Fractured// Jason Todd
Summary: a light-hearted chapter that takes place in the hospital after Jason fractured his knee
I start talking to myself as I climb onto the roof of Wayne Manor. This is the spot Dick showed me when I was a kid. I've always loved standing up high and listening to the city. Hearing all the lives going on, along with all the lives ending.
Suddenly, I hear a swift movement behind me. But, before I can think about what it is I'm already falling. Only then to feel the edge of a grappling hook grab my ankle.
"What the Fuck!" I yell in frustration, not to anybody in particular.
"Watch your language Jay. A bat flew by and spooked you." Yells back a voice, Dick's voice. Getting pulled up unto a roof is extremely fucking disorienting. The second my feet steady in the rooftop, I collapse. Well, ouch. That doesn't feel good.
Dick reaches down a hand to help me up. I usually wouldn't accept, but I'm a bit desperate right now. The second I try and put weight on my leg, it starts to give in. I instinctively prop a hand on Dick's shoulder and get steady using my other leg.
"It doesn't look like you can put weight on it. I'll help you." Dick says with a smile, and a tone he no doubt uses when talking to traumatized kids at his job.
I have half a mind to tell him to leave me, but it's raining and cold. So here begins an embarrassing saga of events.
I make it to the couch and Dick runs and snitches to Alfred. Although, Alfred probably knew on his own. Alfred knows everything that goes in this house.
Alfred hurries in with a pair of crutches and a warm smile. It's almost like old times. Alfred has the kind of smile that makes you feel better, even when you can sense impending embarrassment. Dick has that smile to, no doubt learned from Alfred, but it's overshined by his annoying tendencies.
"Should I drive us to the hospital?" Alfred asks.
"No " I say attempting a stern voice. It's hard to use one of those on Alf. "I'm fine." I say with a forced smile, my attempt to undid harsh tone that I just spoke to Alfie in. The smile is soon gone when Dick chimes in with, "It's either tonight or tomorrow Jay."
"Tommorow." I say, hoping he'll forget, but knowing how unlikely that is considering he was raised by the world's 'greatest' detective. 'Greatest' detective who couldn't even figure out his so-called son was alive. Hmph.
I'm brought out of my train of thought trance by Alfred handing me a pain pill. "Be careful, as these tend to mess with your emotions." Alfred warns, handing me a glass of water to go along with it. "My emotions are fine." I say, but then Dick chimes in with,
"Uh no man, you're basically a 2006 emo on Myspace."
See what I meant on the annoying part?
I crawl out of my childhood bed forgetting the events of last night, until my leg feels the pressure of the floor. I scream out in pain. That's when Dick runs in. Because of course he fucking does.
I don't know what he was doing lurking outside my room, but for a half a second I'm thankful he was. After stabilizing myself and sitting on my bed the questions come back.
"What were you doing outside my room?" I question. I look mad, I'm not mad, well not mad at Dick anyway. So I try to soften my expression, to little avail.
"Oh you know just full filling the lurking behaviors daddy-dearest instilled in me from a young age." Dick says, flashing his Alfred-like smile. "But in your case your lucky I was. I had Alfie make you a doctor's appointment at Gotham General Hospital." Dick informs me.
Quickly to questions come to mind. "Why not with Dr. Thompkins? And how did you have time to do this in one morning?"
"Dr. Thompkins is out of town. And, Jay, it's not morning, it's 1 o clock. You should get ready. Alfred's taking us to your appointment by two. " Dick then rushes out of my old room. I don't understand why he's going with me. Damn supportive family members.
After a surprisingly painful shower, I use the crutches Alfred gave me to get out the front door. Alfred and Dick are trailing shortly behind me. In the driveway, I lose my footing and fall. I hear someone let out a giggle in the distance. One of the five million kids Bruce has accumulated no doubt.
I don't understand why we can't just wait until Dr. Thompkins gets back. It would be easier with our secret identities and all. But, Bruce owns the hospital, so no doubt he'll have all the records of this wiped.
"Sirs, I'm going to drop you off in the front of the hospital and park the car." Alfred informs.
"I can just walk from the parking spot." I attempt to explain. Im not weak.
"No you can't Jay. It's okay to need help sometimes." Dick unhelpfully chimes in. He's such a cliche cornball.
Dick and I get out of the car in front of the orthopedic section. A middle aged woman, a nurse no doubt, walks up and asks if I need a wheelchair.
"No thank you." I reply, most likely looking annoyed. I had to answer before Dick could.
Once we were in the lobby, he tells me to wait while he goes to check in. Bullshit. I trail after him on these forsaken crutches, until some man offers to stand with me until Dick gets back. Judging by this guy's hat, he's a former Marine, and even I'm not stupid enough to do anything to annoy him.
Dick comes back with a wheelchair. So it's either fight, injure myself more, and possibly expose our identities or get in a wheelchair. So I begrudgingly listen to Dick. I put my head in my hands the whole way to the doctors office. At least theres no one in the halls except medical staff. I soon can hear Alfred trailing behind. How he caught up with us beats me but he's got skills.
We leave the wheelchair in the hallway and walk, in my case hobble, into the waiting room. A blonde nurse who looks around Dick's age and has a nose piercing hands Alfred a paper to fill out. The blonde nurse explains something about a knee x-ray, and tells us where to go.
Dick and I start to make our way down the hall, leaving Alfred to fill out my information. I am soon reminded that walking on crutches is not one of my skills. As I'm wobbling along, a nurse takes notice.
"Hey sweetie, do you need help?" An older woman asks. Before I can say no, Dick quickly answers "Yes. Thank you." Flashing her a grateful smile.
Okay sweetheart, I'm gonna touch your arm okay?" She has an obvious southern accent, and clearly doesn't understand 'sweetheart' is not something you call random strangers up here in the north.
I don't like being touched, especially by strangers, but I feel like a lot of things I don't like are gonna happen today. The southern nurse reassures a few times that I'll be okay before noticing that I'm still wobbling.
"I'm just gonna do what I'd do for my kids and get you a wheelchair. You need one, even if you don't wanna admit it." She hurries to quickly get a wheelchair. Dick snickers.
"Stop laughing at me Dickhead." I remark, which made him giggle more.
The lady comes back with a wheelchair and I finally make it to towards the x-ray room. A new nurse comes to take me and asks if I want Dick to come.
"No." I say before Dick answers for me. "He can stay in the waiting room."
I can embarrass myself enough alone, I don't need Dick's help with that. The icing on the cake is that I fall and hit my head twice, not once, twice trying to get on the x-ray table. I never claimed to be the graceful one.
After the x-rays come out, I'm waiting in a new room for the doctor. Once the doctor comes in, I find out that he's an asshole, or maybe I'm just salty. But after grabbing me in the arm in the most pain inducing way possible, I'm making sure Bruce gets him fired. Well, that's one perk of having Bruce adopt me.
Shortly after Dr. Asshole leaves, a nurse bearing resemblance to Talia Al Ghul comes in and wraps up my knee. It's not her, just looks like it. Maybe I'm still affected by the lazarus pits. Talia did save me after all. The Talia looking last apologizes for having to be in my personal space and leaves.
Moral at the end of the embarrassing story of my cracked knee: my family is an annoyance I can't and maybe don't wanna get rid of. After all, they still care about me after all I've done. But most important of all, Bruce can get anyone who's an asshole to his kids fired from anywhere in Gotham. .
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