BFIW -1: Fakers

VASB: Hello Viewers! And welcome to Battle For Infinite Wishes! I'm your host Void Announcer Speaker Box! and Welcome to my gameshow. There, 80 contestants will compete for one prize. The Infinite wish orb!

Shift: So uh, what's the first challenge?

Wildberry Cookie: Yes, What is our first task?

VASB: First Off, We need teams. Go make one.

Everyone: Okay!

The team picking started to begin.

With the UEE cast

Indigo: Alright Guys we Sh-

The UEE cast decided to walk away to find their own teams, leaving Indigo Behind

Indigo: Great... I guess I'm on my own.

Crunchy Chip Cookie: Hey! New guy! Join us!

Gingerbrave: Yeah! We could be allies!

Indigo: Okay! Sure!

Indigo joined the team of Strawberry Cookie, Gingerbrave, Espresso Cookie, Wildberry Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, and Crunchy Chip Cookie. 7/10

Indigo: I think i should change to my cookie form so that It could match you guys.

Indigo placed his laptop down and coded himself to changes to his cookie form.

Void Cookie: Alright!

Gingerbrave: Thats now Great! We have 7 members!

Espresso Cookie: I suggest we get more useful people in our team. We have Void Cookie with his computer skills and his speed, My knowledge, Crunchy Chip's Wild instincts, Wildberry's Strength, Gingerbrave's Braveness, Strawberry Cookie's cooking knowledge, and Black Raisin's Crows for Air surveillance.

Wildberry Cookie: ...

With Speed and Lazuli

Speed: We need to find a good team to stay in.

Lazuli: Well... What teams are there?

May: Hey can I join you two?

Speed and Lazuli agreed.

Speed, Lazuli, and May formed a team. 3/10

With Sorbet Shark Cookie and Candy Diver Cookie

Candy Diver Cookie: ▤▲●◐◑◒

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OooOoOooO!

Candy Diver Cookie: ■□◼️▤▲△▿

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OOOoOoooOOOooOoO!

As Sorbet Shark Cookie and Candy Diver Cookie had their conversaton, A rabbit came in

Swift Heart: These two are so cute I want to be in the same team with those two!

More came to this group.

Victoria: Same here!

Emma: I'll join you!

Zara: Oh? It seems like I wanna learn more about them.

Zara, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Victoria, Swift Heart, Emma, and Candy Diver Cookie formed a team. 6/10

With Camilla, Luna, and Star.

Camilla: Team... Lets form a team with Tom, Jerry, and Tuffy!

Luna: I like the idea!

Star: I guess we can try!

Star, Luna, and Camilla ran off towards Tom, Jerry, and Tuffy. When they got to them.

Camilla: Hey Tom, Jerry, and Tuffy. Wanna form a team with us?

Jerry: Okay!

Rika: Don't forget about me!

Ash: Can I join?

Luna: Sure!

Jerry, Tom, Tuffy, Ash, Camilla, Luna, Star, and Rika formed a team. 8/10

Star: Just two more spots.

Ash: Who should we get in?

Tom: I don't know but We should have atleast a speedster with us.

Luna: Then Who should we pick? It seems like Indigo, Speed, and Swift Heart are already in different teams is in a team already, Shift is open.

Tom/Camilla/Star/Rika/Jerry/Tuffy/Ash: We rather choose Shift than Jake.

Luna: Okay, lets recruit Shift then.

With TK and Kari.

Kari: I don't know who we should invite to our team.

TK: Hey, We got these digimon!

Patamon and Gatomon: Yeah!

Kari had a lightbulb above her head. She had an Idea.

Kari: I have an Idea! TK, lets go join that team with those two cute cookies and the Pokemon!

TK: Okay.

TK, Patamon, Gatomon, and Kari Joined Sorbet Shark Cookie's team. 10/10

Zara: We're the first full team!

Victoria: Alright!

With Violet, Melly, and Kelly.

Violet: Hey Melly.

Melly: ?

Violet: aren't you going to join Indigo in his team?

Melly: If I had, I would've been already done that already.

Violet: Oh? Something going on?

Melly: I still love him and all but. I haven't spend my time with you and Kelly. So I thought I'd take this time to form a team with you!

Violet: Aw! Thanks! Anyways, Lets go find a team!

The Second Coming and Bf were walking and bumped in to Melly and Violet.

TSC: Oh sorry! I didn't see you there!

Melly: Its okay! Say.. We're looking for a team, wanna join?

Boyfriend: Beep! Baap!

Violet: Great!

Kelly: Yay! More Team members!

Iris, Dusk, Sky, Eve, and Emily walked in.

Emily: Can we join in?

Violet: Okay!

Iris, Dusk, Sky, Melly, Kelly, Eve, Emily, Boyfriend, The Second Coming, and Violet formed a team. 10/10

Emily: great! We should form a team name!

With Eliza.

Eliza: Alright Kids, We're going to form the best team!

Amelia: Nice!

Periwinkle: So.. Who is joining our team?

Eliza: Yeah...that's a good question.

Speed, Lazuli, and May walked in the group.

Lazuli: Hello, I heard you were looking for team members. May we join?

Eliza: sure!

Speed, Lazuli, Eliza, May, Amelia, Periwinkle, Friday, Valence, and Aaron formed a team.

Aaron: we need to find one more to have a complete team!

Speed: I think I know who might take the last spot. Hey Sunshine!

Sunshine heard her dad's call and came to him.

Sunshine: Aye!

Speed: wanna be part of a team with Mom and Dad?

Sunshine: Okay! I guess to play with more friends!

Eliza: Great! We got a full team!


With Garrett and Sean.

Garrett: It seems like we're going to form a team.

Sean: Oh really? With who?

Garrett: I dunno. Wait! Hey You guys!

Garrett shouted at Minty, Zack, Foster, Bat, Echo, and Jaxon.

Garrett: Wanna form a team with us?

The group nodded in a blank expression.

Minty: Okay!

Garrett: See Sean? Easy!

Trixie and Lumia were walking and came up to The group.

Trixie: Hey, can we join?

Garrett: Sure!

Lumia: Yay! We get to be in a team!

Sean, Garrett, Zack, Echo, Minty, Jaxon, Trixie, Lumia, Bat, and Foster formed a team. 10/10

With Gary.

Gary: Hey Hey, I'm joining in this team!

Gary tried to force his way into Gingerbraves team But Wildberry punched him with his gauntlet away.

Wildberry Cookie: We do not need inconveniences on our team.

Gary: Rude!

With Chikin Nugget

Chikin Nugget turns himself upside down with a blank expression on his face. The fact some how dazzled Ashachu, Serenakin, and Purple

Ashachu, Serenakin, and Purple: *gasps*

Purple: That pose! Nobody could have mastered that!

Ashachu: I need to master the art of Loafing!

Serenakin: We have to form a team.

Ashachu, Purple, and Serenakin joined Chikin Nugget's team. 4/10

Shift: Looks like you need my super speed.

Vampire Cookie fell down on top of Shift as he was drunk.

Vampire Cookie: *hic* I'll just join this team... Seems like there's no effort needed

Vampire Cookie joined the team. 6/10

Stella: Hey! Can I join you guys?

Serenakin: Can you do this?

Serenakin flips upside down and made a :3 face. Stella did what she did and made the face.

Serenakin: You're accepted! Welcome to the team!


Goh and Chloe: What about us!

Shift: Sure!


Pretty Bit: Me too!


With Camilla's team.

Luna: Hey look! Its bow and serena, Instead of recruiting Shift, we can get these two on our team!

Camilla: Yeah, that a better idea!

Tom walked over to Serena and Bow.

Tom: Hey girls, wanna join our team?

Serena: Okay!

Bow: Okay.


Rika: we're a full team!

With Null

Null: Sheldon, Lets form a team.

Sheldon: Okay.

Pikachu, Serena, Dawn, Paul, Pearl, Sapphire, Diamond, and Lemon Cookie, and Sylveon.

Dawn: We're joining this team!

Paul: ... Do i have to?

Dawn: Do you have a better team?

Paul: No.

Dawn: Good, we're forming a team then.

Sheldon, Null, Dawn, Sylveon, Paul, Pikachu, Lemon Cookie, Pearl, Sapphire and Diamond formed a team. 10/10.

Only 3 characters remained. Which was Gary, Trip and Denny.

With Espresso Cookie.

Espresso Cookie: So if we acquire someone with healing powers, we would be able to power through the competition!

Wildberry Cookie: Excuse me but....

Espresso Cookie: What is it Wildberry Cookie?

Wildberry Cookie: The only ones that we have left are Denny and the two trouble makers.

Gingerbrave, Espresso Cookie, Void Cookie, and Crunchy Chip Cookie were shocked.

Espresso Cookie: THOSE TWO!? I'm not complaining that Denny's on our team but Gary and Trip!? Great, This team is to fail for sure.

Strawberry Cookie: Come on It wont be that bad...

VASB came in on a floating platform. Alright, now that Teams are set, Get to team naming.

Espresso Cookie: We have to pick a team name suited to our liking.

Trip: What about the boonies?!

Espresso Cookie: Absolutely not! We must be a much more smarter name than that.


Espresso cookie: WHAT NO! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-

VASB: Don't care. Thats your team name.

Espresso Cookie looked at Gary with annoyance.

Denny: I guess we'll have to make do with it.

With Null's team.

Null: What team name should we be?

Diamond: it has to have more... Color to it.

Sheldon: You mean like a rainbow.

Sapphire: If that's our team name then We need something better than that.

Pikachu: Well, Null's Black and White, Sheldon and Paul are Purple, Sapphire and Dawn are Blue, Diamond is Gray, Sylveon's Pink, Pearl is lavender, and Lemon Cookie and I are yellow.

Lemon Cookie: But we're missing Orange, Green, and Red.

Sylveon: Its decided then! Rainflow!


Rainflowers: Yeah!

Lemon Cookie: I can tell this is going to be a lively bunch.

With Purple's team

Purple and his teammates except Vampire Cookie were observing how Chikin Nugget was loafing around. Other than them, Vampire Cookie was hanging upside down on a tree branch.

Stella: Such majesty! The art of loafing!

Shift: We must be named The Loafing Appreciation Group!


With Luna's team

Luna: Lets be called team Sailor Scout Guardians!

Camilla: I like the idea!


With Melly's team.

Melly: What team name should we be?

Violet: what if we put in the brother hood for this one?

Dusk: Like team Brotherhood?


With Speed and his team.

Periwinkle: what about team night?

the others: Nope.

Aaron: Blue shock?

The others: nope.

Sunshine: Team Sunny?

The others: Yeah!


With Sorbet Shark Cookie.

Victoria: I got a perfect name!

Sorbet Shark Cookie: OOOooOooO?

Zara: What is it?

Victoria: Water Speeders!


With Jaxon's team.

Bat: What if we call ourselves team Rescuers

Trixie: Thats a good idea Bat! Lets be the Rescuers.

Sean: Thats a good idea!

the Rescuers

10 minutes later

VASB: alright, So now that we have team names. Its time for the first challenge.

Speed: which is?

VASB: Your first challenge is to discover your fake. Here are the rules. each team will be teleported to a room. But only one member in each team will have their bodies swapped! Their disguises are flawless! Your goal is to find the fake. If you find the fake before the other team does, you're safe. The last two teams to find their fake is up for elimination go!

As VASB finished announcing the challenge, every team got teleported to a different room.

(Btw: Here's who got body swapped. Tom > Sean > Crunchy Chip Cookie > Sheldon > Sunshine > Patamon > Vampire Cookie > The Second Coming > Tom)

With the Rainflowers

Dawn: Okay! So we have to find out who's the faker.

Sheldon: Why am I slimy?

Sheldon said something that she shouldn't have and sold the challenge to them.

Null: Its Sheldon...

Sheldon shapeshifted into Crunchy Chip Cookie

VASB: The Rainflowers are safe.

With Team Rescuers

Jaxon: hm....

Echo: Ha! I win again!

Jaxon: Darn it.

Echo and Jaxon were playing tic tac toe on the ground.

Jaxon: I know! You're the fake!


VASB: Get it wrong again and you're up for elimination.

Jaxon: *sweatdrops* Sorry!

Echo: ...

Trixie: Well that was a risk taken now that we know that Echo isn't a faker.

Garrett: dammit Jaxon.

With Team Sailor Scout Guardians

Camilla: Alright Lulu, what is the name of your sailor form

Luna: Sailor Luna!

Camilla: Alright, Lulu's the real one!

Jerry and Tuffy came to Camilla and Luna

Jerry: Hey girls! check out my new hat! Tom is a really good drawer!

Tuffy: Yeah! Its so cool!

Camilla: Hat? I wonder what Tom can draw!

Luna: I didn't know Tom can draw so good! Where did he find the time to draw?

Serena: That is strange.. Jerry, has Tom ever drawn that often before?

Jerry: No?

Star: I guess he's been doing it in a secret. almost made me think that Tom's the faker.

Tom shapeshifted into The Second Coming as Star accidentally ruled out that Tom was the faker.

TSC: dammit.

VASB: Team Sailor Scouts Guardians are safe!

Star: What the heck!? I didn't even think it was him.

Camilla: Wow.. I guess its a win for us! good going star!

Star: Thanks!

With A much more Smarter name than that

Denny: So what is this team?

Gary: The most awesome team ever, with my skills of course.

Void Cookie: but, you're a pervert Oak.

Gary: Hey! that hurts ya know....

Trip: What a bunchof boonies.

Black Raisin Cookie: Boonies? what's that?

Trip: Its something you wouldn't understand.

Espresso Cookie: People, focus! We must focus on the challenge!

Wildberry Cookie: I agree. The faster, the better.

Crunchy Chip Cookie: Alright, so we just gotta find the fake then! Come out faker!

Void Cookie: I don't think that's how it works.

Strawberry Cookie: uh... I'm just gonna leave everything to you guys...

Gingerbrave: Alright.

A crow popped out of Black Raisin Coookie's hair.

Raisin Crow: Caw!

The raisin crow flew around and circled around Crunchy Chip Cookie.

Black Raisin Cookie: What's wrong crow?

Raisin Crow: Caw!

Wildberry Cookie: Perhaps it is saying that Crunchy Chip Cookie is the fake.

Crunchy Chip Cookie shapeshifted to Sean as he was the fake.

Sean: Darn it! Oh Hey Indigo!

Void Cookie: Hey Sean!

VASB: A much more smarter name than that is safe!

Espresso Cookie: I must admit, your crows are smart indeed!

Black Raisin Cookie: They've only learned from the best!

Denny: Wow, you're like the mother of all crows!

Black Raisin: heheheh!

VASB: 5 teams left.

With Team Brotherhood

Bf: Beep Bap Bop!

Sky: I'm thinking that someone is acting a little differently?

Eve: But who?

Melly: What if we just answer a question to each other to see who's the fake?

Violet: But what question are we gonna ask?

Kelly: Good question...

TSC: You're just overthinking things. Why not just chill and relax?

Iris: I don't think we can over a challenge. Also how are you suddenly so calm about this?

TSC: I've been in situations like this.

Iris: Oh yeah, then who do you think who's the faker?

TSC: No idea.

Emily: This is getting us nowhere....

With Team Water Speeders

Zara: Hey, I just noticed. Sorbet Shark Cookie and Candy Diver Cookie can't talk. So how do we know which one is the fake?

Victoria: I thought you can understand them?

Zara: I haven't made an invention yet.

Victoria: Oh.

Kari: But then again, we could focus on who we can talk to right?

Zara/Victoria: Yeah.

Emma: So who do you think it is?

Patamon: WHEEEEEE!!

TK: Patamon seems to be enjoying its flight!

Kari: Yeah!

Gatomon: Patamon's the fake!

Patamon shapeshifted to Sunshine as it was the fake.

VASB: The Water Speeders are safe! only 3 teams remain.

With The Loafing Apreciation group.

Chikin Nugget: We have to hurry and find the imposter!

Vampire Cookie: Yeah, I agree! who should we start interogating?

Purple: Lets do Shift first?

Shift: WHY ME!?

With Team Brotherhood.

Melly: Okay, its not Kelly, Eve, Sky, or Violet.

Iris: That leaves Dusk, Me, BF, TSC, and Emily.

Emily: I'm not the imposter! I can prove it to you.

Dusk: Alright.

With Team Rescuers

Garrett: Ugh, here we are struggling to find the faker.

Zack: We're just overthinking things.

Minty: Wait. Hold on.

Lumia: What is it?

Minty: What about Sean? He hasn't done anything to prove himself....

Trixie: You're right.

Everyone gave Sean a suspicious look before realizing that he was the imposter until...


VASB: Team Brotherhood is safe!

Garrett: WHAT!?


Purple: What!? who was it?

Sean and Vampire Cookie shapeshift as they were fakers. With Sean being Tom and Vampire Cookie being Patamon.

Trixie: We were right all along!

Goh: I didn't know that Vampire Cookie was the imposter!?

VASB: You what that mean.

VASB: Viewers vote off one of the members from both Team Rescuers and The Loafing Apreciation Group.

Team Rescuers:

(A): Trixie

(B): Garrett

(C): Sean

(D): Minty

(E): Lumia

(F): Echo

(G): Zack

(H): Jaxon

(I) Bat

(J) Foster

The Loafing Apreciation Group

(K): Chikin Nugget

(L): Shift

(M): Ashachu

(N): Chloe

(O): Goh

(P): Vampire Cookie

(Q): Stella

(R): Pretty Bit

(S): Purple

(T): Serenakin

How to vote: Type in the comments the letter

ex: (S) Purple from the loafing appreciation group and (B) Garrett from team Rescuers.

End of chapter

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