Chapter 6-Fixing a broken birdy
A/N: Mentions of self harm, depression and eating disorders. Has strong language.
Soon his vision became unclear and Dick lost consciousness and met the cold floor.
"Dick? Dick are you there? Are you okay Dick?" said Wally as he answered his phone quickly, fear now bubbling up inside him when he didn't hear him respond to him. "Dick! Answer me! DICK!?!" yelled Wally, as Dick laid passed out on the ground bleeding.
"I'm on my way!" shouted Wally and wasted no time running out of his bedroom and going straight over to Wayne Manor, to Dick.
The cool air slapped across his face as he pushed on wards. So many different thoughts were going through his mind, the only thing that mattered to him right now was Dick and making sure that he was alright. He didn't care if Bruce got angry at him for being there, it wasn't what was important and mattered, Dick was. He wished Bruce saw that.
He made it to Gotham and he rushed towards the Manor.
He didn't even go to the door, he just ran quickly up the side of the wall and up to Dick's balcony. He pushed inside and looked around the room, Dick wasn't in there at all. He then listen and could hear Dick's phone. He saw that it was coming from the bathroom and he closed his eyes, he knew that Dick cut. He walked forward and slowly knocked upon the door. He waited for answer from Dick but got none. He reached down to the door knob and tried to open it but found it to be locked. Wally's green eyes widen and he then stepped back and broke the door down to find Dick, face down on the ground, his phone next to him and also a small puddle of blood under his right wrist.
Wally ran over and knelt down before him. He could see that Dick was breathing and Wally released a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. He quickly and gently rolled Dick over so he could see his wrist. He got a wet cloth quickly and began to clean up the dried blood surrounding the few cuts he had made. Dick moan and crunched up his face in pain from the wet cloth.
Wally slowly reached over and rubbed his hand across Dick's forehead.
"Shh Dickie, you're okay.'' Wally whispered to him.
After cleaning him up he could tell that some of his cuts were going to need stitches. As Wally moved his arms under Dick and began to lift him off of the cold bathroom floor, Dick's eyes fluttered open and with his uninjured hand reached up and grabbed a hold of Wally's t-shirt.
"N-no...Bat...C-cave. P-please Wally!'' said Dick. Wally looked down at him and saw pain within his bright blue eyes. He nodded his head and Dick sighed and closed his eyes and lean his head against Wally's chest. Wally bit his bottom lip before getting an idea and running quickly out of the manor with Dick safely within his arms.
Roy was just laying on his couch when a knock on his door sounded through his apartment. Roy was confused. No one really ever came to visit him. Roy stood up and walked slowly over towards the door. Then the knocking picked up in speed.
"Alright! I'm coming damn it!" he yelled and walked over and threw the door open. His collapsible bow in his hand as he looked at the two figures before him.
There standing before him was Wally, the young speedster with the small Dick Grayson held in his arms. Roy looked down at the small bird and his eyes widen when he saw blood on him.
"Dick?" he asked but Dick didn't move. Roy looked up at Wally. "What the hell is going on here Wally!?!'' he said as the speedster pushed his way in and rushed over towards the couch. Wally laid Dick down and ran his hand across his forehead and frown and turned to face an angry and worried Roy Harper.
Wally didn't have time to explain, not yet at least. He reached over and dragged Roy over and pointed to Dick's arm. Roy's eyes widen then he shut them and sighed. He left the two youngsters alone for a moment to get his medical supplies. He then returned into the room and shot Wally a glare before sitting down on his coffee table and working on Dick.
Roy stitched Dick up and draped a blanket over him as he slept on the couch. Then Roy motioned Wally to follow him out onto his balcony. Once they were outside Roy shut the door, shutting out their voices from traveling to Dick. They both had a clear view of him, sleeping on the couch.
Roy turned around to face Wally.
"Talk.'' said Roy and Wally quickly explained everything. As Wally talked and talked Roy got more angry, but it wasn't at Dick, no it was directed at Bruce and Dick's family. Eventually came to the end of explaining and Roy sighed and ran a hand through his red hair. Roy was sadden about his team mate, his little brother who was broken and sad.
They both stood outside, allowing the cool air to wash over them, cooling Roy down a bit and calming Wally's nerves a tad. Just then they were shaken out of their thoughts by Dick screaming. They rushed inside towards Dick.
"Dick! Dickie calm down.'' said Wally as he reached out and grabbed a hold of Dick's arms. Dick finally open his eyes. His eyes were glazed over and totally unfocused. Wally moved closer and sat down beside his best friend and pulled Dick into his chest and lap. Wally brought a hand up ran his fingers through Dick's dark hair trying to calm him down, which did the trick.
"S-sorry'' said Dick and closed his eyes and breathed heavily.
"It's okay Dick.'' said Wally and lean down and pressed his lips against his forehead which was still a bit too warm. Wally looked over at Roy and he could see that the archer was very worried about Dick.
"You okay?" asked Roy in a low voice and reached out and touched his shoulder. Dick opened his glazed eyes and crunched up his brows. He slowly pushed himself off of Wally and looked at Roy.
"Roy?" questioned Dick and Roy just nodded. Then everything seemed to come right back to Dick for he seemed to be panicking. He looked down at his now bandaged wrist and pulled away from them. He pulled his arm to his chest and held it, the sudden movement caused him to wince in pain.
"It's fine Dick. I know all about it, Wally explain it to me.'' said Roy who stood up and walked over and sat on the arm of the couch. Dick moved back an inch and Roy looked over at Wally. Wally tired to move closer towards Dick, for both he and Roy knew that Wally was closer to Dick than Roy was, or anyone else was. But, Dick moved this time too and got off of the couch and walked away from them, his arms crossed his chest. His head was lowered, his back to them.
"How could you?'' Dick whispered and neither Roy or Wally heard him.
"What?" asked Wally and Dick turned around quickly to face him.
"How could you!?! How could you tell him? Now...'' Dick yelled and dropped his eyes from Wally. Roy stood up and walked closer towards Dick, this time he didn't move.
"Now what?'' asked Roy. Dick sighed and looked up at him, tears in his blue eyes.
" your gonna see me differently. You hate me right? Think I'm w-weak.'' said Dick. Roy shook his head and place his hand on Dick's shoulder.
"No. I couldn't hate you Dick. Weak? Really? Your one of the strongest kid I know, hell person!'' said Roy and Dick smiled a little bit. Wally then quickly got off the couch and ran over and hugged Dick tightly and then Roy joined the hug.
Later that night while Roy went out to get some food and some medicine to reduce Dick's fever, Dick and Wally laid on the couch in each others arms. Dick snuggled closer to Wally, who tighten his hold on him and planted a small kiss on his check.
After a few seconds, Dick pushed himself to sit up and looked down at his arms. Wally sat up too and watched Dick for a moment.
"Do you wanna..." asked Wally but he couldn't seem to say 'cut'. His eyes scanned Dick, hoping that wasn't what was the matter. Dick slowly shook his head 'no' and then looked up at Wally
"You know t-that I...I wasn't trying to kill myself right?" Dick whispered and Wally sighed and nodded his head and reach over with one hand and cupped Dick's face, his other hand moved down and held onto Dick's shaking hands. Wally looked deeply into Dick's blue eyes and then slowly lean over and pressed his lips gently against Dick's lips.
Just then Roy opened the door and smiled at his two best friends. He then slammed the door loudly shut, making the two jump a part. A slight blush crossed Dick's checks. Wally chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
They sat down and ate and then Wally's phone was going off like crazy, every second it went off. He had just turned it back on to tell Barry that he was at Roy's but his phone wouldn't stop going of to give him the chance. Just then Roy grabbed it and answered it.
"What?!" he yelled into the phone then he lowered his shoulders and reached the phone over towards Dick. Dick looked at the phone then up at Roy and shook his head. Roy then mouthed 'It's Jason' and shook the phone at him, which he finally took.
"Hello?" said Dick and his ear was practically yelled off.
"Dude where the hell did you go?!? You scared the sh*t out of us! We came into your room and found the bathroom door broken then blood all over the floor. Are you okay?" said Jason. Dick darted his eyes over at Wally and then sighed and pushed himself off the couch and quickly walked out onto the balcony.
"Should we let him out there...alone?" questioned Roy and Wally sent him a small glare.
"He's fine. He didn't try to kill himself before, you know!'' said Wally and slowly walked closer towards the door but didn't go outside with Dick. He listen to Dick talk to his big brother. Just as he was about to go back to the couch his ears picked up on what Dick just said and looked over at his little bird. Dick ended the call and looked over the rail on the balcony. Wally pushed the door open and took a step out.
Dick looked over his shoulder to see who it was then turned back around to look off into the night.
"Dick....that happened?" asked Wally and Dick just nodded his head. Wally looked over at his shoulder at Roy then ran over to stand next to Dick. They stood there in silence for a few minutes, with Roy standing in the doorway watching them. Then Dick began to hicup with tears running down his face and Wally brought him into his arms and held him tightly.
Eventually they went back inside and sat on the couch watching some T.V., which Dick slowly fell asleep to, his head on Wally's shoulder. Wally smiled down at Dick then picked him up and carried him to Roy's bed and laid him down gently and lean forward and kissed his nose before turning and leaving him alone.
"So, what happened?" asked Roy. For a moment Wally didn't answer him and it made him even more mad. "Wally?"
"Bruce.'' said Wally and sat down on the couch.
"What about Bruce?" Roy asked and sat down next to his friend.
"He slapped him. He hit Dick.'' said Wally and looked down at the ground. Roy quickly jumped up from his seat.
"HE WHAT!?!" yelled Roy and marched over towards his bow. Wally quickly ran over and grabbed it before Roy got a chance to touch it. "Give. It. To. Me. Wally. NOW!" yelled Roy. Wally shook his head.
"As much as we hate him right now, we can't do nothin' about it'' Wally said.
"Like Hell!" Roy yelled and reached over and snatched his bow from Wally's grip.
"Roy, we can't! Because of Dickie. It's still his dad...we can't dude'' said Wally and ran his hand through his hair. Roy sighed. Wally did have a point but he was still pissed at Bruce for ever laying a hand on Dick. Dick was the sweetest thing in the world. How could he hit him?
"The boys are coming over. They have the secrurity tape from the cave when know.'' said Wally. Roy nodded and laid his bow down even though he still wanted to shot something right now. Roy unlocked the door and waited for Damian, Jason and Tim to arrive.
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