(All Ships) Daddy Daughter Dance
It is about all ships, but the reason the picture is Evan x Tyler is because that's who it's based around.
I moved here like a year ago, and it hasn't been going well. I don't get bullied or anything, I just don't understand half of the stuff they teach us in school; My dyslexia makes it difficult.
I can't complain too much though, I did meet a friend on accident. I was walking to class, and was really close to the lockers. I was talking to myself; Trying to remember all the homework I had, and without warning, one of the purple lockers opened by itself and smacked me right in the face. After I winced in pain and cussed a little, a girl around my age jumped out of the locker. She was my height, but somehow she looked younger. She had deep blue eyes and dark chocolate brown, curly hair.
Her eyes widened when she saw me. She said in an Irish accent, "Oh my-I am so sorry!"
After rubbing my head for a while and deciding not to punch her in the face, I asked her, "Why are you even in the locker?"
She looked embarrassed, "I-I don't want to got to P.E."
I looked at her confused, "Why?"
She sighed, "I'm just not as athletic as the rest of my family, and it's just difficult to do anything without...you know, support." She looked away, but quickly looked back at me, "This is the first time I've ever tried and/or wanted to skip class, so please don't rant me out."
"Well, what hour do you have it?" I asked.
"This hour." She said, "That's why I was in my locker."
The bell was going to ring any minute and I knew we had the same hour. I sighed, "Come on."
"I've got the same hour, and the bell's about to ring." I said walking past her, but I turned around when I pasted her, "I'm no personal cheerleader, but I have no problem supporting you."
I turned back around and soon heard feet hitting the floor behind me, "Would you really support me?"
"Of course." I said, then the bell rang, "Let's start now."
"Try and keep up!" I yelled and started running.
When I got to the gym, she was right behind me, breathing heavily.
She looked at me, "W-Why'd you make me do that?"
"I didn't make you do anything," I said, "I just supported you to do something."
She stood up straight, "I don't even know your name, and you're already making me run."
I put my hand out, "Sophie."
She took my hand, "Colleen."
Ever since then, Colleen and I've been best friends.
We were in 8th hour, waiting for the final bell to ring, and Mrs. Bluegrass started to hand out papers to only the girls. We gave a confused look to each other once we got one.
I looked at the cheaply made, hot pink paper in my hands:
I looked at Colleen, "There's a 'Daddy Daughter Dance' in high school?"
"I'm just as surprised as you are." She said a bit worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
She looked at me confused, "Nothing, why?"
"Oh come on!" I said loudly. Some people looked, but I didn't care. "What's wrong?"
The bell rang and everyone was out in seconds, even Mrs. Bluegrass. Colleen was about to leave, but I grabbed her arm.
"Sophie," She whined, "I don't want to talk about it."
"What's wrong?" I said. She looked away from me, "It's not like I'm going to judge you?"
She sighed and looked me in the eyes, "You'll see." Then she pushed passed me, out the door.
"Evan!" My dad yelled.
Then I heard my other dad laugh at him.
Yeah, I've got two dads. According to them and my grandmas and grandpas, I look like my dad, Evan, but I act like my other dad, Tyler. I love both of them to death, and I would never change anything about them.
I walk through the door to see one of my dads covered in flour and the other one laughing his butt off about it. I shut the door, loudly, and they looked at me.
"What are you two doing?" I asked.
"We tried to make cookies." Dad said as he walked over to me.
He put his hands on either side of my face. I looked into his caramel brown eyes and saw his child-like love, his carefree attitude, and his infamous sparkle. His jet black hair was messy; It looked like he just got up. He smiled, showing his perfectly straight, white teeth. He kissed me on the forehead.
"How was school?" He asked
"Pretty good," I said, "but I got this paper for a dance."
I took the paper out of my pocket and handed it to him. He looked at it for a second, then said, "Let me check the calendar."
As he walked away, Dad walked out of the bathroom, wiping off his face. He walked over to me and hugged me. He pulled away and I looked into his baby blue eyes. His careless but lovable attitude shined back at me. His light brown, curly hair was quite messy too.
He looked at me a bit concerned, "Something wrong?"
I sighed. I knew I couldn't lie to him, "Yeah, but there's nothing I can do about it."
"Well, what's the problem?"
"There's a Dad-"
"Okay," Dad said as he walked to us, "we're free the 16th."
"What's the 16th?" Dad asked.
He handed him the paper, "A Daddy Daughter Dance."
Dad looked at me kind of hurt, "Is that the problem?"
"Problem? What problem?" Dad asked
"Sophie has a problem and I think it's about the dance."
"Sophie, is that the problem?"
"Are we the problem?"
"No!" I yelled, "Neither of you are the problem!"
"Then what's wrong?" They said at the same time.
"My friend has a problem, but she won't tell me what's wrong."
They both made an 'oh' face. Then turned to each other. They started whispering, then Dad walked away.
Dad walked to me and I met his brown eyes again. They were full of doubt. "Do you want both of us to go?" He asked, ready for rejection.
I made an are-you-stupid face and said, "Of course I want both of you to go! You both are my dads!"
He smiled and he looked like he was about to cry. He hugged me really close. Then another pair of arms wrapped around us. They both kissed me on the head, then kissed each other.
"Guess what."
"The school told us about it a week early," Dad said and we all separated from the hug. I looked to into his blue eyes, they were full of happiness "so we bought you this in advanced."
He pulled out the most beautiful dress from behind his back. It was a gorgeous purple. It looked like it would go down to my knees, or maybe a little bit above in the front, and the back looked like it would go to my ankles. It only had one strap on the left side, and a small, silver belt half way down the dress.
I stayed quite for the longest time, just staring at the dress. My dads exchanged looks then looked back at me.
"D-Do you like it?" One of them asked.
"Like it?" I said, "I love it!"
I ran at him and hugged him. He hugged back and my other dad joined us
"I love you two."
"We love you too."
I walked down the stairs and saw my dads with their phones. We took a few pictures and I looked at their outfits. My tall dad was wearing a blue vest and my short dad was wearing a red one.
They wanted to wear their favorite colors and combine them so I could wear that color. Basically they wanted to show people that they made me.
We took a few more pictures then went to the car. We just talked about random stuff the whole drive. When we got there, I saw Colleen talking to some girl and four men were behind them.
"Is that..."
"It is."
Dad turned the wheel quickly and we came to a screeching stop in front of Colleen and the girl. The guys behind her looked at my dads.
They quickly got out of the car and the guys all said, "Evan! Tyler!"
I got out of the car and walked to Colleen and the other girl. Colleen was wearing a neon green dress, that was a little above her knees, and it had an ocean blue bow around the waist. The other girl was wearing a white dress with a pale blue belt right under her boobs. She had straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes.
"So what's up?"
"You have two dads too?" She yelled.
"Yeah." I said in a 'duh' tone.
She walked closer to me, "That's what I was so tense about. I didn't know how my friends would react if they saw that I had two dads."
I smiled, "You shouldn't be scared; You know I don't judge."
She smiled too and we walked back the other girl. Colleen said, "Oh Sophie, this is Allison. Allison, this is Sophie."
We said hello and talked for a little, but we walked over to our dads and waited for them to introduce us.
Someone did, "Oh Colleen," He said, "this is Evan and Tyler."
He had short, curly, dark brown hair-just like Colleen's-and his eyes were green. He had an American accent though, so I don't know where she got her Irish accent from.
She said hi to my dads and I looked at them. Dad quickly said, "Sophie this is Brock, Brain..." They said hi and the one with the light brown hair and dark blue eyes had the Irish accent. "And this is Scotty and Anthony." They said hi. Scotty had light brown hair that looked blonde in certain lighting. Allison looked a lot like Anthony, but he had curly hair.
We all sat and talked for a little bit, then we decided to go inside. The place looked great, except everything was pink. Colleen, Allison, and I danced for a little and got to know each other better. There was a few slow songs, so I learned how to dance with two people at once.
After the third one was over, my dads introduced me to Craig and Marcel, Daithi and Lui, and Luke. Craig had green eyes and brown hair. Marcel had dark brown eyes and curly black hair, plus his skin was a nice light brown-I'm kind of jealous. Daithi was Irish and very tall-taller than my dad- and had dark brown hair and eyes to match. Lui was very short and had black eyes and dark brown hair. Luke had dark brown hair and a redish-brownish beard. He had a husband, but he had to work. I'm glad they're introducing me to their friends, but I kind of wanted to meet their daughters.
Colleen, Allison, and me started dancing again, but then our principle began to speak into a microphone, "Fathers and Daughters, I give you, Mary Thompson, Emma Nogla, and Hazel Patterson."
We looked at the stage and the three hottest girls I have ever seen walked up there. One had light brown skin, dark brown eyes, and black curly hair. Another one had dark brown hair and black eyes. The last one had brown hair and bright blue eyes. They were all around the same height-taller than Colleen, Allison, and me-and they were mighty fine.
I think Colleen and Allison thought they were cute too, because all three of us looked at each other, then back at them. The moment we looked back at them, they were looking at us.
"I'm Mary." The one with the light brown skin said.
"I'm Emma." The one with the dark brown hair said. She had an Irish accent.
"I'm Hazel." The one with the bright blue eyes said.
The whole time-I kid you not-they were looking straight at us. Then Mary winked at us. Being the idiots that we are, Colleen looked away, blushing like a mad man; Allison started to freak out; And I sat there, still looking at them, trying not to smile and blush.
They smiled at us and music started playing.
I looked at the group of dads in the corner and-thankfully-they were watching the girls and not us. I may be an idiot because I just realized it, but Mary looks like Marcel but had Craig's features; Emma has an Irish accent, and looks like Lui and Daithi; And Hazel looks like Luke, just different eyes.
I looked back at them and they began to sing Thousand Years by Christina Perri. It was a slow song, but because someone was singing to, we just sat and listened. Some people took out their phones, put the flashlight on, and moved it from left and right. It sounded like heaven on earth. I just wanted to rewind and listen to every single part again. My heart speed up every time Hazel sang.
Two hands rested on my shoulders, so I turned around to see both of my dads smiling at me and their arm around each other. I smiled at them, then looked back at the girls. It could,be been the lighting, but I think their eyes lit up.
Once they were done, of course everyone clapped, but they walked to us. Craig, Marcel, Daithi, Lui, and Luke walked passed us and hugged the girls. I looked at my dads and smiled, but I'm pretty sure they didn't know what I was smiling about.
I looked at my friends, and they were smiling about the same thing too. We turned to our dads friends. They walked over to us and the girls followed. Mary was in between Craig and Marcel; Emma was in between Daithi and Lui; And Hazel was on Luke's left.
When they got closer, I couldn't help but stare at Hazel. She was just so gorgeous. Those blue eyes were like crystals. Her hair was put up so perfectly, but her dress made every part of her stand out; All of her beauty. It was a strapless dress, long in the back, short in the front. It was black only over the breasts, and the rest was a cool pattern that went perfectly with her eyes.
When they got to us, our dads walked off and we all just made a circle and started talking. Hazel had the cutest laugh. Emma was kind of a perv, but she was still pretty funny. Mary is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met.
We all exchanged numbers because it was almost 11:00; The dance was almost over. Colleen, Allison, Mary, and Emma said their goodbyes and left. Hazel and I just talked one on one with each other and it was amazing.
Our dads walked over to us and smiled like idiots.
"What?" I said
They giggled a bit.
"What?" I laughed.
"It's time to go." Dad said, still smiling like an idiot.
I nodded and said goodbye to Hazel, then left with my dads arms around me. We got into the car and they started picking on me about how I like Hazel. I just rolled my eyes and blushed.
But I just couldn't get those blue eyes out my head.
If I write a new story that IS NOT x reader, who'd read it? Be honest because if not, then it'll have to be x reader OR I'll put up "additions" (I guess you could call it) and put certain people into a book.
You decide:
1.) X Reader (for everyone)
2.) No Reader (just a regular fanfic)
3.) Additions (everyone gets a shot)
Books a secret; tell me your votes and THEN I'll tell you
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