Part eight

Y/n's pov

I huffed a bit, since that blast takes a bit out of me. Boris hugged me and said "my friend is cooler than yours bendy~", bendy said "y/n is my friend too, you can have the other one", while pointing at cuphead. Cuphead scoffed in reaction. Meanwhile, I was trying to to fall since I was still standing on one foot here. Luckily Boris didn't tackle hug me or anything, so I was balancing fine. I noticed that figaro had taken my place on cuphead's shoulder, and no one was attempting to pick me up, so I just started hopping toward the no gaping hole in the wall. After I started hopping, mugs offered to carry me. So I was now on mugmans back as we walked forward a bit. Boris said "finally, some sunlight!", felix commented "at least we found an exit, I hope". I nodded but then saw a giant high sea mermaid eating different parts of dead boulder spiders. Everyone soon noticed this and went over to check it out. We were thinking of ways to defeat the high sea mermaid because apparently the piece is in its head. However, a plan like that would require all three of us to be firing at it, for some reason cup has been refusing to shoot anything ever since we left town. Bendy then got a goofy look on his face and said "no need to give up on your power cup. You're not gonna hurt your sister again if you care that much about her". My eyes widened. Was.... was he really that terrified of shooting since he shot me? My face heated up and got off of mug and limped toward cup and gave him a big hug, saying "aww, cuppy!". Cup blushed and returned the hug. Felix got our attention and said "cup! Y/n! I hate to ruin the moment, but you two need to see this". We looked up to see jackpot walking over the the mermaid monster. Cup and I both yelled "Jackpot!" At the same time, cup picked up a rock and threw it at the mermaids hand. Figaro ran over to us, but now we had the attention of the mermaid. Jackpot staged with cuphead while I sneaked around the mermaid and fired shots when no one else was in the way. All of the sudden, I see a giant monster enter the fight. He's on our side, and it looks a lot like... "Bendy?!" I ask, shocked. Bendy made a snarky remark on cupheads height in comparison to him, wiped ink off of his face and said "sorry y/n, I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta show this b*tch who's boss for now". As bendy proceeded to attack the mermaid, I wondered why he only said my name. I pushed the thought aside and focused back to the fight. I heard cuphead yell "bendy look out!", and mugs yelled "bendy duck!", before shooting the snake what was about to bite bendy. I then saw cuphead hitting himself, probably realizing that he actually cared about the person he was supposed to kill. I was about to shoot again when I saw mugs save cup from the mermaid, and as a result, getting eaten. Cuphead and I were both enraged. The pain in my leg seemed to disappear as I got up and sprinted toward the mermaid while shooting. As I charged up my shot I said "spit my brother out right now!", releasing the shot in the word "now". It sealed a great amount of damage, however that mermaid was still standing. I ran up to it and started throwing punches, grabbing it and shooting it at point blank range, and aiming for the neck. Boris also tried to join, but he was promptly stopped my cuphead. Then, out of nowhere, bendy seemed to fall as ink seemed to materialize around him. Boris, Felix and I all shouted his name, and Felix used his bag, which turned into a raft as it landed in the water, to catch bendy, and Boris rushes to make sure he was ok. Felix soon joins him, so now it's just me and cuphead fighting the giant mermaid. As we fired shots at the mermaid, the neck broke off of the head, and the body fell to the ground. Before the body fell, I jumped and gripped onto the gaping hole at the bottom of the head. I saw a gear, mugman, and a mermaid girl before the part of the hole I was gripping onto began to crack. My eyes lit up as I saw mugs and yelled "Mugs! You're ok!". Then, the part of the head I was gripping broke off, dropping me into the little lake. I positioned myself into a stick dive position, plugging my nose and closing my eyes before hitting the water. Once I stopped plummeting, I began to swim toward the surface, my leg starting to flare in intense pain. I still continue to swim toward the surface, just as my lungs start screaming for air, I reach the surface and take a giant gasp of air. I coughed a bit from inhaling so fast and literally everything before that. I then swam toward land and saw bendy wake up, and get hugged by Felix and Boris. I wanted to join the hug, but before I could, the hug broke and Boris started asking bendy questions about his other form. Apparently bendy doesn't recall a thing though so he was just confused as heck. Felix then turned the raft into a grappling gun and shot it up into the mermaids head so mugman and the mermaid girl he was with could get down. Mugman grabbed the rope with one hand, and the mermaid with the other and grabbed the rope and slid down. Once they landed, I asked "do you have the gear?". Mugmans eyes widen as he realized that he forgot it and shook his head no. I sigh and shoot the mermaid head again, and with that, it falls to the ground. The head then explodes into a bunch of pieces. I limp around the rubble and find the gear. It's a bit heavy, but I manage to pick it up. I say "got it" to myself, and limp out of the rubble toward the gang, and Boris pipes up and says "you got the gear!". Boris leaves bendy with Felix and comes over to retrieve the gear. Just after Boris takes the gear, the pain in my leg becomes too much and I fall to my knees. Cup and mug notice this and rush over to make sure I'm ok. I expose my leg to them, and let them check it out, the gash looks a bit better, but it still hurts like heck when I put any sort of pressure on it. Mug says "that looks really bad y/n". Cuphead says "I agree, you need to stay off it until it heals unless you want a limp for the rest of your life". I sigh, knowing that I'll have to be carried for the next few weeks or so. I said "I just, I want to actually contribute to the team. So far the only thing I seem to be is a liability". Felix heard this, and came over and said "we're all on this journey to help people like you and bendy. We're here to help cure the ink illness. And so far you've managed to clear a path for us, help us defeat a giant mermaid, and retrieved the ink machine piece we needed. I looked up at the group and they all had a gentle smile and a nod of agreement. Mugs added "and you also helped save me and Cala Maria here" gesturing to the mermaid girl a few feet away from me. I smiled and said "thanks". Boris came over with his bag, along with bendy, holding a roll of gauze. I held up my leg and let Boris bandage my leg. Felix said "and we can all take turns carrying y/n so no one gets too tired". I nodded, liking that idea. I then said "thanks guys". Everyone said something like "no problem", "you're welcome" or "of course". Mugman then said "ok but I'm gonna be carrying Cala Maria". Felix said "and I can carry y/n". My idol is gonna carry me?! This is embarrassing. Now I know how bendy felt I guess. Anyway, cuphead asks "where's the next piece?". Boris pulled out the map and said "the nearest piece from here is at the Black Bay. There are a few towns along the way we can stay at over night so we don't need to camp. Plus there might be a hospital where y/n can get checked out at and maybe get some crutches". My eyes lit up, and everyone nodded. So the journey continued.

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