Part five
Y/n's pov
Bendy decided to get off Felix saying "I'm fine now mister Felix, thank you". Felix asked "you sure?", obviously still worried about bendy. Bendy said "yeah.. I", bendy then started to fall. "Bendy!", Felix yelled, catching him. Felix said "bendy why did you lie to me?". Bendy said "I, I didn't mister Felix. I feel a little numb, that's all". I piped in "the break wasn't that long bendy, we can still rest if you need to". "Yeah I need a break myself", Boris added. Mugman put is arm around Boris and said "me and Boris will make ya some delicious mushroom soup. We promised each other we'll make it, and I think it is the best time to do so", while Boris just eyed mugman and said "get off". Boris looked back at us and said "but I'm in only for my bro". Bendy said "no need you guys, I'm not that...", bendy's stomach made a loud growl. "Hungry", bendy finished while blushing. Understandably, Felix looked very pissed off. I wanted to go over and see if I could lighten the mood, but I felt like it wasn't my place to barge in. Bendy noticed Felix's sour expression and said "Mr felix, you don't look too happy. A-are you mad at me?". And then Felix just huffed and gave bendy the cold shoulder. Bendy noticed this and was about to cry, though I could feel his guilt from here, and I wanted to give bendy a hug. Felix wipes bendy's tears from his eyes and said "I'm sorry bendy, I'm not really mad at you. I just don't like it when you hide the truth from us about yourself. I know you still don't trust me but...". Bendy said "N-No! It's not like that at all! I do trust you. I trust you a lot actually. I just want to make a good impression on you. I always looked up to you, and meeting you was always my dream, and now that I got to know you better, I realized that you're even better than I imagined". Felix blushed, obviously flattered, and said "bendy... you don't have to prove anything kid, you're easily very likable". I looked around and realized I was kind of alone right now. Cuphead was watching bendy and Felix with a bored look on his face while he stroked jackpot. Boris and mugman were cooking the mushroom soup. Why did I feel like no one cared about my existence at all? My mood dropped as I silently sighed and picked at the grass. I then felt something softly and fluffy bump into my left arm. I looked down to see figaro looking up at me. I gave figaro a small, weak smile and gently said "hi figaro, what's up". figaro meowed and rubbed up against my side. I said "ah I see", and picked figaro up and having him rest in my arms as I pet him. I said "you wanted attention". Figaro meowed again, this time putting a paw up near my eye and dragging his paw down. It clicks in my head, I say "oh, that.... don't worry, I'm fine". It seems like figaro is the only one who understands me right now. I continue to pet figaro in my little corner. Nothing helps what seems like neglect like a cute kitten snuggling you. You know, I bet figaro is hungry too. I did end up packing an extra bowl, I can use that for figaros food. All of the sudden, cuphead started to tease bendy, saying "goochie goochie goo!". Because Felix was almost testing bendy like a son or something. Bendy yelled "SHUT UP!" Bendy started to roll up his sleeves and said "mister Felix will you excuse me for a sec?". Felix said "oh no young man, you're not going anywhere". Cuphead teases bendy again, saying "yeah don't worry, I'll go get your pacifier for ya". Bendy was about to charge at cup, but Felix held bendy back as bendy yelled "B**ch I will cut you". Felix and cuphead laughed, and I just cracked a small smile at them before going back to petting figaro. Boris was getting the bowls out for everyone and said "oh right! I only packed for the five of us except Felix". "It's ok Boris, I have my own bowl!" Felix chimed. I said "and I brought some bowls as well, so I can just use one for jackpot". Felix then said "bendy if you don't mind...", bendy then realized the position him and Felix were in and immediately got off of him saying "w-woah! I'm s-so sorry". Felix said "nah, it's alright", opening his bag to pull out his bowl. Cup said "man! You sure have everything in that magic thing of yours! What's next? A rabbit?". Felix blushes hard at that comment, and bendy and I look at Felix, confused as to why he's blushing. Bendy asks "mister Felix?", felix says "I'm fine hehe". Boris and mugman then come around and give us all a bowl of mushroom soup. Boris handed Felix and bendy a bowl and said "bon appetite". Felix said "heh, thank you", and bendy started digging in. Mugman came around to cup and I handed us our bowls saying "bo... petité?". Cup said "yeah, I don't know what it means either", I just said "bon appetite. it's French, it basically means 'dig in' or 'eat up'". I heard an "oh" from cup and mug before pouring some of my soup into a separate bowl for figaro. Figaro happily started lapping up the soup, while I just slowly ate the mushroom soup. After we finished, figaro went back to cuphead, and Boris pulled out a clarinet and started playing some tunes. I asked "can bendy play anything?". Boris said "yeah, I play clarinet, and bendy used to play guitar". Mugman said "nice", Felix whistled in surprise. Bendy said "it was a long time ago, I don't think I'm even half as good as I used to". Cup chuckled a little, which gained the attention of bendy, cause bendy asked "and why are you laughing?". Cup said "I just heard 'bendy plays guitar' and immediately thought of him playing a guitar two times his size!". Bendy then said "you little sh*t", now kinda mad at cup for making fun of him. Everyone ended up laughing except for me and bendy. Boris laughed though, to which bendy said "Boris!" In almost a scolding manner. Boris said "s-sorry bendy, that is a funny image". For me it just reminded me of when I was learning how to play xylophone and marimba. I was so small in comparison to the size of the instruments. Bendy said "alright this is the last straw", did... did bendy just make a pun? I started to grin cuphead said "eeyyy", while bendy said "wait...". I couldn't take it, my from broke into a giggle. I then said "actually it's a bendy straw". Cuphead said "why yes, it is a bendy straw, thanks for notici-... wait! Bendy straw! That's so gonna be our team name!". Bendy immediately said "no!". Mugman got really close to Boris and said "you're the bestest of all besties". Boris said "heh, thanks? You sure are something yourself". Cuphead cleared his throat and got mugs' attention before waving his finger at him, as if to say "no". Mug then huffed and shuffled away from Boris a bit.
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