BFIW 2: Get brawling

Bow: *digs in the pile of old stuff*

Tuffy: Bow? What are you doing?

Bow: Look for some useful stuff to help us in the challenge.

Camilla: Like what?

Bow: I know its here somewhere...

Luna: Whatever it is, I'm sure it can be helpful!

Bow: Found it!

Bow pulls out a laser gun from the pile.

Bow: This!

Ash: A gun!?

Serena: isn't that a bad idea?

Bow: Its not. See?

Bow fires the laser at Echo, erasing him from existence.

Zack: ECHO!

Zack ran over to VASB

Zack: Echo just died!



VASB: I've ordered something and it should be arriving soon.

Suddenly, a large machine landed on top of the entire team of a much more smarter name than that. They were crushed by he machine.

VASB: This here is the Hand Powered Recovery Machine or HPRC for short

Zack: What does it do?

VASB: Type in the name of the person who is dead right now and they'll recover.

Zack goes to the machine and types Echo's name in.




Zack cranked the handle and Echo came out of the box.

Echo: What happened?

Zack: Echo! You're alive!

VASB: Not for long. Its cake at stake!


VASB: Team Rescuers and The Loafing Appreciation Group! You guys lost last challenge. We'll start with Team Rescuers.

Garrett: Great. I wonder who's gonna be eliminated. I don't see that we're useless.

VASB: If you're safe, you get this piece of cake.

Trixie: Ooh! I love cake!

VASB: Well then you can have it because you're safe with no votes! *throws cake at Trixie*

Trixie: *catches it* thanks!

VASB: next one safe with 0 votes are... Garrett, Sean, Zack, Echo, And Lumia! *throws cake at them*

Minty: Oh no! We're the only ones left!

Bat: Eh.

Jaxon: I'm kinda worried

Foster: Come on! Who's next safe?

VASB: You. With no votes aswell *throws cake at them*

Foster: Yay!

The light shined under Jaxon, Bat, and Minty.

VASB: the last two safe are......

Drumroll plays

VASB: Echo and Minty! *throws cake at them*

Echo: Jaxon is eliminated...

Foster: Jaxon No!

Jaxon: Aw man! Last place! This sucks!

VASB: You'll just be sent to the flower field zone.

Jaxon: The flower field zone?

A blackhole appeared Above Jaxon, sucking him into the flower field zone


The portal closes as Jaxon was completely sucked into another dimension.

VASB: Onto the next team. The loafing Appreciation Group.

VASB: You guys lost last time so one of you is going home!

VASB: Purple, Shift, Ashachu, and Goh, you're safe at no votes. *throws cake at them*

Goh: Alright!

VASB: ... Stella. You also got no votes. Good job! *throws cake*

Stella: *catches it and eats it*

VASB: Next safe are Vampire Cookie and Pretty Bit. *throws cake*

Vampire Cookie: *hic* Yay.....

Pretty Bit: Alright!

VASB: Chikin Nugget and Chloe are tied at one vote So to break the tie breaker, We're going to have the team members take a vote on who you want to stay.

Shift/Purple/Ashachu/Serenakin/Pretty Bit/Goh: We are the loafing appreciation group who honors the art of loafing! We must protect Chikin Nugget at all costs.

Chloe: WHAT!?

Chikin Nugget: 6

Chloe: 0

Chloe: Goh you too!? This is getting absurd!

Vampire Cookie: *yawn* Do i have to vote?


Vampire Cookie: Fine... Chikin Nugget....


Vampire Cookie: *hic* Look at the votes.... you're outnumbered.

VASB: Vampire Cookie's right,  Chloe! You're eliminated!


Chloe gets sucked into the portal and was sent to the flower field zone

Chloe: Aah!

Jaxon: Oh hey!

Bea: Hello Chloe.

Chloe: Hey. What are you doing here Bea?

Bea: Oh, I'm here to collect some nectar for my hive from another world. What are you doing here?

Jaxon: We're here because we got eliminated.

Bea: Oh that sucks... Well, I'll bee on my way to collect some nectar!

Chloe: See ya!

Back to reality.

VASB: Alright everyone, Are you ready for your next tor- I mean challenge?

Everyone: Yeah!

VASB: Alright Good, Your next challenge is to have a brawl between you all!

Gingerbrave: A brawl!?

Eliza: But some of us can't fight!

VASB: Too bad. Don't care. Anyways! Heres how the challenge works. Everyone will be placed onto the arena with A pit of Water flowing below it. Your goal is to knock your opponents out of the arena. If you are killed or knocked down, you're out of the challenge. The first two teams to lose all their members is up for elimination!

A cage captured all the contestants and brought them to the ring.

VASB: Now go!

The brawl had begin.

With A much more Smarter Name than that

Void Cookie: Alright! I'm so excited for this!

Espresso Cookie: Everyone, We must devise a strategy.

Black Raisin Cookie: Give us the info Espresso Cookie.

Espresso Cookie: We must target the strong ones first!

Denny: Who's the strongest?

Espresso Cookie: I believe the few strongest ones are from team Sailor Scout Guardians with Luna and Camilla, Team Rescuers with Garrett and Sean, The Rainflowers With Null and Sheldon, The Loafing Appreciation Group with Shift and Purple, Team Sunny with Speed, Team Brotherhood with Violet, Melly, Boyfriend, and TSC!

Wildberry: Very well then. What team shall we target first?

Espresso Cookie: We target Team Sunny. They have only one strong character!

Void Cookie: I have... Perfect ways.

Void Cookie Pulled out his laptop.

Void Cookie: I'm going to create a gigantic bomb. I'll need you guys to cover me!

Gingerbrave: A b-b-b-ig bomb!? That getting out of hand!

Crunchy Chip Cookie: Alright, Lets Ride Cream Wolves!

Void Cookie: I'm going to create a bomb. It'll explode everything except us! I need 5 minutes to create it!

Espresso Cookie: Alright! Denny, Stay near Indigo as a healer!

Denny: Okay!

Espresso Cookie: Gary and Trip, Watch Over Denny and Indigo as inside defense!

Gary and Trip: Okay! *takes out pokeballs*

Espresso Cookie: Gingerbrave, take the Left, Strawberry Cookie, Take the right. Wildberry Cookie, take Left. Black Raisin Cookie, you're our lookout! And Crunchy Chip Cookie, Take right!

Crunchy Chip Cookie: Got it!

Espresso Cookie: As for me, I'll be on front!

With Team Sailor Scout Guardians

Camilla: *throwing potions* Don't worry everyone! We'll be safe!

Tom: I agree! It's a wild brawl now!


Eliza, Shift, and Sky was knocked out of the arena

Ash: Guys! Look! Indigo's doing something! It looks like he's creating something...

Serena squinted her eyes and saw that Indigo was in the process of creating a large bomb

Serena: He's creating a large bomb!

Team Sailor Scout Guardians: WHAT!?


Bow: We have to stop him!

Luna: Alright Team Sailor scout guardians! Our target is A Much More smarter name than that! Specifically Indigo!

The others: Right!

With Team Water Speeders

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OooOoOoOoOoO!

Zara: If Sheldon was on our team, We wouldn't be in a tight situation!

Swift Heart: Zara, do you have any inventions?

Zara: I made this shield bubble. See, I borrowed dna from Null and Sheldon. This then, creates a hard-like structure that will protect us from any attacks! Meaning we're safe!

Kari: Then lets get inside!

Team Water Speeders huddled together and hid inside the shield.

Emma: Yeah! we're safe!

With Team Sailor Scout Guardians

Luna: Take this!

Espresso Cookie: Take this! *fires flaming coffee bean*

Camilla: *extinguishes it using a potion* I have your back Lulu!

Luna: Thanks Camilla!

Tom came flying in with a Rocket, but Black Raisin Cookie sliced the rocket. The rocket broke into pieces with Tom falling off.

Bow: Take this! *fires laser gun*

Bow fired the laser gun at wildberry cookie's armor, it reflected and hit Bow, erasing her.

Void Cookie: Almost there... *types continuously*

Luna: I won't let you! Sailor Luna transform!

Luna pulled out her wand and transforms into Sailor Luna

Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie were stopping Star and Ash. Jerry and Tuffy were occupied by Crunchy Chip Cookie with his cream wolf. Serena was too busy battling Gary and Trip. and Camilla and Luna were dealing with Espresso Cookie.

With the Rainflowers

Sapphire: Hey! Two teams are fighting! This is our chance!

Lemon Cookie: Leave it to me!

Lemon Cookie builds up electricity around his body and released the electricity at the area. As a result, A much more smarter name than that and Team Sailor Scout Guardians were electrocuted except for Void Cookie.

Then, Speed tackled Lemon Cookie off the ring.

Speed: That should take care of him.

Then Null knocked him off the arena

Null: Well Deserved.

With Team Brotherhood

Melly: We just gotta keep our stand!

Violet: There's something we gotta do! *throws Bat in the air*

Dusk: I know! Lets try to fight if necessary. We'll defend ourselves too!

With Team Rescuers

Garrett (Soaring Havoc): Take this! Wind BLAST!

Garrett fired a wind blast at Paul, Dawn, Purple, And  Boyfriend.

Trixie: I got your back and you got mine!

Lumia: Yeah!

After a while,

Void Cookie: Its ready!

Void Cookie created a large bomb using his computer. Espresso Cookie lit the fuse with his magic. It was starting.

Sailor Luna: Everyone We gotta extinguish it!

Void Cookie: Not today!

Void Cookie created a blackhole vortex which sucked all of sailor scout guardians in.



Ash: I'm getting dizzy!

Tuffy: Ugh...

Gingerbrave: That's an awesome move Void Cookie!

Void Cookie: Thanks! I just have to hold out this move for a while until the bomb explodes.

one of the potions slipped out of Camilla's hand and fell on Void Cookie. The potion had turned him into a baby. The vortex stopped and the Sailor scout guardians were free from it.

Jerry: What the heck just happened?

Camilla: Wait! I forgot i had the de-age potion!

Tom: You remembered that just now!?

Camilla: I was gonna use it for Ash, Serena, and Dawn!

Denny: Indigo is a baby! We gotta stop them!

Crunchy Chip Cookie: Everyone! Charge!

The Ammsntt team charged in the Sailor Scout Group.

Star: Cami, Do you have any more!?

Camilla: I'm an infinite supply! I know what to do!

Camilla took out the same potions and threw each of them at every member of AMMSNTT, turning them into babies.

Baby Denny: Wah!!!!!!

Baby Espresso Cookie: Wah. *sigh*

Baby Wildberry Cookie: ...

Crunchy Chip Cookie: *laughing*

Sailor Luna: They're so cute!

Ash: Whee, we're now done!

Serena: Um.. everyone....

Star: What is it?

Serena: The bomb.

Sailor Luna: THE BOMB!!!!!

It was too late, the bomb has exploded and caused a large explosion. A large majority of the arena was destroyed and A large amount of contestants died to the explosion with the exception of  Sailor Luna, Sean, Vampire Cookie, Aaron, Sheldon, Null, and the entirety of Team Water Speeders. Team Brotherhood and AMMSNTT were completely wiped out or knocked off the arena.

VASB: Boop. Times Up. Lets see who's out. Hmm. Wow, In one bomb, My creator has singlely handled killed almost the entire cast! Incredible. Team Brotherhood was completely out of the ring. They're up for elimination.

Vampire Cookie: *HIC* Can't babies swim or whatever?

VASB: No they can't.  And AMMSNTT fell into the water meaning...

VASB: Viewers, Vote off one member from Team Brotherhood and AMMSNTT!

Team Brotherhood






The Second Coming






Indigo/Void Cookie

Espresso Cookie


Strawberry Cookie

Black Raisin Cookie

Crunchy Chip Cookie




Wildberry Cookie

Sean: *types on the HPRC* Garrett, Bat, Foster, Echo, Zack, Trixie, Minty, and Lumia.

After they were recovered.

Garrett: Geez, Indigo is too crazy ya know?

Trixie: Yeah... I can't believe he managed to kill 90% of the show's cast

Foster: We should form an alliance with his team. We'd be unstoppable together!

End of chapter

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