Chapter 12

Wohoo!!! Just one more and then we are done. Enjoy the 10k!


Jungkook took a deep breath and braced himself. His face was a stoic mask, jaw clenched and fingers curled in his lap, as they got ready to exit the private jet.

Yoongi stood by the open door where the airhostess stood with a professional smile plastered on her face. Jia walked past him, her red blazer draped in one hand, looking elegant as ever in her red pencil skirt, white blouse, and red stilettos.

Namjoon put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently in a silent show of assurance. He nodded once. He was ready for this. It had been more than a month and a half since he left Seoul. His mother's surgery was a success and she was safely transferred to the Bratva compound with a live-in doctor and nurse.

"Calm down, lover boy," Aera chirped. "I'm sure the big boy right here got things handled."

"'M not a big boy," Namjoon grumbled under his breath. The red painting his ears and neck said otherwise.

"You sure you're not big? But that's not the assumption I'm getting right now."

Jungkook chuckled. He could imagine her checking him out shamelessly behind his back. Their meeting was quite interesting.

When Namjoon expressed his doubts of her capability upon their first meeting earlier that day, she had simply taken him down in a matter of seconds, knees on both sides of his neck, gun pointing at his temple. Namjoon tried to flip her but she already had a knife pressed to his privates with a smirk. It was safe to say he had never seen Namjoon that flustered before.

Namjoon cleared his throat. "We should head out."

Jungkook operated the wheelchair with ease now. Jimin's words had given him more confidence and he was determined to clear the streets off those fucking rats before he brought his mom and sister home.

Though he was a little bummed out that his boyfriend couldn't be here with him, he knew he was watching over him. Jimin had arrived in Seoul a week earlier to take care of things here.

"Let's go, hyung." He pushed forward. Yoongi's proud smile was all he needed to know he was doing the right thing.

The Seoul air was different, comforting even. It was good to be back home. The sky was clear and the weather pleasant unlike the storm brewing in his mind. He was headed right to the company building to participate in the board meeting.

It had more to do with the asshole of his father rallying the board of directors to get him replaced. He was chased away from the gang but the company was a whole different story. He was still the Chairman of the board and it wasn't easy to replace him without the support of the other board members.

Aera and Namjoon flanked his sides while Yoongi and Jia walked ahead of them. The cameras flashed the moment they stepped out of the airport doors. It only took a moment for them to recognize him. A few reporters present in the area hurried toward him with their mics extended.

However, before they could even reach within twenty feet of him, several bodyguards in black suits surrounded them.

"Keep them away," Aera barked, guiding them toward the van parked closer.

Jungkook knew the news would be splashed all over the media in mere seconds, which was exactly what they were hoping for. He pulled his phone out as soon as they took off.

BREAKING NEWS: CEO Jeon Jungkook is back in Seoul after almost two months.

JUST IN: Jeon Jungkook was spotted at the Incheon Airport this morning. He was seen arriving in a wheelchair along with Deputy CEO Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi.

BREAKING NEWS: Jeon Jungkook arrives in Seoul safely after being in a shootout in Russia.

BREAKING NEWS: Who are the two new faces spotted with Jeon Corporation CEO Jeon Jungkook?

"It's already up and people are wondering about Jia and Aera," he said.

Aera who was looking outside the window scoffed. "They'll know who I am when I kick their asses."

"I can see why you're the leader of the Alpha team." He chuckled.

"Omega team now," she grunted. "At least I'm closer to the big boy here this way. My boss is the best." She winked.

Namjoon coughed and looked away but said nothing.

"I bet you'd rather be out there killing some asshole," Jia shot at her.

Aera shrugged. "I'm still salty I didn't get to kill Vladislav's real son. After all the tracking I have done to find the shithole he was hiding..." She huffed, folding her hands across her chest.

"Nah, you're just bitchy because Taehyung took over the Alpha team and he got to kill him instead of you."

Aera huffed, folding her hands across her chest. "I'm better."

Jia chuckled. "Sure, Jan."

Jungkook never understood the spat between Taehyung and Aera. They were always at each other's throats for some reason, but Jia explained that was how it always had been. Ever since their first meeting where Taehyung tripped Aera and called her shortie that was. Though Taehyung claimed it was an accident, Jia begged to differ.

Jimin seemed unbothered with their spat. So Jungkook was fine with it. Also, Jimin wouldn't have entrusted his safety with Aera if he didn't trust her. Jimin trusted very few people. Besides, the Alpha team was the best out there.

"You got the best team though," he said, aiming to butter her up a little and lift her mood. "Jimin hyung cares for me the most and he trusts me with you." He smiled.

If Aera's smile had the power to light up an entire building it would have. Jia laughed from the backseat. "Hmm...I like you, lover boy. Jimin chose well," she said.

"I know." His heart felt light, his nervousness fading away. Though Jimin wasn't with him in person, he made sure he was taken care of.

Jia was a breath of fresh air with a mix of Jimin's unforgiving nature and Taehyung's brattiness, but she also had a warm side she reserved only to a few people.

And since they were the same age, he finally had someone he could call buddy. If the friendship bracelets and weekly movie nights they had was anything to go by, he knew this was the best thing ever.

He tried to relax his best. Jia helped him through some simple breathing exercises when she sensed him growing anxious. She was just like Jimin in a few ways. The way she could tell when he was in pain or his thoughts were spiraling was almost scary.

It was a constant battle from wanting to stay confident and fight the world one moment and to wallow in self-pity the next. Jimin was patient so were the others, showing him constantly that he was worth it.

The Jeons Corp building stood tall and intimidating as ever. Jungkook's heart lurched to his throat. He'd done this multiple times. Still, after knowing his father could be here alone made him anxious. He didn't want to see his face or even be in the same room as him. However, he also wanted to look the man right in the eye as he destroyed him.

No one gave much thought when the black van slid into the driveway, stopping right in front of the main entrance. Aera was the first to step outside followed by Namjoon and eventually Jia, Yoongi, and lastly Jungkook.

A buzz started the moment they spotted him and Jungkook ignored everything at his best. The entourage of bodyguards, armed to their teeth and ready to engage was a bit intimidating on his part. But Jimin wouldn't allow him to go anywhere else without the newly formed Omega team. His boyfriend said only the best from the Alpha team was transferred to the Omega team.

The head of the security rushed toward them only to be stopped by his new bodyguards. Aera marched straight to him, her boots clacking against the tiled floor. She looked so petite in her form-fitting slacks and white shirt, strapped weapons were hidden from the other's view by a black fitted blazer. Hair tied into a neat bun on top of her head, Aera looked like a front office staff and people might even think she was his new assistant.

Looks were deceiving and underestimating her would be the biggest mistake anyone could ever do because he'd witnessed her taking down a man twice her size without breaking a sweat.

"Ha Man-Shik." Aera extended a hand, her eyes glancing around briefly. "Name is Min Aera, the head of Mr. Jeon's security team."

"What? But—"

"Namjoon-ssi, the security here is lax and worst at its best," she ignored him to address Namjoon. "I'd like to meet the team in charge of this building's security."

"That can be arranged." He nodded curtly.

"Tomorrow noon, please." She planted a hand on Man-Shik's chest, gently pushing him out of the way. "Thanks, Man-Shik-ssi, I'll take it from here."

With a snap of her fingers, the bodyguards that came with them spread out. Two went to the main exit while the others headed to the VIP elevator. Namjoon scoffed beside him at the display but followed him wordlessly. Yoongi had a small smile plastered on his face.

When they entered the elevator, one guard stood outside guarding it while the others filled inside. Jungkook felt his nerves tighten into a ball in his stomach, but Jia was there before he could let it fester. She handed him a stress ball with a small smile. He nodded curtly and began to squeeze the life out of that stress ball.

The elevator doors opened with a ding and he composed himself. The corridor to his office space and meeting rooms were long and the guards from the Omega team now lined both sides of the wall. They must have arrived in a different elevator.

Namjoon and Yoongi went ahead, leaving Jia and Aera to flank his sides. His nerves were haywire and not even the stress ball was helping. However, before he could ponder more, the door to the board room opened.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Jia said, walking to the chairs in the small waiting area outside the boardroom.

As expected, his father sat at the head of the table, his eyes narrowing and smirk lifting the corner of his lips. He looked well put out, dressed to nines as usual. The hatred and disgust in his eyes made Jungkook cringe and made him wonder if it had always been there or he just never noticed it before.

When their gazes locked, Jungkook glared, refusing to look away first.

"Thought you were out of commission," Jungwoo quipped dryly.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and said nothing. The other board of directors greeted him, some inquiring about his health. He answered them politely but instead of taking his seat near his father, he positioned his chair at the opposite side of the table between the other board members. Namjoon and Yoongi took their seats.

Aera glanced around, taking a position against the wall that gave her good vantage to watch the exit and Jungkook's back along with the others. Two guards walked to the other end of the room, taking a position in each corner.

"This meeting is only for the board of directors," Jungwoo gritted out. "The others must stand outside the doors."

Aera pinned him with a bored look. "Can't do that, old man. There was an attempt on Jungkook-ssi's life and until the responsible ones are apprehended, my team will be with him 24/7. I've already signed an NDA along with my team. You may conduct the meeting in my team's presence or postpone it until after the suspects are dealt with."

Jungwoo clenched his jaw, fists clenching on the table.

"Anyone who has a problem with us being here may raise your arm," she continued.

Dong-Sun, a guy who sat close to Jungwoo, lifted his hand. "I—"

Aera pressed a finger on her earpiece. "Omega six and eight, come in." Two guards burst through the doors immediately. "Please escort Mr. Kim Dong-Sun to our private room for further investigation," she said. "He seems to have some problem concerning Jungkook-ssi's safety."

"What? I didn't—"

"I suspect he might have something to do with the attack," Aera cut him off. "He's so keen to get us out of here and leave Jungkook-ssi without any security."

"Stop!" The man thrashed in their holds. "That's not—"

"You have the right to remain silent," she cut him off once again.

Jungkook watched with an amused smile as the two guards dragged the flustered man out of the room. He had his eye on Dong-Sun for a while now because that man disliked him with passion and always kissed Jungwoo's ass. The man always had something to complain about.

"Anyone else?" Aera smirked when no one lifted a hand. "Well, now that's sorted out, please carry on gentlemen. I'll just be the fly on the wall." Her expression turned stoic as she stood back, hands clasped behind her back and staring ahead.

Jungkook should admit that he was impressed. Jungwoo looked like he wanted to bolt, but Jungkook reclined in his seat in a more comfortable position. His face was red and if looks could kill, Jungkook would have been dead.

He still had trouble while talking for long and his chest ached, but he was out of the worst. He was getting better.

"We are here to discuss our company's position in the market in the last two quarters," Chin-Hwa started as a way to ease the unspoken tension in the room. "Overall, the first quarter had lots of bumps along the road but the progressive growth in the second quarter made up for it. However, we lost two out of three acquisition opportunities in the Middle East and one in Japan."

"Because it went to The Park Inc.," Jungwoo hissed. "I have to apologize. It shows my son's incompetency as a CEO of this company. You're nothing but a failure to the company."

"That's a bit harsh, Jungwoo-ssi," another board of directors, Beyong-Ho said. "Jungkook-ssi is young and took charge just under two years ago. Such things are expected but it was our acquisition team who were handling these business proposals. You cannot place the blame entirely on him."

"I agree. We must work together and see where we went wrong," Yong-Rae said.

"It was Jungkook who approved the proposals, no? He should have known the market better and should have known what would go through and what wouldn't," Jungwoo cut in.

"With all due respect, Jungwoo-ssi," Namjoon intervened. "Those proposals were approved by you as well. Jungkook did not solely take that decision. If I remember correctly, those proposals came from your desk and he was asked to sign them. He wasn't even given enough time to read through the submitted documents."

"I can vouch for this because I was with Jungkook-ssi that time," Yoongi replied. "We all know Jungkook is still training under our Chairman's guidance and he doesn't have the authority to take such decisions. So as a Chairman, you should take responsibility for your own actions, no? And stop playing the blaming game like children."

Silence fell over them and Jungkook smiled.

Hyeon cleared his throat. "I think we should just focus on—"

"It was my decision, yes, but all I'm trying to say is Jungkook is not trustworthy." His fingers flew over the keyboard of his laptop and the projector screen lit up. "If he was loyal we would have won those deals."

Photos of Jimin and Jungkook littered the screen. They were on a hotel balcony. It was a long shot taken from some other building. Jungkook remembered this. It was shortly after Jimin returned from one of his business trips. They decided to meet in a hotel because it would save them both time.

In the photos, Jimin was kissing Jungkook on the lips, his hands splayed on his ass. In another, Jungkook had his head thrown back as Jimin kissed his neck. Whoever it was didn't have a clear view of what they were doing, but Jungkook knew exactly what Jimin did to him that day. He remembered how his hips bucked and Jimin worked his cock all the while kissing him into oblivion.

"Still want to try and protect him?" Jungwoo asked with a smirk. "It's obvious he sold us out to that Park boy. Still gonna protect him? Still want someone like him in this company?"

"I did no such thing," Jungkook growled. "My personal life is none of your concern. You should be ashamed of invading my private life and taking non-consented photos of our intimate moments."

"So you accept that you were intimate with our competitor." Jungwoo laughed. "It's not just anyone fellas. Park fucking Jimin, the President of The Park Inc. How convenient."

Jungkook wanted to punch the sneer out of his face but he clenched his jaws and grounded himself.

"I accept that we are seeing each other and are involved romantically, but that has nothing to do with the acquisitions or mergers the Jeon Corporation has been dealing with. Jimin doesn't need to use such cheap tricks to win an acquisition. He has enough experience and knowledge to do it."

"Jungkook-ssi, are you saying we don't have enough experience or knowledge?" Young-Rae countered.

Jungkook took a shallow breath; the ache in his chest was making itself known. "Stop twisting my words, Young-Rae-ssi. Just saying Jimin is an honorable man who wouldn't need to stoop so low."

"The photo was taken just before the said acquisition was finalized," Jungwoo continued. "Too much of a coincidence if you asked me."

Jungkook exhaled a pained breath and closed his eyes to school his features. "You want to play dirty?" He opened his eyes. "Namjoon hyung, can you get Jimin on a video conference?"


Il-Seong, the board of directors who was silent all this time, snorted. "Jungkook-ssi, aren't you being a little too ambitious here? You can just answer his questions instead of pulling this act. Everyone knows Park Jimin is a busy man. You'd need an appointment first and who knows how long it'd take."

A few laughed while the others frowned looking between him and his father. He understood why one would have trouble trusting his words. It was because Jimin was hard to reach. Previously, they had to wait for months for an appointment to discuss a critical issue. Even if Jimin was available he was purposefully dragging them along. However, they were missing something here.

"He said Jimin-ssi is his boyfriend, no? And they're already closer than any of us ever were, no?" Hyeon's offhanded comment met with ruckus laughter. "I'm sure Jungkook-ssi will be able to get him—"

"Jungkook?" A soft voice cut the laughter off and Jungkook smiled softly. Jimin was in his office and he could hear some other voices in the background. The idiots had no idea. Jimin put him above everything in this fucking world and he would do anything just to please him. "Are you okay? You look like you're in pain."

"I'm okay," he whispered. "I'm in the board meeting and I have to put you on the big screen."

Jimin nodded and turned to the others. "Leave us," he ordered. "Seokjin can stay."

Namjoon plugged the cable, replacing the images of them kissing with Jimin's live video. Jungkook loved how Jimin looked. The aura he radiated even through the screen was just so powerful that he felt himself shiver. Definitely for all different reasons than the others.

Jimin reclined in his seat, crossing his leg at his knee while twirling a pen between his fingers casually. He looked so elegant while doing it. "Tell me now."

His presence alone wrapped him in an odd form of comfort. Though his face was stoic Jungkook didn't miss the way his eyes held certain softness. The one reserved for him and him alone.

Jungkook took a relaxing breath. "Remember the companies you acquired in the Middle East and Japan early this year?"

Jimin frowned and glanced to his side. He assumed he was looking at Seokjin. They heard a muffled voice answering him and Jimin nodded. "I think I remember now. What about them?"

"Jungwoo-ssi is accusing me of selling information to you in the privacy of our bedroom."

An amused smile lifted the corners of his lips and he reclined in his chair. "Don't tell me he's got someone looking into our bedroom."

"More like the hotel balcony," Jungkook answered. "Anyway, the reason I called...I need those three companies. Sell them to me?"

Jimin lifted a brow. "All three?"

Jungkook licked his lips. "Yes."

He heard another voice speaking in the background. Jimin turned his face, listening intently.

"The acquisition process is complete but we aren't done incorporating new changes in policies and such. Also, it'd take a while to consolidate the financials and implement the changes we have in mind," he said. "If we sell them to you now, it'll be at its rawest form at the best. You will have to rework on all the aspects. Seokjin says it'd increase your financial burden by thirteen percent. Do you still want that?


Jimin eyed him for a moment. "Is that all?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation in his answer.

Jimin exhaled, still no change in his expression. "Consider it done. My legal team will be in touch with you shortly."

"Okay. Thanks." He smiled.

"Anything for you, baby."

"See you at home, hyung-nim."

He ended the call feeling all eyes on him. He heard a snort coming from Aera's direction but ignored it. When he looked up the board of directors stared at him as if he had gone crazy. Someone's phone buzzed and Jungkook waited as Kwan read his email.

"I-It's from the legal department," he said, his phone dropping on the table with a clattering sound. "The Park Inc. wants to sell the three companies." He glanced around the table. "Two in the Middle East and one in Japan," he explained as if it wasn't clear already.

"As you can see we have quite a unique relationship dynamic. You can say he's my sugar daddy." Jungkook shrugged. "I have two of his black cards in my pocket all the time." He flexed purposefully. "Not that I can't afford it, it's how things work between us. He only gives. I don't expect any of you to understand that but his willingness to sell them to me should speak for itself." He reclined in his seat. "I've only used our relationship for the betterment of our company," Jungkook said. "Someone said our progress in the second quarter tackled the losses we sustained in the first quarter. Remember the time our factories had to stop production? I signed a deal with Park Inc. to sell our products to them. You may find necessary information from the production department. The Park Inc. is our biggest consumer. They surpassed all other buyers last month. The reports are in your emails if you want to verify. So like I said, I only take from Park Jimin and he allows me to do so."

He felt out of breath when he was done. His chest ached from having to do all the talking. Yoongi tapped on his knee and he nodded.

"We brought in more business from the Parks and our products broke into the European market earlier this quarter. Not to mention, we are looking to purchase a few factories in Ilsan to meet the demand," Yoongi added. "Namjoon-ssi and I had shortlisted a few potential sites already."

"Jungkook-ssi was working tirelessly ever since he accepted the position. But questioning his loyalty without proof is unacceptable. We all know you don't approve of him and the things he does. You're just giving us more reasons to cement our belief."

Jungkook leaned on his elbows, gaze steady on Jungwoo's face.

"Jungwoo-ssi was quick to point out my incompetency as a CEO, but my question is that if you would continue to work for him when you learn he is a criminal?" Jungkook asked. "An asshole who tortured his own wife and threatened to kill his son if she ever tried to contact him. A fucking coward who refuse to acknowledge his own daughter."

The doors opened as if on cue and four police officers entered wearing uniforms. "Jeon Jungwoo?" one of the officers asked.

The man in question stood with wide eyes and confusion etching in his features.

"We received a complaint from your ex-wife Ms. Kim Hyewa and your daughter Jeon Jeong-seon. We have proof that you were sending them death threats and have threatened them on multiple occasions." He lifted an envelope. "We also have an arrest warrant for trying to kill your own son. We received enough evidence that led us to believe you were behind the shootout in Russia. You have every right to remain silent."

"What? I did no such thing!" Jungwoo backed off but the officers grabbed him and cuffed him. "Let me go! I need my lawyer."

"Keep walking, Mr. Jeon." The officer flattened his palm between Jungwoo's shoulder blades and pushed him forward.

Jungkook exhaled as he was guided out of the boardroom before he straightened. "Inform the legal department and put this thing with the Park Inc. on hold," he said. "Maybe work on the damage control for the shit this is gonna stir?" He shrugged. "I'll see you later."

He maneuvered his wheelchair, exiting the room with his head and back straight.

"No wonder Jimin fell so hard," Aera commented once the elevator doors closed behind them. "Papa Jeon is en-route to your base as we speak." She leaned against the mirror wall, crossing her leg at the ankle.

"We took care of the problematic ones," Yoongi said. "It's only the rest you will have to take care of."

"Just know we are here and we got your back." Namjoon squeezed his shoulders. "You may be younger than us, Jungkook but you're strong and showed us why you're a capable leader. We wouldn't have it otherwise."

Jungkook nodded. It meant a lot. After much thought, he realized Jimin was right in every sense. This was something he had to take care of. If he wanted a safe life for himself, his mother, and his sister then he had to do this.

His hands weren't clean. Though it wasn't by choice, he shouldn't spend his time overanalyzing everything he has done in the past.

The honeymoon phase with Jimin had ended and he decided it was time to get his shit together. He never expected to find love. Yes, he now knew what love was. Once upon a time, the warmth was just a figment of his faded memory. But when he felt the same when he met his mom again, Jungkook realized it for what it was.

Perhaps what he felt for Jimin was slightly different from what he felt for his mom, but the warmth and comfort they both gave him was similar. When she ran her hand through his hair, he just wanted to curl beside her and her fingers had the power to make him forget about his entire problems. Jimin's touch was like that too, but his touch held an insatiable desire that he felt only for him.

So, yes, Jungkook knew he was in love. What he felt for Jimin all this time was love.

Unintentionally, he found someone compatible. Though Jimin didn't mind him entirely relying on him, Jungkook knew he should be a big boy at times like this. This mess wasn't Jimin's to deal with in the first place.

It was his right to enact revenge against his father. Jimin had already done enough. Jungkook knew Jimin would end Jungwoo in a heartbeat but left him alive for Jungkook to deal with it as he saw fit. So he was going to do exactly that. He would make Jungwoo pay for every single time he lifted his finger against his mother, for every word that ruined his sister's life, for every decision that caused him pain for years.

He would pay and he would pay dearly.

The trip to his base was spent in silence. Jia and Aera occasionally conversed with each other while Namjoon and Yoongi looked equally tense beside him. It was strange to not have Hoseok crack the tension or lighten up the atmosphere with his usual self here.

The Omega team had secured the perimeter and Jungkook could taste the tension in the air as his dark van slid in front of the building he used as his base for all his underground operations. For an outsider, it looked like any corporate office with a warehouse, but inside was a different scenario.

The underbosses all jumped to their feet when he entered. Today, they were meeting in one of the huge empty rooms they often used for drills and some weapon testing. It was normal with plain, white walls minus windows. The only source of light was through the electrical lights overheard. It was well lit and air-conditioned.

The underbosses and their right-hand men were the only ones allowed inside while the others had to wait outside in a place assigned for them. All fourteen of them stared at him with unreadable expressions. What happened inside this room stayed in this room.

The crowd parted, standing to a side when he entered. Aera's boots clacking against the tiled floor was the only sound that echoed around the room along with the soft hum of his modern wheelchair. The Omega team surrounded the others, going to stand against the walls, but their weapons pulled out and ready to engage.

The silence that fell over them was heavy when he settled himself between Namjoon and Yoongi. Aera was behind him while Jia chose to wait in the van while he took care of the things here.

Jungkook took his time to scrutinize everyone's face, smirking when they squirmed under his gaze. Good. Fear is good.

He drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair, cocking his head to the side. His overgrown hair was tied into a ponytail and Yoongi commented it gave him an edgy look. When he looked into the mirror, he saw an intimidating man with a cold mask of fury in his place. His fingers curled around the arm with a vengeance.

"Heard some of you had been impatient," he began. "Couldn't wait to get rid of me, huh?" He scoffed. "Why am I not surprised?"

"That's not true," Yeong-san, one of the underbosses, stepped forward and paused when he heard the guns cocking behind him. "We were worried that's all."

"Worried?" Jungkook hummed in his throat. "So worried that you couldn't wait to make your move and overthrow me."

"It was never our intention," Jin-Ye replied almost immediately. "You know how our world works. When Namjoon-ssi returned without you, we couldn't help but doubt his real intentions."

"We just wanted to know if you were really alive or if it was all a coup to overthrow you from power," Shin-Yun added. "Then we saw the news and realized maybe Namjoon-ssi was right."

"You can't blame us for worrying, JK," Yun-Jin interjected. "There's no one we could trust. You revealed to be in a relationship with our enemy in our last meeting. Park Jimin claimed you and the dragons in front of us. The next thing we know you were attacked in Russia in broad daylight."

"Everyone knows Russia is Jimin's turf," Yeong-san piped in. "We have been loyal to the Jeons for generations. We couldn't just accept whatever was being fed to us and sit back. We had to know if we were compromised or not."

Jungkook hummed again, reading their faces a little too long until he was satisfied with their answers. It was reasonable. He knew Namjoon and Yoongi cleared off the weeds in his absence. What remained in this room were people they either thought were loyal or didn't find any proof against their disloyalty.

He exhaled and waved a hand at Yoongi who in turn nodded his head at one of the Omega team guards. Soon they were dragging a thrashing Jungwoo in shackles. The man cursed like a sailor as he was brought to the front and was forced to his knees.

They all moved, eyes wide before face twisting into a frown.

Jungkook nodded at Namjoon who stepped forward. "Our investigations proved that Jeon Jungwoo, our former leader who was banished from dragons. We have enough evidence that led us to believe that he staged this assassination attempt by luring Jungkook to Russia." He waved a hand at Yoongi.

"He hired assassins to assassinate Jungkook. We have proof of bank transactions that we tracked to Italy and France. Jungwoo had people working for him in Russia for years, where he was monitoring his ex-wife and daughter," Yoongi continued.

Several gasps echoed in the room. Jungwoo opened his mouth to curse but someone gagged him when Namjoon flicked his wrist.

"We found out this wasn't the first time he tried to kill Jungkook," Namjoon added. "His first attempt was when Jungkook and I visited China almost two years ago. He never wanted to relinquish control." He chuckled darkly. "Our ex-boss here...never wished to marry Hyewa at all. He had his eyes for this beautiful heiress who came from wealth."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, clasping his hands behind him. "It's not a secret that he bought Hyewa from the Velvets in an auction. She was Venus. She came from Triad's bloodline. When rumors spread that Jungwoo had a mistress somewhere the heiress refused his marriage proposal."

There were murmurs in the crowd as they talked among themselves.

"When Hyewa fell pregnant, it was unexpected and he hid it from the world. Like any other crime lord, Jungwoo wanted the son she gave him, an heir to his empire. He married her so he could claim Jungkook legally. But he always hated that he came from Hyewa, who was supposed to be there only for his pleasure and fucked up need to show that he owned a piece of Triads," Namjoon said. "When he found out she was pregnant again and this time it was a girl, he cut ties with her and shipped her off."

"But Jungkook wasn't what he wanted his son to be. He was too much like his mother. He could only see him as Hyewa's son. No matter what Jungkook did or how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to appreciate a dancer's son," Yoongi spat. "Then an unfortunate accident later when he found out he cannot have children at all, he had no choice but to keep Jungkook alive."

Jungkook's head whipped up. That was news to him.

"Instead, he exerted control over him in every aspect and kept him on a leash. Still, his deep-rooted hatred drove him to find mistakes in everything he did. He punished him at every chance he got and tried to get rid of him in a way the others wouldn't suspect him," Yoongi picked up where he left off, continuing the story without missing a beat.

"Jeon Jungwoo is a sick asshole who is screwed up in his head. He made Jungkook the next leader only to compete against the Cobras who announced Jimin as their next leader. But it only unhingeg him more," Namjoon continued. "He knew Jungkook was searching for his mother. So he sent a photo of his mother and lured him to Russia. However, we escaped before he succeeded in his plan."

"You're right. Russia is Jimin's turf. That's the only reason why Jungkook is alive today," Yoongi said. "The Bratva saved us and we owe them. Now Jungkook will decide what he wants to do with the traitor."

Jungkook took a deep breath. Everything was a bit too overwhelming, but determination pushed him forward. "Brand him as a traitor," he said after a moment. "Spread the news. Death is too kind on him, so he will live. Collar him and put him to work in one of the nightclubs under Jimin's control. Make him dance until he can't stand, make him serve drinks and cleans the toilets. He will sleep on the floor and wear what we give. The rest I shall leave it to Jimin. This is because I don't ever want to see his face."

He powered on his wheelchair, maneuvering it to exit the room. The air was suffocating and he couldn't bring himself to stay in the same room as him longer than necessary.

"Make sure he doesn't kill himself," he said over his shoulder. "That's his punishment. I'll be busy with my corporate stuff for a while. So I'm leaving Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung to handle the gang-related stuff."

With that, he exited the room followed by Aera and his guards. As the distance between him and the man grew, his heart felt lighter and a small smile tugged at his lips.

"You earned my respect today, lover boy," Aera commented, opening the door to the van for him to enter. "Not that I didn't before, but this is a whole new level. I don't know about the others, but I'm gonna enjoy torturing the shit outta him. You can count me on that." She winked.

Jungkook laughed. This morning he didn't know what he wanted to do with the man, but as he stared at him earlier he could only think about the pain his mother and sister went through all these years. It only felt right the man who was the reason for that pain went through the same and lived his life in their shoes.

Now he was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home. "Take me home," he said, looking out of the window. "I want to be alone for the night."

Aera hummed. "You don't have anything in your schedule and let us handle the mess for you."

It was quiet after that and he closed his eyes, reclining in his chair. When they reached home, which was Jimin's apartment, they left him alone. Jia seemingly had her own apartment a floor below so she retired there with Aera. It was once again silent with no one but him.

Jungkook's hands shook as the day's events slowly began to settle on him. The silence was suddenly too loud. He pulled his phone out.

To My Hyung-nim:

Need you.


From My Hyung-nim:

Already on my way, love.

See you in ten.

Why don't you play some games on your phone?

Hyung will prepare a nice, calming bath once I'm home and then we can order take out or ask the chef to prepare something you want.

To My Hyung-nim:

I'd love that.

Let's order take out.

Just...want u here

To My Hyung-nim:

7 mins love

Jungkook put his phone aside with a sigh. It had been a while he was here and he didn't realize how much he missed this place. He wanted to go to his studio but the stupid stairs made it impossible to do it on his own.

He was still recovering. The bandages were off and the stitches were removed, but the place was still sore, and performing daily activities drained him off his energy.

He thought of playing the game but ignored the idea because his thoughts were too loud to focus on. So he went to the floor-to-ceiling window to gaze outside. The view was great and the sky was clear today. He was lost in trying to identify the shape of the clouds when he heard the door open with a beep sound. He turned around as the security system beeped again, locking the door.

"Hyung-nim..." He smiled, the invisible weight in his chest automatically lifting as he hurried toward Jimin who looked handsome and elegant as ever in another dark suit.

"Hey, baby, you were so good today." He bent to cup his nape and capture his lips with a soft kiss. "Aera was all praises for my baby. I think you gave him what he deserved."

Jungkook sighed against his lips. "Thanks. Can we have that bath now?" he demanded. "And can you get in with me?"

"Of course, my love. Gimme five minutes."

When he lay in the bathtub with his back pressed against Jimin's chest, all he could think was how fortunate he was to find this. They may not be what others considered normal. Maybe he wouldn't have a romance that he saw in movies, but what he had with Jimin was much better than anything he could have ever had.

The peace as he listened to Jimin's calm breathing while Jimin stroked his hair and ran another hand over his chest, was everything. The assurance and safety he made him feel, he wouldn't trade this for anything else.

"What do you think will happen to Jeon Corporation?" he asked absent-mindedly. The media would be on fire when the news broke out and he didn't bother to check. "I'm still not sure what I want to do."

Jimin kissed the side of his head. "The board of directors will elect someone as a Chairman. If you don't want to take that position you can appoint someone else with experience. Similarly, you can hire people to fill in the top position," he said. "You can also choose to withdraw completely and just stay as one of the key shareholders with no active part in the company. It's all up to you, love. But you will have to have someone you trust the most in that position because of what we do deep down."

Jungkook hummed. "Sounds good," he said after a while. "I'll think about it a bit more. However, I think the unrest with the gang will settle now that I have straightened the mess."

He considered withdrawing completely from the company but that would mean giving power to someone else. They were deep in the mafia and the company was only a cover-up in public. So in the long run it wouldn't be a wise idea to give up his power just like that. But he liked Jimin's idea of hiring experienced people to handle other stuff. He would have to discuss it with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

The dinner was a silent affair and when he lay in bed beside Jimin an hour later, he was relaxed. All of the day's stress had been washed away. He lay on his side while Jimin drew random patterns over his chest, his breath hitting his neck.



"I love you."

Jimin shifted behind him, nuzzling into his neck. He pressed a warm kiss in the crook of his neck. "Love you too, baby."

"More than your Corvette?" A smile tugged at his lips.

"More than my Corvette or my pet rabbit." Jimin sucked at his neck, causing him to sigh in content.

"Really?" he purposefully pushed.

"I'd have loved to answer that by fucking you into the mattress...I'm out of luck today."

Jungkook giggled. "Mhmm...I'd love that."

"I know," Jimin groaned. "Fuck! You smell so good." He pushed his hardness against the swell of his ass.

"Want me to take care of that?" he teased.

"Maybe later. I'm so tired."

"I'm not," Jungkook grunted.

"I know what you're playing at." He squeezed his hips. "The answer is no, sweetheart. Now just let me hold you. Fucking missed you."

"Missed you too." Jungkook sighed.

The silence that followed was so comfortable and when he drifted into sleep, there was a permanent smile on his face.


Three months later...

Hoseok had a bounce on his step when he entered the apartment. Jungkook looked up from his phone from where he lounged on the couch in the living room. His feet rested on the wheelchair that was by his foot.

"Oh, hyung, good morning," he greeted.

"Jungkook-ah, good morning." Hoseok dropped beside him and hugged him sideways. "So good to see you this morning. What are you baking today?"

"Cookies. What are you doing here so early?" Jungkook asked, checking the time. "Didn't you ask for leave today?"

"Ah, I'm taking Jeoni to visit some schools today." He straightened, averting his gaze with a smile.

Jungkook lifted a brow. His mom and sister came back from Russia two months ago and now lived in an apartment on the fifth floor in the same building.


"Mhmm...yeah she was thinking of going back to school." He scratched the back of his head. "I recommended some schools but she isn't able to decide whether she wants to be homeschooled or wants to go to the campus."

"Oh." A smile tugged at his lips. He did ask her what she wanted to do but she couldn't decide. "Looks like you know more about her than me."

"What? No." Hoseok's eyes widened and he cleared his throat. "I-I" He laughed nervously.

Jungkook chuckled. "It's okay, hyung." He put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. It didn't take a genius to figure Hoseok liked his sister a bit too much. The way his face lit up every time and his features softened extra was enough. "You have my blessings."

Hoseok almost choked on his saliva. "W-What?" Then he began to wave his hand wildly in the air. "It's not what you think. I-I don't—"

"Hyung..." he cut him off. "Come on. I know you like her."

"She's young." He looked away. "If you think I was going to act on it, I'm not. She's been through a lot. I just want to be there for her. That's all."

Jungkook sighed, a soft smile tugging at his lips. "I'll be happy if it's you, hyung," he said honestly. "She is comfortable with you and I can see you care for her a lot. If it has a chance to grow into something more, I want you to know that I'd be the first one to support it."

Hoseok's eyes widened but he ducked his head and nodded. "It's too early for that and um...I'll keep that in mind."

Before he could talk further, Jeong-seon came bouncing into the living room. "I'm ready!"

Hoseok jumped to his feet. He turned to Jungkook. "I'll be off then."

"Bye, Oppa. Mom! I'm going out with Hobi Oppa."

His mom came out with a smile. "Drive safe."

"We will," Hoseok assured.

Jungkook watched them leave with a smile. If Hoseok fussed over her saying she wasn't warm enough and bundled her up more, he pretended not to notice. If Jeong-seon beamed up to him and looked at him as if he was the only star in the sky, he turned blind-eyed.

"That's a good one." His mom sat beside him, mirroring his smile. She was thin, but looked healthier and though her skin didn't have a healthy glow yet, she had begun to move around, slowly falling into pace with daily life activities. "He likes our Jeoni, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," he admitted.

"She likes him too."

He turned his head to look at his mother. "Yeah? When did she tell you that?"

His mom rolled her eyes. "A mom knows, son. She hasn't realized it yet but I can see the way she looks at him with eyes full of wonder. She respects him and admires him. She talks about him for hours and that's a first."

Jungkook hummed in his throat and snuggled to her side. "I gave him my blessing already."

His mom cocked her eyebrows, both bursting into laughter. "Ready to bake some cookies today?"

"Yep." He pulled his wheelchair toward him, pulling himself up and lowering into it carefully. His therapy was going well and he could stand for a short period without support. It would take more time but he was sure he would be there someday.

Together they headed to the huge kitchen and his eyes twinkled when he spotted the contents spread out on the kitchen counter. Oh, he missed this so much.

He moved closer, grabbing the bowl and looking at her expectantly. "Let's get it!"

Three months ago, chaos had rained over the Jeon Corporation. People argued, some tried to take control over the situation. The position of the Chairman wasn't that easy to attain, but Jungkook had his ways. He knew what would happen if someone else went to that position. Fuck his father for listing it as a public company.

In the end, he had to pull some strings as the mafia boss to threaten someone into silence. The first thing he did was to bring some changes into his board and bring some more trusted gang members into the business.

As for the gang, he proved Jimin right. The fear he instilled didn't just rely on his physical strength but it was his mind. He reinforced his position as a mafia boss, a better one than his father. Who would say no to more money? No more fights between the gangs and it was all peaceful. Together, the Dragons and Cobras were able to break into more markets.

One thing was left though, the upcoming crime syndicate meeting. He tapped his fingers against the bowl as he smiled at his mother. Every Wednesday was their baking day while Thursdays were for art dates with his sister. Jimin had him on the other days.

"Stop thinking, Jungkookie," his mother chided. "You're the best in everything you do. Just trust yourself and keep going, yeah?"

He nodded. "Thanks, mom."

She patted his cheek with a smile. "Now, mix this."


Jungkook pouted unconsciously when he saw Jimin walking out of the bathroom looking like a wet dream, wearing nothing but a gray bathrobe that fell over his mid-thighs. To his dismay, it was tied loosely that he could see the smooth expanse of his chest as he walked to pour himself a drink.

His eyes traced his every move, trailing over his smooth skin. He didn't know who was the most affected in this entire ordeal. But according to Jungkook, it was him. Jimin refused to get intimate with him even after Jia cleared him two weeks ago.

His attempts to seduce him went futile. It was Friday night, they were in bed for their usual movie night. But a movie was the last thing in his mind right now. He pushed his tongue to the side of his cheek, chewing his bottom lip. He would have to change the tactic today.

If seduction doesn't work try something emotional.

Aera's idea sounded good but he doesn't know if Jimin would buy it. He wasn't so great at emotional stuff. His hyungs used to call him emotionally constipated before.

"Want a drink?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded absent-mindedly.

When Jimin settled beside him on the bed two minutes later, handing him a fancy red drink, he suppressed the urge to scoff. He knew everything he liked except for his need to get off. More specifically the need to get Jimin inside him.

He smiled, accepting the drink, and sipped it as Jimin browsed through the selection of movies. As usual, they settled for an action movie and Jungkook wondered if he should have asked for something romantic. "

Jungkook didn't realize he was frowning. The drink was long forgotten and he was lost in his thoughts until Jimin shook him.

"You okay? Is something bothering you?" Jimin asked with concern dripping in his voice.

Yes, you. Why do you have to look like a fucking five-course meal beside me, almost naked in I might add while I'm here dry like a Sahara desert? Is it too bad that I just wanna get fucked?

"Nothing," he replied instead, knowing well how much Jimin hated his one-worded clipped replies. But he was a man on a mission. If he didn't get that dick by the end of this night, he would shave his head. He huffed internally and chugged his drink faster than he intended.

"Whoa." Jimin caught his hand, slowing him down. "Do you not like the movie? We can change it if you want?"

Jungkook fought the urge to scowl. If it was any other time, he would have just climbed onto Jimin's lap and just sank on his cock. But he now had limitations and had to watch his every move. So he just continued to be silent, sulking.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah, what is it?"

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he began, determined to see this through. He put the glass aside and fidgeted with the edge of his sheet while Jimin watched him with a frown. His black hair fell over his eyes. "Are you tired of me already, hyung-nim?" he injected enough hurt in his voice and was proud of his voice.

Who the heck said I can't act?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jimin hissed.

He would have normally recoiled but not today. "Nothing." He fidgeted a bit more. "I'm tired." He lay down carefully with his back turned toward Jimin. "Good night, hyung."

"Jungkook, we aren't done talking. What the fuck that was about? Answer me."

"It's nothing, hyung. It's okay. I's just stupid."

He heard Jimin's exasperated sigh. "Why would I ever be tired of you?" Jimin put the laptop aside and wrapped himself around him. "Where is this coming from?"

"You refuse to touch me," Jungkook blurted out. "Even after Jia cleared me two weeks ago, you won't touch me." This time his tears were real but it was due to the mounting sexual frustration. He hasn't had a release in ages. "Is it because I'm not desirable anymore, hyung-nim? Is it because—"

"Enough!" Jimin hissed. "You know it's not the reason," he growled.

Jungkook could tell he was pissed and the conversation was kind of taking a diversion so he quickly changed the tactics. "I miss you, hyung-nim. I missed what it used to be like between us. Please..." he sniffled again. "Is it wrong I want you so bad? It's...It's been so long," he whined. "Want you inside me, hyung. Need you...please... I have been good, haven't I? I've been doing well in my therapies. I'm good at work. Please...let me have you tonight. Didn't you tell me you'd give me anything I wanted? Why won't you let me have this? Why are you punishing me by denying me this?"

"Fuck!" Jimin cupped his face, thumb brushing away his tears. "Baby...I didn't want to hurt you."

"You won't," he replied immediately. "Just go slow. Please...don't deny me anymore, hyung-nim. Give it to me. I'm feeling so useless. The more you deny me the more I feel insecure."

"Fuck this." Jimin crashed their lips together and Jungkook almost smiled into their kiss. His smile soon turned into a moan when Jimin adjusted him to lie on his back and deepened their kiss. "Is that what you think? That I don't want you anymore?" He rolled his hips against his thighs. "You feel that?" he asked.

Jungkook nodded, hands clawing at the front of Jimin's robe. "Please...want it. Want it inside me."

"Hmm...then you have to be a little patient, baby." Jimin pulled back.

Patience was the last thing he felt but he knew he wouldn't get his way if he didn't obey. So he nodded. "Please..." he pleaded again with his best puppy eyes knowing Jimin could never say no to that.

Jimin cursed under his breath and kissed him thoroughly, stealing his breath away. Jungkook wrapped his hands around his neck, pulling him closer. Their chests pressed flush together and Jimin pushed his tongue inside his mouth.

Jungkook moaned into the kiss, elated that he finally succeeded. He should have tried this sooner. He protested when Jimin pulled back, but he just proceeded to strip him and he happily obliged. When he bent to kiss all over his chest, Jungkook let out a contented sigh. Oh, how much he missed this.

Jimin's lips feathered over his chest, kissing every inch, lingering longer over his scarred skin. He flicked his tongue over his nipple, making him gasp, and at the same time, wrapped a hand around his aching length.

Jungkook threw his head back, eyes rolling to the back of his head and Jimin worked him diligently. He had his thighs pinned so there wasn't much he could do. He couldn't move his hip even if he wanted to. The pleasure was building up embarrassingly faster and he didn't even last a minute before he came all over Jimin's hand with a short cry.

Jimin straightened with a smirk and Jungkook panicked for a moment wondering if that was the end of it, but Jimin just looked at him with the familiar desire. "Are you sure, baby? Do you really want me inside? I can just use my mouth and fingers if you want."

"No. I want you cock," he was quick to demand. "Please...Don't make me wait. You can play with me later. Now give it to me. Give me everything please."

"Such an impatient baby." He chuckled.

"I haven't gotten off in ages. Besides, you parade naked around me all day and expect me to not react? You're cruel, hyung-nim," he whined. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Shh..." Jimin grinned. "I got you, baby. Baby wants to be fucked, huh? Hyung-nim will fuck you so good then."

Jungkook whimpered, already imagining so many scenarios in his head. The last time he got fucked so good was in Jimin's office when he bend him over the table. It felt like it happened so long ago.

"Tonight, we will take it slow though." Jimin caressed his cheek. "Baby, don't wanna fuck his hip, does he?"

Jungkook shook his head.


Jimin arranged for him to lie on his side and Jungkook bit his lip in anticipation. It wasn't the first time Jimin fucked him in this position. Usually, it happened in the mornings when they were too lazy to move around but woke up horny. But tonight, it was different. This was the safest position for him now. This way he wouldn't jostle his hip or put too much strain on his hip bone.

He felt Jimin stretch to reach their bedside table and sighed. Jimin kissed his shoulder and neck, one finger trailing between his ass cheeks. Jungkook gasped at the touch of cold. Jimin's fingers rubbed over the rim for a few seconds before pushing inside. The tight ring of muscles fought the intrusion, but Jimin patiently worked him open.

He continued to kiss and suck the sensitive spot on Jungkook's neck, fingers working continuously at a slow, gentle pace. It took him a while to work a fourth finger inside him and scissor him. When he pulled his fingers out to work his cock inside, Jungkook almost moaned.

It felt so good. He missed this burn, he missed the way his cock dragged along his inner walls, he missed the way it pressed his sensitive bundle of nerves. His breathing quickened and his mouth fell open in a silent moan. Jimin gripped his hip, face buried in his neck and one hand wrapped around him as he began to move.

His movements were slow. He fucked into him with long, yet deep strokes. It was nothing like they have done before. The pleasure was building so slowly. There were times when Jungkook wanted him to go faster but he knew there were physical limitations and he was afraid to fuck it up. So he just closed his eyes, relishing the slow-building pleasure.

Jimin murmured praises in his ears as he ground his hips, pushing as deep as he could do in this position. He moaned, arching his back and gasped with pleasure every time Jimin stroked his prostate. It was so good. The familiar heat was coiling in his belly and his fingers dug into Jimin's thigh to ground himself. He loved every moment of it.

"Is this what you wanted so badly, baby?" Jimin asked, his breathing heavy and ragged. "Is this why my baby tried so hard pouting and giving me those puppy eyes?"

"Wanted it." Jungkook hiccupped. "Missed it so much."

Jimin hummed in his throat. "Then take it, sweetheart. Hyung is just starting," he grunted. "How many times do you think you can go tonight?"

Jungkook's eyes shot open and he felt his brain short-circuit briefly.

"Cat got your tongue, baby?" Jimin teased.

Jungkook moaned as if on cue when his cock hit that spot again. "No," he moaned again. "I-It's you."

Jimin chuckled. "Always honest." He hummed. "I like that. Then what do you say, baby? Gonna let hyung use you the way he wants to?"

Jungkook nodded immediately. "Yes. Yes, please."

"Such a good baby. Hyung can't get enough of you." Jimin kissed him on his lips. The hand on his hips slipped down to take his cock in his hand again. "Come for me then, baby. Make a mess."

He kept his thrusts gentle but picked up pace, punching moan after moan with every thrust. It didn't take long before he came into Jimin's hand, some of it splattering on his belly and the sheets under him. Jimin continued to fuck into him. His hips stuttered and with another six or so thrusts he too came inside him with a moan.

"Feels so good," he said. "Missed this so much." He peppered kisses all over his shoulders. "Want you again, baby. Do you think you can go one more round?"

"We have all night," Jungkook replied cheekily.

Jimin chuckled into his neck. "Insatiable." He kissed him again. "That's what I like the most about you."


They grinned against each other's lips, getting lost in each other's gaze. "So one more time?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, please."

And Jimin closed the distance between their lips. 

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