Happy Christmas ~ Kirino Ranmaru x Reader

Kariya: I'm beginning to notice a pattern.

Gin: What pattern?
Kariya: Whoever gets the pompoms will be the character in the next part.

Gin: Wow, you're a genius, Kariya!

Kariya: **shrugs**

Tsurugi: Pfft. That's not a thing.

Gin: **gives Tsurugi pompoms**

Kariya: Hey, I thought we're not supposed to give Tsurugi pompoms...

Gin: Don't worry. This ones, he won't burn.

Tsurugi: Yeah, I'll still burn them... wait what? Swords? Where'd you get these? **examines pompoms with swords and daggers**

Gin: Told ya, he's not gonna burn them. Can't tell you where I got them, tho.. LOL

Tsurugi: (-_-)

Gin: Now, give support to Kirino-kun!

Tsurugi: (-_-) yeah... **lazily raises sword pompoms in the air**

Gin: Ready, Kirino-kun?

Kirino: I'm ready! Wait... ready for what?

Gin: On with the story~^^ (I don't own the photo above)


(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, (Y/N). Happy Christmas..." the azure eyes sparkled at me and looked at me as if it's going to bore a hole in my face.

That voice.

It may be a bit feminine for others but it's sweet melody to my ears.

That smile.

It may have no meaning when he shows that to others, but to me it's like staring at a billion stars for eternity.

That hair.

It may just be an ordinary hairstyle for other girls but I wouldn't bother running my fingers through it all day.

Those eyes.

I could look at them all day without blinking for a second.

That hand. Waving in front of... me?

"Uhh.. (Y/N)? You alright? Why aren't you responding?" Kirino-senpai asked.

I got back to reality. "Oh! N-nothing! Too Christmas happy! I mean, Christmas happy too! Wait, uhm... Happy Christmas too, senpai!" I felt like I was out of breath after saying that.

It's Christmas and me and the rest of the team were celebrating at Tenma's house. We've been friends since I joined the soccer club as a midfielder and this is our third Christmas celebrating together.

And since I joined the soccer club, I can't help but notice Shindou-sama's best friend and one of the defenders, Kirino-senpai. He's a natural. A good person. And someone who cares a lot for his friends. I don't how it ended up this way but as I've gotten to know him better, I saw what a wonderful person he is.

"Well, shall we join the others at the table?" Kirino asked me. We just arrived at Tenma's house and the others were already at the dining table.

"Yes," I replied, putting on my best smile for him. He offered me an arm and I blushed at it. "Uhh, it's okay, Kirino-senpai."

"Come on, don't leave me hanging. And why are you still calling me senpai since we've been friends for a long time? You can just call me Ranmaru..." he insisted and I blushed even harder at it.

"Oh, alright, Kiri---Ranmaru..." I said, hesitatingly taking his arm.

As we got to the dining table, the others were already there.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Hey, Kirino-kun!" Tenma greeted us. "Whoa. You two look good together!"

I immediately pulled my arm away from Ranmaru and looked away after hearing Tenma's remark. This guy never holds back what he has on his mind.

There were only two chairs left and they were for me and Ranmaru. Ranmaru pulled one chair which is next to Akane-san. He then motioned his hand and asked me to sit there. OMG what a gentleman. As I sat down, he also sat in front of me, next to Shindou-sama.

We started enjoying the food.

"I'm so excited for our exchange gift later!" I hear Tenma say.

"Yes, me too!" Shinsuke chided.

"Hope that last year's event does not happen again, though," Hayami-senpai said.

Everyone then glared at Kariya.

"What?" Kariya innocently asked.

Yes, last year. I can still remember clearly. We had our exchange gift and Kariya-kun's secret gift receiver was Hayami-senpai. Everything was normal but when Hayami opened his present from Kariya it turned to chaos because the box freakin' exploded.

Everyone panicked except for Kariya of course. He had rolled from side to side on the floor, laughing so hard, while others were about to have a heart attack. Turns out he had two presents for Hayami-senpai. He gave the real gift after receiving an eternal yell from Midori and was knocked off by a giant Christmas tree which Aoi-san was surprisingly able to lift.

It was horrible.

"It won't happen again this time, I promise!" Kariya raised his right hand.

"It was very traumatic..." poor Hayami-senpai sighed, staring blankly at his half-eaten food.

"I'm sorry, but I promise it won't happen again this time," Kariya repeated.

"Alright! Let's just keep enjoying the food! I'm excited!" Nishiki-senpai said.

I glanced at the Christmas tree where we had put all our presents for our secret gift receiver later. We had picked our secret gift receiver's name two weeks ago and the name I picked was someone whom I thought the odds would give me a fat chance. I hope Ranmaru-kun likes what I got for him.

(Time skip brought to you by Shindou's Fortissimo. [Listening to good music while writing this ] )

(Kirino's POV)

Dinner at Tenma's house finally ended and we decided to play some games before the exchange gift. I shortly joined Tsurugi and Shindou who decided to play video games.

"Hey," I began as I sat beside Shindou. "What's that?"

"Nintendo..." Shindou answered whilst twitching the joystick with his hands.

"I can't believe it's our third Christmas already. It's only been a while..."

"That's right. So, have you decided to tell her?" Shindou asked me out of the blue, but he wasn't looking at me for he was concentrating on the game. How can he do that?

"Tell what who?" I asked.

"You know, (Y/N)...I mean, we're graduating soon. Aren't you gonna tell her yet?"

Ah, (Y/N). I was planning to confess my feelings for her last Christmas but because of that chaotic event when Kariya's present exploded, I couldn't find the chance to tell her. Well, I get to see her every day, but I feel like it's not yet the right time for me to tell her. Besides, what if she just treats me no more than a friend? That'll be embarrassing. And she might avoid me if I did tell her.

"I need to find the right time," I told Shindou whilst glancing at (Y/N) who was having a chat with the soccer club managers near the fireplace.

I also tried playing some video games when Tenma then jumped in front of the screen, startling me, Shindou, and Tsurugi.

"Hey! Earth to earthlings!" Tenma began excitedly. What does that even mean?

"Tenma! I was about to win!" Shindou groaned.

"Play later! Let's start our exchange gift!" Tenma excitedly said.

Shindou gave another groan before standing up and heading to the living room with me and Tsurugi. The rest of the team were already there, sitting on the floor and holding their presents. I also got mine and sat next to (Y/N).

She didn't say a word. I saw her move her eyes towards me as I sat beside her, a faint blush visible under her eyes. Hmm, why?

(Third Person POV)

"Okay! I'll start!" Kariya began.

"No!" Midori, Aoi and Hayami said in unison, making Kariya pout his lips.

"Why not?"

"Come on, give him the chance. We'll see if he's really honest when he promised not to do what he did last year," Kirino said.


Kariya stood up and cleared his throat. It's been their tradition to say something about their secret gift receiver before giving your gift to that person. "This person... is... uhm... I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Shindou asked.

"I don't know what to say exactly..." Kariya scratched his head.

"Oh, for crying out loud!... You were so excited a while ago you wanted to go first!" Hayami argued.

"Right! Hang on..." Kariya cleared his throat again. "Okay. He....uhm.... I really admire his plays in the field..."

"It's a HE!" Tenma yelled.

"Quiet!" snapped Kariya. "I have no other words for him," he then walked and handed Tsurugi his present. "Merry Christmas, dude..."

"Oh, Kariya-kun admires Tsurugi-kun's plays!" Shinsuke exclaimed. (A/N: please don't ship Tsurugi and Kariya I beg you... Tsurugi: (-_-) Kariya: LoL)

"Of couse I do! I'm sure you guys do also, right?" Kariya said.

Tsurugi was speechless, but he just said thanks to Kariya after taking his present. He examined it front back bottom up.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with it! I already promised I won't prank anyone this year..." Kariya said.

Tsurugi raised a brow at him. "If you say so, but thanks and Merry Christmas too."

Tsurugi stood up and said, "My receiver, is someone whom I used to hate at the first day of school...uhh..."

"OMG I know who that is! I know who! I-it's Shindou-senpai!" Tenma excitedly exclaimed.

"Shut up! It's you, you idiot!" Tsurugi snapped and handed Tenma his present. "Merry Christmas."


"Forget what I said."

"Thanks, Tsurugi! Merry Christmas too!"

Tenma stood up and started to talk, "My SGR..."

"What the heck is SGR?" Kurama asked.

"Secret Gift Receiver!"


Tenma cleared his throat. "Okay, my SGR is... a friend of mine... a really good friend of mine... cheeful, sweet, caring, beautiful..."

"Aoi! Aoi! Aoi! Aoi!" the rest of the team yelled.

"Goodness! How did you just guess that?" Tenma walked to Aoi and gave her his present. "Merry Christmas, Aoi-san!"

"Thanks Tenma! Merry Christmas!"

Soon it was Aoi's turn. She gave her present to Akane, Akane gave hers to Shindou, which made them both blush. Shindou gave his present Shinsuke. Shinsuke gave to Hikaru. Hikaru gave to Amagi. Amagi gave to Nishiki. Nishiki gave his present to Midori, which made the team tease them, then Midori gave to Hamano, Hamano, gave to Kurama, Kurama gave to Kurumada, Kurumada gave to Hayami, Hayami gave to Ichino, Ichino gave to Aoyama, Aoyama gave to Sangoku, then Sangoku gave to Kariya.

(Y/N)'s POV

The exchange gift went on smoothly until the chain was back to Kariya.

"Hey, it's back to me," Kariya said after receiving Sangoku-senpai's present. "Who didn't get their presents?"

I raised my hand for I haven't received mine. I turned to Ranmaru and he raised his hand too, looking at me. Wait, don't tell me he-----

Ranmaru stood up and looked at me. What is he going to do?

"(Y/N)-chan..." he sweetly said. "You are my secret gift receiver. And I'm sure that I'm your secret gift receiver too."

NOOOOO... Odds, why?!

He held out his hand to me and I stood up. I could see a pink tint forming on his cheeks.

"You're right," I said. "You are my secret gift receiver," I handed him my present. "Merry Christmas Ranmaru..."

"Merry Christmas," he handed me his present.

"KYAA!!!" I hear some yell.

"(Y/N) and Kirino really look good together!"

Time to open the gifts. I could hear wrappers being ripped when Tenma suddenly exclaimed.

"What?! A soccer... soccer... soccer..." he was saying. He held up a glass soccer figurine. I giggled. It suits him.

"It's a murder weapon..." I hear Tsurugi say as he opened Kariya's present for him.

"I know you like swords!" Kariya said.

"Tsk... Thanks..."

I felt a hand tap my shoulder and as I looked up, I saw the handsome face of Ranmaru.

"Shall we go outside and open our presents there?" he asked.

"Huh? But why?" I asked.

"I want to tell you something."


I shortly followed him without the rest of the team noticing. We sat in the living room and held our presents.

Before I opened his present, Ranmaru held my hand and said, "I'm so happy I've met you, (Y/N). And I'm so happy spending Christmas with you." I instantly felt my cheeks heat up as he said it.

"I'm happy too..." I said, smiling at him.

We both opened our presents and my eyes widened after seeing what it was. It's a heart-shaped frame with two pictures on it, me and Ranmaru! The same present I gave to him!

"R-ranmaru-kun... this is..." I looked at him and he was wearing his sweet smile.

"I know..." he said.

There was a note at the bottom of the frame. It says, "(Y/N)-chan, will you be my girlfriend?" I almost melted after reading it. I took the note, showed it to Ranmaru and said, "It's a yes..."

"Yes?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." he then pulled me close to him and closed the gap between us with a kiss.


Kirino: Oh! Aw! Ei! Ouch!

Gin: Kirino-kun? What happened?

Kirino: These ants are biting me! How on earth did we get ants here?!

Kariya: Cause you're too sweet?

Gin: I know right! I hope reader-chan is happy.

Kariya: I didn't know Kirino-senpai is a sweet dude.

Gin: Now you know.

Kariya: Wait, are you sure no one will ship me and Tsurugi?

Gin: I don't know, but I hope not!

Tsurugi: why of all people...

Gin: But we can't stop them if they will. No harm done, it's fine. If they do, it'll be TSURUMASA (Tsurugi+Masaki)

Hayami: Hey! That's me!

Kariya/Tsurugi: (-_-)

Gin: Anyway, this is a special chapter for Christmas so I hope you enjoyed it. Happy holidays, everyone~!

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