with concern flooding their faces.
"Will he be alright?" Yoongi asked. "Should I call our doctor to come and check him?"
Jimin waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "No need. Jia is the best when it comes to antidotes. She has made one to neutralize the effects of every drug that could harm us and as much as Taehyung hates to admit, he has an MBBS degree from an acclaimed Russian University. There's no need to panic."
Wow. Taehyung was a doctor?
"Who is Jia?" Hoseok asked.
"My sister." Jimin began to undress Jungkook carefully and cursed when he noticed the bruise forming under his ribcage. "Taehyungie, grab the ice pack for me."
"You have a sister?" Yoongi blinked. As far as they knew Jimin was the only son of Mr. Park. He frowned and racked his brain for more info. He did remember Mr. Park having two children, but everyone believed one of his children died with his wife.
Namjoon and Yoongi shared a look. Just how much did they not know about Jimin? What more secrets did he have?
Jimin just hummed. "She's a doctor and I keep her away from all this crap." He turned sharply to meet their gazes. "I'm only telling you this because Jungkook believes you. You'll keep your mouths shut if you wanna keep your heads."
Yoongi's eyes widened and he lifted both his hands in surrender. "Our lips are sealed."
Jimin nodded and continued to tend to Jungkook. Jungkook looked so young and vulnerable when he was sleeping. His swollen lips were slightly parted and black hair was fanned out on the pillow under him. Hoseok's words reverberated in his mind.
Jimin's touches were soft, analyzing his injuries carefully under the light. Taehyung came back and handed him the ice pack. He began to tend to Jungkook with as much softness he could muster that it hurt to see.
He treats him so delicately. Hoseok was right.
Yoongi swallowed, feeling like he was witnessing something intimate. "Um..." He cleared his throat. "We will be outside."
Jimin didn't even tear his gaze outside as they backed away. "Taehyungie will show you to the guest rooms."
They exited the room after Taehyung.
Hoseok caught and squeezed his hand with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, hyung. Our Jungkook is in good hands."
For the first time, Yoongi believed his words.
Jungkook didn't know when he fell asleep. The room was still dark except for the small beam of light filtering through the small gap of the door that was left open. He rolled onto his back, hissing when the pain shot from his ribs.
His face felt hot and numb. He wet his lips, his throat suddenly feeling parched. The bed was so soft and it smelled like Jimin.
Suddenly he remembered last night's events. The fight and the drugging. One hand reached to touch his neck where he was injected. The place felt sensitive to touch and slightly inflamed. He felt feverish, which could be the effect of the drug. He licked his dry lips and stretched his body a little.
His body was sore and his limbs were stiff. This wasn't how he envisioned his morning to turn out when he headed to the event. A sigh drifted off his mouth.
Jimin's side of the bed was still warm and he assumed he must have woken up not long ago. A pout formed on his lips. Jimin had the habit of waking up earlier than him and Jungkook didn't like waking up alone. He imagined waking up in Jimin's embrace and wondered how it would feel to not wake up alone for once.
Though he knew Jimin must be just outside, he couldn't help the longing that filled his chest. He tried to shake it off and reached for the bedside table, hissing when his muscles strained. Just then the door opened and Jimin stepped inside.
"You're awake."
Lights flooded the room and Jungkook shielded his eyes to avoid the brightness. Jimin immediately dimmed the lights.
Jungkook found himself smiling at the sight of his lover. Jimin looked so beautiful with fluffy black hair. He seemed to hate wearing shirts indoors because he was only wearing sweatpants. His gaze trailed down his body, licking his lips unconsciously when it dipped down the v line of his abdomen.
Jimin came closer and shook his head with a chuckle when he noticed his gaze. "You haven't been up for five minutes and you're already horny, huh?"
Jungkook smiled. "Can't help it," he croaked, remembering he wanted to drink water. His gaze slid to the bedside table.
As if reading his thoughts, Jimin immediately fetched the water bottle and uncapped it before lifting it to his lips. "Here."
Jungkook mumbled thanks and sipped it, closing his eyes and sigh of contentment when the cool liquid nourished his insides. He gulped the entire bottle down and took a deep breath.
"What time is it?" He looked at the clock to see it was two, but the blinds were drawn down so he couldn't tell if it was morning or afternoon.
"It's two in the afternoon. You slept over twelve hours," Jimin replied. "It's raining again, so I pulled the blinds down."
Jungkook smiled. "You remembered."
"Of course, I did." Jimin sat beside him, lifting a hand to run through his hair. He combed through the untamed curls, earning a sigh from Jungkook. "How are you feeling now?"
"Weak," Jungkook mumbled. Something he would never admit if it was anyone else. But Jimin was different.
"You need to eat something." He caressed his cheek. "I'll bring you some soup, yeah?"
Jungkook shook his head and reached for his hand. "I'm not hungry. Just come and lay with me."
"I will, once you have eaten."
"Don't wanna," he whined.
Jimin patted his hand gently and leaned forward to peck his pouty lips. "Aren't you, my perfect baby, hmm? Hyung will bring you some soup. Then I'll cuddle with you until you're tired of me."
"I'll never grow tired of you."
Jimin smiled. "Gimme a minute."
Jungkook mourned the minute Jimin left. It felt as if he took the warmth away with him. He tried to sit up and managed to do so with great difficulty. His head felt heavy and a bit dizzy when he moved. He wanted to adjust the pillows but didn't think he could manage without feeling like he was going to faint.
Just what the fuck did he inject me with?
He remembered his father's cunningness and scowled. He should have expected something like this to happen since his father wasn't someone who would give up easily. He was power-hungry and despised it when things didn't go his way.
Then he remembered Jimin getting into the ring with him. A smile broke into his face again. His memory was still hazy and he wished he was in the right state of mind to properly witness the fight. But the thought of Jimin stepping inside the ring alone sent a rush of warmth into his chest.
He vaguely remembered the chase and gunshots afterward. He raked his brain only for his head to hurt more.
The door opened and Jimin came back, this time with his hyungs and a tray with food. Jungkook's smile widened again. All of them looked relieved.
"How are you?" Hoseok was the first to speak.
"I'm good, hyung," he said without missing a beat.
Hoseok's disapproving look said he didn't believe him. His gaze softened when Jimin adjusted his pillows to make him comfortable in his position. He then slid beside him and adjusted the tray in his lap.
"Any news about dad?" he asked as Jimin lifted the spoon to his mouth.
"It's safe to say he wouldn't be disturbing you for a while. Two broken ribs on the left had punctured his lungs, three bruised ribs on the right. Dislocated shoulder and hairline fracture on both wrists. Let's say your boyfriend got him good," Yoongi said.
Heat surged to his neck and face. Jungkook gasped with wide eyes and averted his gaze to the lap. Jimin was silent. Jungkook munched on the cornbread he fed him and kept his gaze locked on his hands that were now fidgeting on his lap.
An awkward silence filled the room before he broke it. "I remember the attack last night, but my head hurts when I think about it. What happened?"
"The Cobras had a mole who ordered a hit on you," Namjoon replied. "They surrounded us and shot at our car out of nowhere. But Jimin handled it. The bastards didn't see it coming."
Jungkook frowned. "Why would they do that?" He lifted his head to look between Jimin and his hyungs.
"We have a feeling that someone is trying to get rid of both the Cobras and the Dragons," Yoongi said. "We thought of several possibilities. Given the circumstances, only the Cobras will benefit with the Dragons gone. However, they were trying to assassinate you publicly thereby framing the Cobras behind your attack. Since we all know Jimin wouldn't do that, it leaves us with only one scenario."
Jungkook nodded in understanding. "It makes sense."
His head pounded with this new information. He silently ate the soup and bread Jimin kept feeding him. The silence filled the room once again.
"Don't worry about it, Jungkook-ah. We got it handled. Rest well. We will come to visit you later," Hoseok said, gesturing for the others to follow.
Jungkook nodded and gave them a small smile.
"I moved most of your items here. So you don't have to go back and forth. Let me know if you need anything else," Namjoon said.
He nodded again.
Jimin carried the empty bowls outside and Jungkook was once again left to his thoughts. It spiraled out of control and he had to stop overthinking.
He was very careful with how he dealt with the business dealings with the other gangs. But if someone wanted to eliminate you, they didn't need reasons to do so, he guessed. Jimin had covered him with his body last night. Jungkook's throat tightened at the memory. He had cradled his head during the entire ride and kept touching him softly.
Jimin came back again, locking the door behind him. He padded soundlessly toward the bed to grab a few strips of tablets from his bedside drawer.
Jungkook wordlessly took the pills and swallowed them with some water.
"Taehyung checked you earlier. The drug has left your system. These pills will help you with the pain." Jimin climbed on the other side of the bed to lie beside him.
Jungkook immediately went to snuggle into his chest. A relieved sigh left him when he felt Jimin's arms wrapping around him.
"Thank you," he whispered.
Jimin kissed the top of his head and Jungkook smiled into his chest. "You have nothing to thank me for."
He threw a leg over his hip and pulled him closer. "This isn't how I expected my day would be," he said. "I'd have preferred if my soreness is the result of you fucking me into the mattress."
Jimin's chest rumbled with laughter. "I'd have preferred that too."
Jungkook sighed. "Did you miss me?"
"More than you'd know."
"Did you have work today?" He lifted his head. "Am I keeping you away?"
Jimin cupped his cheek, his thumb caressing him gently. "No. I took a day off to spend it with you today. I also wanted to take you out on a proper date."
"Date?" Now Jungkook's eyes were wide.
But Jimin smiled. "Why? Don't you want to?"
"I..." Jungkook buried his face into his chest, unable to hold in the smile that was spreading on his face. It was so wide that his cheeks hurt from how it stretched the wound on his cheek.
"I see you like it."
"I didn't expect that."
Jimin hummed. "I told you, you're mine. You'll only get the best of everything out there."
"I've never been on a date," he admitted. "Now I hate my dad more because now I missed out on a mind-blowing sex and a date."
Jimin threw his head back, laughing loudly. "You can still have everything, baby. This dick isn't going anywhere."
"Good. Cos' then I'd have to kill you." He tightened his hold on him. "I'm not the sharing type and I hate to see you with someone. I'm spiteful that way. So...don't you dare think you could just leave me like that."
Jimin's entire body shook with the way he laughed this time. Jungkook lifted his head, admiring the full-body laugh. Pride filled his chest. He caused that. He was the reason Jimin was laughing so loudly. His laughter didn't seem to subside anytime soon and soon Jungkook found himself joining him.
"You're cute. Do you know that?" Jimin asked once he had calmed.
Jungkook shrugged. "Mom used to tell me that I was her precious baby when I was little." He smiled at the warm memory. "We used to bake when dad wasn't there to scold us. She would put the flour on my nose and call me cute."
"We will find her," Jimin told him. "I'll search every nook and corner of this world if that's what it takes."
Tears filled his eyes immediately. "I don't know, hyung. It's been twenty-one years. I've been looking everywhere." His throat tightened. "It's like she disappeared without a trace. We don't even know which direction she went. I don't even know if she's alive."
"She's alive. Your father sent her to Japan initially, but she isn't there anymore."
Jungkook's eyes grew wide. "W-What?"
"I have my men working on it." Jimin's smile was gentle. "I will find her no matter what," he assured again. "This time no one is taking her away from you."
Jungkook didn't see it coming. His mother was always a sensitive topic for him, but he never expected this news to evoke such a response from him. With a strangled cry, he hugged Jimin. More sobs raked his body and Jimin held him, whispering soft words.
Right then Jungkook decided he'd sell his soul to this man for an entirely different reason. He'd give him anything he could.
He didn't know how much time had passed before he stopped crying. He didn't remember when he cried the last time. Maybe it was when he stopped being afraid of the storm. But it felt good. His heart felt lighter and as if a weight had lifted off his shoulder.
They lay in comfortable silence. Jimin's fingers were drawing some random pattern on his back.
"I used to draw a lot when I was a child," Jungkook said randomly. "I continued until I was in high school. I didn't take any classes or anything, but I was really good at it. It was a hobby I enjoyed so much. I feel like I want to draw again."
He hadn't felt the urge in years. He had lost the inspiration to draw. Lost the passion he once felt for painting. Now his mind was at peace, he suddenly felt the urge again. It was as if something was open inside of him.
"What stopped you?" Jimin asked.
"My dad," he replied. "One day he found me painting on the patio. I didn't know he was going to be home that day. He wasn't supposed to come home until two days later. Let's say he destroyed everything I had and called me pathetic for having such a hobby. He broke my arm so I wouldn't draw again. Told me he'd cut my arm off if I tried again." Jungkook swallowed at the memory. "I didn't dare try again."
Jimin's grip on him tightened and he felt him tensing under his touch. He took Jungkook's hand in his, lifting it to his lips. "You should start drawing again if that's what you want," he said with conviction. "I'd like to see who would dare to stop you this time."
Jungkook's smile stretched. "I feel like I'm falling deeper for you every day. You're not helping, hyung."
Jimin shifted him gently so he was on his back. "Then fall freely, Jungkook. Because I'll always catch you."
Jungkook's breath hitched when Jimin's lips encased him in a soft kiss. His eyes fluttered shut as his heart cartwheeled in his chest. A feeling so weird stirred in his stomach and Jungkook found it likable. He kissed Jimin back, his mind spiraling once more.
He loved it. Loved every bit of it and didn't want this moment to end. Ever.
It took two days before Jimin allowed him to step out of the bedroom. No matter how much he pouted, he didn't relent. He kept him there and threatened to tie him to the bed if needed. Though it sounded appealing, Jungkook knew he wouldn't hesitate to do that. So he sucked it up and behaved.
Moreover, Jimin kept calling him the perfect baby and that was more than the incentive he needed. He downloaded a few games on Jimin's iPad that was lying around and was playing on it while Jimin worked from his makeshift office in the sitting area.
Jungkook wouldn't say the days were bad. It was kinda boring since he wasn't used to just laying around doing nothing. However, Jimin pampered him to no end. Bubble bath with Epsom salt, foot massage, and his favorite meal three times a day. Not to add the tons of snacks Jimin kept refilling for him.
For the past two days, he had been waking up with Jimin still beside him and he hadn't felt this great ever. Jimin woke up before him but didn't leave the bed like he usually would. He was watching Jungkook sleep with a small smile both times, causing Jungkook to blush when he woke up.
"You're beautiful when you sleep," Jimin said, poking the dimple that popped out every time Jungkook smiled.
"Are you telling me I'm beautiful only when I sleep?" Jungkook teased back, feeling like his heart floating above the clouds.
"No, you're even more beautiful when you're naked and stretched around my cock."
Jungkook had choked on his saliva and burrowed under the sheets for the next two minutes until Jimin gently coaxed him out.
"Didn't know you were such a shy baby," Jimin murmured suddenly hovering over him and Jungkook's cheeks heated. His heart thundered as if it wanted to explode out of his chest.
"You," he murmured, pulling the sheet to cover his nose. "You're doing this to me."
"Yeah?" Jimin cocked a brow with a mischievous smile dancing on his lips. Suddenly, he was slipping under the sheet, earning a surprised squeak from Jungkook.
Warm hands pulled at his shorts and Jungkook's breath hitched with anticipation. He was breathless by the time Jimin's dark hair disappeared under the sheets. He had only gripped the sheets to keep him from squirming when Jimin spread his legs and his breath fanned over his cock.
That morning when Jimin had eaten him out like a starving man, making him come twice with his tongue and fingers alone, Jungkook swore his soul had left his body and ascended to heaven.
That was all the action he got though he would have loved to do more. Jimin was an attentive lover. He had once more told Jungkook that he wanted to take him out when they were having dinner.
It was unknown territory for Jungkook. One he wasn't afraid to explore with Jimin. He could tell it was new for Jimin as well. Jungkook had shyly asked what they were and Jimin had said he would be anything Jungkook wanted him to be. That was enough for Jungkook. They decided they didn't want a label for their relationship.
What they had was special to Jungkook. He didn't want to draw a line and call it a name. Jimin belonged to him as much as he belonged to Jimin. That was all that mattered to Jungkook.
Jungkook didn't remember a time he was this relaxed. When was the last time he played video games? Perhaps when he was in high school? He could get used to this and he was also afraid he wouldn't want to go back to reality when this time was over.
Well, the reality wasn't too far. The moment he stepped out of the bedroom his fantasy would end. As much as Jungkook loved it, he knew he couldn't stay inside forever. With a sigh, he went outside.
Taehyung was there in the living room, reading some files. He lifted his head when Jungkook approached and his face broke into a wide grin.
"Hey, Jungkook, good to see you up and about." He jumped to his feet, coming to examine him.
Jungkook stood still while he prodded him for a bit and answered all the questions he asked. What a surprise to learn Taehyung was a doctor. Jimin had told him he chose to study medicine so he could patch up Jimin who was notorious at that time for getting into fights almost every day and often got hurt because of his recklessness.
Jimin had already fed him breakfast in bed so he was about to ask Taehyung about him when he saw Jimin approaching him with a broad smile.
"I was waiting for you." Jimin pulled him into a hug and kissed him as if he hadn't kissed him breathless in the morning before jerking them both off.
Jungkook melted into the kiss, soaking up all the attention he was receiving. He hummed in his throat nuzzling into Jimin's neck and inhaling his comforting scent with a contented sigh.
"Come on. I want to show you something."
He lifted his head immediately, doe-eyes widening as the anticipation kicked in. "What is it?"
"I prepared a small surprise when you were resting." Jimin smiled and gestured his head to the stairs.
Jimin lived on the topmost floor of the building that gave him the best view of the city. Jungkook sometimes loved to spend his evenings or nights on the roof, watching the stars as he sipped his cocktail, a recipe he learned from Jimin that tasted sweet. He wondered what surprise Jimin had for him.
He was already bouncing with joy when he climbed the stairs. Jimin took him to the room that was at the far end of the hallway.
"Go on. Your surprise is inside."
Jungkook was suddenly curious. He couldn't tell what it was judging by the smile on Jimin's face. He had the perfect poker face. Scrunching his nose, he padded to the door. His heart began to race as he realized this was his first surprise in years. No one had given him surprises after his mom and Jungkook used to love them.
Swallowing the excitement, he yanked the knob and pushed the door open. The once empty room was now transformed into an office space with a desk and computer with a custom-made chair of his own. His breath hitched, noticing it was similar to the one Jimin had in his base but this was white with a golden dragon etched on its frame.
He entered the room, taking in all the newly added details. However, what he saw next was something he wasn't prepared for. Set up neatly facing the window was a small art studio with an easel and canvas of different sizes.
He made a choking noise in his throat, his hand flying to cover his mouth as he noticed the art supplies neatly arranged on a shelf beside them. His legs trembled as he closed the distance, his hands gliding over the supplies as tears burned his vision.
He grabbed one of the expensive oil paints, opening it. The familiar smell of the paint drifted to his nose and that was when the first tear slipped out. He felt warm hands wrapping around his middle.
"Do you like it? You can paint all you want, baby. I'll rip anyone who tries to stop you limb to limb." Jimin kissed the side of his neck, whispering the words into his skin. "You can customize the room as you see fit. I noticed you liked to spend a lot of time upstairs. This entire floor is yours now."
Jungkook dropped the paint on the shelf and turned around in Jimin's arms. He didn't think twice before he closed the distance between their lips, kissing him with urgency. Jimin staggered a few steps back, taking Jungkook with him. Their teeth clacked and tongues brushed. Jungkook didn't care. He didn't know what he was feeling right then, but just knew he was gone too deep to the point of no return.
"Want you," he panted against Jimin's mouth. "Please, hyung. Take me. Wanna feel you. W-Want...Want everything."
"Anything for you, baby."
Many were wondering if Jia would make an appearance in the fic. The answer is yes. You'll meet her along the way. I won't say more cos it'll ruin the fun but all in good time, yeah?
Enjoy your day, lovelies. Take care of your health and stay happy.
Some Visuals:
The King Cobra insignia would look something like this, but in golden color signifying it's the leader.
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