Battle Spirits - Burning Soul VS Ultimate Zero Part 1
A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new story not about Yu-Gi-Oh, but about one of the card games that I hold close to my heart; Battle Spirit!
Now many of you might be wondering, where is this coming from? Why did I decided to write this instead of continuing on with the next chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience?
About the next chapter of Duelist Experience, don't worry I'm working on it as we speak. But I am writing this story as a side project and as to dip my feet on writing a different card game other than Yugioh.
And well, I do have a reason actually why I decided to write this beside just practice. With the news about the Battle Spirits Saga, an official Battle Spirits english adaptation from Bandai, I was so hyped about it that I decided to get back at Battle Spirits after a long time now.
While I doubt that I will try getting the actual card because of where I live will make that difficult, I am still going to see where BSS will go when it is finally released. Until then I have decided to delve back to the Battle Spirits anime.
And let me just say this, out of all of the card game type anime I have ever watched (Yugioh, Vanguard, and Buddyfight to say the least). Battle Spirit has the most, if not the best, battle animation between the monster that was summoned I have ever seen, especially where all of the Spirits use 3D model that is actually really good.
If you all are interested than I highly recommended, you watched the Battle Spirit anime. While I would recommend you watch the very first one called 'Shounen Toppa Bashin' to get an idea on how the game is played. I would better recommend you watch the next series called 'Shounen Gekiha Dan' and Its sequel 'Brave' if you are looking for something that is rather modern and better story. But none of those three will be the series I will be using for this story.
No, the series I'm going to use are the 'Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero' and the 'Burning Soul'. 'Burning Soul' would be a good recommendation also if you wanted to start from the bottom and is relatively more interesting than the 'Shounen Toppa Bashin'.
Now I just have to say that the gameplay in this story will not be friendly for those who had never played the game before. For that I highly recommended you try to at least watch the 'Burning Soul' series if you want.
That being said this story will just be a two-part story, hence the title. The actual battle will be in the next part since this chapter is already long enough for admittedly what should be just a one-shot story. I'm really just trying this story out to see if it goes well and if my reader is interested then I will decide to continue it.
Speaking of which, one of the reason I want to write this story is because there isn't really much Battle Spirits fanfiction, at least not a fully commited one anyway. Can't really fault them though since the game could be quite....complex. Plus the game isn't really popular outside of Japan so there is that.
Hopefully this story will at least made some of you interested into the game. If not for playing then to at least to get the game on radar with the new released of Battle Spirit Saga.
But that's enough from me. Without further ado, let's get on with the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Battle Spirits, they belong to Bandai and Sunrise Inc, and Carddass.
Battle Spirits
In multiple different eras, this simple card game has reached a new state of battle and height of evolution.
Various card battlers battle against each other for different reasons.
To prove they are the strongest, to clash their Spirits in the heat of battle, to defend what is right, to discover something brand new, to find something valuable, and even to rule the Battle Spirits world.
For these reasons, countless Battlers were born with the drive stronger than the others. Yet there were those whose passion was greater than any ordinary Battlers.
Their love for Battle Spirits led to them achieving what is considered impossible. They fought hardship from time to time again, struggling with stronger and stronger opponents, and managed to come out on top countless of times. All of them had achieved the peak of their long journey and were finally at peace, yet their drive to become stronger and to battle never went away.
Two of these individuals had achieved both of their respective goals. They have made friends along the way and battled many opponents, but they have reached the end of their journey.
One of them has finally found the ultimate treasure and retrieves what it is that he had lost during his past. To be number one was his goal and he had truly become the number one card battler in his era.
And the other was finally able to rule the Battle Spirits world and bring a new age to his era. Putting an end to a long time of warring states, he became the goal of every other card battler that strives to become stronger.
Both of them are the strongest card battlers of their own era and continue to become stronger. Even then, there is only one question still remaining that made many wonder.
What would happen if they were to battle each other?
"Space, in this vast and endless field yields many unknown secrets. Yet there is one thing that is for certain, and that is the law of Galactic Battle Spirit rule is absolute.
Everything is settled by Battle Spirit; if a card battler targets your deck then you are obliged to battle them. Which is why many Card Questers travel through the vast cosmos to gather strong cards in the form of crystal for their deck. Anyone could search for them and obtain them, and if conflict should arise then a battle will settle it.
Recently, this vast space has been invaded by invaders from another dimension that threaten the whole galaxy itself. But this threat had been stopped by a certain group of Card Quester, with one young man in particular being the one to end it all. Yes, for this young man is no ordinary card battler, but the number one card battler in space."
In the vast field of green colored space of the Second Class, various space ships can be seen flying around trying to get to their destination or making their way to land on the many stars and planets that are in this colony, some of them are more weirdly shaped then the others.
Among those spaceships one of them stands out the most. This particular spaceship was shaped like a stretch out star colored mostly in gold and silver. On top of the ship was the hangar which had two mechanical arms with fingerless hands below it and a red metal tail with the number 1 painted on it in white on the back. This is the Number One Starship, and inside this ship lies the owner of said ship and his crew.
Said owner was a young man who was leaning back on his chair while having both of his legs crossed over each other and rested on top of the cockpit, it looks like he is resting if his relaxed posture was to be believed. The ship continues to fly however as he had set it into autopilot for the time being.
This young man has spiky, taupe-black hair, and brown eyes. He wears a red shirt with a blue and white jacket, white pants with yellow stripes, and brown shoes. He has an orange band tied in his hair, and one on his leg. He wears red and yellow fingerless gloves with red jewels on them. He has a similar jewel over his chest. He also has bandages on his arms. He has four deck cases, colored red, white, green and black.
This is Rei, or more specifically "Rei the Number One Star" as he is so often called by others and himself. He is a Card Quester like many others as well as a special kind of card battler, an Ultimate-User. He has an Ultimate for each of his six different colored decks as well as one of the Tri-Dragon Deities. His accomplishments varied from fighting many strong card battlers, stopping the invader from another dimension, but one particular achievement stood out the most and that is that he had obtained the greatest treasure many Card Questers had longed to achieve, the Ultimate Battle Spirits.
And said young man...was bored out of his mind.
"Ahhh! There's nothing to do." Rei cried out as he leaned back even more in his chair while having both of his hands behind his head. It's been about a month since his last adventure and things have been rather dull recently. Sure the rumor of the Ultimate Battle Spirits Neo kicks his interest like many others, but right now he was on a 'break' as Laila puts it so that means no adventuring for a while.
"You sure seem frustrated."
Rei turned his head towards the direction of the voice and found it had belonged to his partner Mugen, who was floating beside him while in a laying down position. Mugen is a small red dragon wearing a white scarf. He has white on his stomach, the back of his tail, and the tips of his hands and head. Those who had seen Mugen at first wouldn't believe that he is actually a card that Rei uses in his deck.
"Hey, Mugen. Why are we taking a break in the first place?" Rei asked his partner as he couldn't remember why he agreed with Laila on taking a break for a while.
"You really are an idiot, you know." Mugen told him as he straightened up while placing both of his small...hands? paws? Let's just say hands for now, on his hip as the small dragon narrowed his eyes at him. "It's because you've been battling non-stop for the last few days now and both Laila and Rikuto are getting worried for you. At this point your body's going to break down sooner or later."
Rei let out a sigh as he really couldn't argue with that logic. "Even so..." He said as she moved his hand towards one of his deck cases and opened up the red one before grabbing a card from among them and holding it up. "I just really wanted to see this guy come up for once."
Mugen floated over to Rei's side before flopping himself down to his left shoulder to look at the card. "Isn't that the Ultimate you find on that sengoku-styled planet a few days before?"
"Yeah, that's right." Rei confirmed the little dragon words as he narrowed his eyes at it. "And ever since then I haven't been able to draw him out whenever I battle. This guy is more stubborn than Ultimate-Siegfrieden." He said as he could remember when one of his other Ultimate did the same thing of not appearing when he battled.
"Ehh...." Was the sound Mugen let out after hearing that while his long ear flopped up and down. It was true, whenever Rei battled he never did manage to draw out that Ultimate when he wanted to. Although he managed to win nonetheless, Mugen could see that his partner was frustrated.
It was then that Mugen remembered something about this Ultimate when they had found him. "Now that you said it, didn't he say that he is still searching for his real master and you're just acting as a temporary one?"
Rei sighed as he remembered that now that Mugen had reminded him. This Ultimate is behaving just like Ultimate-Alexander in that while he recognizes him as its owner, both of them are searching for their real master. However, unlike Ultimate-Alexander who already knows who his true master is, this Ultimate has yet to find that person. Until then, he agreed to tag along with Rei until he found that person since he considered him strong.
"Honestly, I don't mind you tagging along but the least you can do is let me see what you are capable off." Rei muttered to the Ultimate he held in his hand, at least Ultimate-Alexander let him use him for a number of times before he gave him back to Kiriga.
"Well we could think about that later. Now come on, Salt should be done baking his pizza right about now!"
"About time! I'm really hungry!"
The two immediately made their way towards the back as the sliding door opened up and they entered the kitchen/dining room. They were greeted by the sight of the other three crew of the Number One Starship.
The first one was a young girl who has shoulder-length pink hair tied in blue ribbons, and brown eyes. She wears a blue shirt under a white and orange jacket, also decorated with blue ribbons. She wears a short white skirt. Tied to one of her legs is a pink ribbon. She wears her yellow deck case on the other leg. Said girl was tapping the table with her finger as she was waiting for something.
The other was a young boy who is even younger then Rei or the girl. He has short brown hair, with an ahoge, and brown eyes. He has a bandage on his face. He wears a green, white and yellow jacket over a dark blue shirt and pink shorts. He has a green deck case strapped to his arm. The boy was kicking his feet back and forth and the chair was a bit too tall for his small structure.
This is Laila and Rikuto April, older and younger siblings respectively of each other and is the grandchild of David April, a former Card Quester and adventurer who traveled around space. The two siblings have been friends with Rei ever since he had met them on their home planet, Earth, when they sent an S.O.S signal to anyone who answered them. The two start adventuring with Rei ever since and the three become close friends with Rikuto even admiring Rei.
The last crew of the ship is different then the other, because the last crew was a robot. This robot in particular has a bulky body with yellow and black main color, although he does possess a human-like eye instead of a robotic one. He seems to be wearing an apron that was attached around his waist and his head was also bandaged. This is Salt, the Number One Starship personal chef, although he can only make pizza.
Salt was busy humming a tune as he took out a freshly baked pizza from the oven and put it on the table, much to the joy of the two occupants of said table.
"It's done, It's done! Please everyone, enjoy Salt's piping hot and messy dish!" Salt cheerfully said as he presented to them a piping hot pepperoni pizza with gooey cheese on top, steam was coming out of said freshly baked pizza as the aroma of the dish made everyone's mouth water. Salt then took out a pizza cutter before swiftly cutting the pizza into eight equal pieces.
"It looks delicious!" Rikuto cried out as he took a piece of the pizza and bit into it, he then stretched the melted cheese before chewing them while smiling happily. His sister always told him to not play with his food but the stretchy cheese is the best part of eating a pizza.
"Pepperoni pizza? This is a pretty simple pizza, usually you make something more unique, Salt." Laila told the pizza-making robot as she also took a bite out of said pizza. Really, the amount of creative pizza Salt can make is astonishing, she remembers quite well that among them being the sashimi pizza - a failed attempt from her to make Salt cook something other than pizza - and the frozen pizza - literally a pizza incase in ice that is somehow edible.
"Simple is the best, after all. It's basic, it's classic, and simply fantastic!" Salt replied cheerfully with a wave form both of his bulky hands and having his eyes closed, if he had a mouth he'll probably smile widely as well.
"Ohh! As expected of you Salt!" Rei cried out, catching the attention of the three as he ran up to them and took a seat while Mugen floated beside him. "Trully, this is the number one most classic pizza!" He said as he picked up a slice before chomping down.
"Rei! Don't just shout out of nowhere like that!" Laila shouted at the older boy who was their guardian while glaring at him.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just really hungry." Rei told her while still chewing on his pizza which made his voice a bit muffled. Mugen sat down on top of the table and grabbed a slice for himself with both of his hands and took a bite as well.
"So, Rei. What are we going to do today?" Rikuto asked the older boy while still happily munching on his slice of pizza.
"I don't know. It's been a while since I had a break day, the last was when we took that resort trip to Planet Greensmoothie.'' Rei said as he remembered quite well of that day, it was after all the day he obtained one of his Ultimate cards. Though he could do without all the interruption on that day, at least he gets to see both Kiriga and Eris battle and their Ultimate as well.
"Laila rule no. 24: A break for a few days is always good for everyone." Laila told him one of her many personal rules, not that anyone present would ever remember every single one of them since she seems to have so many of them. "Honestly, you could take a break from battling every other Card Quester left and right." She said while letting out a sigh.
"Are you trying to summon that Ultimate you get?" Rikuto asked as he remembered that Rei wanted so badly to summon his newest Ultimate but he never seemed to draw it.
"Salt thinks this Ultimate is tighter then a jar of pickle." Salt said at how Rei's recent Ultimate is hard to bring out since it doesn't look like it doesn't want to be drawn.
Rei grunted at hearing that as he popped open a bottle of hot sauce before pouring the content to his slice of pizza. "Well whatever, he'll come around one day. Until then, I'll just continue to battle until he shows up." He said as he took a bite out of his pizza before chugging down a glass of cola with tons of ice on it, like literally the ice is piling out of the glass like a small mountain.
"I'm sure he'll come around soon." Mugen told his partner as he munched on his slice of pizza. The pizza really being roughly the same size as him makes it a strange if rather comical sight. "Still there's not much we could do. It's not like something interesting will just happened out of nowhere."
The moment Mugen had said that, the entire ship began to shake violently as the entire light turned red and alarm noise blaring loudly. The group were first stunned for a brief second before they all started panicking.
"OH NO!"
Rei, being the only one that is rather calm, immediately runs up to the hanger before he hopped into the cockpit and grabbed hold of the steering to steady the shaking spaceship. He took a look out of the window and saw that the green space around them is crackling with thunder for some reason. The others all run up behind him and ask him what's happening to which he answers by pushing a few buttons as a holographic screen pops out.
"This is weird. A sudden surge of energy is gathering in front of us." Rei said confusedly as his screen was showing that something was forming in the direction their ship was heading to. His eyes widen when the energy spike grows rapidly on the screen. "Something is coming! Everyone brace yourselves!"
Everyone heard him as all of them took a position with Laila and Rikuto cowering under Salt who had his bulky robot arm around them to protect them while Mugen was by Rei's side as they both watched what was about to happen.
The crackling thunder continues before a colorful energy begins flowing from out of nowhere as the energy starts gathering into a single spot, once the energy has accumulated a bright light engulfed the group vision. Once the bright light started to die out and the ship stopped shaking, the group managed to get their vision back as they were greeted by a sight that shocked them.
The gathered energy had begun swirling into a big portal, the shape of it was familiar to them as they could figure out what just happened.
"No way! Isn't that a Warp Gate?!" Rikuto cried out in shock at seeing the familiar sight of a Warp Gate opening out of nowhere.
"Hold on, is a Warp Gate supposed to open up just like that?!" Laila cried out also as she was confused if this was something that had ever happened before. She and Rikuto had stayed on their home planet for the majority of their life, although they had heard stories from their grandpa they still knew far less about space than the other Card Questers.
"No, a gate shouldn't be able to open out of nowhere like that." Salt said as he stared at the swirling portal that is similar to that of the gate in the Warp Station.
"But no matter how you look at it, that is definitely the same kind of gate that's in the Warp Station." Mugen said as turned to look at his partner to ask what his opinion on this, before stopping himself when he saw that Rei was looking at his deck. "What's wrong, Rei?"
Rei didn't answer as he kept looking at his deck while narrowing his eyes, he then grabbed a certain card from the deck, which was revealed to be the Ultimate he had been thinking about all this time. As soon as he did, the card began to glow in brilliant bright red color which shocked everyone else before said card let out a beam of red light which pointed towards the swirling portal.
Rei felt a thump from his chest as he put his hand on the center of his chest, where his Ultimate Symbol was located. He clenched his hand before grinning widely as he could hear the voice of the Ultimate calling out to him. "I see, so that is what you wanted." He said to himself which earned him a look from the others.
"Rei, are you okay?" Rikuto asked him while looking worried for the older boy.
Rei didn't immediately answer as he grabbed the glowing card into his deck before inserting it into the Number One Starship card setter - which powered up the whole ship just like any other Card Quester ship - before the entire ship start overflowing with golden and red energy as the deck powered up the engine.
"Everyone, hold tight! We're going to find out what is on the other side of that gate!" Rei commanded while still grinning widely as he gripped the steering control of his ship. Causing both Rikuto and Laila to let out a loud 'EHHHH?!?!' in shock when they heard that.
"Hold on, Rei! Are you crazy?! We don't even know if that gate is even safe to use!" Laila cried out as she tried to reason for Rei to reconsider. The guy had been doing many things that are considered reckless, but this has got to be the most reckless thing he's ever done!
"Even then, do you even know what is even on the other side of that gate?!" Rikuto cried out as he even thought Rei was going too far with his reckless action this time.
"No, I don't know." Rei told them while still gripping the steering control as his grin didn't wavered despite the clear danger of what he was about to do. "But I can feel it, that Ultimate wants me to break through that gate. And with his power powering the engine, the Number One Starship will break through that gate with ease!"
"How can you be so sure?!" Both Rikuto and Laila cried out at the same time as they directed the question to him.
"I'm not! Now take your seat!" Rei ordered them as they had no choice but to do as he said as they took their seat while fastening their seat belt. Mugen and Salt already did that when they figured that Rei isn't going to change his mind.
"Yosh, everyone! LET'S GOOOO!!!" Rei loudly shouts as the crew brace themselves. He fires up the thrusters of the ship as the Number One Starship rocket at the swirling gate at incredible speed before they pass into the gate causing a shockwave to riverbate and red lighting to crackle.
The shockwave and lighting stopped as the ship was nowhere in sight as they successfully entered the gate.
"The Battle Spirits warring states, an era where champion card battlers battle each other for supremacy. This is all thanks to the Institution of Battle Spirits Administration, commonly known as IBSA, which has created the latest virtual system to allow Spirits to battle in 3D.
All over, rivalries like that of a local warlord have broken out among the champion card battlers with one clear goal in mind, to reach the top of Battle Spirits and unify the nation. Now, this long state of war had come to an end as the true victor had been declared.
For this victor had come out of nowhere and taken the world by storm, facing many kind challenges and meeting all different kinds of card battlers and friends. This young man had proven that he was the strongest. Yes, for this young man is no ordinary card battler, but a card battler with a burning soul."
Located in the Kantou region of Japan, there is a nice buzzling town called Musashi. In this town, various champion card battlers can be found as the town is one of the few that hold various stadiums that supports the virtual system used for Battle Spirits. One of said stadiums was located in the heart of East Musashi where everyone could use it to their heart's content. Thanks to this the town was booming with Battle Spirits as they are the sign of it everywhere you see from the billboard, tv commercial, and the various card shops.
In the riverside of East Musashi, a young man was laying on the green grass with his arm resting behind his head while gazing at the sky. Perhaps he was watching the clouds fly by, but no one could really tell.
This young man has green eyes and red spiky hair with orange in the front. He wears a bright blue t-shirt with yellow trim around it, blue shorts with pale blue trim, a red and white open sleeveless jacket with black trim, black fingerless gloves with blue bands around them, a black and white headband and black and red shoes with blue bands around the top.
This is Rekka Yukimura, a famous S-class card battler who uses a Red deck and he is also the champion of the Warring States Championship, which makes him officially the strongest battler in Japan. Although that was over a month ago, he was still praised by the children for being the champion as well as his many rivals who come to challenge him from time to time.
Yukimura wasn't alone though as he was accompanied by a young girl sitting just beside him. This young girl has blue eyes and short pink hair. She wears a white shirt with pink stripes and pink shorts. She wears very long black socks. Over her normal clothes is a blue jacket, with the hood shaped like a dog.
This is Kanna Kuroda, a travel companion of Yukimura and also acts as his instructor. She provides him with information about different battlers and also helps him with his deck, although she doesn't actually battle herself since she is so knowledgeable about Battle Spirit that her head starts to overload with information the moment she battles.
The two met when she recruited Yukimura to help win back her village's stadium, and ever since they've been traveling with each other until they come to Musashi. She also talks while adding 'degozaru' in her words.
"Haaa~ It's nice to just lay back and relax for once, eh Kanbei?" Yukimura said to the girl as a small smile of content was plastered on his face while his eyes were still on the clear blue sky. 'Kanbei' was his nickname for Kanna which he had been using for a long time now.
"Umu, In times like this, It's important to rest your body so that you'll have more energy for later on." Kanna said in a serious tone which doesn't quite match well with her young appearance. She was sitting in seiza style as she watched the river flowing, usually there would be other children playing but the riverside was deserted except the two of them today.
"That's right." Yukimura nodded his head as he agreed wholeheartedly, a break after a rigorous training is always a welcome. He may be the champion, but he still needs to train to become stronger so that he would be worthy of the title. "By the way, where are Sasuke and the others anyway?" He asked his female companion as he looked around and there was no sight of their other four friends.
"He said that he was doing some errands for his dad and the others are helping him so that they could finish faster and start playing Battle Spirit." Kanna informed him as she remembered what it was that Sasuke had told her when she last saw him.
"I see. I wish he would've said something to me, it's the least we could do for letting us live in that room while we're here." Yukimura said while letting out a sigh. Originally he and Kanna were supposed to stay at a house with another family, but apparently that family had to move out which left them without a place to sleep. Luckily, Sasuke showed up and offered them a place to stay in the secret base he and his friends use that was located directly below the building that his dad had owned.
"I told him the same thing, but he said not to worry about it and that meeting with you was all the payment he wanted." Kanna exclaimed while smiling softly as she remembered the sheepish grin the boy had on his face when he had said that to her.
Yukimura let out a good hearted laugh upon hearing that. "Really, he's a good kid. He's on his way to become a really strong battler himself." He remembered the first time he had seen Sasuke battle, he was a beginner at that time and had no real strategy in his play. But after training with Yukimura, Sasuke did a lot better at his battle especially with the card he had given to him, which was Sengoku-Gurendragon, to the point that he was promoted to A-rank.
Suddenly, the two travel companions' chatter was interrupted when a voice called out to them.
"I figure I'll find you here."
Both Yukimura and Kanna looked up towards the direction of the voice and were greeted by a surprising sight. It was the sight of three familiar faces walking up to them.
The first was a young man with black hair in the back, but the front is colored red, and spikes up. He has red eyes, and red markings under his eyes. On the side of his hair is a clip. He wears a green shirt which is cut short, and tan pants. He has a mostly yellow jacket over his clothes, with a red design on the bottom and black stripes sort of like a tiger. It has a fur trim around the neck.
This is Homura Toshie or Toshii as everyone likes to call him, fellow S-class battler and a fellow Red deck user like Yukimura. Although he focused more on Spirit destruction rather than having his Spirits clash against his opponent like Yukimura, who he considered as his rival.
The next one is a muscular young man with spiked short green hair, green eyes, and slightly tan skin. He wears a white shirt under a green sleeveless vest, yellow-ish tan pants, and green boots, He also has green fingerless gloves, and an orange beaded necklace. He also has a short scar-like line on his left cheek.
This is Houryokuin Kenetsugu, another S-class battler who uses Green deck with Core Boost as his main strategy as he was called "The Soldier of Love" for his love of Battle Spirits. He and Toshie had been battling against each other for the control of Musashi for a long time, it wasn't until Yukimura showed up that their battle for Musashi seemed like a distant past to them.
Finally, the last person of the three was a young woman with green eyes and long blue hair, in which she wore a ribbon. She wears a light blue shirt under a blue and white short-sleeve jacket, and short blue shorts. From her shirt comes a cape-like material. Her belly is exposed under that material. She has tall black boots, and a blue band on one wrist.
This is Souun Gunjou, another S-class battler in Musashi who uses a Blue deck with Deck Destruction which earned her the title "The Demon Princess of the Beach". She was formally in the same team as Kanetsugu but left as she wanted to surpass him with her own battle style.
What do all these three card battlers have in common? Other than that they have a gang of their own that represents each of their respective colors and territory, they all have battled Yukimura and subsequently lost to him the first time they faced him. Even then, the three had come to consider the young man as their friend.
"Toshii! Kanetsugu! Souun!" Yukimura called out each of their names as he immediately got up as he was surprised to see them but was happy as well since It's been a while since he had last seen them. "It's been a while! Last time I heard from the three of you is that you're all still training yourself."
"Heh, you have no Idea." Toshii said as he grinned at his rival, while hanging in his mouth is a long but thin piece of twig.
"That is true, ever since you've been named champion of the Warring States Championship, all of us have been training all this time to defeat you." Kanetsugu said as he crossed his arm over his chest while staring at him with his mouth set into a frown.
"And the time has finally come. Yukimura, let's have a battle." Souun told him while sporting a small smile on her face. She won't admit this to anyone, but she kind of misses seeing Yukimura after having spent most of her time training her Deck Destruction strategy.
"Honestly, you two. The only reason you guys are even here is because I brought you here." Toshie let out a 'tch' at the two S-class battler. He had originally come here alone at first, but he met Souun and Kentsugu along the way and they started following him since he knew where Yukimura likely was.
"You seem to be mistaken, Toshie. Souun and I already knew where Yukimura would be, you just assumed we didn't know and thought that we were just following you." Kanetsugu said to his longtime rival for Musashi dominance as he smirked when he glared at him in annoyance.
Yukimura let out a chuckle at seeing their interaction. He would be lying if he said that he didn't miss the three of them around. "Then how about we have a battle now? I'm curious about how strong the three of you are now." He said as he had his hand hover over his deck case while smirking at them, a gesture that was greeted back by their own as they reached for their own deck case.
Before any of them could start their battle, a sudden crackling of red lighting on the sky caught the group's attention before they were surprised when a what looks like a swirling portal opened up on the sky.
"Oi, oi. What the heck is that?" Toshie said as he stared at the strange portal in the sky with his eyes widened along with the others. Their surprise grew even more when they noticed something had come out of the portal, although the only thing they could make out was a gold and red blur of light.
"Something just came out of that portal!" Kanna cried out beside Yukimura as she watched as the gold and red light seemed to be moving around before it looked like it's about to land.
"It looks like It's going to land on the empty plain in East Musashi." Kanetsugu informed them that he had used that place for training whenever he stayed in East Musashi. "It's not too far from here, what do you all think we should do?"
"I say we should check it out. If it's anything dangerous, we could contact the authority." Souun told them as she was concerned by what exactly is that light and why did it come out of nowhere like that.
"Then we have no time to lose! Let's go!" Yukimura shouted as he immediately began running towards the direction Kantsugu told them as the others followed him from behind. Unknown to the group, the mysterious portal had closed up immediately after the light had come out of it, leaving no trace of its appearance in the first place and left a few that caught a brief sight of it wondering if they had just imagined it.
"....well whatever it is I was expecting, It definitely wasn't this."
Was what Toshie said when his eyes were set on the literal spaceship that was parked in front of them. The group managed to run and made it to the plain of East Musashi, only to be caught off guard when they find out that what that light is actually a real spaceship.
"I don't think this is fake. I think this is a real life spaceship." Kanetsugu said as although he had said that, he still couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him.
"It's so cool!" Kanna shouted out as she has stars in her eyes before starting to ramble in a rather rare moment of childish excitement. "I couldn't believe I would ever see a real life spaceship! I've seen many movies and shows but I never expected to see a real one with my very own eyes!"
"Kanbei loves science-fiction stuff, not as much as Battle Spirits but it is up there." Yukimura said when he noticed the gaze the others were giving to him. He could remember the few times during their travels they would stop at a movie theater so that Kanna could watch some of the latest sci-fi movies.
"I sometimes forgot just how young she was." Souun said out loud for the others to hear. She knew that Kanna is the most intelligent when it came to Battle Spirits and the way she carries herself isn't like any other kids she had seen before. So It was a kind of refreshing sight to see this side of her if she was honest with herself.
Whatever it is they were going to say next was cut off when the strange spaceship let out a beam of light from the underside of it. Causing the group to jump back in surprise as they watched a figure emerging from the light, not exactly knowing what they were expected but being cautious nonetheless.
However, none of them could imagine that when the light dissipated the figure was revealed to be a young man that looked entirely human no matter how you look at him, not to mention he doesn't look like he was that much older then most of them.
The young man looked around the place and took in the sight before he directed his gaze towards the group. "Hey, you there." He said as he pointed his finger towards Yukimura, who was caught off guard by the action. "What planet or star is this place exactly?"
"Um..." Yukimura blinked a few times while saying that as he really didn't know how to answer. He looked towards the others for help only for them to give him the same look that say they didn't know either.
Throwing caution into the wind, Yukimura decided to just answer the best that he could. "Well, you are on Earth, specifically in the town of Musashi in Japan." He said as he figured that's the best answer he could give.
"Earth? That's strange, this doesn't look like the Earth I've been through." The young man pondered as he crossed his arm while looking confused.
"And I don't think Rikuto or Laila ever mentioned a place called Musashi before." A voice said as suddenly, a small red dragon appeared from behind the young man and hovered beside him.
"A dragon?! And it also talked?!" Toshie cried out at seeing the small dragon in front of him. This getting really out of hand, he had seen a lot of weird thing but this has got to be the most bizzare one of all.
"Who are you exactly?" Kanetsugu questions as he narrows his eyes cautiously at this strange fellow and the equally strange creature. "Are you perhaps an alien?"
"Me? I'm Rei, Rei the Number One Star!" Rei cried out while pointing to himself as he grinned widely. "And an alien? Nah, I'm completely human from inside and out."
"I'm Mugen, and I'm a dragon as you can see!" Mugen said out loud as he gestured to himself, though the group had already figured that out the moment they laid their eyes on him.
"I'm Rekka Yukimura, nice to meet you." Yukimura greeted back as he figured he should be polite and answer back.
"My name is Houryokuin Kenetsugu." Kentsugu said as he had his arms crossed while still eyeing the two warily.
"Gunjou Souun." Souun told them her name briefly as she continue to narrow her eyes at them, feeling as wary as her former mentor about this strange visitor.
"Looks like we're doing this. The name is Homura Toshie, by the way." Toshie followed after a she gave the two a small wave of his arm in greeting.
Rei nodded after hearing their name before he then turned around towards his ship and yelling out. "Oi, Rikuto! Laila! It's safe so you two can come out now!" He shouted as there was a few seconds paused when he said that before the Number One Starship let out another beam before both Rikuto and Laila came out.
"Children?" Souun said as she was surprised when she saw the two kids had just come out of the spaceship. Well kids may be a bit much since they sure seem younger than any of them, but she could hazard a guess that the girl is about 13 years old and the little boy is about 11 years old.
"Well that's good, I guess. But I'm surprised that this is Earth, I don't think I've ever heard of a town called Musashi before." Laila said as she had heard their conversation from the ship.
"Does that mean...we're on a different dimension?" Rikuto asked anyone really as he was just as confused as his sister, although his words did cause said sister to panic a little.
"EHH?! We're in a different dimension?! Like those Invaders we faced a month ago?!" Laila cried out at the reminder of said Invader that had come from another dimension, so her packing is quite reasonable.
If she were to explain them in order; one was chubby and rather creepy at first, the other is showy and really pretty if she was being honest to herself, and the last one is...well let's just say he was bad news the moment you laid your eyes on him. After all, there's gotta be a special category of people who was hell bent on consuming space itself as a whole to claim it all for himself.
"Did you say you're all from another dimension?" Kanna asked curiously as she managed to get herself out of her rather embarrassing geeky attitude at seeing a real life spaceship.
"I think we are. Me and my sister are from Earth but neither of us have ever heard of Musashi." Rikuto answered the question before he tilted his head at the girl. "Um, who are you exactly?"
"Ah apologies, my name is Kanna Kuroda, but you can call me Kanbei if you like." Kanna introduced herself while giving a formal bow of introduction.
"Nice to meet you, Kanbei. My name is Laila April." Laila also introduced herself in response before she gestured her hand towards her little brother. "And this is my little brother, Rikuto April."
"Nice to meet you!" Rikuto greeted cheerfully. It's been a while since he had interacted with others that were about his age, the only other person would have to be Marlene, which he had gotten close to ever since she had helped him improve his deck.
"Ohh, they sure seem to hit it off quite well." Rei commented as he watched the three younger kids talk with each other, it was a nice scene to witness if he was being honest with himself.
"Yeah, I agree." Yukimura smiled slightly at seeing Kanbei interacting with other kids her age, sure there is Sasuke, his friends, and also the kids he met when he first met Kanbei in the first place, but it was still nice to see it nonetheless. He then turned to look at Rei before asking him. "So are you really from another dimension?"
"Seems like it, we are just minding our own business before a portal opens up out of nowhere. We have no idea where it will lead to, so I decided to just go into it to find out." Rei explained what happened to them while the others sweatdropped slightly at his rather reckless action.
"You seem to have been rather calm about this situation, Yukimura." Kanetsugu mentioned this to the Red-user as he was surprised that he was taking all this in stride.
"Ahaha, well let's just say something like this won't surprise me really." Yukimura laughed nervously as the only reason he wasn't as freaked out as they had thought, was because he had actually experienced something similar like this before. Not that he would tell anyone else since they wouldn't probably believe him in the first place.
"Why exactly did you decide to just go into the portal without any knowledge about what will happen?" Souun questioned as she was having trouble deciding if this guy is just reckless beyond belief or just very stupid.
Rei didn't verbally answer her question as he reached into one of his deck case on his waist. "Well if there was ever a reason it would have to be this." He said before opening up the case and taking out his Battle Spirits deck, much to the surprise of the others in front of him.
"Battle Spirits? So your dimension also has those, huh?" Toshie said as he grinned at the sight of the deck. He didn't understand shit about this different dimension thing, but if there was anything he could get behind it was Battle Spirits.
"That's right! So glad that this dimension also has Battle Spirits." Rei said while grinning at their recognition of Battle Spirits. He was a bit skeptical about Battle Spirits not existing in this dimension, but he was glad that he was proven wrong.
"Rei isn't just any old card battler. He is the number one strongest card battler in space." Mugen told them as he was proud to be the partner of the, admittedly, strongest card battler in their dimension.
"Hoo, the number one strongest you say.'' Kanetsugu said after he heard the small dragons words. He was still a little bit weirded out by Mugen entirely but was considerably more relaxed once he knew that the dragon wasn't a threat or something like that.
"Interesting. But to us, there is only one number one strongest card battler that all three of us recognize." Souun said as she turned to look towards Yukimura before gesturing her hand at him and looking back at Rei. "And that is he, Rekka Yukimura."
"Souun..." Yukimura said as he was caught off guard by the blue haired young woman's words.
"Heh, what are you looking so surprised for? After that tournament a month ago, you're officially the strongest card battler in the nation." Toshie told his rival while smiling at him.
Rei was silent when he heard that before he started to grin widely as he pointed his deck towards Yukimura's direction. "I see. Then, Yukimura. I challenge you for a battle!" He announced, earning a surprised look from the others, especially from the S-Class battler in question.
"Eh? You want to battle me?" Yukimura said as he was caught off guard by the sudden declaration from the strange young man from another dimension.
"Hearing that you are the number one card battler has made me excited. So how about we decide who is the strongest number one card battler?!" Rei cried out as his grin didn't waver the slightest, in fact he seemed more fired up then ever.
Yukimura was baffled for a moment before he started to grin as well. "Alright then, I accept your challenge, Rei!" He shouted back as he reached his hand to his deck case, ready to open it.
"Hold on, Yukimura." Kanetsugu called out to him which made the red haired young man to turned towards him in confusion. "If you want to have a battle then I suggest we go to the stadium first."
Yukimura was confused on why before he remembered that they can't have a 3D battle since only he has the S-Class battler personal machine. "Oh right, how could I forget. Sorry, Rei, but do you think we could have our battle somewhere else? We have a stadium that would make this battle more enjoyable." He said to his challenger.
"Sure, It'll be a nice chance to see what this Musashi town is like." Rei said as he put back his deck into his deck case before turning around towards his ship and yelled out. "Oi, Salt! Do you mind watching the Number One Starship for us?!"
The answer he got was another beam of light coming from the underside of the ship before the yellow bulky robot known as Salt came out with a pizza on one of his hand.
"No problem, Rei! And take this pizza from Salt as a token of our new friendship!" Salt said cheerfully as he walk over and handed the pizza towards Yukimura, who just dumbfoundedly took it as he felt like it would be rude if he refused.
Toshie just stared blankly at the new addition before letting out a sigh. "You know what, I'm not even gonna say anything about this." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.
Between people coming from a different dimension and a talking dragon, a pizza making robot seems to be the most normal thing there is.
"So this is the Stadium you all are talking about."
Said Rei as he gazed in amazement at the huge japanese-styled building that is the stadium for the 3D battle system, or whatever it is they called it as he couldn't quite remember.
The group, after finding the time to finish the pizza Salt had made for them, made their way to the stadium while Rei and his crew all took in the sight of the bustling town that is Musashi. Although they may have seen far more unique looking cities in many other different stars and planet that they had visited, they were all still rather amazed to see something that is not from their own dimension.
"It sure is, and this will be the place where we will have our battle." Yukimura said as he also looked up at the large stadium with his hand on his hip while smiling lightly in nostalgia at the memory of his first time seeing it.
"So you all have to battle in this stadium? It sure is different from where we came from." Laila said as she received a nod of agreement from Rikuto, who was standing beside his sister while holding Mugen in his arms.
They figured the sight of a floating and talking dragon might be too much for the people of this dimension, so they decided that Mugen can act as a toy that Rikuto could hold to make it less suspicious. Mugen argued for a good few minutes over the fact that he need to act as a toy off all thing, but easily compiled the second Rei said he can buy the newest Magical figure with their money once they get back.
"How do you all battle in your dimension exactly?" Kanna curiously asked as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to find out what Battle Spirits is like in another dimension. Although the picture of what they gave them is a little bit strange when they explained it.
I mean, to have to travel around the vastness of space itself to find a crystal that held cards for your deck? Suddenly they were a lot more grateful for their method of obtaining cards since that sounds like a real hassle really.
"Well it will be really difficult to explain it without showing you, but I don't know if we could even do it in this dimension." Rikuto said as he figured they wouldn't be able to target another person's deck since the law of Galactic Battle Spirits rule didn't apply here.
"That's a shame, but not surprising." Kanetsugu said as he heard their conversation. "Your dimension seems to have a rather unorthodox way of using Battle Spirits."
"To make a law that everything need to be settled with Battle Spirits, and for said law to be applied to everyone in the vast cosmos of your is simply a surreal thought to accept " Souun said as she was rather mistified when she and the others had heard of the law of Galactic Battle Spirits rule.
"Heh, sounds like a great law to me. Settling everything with a battle seems like the perfect option for us Card Battlers." Toshie said while grinning widely. While that could be applied in their own dimension as well, it wasn't really until the 3D virtual system was invented that Battle Spirits started to boom in popularity.
Yukimura just let out a laugh, truthfully he would be lying if he found that kind of law kind of appealing. But he figures something like that will never happen in their own dimension. "Well enough about that, let's go inside." He called out to them as he and Rei walked into the building as the others followed behind them.
Once they were inside, the group were greeted by the sight of a large field that held the 3D virtual system within. Around the field many rows of seats were placed where hundreds of people could watch the battle unfold right before they're very eyes. Currently it seems like not many people were in the stadium and a good few of them were just about to leave.
A loud shout from a boy could be heard as the just newly arrived group turned their attention towards the source of the voice as another group of four young boys. Among the four boys is a short and fat boy with black hair tied behind his head, a second boy with brown hair down to his shoulders which is tied behind his head in a very short ponytail, and a rather tall boy also with brown hair and tied into a ponytail as he wears an opaque glasses. In order, their names are Taichi, Yuya, and Takuma respectively.
Finally the last member of this group, who was also the one who had called out to Yukimura earlier, was a young boy with messy spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He wears yellow ninja's clothing, with images of shuriken on the front. Underneath his outfit is a black shirt. On each wrist is a red band.
This is Akatsuki Sasuke, a fellow card battler who was recently promoted to A-rank a few months ago. He is the disciple of Yukimura in Battle Spirit, although a 'disciple' wasn't the correct term for it and more like 'battle buddy', but the point of the matter is that he is a strong card battler now because of Yukimura and he was eternally grateful of that.
"Oh, Sasuke! I should've known you would be here of all places." Yukimura greeted the young boy with a smile and a wave.
Sasuke just grinned while scratching his nose. "Hehe, well it's like you told me, if I want to get strong I have to keep training." He said as he remembered the few words Yukimura had told him.
"Honestly, you've gotten a lot stronger since the first time you learned about Battle Spirit, Sasuke." Yuya said as he had his arm crossed behind his head while smiling at his friend.
"Yeah, I remember the first time you started Battle Spirit and how completely terrible you are at it." Taichi said as his voice was muffled due to him talking while chewing on his food. The four had been having lunch before they started training and Sasuke wanted to start right away so they headed to the stadium immediately before he could even finish his, admittedly large, lunch.
"What was going on in your head to suddenly want to challenge Toshie a mere few days after learning Battle Spirits, where you haven't even wrapped your head of the rule yet, we'll never know." Takuma said as he pushed his glasses up while chuckling as he remembered that day quite vividly.
"Hey! I learned my lesson, okay?!" Sasuke shouted at his group while glaring at them when they started laughing. He grumbled lowly as the group looked at him with varying degrees of amusement, especially Toshie who remembered that day quite well.
Though to be brutally honest, the kid won't last long against him even if he did somehow manage to face him.
"Oh, is this another friend of yours, Yukimira?" Rei curiously asked to which he received a nod of confirmation from the S-class battler and a look from the group of four.
"Eh? Who is this guy exactly, Yukimura?" Sasuke asked when he and his friends finally noticed the few new additions to the group.
Yukimura just chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. This is going to take a while.
One explanation later....
"YOU'RE FROM A DIFFERENT DIMENSION?!?!" Sasuke and his group shouted out loud once they heard the explanation given to them. Thankfully there aren't any people beside them in the stadium at the moment so they didn't attract any attention.
"Pretty much." Rei said while shrugging in response to their reaction. "If you don't believe us, you can come and see my spaceship after we are done here."
While Taichi, Yuya, and Takuma start to bombard the Number One Star with questions, Sasuke slips away before walking towards Kanna and pulling her close. "Oi oi, is this for real? Is this just like that time when we met that guy from another world?" He asked in a small whisper to the girl so that the others didn't hear them.
Yes this really wasn't the first time they had encountered a person that came from another world. Although the specifics of the encounter before had involved some strange demon that tried to take their world for himself and it took the combined effort of Yukimura and the strange visitor to defeat him in a battle for him to be stopped.
After that strange day they had thought they were all just dreaming the same thing, if not for the fact that Yukimura still had the card that the visitor had given him as a token of their friendship.
So really, he has the right to be worried if the world is at risk again with the appearance of another visitor from another world, or dimension as they had called it.
"I thought of that also, but I don't think we have anything to worry for now." Kanna whispered back to him as she fully knew what he was talking about. "For now, let's just enjoy the fact that we can meet someone from another dimension without having to worry about any threat coming our way."
Sasuke separated from the girl before he scratched the back of his head. "Well if you put it that way then I guess It's okay then." He said as he smiled and let out a sigh in relief.
"Alright guys, I think that's enough of a question for now." Yukimura told Taichi, Yuya, and Takuma before he directed his attention towards Sasuke who was with Kanna. "What are you two talking about?" He asked while looking confused and curious.
"It's nothing, Yukimura!" Sasuke said cheerfully while grinning wide with his eyes closed. "So you're going to battle with Rei right now?" He asked while looking at the two card battlers and received a nod from both of them which made his grin widened even more.
"That's right, and Rei is going to be the one to take the win!" Mugen cried out as he jumped off of Rikuto hold, startling the four children as he stretched out his limb. "Ahhh, It feels good to be moving again after staying still for that amount of time."
"Holy, it really is a talking dragon..." Sasuke muttered in shock as his widened eyes were focused on the small red dragon along with the rest of his group. He then narrowed his eyes when he got over his shock and registered what it was that the small dragon had said. "Hey, what do you mean by that?! Of course Yukimura will be the one who will win!"
"Hmm, you're delusional, kid. Clearly Rei will be the one who will win this battle." Mugen said as he floated directly in front of Sasuke while smirking at him.
"Who are you calling a kid?!" Sasuke shouted as he and Mugen started headbutting each other while snarling and glaring so intensely that electricity sparks between their eyes. The stare off lasted for 5 seconds before Rei grabbed hold of the dragon's long appendages behind his head and yanked them, much to Mugen surprise as he let out a yelp.
"That's enough, Mugen. If we want to settle this then it will be on the battlefield." Rei chided his partner who just grumbled as he floated back to Rei's side.
"Speaking of which, what color deck do you use, Rei?" Kanetsugu questioned as he and the others was curious on what the color of the deck he uses.
"Hm? Well I have six deck for each color." Rei said casually as everyone, except for the crew of the Number One Starship, eyes widened in disbelief at what they had just heard.
"You have six deck for each color?!" Sasuke and his crew shouted in shock, finding someone who played a more than one color deck was hard around here since everyone just focused on one color instead. But hearing that Rei not only has six decks but also each of them was different colors was really something else.
"That's right, normally I would just choose which one of my deck I would use..." Rei said before he turned towards Yukimura and grinned at him. "But I think I'll let you choose which one will you like me to use, Yukimura."
Yukimura, who had gotten over the shock that Rei had six different colored decks, was caught off guard once more once the Number One Star said that he could choose what colored deck he would like to face. His surprise didn't last long though as he also started to grin in excitement.
"Interesting, then I would like to challenge you as a fellow Red battler!" Yukimura announced while still grinning wide while his friend didn't look surprised at his decision.
"Got it!"
Rei stretches out his hand as Mugen lands on his open palm before flinging the small dragon to the sky and crying out. "For this battle, you'll be the burning red color!" Mugen flipped around in the air before a puff of red smoke enveloped him as he turned into a glowing red card which floated before Rei grabbed it and slided the card into his deck.
Rei grinned as he held out his deck to his opponent who was shocked at what just happened as with the rest of his friend.
"The dragon turned into a card?!" Toshie cried out as he couldn't believe what he had seen, the same could be said of Kanetsugu and Sooun.
Yukimura's eyes were wide as well before his excited grin returned with full force. "That's cool, but now it's my turn!" He blew his jacket back a little and into the deck case around his waist. Pushing the button of the case, he grabbed the deck case which had a miniature golden dragon head on it and raised it to the sky. "Come, Dragon of the Roaring Sky!"
The eye of the dragon on Yukimura deck case began to glow red before a bright red beam was fired into the sky. Just then, a mechanical aircraft in the shape of a dragon appears from the sky. This aircraft has a flat surface in the center, two turbines with wings on each side, a spiked tail on the back, and a golden dragon head on the front.
The aircraft began to fly across the city, catching the attention of many people especially the card battler as it flew towards its destination which was the Musashi stadium.
Inside the stadium, a blaring sound could be heard with a flashing red siren on one of the entrances before Dragon of the Roaring Sky came flying in. It then starts to transform with the back tail raised and folded itself in half, the wing also begin to fold itself around each of the turbines before they were twist so that the rotor was facing the ground, and finally the neck of the head was flipped up before the dragon head opened up and revealed a clear orb in the center.
Yukimura smirked as his S-Class Personal Machine hovered behind him before he back flipped and landed on the machine. "Now, let's start, Rei!" He cried out as the orb of the dragon head began to glow.
Rei blinked a few times at the sight of the machine before he started grinning back. "You got it, Yukimura!" He shouted before running towards the other side of the field where he remembered where he should be for the battle. Sure enough, another hovercraft appeared from the ground of the stadium ready to be used. He jumped onto the machine before the machine started to hover.
The others had taken upon themself to stay at the spectator side of the stadium. All of them looked eager to witness the fight, with some more than the others.
"Good luck, Rei! Don't you lose!" Both Rikuto and Laila cheered for their friends, knowing how strong of a card battler Rei is didn't mean that they couldn't show him their encouragement.
"You too, Yukimura! Show this guy who is the number one card battler around here!" Sasuke shouted in response as Taichi, Yuya, and Takuma followed suit behind him in the cheer.
"This should be interesting, we're about to witness what kind of card battler another dimension had in stored." Kanetsugu said as he crossed his arm over his chest while his gaze was focused solely on the field.
"I agree, It will be quite an experience to see how we fare against such an opponent." Sooun exclaimed as she had taken upon herself to take a seat in between the Red and Green S-Class battler.
"Heh, I'm just interested to see what kind of Red deck he's going to use." Toshie told them as he grinned in excitement at seeing another Red user like him battle.
"Are you ready, Rei?" Yukimura asked as he placed his deck on the board of his S-Class Personal Machine while his eyes were focused on the opponent in front of him.
Rei just checked out the machine he was currently standing on with a slight frown before he started grinning once more as an idea popped into his mind. "No, there is something I want to try first." He told the Red S-Class battler on the opposite side of the field.
"Eh? What is it?" Yukimura asked as he was confused at what he was trying to do.
Rei responded by bringing out a gold and black blaster with blue gems on front and a deck slot on the bottom. "Here goes nothing!" He cried out with a grin as he slided his deck into the slot of the blaster before raising it into the sky and pulled the trigger.
A beam of red light shot out of the blaster before it then changed direction and enveloped Rei and the machine he was standing on, much to everyone's shock as they shielded their eyes from the bright light.
"What's going on now?!" Toshie cried out as he and the rest of them continued to block their eyes from the bright light.
Eventually the light begins to reside to the point that they don't have to cover their eyes anymore. However the moment their gaze fell towards Rei, everyone's eyes had widened considerably at what just happened.
The machine for the 3D virtual system Rei had been standing on had completely changed. Instead it now looked like something akin to a platform with a wide and rather bulky appearance that consisted of three edges, with two of them jousting upward and one downward, and in the center was a star shaped piece. The platform is mainly white in color with a golden accent at the edges and red gems attached to the center of each piece of the board.
Although that was surprising for sure, what really caught the group off guard was Rei himself as he had gone through a transformation of his own.
Rei's outfit had undergone a change as he is now wearing a red bodysuit with white lining on them and a popped up color. Over the suit he was also covered with armor that consist of a chest armor, shoulder armor, and a pair of vambrace that was gold in color and was adorned with a red jewel on the center of each armor piece. His lower half was covered in a pair of white high boots with gold around the feet. Finally he had a white metallic headpiece that covered the side of his head with a small white cloth on the back.
Rei's physical appearance was also changed as his hair had turned into a bright orange color and was now styled into two low ponytails that were flaring up on the side. He opened his closed eyes to reveal his now vibrant red iris as he grinned widely for all of them to see.
"EHHHHHHH?!?!?!" Sasuke alongside with his group of friends cried out in shock at the transformation that had witnessed right before their very eyes, a feeling that was shared with the rest of them except for Laila and Rikuto who was surprised for a whole other reason.
"No way!" The siblings shouted out in unison as they gaped at their friends' appearance. "That's Rei's Battle Form!" Rikuto shouted as he pointed towards the very familiar form he had witnessed many times before.
"Battle form? Is that what happened to Rei's sudden change?" Kanetsugu questioned the two as he was shocked by Rei's new form as was with Souun and Toshie.
"Y-Yeah that's right. Where we come from, if we are having a battle on the Battlefield then we will assume our Battle Form, which I guess you can say that our change of clothing will reflect on who we are." Laila tried to explain the concept as simply as she can. She didn't think she would ever need to ever explain this kind of thing before since this is common knowledge in her dimension.
"I see, so it's like our S-Class personal machine. Although this is a step beyond what we could achieve." Souun exclaimed as she was truly fascinated by the concept of this Battle Form they had in their dimension.
Everyone's gaze immediately went towards the source of the sound and find out it was Rei who had made said sound as he had slammed his fist to his open palm and was cracking his knuckle while sporting a huge grin on his face.
"Kehh, It's a party, a party, a party I tell you! A different dimension party!" Rei shouted out loud while still grinning wide, although his tone of voice had changed significantly as he sounded more passionate and more wild then he was before the transformation.
"R-Rei?" Yukimura couldn't help but call out to his newest friend in confusion at the sudden change of manners he was having right now.
"What's wrong, Yukimura? Let's stop dilly dallying now and get on with the battle!" Rei said as he clenched and flexed his finger as his excited grin never wavered the slightest. "I'm getting fired up...! Now come on and attack me already!" He shouted as he pointed his finger towards his opponent.
"Uhh, does Rei seem different to anyone?" Sasuke asked as he was really more confused than surprised by the sudden change of personality that Rei had displayed.
"You're telling me, It's like he's a different person entirely..." Yuya said as he scratched his head in confusion just like his friend. Taichi even stopped eating for a moment as he figures now isn't the time to be focusing on his food.
"Does this happen to everyone when they are in their Battle Form in your dimension?" Takuma asked the two people in the audience seat sitting just below where they were sitting.
"Well, no. Rei is a special case, I guess. Whenever he changes into his Battle Form his personality will always change. He never did explain how it happened but it's just something that he's been able to do for a long time now." Rikuto explained the best that he could.
"So he has an entirely different persona whenever he battles?" Kanna asked as she was really intrigued by this concept.
Laila huffed at the topic of Rei's different personality. "Honestly, this Rei personality can be really too much from time to time. He is so hot-blooded and easily gets excited in his battle."
"Sounds like he has both Toshie and Yukimura personality combined." Kanetsugu exclaimed while chuckling at the thought alongside Souun who found it equally funny and amusing.
"Tch, you two must've thought you're really funny huh?" Toshie said in annoyance as he glared at the two S-Class battlers sitting next to him.
Yukimura let out a laugh when he had heard Kanetsugu words as he agreed that it sounds like it. "Are you ready to start, Rei?"
"Eh?" Yukimura blinked a few times at his opponent's response as he placed his deck onto the board in front of him.
"It's Zero, that is my name." Rei-no, Zero told Yukimura as he closed his eyes and smirked widely while he put his hand on top of his deck. "That's right, I am the number one most heated guy in space-" He opened his eyes wide as he drew his starting hand from his deck. "-Zero the Burning!"
Yukimura stared in surprise for a moment before he start grinning also. "Alright, Zero! Let's see what you're made off!" He shouted back as he also draw his starting hand from his deck. The two stared at each other before shouting in unison.
A/N: And that's a wrap! So, what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like.
Well that will be all for the first part of this story. Tune in for the second part where we get to the good stuff, in other word the card game itself.
Now I will be prioritizing this story first before continuing with my Duelist Experience story, mostly because I'm motivated on completing this story first.
Again, I would recommend you all to at least watch the anime I mentiom before to get the general Idea of how the game should work.
Or you could just read the rule of the game, but let's be honest here people. Most of you who came from my Duelist Experiemce story would be a Duelist yourself and if there is one thing we Duelist is bad at; It's reading.
Hopefully I capture the character of this series well for those who had actually watched the anime. Probably my biggest hurdle in writting my story are getting the character to act like what they are portrayed in the show, with a few tweak from here and there if needed.
Speeking of the character. Just know that the age of the four S-Class Card Battler are about 17 of age. And If you're all wondering why I'm pointing this out; just know that according to the wiki that Yukimura canonical age is 13, which I refuse to believe by the way!
Anyway, like I said before, If you are all interested in this story and wanted to see it be more then just a two-part story then please let me know and I'll see what I can do.
But that is all from me! All in all I hope you like this new story I'm writting. Thank you!
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