S1E2: Batman vs a cyberpsycho
Flashes of cameras light up as a crowd od reports gathers in front of the Arasaka towers as the CEO of Arasaka, Saburo Arasaka comes up on stage and turns to the crowd of reporters.
Saburo: It has cone to my attention that Arasaka is being targeting. Employees have been killed, cargo trucks raided and assassins on important Arasaka Employees have been hit. I will not stand by and let Arasaka to be targeting by this individual. According to the NCPD, we believe this individual is the mysterious vigilante known as "The Batman". I have giving orders by the Arasaka security and NCPD to find Batman and avenge our employees. Arasaka tower will continue to stand no matter what.
Cameras begin the flash as we then pan out and soon transition to a phone where we see Y/n at Memorial park as he is watching the news from yesterday.
Y/n puts away his phone and let's out a sigh as he knows his night job as Batman is going to be a lot more harder now the NCPD and Arasaka are going after him.
He slide his phone away and begins to walk around as he then glance over to see the hologram fishes flying over the Memorial park.
He kept walking while he's lost to his thoughts when he gets a feeling someone is watching him. That's when he noticed a woman with natural white hair and red purple eyes.
The two lock eyes for a moment then he was erupted by his best friend as he wrapped his arms around him and greets him with a soft shake.
???: (smirk) Well ain't the asshole himself. Don't suspect to run into you.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Hey David. Been awhile since we last talk?
David: (smile) No kidding. Hey wanna go somewhere to catch up?
Y/n: Sure.
David: Cool, let's go!
David walks off while Y/n turn to where the mysterious woman was but she was gone. He then goes with David and soon the two are seen hanging outside of a small store with sofa's in hand as they each take sips.
David: So how's thing?
Y/n: Pretty good. Stephanie is also doing well, she was wondering where you have been for the past few weeks.
David: I've been busy. Just dealing with....personal stuff.
Y/n can notice since the jacket he is wearing was originally owned by his mother who died during a gang battle weeks ago.
Y/n: I don't want to sound harsh but you should've contact me and we could have helped you. You don't have to shut yourself in.
David: Look I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me.
Y/n: You sure?
David:.....Well.....I recently punched a student.
Y/n: Who?
David: Katsou Tanaka.
Y/n: I guess it was worth it?
David: Sorta.
Then his eyes lights up meaning he is getting a incoming call by someone which he answer. While he is busy Y/n looks around then he noticed a hooded figure enter the alleyway and then disappeared from the dark.
He stare at the alleyway when David was done with the call and he turn to him.
Y/n: Who was that?
David: My principal. He wants me to apologise for the incident.
Y/n: Really? He's been bullying you ever since you assigned to Arasaka Academy and yet he doesn't get punish. But whenever you stand up for yourselves, your somehow the bad guy.
David: I know. Its bullshit. Oh.....and I got evicted from my apartment.
Y/n: Here, let me sent you some.
David: Look it isn't-
Y/n: Shut up, I'm seeing you eddies right now.
He transfer the eddies and when David sees it he is surprised.
David: (surprised) Holy shit man. Where do you get so much eddies?
Y/n: (smirk) Got a well job.
David: (surprised) Shit really?
Y/n: Yeah.
David: Still.....thanks man. You really don't have to do this.
Y/n: David your my best friend and I'll never abandon a friend. Especially in tough situations.
David: (smile) Yeah. Again, thanks man.
The two tap their sodas and finish their drinks.
Y/n: Gonna go now but call me and we'll see we catch up. If you have any problems, call.
David: (light chuckle) Sure thing man. Take care.
And so Y/n walks off while David also walks off as he looks down almost like he has been keeping something from Y/n that he could've told him but didn't want him to worry.
Somewhere at Pacific we see Batman gliding through the air and soon landed onto a roof. He walks up at the edge of the building and looks down while he contacts Bruce.
Batman: I'm at the location.
Bruce: (coms) What do you see?
Batman sees bodies in the distances that are near the tunnel.
Batman: I'm counting 30 bodies. This is definitely a Cyberpsycho attack.
Bruce: (com) According to reports, the Cyberpsycho attack a gang and enter a tunnel. Maxtec will arrive in 7 hours.
Batman: Enough time.
Bruce: (com) Be carful.
Batman then glides over to the tunnel and soon he land his feet onto the ground then he make his way through the tunnel. He actives his night vision mode and looks around.
He spots more bodies that seems like the gang try to attack him but the Cyberpsycho took them out. He kept going as he stumble apon lose limbs, decapitated heads and other gruesome stuff.
Then he hear that sounds like stabbing and finds where the sound is coming from which is inside a bus. He approaches the bus then he climbs in and sees the Cyberpsycho at the far end stabbing a person over and over disbite him being already dead.
Seeing him having his back away, Batman make his approach towards the Cyberpsycho as he pulls out a small device that'll neutralise him but not kill him.
He gets closer and closer then just before he can place it onto his neck, his head lifted up and he slowly turn his head and Batman is spotted.
Quickly Batman leaps back while tye Cyberpsycho quickly dashes towards him and double kicks him. Batman crashes through the front bus window and smashes at the back of the car.
The Cyberpsycho burst out of the bus with mantis blades at the ready as he goes to stab him. Immediately he launches himself backwards just as the Cyberpsycho crashes onto the car.
Batman lands on the ground and then pulls out Batarangs ans throws them at him. The Cyberpsycho launches towards him, avoiding his Batarangs and he begins swinging his mantis blades at him but he dodges his attacks.
Quickly Batman pulls out a grappling hook and fires it at the ceiling and zips his way up to the ceiling and disappeared from the Cyberpsychos sight.
He begins looking around then Batman came down and drop kick him to the ground. He turh his mantis blades around and they launch towards Bafman but he grabs them with both of his hands.
Batman: Stay down or I'll make you.
He then manages to get Batman off for him as he quickly gets up and then dashes towards him. Quickly he leaps over him just as he swing his mantis blades then he lands behind him.
The Cyberpsycho turns around only to be zapped by electricity as he then collapse onto his knees and then he drop to the ground and falls unconscious.
Batman approach him and check his pulse to see if he survived. Once he sees that he's still alive he looks over to the bus and then enters and search through the forest ans soon finds a shard.
He plugs it into his cowl and it gives hin the information on the reason what happen. Then he hears noises coming towards him and he looks over to see Max-Tac approaching him along with the Cyberpsycho.
Max-Tac gets closer only to find nothing. No Cyberpsycho or Batman as the team split off and look around for anything they can find.
Regina Jones stare at her window of Yaiba Tower with turrets place by the elevator outside in case anyone tries to break in.
She stare at the window in silence when she step away from the window then she spoke.
Regina: I recently added new security to this place. But you're good breaking in aren't you?
She turn to see Batman with the tied up and unconscious Cyberpsycho as he drops him to the ground and tells her.
Batman: He's a boss of a small gang who is equipped with the best cyberware tech he can possibly get which resulted to him using it on a rival gang....and to his own.
Regina: Guess he ended it....by destroying it within. Thanks Batman. You know I couldn't take you in for the killing of Arasaka Employees.
Batman: But you know better.
Regina: I know you didn't do it. Someone else did.
Batman: The bodies have their faces melted. Know anything about that?
Regina: Nope. Never heard anything like that in my life. Either we are dealing with a new kind of Cyberpsycho.....or something is coming. Something worse.
Batman: I have a feeling a war may erupte.
Regina: Perhaps but the question is who'll be the first to pull the trigger? Tell me something Batman....you will be willing to go into a possible war zone that may resulted totally destruction?
Batman: I'll do anything to stop it from happening. Live will not be lost on my hands.
Regina: I see. (Turns away) Even so Arasaka or NCPD will not let you listen. I suggest you watch yourself otherwise you'll be dead.
She turns to Batman only for him to be gone. She just let's out a small laugh then turns back to the window while she said.
Regina: Like always.
We cut to Arasaka towers where we see Saburo Arasaka on his desk doing his paperwork when a his phone rang so he picks it up and it is from the front desk.
Saburo: He's here? Good. Bring him in
Then the door opens and a man wearing a Hugh tech suit approaches Saburo and once at his table he ask him.
???: Heard you have a job for me?
Saburo: Indeed. There have been reports of Batman all across night city. I hire you to kill him and bring his suit to me. I want to suddenly the technology of his suit and see if your can copy it.
???: I can make it happen, for the right price.
Saburo: Yes you will have your payment Mister.....Mister? What is your name again?
???: Names Walkter Shreeve. But you can just call me.
Shriek: Shirek and don't you worry. Batman will be yours soon.
To be continued..........................................................
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