Chapter 10
Here you go!!!
CW: Talks about hip bone fracture and so on...Links to some of the Twitter threads, drabbles and prompts I posted this week are in end notes. Don't forget to check them out.
Jungkook was in and out of consciousness for most of the time. There was a dull ache all over his body. Getting shot was no fun. He despised the recovery period and how the painkillers made him cranky all the time.
"Wake up, Jungkookie..." A melodious voice sang. "Mommy made you your favorite pancakes."
Jungkook blinked his eyes open, giggling when his mom kissed his nose softly.
"There's my little prince. Ready to conquer the day?"
The little boy nodded enthusiastically and jumped off the bed, kissing her cheek before hurrying to the bathroom. "Wait for me," he yelled over his shoulder and saw his mom smiling in response.
Jungkook tried to open his eyes but in vain. His thoughts were racing and his body aching. He registered the pain but he couldn't pinpoint exactly where the pain was coming from. It had been like this for a while and a moment of lucidity he had in between waking up didn't last long.
Jimin had told him to rest and relax, but he couldn't do that when his thoughts kept going back to his mother. A mother's face he tried so hard to remember after so long now crystal clear in his memories. Her laughter was warm as ever. He thought she was the most beautiful woman ever and looked like an angel in his dreams. She had the sweetest voice, so melodic that he could just sleep listening to her talk.
A sudden longing filled his chest as he tried to gather his bearings. There were soft voices around him as he drifted in and out. He wanted to tell them he was awake but his lips wouldn't move. His arms felt heavy and he gave up, settling to listen to them instead.
There was something warm being pressed on his body with tender care. He sighed realizing it was Jimin. Only he would touch him that way, so soft and caring. The soft caressing was so assuring.
Suddenly there was pain and he felt the gentle prodding but he couldn't react or tell them it hurt. He clenched his jaw or at least tried to.
"Tell me about his hip injury."
It was Jimin. His Jimin.
Once again, he tried to open his eyes. Wanting to tell Jimin that he was alright and awake. That he loved him and missed him.
"I told you already." He recognized that voice as that of the doctor who treated him.
"I want the unfiltered version, Jia. Don't give me the bullshit you gave them."
Jia? So that was her name. The name sounded oddly familiar.
"Typically...six months to a year."
His chest hurt whenever he breathed. Were they talking about me?
"Listen, Oppa, it's complicated. Full recovery is possible but only through timely surgery, early rehabilitation, and patience. I have to monitor him and make sure he returns to his normal routine sooner. It's just..."
"Spit it out, Jia."
Jimin was upset for some reason. She called him Oppa. Jimin's sister was a doctor, a part of his mind supplied. He vaguely remembered a face, recalling something she said when he was awake. It was all a mess inside.
"Though he might be able to walk like before, he will never be back to his full potential. Over strain will cause his condition to deteriorate. I can't say anything for sure right now but it's always fifty-fifty you know. I need to see how he responds to the therapy."
Can't walk?
What is she talking about?
"It's not just a hip fracture...We need to be mindful of his other injuries while treating his hip. He's a fighter. He will recover in no time, but he will need all the support he can. It's not going to be easy."
Hip fracture?
Jungkook wanted to ask more. Ask them what was going on. His consciousness began to slip again.
"I'll give him anything he wants."
"He won't be able to have sex for a while. Even after recovery, there will be limitations. As your doctor, I know how active you are, and if you're committing to him, I want you to be clear in this regard."
"That's the last thing on my mind. I wasn't sexually active for over a year since —"
"Since you snapped the neck of your last one-night stand."
"Why do I have you as my doctor again?" Jimin groaned. Jungkook wanted to laugh but couldn't.
"Because I'm someone you trust and someone who wouldn't try to kill you as your last two doctors did. Did you forget why Taehyung Oppa and I decided to pursue medicine?"
She was interesting. He hoped they had met under better circumstances. One that didn't involve him being unconscious the majority of the time.
"Our relationship might have started as purely sexual, but things changed along the way." He felt Jimin's soft fingers stroking his arm. "I realized he means more to me. This doesn't change a thing."
"Good. Just don't let him lose his will, Oppa."
"I won't."
He had Jimin. Calm spread in his chest. If he could smile, he would. That was the last thing he heard before he fell asleep again.
The next time he woke up, Hoseok was beside him, reading something on his iPad. Jungkook tried to move only to groan when the pain spread along his torso.
Hoseok's head shot up. "Oh, you're awake." He immediately pressed the button beside his bed. "Jia asked me to call the nurse as soon as you're up. How are you feeling now?"
"L-Like dying..." His throat was parched and he graciously accepted the straw, sucking on the water.
"Drink slowly. Jia said it's normal to feel nauseous, but try not to puke or you know...I don't want you to pull at those stitches."
Jungkook nodded slowly, the small movement leaving him dizzy. He let go of the straw, taking a shallow breath. "What did I miss?"
He moved to sit by his side and gently adjusted his bed to a sitting position, which he appreciated so much. He felt like he could breathe a little easy this way.
"Nothing much. Namjoon and Yoongi went back last night. We received intel that your dad might use this situation to gain control in your company and the gang. Someone has to be there."
Jungkook hummed.
"Jimin killed the henchmen that were sent after you. They don't particularly belong to any gangs. Someone recruited them and paid them to execute you and put the blame on Bratva."
He hummed again, finding no strength to do anything more.
"Jimin is searching for your mother. I don't know what exactly is going on because I'm not allowed to leave your side. Also, you know how he keeps things to himself. So yeah." He smiled. "I'm just glad to have you back, Jungkook-ah."
Hoseok looked at him with the same fond smile, talking softly. This man had saved his life. He wouldn't be here if not for him.
He reached a shaky hand and Hoseok immediately grabbed it. "T-Thanks."
Jimin is looking for my mom. That was such a relief. Jimin had more contacts in Russia and he was sure Jimin would succeed.
"Thanks?" his hyung frowned.
"I r-remember." He took a shuddering breath. "You k-kept breathing for me," his voice was barely above a whisper. "I-I couldn't do it myself. You kept b-blowing air into my lungs."
Hoseok shook his head. "It's nothing." He cupped the side of his face. "You'd do the same for me."
Jungkook blinked back the tears. "I would," he agreed.
He definitely would. Just like he jumped in front of Namjoon out of instinct. His only thought was to protect him.
One would only know who truly cared for you when something bad happens. The people who stayed by your side during your worst were the only ones who were worth keeping. He felt extremely grateful to have these three men in his life. Now Jimin too.
The nurse came in then and Hoseok moved away to let her work. She checked his vitals, changed the drips, injected something that immediately reduced his pain in the chest before leaving them alone. His thoughts were racing when she left. The conversation he overheard while he was asleep came rushing to him.
"Is it true?" he asked once he could breathe easily. "My hip...I cannot w-walk anymore."
"What? No. Who told you that?" Hoseok looked appalled. "It's only temporary. Jia is positive that you'll be fine as a fiddle in no time."
"I heard them talking, hyung," he whispered.
They talked when they thought he was asleep when in truth he was floating in and out. Sometimes it was hard to differentiate reality and his dreams. But he pieced it together somehow.
"He won't be able to have sex for a while. Even after recovery, there will be limitations."
His throat constricted. He knew how Jimin was. That man needed him almost every night like he needed air in one way or another. While Jungkook didn't lack for finer things in life, there was nothing Jimin didn't have already. He took his pride in being able to give him something and be someone no one else could.
He knew sex wasn't everything, but that was the foundation of their relationship. He didn't know how this love thing worked. Jia's voice kept replaying in his mind.
He remembered getting shot and then Jia explaining his injuries to him when he woke up. From what he learned, he now knew he'd be bound to a wheelchair for a while. He didn't know how long.
In a world where power and money were everything, now he was nothing. He wasn't fit to handle his company or the dragons like this. No one respected a cripple. His father and his grandfather made sure of that. Weakness wasn't simply accepted and he was now nothing but weak.
They would stop fearing him now. There would be chaos if it already hasn't started. They'd vote for another leader to take over.
He was merely a liability than anything. What good a leader would be if he couldn't walk or protect himself.
"Jungkook-ah," Hoseok called gently, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Talk to me. I know something is bothering you."
"Does everyone know?" he asked.
"Yes." Hoseok nodded. "It was on every fucking news channel. They spread rumors saying you were dead. Jimin took care of it already. They know you're alive and are recovering."
"Do they know I'm now u-useless now?" He laughed bitterly. "Do they know their b-boss is now confined to a wheelchair for God knows how long and needs other's help to even move?" he continued, eyes straying away. "I-I can't help but think how much of a liability I am to the dragons. To Jimin and everyone." Tears stung his eyes.
"Stop right there!" Hoseok hissed. "Not a word more, Jungkook-ah. Don't even let Jimin hear these words." He looked so furious but the accumulating tears in his eyes said a different thing. "It's hard. It'll never be easy for someone like you. And by that I mean, someone who is always active on his feet and can't sit still for a moment. There's nothing you can't do, Jungkook-ah."
"I don't know, hyung. I feel...I'm now nothing but a heavy weight to Jimin." His chest ached again and he had to pause for a moment. "I'll pull him down. W-What good am I to him like this?"
Hoseok regarded him for a long moment, jaw clenching. "Then let me ask you something. Let's say it's Jimin in your bed now instead of you, would you say the same? Would you consider him a liability? Would he become a heavy weight?"
"What? No!" he said horrified. He could never.
"Then that's your answer, Jungkook-ah. You take care of people, stay with them through their highs and lows because you love them and care for them." He took hold of his hand and sat beside him. "Jimin hasn't left your side since he arrived. He only stepped out to shower and change. Today he only left because he got an urgent call and that too after I assured him that I'll look after you when he's gone." He patted his cheek gently. "Just focus on getting better, Jungkook-ah. You're important to us."
Jungkook felt his throat constrict. He understood, but he couldn't help the way he felt. "I-I'm sorry."
"Come on. Don't give me that face." Hoseok smiled, pushing the corners of his mouth up with his index finger. "Do you want a hug?"
Hoseok closed the distance and wrapped him carefully in his embrace. It was a bit awkward in this position, but he felt the familiar warmth blanketing him. He closed his eyes and inhaled the calming scent emanating from him. Hoseok always felt safe, even in the darkness that often left him scared and angry, his hugs felt like the home he never had. He sank into his embrace with a heavy heart, allowing himself to draw the comfort he badly needed.
"Hello, Jungkook-ssi," Jia greeted with a dimpled smile. "I'm happy to see you awake and on the phone."
He smiled, putting his phone away. His hand trembled, even that small action taking a lot of his strength. "Feel so weak," he said in a low tone. Speaking loud caused the ache to intensify in his chest.
"You lost too much blood," she said in a gentle tone. "It'll take some time but you're already on the path of recovery. You gave me a scare, Jungkook." She began to check his vitals. "My hands don't shake when I'm in the operation theatre. But that day I was trembling. I was afraid for both you and my brother." Her smile was warm when she looked up putting her stethoscope away. "I'm glad you're okay now. Jimin hasn't been this happy in years. You're important to him. Now you too."
He nodded weakly.
"How is your chest? Do you feel pain while breathing?"
"Y-Yeah," he replied. "Burns."
It felt like he climbed a mountain and lost breath. But the burning sensation was tenfold worse. He couldn't even form a proper sentence at times before he felt like he was losing his breath.
She nodded in understanding.
"That's because of your injury. You will feel better with time. I'll give you some painkillers now, okay?"
"N-No." He shook his head. "Later."
"But it's time for your next shot." She checked the chart. "Your pain will worsen if you don't take it now."
"W-Wanna see Jimin," he replied. "'s not b-bad."
His chest was already heaving with the effort and she eyed him sympathetically. "My brother isn't gonna like it, but I can't convince you now, can I?"
He gave her a lopsided grin. "J-Just for some time."
"Okay. I'll bring you lunch then."
He shook his head again. "I'll eat w-with him."
She sighed. "Gosh. You're so stubborn. If my brother cut my monthly shopping allowance because of this I'm blaming you and stealing your black card I found in your wallet."
Jungkook almost chuckled, forgetting that he couldn't do it easily. She stopped him immediately, telling him to not do so.
"S-Sorry." He tried to suppress the laughter. "You can have it."
She rolled her eyes. "Trying to win my favor, bro-in-law? You know you already have it right?"
He grinned at her, giving her that nose-scrunching smile he saved only for the close ones.
"I can see why my brother fell for you. You have a beautiful smile and you're super handsome."
His cheeks stung and he ducked his head to avert his face. A thought crossed his mind and he sobered. "Can I ask you something?"
Jia smiled at him. "Of course."
" heard you earlier."
Her brows creased as she tilted her head. "Heard me saying what exactly?"
"A-About my hip injury." He fought the urge to fidget with something.
Her features softened. "It's just temporary."
He swallowed, wondering how to ask her more. "" His cheeks stung. She waited patiently for him to gather his words. "About that...ah, know."
She shook her head, blinking her round eyes. "I don't know until you tell me."
His shoulders slumped. "Sex," he spat out, avoiding her gaze. "You said...I-I..."
"It's temporary, but yes there are limitations. You might not be as flexible as before. Again, these are only assumptions. There are people who made a complete recovery. I can only tell you more after seeing how you respond to the treatment."
She smiled. "Don't worry more. I'll definitely tell you both more about safe sex positions before I clear you for any sexual activity."
"T-Thanks." His face was flaming now. "What about walking?"
"You'll need support so as to not add strain to your hip. With time, exercise and therapy you'll be able to walk normally."
"Okay." He sighed. "That f-feels better."
She put a hand over his squeezing gently. "I brought the best surgeon in the country to operate your hip, Jungkook. I'll also have a dedicated team who will help you with your recovery. I'm personally moving to Seoul for this."
He blinked. "Oh."
"Only the best for my bro-in-law." That was the second time she called him that and it left him flustered. Being called Jimin's boyfriend alone gave him butterflies but this...It implied more and a part of him already imagined that with Jimin. "Alright, enough talking. Do you want me to put on the TV? Jimin texted me earlier and said he will be here in thirty minutes." She checked the time. "Fifteen minutes."
"Yes, please."
She switched on the TV, handed the remote to him, and told him where the music channel was before leaving. He settled comfortably against the pillows, trying to get as comfortable as his situation allowed.
Jungkook didn't know how much time passed as he was lost in his thoughts. He was watching some random music show when the door finally opened and Jimin stepped inside looking as handsome as ever.
He tried to get up wanting to reach out to him. "H-Hyung-nim..."
"Baby, don't..." Jimin was beside him in an instant, hand on his shoulder and stopping him from moving altogether. " brat, how many times do I have to tell you to not move?" There was so much fondness in his voice that he felt his throat tightening.
He puckered his lips, demanding a kiss. Jimin obeyed immediately. The kiss was so gentle like a brush of a feather, causing Jungkook to sigh. Jimin pulled back first, brushing their noses and smiling at him.
"M-Missed y-you..."
"Missed you too, my baby."
His voice was sweeter than usual and he felt like melting inside. Jungkook moved slightly only to wince.
Jimin looked concerned and slightly alarmed. "Are you in pain, baby? Didn't Jia give you the painkillers?"
He shook his head. "T-Told her no."
"You didn't want painkillers?" He lifted a brow, that familiar expression when he was in disapproval washed over his features.
Jungkook shook his head, trying not to shrink under that intimidating gaze. "They make m-me sleepy." He put a hand over the middle of his chest, taking a moment. "Wanted to see hyung. D-Didn't want to sleep."
Jimin clicked his tongue and pressed a button near his bed. "That's not good, baby. You know hyung doesn't like to see you in pain."
He pouted, feeling chastised. He just missed Jimin so much. The little bit of pain was worth it. "But—"
"No buts, baby. You need to rest and you don't forget your medicines."
"I m-miss you, hyung-nim."
The door opened and Jia entered with a tray. "Oppa, you're back. He refused to eat before you came. He said he wanted to eat with you and he wouldn't let me give him the injections."
Jimin narrowed his eyes on him. Jungkook looked down at his lap, fingers fidgeting with his sheet. He just wanted to spend some time with Jimin. He didn't think it'd make him angry. "J-Just wanted to s-spend—"
"Shh..." Jimin silenced him. "Don't talk too much, Jungkook-ah. I know it must be hurting like hell. How about I ask Jia to give you something mild? Just to reduce the pain so you could eat and spend some time with hyung?"
Jungkook glanced up. Jimin wasn't angry. "H-hyung—"
"Hyung isn't angry, baby," he said and turned to Jia. "Give him something mild."
She nodded and went to grab the medicine. He felt his pain subsiding as soon as the medicine hit his bloodstream. He sighed and settled against his pillow, hoping he wouldn't fall asleep.
"Jungkookie, I want you to meet someone," Jimin said, gesturing at someone behind him. "This is Kim Jeong-seon. She will be your caretaker during my absence."
Jungkook blinked, noticing the woman in the room for the first time. She bowed at him. "Good day, Mr. Jeon. It's nice to meet you."
Jungkook nodded and turned to Jimin. He had Hoseok and the others. He didn't really like the idea of having someone to help all the time. He should be able to manage right.
"Do I really need one?"
"Yes and Jeong-seon is family. She's also someone I trust."
There was a finality in Jimin's voice and he knew not to push further. "Oh, okay then." He smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Jeong-seon-ssi. You can call me Jungkook."
Her eyes widened and shook her head. "I-I can't..."
She had a friendly face. The kind of face that would strike a sense of familiarity the first time you meet someone.
He offered a smile to ease some of her nervousness. "Ah, no formalities. Hyung said you're family."
"But y-you're—"
"She's younger than you, Jungkook-ah. She has a brother who is the same age as you. She wouldn't be comfortable calling you by your name," Jimin intervened. "You can call him Oppa. Is that fine with you, darling?"
"Jungkookie, how do you feel about a brother or a sister?" his mom asked him one day.
Jungkook perked up. "Am I getting a brother or a sister?"
"Maybe." She chuckled softly.
"Wow...that'd be so cool. All my friends in school have a brother or a sister."
" what do you prefer?"
"Hmm...May I have a sister please?"
His mother's laughter was melodic. "So polite." She caressed his cheek. "You make me so proud, Jungkookie. A sister it is..."
Jimin shook him gently.
"Oh, o-of course." Jungkook's smile was wide. "I n-never had a sister." His breathing was ragged. He always wanted one. His mother even told him she'd give him a sister. Only she hadn't been there with him. "I t-think I would like having someone younger than me in my c-circle."
"We are going to spend a long time together, Oppa," she said softly. "I hope we can get along well."
He nodded. Jungkook didn't know why she felt so familiar. There was something about the way she smiled that put his emotions at ease. Have I seen her before? He tilted his head, scrutinizing her more.
"Come on. It's time to eat," Jimin said.
His attention went to Jimin again. He watched with interest as Jimin blew over the spoon and lifted it to his mouth. Oh, how things have changed. Life definitely had a weird sense of humor. It brought them together. He wrapped his lips around the spoon, swallowing it.
"Ouch. Too hot."
"What? Oh, God! So sorry, baby. I'll be careful." He blew the next spoon longer.
"N-Not the soup. You."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Brat."
Jungkook laughed, only to flinch harder and clutch his chest as pain shot at him from the inside.
Jimin immediately hovered over him. "Be careful, baby. You gotta take it easy."
"I-I keep forgetting." He closed his eyes, waiting until the pain passed.
"You do." Jimin gently rubbed his chest. "Slow, Jungkookie."
When he opened his eyes, Jimin was looking at him as if he was the only one that mattered. "Love you, hyung-nim."
Jimin smiled. "Love you too, baby."
He puckered his lips and was immediately granted a kiss. Jungkook sighed as Jimin settled to feed him again. He could get through this. With Jimin, he could do anything.
It was an hour or two later when someone knocked on her room. Jeong-seon lifted her head from the couch, blinking her weary eyes several times to clear her vision. She didn't realize she had fallen asleep. The door opened with a soft creak and her gaze flicked to it.
"Did I wake you up?" his soft voice filtered into the room.
She sat up, adjusting her t-shirt as she blinked several times to clear her vision. "It's okay. Come in."
The man, she recognized as Jung Hoseok, her brother's most trusted confidante, entered with a trolley. "I brought you food."
"Thanks." She smiled.
He wordlessly pulled the coffee table that was to the side to put it in front of her. Then he began to put the covered food bowls on it. He was dressed in a simple sweater and jeans looking like a guy next door, unlike the intimidating person she saw on TV or in photos.
"I was in the mood for some Korean food today. Jungkook was also complaining that his tongue would go numb if he didn't have kimchi stew." His laughter was warm and light-hearted.
She was surprised how his presence alone was enough to brighten the atmosphere. Unlike any others she came across, he had a friendly persona and positive energy radiating off him. It was so different and unexpected yet welcome. He worked with Jungkook so she knew he couldn't be as harmless as he looked. However, there was no denying the sense of comfort that blanketed her.
"Yoongi hyung is a better cook than me, but I'm not bad either. I had to refer to YouTube a couple of times but I managed." He lifted the lid to reveal the contents.
The fried rice and stew along with the sides looked appetizing and inviting.
"Thank you," she murmured, accepting the bowl of rice and chopsticks.
"Bratva isn't happy that I hijacked their kitchen. But they can't do anything about it," he continued to serve her first. "I like to believe food makes everything better. So let's eat first."
She wasn't feeling particularly hungry. However, the food was good and it felt great to have Korean food after so long. It wasn't every day they had the luxury to cook. Their life was hard as it was. Ever since her mother got sick, life hadn't been the same. Even the least bit of peace they had was lost.
She didn't realize she was crying until she felt a dab of tissue on her cheek. Jeong-seon looked up to see Hoseok eying her worriedly. She tried to force a smile, failing miserably.
He handed her the tissue, which she accepted graciously to wipe her wet cheeks. "You don't have to pretend you're okay when you're not," he spoke softly.
She could only nod as they continued to eat. Once they were done, Hoseok cleared the table and put the empty dishes aside.
"It was a surprise when Jia called us last night to inform us about you," he continued without waiting for her to say something. She appreciated that because she didn't know what to say to someone she'd only seen on TV and the internet. "Namjoon and Yoongi hyung wanted to come immediately, but they just left."
She nodded, not knowing when or why they left.
"We have been searching for your mom for years and had no idea Jungkook had a sister."
She laughed with little humor. Her brother still didn't know about her.
"Jungkook was ten when I joined the Dragons," Hoseok continued. "Some of us were taken from the streets; some were taken as leverage because our parents failed to pay off the loans." His voice was extremely serious compared to the impassive mask on his face. "Myself, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon joined the dragons around the same time. We were assigned to work in the mansion since we were young." His voice grew distant as he looked out of the only window in the room, outside the city.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Hoseok chuckled. "Oh, don't be. It wasn't bad. Our lives were good. It turned out to be something better." He shrugged. "At least they fed us two full meals and we never went hungry again." He smiled brightly as if to lighten the atmosphere.
She knew how it felt to grow up in the streets. She was there too. Only it was slightly better because her mother let her go hungry. However, life was never easy, especially when they lived in a district that was popular for prostitution. The looks they received, the sneers and comments that were thrown their way, the name-calling...Her mom did her best to shield her from that life until she couldn't. She hadn't known kindness in a long, long time.
A silence settled between them as she fiddled with the sleeve of her t-shirt, wishing he talked more.
"You both look so similar," he said. "You have the same eyes and that smile." He sported a soft smile. "He will be surprised, but happy. Very happy."
"I hope so." Her mom always said her brother was kind and didn't belong in the mafia. That his heart was too big for his own good.
Hoseok waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Jungkook always wanted a sister."
This time her smile came a bit easier. Her mother often told her the same thing. "Yeah? I thought boys loved to have a brother."
Hoseok shook his head. "Not him. Jungkook said if he had a brother then he'd suffer the same fate as him. So he'd prefer a sister. Looks like your fate as his sister was even worse."
She nodded, fighting another round of tears. Some people had it worse than her. Thanks to her DNA. Her beauty, talent, and the reason she was a pedigree was the only reason that saved her from the worst fate similar to that of her mother until she became an adult.
"I'm just glad he's okay."
She couldn't help but wonder why he was attacked this time. It sure wasn't because of her. She was careful to not repeat the same mistake twice. Did her mother try to contact him again to save her from the auction? This was something her mother tried to avoid all these years. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder if Jungwoo had anything to do with this. If it wasn't Jimin, his rival, then it could only be Jungwoo. At least that was what she thought. She could be wrong but she couldn't ignore her gut instincts.
What was he doing in Russia?
"Mom was afraid this would happen. We stayed away and she refused to contact him even when she was sick."
Hoseok paled. "What do you mean this would happen?"
Jeong-seon sniffled. "Jungwoo...he warned mom to stay away from him and my brother. If not..." Her throat tightened. "Mom loved him so much. She missed him. We were so far away, but she always followed the updates. Kept an eye for any news on him. Even a small tidbit would make her happy."
She brushed off the few tears that had fallen down her cheeks.
"I have a feeling it's him. If it isn't the Cobras or the Bratva, then it's Jungwoo," she continued. "He said he'd kill him," she sniffled. "This is not the first time. He's done it before."
Hoseok's face went pale. "What do you mean he's done it before?"
"The attack in China," she said, more tears flowed as she recalled the incident. "Two years ago, mom's condition was critical and I had no choice." She covered her mouth, stifling the sob. "I didn't know. I didn't think he'd really do it. I tried to contact him and he found out."
Hoseok crowded her space, his features suddenly looking lethal. All sense of warmth had drained from his face. His fists clenched as he knelt in front of her. "Tell me exactly what happened."
"Mom...she has a heart condition." Jeong-seon blinked but let her tears fall. "The doctors told her she shouldn't dance or sing. But she hid it from everyone. Kept going because...because she knew what would happen if she stopped." She wiped her cheeks, staring at her lap. "She tried to save me from the fate she was subjected to. Then one day...she collapsed on stage. She was dying. Nikolay...he gave me an ultimatum."
She paused to take a breath. He handed her another tissue and she wiped her face. She avoided looking at his face. Talking about this was hurtful enough. She didn't want to see what he thought about her.
"I had no choice. Without Nikolay's shadow, they'd have ripped me apart. I knew I'd be safe until I became an adult at least. Because Nikolay was interested in me. Mom was the one who kept him away. With her out of the way, I knew it wouldn't be long before his men took me by force. My fate would be even worse if that happened."
Her body shuddered at the memory of what happened to women who resisted them. They were taken, tortured until they broke. However, their fates were worse and they were treated like cattle. Jeong-seon wanted to avoid that and she did the only thing that would put her in his good books.
"So, I quit school, joined the Red Velvets, and became a dancer. Did my best to stay on top so he wouldn't put me up for auction." She sighed. "Two years ago, he decided to host the auction. It was also the same time mom got sick. She contemplated contacting my brother for the first time in years. Even found his contact number. But I made the call first. I knew I couldn't escape Nikolay, but I wanted to escape. To have a home once I'm gone." She swallowed. "Wanted to send her to my brother somehow. So without telling her, I called him."
"What happened?" His voice was soft.
She took a deep breath, lifting her gaze to see his face. "An hour after I made the call, a few men came to see us." She sniffed. "You know guns and all. Then we got a call."
She had just revealed to her mother that she contacted Jungkook but it had gone to his voicemail. Her mother was panicking and scolding her while she tried to pack her bags when their doorbell rang. Six men barged in with guns, holding them at gun points and pushing them to their kneels.
One guy produced a phone, putting it on hands-free mode, and placed it on the table before stepping back.
"I told you to stay away, didn't I?" the voice through the phone taunted. "I told you what will happen if you ever tried to contact him."
Her mother clutched her chest. "Please...she's young. She didn't know what she was doing," her mother pleaded.
"Ah, then I should teach her a lesson, shouldn't I?"
"No, no, please."
"Jungkook is now in China."
Suddenly there was a video call on another phone. A man held the screen toward them. It looked like a small conference room and there were men already. She could tell they were Triads from the few tattoos she spotted.
"He's grown so well, hasn't he?" The eerie voice laughed. "Much different from a boy you've known."
"Jungwoo...don't please. Please...don't hurt my baby." Her mother cried, clasping her hands in front of her and bowing her head to touch the floor from her kneeling position as if he could see them.
"I warned you, Hyewa. Told you that you or that cursed bitch you delivered shouldn't ever dream of coming to us ever again."
Jeong-seon's heart plummeted to her stomach upon hearing his words. Knowing your father didn't want you was one thing, but hearing it from his mouth was another. She already despised the man. She continued to sniffle silently.
"She didn't know," she cried. "My Jeong-seon would never do something intentionally. She was afraid to lose me. She was just trying to help."
"Help?" the man scoffed. "Do you know how much I hate weakness?"
In the video, Jungkook arrived inside the room alone.
"Please...I beg you. Don't hurt him. Don't hurt my baby."
Jeong-seon tried to move but the pressure on her skull increased.
"Since you beg so nicely..." He laughed. "I will only hurt him a little."
On-screen, Jungkook accepted the drink they handed him, sipping it.
Jungwoo clicked his tongue. "He never learns. Rule no.1, don't consume anything when you're in the enemy camp." He laughed. On-screen, Jungkook clutched his head, his eyes losing focus.
"No!" she yelled. "Help him."
"Please...don't do this to him," her mother cried.
"He needs to learn a lesson." There was a rustling noise in the background. Then they heard, "Kill his second-in-command, Kim Namjoon." They heard the rustling again. "That'll be his lesson today. He will learn what his simple mistake could cost him."
Her mother cried out. "You're so heartless."
"What can I say? I'm feeling pretty generous today. This is a lesson for you too. Try to contact him again and I'll make you watch as I kill him slowly and painfully."
"We thought Namjoon was dead until we saw him on the news again," she sniffled. "We didn't try to contact him again."
Hoseok looked furious. "Jimin saved them that day. He gave an antidote to Jungkook and brought him to the hotel room."
"Oh. I...I didn't know they were close."
"It's surprising." A smile eased some of the anger lines from his face. "They started dating recently. Until then they were butting heads. Now I know it's just their love language." He laughed fondly. "Jungkook is happy with him. Jimin takes good care of him. Always puts him first. It's what Jungkook deserves after everything he has gone through."
She nodded. "I saw that." A smile tugged at her lips. "They looked so good together."
Suddenly his expression turned into a serious one. "There's something you should see." He pulled his phone, browsed through his apps before handing it to her.
She went through the messages, a frown pulling at her lips. "What is this?" She zoomed the screenshot, read the contents, and then looked at the photo. "That's me and mom. But...but this was so long ago. Who sent this to you?"
He took the phone back from her. "That's something I'm going to find. But first, I need to talk to Jimin." He stood. "I'll visit you later."
Jeong-seon nodded, baffled that someone was stalking them and taking photos. And they had sent that to her brother.
The past week has been busy as usual. Jimin slept only when he was with Jungkook, even then his mind was always working.
Jungwoo had escaped from Japan and no one knew how he managed to slip through everyone's watchful eyes. He was beyond furious when he learned what he did from Hoseok and Jeong-seon. For now, they continued to stay in the Bratva compound.
Jungkook wasn't fit to travel and transferring him to Seoul was impossible. Besides, he was safer here in Russia than anywhere else. Russia was his fortress next to Seoul, however, here he had Bratva with him.
Jimin ruffled his wet hair and dressed for the day. He didn't like being away from Jungkook for too long. However, there were a few loose ends he needed to tie. From Jeong-seon, he learned Nikolay had a cousin who was very much involved in the business and was out of Russia when they raided the club. Also, there were a few important ones who managed to escape that night.
Jimin's team had successfully eliminated the majority of the threats that night using Interpol sting as a cover, not just the Red Velvets but also from other gangs. So he had to be extra careful with everything he did.
The call he was expecting came when he was about to exit his room. He beamed upon seeing the unknown number.
"Aera," he greeted.
Tingling laughter welcomed him on the other end. "It's amazing how you know it's me. Every fucking time," The leader of his alpha team and one of the Interpol nightmares said.
"You weren't being sneaky by calling my personal number." He grinned. "Only a few have this, sweetheart."
"Don't sweetheart me now if you don't plan to keep your end of the bargain."
She went to school with Jia and came from one of the well-known families in the underground circle. It wasn't a surprise when she began to hang out more with Jia and one day accompanied her to the self-defense class. She was a great fighter and was worse than the black widow. Jimin knew he had to have her in his team. With time she became the head of his feared alpha team, directing them from the shadows.
He scoffed. "So, what's the update?"
"One down. But I have news. Red Velvets have more loose ends than you think." Her voice grew serious. "Nikolay has another son. The one you killed was the second son, born from one of his mistresses. This one is legitimate and word on the streets is that he's going to take over the Red Velvets. He wants revenge."
"Fuck!" Jimin cursed. "Finish him."
"Tell no more," she replied. "So, how's my dimpled cutie?"
Jimin rolled his eyes at her nickname for Namjoon. She'd been whipped ever since she ran into him in China two years ago. "Still single and in Seoul, taking care of shit there."
She sighed dreamily. "How wonderful. Never in my dreams did I think we would work for the same boss. You're awesome. You know that right?"
Namjoon worked for Jungkook, but he didn't bother to tell her that.
He scoffed. "Do you ever plan to tell him?"
"If my boss ever gave me a vacation, I will," she griped. "I'm busy protecting your ass round the clock. Oh, also tell your teddy bear to tone it down a notch. Just because he's back in Russia doesn't mean he can do whatever shit he wants to do."
Jimin grinned. Taehyung did tend to unleash some of his aggressiveness when he was here. This was their second home after all.
"I will try. Gotta go now. Keep me informed."
"Sure thing, boss."
Aera never missed. He was sure she'd clean the mess before it hit the storm. He pocketed the phone and headed to Jungkook's room.
"Oh, it's not like that. Here, let me show you."
He heard Jeong-seon as he entered the room. The two had grown closer in this one week. She was always with him when he or Hoseok wasn't there. They'd also begun painting and drawing together. He could tell it kept Jungkook occupied and distracted. He appreciated her efforts. Jungkook hadn't noticed his arrival yet. Both were so immersed in their sketchbooks to notice his presence.
"You're so good at this. Did you study art?" Jungkook asked, repeating the strokes she just showed him.
"No. Mom taught me," she replied. "I studied a bit in school but that's all. Do you draw portraits?"
"I try. I'm not good at it though."
"Oh, I can show you how. I spent years perfecting it in school." She grinned. "You know I'm the best in my class."
Jungkook returned her smile easily and Jimin couldn't help but notice how identical their smiles were. It was a miracle Jungkook hadn't figured it out yet. They were just so similar in so many ways. His boyfriend also kept murmuring that she looked so familiar but couldn't pinpoint why.
Jimin thought he'd tell him soon. Jungkook still had trouble breathing and his mother was scheduled to go through surgery. Jimin wanted him to be ready before that.
"Hello, sweetheart," he greeted.
Jungkook looked up from his sketchbook and his smile widened. "Hyung-nim..."
Jimin smiled and nodded at Jeong-seon who began to clear the art supplies to put it aside.
"You are going out?" Jungkook asked, puckering his lips and Jimin kissed him gently.
"Yes," he said after pulling away. Behind them, the door closed as Jeong-seon left them to their devices. "I see you're enjoying your free time."
"I am." Jungkook beamed. "Jeong-seon is amazing. She taught me a lot of techniques, you know."
"That's great, baby. I'm happy to see you happy."
Jungkook nodded, beckoning him closer, and snuggled into his chest when he did. "It feels good to have someone with similar interests."
"It is. So what do you want to do today?"
"I thought you're going out."
"I am, but not without spending some time with my baby."
Jungkook smiled. "Then, come on." He patted the spot beside him. "Hold me. I miss you already."
Jimin chuckled as he removed his shoes and jacket before climbing into the bed. "Anything for my baby."
It was dark when Jungkook woke up. He remembered falling asleep in Jimin's arms after lunch. He looked around, taking a moment to gather his thoughts.
The ache in his body hadn't lessened much. It was a constant burn inside his chest and other places. But his chest hurt the worst whenever he breathed. Jia told him, he would feel better soon. But he knew he'd have to ride this out. At least he didn't feel like he was running out of breath after talking a few words.
The door opened and Hoseok entered with a serious look on his face, halting when he saw he was awake.
"You're up." He smiled. "Jimin has to take care of something. He isn't back yet." He typed something on his phone. "Your dad might have gone bonkers so I have to take care of a couple of things. Viktor gave me an office of sorts here." He grinned. "I'll ask Jeong-seon to bring you dinner."
Jungkook nodded as he watched Hoseok type away on his phone with worry. He appeared distracted and he didn't know if he should ask just yet.
"Do you need anything before I go?" Hoseok asked.
Jungkook thought about it. The TV was pretty boring and his Russian was basic. "Do you have the mom's sketchbook with you?"
"Oh, yeah." He walked to the table by his bedside. "I kept it in the drawer hoping you'd wanna see it again." He pulled it from inside and hand it to him. "Here. I'll go now." He ruffled his hair. "Your phone is under your pillow if you need to contact any of us."
He watched Hoseok go and opened the sketchbook going through it again. Slowly this time.
Mom, where are you?
He traced the initials under the sketches with a wistful smile, hoping she was safe. She'd drawn his portrait with so much care that it made him so emotional. He opened the second sketchbook that didn't make sense before. Now that he was more in a relaxed environment, he looked at it more carefully. As he flipped through the pages, something clicked in his mind.
He put both the books together, side by side, flipping through each page, and realized they both meant something to his mom. It both began the same way. It started with both children as a baby, showing their different stages of growth as it progressed.
His heart raced as he approached the last page. Both the sketchbooks had the same initials. It was drawn by his mother. No doubt. But why are there two?
He closed his sketchbook and browsed through the second one again. Something about the last portrait felt familiar. His thoughts raced. Flashes of memory came back to him. The blurry face in his memories now had a solid one.
"Jungkookie, my baby, you can't grow up like your daddy. You gotta make mommy proud."
"I'll always make mommy proud." He puffed his chest with a huge grin.
There were more memories of her slender fingers sketching as she watched him with warm, brown eyes, a permanent smile etched on her face.
The door opened and his gaze flicked to the person who came in, momentarily freezing. His gaze snapped to the portrait and then at his caretaker.
"Hello, Oppa." Jeong-seon smiled. "I brought you dinner."
She was so busy pushing the food trolley that she hadn't noticed the sketchbook yet. He took one last look at the portrait and looked up again. There was no mistaking those eyes and smiles from the portrait. Her hair was longer, apart from that there weren't many changes. He closed the sketchbook and hid it under the pillow while she put the items on the table.
"Hi," he greeted. He fought hard to suppress the sob. His eyes burned with tears and she was startled when she met his eyes.
"Are you in pain?" She hurried to check him, hands hovering over his bandages, eyes shaking and confirming everything he wanted to know. She was so frantic that she hadn't even noticed the stray tears that escaped her eyes.
It's her. Why would she cry if she doesn't care for me? She knows.
"I'm fine," he croaked but clutched his chest where it hurt the most. He should control himself, but he couldn't. How could he?
"Jeong-seon is family. She's also someone I trust." Jimin's words echoed in his mind.
How did he miss all the signs? He should have realized it sooner. Jimin didn't just trust someone out of the blue. And he always smiled fondly at him when he said Jeong-seon looked familiar.
"I'll get the doctor." She pivoted on her heel, rushing outside.
She paused, seemingly frozen mid-air. The door opened right on cue but nothing else registered in his mind. His eyes were trained on her curly, brown hair that reminded him of his mother. The way she would secure her hair into a tight bun before they got to cooking or baking. The way it kept falling on her face and how he'd push it back for her when her hands were busy. The way she would kiss his nose and call him a good boy.
Jeong-seon turned around slowly, eyes wide and more tears flowing. "W-What did you call me?"
"Jeoni," he repeated. More tears flowed free. "That's what mom calls you, doesn't she?"
"H-How? How did you find out?"
He scoffed. "How could I not? I fucking named you," his chest heaved.
"So you're getting a sister." His mother placed a beautifully decorated pink cupcake in front of him, clapping her hands with a broad smile. "I guess Santa is fulfilling your wish because you were a good boy this year."
"Really?" He wiggled out of his chair, jumping into her arms and burying his face into her stomach. "I'm getting a sister?"
"Of course, baby." His mother kissed the top of his head. "But you gotta keep it a secret. Promise me, Jungkookie. Promise me you'll help me protect your little sister from daddy."
"I promise." He nodded immediately. "I promise I'll protect Jeoni."
He nodded enthusiastically. "I've been looking for baby names since mommy asked me the last time. One minute." He hurried to his room, grabbed the pamphlet he received from his school, and ran back to his mom. "Jeong-seon." He handed the pamphlet where he had highlighted the name with a sketch pen.
"Jeong-seon," his mother whispered. "Jeong-seon is a renowned artist." Her slender fingers traced the name.
He nodded again, feeling proud that he chose something right. "Mommy draws. I want her to become like mommy." He smiled. "So Jeong-seon."
"It also means silent and chase. How fitting," she said, a soft smile adorning her face. "It's beautiful, Jungkookie."
"When will she be here?" He pouted. "I'll give her my toys. She can even have my friends. I'll call her Jeoni for short."
She hugged him. "Soon, baby. Just a couple more months and then she'll be here."
"Come here," he beckoned, ignoring the pain shooting through his chest.
She approached him with trembling legs.
"Mom lied," he sobbed. "You took a couple of years instead of months."
She jumped into his arms, mindful of his injuries with a strangled cry.
"Took you so long," he whispered again, his hold on her so tight that he was afraid to let go.
"I thought I'd never meet you," she continued to cry.
"H-How is mom?" He wheezed. "Where is she?"
"Your mom is safe," came another voice from behind them.
Jungkook lifted his head from her shoulder to see Jimin, standing there with a soft smile.
"In fact, I came here to talk to you about your mom. It's good you already figured you have a sister."
Jungkook could understand why Jimin didn't tell him immediately. He could hardly breathe with all the overwhelming emotions assaulting him. The pain in his chest was unbearable. Jimin moved closer as if sensing his discomfort.
"Jungkook, baby, take it easy."
Jeong-seon immediately stepped out of his hold, worried gaze boring into him. "I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. It's not you. He wanted to say but he couldn't speak. Jungkook clutched his chest.
"'s okay. I got you." Jimin was there to hold him immediately.
"Oh, God! I'm so sorry."
Jimin shook his head. "It's not you," he told her. "Get Jia for me please."
She nodded frantically and ran out.
Jimin turned to Jungkook. "I was afraid something like this would happen. Breathe slow baby. Slow and easy."
Jungkook tried to follow his instructions. His vision swam. "S-Sorry, hyung."
"Shh...don't apologize for feeling, Jungkook. You wouldn't be human if you don't feel these emotions. I'm worried about you. It's in my nature." He gently rocked them. "You'd worry too if I was in your shoes."
He sniffled. "H-Hurts."
"I know, baby. Just hold on for a minute."
Jia entered and began to administer something. After a minute, he felt the pain easing and his eyes beginning to drift close.
"It's okay. Sleep. Hyung will be right here when you wake up."
Jungkook nodded, tears rolling down his cheeks. "T-Thanks...for J-Jeoni."
"Shh...She's family. I'd do anything for her."
Jungkook smiled. "L-Love..."
He faintly heard "Love you too" before darkness enveloped him.
I posted some drabbles and prompts this week in my Twitter if you wanna read. Links are in my Wattpad conversation board.
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