Chapter 5
Here you go!I had fun writing this...For people who were anticipating...Jimin meets Sr. Jeon in this...he heI should really stop saying this is another short fic. I was supposed to wrap this between 40 to 50k and I'm nowhere near completion. Like the plot and characters just won't accept a short fic. So there's much more to come. Bear with me peeps.
Jungkook's entire body hurt when he woke up next morning. He didn't know what time it was. He looked around him, realizing he was in Jimin's bed, wearing yet another t-shirt that belonged to Jimin.
Rubbing his eyes groggily, he threw his legs off the bed to sit up, groaning when the pain shot through his spine.
Jimin really did a number on him last night. It was then the soreness in his body registered. He had lost count of his orgasm after the second time and vaguely remembered cumming dry on his third or was it fourth?
While Jimin had always been soft and slow with him the previous times, last night was as if he had unknowingly unleashed something in him. Jungkook ran a hand through his hair as he tried to remember last night.
His memory was scattered. He remembered a soft voice murmuring in his ears asking what his color was and him mumbling green. He remembered crying and begging for Jimin to not stop. He remembered soft hands cleaning him after and pulling him against a firm chest.
Jungkook sighed and stood up, stumbling a little as he took further steps. Damn. His ass was sore and every part of his body hurt.
Note to self: Do not rile Jimin.
Then, Jungkook would vouch it was the BEST sex he ever had. So he wouldn't put it past him to not hope for it again. But definitely he'd need a break before he offered his ass to Jimin again. He had a strange feeling that he'd be doing that a lot now that he knew how great it was.
He freshened up quickly and gave up on covering his limp. Fuck it. It was taking more effort to hide his limp and he was drained. His throat hurt from where Jimin had almost squeezed the life out of him and also maybe from screaming so much during sex. He rubbed it gently and headed out. He'd have to call Namjoon and ask him to bring his stuff over. There was no way he could go to work like this.
Taehyung was in the kitchen, munching on an apple and he saw Jimin standing by the window, talking to someone on the phone. His back was to him. He was still dressed in sweats and a t-shirt.
"Hello, Jungkook, good morning." Taehyung greeted with a boxy smile that caught Jungkook off guard. He rarely saw him smile before and whenever he did, it was tight-lipped and never reached his eyes. This was different. He was extremely handsome.
"Good morning," Jungkook croaked, finding his voice hoarse. He cleared his throat, cupping it to rub and alleviate some pain.
Taehyung dropped the apple on a plate and slid off the stool to approach him with a concerned gaze. His hand lifted and he paused. "May I?"
Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung caught his chin, tilting his head slightly, and cursed under his breath. "You're really a lucky fucker, Jeon." He shook his head and went to rummage through a cabinet, emerging with a kit. "Sit."
Jungkook did as he was told, gaze flicking to Jimin briefly and seeing he was still on call.
"Here, drink some water." Taehyung poured a glass of warm water and Jungkook immediately grabbed it, remembering suddenly how thirsty he was.
He gulped the water only to grimace when his throat protested.
"Slow down, Jungkook." Taehyung hovered above him. "Do you have trouble swallowing?"
"A little," Jungkook admitted.
"He got you good." Taehyung frowned. "Do you even realize how dangerous this was?" He continued to examine his neck before pulling a cream from the kit. "This will help with the inflammation and bruising. It'll take at least a week to heal. You should really watch yourself around him."
Jungkook's shoulder slumped. He would have liked a warning. Sadly, there was no manual on how to handle Park Jimin. Now it was too late to complain. He was glad Jimin didn't snap his neck last night.
Taehyung's fingers were gentle on him as he rubbed the cream into his skin. "I asked the chef to prepare some soup for you. Take it easy on your throat and don't strain too much. You might have to conceal the bruising. I'd suggest wearing turtlenecks. Covering it with makeup is really a bitch."
Was it that bad?
He hadn't checked his neck in the mirror earlier. He should have.
Taehyung moved away after a moment. Jungkook watched as Jimin's second-in-command poured a bowl of steaming chicken soup and brought it to him. He silently began to eat while Taehyung went to rummage through the kit.
"Take this pill after breakfast. I saw you limping." He pushed a pill toward him. "Also, apply this down there." He jerked his head toward his south and Jungkook felt his cheeks flaming. "Jimin is generally rough when it comes to sex. After what happened last night, I don't need proof to know he fucked you into oblivion."
Jungkook slanted a glance at Jimin who was still on the phone. That was information. He was always soft until last night.
"Rough?" He found himself asking. "He was never..."
"Yeah, I know," Taehyung scoffed. "This is new to him. I have never seen him going soft or considerate with anyone who isn't me or Jia. Not even Seokjin."
Jungkook blinked. "Jia?"
"Jimin's little sister. He keeps her as far as possible from our world," he explained.
Taehyung smiled fondly. "Jia is the only one who can mess with his stuff and get away with it. Now, it includes you." He sighed. "Though I wasn't a fan before, I kinda like you, Jeon. You're cute. So stay alive for me, will you?"
Jungkook averted his gaze and pretended to focus on his soup. He never imagined he'd be talking to Taehyung like this. The man was so different from how he was portrayed to the outside world and he didn't know how to react. Not to mention they were talking about intimate stuff. Strangely, he didn't feel weirded out.
"I want to show you something." Taehyung went to grab a knife from the stand and Jungkook frowned. "Watch," he whispered.
In a blink of an eye, Taehyung fixed his posture and threw the knife toward Jimin who had his back turned toward them. Jungkook's eyes widened and he opened his mouth the warn Jimin, but a hand clamped over his mouth.
"Quiet," Taehyung hissed.
Jungkook thrashed in his hold, realizing how strong he was. His body protested and pain shot from his muscles. With his heart in his throat, he watched the knife spiraling toward Jimin. All of this was happening in a matter of seconds.
Jimin, however, turned in the last possible moment, catching the knife. Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath. The next thing he knew, that knife was flying toward them. Jungkook's mouth opened in a silent scream and he closed his eyes tight.
The knife never touched him though. When he opened his eyes, Taehyung had the knife in his tight grip with a smug smile. Jungkook looked between both men. Jimin's gaze was blazing with a deadly intensity just like last night and his jaw was clenched tight.
"He can't control his reflexes," Taehyung said, going to put the knife away. "Same way, you cannot catch him off guard, not unless you're extremely lucky."
Jungkook swallowed, feeling the tightness in his throat. His heart thundered against his ribs. Jimin hadn't removed his gaze from them as he continued to talk over the phone and Jungkook found it impossible to look away.
Taehyung tapped on his shoulder. "He isn't angry with you," he said nonchalantly. "That look is meant for me."
Jungkook blinked.
How is Taehyung so unaffected?
He wanted to curl himself into a ball and hide from that look.
"Don't worry. He won't hurt me," Taehyung continued and Jungkook realized he didn't really need a response to keep going.
He cast a glance at Jimin again and thought it was better to focus on his breakfast. The demonstration made him realize how deadly and dangerous Jimin really was. The world didn't know half of it. His father thought Jimin was an easy target. Only if he knew.
He wondered if there was more Jimin hadn't told him if he was comfortable allowing the Dragons free pass inside his turf, especially his home. He really was in no mood to find out.
"Here." He slid a sheet of paper toward him. "Since you both have a hard time talking without involving your dicks, I took the initiative to prepare this. Read carefully and flag anything you aren't comfortable with. Jimin's need for control in the bedroom stems from his nature. It's so that he doesn't hurt his partners accidentally. He never stayed over or allowed anyone to share his bed while sleeping. So this is something you both have to figure out yourself. Jimin already filled his document. It's your turn now."
Taehyung grabbed the half-eaten apple and bit into it while Jungkook sat speechless, reading through the document.
"Jimin is working from home today. Last night must have been taxing for you. So I'd advise you to stay home and maybe take a day off. You may not realize it, but you will need it. He will take care of you."
With that, he waved a hand in Jimin's direction and left without waiting for his response.
Jungkook sighed. His mind was already swimming with all this information. He picked his spoon and resumed eating. The soup had grown warmer and it was soothing to his throat. Jimin came over when he was pushing the empty bowl aside. He popped the pill into his mouth and washed it down with water.
"Does it hurt?" Jimin caught his chin, running the pad of his fingers gently over his neck.
"A little," Jungkook whispered. The worry he saw on Jimin's face was such a soothing balm to his chest. "I'll be fine."
Jimin sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
Jimin caressed his cheek. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I hurt you, Jungkook. You're important to me."
Jungkook's throat tightened for various other reasons now. No one had ever told him something like this before. "You won't hurt me."
"I won't."
He grabbed Jimin's wrist, turning his face to press a soft kiss inside his palm. "Last night was an accident. I'll be careful."
Jimin shook his head. "I hate seeing these bruises on your skin." He rubbed his neck gently. "We should have talked about everything sooner. You need to fill that document and then we discuss everything there is to discuss to make this work."
Jungkook nodded. "Okay."
"Text Namjoon and tell him to handle things at the office for today. He can contact me if there is an emergency. You need to rest today."
There was a lot more to the document than he initially expected. His eyes had widened considerably at several areas and Jimin had patiently explained a lot of things to him. Jungkook couldn't believe he was living under a rock though he was no stranger to sex. At twenty-seven, he felt overwhelmed with the information he received.
Jimin was so patient with him. Jungkook really didn't know what his limits were or what things he was comfortable with. It was all new to him. He just knew he didn't like being punished or anything related to pain. Jimin had assured him that he wasn't into that either.
"I'm dealing with violence day in and day out, Jungkook-ah. When I step into the bedroom, I want something different. I like it hard and rough but I was never one to experiment with a lot of other stuff. That's simply not for me, but I'm willing to try it if there is anything you're interested in."
Jungkook shook his head immediately. "Nothing. Let's just stick to what we have now," he said. "It's new to me too. I'll tell you if I'm not comfortable with anything and you can do the same. I don't know what I'm even looking for. I just like what I have with you. I'll take what you can offer."
Jimin smiled fondly. "Okay. With you I'm discovering that I like soft sex too. Let's talk about it as and when the time comes. You'll tell me when you don't like something, don't you?"
"I will."
Later when Jimin eased him into the bed and pulled his sweats down to massage the ointment over his sore rim, Jungkook blushed severely.
What's happening to me?
When Jimin asked him to take, the rest of the day off, he hadn't realized how much he needed this. Now he could feel he wasn't completely out of the zone yet and felt overwhelmed even with simple things. Jimin was attached to his back, nuzzling into the back of his neck with whispers of gentle words as he drifted off.
Jungkook despised parties in general, no matter what size, form it came from. If corporate parties were boring and worse, charity galas tested his patience. It crawled with rich, snobby socialites and wannabe socialites. Not to add the climbing vines who were looking forward to climbing the social ladder by attaching themselves to the rich.
He was at one such gala. However, instead of hating the event, as usual, he was nervous as hell. For different reasons, of course. There was one more catch to the event. The host was one of the big fish in the crime world with strong ties to international drug cartels, therefore, one of the valuable buyers and someone who shouldn't be messed with.
The charity gala was just a ruse to get the international members of the mafia under one wing without raising suspicion. Jungkook knew things wouldn't be the same once the gala ended. They'd move to the underground club where things would get wild and out of control.
While everyone had come with a date, Jungkook had taken Namjoon. His young self wouldn't have minded taking a model as a date. That fed the media well and kept his name on the gossip columns for a while. But the problem was that whenever the night ended his dates always thought they possibly had a chance with him and tried to sink their claws deeper.
It had been two weeks since he'd gone against his father and he was surprisingly silent. They hadn't met face to face after that incident. But Jungkook was nervous for a different reason today.
Jimin had gone to Russia on a business trip and would be back today after a week. He hadn't seen him during this time and only exchanged a few texts in between. So, he was anticipating this night a lot.
"Jungkook, can you stop doing that?" Namjoon put a hand on his knee and Jungkook sighed.
"Why isn't he here yet?" he griped, his glance sweeping the room again.
"Isn't Jimin your boyfriend? How do I know?"
Jungkook blushed, feeling his ears heating. "He isn't my boyfriend."
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Yet."
Jungkook huffed. They hadn't discussed the labels, except for deciding to be exclusive.
Surely, it was no strings attached, but Jungkook couldn't be sure anymore. He'd already moved into Jimin's apartment and went to his penthouse only twice this week. He continued to stay at Jimin's place even in his absence. Though he told himself that was because he slept better on Jimin's bed, he knew deep down that wasn't the only reason.
"Come, let's take a walk around the room and socialize. It's good for your image." Namjoon tugged at his hand.
Jungkook hated this part. Meeting new people and pretending as if he cared about the nonsense they were spewing. Not his forte.
However, he accompanied Namjoon either way. They stopped to talk with a few, throwing friendly smiles and inclining their heads occasionally. Yeah, networking was such a pain in his ass.
They ignored the tinkling laughter coming from a group of women as they gossiped about something, eyes trained on him. How inconspicuous. He turned them out and the unnecessary smiles that sent his way.
"Hello, Jungkook, it's been a while."
He almost rolled his eyes when he saw one of the businessmen Song approaching him with his daughter in tow. He owned one of the biggest automobile manufacturing companies in South Korea and was one of the richest men in the country.
"Mr. Song, it's a pleasure." Jungkook inclined his head.
He laughed heartily and Jungkook couldn't tell if it was real. "Have you met my daughter? This is Jae-Hwa. She just finished her studies in London." He patted his daughter's back with a proud smile. "This is Jeon Jungkook. You know enough about him already."
Hardly. She wouldn't be standing in front of him with a bright smile as if she had known enough.
"Hello, Jungkook-ssi." She bowed.
"Hi," he greeted half-heartedly.
Jungkook's gaze flitted around the room once more.
Where's Jimin?
"I've heard a lot of great things about you. Your company has done a lot in the pharmaceutical industry. Your timely donation of medicines to UNICEF helped save thousands of lives last year. What you did force other companies to follow in your footsteps. I look up to you, Mr. Jeon."
"My daughter does a lot of humanitarian work," Mr. Song added proudly, his chest puffed out a little as he looked at his daughter with such a fond look.
Jungkook blinked, unused to such genuine compliments. He stared at the woman in front of him and his initial apprehension ebbed off. "Thank you, Ms. Song."
When he heard about the situation in one of the African countries, a severe outbreak of the deadly flu that was taking the lives of hundreds, he jumped into action. His father wasn't on board as usual with his decision. The board gave him hell, but he had stood his ground, and finally after a lot of battle he'd announced it to the public.
He'd sent billions of dollars' worth of medicine to UNICEF to aid the civilians in need. Either encouraged by his actions or threatened to take a decision in fear of criticism, other companies had stepped forward to send in more medicines.
Though he had to step inside the boxing ring for his actions, Jungkook thought it was worth every punch he received.
Jaw-Hwa smiled. "I'll see you around, Mr. Jeon."
He watched Mr. Song guide her to another group of business associates, introducing her. His proud voice carried over to them. As he observed, he wondered how fortunate was Jae-Hwa to have a father like Mr. Song. He sighed.
Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder as if he understood.
"Receiving praises for wasting the money someone else earned, I see."
Ah, here it comes.
"Mr. Jeon." Namjoon inclined his head in greetings while Jungkook made no move to greet his father. He sipped his champagne and kept his gaze ahead of them.
"You're lucky the Changs stayed back, but it doesn't erase the fact you still lost two of our buyers." In his peripheral vision, he saw his father sipping the expensive scotch. With one hand inside his pocket, he scanned the crowd. To an onlooker, it would appear they were having a normal chat. "You might have magically sold these products to this mysterious buyer, but remember, luck wouldn't be with you all the time."
Jungkook clenched his jaw. "What do you want?"
His father chuckled. "Nothing. You think you bested me just because you won this round. You're too soft to handle a gang all by yourself. I'm waiting to see how far you'd fly before you come crashing down."
"Don' worry about it. At least, I know I'll get up, dust it off and keep going," Jungkook shot back.
His father's gaze slid to him. "You think it's that easy? They'll tear you limb to limb the moment you come down."
Jungkook shrugged. "Good that I'm not alone anymore."
His father's gaze darkened. Before he could retort, however, someone else intervened.
"Hello Mr. Jeon, what a pleasure."
They all turned. Jungkook felt his lips stretching involuntarily at the sight of Jimin. The man he'd been looking forward to meeting all night was here.
Jimin looked like a dream. He had once again changed his hair color and this time it was black. It was like a punch to his gut. He didn't remember a time he saw Jimin with black hair and it just doubled that dangerous aura around him tenfold.
"Jimin-ssi." His father's voice was deep, unbothered to hide his displeasure.
Jimin ignored him and his dark brown orbs flitted toward him. He had his hands pushed into his pockets. Beside him, Taehyung's face was an impassive mask.
"Jungkook-ssi, you look well."
He had to blink a few times and breathe through his mouth to regain his control. He wanted nothing more than to gather Jimin into his arms and kiss him senseless. Inhale that intoxicating citrus scent and get lost in it.
"You too." Jungkook was proud his voice didn't waver.
He slid his gaze down to lessen the effect Jimin had on him only to realize how bad that decision was. Jimin left the top few buttons of his shirt open as usual. The black satin shirt hugged his chest like a second skin. He swallowed and looked away.
Several heads were already turning their way. Even the normal public was aware of the rivalry between the Jeon and Park families. They just didn't know how deep it ran. They were always competing with each other and even their PR team never held back. It was that worse. He shifted from one foot to the other, realizing how much attention they were getting from the others right then.
"Congratulations on the new government deal, Jungkook-ssi."
Jungkook's head snapped to meet Jimin's mesmerizing gaze again. "Thank you." He inclined his head.
The Parks had always won the tender to provide pharmaceutical products to the US every year, but this year, Jimin had sent the deal his way.
"I have a small gift for you, baby," he had told him over the phone while he was in Russia. The deal was worth millions and Jungkook was left dumbfounded when he found what that small gift was.
Jungkook's cheeks stung at the memory.
"Weren't that lucky this time, were you?" His dad snickered beside him. "They say the bigger they are, the harder they fall."
Jimin lifted a brow with an amused smile. Then his gaze flicked to Jungkook. "I agree. I did fall hard."
When his tongue darted to lick his bottom lip, Jungkook felt a delicious shiver run through his body. Taehyung coughed to mask his laughter while Namjoon pursed his lips looking anywhere but at them.
His father, who didn't expect that response, laughed. "Well, then I hope you never get back up." His features darkened.
"Trust me. I don't wish to." When Jimin averted his gaze from Jungkook to look at his father his smile turned into a smirk. "I'm going to stay here a long, long time."
Only Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung understood the real context of the words being spoken. His clueless father took that as a victory and grinned ear to ear.
"Good luck then, Jimin-ssi."
As Jimin walked away with his signature smirk in place, Jungkook had to fight his urge to break into a wide grin. It made him giddy and he felt like a teenager who just overheard his crush talking to his friends about him. Namjoon nudged him in the ribs and he ducked his head to sip more champagne to hide his expression.
However, Taehyung looked back, throwing a wink his way and Jungkook felt his cheeks flare once again. He turned around abruptly to avoid malfunctioning altogether. The previous events were hard because Jimin was too delectable and he had no choice but to stare from across the room. Now he knew exactly how it felt to have Jimin. He was also deprived of his touch for a week that left him with a yearning. It was unfair Jimin looked so good and he'd have to wait for hours before he could get him alone.
"Can you stop sighing for once and mingle a little more?" Namjoon griped. "At least you lover boy is here now. Put that smile to some good use."
Jungkook scowled at him, his mood once again dampening at the thought of networking. "We already made one round."
His mood was generally light, considering how his dad had left them to their own devices and was now talking to someone else. But he just liked to complain was Namjoon. And it was one of the few things he enjoyed.
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "These events are a painful reminder of how much pain you really are."
"Old man is doing well with socializing." He jerked his head toward his father. "I'll let him handle this shit." He shrugged.
Namjoon chuckled. "I wish Yoongi and Hoseok are here sooner. It's boring without them."
"It's boring even with them," Jungkook deadpanned.
His second-in-command let out an exasperated sigh and hooked a hand around his elbow. "Time for round two. It'll give you a chance to stay close to your lover boy. Come on."
That incentive was enough to get his ass moving and so Jungkook went along. The hours seemed to drag longer. His mind was anywhere but at the event. He was glad he had Namjoon. He even made a few trips to the restroom, hoping Jimin would at least show up once, resulting in Namjoon mouthing 'whipped' for the fifth time that night.
Was he really that whipped?
He didn't care anymore. He just needed Jimin closer and that was all he could think about. Finally, when the event wrapped he let out a sigh in relief. Yoongi and Hoseok just made it to the second part of the event. The guests who didn't belong to their underground circle left the venue alone or with their dates or with someone they found for the night while the members of the crime world moved to the more secure underground club for the next stage of the event.
While it was a known fact that Jungkook wasn't a fan of events, he held a deep hatred for this part specifically. To put it in simple words, this was a fight club, exclusive to the members of the mafia. On occasions like this, everything went up a notch.
Basically, the members of the rival gangs were allowed to fight it out inside the ring. Sometimes, it led to the death of one party. Though there were some basic rules in place to keep everything civil, they tended to lose control. The losing member, even if they got out alive, was mostly left damaged in some way.
He grumpily made his way to his seat at one of the front tables with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok flanking his sides. His bodyguards hovered at a safe distance. Being the leader of the gang meant, you get the front seat. Fortunately, his father was seated with a few other senior members at the adjacent table. To his left was Jimin. At least that was comforting.
Jungkook had switched to water after his second glass of champagne to stay level headed for the rest of the night. He had been attending this particular event since sixteen, but that never made it easy. Nausea churned his stomach to see the familiar fighting ring in the middle of the spacious room in an elevated stage.
It resembled a boxing ring, but with only one rope to mark the boundary. The rules were simple. Enroll your name if you want to fight, the opponents were chosen carefully through a draw by the host of the event. Once the fighter stepped inside, he stayed until he was the last one standing or he exited upon his defeat.
The excited chatters were too loud for his liking. He looked ready to throw up. It was suffocating. Jimin caught his gaze and lifted a brow asking if he was okay. Jungkook forced a smile and thought of nodding, but shook his head instead. With Jimin, he didn't have to hide. Didn't have to put that strong façade he put on for the others.
Jimin's features softened and he pulled his phone out. Jungkook understood and pulled his phone out.
From My Hyung-nim:
Wanna leave, baby?
To My Hyung-nim:
Would love to.
I always hated these events.
But you know I can't.
From My Hyung-nim:
Says who?
If you wanna leave, then you leave.
We make the rules here, Jungkookie.
Not the other way around.
That drew a smile on his face. Jimin was always understanding. Though their presence was said to be mandatory, Jungkook never wondered what would happen if they refused to participate.
To My Hyung-nim:
I'm fine now that you're here.
I'll stay and will let you know if I wanna leave.
From My Hyung-nim:
Ok, baby.
You look ravishing tonight.
Can't wait to ruin you.
A shiver ran through his spine at that promise. If the intensity he saw on Jimin's eyes were anything to go by, he could already imagine what was waiting for him.
To My Hyung-nim:
Can't wait to be ruined.
A cheeky smile spread on his lips, noticing the darkened look on his face. Oh how easy it was to rile Jimin. He couldn't wait.
Yoongi snorted beside him. "I preferred his 24/7 emotionally constipated face compared to this. It's weird to see that lovesick look."
Jungkook huffed and rolled his eyes. Despite Yoongi's teasing words, there was fondness in it and his lips were twitching a little.
"Oh, let him be. I'm loving this cheesy side of him. Their texts are too sappy." Hoseok admired in a dreamy voice. "Never dreamed of a day I get to see our Jungkookie like this."
"Hyung..." Jungkook hissed under his breath.
"Your face is red by the way," Namjoon added.
Jungkook couldn't help but grow red under their teasing. It was good when they were stoic, but who thought he'd be in a predicament like this. A part of him enjoyed their teasing and even welcomed it. Maybe it was because he didn't experience any of this during his younger years when he was supposed to be happy and carefree.
"Ignore them, Jungkookie." Hoseok put a hand over him, squeezing it gently. "I like this new you. Go with the flow. Enjoy what you have now. I'm happy to see he's treating you well."
Jungkook smiled. "Thanks, hyung."
However, he hadn't focused on the fight, lost in his thoughts and mostly dreaming about his night with Jimin when he heard his name being called out. Jungkook blinked, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth as he looked around. Beside him, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok were stiff with furious expressions.
What's going on?
He looked at them, lifting a brow in question when the host called his name again. Jungkook whipped up and tilted his head as he stared at the host.
The host inclined his head. "It's such a surprise to have you on board with the fight, Jungkook-ssi. I've heard a lot about your fighting skills. It's an honor to finally see that in person."
What the fuck?
His head snapped to Namjoon. "I never signed up."
"Not you." Namjoon gritted through his teeth and Jungkook followed his gaze to his father, who sat there with a knowing smile.
He did this. Technically, it wasn't wrong. Anyone willing could fight inside the ring. But he wasn't interested. Never was and never will. But the smirk on his face continued to grow and Jungkook felt that familiar sensation of nausea churning again.
His worried glance slid to Jimin next, whose face was as hard as a stone. This wasn't how he planned for his night to go. He was dreaming of getting railed by Jimin six ways to Monday. But when was life fair to him?
This was no simple shit for him to back away. Whether he liked it or not, he had to go into the ring. He clenched his jaw as he studied his opponent, who was at least twice his size and several inches taller than him. He was, in short, built like a tank and Jungkook recognized him as one of the renowned fighters of the underground.
This man was dangerous and was also a member of the Triads. Jungkook stood, knowing this night wouldn't end well for him. So much for dreaming. He swallowed the frustrated growl and cast another scathing look at his father for playing him like this. He would never forgive Sr. Jeon for pulling this shit.
What an irony. Losing was now not an option. If he lost, he'd lose his honor. As the leader of the Dragons, it was something worse to carry on. A taint to his name.
Maybe he should have left when Jimin asked him if he wanted to leave. It was too late now. He met Jimin's gaze once more and noticed the way it softened a little bit. If he hadn't known Jimin for a brief time he did, he wouldn't have caught that minor change in his expression.
He removed his suit jacket and tossed it on the table. The crowd cheered and there were several wolf whistles as he proceeded to remove his shirt and the accessories. His opponent's lips were curled with anticipation, he was pacing around the ring like a hyena, and he could easily imagine him foaming in his mouth.
Jungkook rolled his shoulders. He might be a size smaller than his opponent was but in no way was weak. His body was toned and his muscles were ripped. The cheers of the crowd reached another level when he began walking toward the ring.
Never show your fear.
His gaze trailed over the man with interest, watching for any weak point. He should have paid attention to the fight earlier. At least, he had seen him fight a few times. The sounds were deafening when he slid under the rope to enter the ring.
With his fate sealed, Jungkook stretched his neck until he heard the satisfying crack and flexed his muscles. He wasn't ready but he had no choice. It was a life or death situation. But it wasn't just his life that was in life, it was also his honor, pride, and ego. He took a deep breath and took the position, hoping he'd make it out of the ring with all that intact.
He took a deep breath and waited, hands balled in front of him and eyes narrowed. His opponent was the first to strike. Jungkook dodged his head to the side, avoiding his fist with mere inches to spare. The second punch came before his first hand was even withdrawn.
Jungkook, knowing how these fights worked, was ready for it. Or maybe it was his muscle memory. Thanks to his useless dad for putting him in the boxing ring all these years. The game with his father was always to dodge. With a smirk, he dodged the second punch just by turning his body to the side.
That seemed to ignite something inside his opponent. With a snarl, he advanced raining punches and kicks. Jungkook dodged every single punch and kick, using his arms and legs to block, turn, and duck. The crowd's cheer was earsplitting now.
Jungkook kept moving around the ring, keeping his position in check and the enemy turned to him. He took the short gap in between the attack to access his enemy. Patience was definitely not in his dictionary, but Jungkook had it a lot. How else would he have survived his father all these years? He liked to believe it was a quality he inherited from his mother.
The size of your opponent doesn't matter. Read them. Everyone has a weakness. Use it to your advantage.
His trainer's words replayed in his mind. He definitely had one hell of a trainer. Someone he rested apart from his hyungs. Henry Lou was a retired boxer and personal trainer since he turned fourteen. The man was strict, but he also had a soft spot for Jungkook. He just knew how to fine-tune Jungkook and turn his weakness into his strength.
As Jungkook dodged every attack, his opponent seemed to grow furious. His attack was now uncoordinated and purely fueled by that fury alone. And when people were furious they made mistakes. Jungkook saw his opening almost six minutes into the fight.
He ducked the oncoming punch and landed a punch in his solar plexus. His opponent staggered, unexpecting the punch that must have knocked the breath out of his lungs. Jungkook used the small opening to his advantage, hitting him strategically on his weak yet vital parts.
A silence had washed over the crowd as his opponent stood there, unmoving and staring at him with his mouth agape. Jungkook prepared to launch a final attack sequence when the guy began to sway on his feet. He stumbled a few steps before he went down like a stack of cards, crumbling to the floor.
The crowd broke into applauds, loud cheers, and whistles. Someone whistled and Jungkook saw Hoseok who was on his feet, hollering his name and waving his hands in the air.
Jungkook grinned for the first time that night. The victory was glorious and with the adrenaline rushing through his veins so addictive, he cracked his neck again. His gaze cut to Jimin briefly and his chest automatically puffed out when he noticed the proud smile on his face.
He turned his attention to the host when he announced the next opponent.
"Excellent, Jungkook-ssi." Two staff came over to remove the opponent from the ring. "Now, that's what we call a clean knock-out. The night isn't over yet, folks. Onto the ring next is..."
Jungkook tuned it out and took a few deep breaths to calm down his racing thoughts. His next opponent stepped inside, someone from the Yakuza. Damn. Those guys had a different fighting technique he envied. It was going to be one hell of a fight.
He rolled his shoulders once more and got ready to engage.
Namjoon was furious at the turn of events. Jungkook was in no way weak or incompetent when it came to hand-to-hand combat. In fact, he considered that one of his strengths rather than a gunfight. He was quick on his feet and always mindful of his surroundings.
But what irked him was the way Sr. Jeon enrolled his name as a fighter. Gang leaders fighting in these rings weren't unheard of, but here, they never did because of the lack of rules and fearing foul play. This was a way for the gangs to take out the grudge they had on each other without going to war.
The gangs trained their best fighters just for these sorts of events. Jungkook attended these events only because it was mandatory for him to be here as the leader of the gang. He couldn't stomach that Jungkook was inside the ring. Even if Jungkook was killed today in the fight, they would be able to do nothing about it.
Did that bastard even realize the danger he put Jungkook in?
Now Jungkook was onto his seventh opponent. Compared to his opponents, the young one was still in great shape. There was a cut in his cheek that was bleeding and he could see the few bruises forming in his knuckles, but he held his ground like a pro.
His fighting was always a pleasure to watch and Namjoon would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the situation. Hoseok was being the big brother he was, hollering and cheering for Jungkook as if they weren't among a bunch of criminals alike. His enthusiasm was so contagious that even the others who normally used to be quiet in these events were cheering on.
The bets were going insanely crazy with Jungkook inside the ring. And he was winning every single round. So when the fighter of the Cobras stepped inside the ring, he thought nothing of it.
Sr. Jeon looked smug despite putting his son in a situation like this. Namjoon was furious and oh, how much he would love to wipe that smugness off his face.
Suddenly there was a commotion and Namjoon whipped around to see Jungkook staggering with a hand on his neck.
What the—
"Fucking coward!" Yoongi was on his feet in an instant.
"He drugged him," Hoseok hissed, fists curling on his sides.
Namjoon was up on his feet as well. This was the very thing he feared.
"I'm going in," Yoongi announced.
Fuck the rules of the ring. Because this was Jungkook. Their leader and someone they loved dearly. His brain worked faster. It wasn't against to the rules. The person barging in would replace the other.
The opponent was raining down punches, taking advantage of Jungkook's disoriented state and Yoongi was almost close to the ring when it happened. One second the man was on top of Jungkook and the next he was being ripped off his body. A flash of black was all he saw before the guy went down in a heap. Over him stood Park Jimin, his jaw and fists clenched, one leg on the guy's chest.
When Jimin looked back at the host, Namjoon shuddered at the murderous look on his face. "There's no place for cowards in my gang," his voice rang with conviction. He snapped his fingers and two of his men came to drag the unconscious guy away. Jimin stopped them only to check the fallen guy's hand, sniffing at whatever needle he used on Jungkook before dismissing them.
Jungkook had somehow staggered onto his knees, breathing heavily. Blood dripped from his cuts. Namjoon stopped Yoongi just before he entered the ring.
"Let me go, Namjoon," Yoongi hissed.
"You know the rules, hyung," he murmured under his breath. "You'll be fighting Jimin if you enter." He then looked at the Cobra leader who was talking to Taehyung now. "Besides, I don't think it's our fight anymore."
Yoongi didn't look happy but conceded, fixated on Jungkook.
The host watched everything from the side. Namjoon wondered if the guy was dead or Jimin just knocked him out. But then, no one would question a leader because they decided the fate of their men.
What was Jimin going to do now?
At least Jimin would allow Jungkook to exit the ring in one piece. After all, it was all in the hands of their opponent. Once the fighters entered the ring, the strong one standing decided the fate of the other. Jungkook was in no form to fight in his drugged state.
Jimin approached Jungkook, his look impassive but there was something in his eyes. "Can you stand?"
Jungkook shook his head, planting his hands on the ground as he tried to climb onto his feet.
The crowd had gone quiet, but small murmurs were breaking out. At least half of them were on their feet, watching everything unfold with utmost interest. The Cobras and the Dragons were never supposed to be on good terms. Just because there was, less bloodshed didn't mean everything was good. Well, until recently.
Jimin wrapped a hand around his torso, helping him up. Another wave of silence washed over the crowd. No words were spoken as he led Jungkook toward them. Hoseok was the first to catch him and the others helped, bringing him gently out of the ring.
"Taehyung will take care of it," Jimin said under his breath before going to Seokjin, whom Namjoon noticed only now.
Taehyung was by their side immediately, helping them to bring Jungkook to their seat and he was kneeling immediately, rummaging through a kit he pulled out from his suit jacket.
"Don't worry. It's one of our drugs," he spoke as he readied the injection. "This will neutralize the effect in less than five minutes. He will feel dizzy and might have a bit of headache or his head might feel heavy, but he will be fine."
If it wasn't for the relationship between Jungkook and Jimin, Namjoon would never trust him with this and would have never allowed him to go anywhere near him. But the way Jimin had stepped into that ring, beating his own men showed where his loyalty lay.
Yoongi and Hoseok proceeded to tend to his injuries while Taehyung carefully injected the medicine through his veins. When he looked up, Jimin had already removed his shirt and suit jacket, revealing the several tattoos he had on his body. He noticed the crowd was silent for a different reason now.
So far, it was only rumored that he carried a Bratva tattoo on his body. No one had ever seen his tattoos in person. But now Jimin stood in the middle of the fighting ring, his tattoos full-on display, jaw clenched and fists balled, looking every bit lethal.
Gone was his casual flirtatious personality. In his place stood a man who was ready to kill. Deep down, Namjoon knew this Jimin was to be feared. If someone really cared, they'd think twice before stepping into that ring.
"It's unfortunate that Jungkook-ssi can't continue the fight," Jimin began, addressing the crowd in general. "What a shame. It's been a while I enjoyed a good fight."
"You have nothing to feel bad for, Jimin-ssi," Sr. Jeon spoke. "You've been kind enough to spare his life." The man didn't look like it bothered him a bit. "He's a leader of our prestigious gang. I'm ashamed he was so careless to allow this. Just what kind of example does this set for the others?"
Namjoon ground his jaw. He was shaking with fury when Taehyung put a hand over his hand with a small shake of his head. There was a knowing smile on his face and Namjoon frowned.
"Just watch," Taehyung murmured as he moved to apply the antiseptic cream over Jungkook's bleeding wounds.
"Well said, Jungwoo-ssi," Jimin agreed. "My orders were clear to my men. To fight fair. Just what kind of example am I setting if I allow them to break my rules?" He walked to the edge of the ring, balancing his hands on the rope with a smirk. "Which is why I killed him." His features hardened. "There is no place for mistakes in my gang. So, here I am, in his place, rectifying situation caused by one of my men. I'd have loved to fight Jungkook-ssi, but it wouldn't be a fair fight, considering his condition. So, why don't you step inside as his replacement?" He stepped back, opening his arms wide. "I've heard you're a great fighter and even use your boxing ring as a major form of discipline. Why don't you show me how it is done?" He egged on and tilted his head to the side with a teasing smile. "Maybe...discipline me a little."
Jungkook chuckled, spitting out the blood and cast a look toward Jimin. Namjoon now understood what was going on. He slanted a glance at Sr. Jeon, who looked shocked as the other members at his table. The open challenge was unexpected and it would be such a blow to his ego if he turned it down.
"My dad keeps telling me I've been a bad boy," Jimin continued when Sr. Jeon didn't answer. "I could use a lesson or two today."
The crowd laughed at this. Some began to cheer and Jungkook turned to look over his shoulder with a challenging look in his eyes. Namjoon bit the inside of his cheeks to control his laughter. Taehyung was blatantly laughing.
"Mr. Jeon isn't afraid of our Jiminie, is he?" he yelled into the crowd, standing from his crouched position.
The crowd began to cheer and Hoseok joined them. The Dragon members also joined, mostly because they saw this as an opportunity to get back at the Cobras for drugging their leader.
Sr. Jeon stood with a snarl. "I'll show you then."
The bookie was on his heels, going from one table to the other as the people began to place their bets.
When Jungkook's dad stepped into the ring, the cheers were ear-splitting once more. There was just so much excitement in the air. Namjoon could almost taste the anticipation in the air. It was then it dawned on him that so far they'd only heard rumors about Jimin's fighting skills and no one had ever witnessed it.
"Make him drink a lot of water for the next hour or so. He'll experience dryness in his mouth and that's normal." Taehyung walked away toward Seokjin who was standing outside the ring with a huge smile on his face.
"In an unexpected turn of events, we have two of our prestigious members fighting each other for the first time in history. Well, there were fights outside the ring, but a fight between the current leader and the former leader of the well-known rivals, the Cobras and the Dragons is definitely something." The host laughed, definitely amused and not sugar coating his anticipation.
Why would he? This was the most excitement they all would have compared to the mundane fights.
Jimin's smile was intact. Sr. Jeon took the position, but Jimin didn't even move. He just stood there relaxed, gaze never leaving the older man. When the bell rang, announcing the start of the fight, Jimin crooked his index and middle finger, beckoning him over.
The fight wasn't fair for Sr. Jeon. The man swung his right arm, aiming for Jimin's ribs. But the latter just blocked it and swept a leg under him, causing Sr. Jeon to fall on his back. Jimin was back to his spot, once more beckoning him to attack.
Namjoon whistled for the first time that evening and let out a chuckle.
Oh, this is going to be good.
He'd seen Sr. Jeon fight for years. But none of his opponents ever dared to do something like this. Ever. It was kind of degrading to someone in his position. Jimin wasn't sparing any form of respect.
Sr. Jeon was up on his feet, charging once more. His attack was more calculated this time. His strategized punches and kicks showed years of experience. However, Jimin was quick to deflate his attacks and Namjoon had a feeling he was taking it easier on the older. Because he went on defensive mode instead of offensive.
After a minute of the defensive mode, he landed another punch that sent Sr. Jeon flying halfway across the floor. The man lay there, panting and somewhat stunned. Jimin strode toward him, beckoning him to stand and fight again.
Sr. Jeon swallowed but he climbed to his feet with a scowl. The fight began once again. This time Jimin went on the offensive. His movements were a blur. Sr. Jeon's blocks were futile and soon his grunts began to fill the arena.
Namjoon slanted a glance toward the others on the table. Jungkook was watching the fight with sheer fascination. He looked pale but better than before.
Yoongi was a definition of calm but his expression said he was satisfied. Hoseok on the other hand was cheering and no one could tell if it was in support of Sr. Jeon or against him. Namjoon knew better.
Jimin's lips were moving but no one could make out the words. It was too low and the crowd was going crazy. The fight continued, Jimin having an upper hand this time and not giving a chance to fight back. After one particular sequence, Sr. Jeon fell to his knees, clutching his sides. Jimin lifted his hand for another blow when Sr. Jeon lifted both his hands in the air in a surrendering motion.
"N-No more." He coughed. "You win."
Namjoon never thought he'd see a day where Sr. Jeon admitted his defeat. This would go down in history.
Jimin stopped and stepped back with a smirk. "You may leave, Jungwoo-ssi. I did promise a fair fight, didn't I?" He slanted a glance at the host. "Next opponent please."
Jungkook lay his head on the table, pressing his cheek on the cold surface as soon Sr. Jeon limped outside the ring. There was not a single drop of blood on Sr. Jeon's skin, but he looked pale and seemed to have trouble breathing. He didn't make it a few feet before he was crumbling on the floor. A few guards rushed to tend him.
Namjoon averted his gaze to the fighting ring, not bothering to help. Yoongi and Hoseok sat on their respective chairs, crossing their legs as they looked ahead at the fight instead of their former boss or the fuss around him.
Well deserved.
After putting Jungkook through hell, this was not even a quarter of what he deserved. But Namjoon would take what he could. He just hoped there would be more circumstances like this.
The rest of the fight didn't last long. The opponents who stepped inside the ring after Sr. Jeon didn't even last for more than five seconds. Jimin didn't waste time at all. The moment the bell rang, he attacked and knocked out his opponent, yelling for the next.
After the first two, they stopped removing opponents from the ring. Well, there was no use in doing so when the next was going to drop in five seconds.
Ten minutes later, Jimin stepped out of the ring as the champion of the night. Namjoon didn't know what he was feeling for Jimin before, but what he felt now was definitely respect.
Jimin hadn't only killed one of his men to protect Jungkook, but he had stepped inside the arena to challenge Jungkook's dad. Namjoon hadn't given much thought when Jungkook shared his conversation with Jimin earlier. Now he knew Jimin wasn't just talking for the sake of it.
Jimin left the club without looking back and with Taehyung and Seokjin hot on his heels. They didn't stop to even talk to the host.
His cell phone pinged as soon as they were out of the club and he pulled it out to see a set of instructions from Taehyung, asking them to meet Jimin in the parking lot. He pocketed his phone and stood, glancing at the others.
Namjoon would be lying if he wasn't freaked out when both Jimin and Jungkook got together. He hadn't slept a wink when Jungkook stayed over and every morning he could only breath in relief after seeing Jungkook alive and well. But tonight, he thought, he could let go of that fear and begin to trust the Cobra leader for once.
"Let's go."
Sr. Jeon was nowhere to be seen and Namjoon didn't bother to look either. Jungkook wore only his shirt now. He supported him up gently and wrapped a hand around his middle. With a nod toward the host, they were off.
Time to take Jungkook to Jimin, where he belonged.
I wanted to make this chapter even longer, but what I have in mind wouldn't fit in this one chapter. next update will be action as well. The night isn't over yet.
So what do you think about this chapter? Did you like Jimin's fight with Sr. Jeon? Do you think he will learn his lesson?
[I can assure you it's not over for Sr. Jeon yet. I hope you'll like what I have in store for him] Karma is my bunk buddy. Duh!
Next chapter should be here in 2 weeks time. I have a full time job and I write in between. It takes me at least one week to write one long ass chapter, if my work didn't kick my ass. Also, there is this thing called inspiration. I don't put out stuff if it isn't satisfying. I'll post if I'm able to write and finish it before that.
I'll update Vanilla Latte tomorrow. I wanted to do it today, but I'm so tired and I also have fever. I think my allergy is acting up. So gonna take meds and sleep after this. Have a good weekend guys. Hope you all are staying safe.
I'll rest after I post this, I promise.
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