Part three
Y/n's pov
Cup mug and I were walking in the back alleys, making our way towards a hotel where we could stay the night. That was until we heard someone scream "BORIS" off in the distance. We all knew it was bendy. Cuphead went to go find him, and mug and I looked for Boris. I ended heard a voice calling for bendy, and followed it. Mugman ended up following me too. When we found Boris he was being cornered by s raccoon who was holding a knife to boris' throat. I wanted to blast the raccoon, but I couldn't risk hitting Boris. I still didn't want to kill them. Luckily, cuphead came from around the corner carrying and inky looking bendy. I gasp in realization. Bendy has the ink illness. Bendy yelled for Boris, and Boris did the same. Boris ran toward bendy since the raccoon guy was distracted. The raccoon guy was about to run after Boris, but mug grabbed his hand and crushed it while the raccoon winced in pain. I then flanked him from the back, grabbed his other arm and threw him into the ground. The raccoon guy eventually got up and ran away yelling "you'll pay for this". Cup handed bendy to Boris as they shared a sibling moment. Boris questioned himself out loud, asking "did cuphead just help us?" Then he noticed my existence and said "wait is that..." he trailed off. I gave him a smile and said "hi!". Boris said "thank...s", but cuphead said "no time for this sh*t though, your bro needs rest". I worriedly glanced at bendy, hoping to myself that he was ok. Boris left with bendy and mugs said "cuphead, more like tomato head", cups muttered "I knew helping other wasn't my thing". A wave of tiredness came over me, and I yawned. Cup and mug noticed and mugs said "how about we go to the hotel and rest?", cup nodded and said "I heard it's run by a little kitty lady ptttt, she's even smaller than bendy". I put my arms around mug because I'm just slightly shorter than him and I'm still kinda mad at cup, and we make our way to the hotel. Once we got to hotel and settled in, mug asked "so can we be friends with them now? I really like Boris, he seems like a cool kid!". Cuphead looked away looking deep in thought, mugs asked "cups?" Trying to get his attention. Cup said "if we don't get rid of them, we're the ones who'll end up dead remember?", mugs thought for a second and said "well the boss doesn't want them to find some machine parts or something! Why can't we just find them first? That way we don't have to kill them". I really like that idea. Cuphead said "we don't have a map though", to which mugman said "oh" realizing the error in his plan. I said "but bendy and Boris do have the map, maybe if we tag along with them, we can find them first" cuphead seemed to like this idea, but wanted to go to the balcony to think about it. After about five minutes, I started to feel a bit nauseous, and said "I'm gonna go to the bathroom". Mug nodded and I walked into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my head was almost overflowing with ink. "Oh no", I thought to myself before I threw up clumps of ink left and right. I even got ink on the floor on accident, I have no clue how I'm gonna clean that up. The noise I made in the bathroom alerted cup and mug. They opened the door and saw me covered in ink and on the floor. They both yelled my name as they came over to help me in any way they could. After the ink was done coming and cleaned up, I felt really tired. Cup decided to move me to my bed and kept a close eye on me and my condition. I felt ok after a while and said "I'm ok now cup, you can sleep. Plus, this is just another reason to join bendy and Boris on their quest right?" Cups faze on me softened as he ruffled my hair and said "ok, goodnight y/n. Good night mugs". Cuphead turned off the lights and we all went to sleep.
(Time skip brought to you by drunk bendy)
I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders, saying "y/n, time to get up" in a sing song tone. I open my eyes to see cuphead already up and dressed. I stretch and sit up, still kinda half asleep. I dig around in my backpack and grab my clothes, hairbrush, and other toiletries before heading to the bathroom, while I was getting changed, I overheard cup and mug talking about being friends with bendy and Boris, but they're only pretending to be friends with them. In my head, I was like, well screw that, I'm gonna be friends with them if I want to be friends with them. Plus bendy seems cool. I kinda like him. My mind then wandered back to how the devil wants us to stop them. I know we made a bet with the devil and all, but didn't we already pay it off my spreading the illness? Or was that not it. I remembered the devils words in my head "fine, in exchange for your souls, the ink illness will be spread around the world". My eyes widen in realization. I quickly get changed to tell cuphead before he tries to get to bendy, but alas, as I opened the bathroom door, the room was empty. I take out a piece of paper and write down what I was going to tell cuphead, and put it in my pocket so that the next time I put my hands in my pocket, the sheet of paper could remind me. Since I knew mug and cup were gonna be a while, I decided to pull out one of my favorite books "the lost letter of princess oriana" by an author named Felix the cat. I only have a few books because we need room for other things like clothes and food. Plus I'm the only book worm of the three of us. Eventually, cup and bandy came back to the room to get me before heading into town. Bendy and I chatted a bit before he had to go get stuff for Betty boop. I just followed cuphead at that point cuphead then said "oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, we all joined bendy and Boris on their quest, we're just picking up some things before we go. Also, we told bendy and Boris about your new condition"I said "wow, way to make me feel included" with heavy sarcasm in my tone. Cuphead noticed this and turned to me and said "look, I'm sorry for not including you on this, but I figured you needed rest after yesterday". I sighed, seeing his point, and said "fair enough". I pulled out my book and continued reading, occasionally looking up to see where I was going. Eventually, we meet up with mugs, who was getting food, and go to find bendy and Boris. When we find them, mugs says, hey guys, we're back, and we brought y/n too". Cup asked "who's that you got with ya?". I looked up to see Felix, THE. FELIX. Felix says "archeologist, adventurer, and writer, Felix the cat. Pleasure to meet you".
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