They Were Wrong
hay so i got the first chapter for you guys. and just like my Voltron book I'm first writing this on my computer on a program like word. so this is the first chapter. hope you enjoy my dudes!
Theyare wrong
Thereis always some thing that makes people think they are better in everyway possible. They always want power, its a never ending want. Theysay they want power, money, fame, and riches. They are greedy andwill only take and never give. People are cold and mean to peoplelike me with no desire to have anything. They took what was minewithout a thought to it. What I want is something that only I canhave. I don't want power or money all of that is useless. What I wantis the trill of being on the battle field, the smell of blood on mysword. Revenge for my family. The family that was killed right infront of me. Those people murder them, and I can't get the scream ofmy sister out of my head. I was the only one to survived that day....The day that I find the people that murdered my family, will be thatday they die. I turned into this monster after that day, and it hasonly gotten worse over the year. Today a year ago they died, drowningin there own pool of blood on the floor. Why was I the only one thatwasn't killed that day. Every one stays away from me just because Iam one the strongest blood thirsty killers out there. I well fightuntil I fine the people no matter what I well do no matter what. Iwill fight with the army, train with them. What ever it takes. SinceI train with the top people of the army there has not been one thathas beaten me in over two months. After training for so long today isthe day I will find those people and kill them. I want them died. Iwant them to suffer. No matter the cost....
"Okaymen! Today is the day for war I want to see blood from the enemy notfrom us. Do your best out there!" Commanded the general.
"YESSIR!" Every Samurai said in the room yelled in response.
Todayis dated as 1542 the 1st of July. War is upon us. I can almost smellthe blood already. I look down at my shoes, anger fills my mind.Blood lust, the wanting of my family, of a normal life. That must beto much to ask in life, I wounder what would have happened if theywere still alive. Would I even be here right now? That's one thingthat will never be answered. I miss them. I miss my sister the most.I loved me sister so much, my mother and father as well. Every time Iclose my eye I see the blood and fear in their eyes, something I hadnever seen in them before. The happiness taken away from my sisterthe moment we were captured. I was so scared I couldn't do anythingto help them escape. They all died a horrible death. All that wasthere was pain and fear. It was all their fault, those men, and thatone woman in charge...
"Solider what are you doing standing there for?" Yelled thegeneral. "We are moving out!"
"Sorrysir!" I said. I head out to the battle field to fight the enemy.The right ahead of our fleet. Then I am sent to destroy.
Myname is Yuu Renoma, and I will fight to the death this vary day if Ihave to. And I will find those people and kill them for the honor ofmy family. I will get my revenge...
Ialready smell blood before I get out of the small hidden base outsideof our might town. The war has begun. Every samurai is fighting. Wehave won meany battles before this one and I am determent to win thistime as well. Right now most of us are not wearing armor, we are justwearing our kimonos. It makes us move fast. But the enemy is the sameway, they think they can move fast as well. Non of the other army'shave ever done the same as we. And most of them are not as small asus either. These people are different then the others. They had moremuscles on them selves then we did. But they still could move fast.It made it as little hard but we were fast to strike them before theystroked us. The battle went on for hour and hour, by the time it wasover we had been defeated. Most of my comrades were dead, but I wasstill fight. I was one of the fastest people in the army and thestrongest at that. But then a large group of people found me andsurrounded me, all of them pointing spears at me. I then jump up onto one of them and kick that person in the face. I made a run for it.
Okay I'll see you guys later. hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
Until Next Time My Dudes!!! Anime Anything Out!! BYE BYE!!
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