Part eleven

Y/n's pov

We had just stopped for a lunch break, which consisted of soup and sandwiches. Well, bacon soup to be precise. I wasn't too fond of the bacon soup, but I did make myself a good sandwich. There were a few stray pieces of deli meat that was given to figaro/jackpot. I didn't pay attention to what everyone else was having though. Cala Maria really seemed to be enjoying the scenery though. Anyway, we all eventually clean up and continue. This time cuphead decided to carry me, which I had no problem with. After a while of walking, I started to feel sick. I then started feeling my head overflow. I tried to get cups attention by saying his name, but I ended up in a couching fit. This did catch the attention of everyone however, and I am quickly set down and given a bucket to throw up into. I throw up ink into the bucket as ink begins to come out of my body in the most painful way, and soon I'm practically engulfed in ink, my eyes were closed, cause I didn't want ink getting in my eyes if I could help it, and I could barely hear anything as my head was covered in ink. I tried to focus on getting the ink out of my mouth, but then something kept touching me. I flinched away, not knowing who or what was touching me. I tried to swat it away, but all I heard was a muffled "got to get this ink off of you". So I did the one thing that I could think of to get this ink off, I shook my head violently from side to side, flinging ink in all directions. I could finally hear a bit better, and I heard Felix's voice say "Y/n calm down". I felt exhausted and stopped shaking my head like a madman. I heard bendy ask "can you hear us now y/n?", I nodded and coughed up what seemed to be the last of the ink for now. I felt a rag go across my eyes, cleaning the ink off of my eyes so I could open them. I opened my eyes to see bendy, Boris, and Felix next to me cleaning me off. Cup and mug were next to felix and bendy, their look of concern turning into one of relief once I look at them. I gave a weak smile. My whole body felt like it was made of led, it was hard to move. I leaned back, only to be caught by Felix. The looks of concern were back, as I said "so tired". The concerned looks faded once again, and cuphead walked over and said "here, you can nap while I carry you". I was too tired to argue, so as soon as I was secure on cupheads back, I was out.

Bendy's pov

As we continued down the road, mug asked "so what's the piece we're looking for in black bay?". Boris said "there's a special bolt and wrench that fit the ink machine perfectly". Felix piped in "it's been told that there's a scientist that made a bunch of robots that could sustain and repair themselves. Nobody's seen the scientist who made the robots in years though". I didn't like the idea of going up against robots, but I'm pretty sure we can handle them. I looked back at y/n, who was currently asleep on cupheads back. I swear y/n looks so peaceful when she's asleep, she's actually kinda cute. Wait, what am I thinking?! I look away as my face heats up, hoping nobody notices or comments on my blushing. I soon got my blush to die down a bit, and just as lunch time is about to come around, Felix says "I can see the town from here, should be 2 more hours of walking before we reach the town though". My stomach growled, along with Cala Maria's, mugs' and cupheads. Mug said "sounds like it's time for a lunch break". I asked "shouldn't we wake up y/n if we're eating?". Cuphead said "I'm on it" and then proceeded to run around, gaining speed, and then jumping.

Y/n's pov

I was sleeping peacefully, when all of the sudden I was pulled out of my sleep by a feeling of wind in my face, followed by weightlessness. My eyes snapped open as I death gripped cuphead, all while screaming "Woaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!". Cuphead landed and skidded to a stop, while I still cling to his torso for dear life. There was a moment of silence, but I broke it asking "was that really necessary cup?". Cup smirked and said got me off of him, before saying "what, am I not allowed to tease my little sister?" While ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away and tried to fix my hair with not a lot of luck. It was still a mess. I sighed in defeat, and asked "why did you even wake me up anyway?". Mugs and Boris handed out a bunch of sandwiches, and mugs said "lunch silly". Now that I thought about it, I was kinda hungry. Boris handed me a sandwich, which was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My favorite! I quickly dug in, eating the crust first, and then moving into the juicy center. I ate it fast, cause every time I didn't eat a sandwich fast, the inside of the sandwich spilled somehow. So I was finishing my sandwich off just as Everyone started digging in. I said "those were good sandwiches", bendy looked over at me and yelled "you're already done?! How?!". Cup, mugs and I all chuckled/giggled to ourselves, mugman saying "classic y/n". I said "I just learned to eat fast to avoid messes". Cup said "yeah, well you're the one who puts so much peanut butter and jelly on their sandwich that it comes out at the sides". Mugs nodded in agreement, and I said "that's why I learned to eat fast, that way none of the juicy filling gets wasted". Felix said "wow, that's impressive. Can you do that with all foods?". I said "nah, just sandwiches and ice cream", Boris asked "how do you not get brain freeze?". I said "hey, I have to keep some of my secrets". Mugs crossed his arms and says "no fair", huffing a little. I rolled my eyes and said "fine, I'll tell you. The trick is to gently press your tongue in between your two front teeth and the roof of your mouth. Around the same place your tongue goes to make the L sound when you talk". (This trick actually works in real life) Everyone looked at me, and then tried it. They seemed to believe it, even though there was nothing remotely cold in their mouths.

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