(All Ships) Students and the Pets
Daithi, Craig, Brian, and I wee walking to our dorm when someone came screaming down the hall. I heard a squeal and then cussing. We all looked at each other, but we didn't know what to do. Our dorm was two feet away, so I booked it. I ran, at full speed, into our dorm. They followed my lead.
Once we all got in, Daithi closed and locked the door, "What was that?"
"I don't know," I said, "but it scared the shit out of me."
"It sounded like a pig squeal." Craig said.
I looked at him confused, but Brian said, "Why would Mark be running down the hall then?"
"And who started cussing?" Daithi asked.
"I don't know! I wasn't there!" Craig yelled.
The room fell silent and we all looked at my door.
"Way to go Lui!"
"Evan, move!"
"Guys, no ones in here."
"Would you guys shut up? There could be people in the living room!"
"Check if there are."
"I can't reach the handle."
"Hang on. Let me close the window first."
Craig tapped on my shoulder and I looked at him. The four males in my room kept talking while I followed Craig behind the counter. Daithi and Brian were already there.
"Okay, now open the door."
My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. I started breathing heavily-like I was running.
"See, no one's here."
"Yeah, that's what you thought last time."
"Check behind the counter."
I stopped breathing and my stomach started to turn. I felt a bit dizzy.
"No, you check behind the counter."
"I'll do it."
I slowly turned my to the right and waited to see a male, but instead an owl came into prospective. I was going to laugh because I thought it was a joke, but the owl did something unexpected.
It screamed.
It didn't didn't yell, "Hoo!" at us . No, it screamed like a male human. We screamed as well.
Suddenly, the screams started to get muffled-like they were drowning-and the room began to spin. Then everything went black.
When I woke up, I was still in the kitchen. People were screaming and cussing. I sat up, pain shot through out my body, but it didn't stop me. I grabbed the counter for support and groaned as I lifted myself up.
When I finally stood up, I looked over the counter. My friends backs were toward me. They were yelling at something or someone.
"Guys." I said quietly. No response.
"Guys." I said a bit louder. Same thing.
"Hey!" I yelled which was a mistake. My head began pounding, but I ignored it.
They spun around and looked at me, "Johnathan." Brian said.
"What?" I asked.
"Who the fuck is Johnathan?" An unfamiliar voice said.
I tried to look around them to see who was talking, "Who said that?"
A pink little pig squeezed in between Daithi's legs and waddled to the front of the counter. It sat down and stared at me with it's blue eyes, "I did."
The pig just talked. That pig just talked to me.
I started breathing heavy and started saying nonsense. Craig ran over to me and began talking, but I wasn't listening. He grabbed my shoulders and made me stand up straight. He was still talking, but I still wasn't listening. I saw something move really fast out of the corner of my eye, so I turned my head.
The owl from before sat there and stared at me. It was small, but the light, brown feathers made it look kind of chubby. It's yellow eyes stared at me with concern.
"Craig," I said
"Yes?" He answered.
"There's an owl on the counter."
"I've noticed."
"What do we do?"
"I don't know."
"Can we just please stay here until he finds out the solution?" Someone else said.
I looked around Daithi and a fucking eagle looked at all of us. It's head and tail were white as snow, but the body was a really dark brown.
"Someone please explain why these animals can talk." I said.
"Well," The owl said, "I'm Evan. The pig is Tyler, the monkey is Lui and the eagle is Brock."
"Monkey?" I asked and looked around.
Suddenly, the owl wasn't the only one on the table. A brown little monkey sat next two him and looked at me. He had dark brown eyes and a small quiff.
I looked back at the owl, "Continue."
He sighed, "Well, our friend, Anthony, was trying to make something really cool for the science fair, so he created a liquid that could change people into animals. However, he didn't tell us he put it in the fridge because it had to be cold. Brock was being nice and poured us all a glass of, what he thought was Kool-Aid, and we drank it. We automatically passed out and when we woke up, Anthony explained that we were turned to animals."
"Okay, so he turned you into animals, but he can't change you back?" I asked.
He nodded his little bird head, "Exactly. We couldn't stay there, though. Our collage doesn't allow animals, so we had to find somewhere else to go. Tyler said we should go talk to our friend Mark, but he thought he was going crazy and ran down the hall screaming."
All of my friends looked at each other. Brian didn't know weather to believe them or not; Daithi needed more details; Craig was thinking of calling the government; I was wondering if we could keep them.
"You can stay here," Daithi said, "but only until your friend finds out how to fix this."
They cheered and Evan and Lui got on the floor. Brain said, "How is your friend going to know you're here?"
They all looked at Brock. He said, "I know his number."
Craig got up and walked to the door. He opened the door and someone with dark brown hair and brown eye stood there. He was average height and carried a black bag.
"Are you Anthony?" Craig asked.
"Yeah." The guy said.
Craig motioned for him to come in and he did so. He looked at the animals, then at us.
"Did you figure out how to change us back?" Tyler asked, full of hope.
"Almost. I just need a sample from one of you." He said and got on his knees. He put the bag down and pulled out a lot of chemicals, test tubes, and a few notes. After setting a few things up, he looked at us, "Oh sorry. I'm Anthony. You are?"
"Nice to meet you." He said, then turned back to his miniature lab, "Now, someone give me some fur, a feather, or something."
Lui, Brock, and Evan started fighting because they didn't want to pull off any fur or feathers. Tyler waddled over to them and plucked a feather from Brock. He winced in pain. I think Brian felt bad for him, so he went over to the small eagle and picked him up. Tyler waddled over to Anthony and gave him the feather.
"Thank you." He said and put it in one of the bottles with green liquid inside of it. The feather fell in and dissolved instantly, but the green liquid turned into a red liquid. "Red." Anthony muttered as he looked through his notes. Finally, he found the right paper and said, "Ha! Red: When the animal finds out what love and loss is, only then will it change back to a human."
"What?" Everyone said at the same time.
He tried Evan's feather, Lui's fur and Tyler's small pig hairs. They all had the same result; Red.
"Are you sure that's right?" Craig said, "That doesn't sound like science."
"Well, I'm not sure if it's correct either." Anthony said, "I mean, not many people turn into animals and find a solution and then post it to the internet."
"Where did you get the information then?" Daithi asked
"From every website the computer gave me. I wrote down as much information that I could and looked through all of it to see if they had any in common. Apparently, Love and lose was the most common one for red."
The animals sighed and looked at each other with a well-what-now look. Brian looked at the eagle he was holding then said, "You guys can stay with us until farther notice."
They all looked at him surprised, "Really?"
He nodded. Anthony quickly packed his things up and stood up, "I'll come by everyday to see if anything has changed."
We nodded and Anthony left. The animals looked at us and we looked at them. "Where do we sleep?" Brock asked. He was still in Brian's arms.
Brian glanced at all of us, "Should we let them choose, or do you guys have one picked out?"
We shrugged that looked at the monkey, pig, and owl. Lui jumped at Daithi, and he caught him; Evan flew my way, so I put my arm out so he land on it; Tyler waddled over to Craig and sat at his feet.
"Okay then." Brian said and looked at the clock one the wall, "Who wants lunch?"
It's been two weeks and nothing has changed. Every time Anthony comes over, the results are the same; Red. However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the animals in the dorm. We got to know then and it turns out, we all have a lot in common. Evan and I have been getting along great; Brock and Brain are always giggling about something; Tyler and Mini rarely fight, but they could be best friends; Lui and Daithi could be better.
I sat up in my bed and looked around to room to see the owl-who was sleeping on my desk. My eyes stopped on the vase they broke when they first got here. I smiled because even though it wasn't that long ago, it feels like we've known these animals for ages. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, and pushed myself off. My bare feet felt cold against the freezing wooden floor. I walked to the door and twisted the knob.
Crying went through my ears. I quickly opened the door to see if everything was okay. Lui sat in the middle of the room, but looked at my when he heard my door squeak.
"O-Oh." He said in between sobs, "Hi J-Johnathan."
"Lui," I said and closed my door, so I wouldn't wake up Evan, "what's wrong."
I walked over to him and sat on the floor next to him. He looked at his small monkey hands, "W-Well, my girlfriend and I have been dating for t-two years now, and s-she thinks I've been ignoring her. Anthony just called and told me she broke up with me."
He started crying even more. I picked him up and held him close. He kept mumbling stuff like "I thought she was the one.", "I'm such a bad boyfriend.", and "I thought she loved me."
"Lui," I said, "she was never the one."
"How can you be sure?" He said loudly, but not loud enough for everyone else to wake up.
"You know how you have to find love and loss to turn back into a human?"
He sniffled, "Y-Yeah."
"Well, did you love her?"
"I thought I did."
"If you did, then the color shouldn't have been red; It should've been a different color."
He stayed silent for a second, thinking of what I just said. "I guess you're right." He finally said.
"Hey," I said and pulled him away from me so I could look at him, "I know break ups are hard, but remember what you have, and forget the thinks you don't."
He nodded and looked at me. His big, brown monkey eyes were slightly puffy. I told him to go get some sleep, and he went back to Daithi's room. I got off the floor and looked at the clock. It was 6:46 a.m., so I decided to start making breakfast.
After making some eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, and toast, Brian and Bock came running into the kitchen.
"I smell bacon!" Braind yelled and grabbed a plate.
"I want some waffles!" Brock screamed and flew onto a chair while Brain put a plate in front of him.
I laughed at the two and gave them they're food. Soon after, Craig and Tyler can into the kitchen.
Tyler looked at the stack of pancakes and screamed, "Puncake!"
I looked at him confused, but didn't think too much of it. Craig put Tyler in a chair and put a plate full of pancakes in front of him. Craig got some toast and eggs. I heard scratching on a door, and realized it was Evan. Daithi came out of his room, so I asked him to open the door for Evan. When he did, the owl flew into the kitchen and sat in a seat. I gave him a plate full of bacon as Daithi sat down. He had a plate or waffles.
I made my plate and sat down. After eating for a while, Lui came into the kitchen, "Hey guys." He said weakly. We said our hellos and Lui got into the last chair. I got up and gave him a plate with pancakes and eggs.
After we ate, Anthony came over. He collected samples from the animals, but this time they weren't all red. Evan's and Tyler's were, but Lui's was a light green and Brock's was blue. We all started freaking out like something happened. Anthony scrambled through his notes, trying to find the right color, "Green: When the animals find out what love is, only then will it change back." Then he looked at the paper next to it, "Blue: When the animal finds out what loss is, only then it it turn back to a human."
The animals looked at each other, then looked at everyone else. Brock looked terrified, but Lui looked relieved.
I woke up to Craig screaming. I sat up and looked at the owl-who was already up. I ran to my door and quickly shoved in open. Evan followed me. The other doors opened soon after mine did. I ran to Craig's room and opened the door. Craig was screaming and pointing at some other guy on the floor. He looked at us with blue familiar eye, and a worried face. Craig through a pillow at him and kept screaming.
He looked back at Craig and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but instead he stood up. The light shined on him, and I could make out more details. He had light brown hair and was taller than Daithi. He wore a pink tank top with shorts to match. To make matters worst, he had muscles. Craig stopped screaming for a second, and just started breathing heavily.
"Tyler?" All of the animals said at the same time.
He looked at then and smiled, "Yeah?"
The ran/flew at him and tackled him to the ground. The moment he spoke, I knew it was really him. I looked at Craig-who was on the bed-and he looked like he just realized something. I looked back at the new male and he sat up. The animals around him sat next to him. Tyler looked at Craig and smiled, even though his eyes were sad.
"How about now?" He said.
Craig looked at him for a second with an I-want-to-but-I'm-not-sure-if-I-should look, but that quickly disappeared. Craig jumped at Tyler and tackled him to the ground. He yelled, "Yes!"
"What the fuck is going on?" Daithi said what everyone else was thinking.
Turns out Tyler told Craig he fell in love him and asked him out. Craig loved him too, but they both knew that dating a pig was wrong, so Tyler learned what love and loss was on the same night. The very next day, they went on their date.
A few days later, right before dinner, Brian came out of his room with tears rolling down his eyes. We ran into his room and saw Brock on the floor motionless. Anthony was over, so he was the first one to kneel down next to him. He put his ear to his mouth and suddenly looked terrified. He tried every thing he could, but Brock didn't move, wake up, or start breathing again. Anthony looked at us and shook his head sadly; Brain trembled into a ball of sadness; Tyler held Craig as they both started to tear up; Daithi rested his head on the wall and began to talk to himself; Lui and Evan were trying their best not to cry; And I just sat there, bawling my eyes out, not caring who saw.
Suddenly, the small eagle began to glow a faint yellow. The feathers began to come together and turn into a tan color. His wings became arms and his little bird legs, became actually legs. His beak retreated into a nose and mouth, and the feathers on his head turned to curl brown hair. A white tank top and brown shorts formed on his body. Soon, the human Brock laid before us. His eyes fluttered open and they roamed the room. They landed on Brian-who was sitting up, but his face was stained with tears. Brock leaped for Brian and he caught him.
I think Lui, Evan, Tyler, and Anthony wanted to join in, but they realized it wasn't that kind of hug.
Brock later explained that he fell in love with Brain, but after realizing they couldn't date because he was an eagle, Brock felt love and loss.
A week later, Daithi and Lui confessed to each other, so Lui turned back to human. He was short with dark brown eyes and black hair. When he changed back, he had a brownish-redish out fit on. Him and Daithi look like complete opposites, but they couldn't be more perfect for each other.
Over time, I've developed feelings for the small owl, but I was to scared to admit it. Everyone else knows about it too, because they pick on me about it. However, I decided to man up and tell the little fucker. His girlfriend broke up with him not long after Lui's did, so why not. I choose the wrong time, however. Before he got comfortable on the desk, I told him, but when I was in the middle of explaining it to him, he fell a sleep. I cried myself to sleep after that.
The next day, I woke up to Anthony, Tyler, Lui, and Brock cheering in the other room. I satup and looked around for the owl. When I couldn't find him, I thought someone let him out while I was asleep. I walked into the other room and my roommates were standing at the side, smiling, and four people stood in the middle.
I looked at Brian, "Where's Evan?"
Suddenly everyone looked at me and the four in the middle stopped what they were doing. I looked more closely at the men in the middle of the room. There were five; Not four. There was Anthony, Lui, Brock, Tyler, and some random guy. Don't get me wrong, he was fucking sexy, but I've never seen him before. He had caramel eyes and jet black hair. He wore a light brown tank top-witch showed off his muscles-and brown shorts.
Everyone but him smiled at one another like they knew something I didn't.
The guy walked up to me and said, "Hi Johnathan."
I didn't know what to do, but my body did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he did the same around my waist. I kissed his cheek and dug my face into he neck.
"Hi Evan."
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