S1E1: The city of dreams

We get a veiw of Night City. Night City is homed to dreams and opportunities to become legends. But it is also home to dangerous crimes, corruption and anyone that either want to kill you or ruin your life.

In Night City there is no justice or order. Gangs run territories which they do illegal deeds while the NCPD couldn't do anything about it. Crime is high and no one can't do anything to bring justice or order to Night City.......except one.

We then cut to an garage run by the Tyger Claws gang. Some guard outside at the dead of night while some are inside.

We see one Tyger Claws member going somewhere private to take a piss. He walks around the back and does his business all awhile a figure is seen behind him, watching him piss.

Then he was done and he left while the figure vanishes from sight. He return to his position and begins to humming to himself to pass the time.

Tyger Claws gang 1: (Japanese language) Yo, when is our last shift gonna end?!

There was no response from the rest so with a heavy sigh he walks around only to see no one around the cornor. He was confused since he knows there were at least 5 or 6 Tyger Claws members around the cornor.

He take a few steps forward, looking around and trying to find any signs of anyone only to accidentally kick a pistol that was laying on the ground.

He bend bend to pick it up then looks up and startled in shock to see one hanging upside down. Realising there is someone here and taking out Tyger Claws members, he looks around while he calls out.

Tyger Claws gang 1: (Japanese language) Where are you?! Show yourself! Come out and show yourself!

Suddenly he was grabbed him behind and pulled up while he screamed in fear. Then he was grabbed by the neck ans faced with a figure wearing a suit he has never seen at the dark figure begins to interrogate him.

Batman: (Japanese language) The woman. Where is she?

Tyger Claws gang 1: (Japanese language) Why should I tell you freak?!

Then Batman flips him around and holds him upside down as he let's out cries of fears while Batman tells him.

Batman: (Japanese language) Tell me where she is, or this fall will ensure some fractured bones and a broken spine.

Tyger Claws gang 1: (Japanese language) (panicing) OKAY! Okay! She is underground of the garage!

Batman: (Japanese language) Is she alive?!

He nodes, conforming that she is alive. Then Batman let's him go as he falls while screaming. However he stop falling all of a sudden and sees a rope on his leg.

Batman looks at the garage and contacts someone.

Batman: She's inside, alive.

Unknown: (coms) Take them out quick.

Batman: Right.

He then leaps over and falls towards the sky ceiling and crashes through.

(Battle music start)

Glass shatters on the ground as Batman crashes onto the ground with one knee while Tyger Claws turn to his attention.

Tyger Claws gang 5: Get him!

The two with Katanas rush at him but Batman leaps back to avoid their swings then rush at him and knee cap him in the chest.

He then grab him by the chest and throws him to another which he quickly dodges and then charges towards Batman and swing his katana.

Batman catches the blade by his hand then he breaks it in half as he does a spin and jump kicks him across the garage, slamming into a repaired car.

Five others aim theie weapons at them which Batman stare at them and activates weapons glitch which glitches their. weapons.

Then Batman throws Batarangs at them and knock them down. Then he dodges a katana blade coming down at him from behind as he dashes back. The Tyer Claws launches towards Batman and swing his katana at him when suddenly his katana was stopped inches from his cowl.

He couldn't move while Batman stare at him then with a power kick he was out of the picture. Then one Tyger Claw member throws a grenade at him but Batman catches it and throws it away which exploded out of sight.

He then throws a smoke bomb and vanishes from sight. The rest searches for him but one by one they were taking out by Batman within the smoke.

Many were taking out and they were too slow to react. Then Batman took down the last one with an air kick and all Tyger Claws members are down.

(Battle music ends)

Once it is all clear he finds an entrance way to underground so he takes it and make his way down to where the woman is being kept.

He hack the door to open and he take a step in only for a woman to throw a steel pipe at him but Batman quickly catches it.

Batman: Are you okay?

Woman: Wh-Who are you?

Batman: I'm Batman.

We then cut to the woman leaving the garage while Batman watches her go. However when she turn back however Batman was not there.

(Next day)

It is a new day at Night City where the sun is out and the city is bright as we cut to a somewhat a nice apartment building where we cut to Y/n in the bathroom washing his face.

After he did that he looks at his reflection in the mirror when a knock is heard at the bathroom door follow by a female voice.

???: Hey Y/n, open up. Need to take a shower.

Y/n: Coming out now.

He walks away from the mirror and opens the door to reveal his girlfriend Stephanie Brown wearing just a towel wrapped around her as the two stare at each other.

Y/n: (smirk) Going somewhere ma'am?

Stephanie: (smirk) I need to take a shower so I will not smell like shit at school.

Y/n: (smirk) Well i can't let you in without a ticket.

She let's out a giggle and lend over as they share a kiss. As promise he let's her in the bathroom while he step out and gets out.

Minutes later Y/n is done changing then Stephanie walks out wet from taking the shower.

Stephanie: (smile) Nice and clean. So how was your night shift job at your boss?

Y/n: Paid me double for a good job.

Stephanie: Nice. Still can't believe your boss pays well disbite being a corpo.

Y/n: Well he take his job very seriously and never seems to go out.

Stephanie: Yeah from everything that is going on out there, can't say I blame him.

Y/n: Yeah.

Stephanie: So, ready?

Y/n: (smile) Always. Let's kick in.

(Sometime later)

The two arrive at the Academy as both Y/n ans Stephanie walk up the steps of the academy and then walk in. They each attended their classes and gone by the day as normal.

After hours of learning the class ended the students head off for break. Y/n finds Stephanie at the lockers as he came up behind her and then jumped her.

Stephanie: (smirk) Will you stop doing that.

Y/n: (smirk) Come on I've been doing this for years, you should have known this by now.

Stephanie: (smirk) Well maybe I do want to be jumped by someone like you.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah, Yeah whatever.

Then the two hear some students talking about another appearance of Batman and they discuss about his recent activities.

Stephanie: I think it's great that we have someone doing something right for this city. The NCPD are a bunch of lazy, corrupt scumbags as they let crime go out of control. We finally have someone that wants to clean this city.

Y/n: (smirk) You are a fan of the Batman guy aren't ya?

Stephanie: Of course, aren't you?

Y/n: (smirk) As long he can protect us, he's okay in my books.

Stephanie: Anyways I maybe home late due to my club.

Y/n: Is it your Karate club hosting another championships?

Stephanie: You make it sound like we have it all the time. But nah, just some new club members joining and they needed someone to teach them the ropes.

Y/n: Well its not like I'll be home alone dud to my part time job.

Stephanie: (smile) Guess I'll see you home first.

Y/n: (smile) Guess so.

The two kiss just as the school bell rang and they go back to their classes.


The sun was about to set down as we cut to a tall building at the corporate plaza as we see Y/n on the elevator and getting ready to start his job.

Then the elevator doors open and Y/n walks into a massive fancy room. He step in and looks around when a voice calls out to him from above.

???: Ready for your mission?

He turn to see an old man on the balcony above Y/n as he then slowly decent down the steps.

Y/n: Guess no "how was your day?"

???: Normal?

Y/n: Pretty much.

The old man lands his final step and walks over and steps out of the shadows.

Bruce: The suit is ready. I've installed some new features into the suit.

Y/n: Bit much don't you think? For the past 10 months I've face gangs, cyberpsychos and corrupt police.

Bruce: Tonight is different.

He then pulls out a remote and pushes a button which a wall turns to reveal the Batman suit. Y/n walks over and begins to put it on while Bruce gives hin the intel.

Bruce: One of the Corpos relatives hasn't arrive back from his shopping. NCPD has been deployed to search for him but then out empty. However I've hacked into the streets security cameras and the relatives have been kidnapped by people wearing green masks.

Y/n: The Jokerz gang?

Bruce: No. The Jokerz gang are crazy and not afraid to show it. However this gang is heavily armed, coordinated and done it quickly. I follow there vehicle and made a conclusion they are taking them to Waston. The vehicle will be transferred to your cowl.

Y/n puts on his cowl and once that he step out as the Batman and tells Bruce.

Batman: I'll find them.

Bruce: Get it done.

(Short while later)

We see Batman driving the Batmobile through Waston and search around the area. Batman searches around and use the West's streets camera to see where they are taking them.

He then finds where they are at and speeds off and soon arrives at a factory. Batman climbs out of the Batman and make his way to the front entrance of the Batmobile. Seeing that the entrance is locked he pulls out a grappling hook amd fires so he can climb onto the roof.

Once on the roof he finds broken sky ceiling so he drops down and lands in the factory.

Bruce: (coms) What do you see?

Batman: Nothing yet.

Bruce: (coms) Keep looking.

Batman looks around then active his detective mode and finds tracks which he begins to follow. He follow them to an office which Batman opens and what he sees shocks him.

He find the Corpos relatives tied up on a chair while in a circle with their faces melted. Batman is sticking by this but he focus and walks over to the bodies.

Batman: Bruce I found them but....they're dead. Their faces melted.

Batman then noticed something more. The faces of each of them is shaped like a hand, almost like someone grab their faces and melt them one by one.

Batman: It looks like someone grab their faces with their hand and melt them.

Bruce: (comes) There has to be something else.

Batman active his detectives mode and searches around the area. He find some clues and it makes it easy for him to theories what happen.

Batman: I think they were interrogate by someone. After they give them what they wanted they ended him. Any information about them?

Bruce: (coms) They are apart of something serious. The top secret kind.

Batman: So what information did they give them?

Bruce: (coms) Don't want to find out. Hold on, you got company outside.

Batman: They came back?

Bruce: (coms) No. NCPD.

Then Batman hears a door burst open and he looks out of the office window and sees them shining their flash light while walking towards the office. Batman walks back and then active his camo as the office came into the office and find the bodies.

They check the bodies while Batman make his escape. He stealthy avoided the police and just before he walk yo the door a cop opens it which cost Batman to stumble and accidentally deactivate his camo which the cop sees him.

Batman: Crap.

NCPD office: I found him!

Before he can pull out his pistol Batman throws a smoke bomb and sprinted out. The officers chase after him just as Batman leaps onto his Batmobile and drives back.

The police begin to shoot at him however the Batmobile is armor proof as Batman speeds off and make his escape.

Bruce: (coms) What happen?

Batman: Cops spotted me. Won't happen again.

Bruce: (coms) (sigh) There is nothing we can do for now. Head back as soon as possible.

Batman: Copy.

Batman drives off back all awhile a man with a green face paint on the side walk turns and pulls out his phone to call someone.

We then cut to a hideout somewhere in Santo Domingo as we see his boss sat on his chair as he answer the call. Then he hung up and begins to laugh.

???: Ooooohhh boy.......this is going to be.....interesting. very interesting indeed. (Sinister laughter)

To be continued..................................................

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