(Nogla x Wildcat) Mr. Wine
"Fucking hate my job." I muttered as I put my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. My computer just crashed for the fourth time in the pass two hours.
"Everyone okay, David?" I looked over at my coworker, Brock.
"It won't fucking work." I stated.
"Go talk to-"
"I already talked with Evan about a week ago and he can't give me a new computer till it's approved by Tyler." I told him.
"Well, go talk to Tyler." He said.
I looked at him like he was crazy, "I can't do that. Unannounced visits are not aloud."
Brock put his hands up, defending himself. "I'm just trying to help you. I'm pretty sure Tyler would rather have you going in there and telling him instead of sitting here, not doing anything." He said and walked away.
I sighed, realizing he was right. I stood up, already regretting my decision. I walked to the floor secretary, Evan. "I'm going to go see if the file I need is on floor five." I lied.
He nodded and I went to the elevator and waited. I was very thankful it was empty when it opened. I went in and pressed the twelfth floor and watched as the doors closed. I started thinking about what to say.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but my computers been screwing up and I need a new one or at least for it to be fixed." I practiced.
The elevator stopped on his floor and I let out a large breath as the doors opened. His secretary, Lucas, looked up at me and smiled as I walked off.
"What can I do for you today, David." He said.
"I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I really need a new computer soon and I talked to Evan a week ago about getting a new one and he hasn't told me if Mr. Wine's approved the idea yet. It's crashed four times in the pass two hours." I explained.
He nodded and started typing on his computer, "I completely understand and I think Mr. Wine just got back from his lunch break so you can just go sit in his office and I'll tell him you're here once he's up here." He finished with a smile.
"Thank you." I said and headed to his office.
I opened the door and closed it behind me and looked around as the lights automatically turned on due to motion censers. The olive green walls went great with the dark, wood bookshelves with light brown, leather books neatly aligned on each shelf. The desk matched the bookshelves and had papers in files on it and pens scattered around the work space. The black leather chair was pushed in and far away from the wall that was just a large window. In front of the desk was another black seat, but it wasn't as fancy's as Tyler's, but it didn't throw off the theme of the room either.
I took a seat in the non-fancy chair and waited, not even daring to pull out my phone incase he walked in. I rehearsed the phrase I said in the elevator in my head and thought of all the ways he could decline the idea. My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened.
"I'm aware that you know I don't like unannounced visits, David." He spoke darkly and it sent chills down my spine as the door closed.
"Yes, I know, but this is-"
"Then why even try?" He said and walked to his desk.
He walked by and looked down at me and I stared into his icy blues eyes till he pulled away.
"Because I need a-"
"Everyone needs something." He groaned and sat in his seat, reconnecting our eye contact.
"I know, but I really-"
"Need a raise?" He guessed. I shook my head. "A different office space? A new change in scenery?" He kept guessing and I just knocked all his guesses out. He groaned and stood up, walking the front of his desk and sat on the edge, "Then what do you need?"
"I need a new computer." I said.
"Why would I get you a new computer?" He asked.
"If I get you a new computer, then Marcel's going to see you got a new computer and ask me if he can have one, then Luke is going to see he got a new one and he's going to, then Brock's going to and I'm going to tell him no and he's going to say, 'But David got one.'" He went on and crossed his arms once he finished, "So why should I give you one."
"Well my computer keeps crashing." I explained, "Its crashed four times in the pass two hours and I'm getting nothing done."
He shrugged, "Thats not my problem."
"What?" I asked.
"I have over a thousand other workers doing pretty much the same shit as you," He said, "I think you slacking won't kill anyone."
He stood up straight and I stood up as well, "I can't just sit and do nothing all day. Plus, it's a monkey-see-monkey-do reaction because people around me are going to think they can do the same as me and in the end, you're going to lose money, Mr. Wine."
He turned to me sharply and he was pissed. He took a step closer to me and pointed at me, "Never talk to me like that again, David."
I shrugged, "Or what?"
He pointed at the door and was only inches away from my face when he yelled, "You're fucking fired!"
"Why because I actually care about actually helping your company?" I argued, "Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and actually do something that's good for your business, Tyler!"
That's when I realized I fucked up. Woke for him or not, you never say Tyler's first name to him. He looked at me like I just insulted his dog and then nodded. My heart stopped as he walked to the window and pulled the curtains shut. He was very calm about this and that's what scared me. He then walked back to me and made eye contact with me right before he pressed his body against mine, making me look up at him once again.
After a moment of silence and his eyes burning a hole in my soul, he says, "Are you free tonight?"
I knotted my eyebrows, "Y-Yes."
He nodded and backed away. He went to his He's desk and sat down then motioned for me to sit. I did and he leaned back and clicked his pen.
He moved to the left, examining me.
Went to the right and examined more.
Stopped at my eyes and his were just filled with wonder.
"I'll replace your computer tomorrow if you agree to eat with me tonight." He said.
"Why do you want me to eat with you?" I asked.
"Why are you questioning it?" He asked, "The way I see it, you get to keep your job and get a free meal as well."
I nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Wine."
I stood up and he did as well, "I'll walk you out."
I allowed him to beat me to the door and he opened it. "Hang on, David." He said and stopped me right at the edge of freedom.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Never call me my first name while in this building." He threatened quietly in my ear.
"Yes, Sir." I said and left.
I hurried out of that office so fast, I don't remember even noticing Lucas. All I remember is the elevator opening to my floor and realizing I was getting a new computer. I went to my desk and sat down.
Fuck. Now I have to dress nice for this jackass.
He didn't give me a time or anything so the moment I got home, I put on my nicest tux and waited. Why would he want to take me out anyway?
"Joe!" I said and looked at my dog who perked up when he heard his name, "Why do you think he's taking me out to dinner?"
He barked and I nodded, "I think he's planning on killing me too."
My doorbell rang and I groaned. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I walked to the door and opened it to see him. He looked amazing in his tux. The top shaped his muscles perfectly and made the from and back of him look flat, but buff and his pants highlighted certain areas along with making him look taller.
"Now, you can call me by my actual name, David." He said, "C'mon. I made reservations for 8."
He turned and I followed him, closing the door behind me. We got to his car and he opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him as I got in and he went around the car to the front. He started the car and drove downtown.
"Why are you taking me to dinner exactly?" I asked.
"Because I can." He simply said.
I'm going to fucking die. That's what's going to happen tonight.
We pulled up to the fanciest restaurant I've ever seen and Tyler got out. He came to my side and opened the door for me. He handed the keys to a man in a tux and said, "Treat her right."
He man nodded and I followed Tyler into the building. Why would he bring me here?
Another employee walked up to us and Tyler goes, "Table for two." He nodded and motioned for us to follow.
We got to a table surrounded by couples and Tyler pulled my seat out for me. I sat down and he pushed me in with ease and sat across from me. "Just bring us some champagne." He said and the waiter nodded and left.
He looked at me and said, "You look handsome in a tux. I should make you guys wear suits and tuxes more often."
"Thank you." I said quietly. I looked around and feel uncomfortable around all these rich couples and fancy people. This just wasn't something I'd usually do.
"Everything okay, David?" He asked, pulled my attention back to him.
His icy blue eyes stared at me once again, waiting for an answer and I simply nodded, "Y-Yeah...it's just..."
I didn't finished and looked down at my menu and pointed at it. I heard Tyler put his down and sit up straight.
"Just what?" He asked.
"I know you don't want me to ask this," I said, "but why did you bring to this fancy restaurant?"
The waiter came back and filled the bucket on the side of the table with ice and put two bottles of champagne in it. As I was watching him, I felt Tyler's eyes still looking at me. "Do you know what you'd like to order this evening?" He asked.
"Give us just a few more minutes." Tyler said, making me look back at him and he was resting his elbow on the table and his head on his hand, only looking at me. The guy walked away and Tyler's eyes wondered around me. I know it sounds weird and this is my boss, but I felt him undress me with his eyes. Then his resting face that seemed satisfied and happy, changed to lustful and daring with just a simple smirk.
"Tyler." I said, snapping him out of his fantasy.
His hand didn't move but I was able to bring his eyes back to mine. I waited for an answer and he broke eye contact.
"I don't know what it is about you David," He said as he grabbed one of the bottles, "but you make me want to breaks some rules."
He then pulled the cork out like it was nothing and made me jump. His smirk came back and he looked into my eyes once more.
"You taking me to dinner is breaking rules?" I asked.
He shrugged and poured us a bit of the champagne and said, "Dating employees is against the rules unless I mark it down."
"Date?" I questioned.
He nodded and put the bottle back, "This is technically a date and I want to take you to my house later so that will also be apart of our date."
Is he ducking serious right now? I didn't even sign up for this dinner let alone a date that later leads to me going to his house.
"What if I refuse?" I asked.
"Will you." He asked as he spun the drink in his hand.
"I mean," I started, "if it's against the rules and we get in trouble-"
"Who are we going to get in trouble by?" He asked suddenly, "Those were my dad's rule back when he used to own the business and legally, I'm not supposed to even give you a ride, but it's my company now."
I stopped and looked at him. Is he seriously saying he's throwing out rules that's always been there just for him and I. I really want to test and see how far this will go though.
"What if I don't want to date?" I asked.
Tyler grinned, knowing I wanted to test this. "You don't want to finish this date with me?"
I shrugged, "You were kind of an asshole earlier."
He let out a breathless chuckle and put his drink down, "You really like to push buttons, don't you?"
"You seem to like it, considering you were the one who took me on a date." I remarked.
His eyebrows rose and he laughed again. "Oh David," He said then the lust returned to his eyes and with a husky voice, he finished his sentence, "what do you do to me?"
I widened my eyes at the sudden emotion change and he put his hand up and motioned for something to come forth to him. The waiter appeared in seconds and Tyler stood up, "My date and I are leaving, put the champagne on my tab."
"Yes, Sir." The waiter said and guided us out of the building.
Tyler's car pulled up and the guy who took it hopped out of the passenger seat and motioned for Tyler to get in. Tyler did and the guy ran over to my side and opened my door.
I climbed in and looked at Tyler and he looked determined and dare I say, fucking hot. He started driving and I watched as he took me to the wealthiest neighborhood in town.
"You're the first and only person, that's not family, that will ever step foot into my house." Tyler said as he pulled into the driveway of a fucking mansion.
I tuned to Tyler before he left the car and he turned to be at the same time. "Tyler." I spoke, not elaborating because I was at a lost for words.
Without warning, Tyler grabbed my face and connected our lips in the harshest and most lustful first kiss I've ever shared with someone. He pulled away and hit the wheel, "Dammit David! This is unprofessional and it'd be safer and more private if I just waited till we got into the fucking house!"
I looked at him and I just started laughing. He turned to me offended and asked why. "Your mood swings are everywhere. First you tell me that the rules don't matter and now you're telling me that it's unprofessional to kiss in the car and..." I giggled a little more, "You're just cute." I ended and looked at him.
He expression didn't change but he did raise an eyebrow, "Cute? Motherfucker, I am not cute. I am sexy, passionate, hot, great in bed-"
I laughed even harder, "You're not afraid to tell me that but you're scared to kiss me in your own car because I work for you? Honestly, I think you're all bark and no bite."
"Do you want me to bite?" He asked and turned his whole body to me.
"Are you able to?" I taunted.
He unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed the front of my shirt. He smashed out lips together once again and this time, I kissed back. He started grabbing at my hands and thighs and gently guided my body over to the drivers side as his kiss softened and turned into small, continuous pecks. He pulled away and I covered my face while I blushed when he started lifting me up ever so slightly and putting me back down. He laughed as he watched how embarrassing it was for him to bounce me on his lap.
"Now do you want to go inside?" He asked, making me laugh.
"Yeah." I said and looked around to see no one.
He laughed and opened the door. He somehow manages to get both of us out of the front seat without either of our heads hitting the door which surprised me since we're both very tall males. He didn't carry me though, the moment I got out of the car, I put both feet on the ground, but stayed close to Tyler because his arm didn't move from it's position around my waist. He closed the door and we exchanged glances at each other before he lead me to his house and unlocked the front door. We walked in, he closed it, and that's when I was picked up.
He walked over to somewhere while kissing my neck and I tried not to moan. "Tyler..." I groaned and he set me on what felt like a couch.
He only chuckled against my skin and said, "Let's see how 'cute' I can be." His soft lips brushed against my skin and his warm breath left my skin cold once he left and I felt something within me that I've never felt before in my life and I wanted more.
I've have sex with other people but there was something Tyler triggered and I loved it.
He kissed me and the feeling exploded inside and I moaned. Tyler took this chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth and felt around. I felt his tongue against mine a lot and it just like heaven. Tyler started to unbutton my shirt and rub his hands against my bare skin. I moaned again and pulled back, breathing heavily, "Fuck..."
Because it was still dark in the house, all I knew what that I was on a couch and Tyler was kneeling in front of me, now kissing my jawline and neck. I bit my lip and put my head back down and once he noticed, he went straight back to my lips.
He took my tongue into his mouth and sucked on it, making me moan even more, but the thing that made me excited was when he sucked on it a bit harder and unbuttoned my pants. His body got closer and I gripped onto the sides of his face and made him kiss me a little longer so this feeing would understand that's it's welcome to stay and not surprise me every time Tyler touches me.
That's when a knock at the door rang throughout the sound of us making out and I pulled away front him.
"Someone's at the door." I informed but he just went back to kissing me.
"I'm sure its no one important." He said in between breathless kisses.
I ignored it like him till about the fourth time and I pushed him off me, "Tyler."
He groaned and whined. "Who is it?" He yelled at the door.
"It's your sister, now open up." She commanded and I chuckled quietly.
I heard Tyler roll his eyes and felt him get up. He turned on the lights and the house lit up along with my new hickies and very noticeable bulge. I covered that up with my hands and Tyler laughed at me as he got closer again. He leaned down and said, "Go to my room and get changed into my sweatpants and I'll see you in there in a little."
"B-But I don't kno-"
"You'll know once you see it." He answered.
I hurried up the stairs and down a hallway and halfway down was a set of double doors. I opened it and turned on the light to a master bedroom. I didn't looked around too much because it was uncomfortable in these clothes and I wanted to change. I opened a few drawers and eventually found his casual clothes and slipped into his huge pair of sweat pants. I wanted to look for a shirt, but my mind stared thinking about the feeling Tyler gave me.
It was something new and I didn't mind experiencing it and I wouldn't mind if it stayed forever. It did, however, make me feel like I've been missing it my whole life. Part of me thought it was a new kind of lust but just standing in his room makes me feel like it's something else that I just found in my life and I never want to let it go.
I thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Tyler stood there. He opened his mouth as if to say something but he looked at me and stopped. His eyes roamed my body and they weren't filled with lust like I expected, they were filled with something like desire and...love?
He closed the door and said, "David, come here please."
Please? I've worked for Tyler for six years and he's never said please. I blinked a few times and walked over to him. He put his hands on my arms and ran them down to my hands. He lifted them to his face and kissed them lightly.
"How do you make me feel like this?" He whispered.
"Feel like what?" I asked.
"Like I need you to live? Like I've been missing something my whole life?" He said.
I was quiet and just watched as his pupils enlarged and I said, "You make me feel like that too."
He smiled and I felt my lips do the same. He leaned down and we shared the sweetest kiss filled with passion and love. We pulled away at the same time but remained only inches apart.
"I think I love you, David." He said.
"I think I love you too, Tyler." I said and we shared another kiss, but I put my hands on either side of his head and he grabbed my waist again.
He pulled away and laughed, "I kind of want to finish what we started."
I laughed too and said, "I'm not against that idea."
Let's just say I had the best night of my life so far.
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