Lets go!
here's a new chapter for you guys. hope you like it.
From last chapter
Back in Yuu'scountry
"Okay this isbad that the enemy won and it seems that they have taking one of ourbest men back with them. As for the rest our army, they have beenkilled 'You highness'. What shall you have us do now?" Asked thegeneral.
For this chapter
"Please yourhighness, I really do need to get that one soldier back. He goes bythe name Yuu Renoma." The general said to the king.
"Did you sayRenoma?" The general nodded. The king stood up with amazement. "Ithought that he and his family were dead after what happened at theestate. How did he survive that? And why only him, was he not seen orwas he not there?" The king asked with a puzzled look on his face."General. Do you know where he was at the time. Plus how did hebecome one of the best fighters when he is only 13 years of age ifI'm correct?"
"Yes my lord, heis only 13 but he is my best. And he was forced to watch thekilling of his family. When I found him there he had a huge cute onhis chest. It has healed but there is still a scare. I tried to takehim in as my own but as soon as he was healed he asked me to trainhim to be the best. After he was almost able to defeat me he left andhe started to live on is own without anyone. He made a living off ofworking as a soldier. And just to clarify this all took place in oneyear. It was amazing to see him one the battle field with so littleexperience. But it was also scary to think there are people that areout there that can do that. He is driven by anger and determination.But that is about all I could get from him. Only anger and revenge isleft of the poor boy." The general explained to the king.
"I see." theking said as he look out the window. It was like he was looking for aplace that was far off in the distance. Somewhere he wanted to go butcould not. His light yellow eye were like rays of sun that couldshine down on the kingdom that was surrounded by walls. The wallswere surrounded by trees. Beyond that there was a huge clearing. Thatis where the battle had taken place. And in that area was the stenchof blood and the sight of body's on the ground. Further beyond thatwas the kingdom of Fairon. The place were Yuu was being held.
Back to Yuu
"We need you tojoin our us. You are one of the most powerful on our enemy's side.That said we want to make you one of our top generals. You will havepower, money, and you will be honored though out the nation. We willgrant you your greatest wish." Nora said in a tone that made hersound like she was the one will all the power in the world. Yuu justlooks at her with a frown. "Well what do you say?" She asked inan attempt to understand why he was not smiling.
"Gosh..." Yuulooks down with disappointment. "I really hate this world. All youpeople thing of is money power and all of that junk. I don't needthat. I don't want that." I said. "why cant you just enjoy thethings you do have in life. Like having a family and a nice warm bedto seep in at night. Those are things that you should want to have inthis life. Some people don't have that and that's the only thing thatkeeps them going though the day. The thought of wanting a family tocome back home to after a days of hard work." I said. The girllooks at me with confusion. "have you ever lost some one that youloved?"
"No, I don'tbelieve I have. Why?"
"I have. I havelost my whole family due to the hearts of the greedy... do you knowhow old I am?" the girl was still not sure of what he was saying beanswered him.
"I would sayyour around 18."
"No. I'm only14." I had an annoyed look on my face as she widened her eyes.
"Your only 14!but how can that be? The way you fight and move is of that of aperson with years of practice."
"No, it has onlytaken me a year to become like this. After losing my family a yearfrom this vary day. I have trained to find the people that killed myfamily. And I will not stop. If you try and stop me with thiscontract, to keep me in your army then you are not getting what youwant. After the fight that your kingdom and my kingdom had I wasgoing to go and find those people and take them down but now I'mstuck here with an annoying little want to be." Yuu looked at thegirl in annoyance. She had a strange look on her face.
"Your family waskilled when you were only 13?" she had a sad frown on her facewhile hearing him say this. It wasn't like she hadn't heard ofpeoples family being kill at a young age but the way he frighted andthe darkness in his eyes were frightening to see. The dullness andpain was so deep that all she could think was the word revenge. Thisdark deep purplish blue eyes had anger. His short dark-ish blue hairwas covering some of his eyes. Sitting on the floor with his lightrobe colored white.
"Yes my familywas killed when I was 13. But its not like you care." Yuu lookedaway from the girl. "Why was I the only one to live?... why am Istill alive? Just kill me now..." He said in a soft voice.
"I'm not going tokill you. I just want you the sign the paper and help us." the girlset the paper down in front of Yuu with a pen and ink. "please justsign it and then ill help you find the people you are after. Once wedo you have to join our army and help us win the war." she said.
"Fine but if youfall to help he or something bad happens the agreement is over."Yuu toke the pen and dipped it into the ink. He signed the paper andthen gave it to Nora. "There now lets go and find those people."Yuu got up and started to walk to the door.
Okay that's it see you next time. Until Next Time My Dudes!!! Anime Anything Out!!! BYE BYE
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