Part twenty
Y/n's pov
After saying bye to Fanny, I went back to the group, who was looking for me cause I kinda disappeared on them. So, naturally, I decided to reappear on them as well. I quietly walked up next to Bendy and cuphead, since they were in the back of the group. Bendy asked "so cuphead, how long does y/n usually take before she comes back?". Cuphead said "eh, depends on where she goes and what she's doing. There was one time where she disappeared for the whole day, but there were times where she only disappeared for a few seconds to a minute. She is really good at finding us when she's done though. I have no clue how she does it". I smirked and tapped bendy's shoulder. Bendy turned around and said "Y-Y/n! How long have you been here?!". I said "long enough to hear your conversation about me". Bendy blushed for some reason, but I just brushed it off. Cuphead asked "so where did you go this time?". I remembered Fanny's conversation with me, and my expression turned from happy to serious. I said "ok, so you know the bunny nurse who took care of us the last time we were here right?". Cuphead nodded and blushed a little, looks like he likes her. Anyway, I said "I took her out for lunch, and found out that her husband is abusing her. So I convinced her to make a case against him, and divorce him. I'm gonna help her make a case, and deal with whatever trauma she's gonna experience afterwards. Rather she knows it or not, she is gonna experience some trauma from her abusive relationship". Cuphead put his hand on my shoulder and said "you've got a good heart y/n". I grinned and said "you sure about that?". Cuphead said "what, it's true". I sighed and said "whatever you say bro". Boris and mugman turned around, and they were both surprised to see me. Boris asked "woah, where did you come from?". I giggled and said "just behind you guys". Mugman smiles and shook his head while shrugging and said "classic y/n". Boris asked "this is normal?". I said "hey, I'm aloud to do what I want. I'm an adult". Cuphead ruffles my hair and said "and yet you're still the shortest between us". I said "hey, that just means the element of surprise is strong with me. People expect tall people to be strong because of their size. But us shorties, we always have something to prove. Our height may be a handicap, but it just gives us strength. Plus, being short is better than bonking your head on every doorway you forget to duck under, or getting wacked in the face by every tree branch that the shorties don't have to duck under. Also, wha did I tell you about messing with my hair". Cuphead chuckled and said "you just say that cause your short". I reached up and pressed a pressure point on cupheads shoulder forcing him to bend down toward the ground. I then got on his back, grabbed his handle, pointed forward and said "onward noble steed", cuphead fearfully went forward as I guided him like someone would guide a horse. Cuphead soon said "y/n, your feet are digging into my sides", I said "well how else am I supposed to stay on?". Cuphead rolled his eyes and put his hands behind his back. I put my feet on his hands, and we went forward. Everyone followed as we went back to mickeys tent. We soon got to cupheads room, and I stopped him and asked "ok cuphead, what's the magic word". Cuphead said "uhh, I'm sorry?", making it sound like a question. I said "apology accepted, but that's not the magic word". Cuphead was silent for a while, so I'm guessing he doesn't know. I cleared my throat and said "ok, repeat after me, shorties", "shorties" Cuphead repeated. I said "rule", and Cuphead said "r-rule" in defeat. I got off of cuphead and said "good job cuppy", before walking off to my room. I heard the boys snickering as I left.
(Later that night)
I found myself floating in a dark void, all alone. Then, a pair of eyes opened and the devil emerged in front of me. The devil said "you traitors! You three have not only failed to to as I asked, but you also managed to defeat my right hand man. So here's what's gonna happen, you three make your way to my casino, or I'm going to turn everyone you love against you. There should be a demon waiting outside for you, you can't miss him. I'll be waiting". I then woke up in cold sweat and shaking. I changed clothes really quick, and wrote a note to whoever finds it. I went outside to find the demon. Cup and mug also joined me, so they must've gotten the same dream as me. Anyway, the demon grabbed our hands and teleported us to the devils casino. It seemed to be closed, but the demon took us directly to the devils office. Mugs and I were practically shaking in fear, while cuphead just looked worried as we walked into the office. The devil said "well, looks like the three traitorous cups actually came". We all got into a fighting stance and the devil said "now die!" And swing his trident at us. We all ducked in the nick of time, and started shooting at the devil. Satan sent his minions at us, as well as other various projectiles, like bats, cards, and casino chips. He even turned into a spider or goat to attack us. I ended up taking a few hits for cup and mug, since I didn't want them to get hurt. Soon enough, the devil went down into the first layer of hell, and we followed. We were doing a good job defeating him until he landed a solid hit on me, sending me flying into the wall, before falling the the ground and losing consciousness.
3rd pov
As cup and mug saw their sister get sent flying into the wall, they defeated the devil. Satan fled while crying, while cup and mug ran over to y/n. As the checked y/n over, they saw that she was badly hurt, but still alive. Cuphead picked y/n up carefully and said "come on, let's get out of here". Mugman nodded and they all got out of hell. As they headed back to toonsvile, mugman started crying out of worry for his sister. Cuphead noticed this and said "don't worry mugs, y/n is strong. I'm sure she'll be back to normal in no time". Mugs sniffed and shakily said "m-mhmm", and they continued running towards town. As they soon approached toonsvile, they found the hospital and got y/n in. She was swiftly taken away on a stretcher, leaving cup and mug in the waiting room. Mugs then broke down crying, and cuphead hugged mugman while crying a bit as well.
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