(Vanoss x Moo) The Reason

I looked up at the top of escalator to see if I could see him. It's been forever since I've seen Brock, I hope he didn't change too much. I looked around me to see if he was looking for me, but instead I noticed other people holding up signs that said people's names. I looked at the gift shop that was nearby and decided to grab something really fast.

When I walked back out with my new notebook and pen in hand, I quickly wrote down Brock's name and held it to my chest. Without warning, a bunch of people started riding the down the escalator. Most of them left with the other people holding signs. I was one of the last people.

Finally, I saw him ride down the moving staircase. He wore a white button up shirt and blue jeans. While he was looking around, I looked at what I was wearing: A red muscle shirt and blue jeans.

When I looked back up, he was on the ground and looking the wrong way. I decided to flip to a new page and write: "Blind-ass Brock! Over here bitch!"

I held it up and had some parents give me death stares, but I really wanted Brock to look before I put it down.

He finally turned around and soon his eyes stopped on me. He smiled and walk quickly walked my way, reading the sign along the way. He started laughing with he stopped in front of me.

"Why would you hold that up?" He laughed out.

"Because I sat here for like five minutes and you we're looking the other way!" I explained, putting the notebook down and the pen in my pocket.

He laughed even more as I mocked him for being a blind motherfucker.

"I was putting a show on for you." He said as he turned around and started shaking his ass.

I really couldn't think of a comeback, so I just laughed until me was done.

When he turned back around, his dark green eyes sparkled like the stars and his pale pink lips pulled back into a perfect smile.

Brock and I have this connection that's very hard to explain. Like, we've known each other for over four years, and we seem like best friends. Considering we met and talk through a computer, it's strange to think off him as that, but it's true. All of my friends off the screen are nothing compared to him. Plus, I spend a lot more time with him than those friends.

"You ready to go." I asked in between laughs.

"Yeah." He giggled and we started walking.

Walked out of the airport and two my car. I unlocked the doors as we got closer.

"Here," I said while grabbing Brock's bag, "I got this."

I opened the back door and shoved his bag into it. He said thank you and opened the passenger seat of my vehicle and jumped in. I did the same on the drivers side and started up the car.

My house was like two hours away, but we never got bored; Brock and I talked about anything and everything with could think of on the way there.

We eventually got to the topic of our friend's love life's.

"My friend, Chase, has the exact same problem with his girlfriend;" Brock said, "She never lets him do anything and it seems like he doesn't realize that he's 27-years-old, he can just leave."

"Yeah, I don't understand people like that." I said, "Like, you're an adult, they're an adult, so act like adults."

"Yeah and look at-"He stopped himself, "Can I use you and Sidney as an example?"

"Yeah, it fine."

"Well, you and Sidney acted like adults when you broke up." Brock stated, "Like you both talked it out and decided to go your separate ways for the better of both of you."

Yeah, Sidney and I broke up about three months ago because neither of us had time for each other. Either I was working on a video or she was at the office. She stayed in LA so she could still work there, but I moved back to Nova Scotia (I don't know where his lives) so I could be closer to family and friends.

I shrugged, "Yeah but I think they're more worried about not finding anyone else."

"Get on a dating app if you want to date someone that bad." Brock scolded playfully.

"I'm gonna go up to him and go, 'You don't have to be lonely, on Canadians-only.com.'" I laughed.

Brock laughed really hard as we pulled into my driveway. We got out of the car, and he grabbed his bag while I unlocked the door.


I woke up around eleven something, and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Brock and I. I didn't see the bathroom light on, nor did I see him anywhere else in the house, so I guessed he was still in bed.

I knocked on the guest room door almost ten times, but didn't get one response. I opened the door a crack to see if he was still sleeping, but he was staring at the ceiling with is headphones in, not really doing anything.

"Brock." I said and he glanced at me, not really surprised to see my presence.

"Y-Yeah?" He asked in a weak voice, like he just got done crying.

"You okay man?" I asked opening the door more.

He sighed, pulled out his headphones and swung his feet over the side of the bed.

"No," he said, "Laren...."

He started to got weak again, so I sat down next to him and tried to comfort him.

"Laren what?" I said

That's when he lost it. He started bawling his eyes out while trying to tell me what she did.

"Sh-she was cheating on m-me the whole time." He gasped out, "Last n-night I was on the phone with her an-and I heard someone else in the background, s-so I asked who it was and whoever it was, took the phone and said not to call his g-girlfriend. I-I told him to tell her that I want a divorce th-then I hung up."

My heart broke. I hate it when people cry, especially my best friend. I have never seen Brock like this; He's usually always happy and awkward, but in a situation like this, I don't know who can be.

"I'm so sorry, Brock." I said. I honestly did not know what else to say.

"I thought she-"

"Whatever you're going to say," I cut him off, "no she didn't. If she loved or cared about you, she wouldn't have done that; If she was the one, she wouldn't have even thought of that; If she wanted the both of you to be happy, she wouldn't even have known that guy."

Brock was silent and didn't say anything for a long time. He just sat and whipped away his tears that kept forming.

"I'm not in your situation, nor do I know exactly how you feel, but I can tell you now that someone who didn't care about you is gone, you're life will be much better." I said.

He was quiet, but sniffled and said, "Thanks Evan, but it still hurts."

I nodded, "Yeah..."

Suddenly something popped into my head and instead of thinking, I blurted out, "Where are you going to stay?" Brock shrugged as he sobbed, "I mean, you can stay here if you want, but I don't know how you would feel about living that far from your family and friends." I awkwardly added.

"Evan, I don't want to trouble you." Brock groaned.

"And you won't." I reassured him, "Brock, I have plenty of room here."

He sat up, "Yeah, you have room for another office and another guy?"

Stood up and motioned to out the door, "This is a five bedroom house!"

He sighed and looked at me with an are-you-sure-face.

I nodded.


Brock hasn't came out of his office in a while so I went in there to check on him. He was looking at one of his monitors. He didn't turn or anything he just kind of sat there and breathed.

"Brock...?" I sang, "Suppers done..."

He glanced at me but soon looked back at his computer, "Do you know how many guys she's cheated on me with?"

I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes, "Brock, it's been over a year! I know it's hard for you but she's moved on and I think you should to."

He snuck in his chair, "I'm sorry Evan, but I really thought-"

"You though she was the one." I finished for him, "Do I need to remind you what she did to you?"

He sat up and raised an eyebrow at me, "You okay? You've never complained about this before."

"I was fine with it when it first happened but you've been moping about this shit for over a year now." I explained, "It's getting old. If you can't get over her, maybe you need to do something that will make you."

He turned off his monitors and pc, "Like what?"

I shrugged, "Um...we could invite all the guys over and have a small party of just us? We could go workout? Go out into the real world and do something?"

He laughed as he stretched, making his shirt go up a bit, exposing his little cushion of a stomach.

"Working out doesn't sound too bad." He admitted as he walked into the kitchen to make his plate.

"See," I said joining him, "there's something for everyone, you just got to figure it out."

He nodded and we continued to talk and eat for a while. We got onto the topic of Delirious somehow, someway.

Brock shrugged, "In all honesty, I really don't care what he looks like."

I nodded, "I don't either, but I'm not going to act like I'm not curious."

"Yeah, but like if he ever does show his face," Brock said, "its not like I'm going to change the way I think of him."

"Of corse not." I agreed, "But I'm not gonna sit here and say I never imagined him when I have."

Brock sat up, "And I have to, but I'll never ask because I know he's uncomfortable about it."

"Exactly." I said.

We were silent for a while and Brock suddenly said, "Wait, what do you imagine he looks like?"

I shrugged, "His GTA character. You?"

He started laughing and said, "I'd always imagine him to be like Luke. With like a beard and dresses like he's a lot younger than he really is."

I started laughed and nearly choked on my food. I looked back at him still chuckling.

Ours eyes met as we continued to laugh, but it soon fell to silence when his eyes started to sparkle. They were a color I couldn't describe and the lighting went perfect with it. They looked like they just stole the light's job and brightened the room. I didn't realize we were so close to each other till Brock's chair squeaked and mine creaked.


"Brock please get down from there!" I begged, tears threading to fall.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Evan!" He yelled back, "You heard them!"

"Brock they were joking!"

He shook his head, "Well it wasn't very funny."

"Brock please!" I screamed. My face was probably drenched in tears by now, "I know they took it too far this time, but this is not going to help anyone!"

We were playing GTA and Tyler made a joke about Laren leaving Brock and he disconnected when everyone but me started laughing. I soon did the same when I heard him stomp up the stairs. I followed him and saw him on the room, ready to dive head first.

He was crying too, "Evan-"

"Brock..." I sobbed.

I had my hand out for ten minutes now, and he finally took it. I pulled him up and into the house. I closed the window so no more heat could escape, and soon went back to my best friend on the floor. I started rocking him as he cried.

I continuously said things like, "We can talk about it...he didn't mean to and you know it...it was a heat of the moment thing....he would never hurt you on porous..."

He pulled away a bit and looked at me, "I hate that I can't get over her..."

I held the sides of his face and looked at the poor, heartbroken man in front of me. He face was red from the cold and his tears. The hazel in his eyes stood out more along with his now plush lips.

I don't know what I was thinking at the time...but I kissed him. It was only a peck but it made me question a lot. When I pulled away I automatically covered my mouth and my eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry Brock!" I exclaimed as tears of regret started to take the place of the ones from before, "I-I don't know what came over me, I didn't me-"

I felt his soft lips on mine again. He kissed me this time.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back.

We finally pulled away and Brock smiled said, "You're the reason."

I raised an eyebrow and giggled, "Reason for what?"

"You're the reason I'm still here. You're the reason I'm where I am. You're the reason for my success." He paused and put our foreheads together, "You're the reason I'm finally over her."

I laughed and pulled away, "Yeah right."

He pulled me back and kissed me again as a way to say "Yes, you are."

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